3 minute read
from the Publisher: BESPOKE HOME
“I am amazed every month when images come across my desk from agents. Homeowners today are customizing their homes with ideas that years ago didn’t even seem imaginable. Here are some of my favorites that I thought you would enjoy and they are all currently on the market! “

A La Jolla Estate with modern Zen, artful brilliance, and more details than one can imagine. I don’t need to say a lot, the pictures speak for themselves…

Brett Dickinson
A Private Gated Estate in Valley Center built into nature, stopped me at once when I saw this amazing Boulder Waterfall in front. What a clever and creative way to draw you in upon your arrival.

Tricia O'Brien

Pete Bilicki

This Bridge’s Estate in Rancho Santa Fe takes me back to a trip I took to Italy. At first glance these images almost look as if they could be paintings. Living here will make you feel like you’re on a permanent Italian Vacation, Rilassati e Divertiti!

Delorine Jackson