Lyndhurst Financial Services Pack

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Financial Services Lyndhurst Services Pack

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Our Services • • • • • • • • • • • •

Portfolio Investment Services Income and Inheritance Tax Planning Personal and Group Pensions Individual and Family Life Assurance Plans Income Protection Private Medical Insurance School and University Planning Ethical Investment Solutions Domestic and Commercial Mortgages Equity Release Mortgages Commercial Finance Corporate Life Assurance and Medical Plans

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At Lyndhurst we believe that, in addition to sound advice, quality service is a key to developing and maintaining long-term relationships with our clients. Our goal is to free our clients from some of the timeconsuming details of wealth management. As a result, our clients know that when they contact us, we respond quickly and thoughtfully. Our role is to “help our clients identify, achieve and maintain their designed lifestyle, without the fear of running out of money� With that in mind we have developed a number of core and optional services designed to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Lyndhurst Dynamic Lyndhurst Dynamic has been designed to assist our clients in the process of determining their individual financial goals and after considering their resources, risk profile and current lifestyle, to detail a balanced and realistic plan to meet those goals. Specifically the service provides all of the benefits and services of Lyndhurst Wealth plus; Co-ordination of your total net worth to your current and future lifestyle, Creation of a financial plan , Development of a lifetime cash flow forecast .

Lyndhurst Wealth Lyndhurst Wealth has been designed to allow clients to simplify their financial affairs, consolidating their assets in one place in appropriate tax wrappers, whilst maintaining fund and investment choice. Specifically the service provides all of the benefits and services of Lyndhurst Advice plus; Dedicated financial adviser, Online portfolio reporting, Annual Portfolio Valuations, Annual face to face meeting, Quarterly Company Newsletter, Market leading funds and discounted commissions.

Lyndhurst Advice Lyndhurst Advice has been designed for clients who need access to quality financial advice on individual elements of our service, e.g. retirement planning, mortgages, protection and investments. Specifically the service provides; Review of existing investment products, Advice on Tax efficiency, Recommendations on your protection needs, Mortgage services.

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Our optional services can be added to one of our core services as appropriate.

Lyndhurst Prime Utilising research conducted by academics in the US and the UK, Lyndhurst developed Prime Fund Management, “Prime”, as a response to the severe drawdown in asset prices during 2008. Prime is a proprietary trading system based on specific moving averages with judgemental overlay, the research showing that long term returns may be enhanced and volatility reduced by around a third adopting this strategy. • •

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We will build a bespoke investment portfolio for you based on your attitude to risk, from 1 to 10, our asset allocation model and the Prime Fund Pick List. Each week the funds within your portfolio are monitored against a specific moving average, if the fund price dips below its moving average we will email you recommending the fund be sold with the proceeds held in cash or cash-like instruments Similarly, when the fund price moves up through its moving average we will email you recommending reinvestment or buy. At the beginning of each month we will send you a market commentary outlining the trends that are impacting on your portfolio. Each quarter we will send you by email a valuation of your Prime assets.

This service should be considered as an optional enhancement to our Lyndhurst Wealth service.

Lyndhurst Money Lyndhurst money is a secure online personal finance management system, which allows you to view all your longterm and short-term investments, savings and expenditure under a single account. • • • • • •

View your insurance policies, house valuation, mortgage, loans, investments, banking and credit card statements all in one place securely. You will have access to up to date fund prices 24 hours a day for your funds online. If assets are registered on one of our chosen platforms full portfolio valuations can be viewed and are updated daily. We will not send paper statements thus reducing the impact on the environment. You will have the option to access extended personal finance tools which can allow access to your online banking and credit card accounts with a single secure login. It will also help record your monthly expenditure and chart this to help with budgeting. Add additional assets and accounts which Lyndhurst don’t currently manage in order to see a full portfolio valuation in a single location.

This service should be considered as an optional enhancement to our Lyndhurst Advice service.

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SStep 1

Step 8

Step 9

• Fact Finding fo or initial review w of current positio ons, needs and objectives

• Implemen nt the plan purchasing wrappers and funds

• Monitor Selected Fu unds to uitability ensurre continued su and contact c client to o arrange any necessary n chang ges

SStep 2

Step 7

Step 10

• Detailed analyssis of current and future inco ome and expenditure

• Select Fun nds

• Produ uce and send half year portfo olio report

SStep 3

Step 6

Step 11

• Assess Attitude e to Risk for eacch objective

• Undertake e asset allocatio on

• Unde ertake annual re eview of all investments and arrrange client review w meeting

SStep 4

Step 5

Step 12

• Identify any sp pecific tax w wrappers to be e utilised

• Agree inve estment strategy to meet goalls based on outtput of cashflow forecast f and attitude to risk

• Revie ew Financial Plaan and cashfflow forecast annually realig gning results to o your goals.

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Step 1

Step 6

Step p7

• Fact Findin ng for initial revview of current positions, need ds and objecttives

• Implem ment the plan purchaasing wrappers and funds

• Monitor Selected Funds to enssure continued suitability and d contact clientt to arrange anyy necessary chaanges

Step 2

Step 5

Step p8

• Assess Attiitude to Risk fo or each objecctive

• Select Funds F

• Und dertake annuall review of all inve estments and arrange a client review meetting

Step 3

Step 4

• Identify an ny specific tax wrappers to t be utilised

• Underttake asset alloccation


Step 6

• Fact Finding fo or initial review off current positions, needs and objectives

• Funds and ong going protection needs will be re eveiwed at your request should d your circumstances change. Additional feess may apply.

Step 2

Step 5

• Assess Attitude e to Risk for each objective and protection p needss

• Implement the e plan purchasing g wrappers, fund ds and protection n products.

Step 3

Step 4

• Identify any spe ecific tax wrappers to be e utilised

• Select a risk maanaged fund suitable for you ur attitude to riskk and make prote ection recommendations

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Services Selection Form Please select the level of service you require below by selecting one of our core services and only if required one of our optional services. Details about the services can be found on pages 1 to 5 of this document and in the Client Agreement : Letter of Engagement document. If you need further assistance in selecting an appropriate service level please contact your financial adviser. Please also complete your contact information below to ensure we can contact you effectively when required as your service level dictates. Client Details Client Full Name

Partner Details (If Applicable) Partner Full Name

Address Details

Partner Address Details (If Different)

Telephone Home:

Telephone Home:



E-Mail Addresses (Please indicate a default) Personal:




Please select your level of service Lyndhurst Dynamic Core Service (Tick one)

Lyndhurst Wealth

Lyndhurst Advice

Optional Services

Lyndhurst Prime

Lyndhurst Money

Please select one of the following if required Change in Circumstances - It is important to tell your adviser about any changes to your circumstances and we are happy to send a form to do this accurately. Please tick if you would like to request this. Request Appointment – Please tick if you would like to arrange an appointment with your consultant Date: Partner Client Signature Signature Please return this form; By post: Lyndhurst Financial Management Ltd, Lyndhurst House, High Street, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2RT. By fax: 01582 462111 By E-mail:

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TREATING CUSTOMERS FAIRLY Lyndhurst Financial Management PRINCIPLES Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) is integral to our business practices. It is a core element in the way we behave and transact business. Our commercial dealings always take full account of the principle of Treating Customers Fairly. We aim to provide full information to our clients covering the benefits, risks and costs of any recommended product or service provided. Our intention is to inform in a clear, fair and not misleading way so that our clients can understand what they can reasonably expect from service and from any policy or plan recommended. We aim to honour all commitments we make to our clients, if any dissatisfaction should occur we will investigate the underlying cause and take appropriate action whenever necessary. Our reputation is important to us, therefore, client satisfaction is vital and Treating Customers Fairly is implicit in all our dealings.

Lyndhurst Financial Management Ltd is Authorised & regulated by the Financial Services Authority

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