Fight For Glory By Holly Inglis
Light and Dark The struggle. Never ending. Light dominates the day, filling the world with love and hope. But at dusk, the dark rises, and fights a great battle. And it wins. The world is plunged into the smothering embrace of blackness, and it brings fear, horror, and sadness. The world goes into hiding, for fear of losing control, for fear of giving in to the darkness. But all the while, light gathers strength, building courage, until it is strong enough to overpower darkness. At dawn, it attacks. A ferocious battle is fought, and light pulls through. The world emerges, and it is a celebration. Spirits lighten, happiness is created. But all the while, the dark is planning its attack, biding its time, until dusk.
The Last Breath The darkness was everywhere. A rasping voice whispered “Give in to me, you will feel no pain. Say the words, say them.” I could hear a voice in the back of my head, “Give into him, Ella. He will give you all you ever wanted. Happiness, Friends, Jacob.” “Stop it” I screamed. “I’ll never give in. You will kill me when you have my trust.” The voice in my head said, “Jacob. He will be with you. He is waiting.” The voice in my head was me, and it knew what I wanted. “Jacob.” It had found my weak spot. “NO!” I screamed. “I will never stop fighting. You can do whatever you want to me, and I will not give in. You will never win, and you will never succeed.” “Ah, you are just as your father said you’d be. Strong and proud, willing to do anything she wants to get who she loves. Jacob…” he was cut off by a voice that was all too familiar. “I am proud she is this way. There are others who will kill you after we are gone. Our death will be a declaration of war. The others will realise your true intention.” It was dad. This could only mean one thing. He had promised to come back for me, but only if there was hope. We had a chance. Maybe not a big one, but enough for me to believe Jacob was still with us. The voice cackled. "You are no match for me, and you will both die." The darkness began to squeeze us, and I could not breathe. "Ah, Ella. Jacob will be so sad. Jacob who was always there. Jacob who understood. Jacob who stood by you through all the pain, though he never felt any of it. Jacob, who doesn't exist. Your little ghostie friend can't save you, but you will see him in the afterlife. Enjoy your death.” I knew he was right. Jacob was a ghost, and he couldn't help me. Spots danced before my eyes, and I knew I was going to die. I blacked out, and never woke up.
She stared up at the stars. Lying down on a hill, the air fresh, and the stars bright. She wished she could join them, float up into space and see the world for what it really was. Not the serious, boring place her dad and mum told her it was. She knew she shouldn't, but she hated her parents. She wanted to soar into the skies of her imagination, and meet the birds of her mind, but the dim boring world she lived in kept her feet on the ground. The world her parents believed in was filled with cricket, cheese sandwiches, houses that all looked boring and plain with white picket fences and neatly cut bushes. She believed in a world of fantasy and fascination, where pigs really flew. Nothing in her world was possible though, her parents told her strictly, dreams are for sleeping. The stars were free, living up in the universe. If only she was there, and then she would be free.
Red Lion He was a peculiar man. Even in the height of summer, he was clad in black coats and scarfs. From his well shone leather boots, to his black top hat, he was, indeed, peculiar. The street was near empty at this time of night, but the man was walking up and down the road muttering to himself. I had been sent to watch him, and I had been promised that this mission would be exiting. Headquarters had been wrong. The man gave up, and slumped down against his car. I took the opportunity to review his file. Alexander Cosgrove, age 24, working for Black Mamba Spy Agency. He held a silver briefcase, in which lay a usb, containing a code able to shut of all wireless devices. Headquarters suspected, in the chaos and confusion, the world would be easily dominated. That’s what it was all about these days. What happened to the days where it was one agency, working together to stop the psychopathic evil nutjob. Well those were the days of my grandparents. A car pulled up, a black chevrolet with the license plate MamBa6; a sure sign of his colleague arriving. A short, fat man wound down the window, and Cosgrove showed him the contents of the brief case. The fat man smiled, then stopped. He seemed to be listening. I froze. The fat man said a few short words to Cosgrove, and the Chev was gone. Cosgrove walked swiftly back to his car, and opened the door. The brief case safely inside, he pulled a gun from his pocket. I tensed he loaded it, and pointed it at the bin I was hiding behind. “Come on out Agent Zoe Mc Frian. You could surrender now, or you could lie there dead, until you're found by your colleagues,” he spoke softly, with a sharp British accent. I emerged slowly, and the gun shot a bullet straight towards me. It took me a second too long to realise what was happening. It hit me in the shoulder. I roared in pain, and he dropped the gun, walking slowly towards me. He grabbed my wounded arm, twisting it behind my back. “Now,” he whispered in my ear, “I see you want to lie here dead.”
I whacked my leg into his back, and he fell off me. He lunged, and I ducked, he tumbled into the wall behind me. He lay there for a moment, then sprang up and launched a right hook at me. I dodged. I grabbed him with my good hand, and flipped him over my hip. He sprawled onto the ground, silent. It was messy, but it would have to do. Once the case was in my possession, I took off at a sprint for Red Lion Headquarters.