Treatment Options to Effectively Deal with the Pain of Lymphedema
Lymphedema is a disorder that involves the swelling of the limbs, whether one, both, or all. More often than not, it is caused as a consequence of damage to or the removal of lymph nodes that happens within cancer treatments. And while there is no cure to ly;mphedema, early diagnose can help keep severe symptoms at bay. Here are some of these treatments Exercising Mild exercises that help in making everyday chores or the usual tasks simpler and manageable are encourage among those suffering from lymphedema. However, one should make it a point to keep from performing strenuous exercises that could tire the limbs. Rather, go for ones that allow gentle movement of the limbs that can ensure lymph drainage as well. Massage therapy A special type of massage to deal with lymphatic issues, the manual lymph drainage therapy involves massaging of the limbs to encourage the flow of the lymph out of the limbs. Asking your lymphedema therapist in San Diego is the best way to know if a massage is the right treatment for you. Compression clothing Clothing that are made to help compress your limbs have proven to be very effective in helping lymph fluids be eliminated from the limbs. This works even better when you wear the compression garment as you exercise the areas affected. Before you get one for yourself, it is best to speak to your lymphatic therapist and get one that fits you well. CDT or Complete Decongestive Therapy CDT is a combination of lifestyle and therapy that a lot of people consider as the best way to deal with a majority of health problems. While this may look like the best treatment option for you to deal with the pain that comes along with suffering from lymphedema, CDT can backfire if the person is suffering from heart diseases, blood pressure, infections, diabetes, etc.
Bandaging your limbs This particular measure allows the fluids from your limbs to move back toward your body trunk. When bandaging the limbs, it is best to tie it the tightest around the fingers and toes and gradually loosening the bandage as it moves upwards. While severe cases of lymphedema require surgical procedures, using the above measure with the help of a good lymphedema therapist in San Diego can help you reduce the pain and aid the flow of the lymph fluids from out of the limbs to ensure movement and the ability to carry out simple, everyday tasks.