Wednesday, July 29, 2020
A special publication prepared by the Lynden Tribune and Ferndale Record
safe, open AND ready. Your health shouldn’t wait any longer. The care you need is safe with us. Make an appointment at
Whatcom County
HEALTH ARE GUIDE Advertising Directory Assisted Living Directory................. Back Inside Cover Cascade Prosthetics & Orthotics.........................10-11 Custom Rx Shoppe.................................................... 9 DVSAS.................................................................... 15 Fairway Drug........................................................... 15 Family Care Network................................................. 7 Lamphere Insurance................................................... 4 Lynden Family Physical Therapy................ Back Cover
Dear Reader, During this unprecedented time, it’s more important than ever to take care of your overall health. It’s a great time to stick to (or create new) healthy habits and consult with health care professionals when you have questions or concerns. Our 2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide contains a question-and-answer forum supplied by local health care providers. The Lynden Tribune and Ferndale Record have joined in obtaining the information available in this magazine.
Rebound Physical, Occupational & Hand Therapy.... 8
This guide should not be used as a substitute for advice from a medical professional, but it may help readers learn how to seek advice and from whom. This directory provides general information and is not intended to replace your own doctor’s advice. Enjoy your reading!
Sumas Medical Clinic............................................... 15
Thank you,
Lynden Human Life................................................. 14 Lynden Manor......................................................... 12 PeaceHealth.......................... 2-3 & Front Inside Cover
Unity Care Northwest................................................ 5 VanDalen Insurance................................................. 14 VibrantUSA............................................................. 13
Visiting Angels........................................................... 6
2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide • Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record
PeaceHealth Medical Group
Tips for Safe Summer Travel Now that summer is here, you might be eager to get out especially if you live in a community that’s easing lockdown restrictions. In addition to escaping home, other reasons that inspire many of us to enjoy traveling this time of year include relaxation, meeting loved ones or learning about a new way of life. However, with COVID-19’s continued spread in most parts of the country, travel continues to pose a threat to your health and the health of your loved ones. 2
“Unless absolutely required, I would not recommend travel at this time,” cautions Sudhakar Karlapudi, MD, chief medical officer, PeaceHealth Northwest Network. “Instead, I recommend spending time in your hometown, exploring the local trails or hikes, attending to those fun projects that you have always wanted to do or just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful summer in Whatcom County,” says Dr. Karlapudi.
Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record • 2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide
PeaceHealth Medical Group Consider your risks
1. What are the travel restrictions at your destination? For any travel outside of your local community that Some places, such as Hawaii, require you to quarantine you deem necessary, ask yourself these questions to for 14 days before you are allowed into public areas. Do you have enough vacation time (and budget) to allow evaluate the safety risks. for that? 1. Is COVID-19 spreading in your community? Check the map at 2. What activities do you plan to do when you get to your destination? metrics-for-covid-suppression/. Can you do those in physically distant ways? Will they 2. Is there high incidence of COVID-19 in the place make the trip worthwhile? you’re planning to visit? Check the map at 3. Does your employer require you to quarantine after you get back from being away? metrics-for-covid-suppression/. 3. Do you have concerns that you and your fellow travelers will have trouble strictly following key preventive measures to limit your exposure? a. Keeping at least 6 feet of physical distance from others. b. Wearing masks correctly. c. Adhering to proper hand hygiene. d. Avoiding high touch surfaces and touching your face.
4. How confident are you that rest stops, gas station restrooms and restaurants will be open along your route? If not, what is your back-up plan? 5. Are your reservations refundable? A community’s case count might be low when you make the arrangements but could spike shortly before you arrive.
6. What is your game plan if you get sick? 4. Are you or is someone you’ll be traveling with at How and where will you self-isolate? increased risk of developing critical health issues “I would really encourage people to look for staycation should you or they get COVID-19? opportunities,” says Catherine, an avid traveler herself If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, consider who has postponed personal plans until the overall outwaiting. Above all, do not travel if you are sick or with look is better. anyone who is sick or if you have been around someone However, people must make up their own minds about with COVID-19 in the past 14 days. what works for them and their families while following state and local laws and other guidelines intended to Consider your comfort lessen the risk for everyone. If you answer “no” to most questions above, you might feel more comfortable with the idea of travel- “Bottom line, if you are going, control as much as you ing. Catherine Kroll, the director of infection pre- can around your exposure to you and the others you’re vention at PeaceHealth, offers some additional con- traveling with,” she says. siderations to help you decide: Stay safe at home or wherever you may roam.
2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide • Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record
Lamphere Insurance Q: I’m turning 65 soon and I received a letter from my doctor’s office. Do I have to use the insurance agency they promote, or can you help me? A: Yes, we can help you! We represent the majority of Medicare insurance plans available in Washington State, and offer a variety of options that are accepted by your Medicare-approved providers of choice: doctors, hospitals, clinics, and groups such as Lynden Family Medicine/Family Care Network facilities, PeaceHealth, Associates in Family Medicine, and other medical practices in and out of our immediate service area. Q: What are the benefits of choosing Lamphere Insurance versus signing up online or when a carrier phones me directly? A: We are here for YOU in many ways! Some of these benefits include: 1) Lamphere Insurance is a locally-owned & operated agency who pioneered the first full-service Medicare insurance office in Lynden. We have helped thousands of Medicare recipients sign up for Original Medicare, choose their Medicare insurance plan(s), resolve claims, and follow-up with ongoing questions & concerns. 2) When you call us, you will never be guided through a maze of menu choices, experience double-digit hold times, or get re-routed through multiple departments to reach someone who will help you! 3) We are an unbiased and trustworthy resource dedicated to helping each client find plans that meet their needs. It’s likely that you have a friend or family member who appreciates our friendly, experienced and accessible customer care. Ask for their endorsement of our services. 4) And, there is no extra charge for easy access to our highly qualified staff! Your premium cost is exactly the same as online, with the added benefits of our integrity & expertise. We look forward to hearing from you!
Your Hometown Medicare Insurance Specialists
Celebrating ‘65’ soon? Give yourself a gift… Shop Medicare Insurance Plans with us! We are now OPEN to serve you by phone, online, and in our office!
• Medicare Supplements • Part D Rx Plans • Medicare Advantage Plans 4
LAMPHERE INSURANCE 113 Third Street, Lynden
Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record • 2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide
Unity Care NW Unity Care NW welcomes our newest Family The new North Whatcom Health Center Practice physician, Dr. Susan Kranzpiller, to is located at 6060 Portal Way in Ferndale, conveniently located off of I-5 to serve north the North Whatcom Health Center. Whatcom County. Dr. Kranzpiller served as a Registered Nurse in the U.S. and in Germany before and while attending medical school. She received her M.D. degree from RuprechtKarls-Universitate in Heidelberg, Germany, then completed my Family Practice residency at Southwest Washington Medical Center in Vancouver, WA. Since then, she has worked in Family Practice roles in Washington, Oregon, and California. Before joining Unity Care NW, Dr. Kranzpiller worked at PeaceHealth in Bellingham, at the Same Day Care Clinic and the Family Practice clinic.
The North Whatcom Health Center offers medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy, and lab services. The beautiful new facility has 12 dental operatories, expanding access to adult dental care in our community. It also offers the most comprehensive behavioral health services in Whatcom County, outside of Bellingham, and it brings on-site pharmacy services to our Ferndale location.
Call (360) 676-6177 to make an appointment.
“I enjoy working in community health,” Dr. Kranzpiller says, “because it provides the opportunity to fulfill my commitment and passion for health care for all patients.”
Welcome to our newest Family Practice physician DR. SUSAN KRANZPILLER! Now accepting new patients. Call today for an appointment.
NORTH WHATCOM HEALTH CENTER 6060 PORTAL WAY Conveniently located off of I-5 with Whatcom Transportation Authority service. Offering coordinated primary medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy, and lab services to north Whatcom County residents of all ages.
Accepting Medicaid, Medicare, and Private Insurance. Sliding Fee Discount Program available.
2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide • Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record
(360) 676-6177 •
Visiting Angels My parents are at the point of needing help in their home. This is new and uncharted territory for us. How do you go about finding caregivers to work with people like my parents? We know that this is a difficult decision to make. We approach this as if it were our home and our parents. In our hiring process we first look for caregivers that have the compassion and skill to do the job. They must have the heart to care like family and the knowledge and ability to give the care. Secondly, caregivers must be dependable. Their dependability has a domino effect, they must show up and be on time! Life has enough challenges without you having to worry about help that doesn’t arrive on time. Finally, a caregiver must be trustworthy. Having someone new in your home can be scary.
That all sounds great. But how do you assure that this is true about your caregivers? At Visiting Angels we not only value these things, we actually test for them. We are the only ones in our area to use a nationally recognized Caregiver Assessment tool that measures for a caregiver’s ability to work well one-on-one, and measures their character for reliability and trustworthiness. And for your peace of mind, we assign a specific Case Manager to meet with you and your family, to get to know them, and the client’s needs. That same Case Manager introduces our caregivers to you on the first visit, as well as monitors the ongoing care.
Call for a FREE
in-home consultation
“W e m easu
th e li y b s s e c re o u r su c
v es w e to u ch .”
• On call 24/7 • Personalized case-by-case care • You choose your care giver • All levels of care • 1 to 24 hours of care • Comprehensive Caregiver Screening & Testing
Bellingham Office
Mount Vernon Office
1222 Riverside Dr. 4213 Rural Ave. (360) 424-6777 (360) 671-8388 Everett Office Toll Free 866-522-6435 2532 Wetmore Toll Free 888-264-3528 (425) 348-9914 Toll Free 866-348-9914
We serve Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan, Island & Snohomish Counties
Visit our website at 6
Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record • 2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide
Family Care Network What is a family doctor? A family doctor serves as a primary healthcare provider for all ages and stages of life. Family doctors treat all medical conditions, including illness and injury. They also focus on preventive medicine to help you stay well, screen for problems, and manage chronic conditions. Most health concerns can be effectively managed by a family-care team who comes to know you over time. When you choose a family doctor, you get ongoing, comprehensive health care. By focusing on whole health, we promote well-being while empowering and equipping you and your family to live your best, healthy life. Care is typically provided in an office setting. During COVID-19, adjustments have been made in most offices to offer telemedicine options to reduce exposure risk. Don’t put off needed medical care – your doctor is ready and able to see you!
Don’t put off needed care. We’re here for you!
Urgent Care
Bellingham • Lynden Mount Vernon For minor illness and injury. Open evenings and weekends.
Primary & OB Care New patients welcome.
Telemedicine By Appointment
Bellingham | Birch Bay | Ferndale | Lynden | Mount Vernon | Anacortes
2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide • Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record 7
Rebound Physical, Occupational & Hand Therapy What’s new for Tennis Elbow? With tennis elbow, you get very small tears to the tendons, which then form scar tissue. Scar tissue restricts blood flow and causes pain. Therapists use stainless steel Graston tools to locate and massage problem areas. Graston tools and techniques are 90% effective for breaking up scar tissue to allow healing. Graston tools and techniques require specialized training and are available at ReBound PT, OT, and Hand Therapy. If you have been dealing with tennis elbow for a short or long time, this treatment may be the ticket for your recovery! I heard Rebound Physical Therapy is starting an aquatic program. What are the benefits of aquatic therapy vs. the more traditional land-based setting? Performing therapy in the water provides several added benefits for patients. First, the buoyancy of water decreases weightbearing, putting less stress on joints and bones. This environment allows for earlier mobility and consequently less atrophy of muscles. Second, the water produces a natural resistance to movement ideal for whole-body strengthening. Finally, most patients report a decrease in pain when comparing to landbased exercise, making for a quicker progression and recovery.
“Experts in Injury Rehabilitation & Prevention.”
Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record • 2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide
Custom RX Shoppe Did you know that the typical American takes an average of two or more medications multiple times per day? Custom Rx Shoppe Pharmacy has several different packaging solutions to help you stay compliant so that you get the best results from your medications. Why should I get immunization shots? The main purpose of immunizations is to combat the spread of infectious diseases; some of these diseases are almost completely wiped out thanks to immunizations. If left unhindered though, diseases such as the following pose a great threat to the community:
• Polio
• Whooping cough
• Small Pox
• Hookworm infections
Custom Rx Shoppe Pharmacy offers a wide variety of immunizations including the annual flu shot, Pneumovax, and shingles to name a few. Do you know how to effectively measure or test your blood sugar or blood pressure? The Pharmacists at Custom Rx Shoppe are available anytime to help you learn how!
2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide • Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record
1360 Sunset Avenue | tel. 360.384.1858
17670 Dunbar Road | tel. 360.428.4003
Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record • 2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide
Cascade Prosthetics & Orthotics What are orthotics and prosthetics? Orthotics are external supports for an existing part of the body, prosthetics replace missing segments; both assist people with the activities of daily living. We offer a full range of custom-built and off-the-shelf devices—from shoe inserts to prosthetic leg replacements—for all age groups, from infants to seniors. Examples of products we routinely fit include:
• Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthoses (DAFO®)
Upper and lower limb prostheses
Custom and prefabricated shoe inserts
Braces for the neck, back, wrist, hand, and knee
Fracture braces
Protective helmets
Bioness L300 and Walkaide systems for foot drop
Will my treatment be covered by insurance? The devices we make are considered “durable medical equipment.” Both Medicare and private health insurance plans often provide reimbursements for this type of equipment. We accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most of the major health insurance plans. Our friendly office staff will be happy to work with you and your insurance company to help you understand how your plan works as it relates to durable medical equipment needs.
2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide • Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record
Lynden Manor What is Lynden Manor?
Why Lynden Manor?
Lynden Manor is an assisted-living retirement home where residents are as independent as they want to be. Meals are provided restaurant style for the residents in a common dining room and apartments are cleaned weekly. An assortment of activities are offered and available on a daily basis. Residents have access to licensed nursing staff 24 hours a day and a separate dementia care wing is also available.
Lynden Manor is independent, assisted and dementia care all in one. It is privately owned by a local partnership and highly recommended by local physicians with an excellent reputation in Whatcom County. Lynden Manor is located across from Bender Fields.
A little extra care with a lot more peace of mind. Make your home at Lynden Manor. Caring for your loved ones since 1997.
Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record • 2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide
VibrantUSA VibrantUSA is an independent insurance agency specializing in Medicare insurance. We represent more than 30 regional and national insurance companies with more than 50 plan variations. Because we are independent, our only mission is to help you find the insurance coverage that best fits your needs, preferences and budget. VibrantUSA is considered the agency of choice for hundreds of primary care physicians. We maintain up-to-date information on the Medicare insurance plans accepted by each family care practice we support and we help patients find the solution that is right for their specific needs. Primary care physicians trust VibrantUSA because they know we are the Medicare insurance specialists, we are unbiased and we treat their patients with the respect and level of service they deserve. We also do not charge for our services. 1. What do I need to consider when researching my Medicare Insurance options? • Doctors & Clinics – Not all clinics accept all insurance plans • Medications – Prescription drug plans vary both in cost and which drugs they cover • Travel – Some health plans work better than others depending on your travel needs 2. What are the benefits of working with VibrantUSA? • We have been specializing in Medicare insurance since 2003 and we represent the majority of Medicare insurance plans available in Washington. • Our agents are licensed, highly trained, experienced, and experts in their field. • Our agents are independent and will offer unbiased advice to find the plan that fits your needs. • We focus on Medicare insurance plans year-round rather than only providing our services during the Annual Election Period. We are always up to date with information and available to help with questions or concerns about your coverage. • We have Free Medicare 101 informational seminars monthly. Visit out website at for a full schedule.
2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide • Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record
Lynden Human Life
VanDalen Insurance
When can I apply for individual & family health insur- Lynden Human Life has a mission statement to “restore the ance for 2021 if we do not qualify for a special enroll- rights of the unborn”. We promote and protect the most vulnerable of all citizens; the unborn. ment? Open enrollment for 2021 is November 1st, 2020-Decem- If you need pregnancy support and are facing a crisis ber 15th, 2020. Your coverage will then take effect January pregnancy please reach out to us at 1-888-399-life. 1st, 2021. For women needing housing and resources you can conWhat qualifies me for a special enrollment to apply for tact New Way Ministries at 360-354-9930. individual & family health insurance outside of the open #everyhumanlifecounts enrollment period? A. If you have had a loss of coverage for any of the following reasons and you apply within 60 days of that loss you may be eligible for an effective date outside of open enrollment: • Loss of employer sponsored coverage • No longer eligible for Medicaid or a public health plan • Permanent change of residence in an area that your existing plan does not offer coverage • Birth or adoption of a child • Loss of coverage on a group plan due to age • Marriage or dissolution of marriage
Are you in need of health insurance? Call us to find out if you qualify for a special enrollment period!
We can help with: • Washington Healthplanfinder Coverage for individuals & families • Individual & Family direct purchase plans • Small group employer plans • Travel Medical Insurance • Medadvantage & Medicare Supplement plans
Local Support for Women and Children Pregnancy & Health Resource Guide for Women & Children New Way Ministries............................................360-354-9930
• Long term care
Great Expectations Maternity Home...........360-354-9930
Free pregnancy
Whatcom County Pregnancy Clinic.............360-671-9057
Free pregnancy
Agape House........................................................360-733-3796
Lydia Place.............................................................360-671-7663
Shane Van Dalen, Agent
Kimberly Hansen, Agent
Kristin Stadt, Agent Assistant
517 Liberty Street • Lynden, WA • Hours: M-F 8:30am-5pm
Sponsored by
Lynden Human Life • 1-888-399-LIFE Like us on Facebook
Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record • 2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide
Emergency Numbers
EMERGENCY..........................................................911 Suicide Prevention..............................1-800-273-8255 Alcohol and Drug Helpline..................1-800-562-1240 To Report Drunk Drivers.........................360-676-2076 Arson Reporting Hotline......................1-800-552-7766 U.S. Border Patrol Western WA............360-332-8781 Child Protective Services (DSHS).........360-647-6100 Washington State Patrol........................360-676-2076 Forest Fire Reports.............................1-800-562-6010 Whatcom County Search & Rescue......360-384-6344 Naval Criminal Investigative Service - NCIS......................................360-257-3359 Oil Spill Hotline - U.S. Coast Guard Oil Spill Response..............................1-800-424-8802 Poison Info. Center..............................1-800-222-1222 Power Outages...................................1-800-321-4123
Drive-thru Prescription Pick-up
Fairway Drug 1758 Front St. #106
2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide • Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record
Now Offering Telehealth
Dr. Rod Thompson Family Medicine | Travel Medicine
360-988-9404 • Fax: 360-988-9409 112 Columbia St, Sumas, WA
Lynden Tribune & Ferndale Record • 2020 Whatcom County Health Care Guide
Whatcom County
Retirement Centers, Adult Family Homes, In-home Care & Assisted Living Northwest Regional Council
Aging & Disability Resources 600 Lakeway Drive Bellingham, WA 98225 (360) 738-2500
Supporting the independence, dignity, and health of community members in northwestern Washington. Your Connection to Community Resources Confidential and Free of Charge.
Aging and Disability Resources provides information and assistance with access to services to adults age 60 and over, people of any age with disabilities, and friends and family members on behalf of clients. Contact us for information and assistance on: Medicare/Medicaid, Long-Term Care, Caregiver Support, Housing, In-Home Care, Medical/Dental, Legal Options, Prescription Assistance, and more.
Silverado Bellingham
Quality of Life with Dementia is Possible
Through life-enriching care and a highly-skilled staff, Silverado offers flexible care tailored to the changing needs of individuals with memory impairment and their families. Schedule a visit and see what can happen when clinical excellence and compassion meet.
(360) 746-6675 Lic. #2386
We provide the services that enable you to Stay in YOUR home, with the care YOU want, when YOU want it.
For 36 years, we have provided solutions for your in-home care needs through Skilled Caregiving and Nursing services, Professional Client Advocacy and Family Education. Our services include housekeeping, meal prep, transportation and dementia care. We also provide assistance with personal care, bathing, toileting and ambulation as well as RN visits, medication management or support during Care Transitions. Call us at 360-734-3849 for a free home care needs assessment.
“Thanks for getting me back doing the three things I love most: swimming, paddling and biking!” --Matt
Lynden Family Physical Therapy
1824 Front Street Suite A, Lynden, WA 98264