Published Wednesday, June 3, 2020
High School
Graduation Keepsake Ferndale • Lummi Nation Providence Christian
Celebrating the past, looking to the future. ! s e t a u d a r G , s n o i t a l u 0 2 0 2 f Congrat o s s a l h School C g i H e l a d n r Fe
P.O. Box 698 • 6041 Vista Drive • Ferndale, WA 98248 • (360) 383-9200 • @FerndaleSchools @FerndaleSD_WA @ferndaleschools_wa
B2 • Wednesday, June 10, 2020 •
Seniors recall a spring semester unlike any other Graduating seniors reflect on months away from school; some traditions remain intact By Brent Lindquist
At the end of an ordinary school year, Ferndale High School students adorn their student lounge with posters, each one with a number from one to 30. Every day leading up to the last day of school, they tear off a number. It’s a countdown of sorts. Well, this year, the little routine went quite a bit different. “The last day before we left, we figured we were going back, but we weren’t quite sure,” FHS senior Camree Krawczak said. “We did a question mark and just tore that down. It was pretty tough, but at least we got to do something.” That was Monday, March 16, the final day of school for students in the 2019-20 school year, as it turned out. At the time, it wasn’t clear if the coronavirus pandemic would keep students out of school into the summer, but as the school closure continued, the reality of the situation sank in. Senior Noah Semu and his classmates watched as tradition after tradition passed them by, including prom, Spring Fling, Senior Recognition Week, dress-up days and more. “I kind of missed out on that,” Semu said. While those traditions fell by the wayside, school continued, although it was a different kind of schooling than
most students were used to. Senior Ashley Thomas is a three-sport athlete, playing soccer, basketball and golf, as well as serving in leadership roles along with Krawczak and Semu. Thomas said that while her final season of golf didn’t happen, she and her classmates have found ways to interact as the school closure continues. “It’s definitely been hard to miss out,” Thomas said. “Doing school online is way different than doing it in person. It’s good that we’re staying safe at home. I’ve been Facetiming with my friends and we’ve had car circles where we’re all far away in our cars. We do Zooms with our teachers just to keep in contact.” Krawczak, who will go to Utah State University to study finance and Spanish this fall, said attending school virtually has been far from ideal. She said home and school have always been disconnected for her, which has been a big help in separating the two. “That disconnect between that school and home has always been super beneficial to me,” Krawczak said. “That was my place to relax and take it easy, but now that I have to be doing schoolwork in my relaxing place.” However, she said, social media has helped her and her fellow students stay connected, even if it isn’t the same as being in person. “A lot of us have been doing social distancing meet-ups,” Krawczak said. “Honestly, I feel like most of us have been using social media a lot more, which has its ups and downs. It’s good because we can stay some-
Camree Krawczak will go to Utah State University. (Courtesy photo)
what connected.” Antonia Gould is a senior at Lummi Nation School, and she said her lasting senior-year memories will be going to school with her family and having lunch with her Aunty Earnestine. Her favorite memory of high school as a whole is playing basketball. However, Gould said the past few months have been strange for her as a student. “Being out of school this long has been strange, not seeing my teachers or people I’d interact with at school. Its kind of upsetting not getting to do all the senior activities or anything, last dance, last day of school, etcetera,” Gould said. After graduating, Gould plans to study toward being a nursing assistant or councilor for the Lummi Nation. Some traditions kept Even as schools remain closed and students learn from home, some senior traditions are still happening.
Erin Gunter has been a photographer for about 18 years, and she kicked off her photography business five or six years ago. Senior portraits are a major part of her business during this time of the year, and she said FHS seniors have been very appreciative that she’s still taking them. “Right now during this quarantine, I would say, all of the ones I’ve done are caps and gowns,” Gunter said. “They have been so thankful and so appreciative because they feel like they’ve lost everything, these rites of passage and these fun events they’re supposed to have. Her first quarantine shoot took place April 24, and she said safety measures are always in place to ensure that the sessions are safe. “I made sure people knew I wasn’t going to get near them. I wasn’t going to touch them,” Gunter said. “They were so grateful that I was doSee Graduates on B3
Graduation ceremonies Ferndale High School — Virtual graduation will take place Saturday, June 13, and will be posted online June 20.
Antonia Gould hopes to return to Lummi Nation as a councilor or nursing assistant. (Courtesy photo)
Lummi Nation School — Virtual graduation took place in May and is viewable on YouTube at https:// s2VP4K6QU
B3 • Wednesday, June 10, 2020 • ing them.” Semu, who is attending Stanford University in the fall to study computer science, said he really liked the photos that Gunter took of him, and that while he isn’t a hugely sentimental person, it was great to have the photo tradition intact. “Obviously we had to change it up a little bit, but luckily with the camera, you usually don’t need to get within six feet of the person you’re taking the photo of,” Semu said. Thomas will play soccer and basketball at Skagit Valley College. She was looking forward to doing a signing party with her friends and family. Instead, she had a photo shoot with Gunter, which provided a great substitute, Thomas said. “I would’ve been able to do a signing party and take pictures with my friends and stuff, but it was nice to be able to still do that with her. She definitely makes it feel less like everything’s happening (different).” Ferndale seniors will also get a graduation ceremony, but it won’t look like ceremonies of past years. The event will be a produced digital ceremony. “It’s a little hybrid drive-through in-person virtual recorded scenario, and a lot of the high schools are doing this around the area,” FHS principal Jeremy Vincent said. “They pull up to kind of a little section of the school we have set up, and just the graduate gets out of the car and grabs the diploma and walks across the stage, and then their name is announced, and then it’s all filmed.” Gould said the Lummi Nation School already did their graduation ceremony, and it’s available on YouTube. Life N’ Light, a video production company, will create the Ferndale High video on June 13, and it will be available for release on June 20. FHS already held its annual scholarships and awards night June 3 on Zoom, and this year’s graduate walk will hap-
Noah Semu will be proudly attending Stanford University in the fall.
(Courtesy photo/Erin Gunter Photography)
pen on the last day of school before winter break of the 2020-21 school year. There will also be a stadium lights drivethrough event on what would have been the last day of school for seniors, June 12. The FHS stadium lights will be turned on at exactly 8:20 p.m. that evening. Vincent said it’s the best they do can under the circumstances. He said he is already looking ahead to the fall and wondering what it’ll be like not only for next year’s seniors, but for all the kids he routinely saw day after day at the high school. Vincent said that now the task is to figure out what school will look like. “(The school is) a living organism. It’s a living ecosystem, and now the ecosystem is just shot,” Vincent said. “It’s gone. I think that’s the hard part. School is a living thing. It’s a town, it’s a city, it’s a culture, it’s a climate. We’re learning. Let’s not try to recreate it, but how do we create a new ecosystem in this new reality we’re in?”
Ashley Thomas will play soccer at Skagit Community College.
(Courtesy photo/Erin Gunter Photography)
The #NoHate Heart graced Ferndale High School’s student lounge this school year. (File photo)
The Ferndale High School volleyball team celebrates a district championship win over Snohomish in 2019. (File photo)
Ferndale High School’s Lummi Language Oksale class gives a presentation in 2019. (File photo)
B4 • Wednesday, June 10, 2020 •
Ferndale High School Sandy Ailon Cruz
Trae Anderson
Ashley Archer
Madison Ashbaugh
Elias Barragan
Nathalia Bartosz
Jada Benton
Henry Bergman
Michael Bernard
Cristian Besherse
Reetika Kaur Bhangav
Aastha Bhanot
Mallory Bird
Kelsie Blakely
Chandler Bowthorpe
Ellary Boyd
Colyn Broglie
Jacob Broselle
Eliot Brown
John Burns
Josh Burton
Trevor Bushnell
Spencer Bravener Elijah Bridgestock-Montoya*
Austin Byler
Brianna Byrnes
Carlos Cambron
Levi Campbell
Braedan Castaneda
Carlos Castaneda, Jr.
Ilia Castrejon
Sir Charles
Tyree Clay
Jonathan Clover
Cameron Colgan
Kenneth Cooper
Madison Cooper-Phair
Marquez Cortez
Aaron Cruse
Jessica Cunningham
Nicholas Dallas
Melanie De Leon
Christian Deannuntis
Oliver Deleon
Tyler Demorest
Madalyn Denniston
Zachary DePoppe
Zoe Dodge
Zachary Doll
Jazmin Dominguez Ramos
Zackary Dowers
Koltyn Durbin
Tyerha Durbin
Chase Edison
Madeleine Edwin*
Maggie English
Adele Ericksen
Logan Erickson
Taylor Fassett
Samuel Faubion
Miranda Finkbonner
Rylee Finkbonner
Chase Fischer
Skylar Fraker
Alyssa Gammons-Reese
Brennan Garcia
David Garcia-Garcia
Jacob Garza
Christina Ethridge-Brady Dustin Ewing Vanderyacht
Isabella Gallardo
Keely Galloway
B5 • Wednesday, June 10, 2020 •
Ferndale High School Spencer Garza
Taryn Genger
Reese Gillespie
Adrianne Glines
Danielle Goecke
Isabelle Gonzales
Jonathan Gonzales
Sara Goriunenko
Piper Grahame
Madeline Granger
Jaron Green
Ellie Gum
Kyle Gunter
Samantha Hagen
Frank Harmer
Samantha Hartley
Geirean Hatchett
Nicole Headrick
Eyal Henry
Ron Hensley
Sebastian Hernandez
Hayden Heston
Abigail Hetlet
Kayla Hickok
Calvin Holman
Mackenna Holtrop
Malia Honrud
Amber Hunt
Jaiden Huntley
Breesa Infante
Emma James
Sampson James
Launica Jansen
Riley Johnson
Shoshanah Johnson
Courtney Jones
Jared Jones
Kaitlyn Jones
Morgan Joseph
Tristan Julius
Vitaliy Kasko
Manpreet Kaur
Yuriy Kazantsev
Tyler Kennerley
Alex Khoxayo
Izaiah Kimber
Emily Kinsfather
Jack Kneipp
Mattie Kraft
Camree Krawczak
Andrew Kudsk
Kai Laakso
Cheyanne Lane
Sasha Lane
Shayla Lane
Sidney Lang
Chelsey LaPlante
Katelyn Larmer
Lilian Laux
Nicholas Leavitt
Malachi Ledbetter
Madilyn Lee
Jeylan Leland
Spencer Leland
Jenna Lemley
Jack Linares-Lara
Travis Lindquist
Jessica Long
Destinee Lopez
Connor Lyddan
AnnaCorinne Huffman Donald Hughes III
B6 • Wednesday, June 10, 2020 •
Ferndale High School Daron Maberry
Japnit Malhi
Beatrice Marazzi
Jamie Mason
Madelyn Matson
Emily McAllister
Mackenzie McGary
Shelby McLain
Austin McManus
Matthew McVey
Emmanuel Mendoza
Abigail Miller
Eric Maldonado Avendano Saul Maldonado Avendano
McKenzie McBeath Joseph McCutchen
Kristina Miller
Mackenzie Miller
Megan Miller
Saphire Miller
Austin Minturn
Tristan Moeller
Natalie Monks
Madison Montgomery
Kaleb Morgan
Trevor Morris
Madyson Morrow
Chloe Nelson
Ethan Nolan
Brandon Nowak
Angel Nunez
Nicholas Nunez
Kylee Ochoa
Sadie Olsen
Lucida Olson
Alexis Oostra
Nathan Oostra
Isaac Oseguera
Jacob Pace
Joan Padilla Espinoza
William Parke
Lona Parks
Jennifer Parra
Ademir Penaloza
Trent Peppar
Alex Perez
Samuel Perez
Shaine Pietrantonio
Shayla Pitt
Kenny Poplin
RylieAnn Poston
McKenna Poynter
Ostin Priest
Sarah Pringle
Yumary Prudente-Platon
Graciela Puentes
Carcione Rabang
Raul Ramirez
Darrius Rau
Kylee Reimers
Eliza Reina
Absalom Renteria
Kainin Revey
Nicole Richards
Gregory Roberts
Cristobal Rodarte
Abigail Rosenberger
Jaycee Roubideaux
Isaac Ruble
Xander Rudd
Zachary Russell
Mathias Saar
B7 • Wednesday, June 10, 2020 •
Ferndale High School Asia Sahagun
Gurkirat Singh Sahota
Kai Schonborn
Eleanor Scott
Josephine Scott
Michele Scott
Jocelyn Seig
Noah Semu
Jasmine Shouse
Snizhana Shportylyuk
Bogdan Shulga
Johnny Silk
Damanbir Singh
Rachael Sitterding
Taylor Smeltzer
Michael Smit
Kendall Smith
Emmitt Snel
Mariah Solomon
Megan Solomon
Michael Somers
Isaac St. George
Abram Stappler
Timothy Stricklett
Sarah Sullivan
Caelan Tageant
Cooper Taxdahl
Colby Tegt
Angela Tena
Laura Therrien
Ashley Thomas
Harper Tipps
Edward Torres III
Anita Trubnikov
Hailey Tuttle
Lia Vadnais
Pauline Van Droogenbroek
Rylan Van Nauker
Ethan Vander Heiden
Thaddious Vann
Katherine Varetskiy
Marian Vogelzang
Maggie Walker
Nathan Waltari
Tyler Wanlin
Zoe Warner
Taylor Warriner
Aleah Washington
Max Wasilewski
Destiny Watson*
Alyk Wharton
Nevaeh Whitemon
Jaxon Wibbens
Brylee Willet
Alyssa Willett
Rome Williams
Carly Woods
Gavin Woodward
Anna Yudin
Annalee Zawicki
Tanner Zuehlke
NOT PICTURED: Valentin Baydak Adena Boyko Victoria Brandt Stephanie Briceno-Gallardo Sierra Dawkins Naomi Dekubber Veronika Dementyeva
Resleen Dhillon Jessica Donosa Jenna Eldred John Everett Lyudmila Gorun Maksim Gorun Teagan Hudson* Sukhjit Kaur
Dayzee Lopez-Cruz Vitaliy Makarov Sebastian Matheson Hannah Merkling Jada Olsen Haven Ponde Avery Revey Tonja Reyna
Shelby Robinson Marc Rodriguez Josiah Rule Parmida Salehi Kyera Salinas* Dapinder Singh Sanghera Kathryn Schlemmer* Trent Schneider
Viktoriya Shportko Inderpal Singh Halle Tageant* Anthony Thomas Kaydn Waller* Kaiden Wellington Noah Williams *Windward High Student
Class of 2020!
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B8 • Wednesday, June 10, 2020 •
Providence Christian School Congratulations Alexander! Alexander Harrison
Lummi High School Keiahlee Bob
Jaydeane Ell
Kayani Ell
Antonia Gould
Isaiah Jefferson
River Johnson
Kiana Kiely
Nathaniel Laststar
Alison Lawrence
Calvin McClain
Ashtin McElderry-Toby
Russell Miller
Miguel Ortez
Caleb Revey
Tristian Revey
Roberto Sanchez
Well Done Seniors! Patrick Sturgeon
Crayton Williams
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