Equine Leadership
RAISING CONSCIOUSNESS How horses help raise the consciousness of humanity By: Georgie McBurney, U.K.
A Welsh-Arab horse called Jac came into my life seven years ago. Having responsibility for someone else’s needs when there is a language barrier created an opportunity for my intuitive side to come to the fore. Meeting his needs made me question if I was meeting mine. In those moments of watching him, just being, I realised that I was just being and how calming that was.
As our time together continued, I became aware of our innate connection, and in this, a link to something bigger than ‘us’. He became part of my awareness when I was not with him, physically, and this subtly led to me following my heart. This ultimately meant following my soul path. If this is one horse helping one person navigate life, it is not hard to imagine how the collective herd can connect humans to a higher consciousness. It may once have seemed far-fetched to say horses are able to assist with raising the consciousness of humanity. Although, not since the coronavirus has humanity demonstrated
February 2021
what is possible from other parts of creation. Whilst humans were ‘locked-down’ on a global scale, we collectively became aware of how quickly our planet began to recover and, that coexisting with her is not only possible, but also crucial to our continued existence. Societies with a more community-based way of living were able to endure restrictions with more ease. Key roles that are essential to keep society working came to the fore (e.g., emergency, food sources, cleaning and refuse, transportation, and delivery etc.), and many started to be given the appreciation that was not always there before. Dependent on our beliefs on consciousness, it
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