Misconceptions Surrounding Lyme Disease
Lyme disease, caused by tick bites, has increased a great deal due to the unsettling climate and other factors. However, not many people are aware of what the disease actually is. The amount of misconceptions most people have about lyme disease also makes it necessary for these myths to be busted. Here are some of them:
Myth #1 - There is always a bullseye rash This is most definitely not true. While the bullseye rash is what most people associate lyme disease to, less than half the population affected by lyme disease get a bullseye-shaped rash. There are also chances of the rash looking pale to barely be noticeable. Some may also get a rash that is plain enough to be mistaken for a skin infection.
Myth #2 - You know immediately when you have been bitten by a tick This is one of the most dangerous misconceptions to have. Ticks use their saliva to numb the area that they are feeding on, making it so that one is hardly aware of being feasted on by a tick.
Myth #3 - Ticks can’t survive in winter Winter does not necessarily mean it is the end of ticks. The temperature would have to fall far below 10 degrees Fahrenheit, and for a long duration. Further, the changes in climate have also made this particular factor moot, owing to the insulation provided by the layers of snow for ticks to nest in.
Myth #4 - Deer ticks can only be found on deer If you thought you wouldn’t have to worry because you haven’t been exposed to a deer lately, think again! These ticks use other animals such as rabbits, mice, squirrels, birds, and even cats and dogs as their hosts. And if you own pets, it is essential that you get them checked regularly for any signs of ticks.
Myth #5 - Outdoor activities like camping and hiking can make you exposed to tick-bites While it is true that these activities can expose you to tick-bites and tick-borne diseases, you can also be exposed to ticks when you are out in your garden. Whether you are out on an adventure trip or right outside your home in your backyard, make sure you take the necessary precautions needed to stay safe from tick bites. If you have been bitten by a tick, make sure to get lyme disease treatment in San Diego by the best professionals.