Understanding Lyme Disease and it’s Treatment

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Understanding Lyme Disease and it’s Treatment

Lyme Disease in the US: Lyme disease is a vector borne disease, that is transmitted through mosquitoes, fleas or ticks. The disease has seen a steady increase in the last few years and in the US alone approximately 20,000 to 30,000 cases were reported last year. The disease has seen a rise, as the number of people who have started owning pets has increased significantly.

What are the symptoms and how serious are they? Some of the symptoms commonly seen in those suffering from Lyme disease are severe headaches, fever, chills, fatigue, neck stiffness, muscle loss, palpitations and/or irregular heartbeat, severe joint pain, unbearable shooting pain in one’s hands and feet. If you are suffering from the symptoms, or know of someone suffering from them, then kindly seek professional medical help immediately.

Lyme disease on the rise: Lyme disease has been on the rise and in the US alone, with California recording the highest number of Lyme diseases in the US. Getting the same treated has become easier and convenient, as Lyme disease treatment in San Diego has seen a huge increase over the last few years. It was only inevitable to increase Lyme disease treatment inSan Diego, as the state of California is witness to the highest number of cases, followed by Florida.

What do the Medical experts say? As the number of Lyme disease cases increase year on year, experts in the medical field state that there has been an upward trend since the last few years and we wont see a decrease in the same anytime soon. Some experts who are involved in Lyme disease treatment inSan Diego, also predict that the same will increase exponentially in the

next few years. If you’ve been bitten by a tick, then pulling the tick away with a pair of fine tipped tweezers, while ensuring that no part of the tick is left on within the bitten area. Post that, clean the bitten area with rubbing alcohol, a disinfectant or soap and water immediately. If the bitten area forms a rash and you show any one of the above mentioned symptoms after the bite, then its advisable to take a picture of the bitten area and send it to your doctor, or better still, visit your doctor. With the increase in the number of Lyme disease cases in the US, it becomes important to keep yourselfwell aware and protected from the same. With the advancement in the field of medical science, the courses of treatment available to doctors has increased, thus making the task of treating a patient a little easier.

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