Baby, I Am Free! No More Torment.

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I am




In righteousness, you will be established.

Oppression will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you…

Isaiah 54:14 NIV



Published by LR APPLING ELITE BOOK PUBLISHING & GHOSTWRITING Waldorf MD, 20603 USA/202.255.1689 Women Defined: Breaking Free From Emotional Torment Vol. 1 Printed in the U.S.A. ©2017 Reprint I am Free! No More Emotional Torment! ©2014-2017 Lynnette Tiller Appling. All Rights Reserved. ISBN: 978-0-9774890-3-9 No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without written permission from the publisher except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles. Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright ©1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permission. Scripture quotations identified TLB are from the Living Bible © 1971 owned by assignment by Illinois Regional Bank N.A. (as trustee). Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189. All Rights Reserved. Scripture quotations identified NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version ®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All Rights Reserved. Scripture quotations marked ASV are from the American Standard Bible Copyright. Scripture quotations marked AMP are from The Amplified Bible Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. Photos by Shaila Ly’-Nette Photography, AMC VideoMedia, Waldorf MD. Book Cover, Book Structure, Editing & Graphics by Lynnette Appling, CEO of LR APPLING ELITE BOOK PUBLISHING & GHOSTWRITING, Waldorf MD.






I am



Dedications This book is dedicated to every woman who has experienced depression and mental torment; to every woman who has endured heartbreak, anguish and assassination of character. You are champions in God’s eyes. You are the warriors who pave the path for women who look for breakthrough. I salute you and honor you today. With my writings, I leave a legacy for my daughters, Shaila L. Appling and Garra L. Appling to take up the vision of hope for women and run with it like the wind. You are the essence of how young women should be mentored. I love you. To my beautiful mother, Paula L. Tiller, I salute and honor you. You are the most courageous woman I know. Thank you for being a woman of incredible strength and fortitude. I admire and adore you as my mother, mentor, friend and as a pioneer of change for female leaders. I pray I make you proud. I love you deeply! A special thank you goes to my spiritual mother, pastor and friends, Apostle Cynthia Brazelton for grooming me to take another step into my destiny. Your love is powerful! Thank you for “seeing” & “knowing” your daughter. I truly want to give a gracious and sincere thank you to my Husband and Intimate Best Friend, Jeffery “Big Daddy” Appling for encouraging me through this long journey and never giving up on me. You protected and carried my heart with elegance embodied with unprecedented grace. Your consistent and faithful love has always provided the avenue to which the impossible becomes possible. Thank you for continuously pushing me into greatness. I evolve to the depths of your selfless love.



Contents Part 1: Defining “You”

13 

1. What Is Torment? o o o o o o o o o o o o

2. The Stealth Affect: How Torment Intimidates o o o o o o o o o

Rachel & Lisa Understanding Torment Great Physical Pain Or Mental Anguish Personal Offense Vain Imaginations Strategies To Live By Deadly Assumptions A Source Of Harassment, Annoyance or Pain Gossip Controlling Your Emotions The Torture Inflicted On Prisoners Interrogation Begins

Female Friendships The Value Of Women The Role Of Women In Kingdom Behavioral Reform Relationships With Men Understanding Money Confused Outcome Personal Testimony Responsibility Of Your Destiny

3. The Traps of Flattery o

Personal Testimony

… 4. The Battle o



Spiritual Narcissism

14 14 17 18 18 20 22 25 26 28 29 30 32

35 36 37 38 42 44 49 50 54 56

59 63

65 66 67

Foundational Application


5. Mockery To Shake Your Faith 6. Bait & Switch

72 75

o  


The Secret Instruction


Part 2: Identifying “You”

82 

7. The Making Of Moab o o o o o o o o o o o

The Cave Mentality The Results of Desperation The Field of Moab The Moabitess Woman Orpah How To Identify Moabitess Sabotage Emotional Tyranny The Drama Kiss Chemosh Deliverance From Moabitess Spirit

83 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 96 97

100 

8. What Is The Discordia Spirit o o o

The Difference Between Jezebel & Discordia How To Annihilate Discordia Never Again

100 103 105 109

Part 3: Maintaining “You” 111 

9. You Are Not A Victim o o o o o

The Trick Warrior The Isolation Accepted Victim Mentality What Does Victory Look Like?

10. How To Maintain Peace o

The Conclusion

112 113 114 114 115 116

117 119

121 144 Page


148 158 164



Torment! How do women conquer torment? Many women experience the ramifications of either outside forces or the misguided assumptions that evoke personal defenses of their mind. Even in writing this book, I had to come to grips with the actual torment from both arenas of outer voices and inner turmoil to learn how to overcome with victory, poise and grace. In finally getting victory over the elements of torment, I have come to the bold conclusion that Jesus has a strategic plan for each of us to overcome the aggressive nature of torment. Our thoughts are the by-product of opinions, personal experiences and delayed gratifications. Once we understand the uniqueness of Christ’s intimate sacrifice for us, we will no longer look upon our own existence as minimal, but will be courageous in our gratefulness; This humility and acknowledgement will guide us to complete victory. I can unapologetically declare that you do not have to suffer from torment any longer. The hope of Glory living inside of you is providing you with personal insight into your own heart. Every voice, (including your own), that rises against the truth of God’s unchanged word is considered a liar. You have victory!








Chapter 1

What is torment? "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

RACHEL & LISA Rachel was a person with great confidence. Her ability to see clearly in any situation was challenged only by her last conquest. She was successful in everything she did. Rachel loved the Lord with all of her heart and served the Kingdom of God with deep intensity and passion. Being a great leader was truly in her repertoire. She was continuously sought out by people in both the Christian and secular world to teach, lead, guide and direct. Her heart was open for God’s people, but set to do the will of the Lord for Kingdom. Lisa, on the other hand, was someone who believed that life owed her something. Lisa attended church, and operated in a leadership capacity. However, Lisa was very cunning and deceptive. She secretly wanted to be in the spotlight and didn’t care who she used or destroyed to get there. Her greatest



strength was her ability to be a victim and a predator at the same time. She utilized this talent by allowing people to believe she was endlessly mistreated. Lisa believed she could gain the people’s trust by displaying this behavior. Unfortunately, her next target was Rachel. One day, as Rachel was helping someone in need, Lisa’s twisted mind began to despise the good Rachel was doing in the church and community.

Lisa began to spread rumors about the

credibility of Rachel’s character. She mocked and laughed at Rachel and what she did for the people. Secretly, Lisa desired to take Rachel’s place in the circles in which they both were encamped. Rachel received word that Lisa was spreading rumors about her character. When Rachel first heard about the rumors she became righteously angry. She began to defend everything she did for Kingdom. She searched for people to understand her side of the story. Rachel started a spiritual campaign about her own integrity. When Lisa found out that Rachel was gaining the support of the people again, she became enraged and started to harass her through numerous unsolicited phone calls. When she didn’t return the phone calls, Lisa felt ignored. Her thoughts plagued her. She decided she was just as good as Rachel and she was going to let her know it. Because of these unfounded thoughts, Lisa began to leave delirious text messages to inform Rachel about how awful she was to ignore her. She proclaimed she was the only one who knew the truth and her truth was going to set the people free of Rachel’s deception. Lisa really believed that Rachel was sent by the devil to do evil works towards God’s people. The more Lisa thought about Rachel, the more intensified her frustration grew towards her. Lisa’s thoughts became more agitated, irrational and rabid. Because of



this mentality, her heart was uncompromising. She began to fantasize about the destruction of Rachel. She had scripted out in precise detail, how she would rejoice in the great demise of Rachel. The more Rachel ignored Lisa, the more enraged she became. This enabled her to plot and look for ways to make Rachel pay for going against her. She was perversely focused and progressively more unforgiving. Rachel began to realize that this type of harassment was not a personal thing, but a spiritual thing. Yet even in that revelation Rachel experienced some emotional damage. She began to question her own confidence. She second-guessed every decision she made. She retreated into her home and stayed inside. Rachel spoke to very few people and would not allow anyone to get close to her. When people called she would secretly wonder what they wanted to take from her. Rachel’s ability to be ahead of the game was being mocked by her sudden procrastination. She knew something was wrong with her, but she really thought it was a physical condition. As her emotions became more uncertain, her physical strength was being depleted. Each day became a hardship to sleep, eat or simply exist.

She began to dread getting out of the bed. Every

movement was a painful one. Rachel was slipping into depression. Sadness was slowly engulfing her. She went to doctors, went to prayer warriors, sought out leaders, yet she could find no cure. Rachel was building a wall that would limit her ability to do the will of the Lord. She looked for spiritual reasons of why she was being the one harassed. In her prayers, she searched for justice but only received silence. In her quest for answers, Rachel slowly began to believe what Lisa was saying. Bit by bit Rachel’s tormented heart was losing the battle and Lisa’s tormented spirit was ultimately controlling them both.~



Understanding Torment In order to truly understand the quintessence of torment, we must first understand the meaning of the word. “Torment” according to American Heritage Dictionary means: 1.

Great physical pain or mental anguish.


A source of harassment, annoyance, or pain.


The torture inflicted on prisoners under interrogation

To be “Tormented” means: 1.

To cause to undergo great physical pain or mental anguish.


To agitate or upset greatly.


To annoy, pester, or harass.

The word “torment” is derived from the word “tormentum”, which is from “torqu re” meaning “to twist”. As you may see in the fictional story of Rachel & Lisa, both women are being tormented. There are two dimensions of torment: external and internal. Rachel’s the example of external torment becoming internal torment and Lisa is the example of internal torment becoming external torment. Torment loves to engulf three spheres of influence in a person: “the mind”, “the soul” and “the spirit.” Its main agenda is to arrest the core beliefs of an individual to the point of producing a lifestyle of mockery (to treat with ridicule or contempt). This mockery is so potent that even our mental awareness of “what use to be” or “what truly happened” is diluted because of over produced bitterness. Torment is then able to secure our future by stealing hope. In the seizure of hope, one begins to wallow



in self-pity, producing victim tendencies that keep one in a defeated disposition. Before we go any deeper, let’s further breakdown the word torment to explore it by dissecting the concepts that have already been outlined in this particular chapter. Great Physical Pain or Mental Anguish Many women do not truly understand that “Torment” brings an outside “pressure” or “effect” when it appears in our lives in both external and internal forms.

Normally, what women may be

experiencing as a physical element, such as high blood pressure, insomnia, increased unrest, uneasiness, frustration, lethargic behaviors, a sense of increased tiredness, less or more eating, increased worry, headaches, crying for no apparent reason, backaches, body aches, anxiety, mood swings could all be signs she is being tormented internally or externally. Some of these signs walk hand in hand with depression as well. With torment, women have increased anger spurts. One minute they are fine, the next minute they are extremely angry. You can find information on this very subject by researching Psycho-neuroimmunology which is an in-depth understanding of how emotional torment affects the body. The National Institutes of Health, the Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology at UCLA, has studied the cause and of effect of how the mind and the body interact. Yet, many scholars still have not understood the major breakdown of why these emotions can trigger so much havoc in the body. Personal Offense It is critical for us to understand this one principle; once you get it, you have to hold it dear to your heart so that this door will



always stay shut to the enemy. Please understand that the door to torment is almost always through a personal offense or corporate offense. A personal offense is when one believes something is done against them personally. A corporate offense is usually an offense which is taken against or for a “cause”. Most people operate or function out of personal offense through misguided assumptions, half facts, deliberate words or hearsay or even frustration (when our expectation doesn’t match our experience” *Portia Taylor). Some people even get offended about truth! Either way, being offended is the most abrasive yet effective trap of the enemy. When we open this door, it is very hard to shut it. The reason is because the door to offense opens regularly and daily. The opportunity to walk through it is always before us. Women get offended at anything and everything. Matthew 18:7 KJV states “Woe unto the world because of offences! For it must be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! This scripture verse states that offenses will come and at times need to come, but please don’t get stuck in the offense. Offense covers itself with pride and is hard to identify. We will claim our offense is righteous just to keep it. It is the nature of mankind to even go to war to keep their offense. I have always said that people will fight truth to stay in a lie. Be aware and forewarned that torment lies in the threshold of offense. It is waiting like a well-hidden snake to cause mental anguish and great physical pain. Even in dealing with mental anguish, we must understand that it’s not just talking about getting angry, but torment also allocates for depression, oppression, schizophrenia (the hearing



of voices or multiple personalities), bipolar (ranges in emotions), narcissism (un-natural self-awareness), and other mental disruptions. It is imperative that we have deliberate and automatic forgiveness towards and for any person who ignorantly (both good and bad) tries to offend us. Simply put…SHUT THE DOOR! This is something even a toddler learns to do when they begin to walk. They practice shutting the door. Toddlers will practice until they get it right. We must relearn this fundamental practice in order to keep disillusioned anger from threatening the boundaries of our peace of mind. Vain Imaginations Do not entertain the thoughts or even have a conversation with such








imaginations” in 2 Corinthians 10:5 (The Voice); “We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that puts itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One.” The King James Version states “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ…” Vain Imaginations are anticipated or assumed beliefs which actually takes one into captivity and/or bondage. This is why we must continuously fight our own thoughts and renew them daily. Romans 12:2 (The Voice) states “Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to



discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete.” In the concept of “new” is the revelation of Christ Himself. Revelation 21:5 states: “Behold, I make all things new.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 states: “Therefore, if anyone is in

Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” When one submits his or her thoughts to Christ, they will become reformed because He is the ‘new’ way of thinking! He is the pathway to righteousness. No one can have righteous thoughts until they submit their personal thoughts to Christ. Here is another thing to remember as we deal with our thoughts; these scriptures are written in present tense. This is relevant because every moment we experience is in present time. So, when we are taught to renew our minds daily and to bring our imaginations into captivity to the obedience of Christ, it is always in the present moment. This is the place where vain imaginations actually defeat many women. We take past moments and rehearse them in present tense, thereby keeping them alive. The reason our carnal imaginations are called ‘vain’ is because our imaginations glorify our own personal insight. This is why it has to be “cast down” or “demolished”. Because we place our thoughts and opinions in such high regard, we are the ones who have to replace our thoughts with what the Word of God said and bring our imaginations “arrested” or “submitted” unto the way God thinks. God cannot replace your thoughts! God will not replace your thoughts! Many people pray for this, but it is impossible. God is pro-choice and pro-will. It is within your own authority to think and believe. This is why we must constantly and willingly submit our thoughts to Christ. Within this very statement we learn that our personal assumptions are sinful.



Strategies to Live By In understanding this we now come to some key things we simply can’t do when an offense is opened before us: 1.


are the people who love misery and help establish the fantasy of your mind. They don’t care about you…they care about the story! These types of people seek drama, confusion, heartache and suffering because this is usually the case with their own lives. Shut The Door to this type of validation! It’s not needed. In shutting this door, you will protect your mind from two opinions. People will always have their two cents to say about any matter concerning you. Don’t allow anyone to make a mockery out of your testimony. If you must have someone to talk to, seek out those who have escorted people to victory. They normally are people of great integrity, substance, abilities and wisdom. Examine the fruit; check the evidence! If a person continues to talk about other people, or desires to speak negatively about anyone, they are not the one to talk to about your offense. Believe what people say to you about who they are. Shut the door to foolish talk and keep your mind focused. 2.


CAMPAIGN! It is not a time to defend but it is a time to define! People will always believe what they are going to believe. Make your agenda about Kingdom not about the problem. This in itself will keep your mind focused on forgiveness for the person and not self-preservation. In this moment is where the essence of “who you are” is being defined by your personal established mindset. In pressure, whatever is in you will be manifested. This is the perfect time to manifest, show, and exemplify the characteristics of Christ in your everyday walk. You don’t have to be phony about it either. You must remain at the level of transparency which produces the trial in the first place. Rachel



was a natural leader. Her leadership ability was being tested, upgraded and produced. The grace that she walked in was being challenged. Instead of seeing the cause of effect of the purge (to put to death or otherwise eliminate whatever is impure or undesirable), she broke under the pressure and became depressed. Transparency helps you stay intimate with Christ. It helps you evolve into what others can follow. Never under estimate the anointing that is hidden in the trial. Don’t just go through to get to the other side, by all means get the full benefit of what God has for you. Always remember, when someone challenges the grace you walk in, let grace respond. Grace will have the best objective to how the entire situation will benefit the glory of God. 3.

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! Never deny your identity

to any man. This is a Peter Effect when accusation is present he denied his relationship with Jesus. Stand in your core beliefs and don’t doubt yourself. You already have evidence of your story with Christ. There is nothing you have to prove and the moment belongs to Christ. It is up to Him to prove His love through you. So, keep your identity in tack and trust your relationship with Jesus Christ. Keep your spirit settled. This is one area women tend to go to the left on. You never have to mold yourself to someone’s expectations of “what or who” they think you should be. Be stable minded. I always like to check the definition of my relationship with Christ with Christ. No one else gets to define who I am with Him. No one else gets to discuss the qualifications I need to have to be in my personal relationship with Him. And no one else is able to say if Christ and I are close. Usually this type of mindset takes a secure understanding of the perimeters of one’s intimate relationship with Christ Jesus. I understand my love for Christ and His love for me. This may offend many people, but don’t allow anyone to come in-between the voice of Jesus in your life.




DON’T SIN IN YOUR ANGER! Because you don’t have

to defend yourself, you don’t have to avenge yourself either. At the same time remember to never believe that God is just going to destroy your offender. God’s vengeance is always “for” His People! Meaning, He will deliver the best scenario that benefits Himself. He loves His kids. God is pro-reconciliation! It may not be meant for you to be reconciled to the offender, but do understand that He will reconcile His people back to Him. Because of this, never underestimate the love God has for your offender. I know, it’s crazy, but it’s true. Don’t sin by denying the offenders rights to salvation or in salvation (they may be saved) concerning their situation as well. Many times, the offended becomes the offender. God’s desire is to heal His children. It should be your matched desire as well. 5.

DON’T ASSUME! This is the greatest weapon that the

enemy uses against women. ASSUMPTION! In all the years I have been a pastor, in all the years I have lead ministries, I have found this mentality was the greatest divider of the Christian Nation and specifically of women. Do you realize what most of us believe about someone is not the truth? It is based off of assumption. Assumption means to “take on the responsibility” or “take for granted”. It also means, “to take over without justification; seize or take up or receive into heaven.”

When we assume, we

literally take on the responsibility that we absolutely know something and we normally take it on without justification. At the very moment we assume, we lift it up to heaven by voicing our beliefs without facts, truths, or even talking to the individual. We establish WAR against the individual we are offended by through assuming! I really want us to understand the ramifications that come with this deadly, seductive mentality.



Assuming has destroyed churches, reputations, relationships and lives! Deadly Assumptions I really want to explore this particular subject a little more intensely, because it is the ingredient used to hold “vain imaginations” together. It helps establish fantasy thereby creating scenarios that don’t exist. Let’s take a look at the story of Lisa and Rachel. Rachel was doing what she believed Christ called her to do. Lisa became jealous. This jealousy actually was based off an assumption created from low self-esteem. Lisa believed Rachel thought she was









imagination/fantasy which helped establish a lie used to produce discord. This weapon of assumption will cause you talk to yourself and script out “skits or moments” that never happened. After practicing these skits, you begin to actually believe what you have imagined. You think you “know” all aspects of the person you are offended with. You take it upon yourself to think for the individual. Some of us will even disguise our unfounded beliefs as “discernment” when in truth it’s an “assumption”. The Bible states in Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Now, if the Bible is stating this, then how could we possible assume to know the hearts of any individual? We cannot begin to “take on”, “seize” or “establish spiritually” someone else’s thoughts, will or emotions. Talk to the person and ask non-accusing questions to the person before you believe and take pride in your own fantasy. The truth is, you simply don’t know what the other



person is thinking or feeling. You only somewhat know “who you are” so to “assume” is to say you have all knowledge and can read someone’s intentions and heart. Assuming anything about anyone causes personal offense and begins the tragedy of torment. You were never created to carry the emotions or intent of anyone’s will. You cannot “produce” the outcome you desire from assumption. So, let God have the situation. He’s got your best interest at heart. A SOURCE OF HARASSMENT, ANNOYANCE, OR PAIN As you can see with the story of Lisa & Rachel, Lisa decided in her own heart to not be ignored. She desperately wanted Rachel to see, acknowledge and even validate who she was. When this desire was not met, she went on a crusade to make Rachel’s life as miserable as possible. Now, I really have to explore this area because women are “MASTERS” (excellent at their craft) at creating chaos and discord for other people (especially other women) when they are offended. Some of us may not be as bold as Lisa was, but we will begin to start rumors, make unfounded remarks to get the circle of people around us to “reject” or “eject” the individual in which we have a problem with. Women will “blackball” an individual under the disguise of “they aren’t good people” when the truth really is, the person didn’t meet a “personal need or expectation” of the accuser. Sometimes this need is valid, but many times the need is twisted and produced out of bitterness and selfishness. Women typically know what they are doing when this is done. Women like Lisa, want to be validated in their own opinion and somehow through causing discomfort for another person gives hope that they can “be better than” the object of their scorn.



Women who are tormented by their own insecurities actually look for ways to make others around them “less secure”. This is done to create an illusion of power and strength when in truth, it is a great annoyance that produces immeasurable pain and when correctly identified, is harassment. Women don’t see the harassment they produce by starting to gather “like minds” to see their side of the story. I have always found it interesting of how women, who claim to really know a person, are so easily persuaded by a stranger’s lie. As I said earlier, this is the “Peter Effect”. Peter denied his relationship with Jesus in order to save his own self but ended up tormented because he knew the truth and he knew Jesus. Ladies, it takes a great strength to see yourself and an even a greater depth to change. Gossiping, talking about other people, spreading what you hear is harassment! Getting people to come to your side of thinking because you feel hurt or an expectation is not met is harassment! Embellishing with your tone and expanding the story to fit your delusional emotions, is harassment! These behaviors are from the root of torment. When you see yourself beginning these specific characteristics you are being tormented by the situation and have started a case of revenge towards your offender. Revenge means to “inflict punishment in return for injury or insult.” Revenge is always God’s domain. It never belonged to us. The Bible states in Romans 12:19 “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.” On this note, please understand that a woman should not have a mindset of revenge or a heart of revenge. God can rightfully

judge your

circumstance to get the Glory. Therfore, clear your heart and mind and choose to stay stable during the transgression.



Transgression means “a breach of a law, sin or crime.” So, when David said in Psalms 32:1 “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered” he revealed the key to overcoming torment is having a heart of a forgiver. Being a “forgiver” or a “person that forgives” counts you as blessed and allows the broken law to be resolved. Truthfully, a law could have been breached by all involved in the situation that may have caused the offense, so you never know what side of the law that you may fall on. But if you (please hear me) become the person who forgives, law is no longer activated and grace is stimulated to answer the questions you may have about the situation. Gossip I want every woman to understand that even when you feel the need to get “your feelings out” or need “someone to talk to” if it is in the form of gossip it is considered wickedness and will allow you to fall into sin. Proverbs 26:20 states, “Without wood, fire goes out; without a gossip, conflict dies down.” Romans 1:29 states “They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, and no mercy.”

Gossiping is considered

wickedness and is mentioned many times in the Bible as people who will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Let me go on a little further and state that the craft of gossiping creates murder, strife, deceit and malice. It destroys lives. Women think that this is innocent, but if you have experienced the back draft of gossiping you already know how it torments a person’s mind, a person’s body and creates an atmosphere that is unproductive.



Women, rather you are saved or unsaved it doesn’t matter. The gossiping must stop! There is one more thing that I must say about this matter, we as women are not to baby, protect or be ready to fight for a gossiper. For some reason, women feel the need to try to protect the unstable emotions of another women. It is past time to stop the history of this foolishness. Yes, we are to be our brother’s keeper, but we are to be keepers of the God character in a person. Don’t be the woman that everyone can go to about everything. This is not an honor. It is a setup! Stop thinking that it is a badge of greatness to be the keeper of someone’s trash! Begin to rebuke, correct and motivate each woman you meet to be life-givers not gossipers. To ask for help because you have been wounded by another person and want to get deliverance is one thing, but to come in anger and outright create a hostile environment for another person is strife. Sisterhood defined is not how quick you can jump into an argument or fight for another woman. Sisterhood is learning to cultivate the other woman






encouragement, understanding, and correct management of information. It is our job to protect the sanctity of being a woman through activating peace in any given situation. Peace does not mean you automatically believe everything that comes to you, but you are to utilize your discernment, (not your opinion or your experience), and skill of prayer to produce a greater knowledge to grow from. You are not there for one another to stir up more emotions, but to grow the each other to a place of inner stability and peace. Controlling Your Emotions Growing into maturity or evolving into a Godly woman means controlling your emotions. I did not say you can’t have emotions,



but I am saying that emotions should not “have” you! Learning to control your emotions takes a deep understanding of truth. It is sometimes very hard for a woman to be truthful with herself. When a woman can look at herself and be transparent then and only then can she begin to control her emotions. You will begin to identify what triggers “you” and actually see your own response to different things that may irritate you. Emotions are always fickle. Because of hormones, time of day, and rising of the moon, women will experience a variety of emotions. Because of this, pure emotions cannot be trusted. How you felt when the incident happened, how you feel once the incident is over, how you felt when you wanted to tell someone is a contributing factor in the retelling of your story. So, it always best to pray about the situation. Don’t just say you prayed, but truly ask Jesus what is going on with you. Pray consistently until He answers or shows you the heart of the matter. Don’t rush the process by going to the world or in telling your best friend (Jesus is truly your best friend) or rush to go get counsel just because your feelings were hurt or offended. Try to develop your relationship with Christ through the experiences that are yours. Allow Christ to demonstrate His faithfulness to you by training you how to be faithful to Him. THE TORTURE INFLICTED ON PRISONERS UNDER INTERROGATION One of the elements of torment is the torture produced through “illegal interrogation”. Let’s begin this section by explaining interrogation according to United States Law.

According to, “interrogation” is, in criminal law, the process of questions asked by police to a person arrested or suspected to seek answers to a crime. Such person is entitled to be informed



of his rights, including right to have counsel present, and the consequences of his answers. If the police fail or neglect to give these warnings, the questions and answers are not admissible in evidence at the trial or hearing of the arrested person. The United States Constitution establishes the legal foundation controlling






guarantees the suspect's right against self-incrimination. The Sixth Amendment expressly guarantees his right to counsel in a criminal proceeding. According to the word “interrogate” means “to ask questions of (a person), sometimes to seek answers or information considers personal or secret.”

that the person questioned Just






definitions of “interrogate” and “interrogation” you can probably sense where God is taking this. Let’s look at Acts 22:24-29 (NIV) “The commander ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks. He directed that he be flogged and interrogated in order to find out why the people were shouting at him like this. As they stretched him out to flog him, Paul said to the centurion standing there, “Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn’t even been found guilty?” When the centurion heard this, he went to the commander and reported it. “What are you going to do?” he asked. “This man is a Roman citizen.” The commander went to Paul and asked, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” "Yes, I am,” he answered. Then the commander said, “I had to pay a lot of money for my citizenship.” “But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied. Those who were about to interrogate him withdrew immediately. The commander himself was alarmed when he realized that he had put Paul, a Roman citizen, in chains.



The key element of this scripture to look at is what Paul said to the commander “Is it legal……” There are two relevant points to examine in this passage; legality and citizenship! When you are a legal citizen of the Kingdom of God, there are certain rights that come along with that. Many will try to “pay” or “work” their way into the rights of Kingdom but those who are born again through Christ have birthrights that causes the natural and the spiritual to take notice. Many will feel the need to try to interrogate you without just cause or get you to explain your faith, purpose, beliefs or calling, but with citizenship comes legal standing, legal provision and legal access. What does this have to do with the spirit of torment? Torment looks for avenues in which the woman believes she had something to do with her own legalization. Meaning, the same way you are born again in Christ, without doing anything but believing, is the same way you have freedom in God’s Kingdom through believing. When you begin to think any other way, torment can sneak its way into the coracles of your mind. When you don’t believe in the truth of who Christ says you are that’s when interrogation can begin and doubt can break the greatest of strengths. Interrogation Begins When torment is released upon any individual, there are spiritual and natural elements that begin. In the natural you will have people searching and asking questions concerning your life and personal space. You begin to be put on “display” for the world to look at with critical eyes. A spotlight is shined on everything you do. In this aspect, the interrogation has begun. In the spiritual you have various degrees of spiritual warfare and their agents seeking protocol, broken laws and secret agendas. This is how the inner turmoil begins with a struggle in deciphering



between what is true and what the lie is. Let’s take another look at Lisa and Rachel to get a better understanding. One of the ways that Lisa was able to break the spirit of Rachel was to interrogate or ask questions concerning Rachel’s life. She mocked the good Rachel did by making her life look or appear insignificant, irrelevant and wasteful. By continuously searching for elements of inconsistency, Lisa was able to bring a level of interrogation that actually made Rachel doubt who she truly was. It was an “illegal” move on Lisa’s part. Illegal because Lisa had no spiritual or natural jurisdiction or cause to even begin the war of torment on Rachel. However, because there was a level of unbelief in Rachel, Lisa’s attack was equipped to break Rachel. It was the responsibility of Rachel to always believe what God said to her. It was her place of dominion to secure. The constant existence of pure truth will always keep a person free. If Rachel would have “taken” (occupied, engaged, seized, received, secured, overcome, accepted, withstood, abided, contained, housed,






considered, examined, experienced, felt, succeeded, worked, rooted, eliminated, adopted, carried, transferred,) the stance of “unmovable trust”, absolutely nothing would have been able to torment her. Now, how does this apply to women or even to you who are reading this book? Torment must be fed. It is a very hungry spirit yet it is picky with its meals. It prefers to thrive off of fear and unbelief. Fear of what other people think, fear of what other people say and fear of how people relate to you can move you into a place of extreme torment. Unbelief in the plan, action, approval, justification and image of who God already said you are will allow the enemy of your mind and heart to decide for you, who and what you are going to be. If this decision of the



enemy is different than what God has said, torment begins! Interrogation from your own doubts will override the truth. My sister, you got to stop the questioning and totally trust God. Others will always ask you to explain your position and your grace. But you have to remember, at this level of healing, at this level of understanding and at this level of truth, there is no explanation needed. Illegal interrogations don’t get answered because of your legal citizenship in the Kingdom of the Most High God. No matter what anyone tries to say or do, you stand with the ultimate truth. You are free! There is no arrest! Your rights are made clear to you! The constitution of Christ Jesus gives you the right to never self-incriminate. You don’t have to agree to anything that is not the will or the Word of the Lord! Now, I understand there are times the interrogation gets unbearable because of the torture that tries to come along with it. During this time, you have the right to Godly counsel. Do not seek out people who will campaign for you or even agree with you. But seek out the person(s) who will pray with you and will keep your faith motivated. Find the person(s) who will remind and rehearse with you your spiritual and natural rights. Finally, remember that your peace of mind is secured by Christ and you. You are the first level of defense against any interrogation. Protect “you” at all times. If this means you don’t do the things you have always done, then so be it. Make the necessary natural and spiritual changes needed to produce the outcome of victory.



Chapter 2


HOW TORMENT INTIMIDATES "Look! The Eternal, your True God, has put this land within your grasp! Go up into these highlands, and take possession of them as the Eternal, the God of your ancestors, promised you would. Go! Don’t be afraid, and don’t be intimidated!” Deuteronomy 1:21 The Voice

In many aspects of our life, we are inclined as women to overlook the intimidating factors of torment. We fail to realize that intimidation in any form is one of the ingredients of torment. I will even go as far to say, that the intimidation characteristic is one which is “ignored” under the façade of obedience and/or loyalty. This is what I call the “Stealth Effect”. Intimidate means “to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade the person to do something he or she does not wish to do.” 1. To make timid; fill with fear. 2. To overawe or cow, as through the force of personality or by superior display of wealth, talent, etc.



3. To force into or deter from some action by inducing fear. 4. To discourage, restrain, or silence illegally or unscrupulously, as by threats or blackmail. There are many ways to actually decipher this meaning, but in the realms of torment, there are 4 specific arenas where intimidation is prominent. And those are: 1.

Female Friendships


Relationships with Men


Understanding Money


Responsibility of our Destiny

The one I wish to highlight today is FEMALE FRIENDSHIPS! FEMALE FRIENDSHIPS Female friendships are intertwined and at times underlined with past experiences, trust, and loyalty. It takes a very mature woman who understands the heart of herself along with other women to produce friendships that outlive opinions, conquers fears plus full heartily believes God. When female friendships are healthy there is no room for falsehood, ideology, or offense. On the other hand, when female relationships are unhealthy you have the element of intimidation that often leads to competition, dishonesty, betrayal coupled with selfishness. The idea that has been passed along for the last couple of decades is that women do not need anyone in their life to be fulfilled. This is a lie that the enemy has greatly prospered from. His desire is to see disharmony, imbalance, along with chaos between women because of the law that was established against him since the beginning of time. This law that was spoken by God, gave women victory over Satan. It even went as far as to state that the women’s children will be winners having the ability



to overthrow the enemy. If you think about it, what would this type of knowledge do for our nations today? How would our cultures be aligned if women united? What lives would be saved if women would amalgamate as warriors and merge for one cause? If all women taught Jesus’ love to every child, what could the enemy accomplish? What hate could stand against a woman’s love? Now if women could see beyond “their moment” to get a different perspective, see the true enemy, and unite to open fire on the killer of our hope, they will be able to save generations. In order to accomplish this, women must be willing to be friends with other women. The Value of Women We must “value” each other at a different level. Women have to consider other women as “important”. In order to assess someone as important, our way of measuring importance must change. Measuring another women’s value cannot be on the world’s system of money or prestige. Instead of searching for what we can manipulate or aggressively complain about another woman, we must begin to see the “quality” of how that person can be either a mentor or a student that can be cultivated into a warrior for Christ.

What is the “feature” gift in that other

woman that can be cultivated to be an amazing weapon against the enemy. What “standard” of ability does this other woman have that can produce greater generations for God’s Kingdom on earth. I am not saying that you must befriend every woman that comes along your path, but what I am saying is to participate as a responsible woman of God’s Kingdom by not being lazy in your friendship choice. You shouldn’t dismiss another woman because of looks, personal usability, disagreements or even personality differences. There has been too much invested in our victory for



women to simply disregard another woman as not valuable due to how we were inspected. Allow me to prove this point through scripture. Genesis 3:15 KJV “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. The Voice Bible states it like this: Genesis 3:15 “I will make you and your brood enemies of the woman and all her children; the woman’s child will stomp your head and you will strike his heel. As you can see from these scriptures, God gave a natural law that was encompassed with a spiritual law. The woman HAS VICTORY (this is present tense) OVER THE DEVICES OR WICKEDNESS OF THE ENEMIES. She will not be able to be fooled or beguiled (to persuade or trick someone into doing something, especially by saying nice things to them) by him if she chooses to live in the love of Christ Jesus. Women are true enemies of Satan and therefore have the power to overcome his tricks and deceptions. It was given to every woman a true anointing to discern, decipher plus judge a situation based on the guidance from the Holy Spirit. Throughout the history of women, we have had the incredible ability to comprehend truth and believe at a level that manifest incredible results. However, if we abandon our gifts of warfare, we will see more discord, lack of compassion in addition to confusion. The Role of Women in Kingdom I want to introduce a concept that many do not think about and that is the role of women in the Kingdom of God. As I have just stated there are certain “gifts” or “abilities” that God has given women because of our duty to overcome the enemy. We, as



women, have an incredible sense of discernment. We can look at a person then know the spirit. We also can bring peace or chaos to any situation based on the mood we are in. We can influence kings with our tones. We have been able to administrate, educate, unify, and build. Yet, with all of this comes responsibility. Women were not given these gifts to utilize for selfish motives or to use against another woman but to enhance, protect plus build the Kingdom of God. If women are constantly and consistently against one another, Satan wins. It’s written in Genesis 3:15 that we are his enemies, but we as women are more focused on beating out the next woman or being without friendships in order to obtain the next position or goal in life. We actually look at other women as enemies. What saddens me is the physical state, environment and/or influence of females against other females. It has been one of the greatest weapons that Satan has been able to employ against the Kingdom of God. Intimidation of other women exploits women by aiding the enemy to consume our resources that are priceless within one another. Women literally carry the waste of broken promises while maiming, disfiguring, defacing and harming another woman. Through committing these crimes against






competition, and host of other things, we literally give intimidation a right to take our resources of love, compassion, combined with trust. As stated before, women do this kind of harm to one another because they don’t understand the responsibility of being unified. Women need Women! When I speak of need, I speak of what is necessary to get something done. We must have each



other’s back!

We must protect each other’s spirit! We must

increase each other’s hope because it is necessary for the promises of our children! It is necessary for the generations that are coming up behind us! It is necessary for women to be able to thrive at a new level of understanding! This embodies having knowledge to proceed; the willingness to forgive others; the ability to be sympathetic because you understand how another woman feels and the competence to participate in a “now” solution. This is the responsibility, the assignment and the accountability that is essential to accomplish winning the spiritual war against women. We must as women, begin to fully grasp as we acknowledge what is fully at stake. There was an investment made in our DNA from the beginning of time that propels us to win. Unfortunately, some women have been taught to disqualify anything that does not meet the “status quo”. Various women intimidate other women by default. This mindset can be displayed in how a woman believes another woman is to look, perform or achieve. Even in the body of Christ, we have a distorted view in what it takes to be a woman of greatness. This has caused tremendous damage in female friendships as well as in a female’s persona. There have been women who have physically harmed themselves and have felt broken emotionally because of this state of mind. Because of this, advantages that are rightfully part of women’s inherited promise has been spoiled. Due to this delinquent (behaving in a way that is criminal or immoral) mindset that bolted our access (the right or opportunity to have or use) to our promise, some women feel defeated or present themselves throughout life at a victim level of competence.



Through intimidation, women compete on a large scale by comparing themselves to an imaginary “status quo”. This breeds a widely accepted behavior that cancels out room for growth or change in any individual. In other words, wherever you last had a problem with the other person is where you pick up. So, every time you hear that woman’s name or your see that person you become agitated, angry or accusatory. In this state of mind, it is impossible to allow room for someone to change or grow. You always see them in that last moment. We judge to condemn a person on their last personal interaction with us. For example, Elizabeth treated you poorly 4 years ago. You, in response, decided to never be a part of her life again. Not in any way will you ever allow her access to you again. Now, 4 years later as you are walking in the grocery store, Elizabeth is walking out. She smiles at you with a completely pure smile. She is genuinely happy to see you. You then begin to remember that this woman treated you so unfairly. How dare she act as though nothing happened. She knows what she did. You tense up in your body, perk your lips, shrug your shoulders and begin to walk off. You have no idea that your quietness 4 years ago taught her to never treat anyone in that manner again. You have no earthly clue that she has been looking for you to tell you she accepted Jesus into her life. You probably couldn’t even phantom that she started an anti-bullying organization in your name and wanted to invite you to speak at her award ceremony. No! You would never think that because where you last experienced that person is where you judged her and subsequently where you expected her to stay. She wasn’t supposed to grow into a kind gentle person. She wasn’t supposed to be prosperous. She wasn’t supposed to have Christ in her life. She was too mean. Punishment should have been her reward. Struggle was designed to wrap around her neck to keep her hidden for



decades. Right? Wrong! If God is the Hope of Glory in You then something should always change in another individual when they experience you. You have the responsibility to produce great results in everyone that you meet. Don’t expect your love to come back null and void. Believe in your assignment. Believe that you have accomplished whatever your mission was in that other woman’s life. We, as women, have the wrong perspective. We sit around and wait for the discord, the distrust, the ambush to happen. Instead of murmurings which inspire sabotage, why can’t we believe that He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world, while expecting our just return on what we sowed into another women’s life. We have to reprogram our directive to fight the right enemy. Give other people and God’s love time to increase in value. What I do for women is supposed to harvest souls! I expect for a woman I have helped to learn to expand while growing. Sometimes the turnaround is quick, other times it is slow. Though at times it can be hurtful, I have to believe my value and quality is perfected in Christ Jesus. Therefore, I get results. I can empower other women to be great women, because my love gets results! When women look at each other in this capacity, at this level of truth, we will then be able to increase another women’s worth by simply being her friend. Not because of what we have in a material aspect or even in influential sphere but because we see the investment of the nations that will be moved through our friendship. Behavioral Reform We, as women, must stop the terror of intimidation. This cycle can be eliminated by simple reflection. When women begin to take ownership for one another the enemy will be defeated. When women learn to be transparent by changing the logic of



how other women are treated, we will see behavioral reform. The days of “extreme attitude”, “loud debates”, “irrational demands”, “snakelike movements of the neck/head”, “snapping or flipping of the wrist and/or hand”, “extreme rudeness”, “exaggerated






combined with “manipulation” to “altered name calling” would be over. This would not be the accepted form of communication. Instead, each woman we meet would be accepted at the appraisal of Christ’s blood. In retrospect, women must hold other women responsible for their own emotions. This increases the price of friendship between women. In holding one responsible, women can no longer make the excuse that their emotional tyranny against another woman is justified simply because it’s part of their “personality”. The saying “this is just me” is no longer acceptable nor is the saying “I do me and you do you.” These are all statements of irresponsibility. They represent a selfish mentality that does no earthly good for anyone. This mindset is why others are so quick to mistreat women. We must begin to treat each other with the ultimate respect and decency. We continuously state that respect is earned, yet the behavior we display to other women teaches all people that women are less valuable. In order to change the crimes against women, women must be the first to value one another. It is within our power as well as our God given authority to shape nations, to remold world systems that view women as less. How do we do this? We must treat each other as though we see our own reflection. This is imperative as we grow young girls into womanhood. Many would argue that respect must be earned. But I want to challenge that thought for a second. In dealing with women as a whole, hasn’t the right of respect already been proven in the strength it takes to simply live in this world? It doesn’t matter the race, the color nor the



culture, women must fight systems and mentalities to live plus give life. This deserves the ultimate respect. This is why each woman should be free to express acceptance of every woman. It all begins with us. When a woman walks into the acquaintance of another woman to be a friend, a mutual understanding must take place. This understanding must encompass the ability that each person must grow.

Without this, the entire purpose of “being like

Christ” is lost in the present-day translation of true sisterhood. Each woman must effectively possess aspects of change. This must be the essential purpose of why we exist for one another. Stability, security, along with the exchange of knowledge can only be possessed when we realize how to communicate the purpose of our friendship. ~

RELATIONSHIPS WITH MEN When it comes to relationships with men, I actually have to say one very relevant and important statement. WE ALREADY KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG! There is absolutely nothing that I can say that you don’t already know. You have an incredible God who directs your path through your soul. He is so wonderful that He allows your heart to forewarn you. The gift of discernment that God has put in each woman identifies the deterrent before it even happens. Even our fellow sisters who have gone before us have lit a path for us to follow. For far too long we have used the mask of our emotions and flesh to make decisions about relationships with men. Preachers, coaches, tutors, mentors, wives, mothers and even daughters have taught for centuries about relationships with men. In the






knowledge spectrum, any

woman can look up the truth about relationships and live accordingly. There have been countless women who have gone ahead of us and marked the purest path possible in order for women to not be ensnared or entangled in poor relationships. With that being said, this is not the season to make up excuses to stay in the moment that produces violence, insecurity or lack. But Jesus is calling us to come to an intimate truth about who we are and what we are to be accomplishing in our lives. As a matter of fact, to receive healing of your heart in this arena, please read my book entitled “The Heart of A Woman”. This book breaks down the intricate details of why women chose to respond to a “momentary situation” with a “long term” response. With that being stated, I am not speaking about women’s liberation. I am by no means a feminist, but I must say as an experienced woman, that the days of excuses are over. Women must take their victim mentality of trying to be validated by someone who does not have the heart of God and reprogram their heart to want more than the below average human relationship experience. Because excuses are no longer valid, the question then becomes “Why are women still lingering in a repetitive cycle of abuse and neglect?” The answer is very clear…INSECURITY THROUGH INTIMIDATION! Let’s remember what intimidation is: 1. To make timid; fill with fear. 2. To overawe or cow, as through the force of personality or by superior display of wealth, talent, etc.



3. To force into or deter from some action by inducing fear. 4. To discourage, restrain, or silence illegally or unscrupulously, as by threats or blackmail. You may feel that this does not apply to you. However, let’s break down the word insecurity. 1. Lack of confidence or assurance; self-doubt 2. The quality or state of being insecure; instability To feel insecure means: 3. anxious or afraid; not confident or certain 4. not adequately protected: an insecure fortress 5. unstable or shaky There are a great number of women who will go into a poor relationship (be it abuse or void of love and affection) to simply have someone there due to insecurities. Many would state this reality is produced from the element of fear. I agree, but we must also look at the way women are created. Women were fashioned to always be in a stable environment. Because of the lack of security in provision, protection and emotional growth (either through the father not being in the home or simply from poor examples of relationships/ trust being broken etc.), women have ventured off course to pursue these elements through outside resources or in other people. These conditions are not conducive for a woman to prosper. For example, because I was always taught that a woman is to stand on her own two feet and to have her own life, I was quickly trying to push my daughters out of the house. In doing so, it caused great distress for my girls. My husband, having intimate revelation from the Holy Spirit about the matter began to teach



me a different outlook. The Bible states in Genesis 2:24 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” It says nothing about the woman leaving before her husband comes into her life. Therefore, my daughters’ security is still being provided by my husband until the transition of marriage. This is what my family believes and upholds for our household. Women must have security and not be intimidated by the world systems or by having a relationship too soon. If this were to happen, an all-out spiritual attack against a woman’s heart and life is initiated by the enemy. When a woman experiences an intimate relationship with a man too soon, countless spiritual and natural systematic laws begin to break down. Immaturity in subjects and emotions will dictate the outcome of a woman’s life. Thereby creating a life a chaos and confusion. Choices and decisions will be based off of the element of lack rather than love. Now, generations after that one moment of misguided trust will produce the results of a relationship created and experienced too soon. This is why we as the “mature woman” must get in our rightful place and protect the hearts and minds of our young women from exposure to the world’s relationship guidelines. We have girls literally trying to be grown at age 13 and younger with no system or foundational teachings of truth. We actually help create this fraudulent display of maturity by developing and guiding young women from our own idea or experience concerning relationships. Unfortunately, these ideas that we may carry are our own wounds that have never healed. The season of reproducing our hurt through the novice of our own capability and proficiency must come to an end. Every generation has its own needs and it its own season of revelation.



This is why we must be women who fast and pray. We must be women who can get through offense, hurt, and life’s attacks so we can pour into a young lady God’s infinite truth. Regardless of the teachings we may have received in the past, we are only experts at overcoming through the essence of our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our personal opinion on any matter is not the principle of God’s heart. Therefore, we as the “mature woman” must seek the insight of Jesus Christ’s wisdom for the young ladies we are trying to advise. Your outcome is not their outcome. Your marriage is not their marriage. Your lack is not their lack. Your experience is not their experience. God has so much for the next generation and we as women should be the first ones to pick up this knowledge and transfer it into the next generation. Now, I know many will not agree with me, but I am not looking for agreement. The facts are, when a woman is involved in a relationship before her time, chaos in her emotions, her security and her characteristics begin. Rebellion becomes the course of action behind the outburst of confusion. The woman makes choices based on an emotional rollercoaster of illusion and fantasy instead of the Word of God. This is why we have rape, molestation, abuse, identity crisis, and poor relationships with other people, financial corruption, killing of children, extreme assistance from welfare, and on and on. We must start to recognize our direct involvement in our own deliverance. We are always trying to fix things after the matter, but it is time for women to step-up everywhere and start to look at the root of why we do what we do. If we could provide security without intimidation (from insecure moms, peers, family and at times absent fathers) our young women would have a very successful life.



We as women must start to be the answer for the younger generation. We may have missed it during our season, but we can stop the cycle now by helping to bring security to our young women. This security that I speak of will disqualify the enemy and his feeble attempts to annihilate women through poor relationships! UNDERSTANDING MONEY For the love of money is a root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have been led astray and have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves through with many acute [mental] pangs. (1 Timothy 6:10 AMP) Of what use is money in the hand of a [self-confident] fool to buy skillful and godly Wisdom—when he has no understanding or heart for it? (Proverbs 17:6 AMP) I would like to help you put money in its proper perspective. Please learn this one principle. Money is simply a tool. It has no quest for loyalty, no feelings or emotions, nor is it an enemy or friend. It is a tool. It was and continues to be a manmade piece of paper that is exchanged for goods and services. It was created by man to be governed by man. In order to truly grasp this understanding, you will have to take away your personal relationship with money and allow your heart to come to this unique revelation. Money in itself is not your lover. It cannot produce a thought. It doesn’t call you, comfort you, nor does it expand your soul or heart. It has no special powers. It is not evil nor is it good. It is not magical. It



has no authority of its own. It is paper. A small piece of paper given value by its holder. Money cannot determine your personal value. It can only help measure your access to resources. The problem arises when the piece of paper is given more value than God’s promises and His will. If you can get this simple perspicacity about money, then your life will drastically change. The LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVILS. This is a very interesting proclamation that has been misquoted by so many people over the years. But if you look at the scripture carefully, you will see that your emotional attitude about LOVE dictates the outcome of the tool called money. When a person applies an emotion to an object, the object forms into what the person wills it to be. With this formation comes the open gates of torment simply because a person has decided to give an inanimate object the affections that only belong to God and His original plan for your emotions. Tools like money should be governed as such and not held in a place that is sacred to God. Because of this, the enemy is able to intimidate through holding you hostage by exploiting money. The affair we at times have with money is a perverse love for something which was only created to be “fair exchange” for resources. The condition of the heart holds the keys to the manifestation of your outcome. Without Godly wisdom, it is impossible to govern money that is to be utilized for resources and not as THE SOURCE. Confused Outcome I am about to say something that I promise will make you think differently. How a woman treats people and experiences love is how she will yield her money. Now to better understand this statement, you have to include what I just said about the condition of the heart holding the keys to the manifested



outcome of your money. In this same interpretation, let’s examine the word yield. “Yield” means to: 1. To give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation 2. To produce or furnish (payment, profit, or interest) 3. To give up, as to superior power or authority 4. To give up or surrender (oneself) 5. To give up or over; relinquish or resign 6. To give way to influence, entreaty, argument, or the like 7. To give place or precedence (usually followed by to): to yield to another 8. To give way to force, pressure, etc., so as to move, bend, collapse, or the like. Let’s survey the different ways that this statement is truth. 1. Today’s average woman will surrender herself unto the person she feels is adequate enough to carry her heart. Problem is most women don’t know the “true weight” of their own heart and will choose “amateurs” instead of “veterans” to carry such precious cargo. The weight of their heart causes “drops”, “brokenness”, “confusion”, “anger”, “frustration” and “weariness” for the amateur thereby creating an emptiness for both parties involved. Usually women will try to “create” a better man by accepting the red flags as a challenge instead of acknowledging them as stop signs. In the place of waiting until a person has proven their qualifications as a worthy candidate of trust, a woman will accept “inadequacy” by default. A proven intimate relationship with Jesus Christ automatically provides stability so that the weight of her heart is evenly distributed on the shoulders of the person she trusts.



2. Today’s average woman has been taught that submission to the wrong person is Godly. Women will often confuse honor and freedom in choice with the façade of obedience and/or loyalty. A woman’s dedication to the wrong person is deadly. To honor a person’s freedom of choice is at the root of pure love. An emotionally healthy woman submits because her heart is open to the freedom acquainted with submission. There is no agenda or bondage with pure submission. 3. Women have been taught to look for the bigger payoff. Women have been taught to disregard wisdom from “seasoned” (to mature, ripen, or condition by exposure to suitable conditions or treatment) women. They assume their way is better. Though at times the payoff of the new way may be quicker, doesn’t mean it’s better. In some arenas, the “process” is just as important as the “payoff” and at times more important. 4. Today’s average woman looks for the next best as if something is missing. Today’s successful women miss out on what is in front of them because their definition of success is always greater than the moment they are in. Success embodies enjoying the “right now”! The search into tomorrow usually is unbeneficial since tomorrow is not promised. It is time to look at what is happening in front of you. See the blessings of the moment and take the time to embrace the sanctity and value of now! Capturing the wisdom that it holds is priceless and will help build the foundation needed to sustain the tomorrows of your life. 5. Today’s average woman has been taught to trade off value of relationships for positions of glory. Never before have I witnessed such contempt for “the process” of developing a character that can withstand the winds of change. The more women I come into acquaintance with the



more I realize their need to be “well known”. Many would mistakenly call this need for attention “favor”, when in truth it is a narcissist craving that is never satisfied. The hunt centers on connections instead of relationships. Yet the blessing is in serving one another without an agenda. God is the only one who can promote and He usually promotes when the person is ready, not before. Loyalty is a rare commodity in today’s language and every day occurrences. Staying focus on the “getting through” rather than the “process” has damaged our ability to judge effectively the value of another human being. True glory maintains trust. It embodies Godly character that holds its own weight. When a woman cannot carry the weight of the Glory, she has not endured the process that should have built within her a mental and Godly character foundation. Only through learning by way of relationship experiences will this type of glory be present. The gift of practicing staying put, forgiving and loving adds the pillars needed to endure the traps of time. As









experiences love is how she will yield her money. In the last 5 statements, we’ve seen the hearts of various women. When a woman’s heart is directed or governed by her emotions or out of her privation of identity, any source that is supposed to obey her will actually rule her instead. Here is scripture to support this statement. For wisdom is a defense even as money is a defense, but the excellency of knowledge is that wisdom shields and preserves the life of him who has it. (Ecclesiastics 17:12) Wait and listen, everyone who is thirsty! Come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Yes, come, buy



[priceless, spiritual] wine and milk without money and without price [simply for the self-surrender that accepts the blessing]. (Isaiah 55:1) Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] (Hebrews 13:5) Personal Testimony Allow me to give you a personal testimony about how this principle actually works. Not too long ago, during my time of governing Ladies Night Out International Ministries, I hired a prominent vocalist to minister at one of my events. Her attitude right from the moment she landed off the plane was at best repulsive. You could tell she didn’t want to be there. Her first question to my husband was about money and how she would be paid. (Mind you, she was paid a nice lump sum before she even came to the event.) Not seeing the writing on the wall, my husband and I became fully aware or our own folly. The vocalist was rude, pompous, pretentious and hurtful. The words that poured out of her mouth towards my husband and I were shocking, but at the same time revealing. She had no idea that we had the money to pay her but she kept spewing hate and curses. I was devastated. This voice that I listened to for comfort in music was able to dismiss the love that God had for me and my ministry with such disdain. A few months went by and reports began to surface about her struggle with finances. She was literally begging for people to



help her financially. Even to this day, instead of people inviting her, she now has to call to see if she can get an engagement. How is this story relevant to the principle? How you love and treat others will directly affect your finances. Love is the key to prosperity. If your love is not based on your personal relationship with









experiences, you will struggle and be tormented by the lack of finances. Love is the governing, essential force that is relevant to every part of your human existence. It cannot be separated from your finances. It is all inter-related. Here is another example of Love being the key to prosperity. Not too long ago my husband made a mistake that would have sent most women packing. It hurt me deeply, but Jesus began to teach me the beauty of forgiveness and value. I had invested my hopes and dreams into a vision that was being manifested through my marriage at the ordination of God’s will. Yet, the enemy wishes to destroy the most beautiful relationships because of the testimony they represent in the earth. In weighing the love God has for me, I then granted mercy and grace to my husband. What his mistake was is irrelevant to the option of grace. Grace had my heart wrapped up in love. Love stepped in and applied every healing balm that was necessary for my own survival. Yet, it didn’t stop there. It granted me SUCCESS!! I was able to conquer my own personal fears and eradicate the enemy’s lies over the emotional scars this could have left. Now I thrive in freedom and love. I know that I am able and capable of loving beyond my opinion and my hurt. As soon as love was released to have full reign in my marriage, prosperity rushed into our lives. How I loved him in that moment, determined our financial breakthrough. We are now financially able to not only take care of our own needs, but to



actually sustain other households as well. Love brought that!!!! And my soul prospered!!!! When a woman governs her emotions, and regulates her valued relationships with a God given focus, money will no longer intimidate her, but will be the tool that awaits her directive. Thereby producing wealth as her soul prospers. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers. 3 John 1:2 AMP RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR DESTINY Destiny equates purpose, intention, calling, fortune, providence and future. Just establishing the root of destiny incorporates Godly wisdom and foresight while regulating outside resources and an internal compass. It enables every woman to walk in an upright position embellished with the jewels of enlarged capacity. To be known or celebrated as a woman of incredible purpose bestows awards of hope and influence. Yet, even in the obstinate sense of knowing, observing in the crevasses of doubt cowards insecurity. As bold as hope is, intimidation of taking responsibility for your own destiny attempts to wipe out the promise of succeeding. Fear shatters hope; fear of the unknown, fear of succeeding and fear of not succeeding. Doubt and a deficiency of trust in what has already been put inside you, immobilizes even the greatest of pioneers. Why? Because two opinions are at war. Fear is screaming and trying to vituperate destiny. But here is a little nugget for you, destiny will never be denied. Destiny is implanted as a spiritual GPS that cannot be turned off by



negativity, lack of understanding or even mistakes. Destiny pursues its own purpose. Your destiny is not waiting on you to arrive; it is you already completed! It’s not something you run into. Destiny, with or without your interference will come to fruition because it is the compass of God implanted into your very soul. Even your missteps have purpose when destiny unfolds. Our requirements are to embrace the responsibility of our own destiny. Once you understand that it exists within your private moments and within the compounds of your (at times) segregated









accomplishing your purpose on earth. Destiny means: 1.

the apparently predetermined and inevitable series of events that happen to somebody or something


the inner purpose of a life that can be discovered and realized


a force or agency that predetermines what will happen

Every woman simply needs to seek out the face of God and learn how to recognize and protect the purpose they have within them. From raising children to leading a country, everything was already written and completed. You truly are the missing piece of another person’s story. It is when we deny God’s presence in our lives that the experiences of our past dims the ever present voice of God. Experiences are custom made to either bring us closer to Jesus or to send us further away from Him. All of this is based on our choice to recognize and embrace our responsibility in our personal development. Deliverance always has to have participation. Even fear and intimidation needs a victim to actively participate in giving it power to rule. You must get



involved with your own heart. Being totally engaged allows you to hear the voice of God confirming the inner power you have to sustain injury and keep on going. You are stronger than any element of fear and intimidation. You are made in the image of the Lord God and are created to be fearless. Embrace your destiny! Take full responsibility for it! Never deny the access you have to the King of Kings. When you are able to do this, intimidation will never be able to take hold of your identity nor arrest your purpose. You will be a strong tower that is able to be lit for others. “No, God has not rejected and disowned His people [whose destiny] He had marked out and appointed and foreknown from the beginning. ‌â€? Romans 11:2



Chapter 3

THE TRAPS OF FLATTERY " And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert and seduce with flatteries, but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].." Daniel 11:32

___________________________________________________ The Webster dictionary of “flattery” are the following: 1.

The act or practice of flattering.


Excessive or insincere praise.

In the Strong’s Complete Dictionary of Bible Words, “flattery” is from the root word “chalaqqah” (khal-ak-kaw') which means “smooth”. There is a distinct difference between someone giving you a compliment and someone utilizing flattery. A compliment is comprised of sincere congrats or praise founded out of a heart of authentic admiration. *Flattery, however, is toadying which is a self-serving person who behaves in a servile, sycophantic manner, fawning on and flattering people with power or influence (Bing Dictionary).



People don’t normally look at flattery as a negative thing, but it is one of the keys that opens the door to torment. The art of flattery is used like butter to prepare your heart for the acceptance of pain and hurt. Flattery is often times used to give you exactly what you want to hear, thereby seducing your mind to relax your personal standards. I challenge every woman to be keenly aware of words used to enhance or confirm your imagination. Love is not a soap opera experience and intimate friendships don’t happen overnight. In the same token, no one can build your success but Christ. But slippery words are a creative force often piloted by the recipient’s insecurity. In today’s society, the art of flattery has cultivated a genre of “silly women”. Women are famished for attention, for words of affirmation and love. This hunger has equipped women to accept deceptive adjectives to be used to validate them. Thereby allowing what should be used to “secure” a woman’s emotions to actually be used to “annihilate” a woman’s confidence. There is not one woman who hasn’t experienced flattery. However, usually the one who is flattering has studied a person’s intimate behavior, their responses to life and the condition of their heart. Most wounded women tend to leave a trail of brokenness which makes them easy targets. A word that stimulates emotions of security will open the heart to a broken woman every time. Here are how the traps of flattery work: 1.

Opening of the gates!

The person carrying the spirit of flattery waits to get your attention! They search for the optimum moment where your



eyes, ears and heart are open at the same time. The person who uses flattery looks for and trusts your insecurity. Their objective is to get you to listen to their personal agenda as well as expose through your own imagination what you believe love is. In other words, spill the beans about your life. Tell the flatterer what is wrong so that they can be the vice (defect or failing) of security that establishes your new world. Be very careful what you share with another individual. Women need to stop telling all of their personal business within the first 30 minutes of meeting someone. Your mouth-gate is the first area of defense that will help to establish peace. Shut it and you will experience less torment. The flatterer gets their information from what you disclose. Learn how to be wise and silent. This is a great weapon of peace. 2.

The flatterer comes into agreement!

Once you have exposed your innermost secrets, he or she agrees with your private pain, hurt and offenses thereby making you think you are validated. This action then begins the cycle of public misplaced trust. It is public because the flatterer rallies to have an audience with your most trusted friends and confidants. This tactic is used to cause confusion, mistrust and disloyalty between you and the people who are in your life. 3.

It rallies for your trust!

Now that the flatterer has your trust, he or she begins their deceit through lies and manipulation to obtain whatever you may have of value. It will uphold his or her lies through securing your isolation by simply stating there is no one else who qualifies to handle your emotions. It will literally compare itself to others in your current or past circumstances to defend his or her illusion of trust.




The flatterer obtains its goal!

The flatterer obtains his or her goal through your misguided anxiety and fear of people. Once you become no longer useful to his or her personal agenda, you are dropped without notification, communication or explanation. Torment now has its perfect storm. You ponder and wonder about what could have made this perfect person leave your life. Suddenly you’re searching for answers. While searching for your answers, your personality and temperament changes. You become increasingly paranoid about people and start to blame the world for your turmoil. You never really understand that is was the seduction of flattery which beguiled you. So, you’re left holding an empty promise which has produced isolation and abandonment. You may be saying to yourself, OMG!!! THIS IS ME!!! I experienced this!!!! You are also probably pondering how to sharpen your discernment against such openings. It really all begins with your relationship with Christ. It is within your relationship with Christ that you become accustomed to the private, familiar love language that you share. As stated before, flattery is used to obtain your private position and/or public possessions. Become skilled at God’s language for yourself. He has a specific way of speaking to you. He trains you on how to communicate His will in your life through your personal relationship with Him. This is the full-proof way of identifying the enemy of your soul. The enemy will not speak in the same nature as Christ does to you. The enemy’s perverted conversation will always invigorate your flesh as compared to Christ, who will permanently fuel you towards eternal life.



Personal Testimony Because of the deliverance nature of my ministry, hundreds of people have come to me with flattering words. I remember such a time when there was a powerful manifestation of God’s glory that produced healing throughout the evening. Cancer was cured. People were able to walk again and relationships were saved. It was during this high potency of glory that my character and relationship with Christ was put on trial. For though God’s glory was magnified and His anointing on my life was potent, I still had insecurities. Insecurities occupy the hidden things that creep into the crevasses of your heart and grow like mold. You never really know they are there until a crisis comes along. In addition, this element of insecurity was the foundation of my torment. I struggled with the thoughts of being good enough to serve mankind. It was whispered in the dawn of my awakening to who I was in Christ, that my skills were not adequate enough. Not realizing man’s optimism about my demise was the indicator that Christ was very pleased with me, I held on to the words of man. Because of this, only the words of man could satisfy my personal acceptance of who I was. Therefore, flattery tested my character. One day, I accepted the words of one who latched on to me. I was pleased and thought that she was sent of God to help me with the ministry. She used my name and influence to build her own brand. Even went as far as to steal my identity and call my trusted friends her friends. Before it was all said and done, I almost lost everything. It broke me in such a way, that my relationship with people began to be challenged. I had to come to a place of understanding the lesson. First, I had to let go of my private torment and believe what Christ said about me. Secondly, I had to secure my own perimeters with His unfailing



love. Thirdly, I had to stop looking for man to say “well done” and realize that this accolade can only come from God Himself. There is no reward man can give that equals in magnitude the meaning of Christ saying, “well done”! Fourthly, I had to close my gates. The only words I hear now are my prayers and communication to Christ. When you hear flattery, know that your character and relationship are being tested. When you know God, flattery will remain in the mouth of the one who spoke it. And for those who may have lost something because of flattery, God is saying, “YOU WILL RECOVER ALL!” Learn how to communicate with Christ and your heart will be secured and satisfied with His affection alone. And you will do great exploits for Him. "And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert and seduce with flatteries, but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].." Daniel 11:32





Chapter 4

THE battle “And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.” Ezekiel 44:23

___________________________________________________ Why is THE BATTLE chapter written before the introduction and teaching of the two spirits that torment? In researching and hearing the Holy Spirit, it is imperative that we as “Women of a Christian Nation” and a “Kingdom of Truth” be totally equipped for the battles that lie ahead. What we understand corporately will cultivate us to activate personally. What we activate personally will benefit us cohesively. Until we understand Spiritual Warfare, what’s its “prelude” and what it looks like “post war” we will continue to be tormented on every level. We, as a “Women of a Christian Nation”, have been taught to be guarded and defensive in our beliefs and tactics, but not offensive, focused and strategic. We have been trained to be more concerned about our own self and to thrive more as an individual instead of a community. Because of this, we lack the tools, skill, education and intimacy with Christ and each other that it takes to fully exercise our deliverance or freedom in circumstances that should, according to scriptures, have a victorious outcome. Many Christian Women miss the intimate



preparation that produces an instructive briefing. This briefing is usually entrusted to the assigned Spiritual Generals (spiritual mothers, fathers, pastors, leaders etc.) who have been trained and endorsed by the Holy Spirit. This cause and effect is due to our own personal beliefs or misconceptions about how the Holy Spirit operates. There has been a shift in the Nation of Christians to actually uphold disorder, rebellion and chaos as the governor in one’s life and dispel the proven generals along with the false ones. Thereby leaving communication and interpretation of the throne room briefings up to the people to decipher with limited resources, lazy practices and religious superstitions. These actions lead God’s people right into the traps of the enemy. Whatever “suits our flesh” is what we “wear.” This simply means that we have become a spiritual nation conditioned to operate out of flesh. Never before in the history of the body of Christ has the operations of flesh been so prevalent and so protected. The Christian nation now sees fleshly desires as the standard of Holiness. The practices of self-pleasure and narcissistic behavior has been equalized and upheld as the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. How does this affect women? Because of the lack of standards, empowering confrontation is not allowed to instruct women on how to live according to the heart of God. Though we have made great strides in our relationship with God, we have failed to establish healthy relationships with one another. SPIRITUAL NARCISSISM



Now, I must stop right here and give an in-depth understanding of “Spiritual Narcissism.� Amongst women, there has been an upsurge of Spiritual Narcissism that in a true study of the Word of God, goes directly against the teachings of the Bible. Spiritual Narcissism is a camouflaged deception created by the enemy to give a disillusioned belief system and establish a pattern of grandiosity (exaggerated claims to talents, importance, or specialness) in a woman’s private fantasies or outward behavior. It also has a need for constant admiration from people while carrying a lack of empathy for others. Many women are on Social Media, TV and other media outlets, teaching that it is all right to think only of one self and to embrace the emotional outburst and chaotic behavior that is in truth, part of the world. We have embraced our own definition of love and have selectively set aside the essence of what love means. We redefine anything that causes our flesh to experience delayed pleasure or structurally disciplined. If you look closely at some women today, we have: 1.

Women with a grandiose sense of self-importance with exaggeration on accomplishments demanding to be considered superior without real evidence of achievement.


Women who live in a dream world of exceptional success, power, beauty, genius, or desires "perfect" love.


Women who think of them-selves as "special" or privileged, and that other special or high-status people can only understand them.


Women who demand excessive amounts of praise or admiration from others.









compliance/obedience, or favorable treatment from others.




Women who are exploitative towards others and takes advantage of them.


Women who lack empathy and do not recognize or identify with others' feelings.


Women who are frequently envious of others or think that other people are envious of them.


Women that "have an attitude" or frequently act in haughty or arrogant ways.

Today, women have lowered their standards to produce heresy and idolatry. Some of the women of God have twisted God’s words to accommodate sin and have become soft and gentle in our approach towards wickedness. We continuously allow the manifestation of sin under the guise of “loving our brethren” or “not








application of love. We have not yet figured out that we diminish one’s value due to lack of confrontation. Pure love always increases the value of one’s life by addressing the spiritual issues of someone who claims to be the same spiritual DNA. In ignoring or turning a blind eye to sin, we have allowed the enemy to deceive us into believing that it is Ok to adjust our belief system to cater to the multitude. Our continuous disobedience on many levels creates an atmosphere conducive for attack and misfortune. When women begin to understand that intimacy and transparency in our relationship with Christ produces spiritual covering, we will then be ready on a strategic level to stimulate heaven to pour out instruction to win the battle against demons, principalities and powers in high places. FOUNDATIONAL APPLICATION This is the age where many are receiving incredible head knowledge but no heart application. In operating from this



mindset, our atmosphere becomes polluted. Our corporate worship is dulled with “self-consciousness” rather than “God awareness”. Now, we are vulnerable for the attacks of the enemy. Foundationally, women must understand the beginnings of Spiritual Warfare and not believe that they are separate from the lives we live. Spiritual Warfare must be a ‘lifestyle’ that is understood and applied through correct knowledge as well as Holy Ghost inspired. I have met many women who will behave, live, and produce in the boundaries of their flesh and yet rebuke the enemy. Others believe that Spiritual Warfare is something that they do only in the realms of prayer to come against the enemy. Yet many, separate the spiritual from the natural believing that they can call upon the spiritual while devaluing life in the natural. This is a result of conditional application. Conditional application is when the conditions are advantageous to try the knowledge one just learned. The true beginnings of spiritual warfare is to first recognize that we are ‘’spirits” that operate from an “earthly suit”. I know many of us know this, but have we applied it? I believe that we miss the connection. Together, they are one being! That’s the key! You are in both worlds operating as a gatekeeper to both heaven and earth. This is why the Bible states in Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” If you are wrestling against rulers, powers, world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places, then you must also have the authority and power to operate in all of these realms as well. This is a “foundational application” at its best. Spiritual Warfare is not something you strive to do;



it is something you already are! You are the weapon that God uses which is girded with His righteousness, spirit of truth, and peace! You are placed right here on earth! This is so glorious! Therefore, you need not ever resort to acting out of flesh in any way shape or form because your understanding of who you are and what you are capable of is paramount.



Chapter 5

Mockery to shake your faith “For he adds rebellion [in his un-submissive, defiant attitude toward God] to his unacknowledged sin; he claps his hands [in open mockery and contempt of God] among us, and he multiplies his words of accusation against God.” Job 34:37 AMP ________________________________________________________ There are women who would ask me, how does mockery bring about torment? Well the answer lies in the definition of mockery. Mockery is words or behavior intended to make somebody or something look silly or ridiculous. 2. Something that is ridiculously inadequate or wholly unsuccessful. 3. Somebody or something that is treated with scorn or contempt and made to look silly or ridiculous. The word “mockery” encompasses ridicule, scorn, contempt, disdain, sarcasm, lampoon, charade, farce, jeering, and travesty. I find it very interesting that this one word holds such hatred and contempt but is literally used to hold people captive under the mask of “just playing.”



Mocking is so effective that the enemy uses it as a weapon to enforce his agenda upon the face of the earth. If the enemy can get a person to diminish the effectiveness of truth, then they will embrace the lie with ease. Mockery weakens the hope of truth by shrinking the essence of it into a playful nature. When one is being mocked they are being ridiculed to make their evidence less effective thereby lacking the value needed to convey change. Usually the spirit behind mocking is one of intense low selfesteem or out of extreme fear. Bullies use this technique to devalue another person’s identity of their own-self. Mockery is used as a successful tool in the compilation of torment. As you can see, there are many aspects to torment that fabricates its core power. Mockery is one of the atoms of this fabrication used to contribute to the demise of hope. This is why the stench of suicide is so prevalent in today’s society. Though many women have dealt with bullying in one way or another, there has been a vast loss of hope for today’s generation.






empowers identity crisis. People use this form of communication in an offhand manner not realizing the violent and crushing implications it preserves towards its victim. For years, I fought with the insult of mockery. From being called Jimmy Tiller Jr. to being mocked for loving Christ. The progressive assaults caused notable wounds that took a long time to heal. It wasn’t until I realized that in order to be mocked, I had to have greatness inside of me. This belief helped deliver me from the insensitive jesting. Mocking will strip your core beliefs into shambles if you don’t have a resolve of who you are.



It is often used to bring irrelevance to your existence and is thereby categorized as a sin. Ephesians 5:1-4 says “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour.3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;


Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting

(mocking) which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. In the most severe cases, mocking or extreme jesting is used to seize ones’ trust in God, making the promises of God irrelevant and ineffective. One begins to believe the “joke” rather than the “truth”. This is where most cases of suicide and alterations in behaviors begin. Hope is dismissed and cruelty has replaced the truth of God’s love. We as mature women must always remember that words are weapons that can exchange the value of one’s heart. Therefore, they should be guarded with extreme care and caution. My grandmother always said, “If you don’t have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all.” This principle rings true today. You literally crush the soul of another person if your words are not governed by love.



Chapter 6

Bait & switch “For that which is known about God is evident to them and made plain in their inner consciousness, because God [Himself] has shown it to them.”'

Romans 1:19

___________________________________________________ Out of all the chapters in this book, I truly believe that this specific chapter concerning “BAIT AND SWITCH” will bring the most effective and impactful change to your life. This particular understanding gave me a personal freedom that I wish to extend to you the reader. I believe that if you comprehend this principle and apply it as a resolution, the entire revelation about God’s Word will become easy. Battles that may have seemed impossible to win will look trivial to you once you “see” this in both natural and spiritual. Let’s examine Romans 1:16-32 AMP. 16

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel (good news) of Christ, for

it is God’s power working unto salvation [for deliverance from eternal death] to everyone who believes with a personal trust and a confident surrender and firm reliance, to the Jew first and also to the Greek,


For in the Gospel a

righteousness which God ascribes is revealed, both springing from faith and leading to faith [disclosed through the way of faith



that arouses to more faith]. As it is written, The man who through faith is just and upright shall live and shall live by faith.18 For God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress and hinder the truth and make it inoperative.19 For that which is known about God is evident









consciousness, because God [Himself] has shown it to them.20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification],


Because when they knew and recognized

Him as God, they did not honor and glorify Him as God or give Him thanks. But instead they became futile and


godless in

their thinking [with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations] and their senseless minds were darkened.22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools [professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves].23 And by them the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God were exchanged for and represented by images, resembling mortal man and birds and beasts and reptiles. 24

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts

to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin], 25

Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and

worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever! Amen (so be it).


For this reason

God gave them over and abandoned them to vile affections and degrading passions. For their women exchanged their natural function for an unnatural and abnormal one,27 And the men also turned from natural relations with women and were set ablaze



(burning out, consumed) with lust for one another—men committing shameful acts with men and suffering in their own [d]

bodies and personalities the inevitable consequences and

penalty of their wrong-doing and going astray, which was [their] fitting retribution.28 And so, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or approve of Him or consider Him worth the knowing, God gave them over to a base and condemned mind to do things not proper or decent but loathsome,29 Until they were filled (permeated and saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, iniquity, grasping and covetous greed, and malice. [They were] full of envy and jealousy, murder, strife, deceit and treachery, ill will and cruel ways. [They were] secret backbiters and gossipers,30 Slanderers, hateful to and hating God, full of insolence, arrogance, [and] boasting; inventors of new forms of evil, disobedient and undutiful to parents.31 [They were] without understanding, conscienceless and faithless, heartless and loveless [and] merciless.32 Though they are fully aware of God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them themselves but approve and applaud others who practice them. I know you are probably wondering, what does this scripture have to do with torment? Let’s begin with verse 18. “For God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness









inoperative.” In this specific verse there is a truth that rings for all of eternity and that is mankind represses and hinders the truth thereby making it inoperative. The Bible goes on to say in the very next verse, that mankind knows all things and therefore are without excuse. Because they knew and did not recognize and honor God, they became futile (pointless,



unsuccessful, vain, ineffective, wasted, useless) in their thinking and switched the image of God to embrace a lie. When women switch the image of God into their personal interpretation, sin and torment become apparent. Let’s look at the following verses. It said that because they became confused, they began to lust after each-other which altered their personalities. When lust is present in any form, your personality which is the image of God instilled into your DNA, becomes confused, agitated and coerced. This pressure or drive one experiences is torment. Torment was allowed to enter into their minds because of their choice to switch their God given image. Let’s go to the beginning of mankind’s creation. According to Genesis 1:27 it says “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Whenever you alter your God given image by replacing it with flattery, mockery, low self-esteem, hatred, strife, gossip, assumptions, lust, ill will etc., you allow torment to be your mirror and it will reflect your new image. When this happens, you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Satan has baited you with your lust and then switched your desire and established it as your personal truth. How important is this principle? It is VITAL TO YOUR DELIVERANCE!!! We are WITHOUT EXCUSE!!! We can’t say we don’t know because everything in us is telling us to turn our face back to God. Torment is the condition after the image of God has been switched. In Romans 1:23 it states “And by them the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God were exchanged for and represented by images, resembling mortal man and birds



and beasts and reptiles. Romans 1:25 states “Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator…” My question to you today is, what is the image that became your personal truth? Your experience is not a personal truth. Your pain is not a personal truth. Your opinion is not a personal truth. Someone’s gossip is not a personal truth. What image is now holding the place of God in your life? Who is telling you that you don’t know anything or any better? What lie has the enemy fabricated to keep you in your current condition of torment? I believe woman are exceptionally open to torment because of how God made us. We are carriers, life givers and this automatically creates an opening for things to be deposited into us illegally. Always keep in mind that Satan is always after your “image” which is the place of hope in your life that transforms your identity. You must protect your God given image at all times. THE SECRET INSTRUCTION Praise God that He always brings instruction in His word which gives us total victory if we just apply it. In verse 16 it states, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel (good news) of Christ, for it is God’s power working unto salvation [for deliverance from eternal death] to everyone who believes with a personal








reliance…” This is indeed good news, for in this specific verse is the instruction on how to keep God’s image of you before you. Being not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ is God’s power! Right here is where most of us should be celebrating. BEING



NOT ASHAMED OF CHRIST is how we defeat the enemy from switching our image. Women must learn how to not be ashamed of who they are in Christ. From being a single mother to be a president of a company, there is no shame in loving who God is in your life. Nor should you be ashamed of what you have or don’t have in your present circumstance. The Bible says in Philippians 4:11 MSG “Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. When you boldly proclaim Christ as your personal image, it works out your salvation (deliverance). Your assignment is simply to trust and be confident in Christ’s definition of YOU! The other part of this assignment of deliverance is to never shrink when sin is in front of you. Love requires confrontation. Pure love embodies correction and demands grace. We are not to be silent as women when one has encouraged another to sin. When we are silent to the spread of corruption we allow torment to take another victim. Love chases but sin destroys. So be bold for Christ in wisdom, mercy and abundant grace. Never be ashamed of your identity in Him. Your Boldness in Who God is in your life... IS POWER!!!!





Chapter 7

moabitess “

These are the ones who conspired against him: Zabad the son of Shimeath the Ammonitess, and Jehozabad the son of Shimrith the Moabitess. 2 Chronicles 24:26

___________________________________________________ I have written the entire beginning of this book to get to the meat and potatoes of two specific spirits that most associate with women. In ministering around the nation, I have taught about the pitfalls concerning the remnants of these spirits existing in our present day. It is with this understanding alone, that I seek to empower women to be free and delivered. Without explicit knowledge, women will walk in un-necessary ignorance conspired by the enemy to impoverish their “now moment” and the “next generation”. I purposely wanted to take the spiritual wisdom in which God has bestowed upon me to identify Moabitess and Discordia and bring them to the forefront. I have witnessed the danger and brokenness of women not knowing what they were dealing with concerning other women as well as their own daughters.



Because I have been in a leadership role for most of my adult life, I have experienced these spirits and have overcome their attacks. I want you, the reader, to be fully “aware” of the enemy’s tactics to destroy your peace. I desire to train you into women who can properly identify and eradicate the enemy from your personal life along with the lives of others. THE MAKING OF MOAB To get a better understanding of how the root of this spirit began, let’s look at Genesis 19:30-37. 30

And Lot went up out of Zoar and dwelt in the mountain, and

his two daughters with him, for he feared to dwell in Zoar; and he lived in a cave, he and his two daughters. 31

The elder said to the younger, “Our father is aging, and there

is not a man on earth to live with us in the customary way. 32

Come, let us make our father drunk with wine, and we will lie

with him, so that we may preserve offspring (our race) through our father.” 33

And they made their father drunk with wine that night, and

the older went in and lay with her father; and he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she arose. 34

Then the next day the firstborn said to the younger, “See here,

I lay last night with my father; let us make him drunk with wine tonight also, and then you go in and lie with him, so that we may preserve offspring (our race) through our father.”




And they made their father drunk with wine again that night,

and the younger arose and lay with him; and he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she arose. 36

Thus both the daughters of Lot were with child by their father.


The older bore a son, and named him Moab [of a father]; he

is the father of the Moabites to this day. One of the origins hosted in torment is FEAR!!! Fear will have women walking at a level of flesh that is indecorous for any woman. In verse 30 it says “And Lot went up out of Zoar and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him, for he feared to dwell in Zoar; and he lived in a cave, he and his two daughters. There are four very descriptive attributes to look at in this verse and they are the two daughters, the cave, fear and Zoar. Zoar means “smallness”. It was an intimate connection with the cities of the "plain of Jordan” which are Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim. This is a significant place to most women who are starting their path to full deliverance and recovery. This is the place where women decide to be strong enough to come out, but too afraid to confront. Because of this, fear becomes the governing factor to your deliverance. Zoar should be the place of transition, but avoidance of the process directs one to the cave. The cave! A place where there is no light, no promise, and no hope. A place of provoked imagination. Usually when a woman is afraid and driven into her own imagination she will unknowingly introduce her fear to her own children; feeding them off a plate of made-up scenarios and self-inflicted



experiences. This is what Lot had as a legacy for his two daughters…fear that produced a cave. Lot had a deliverance experience, but because he wanted to avoid the process, he ultimately put his entire lineage into bondage. He was saved but not delivered. Loved but still a victim. Valued but self-denied his personal victory. Women must learn “life” from their experiences. I have realized over the years that my experiences are for me to come to a place of “knowing” not “running”. And those experiences are not to be the determining factor of where I end up but the guidance needed to direct my own soul into complete victory. The Cave Mentality 31

The elder said to the younger, “Our father is aging, and there

is not a man on earth to live with us in the customary way.” One of the handicaps about the cave is the lack of ability to see a way out. The cave mentality causes women to look at their current situation and make a detrimental mistake of thinking that “this is all there is to life”. Women often forget there was destiny propelling them into their current moment. And that moment is a bridge to the next. Sometimes the things we get ourselves into rebukes us. Meaning the circumstance was something we were not supposed to experience. However, even in that, one can learn the lesson of the Cave and contribute the knowledge on to the next generation. The cave produces desperation. Because of the limited ability to see, one begins to demonstrate the symptoms of desperation. Desperation encompasses fear, worry, anxiety, nervousness, harassment (torment), hopelessness, despair, misery, anguish and desolation. According to Bing Dictionary, desperation is the emotional state of despair in which a person feels a situation to



be hopeless and without satisfactory options. Decisions made in desperation may be more rash, impulsive, and inappropriate than those made in a rational frame of mind. According to The Dictionary by Farlex, desperation comes from the meaning of “any port in a storm”. At the end of one’s endurance or resources, out of options; exasperated, frustrated. The rope or tether is generally conceded to be that formerly attached to a grazing animal, restricting his movement and area of pasturage. Many would say that they are ready to “climb the walls or are stir-crazy from confinement”. This means to feel trapped or hemmed-in; to suffer from a lack of options. One who is “climbing the walls” suffers from a claustrophobic feeling of confinement, physical or mental, from which there is no apparent relief. The image is of a person trapped in a room with no doors or windows, the only way for releasing his pent-up energies being to climb the walls. Some women my even say they have “forlorn hope”. Forlorn Hope is a desperate hope or undertaking; an expedition in which the survival of the participants is doubtful. How about this phrase, “grasping at straws.” Grasping at straws means to seek substance in the flimsy or meaning in the insignificant; to find ground for hope where none exists. And let’s not forget the “last-ditch effort” which is made in a final, desperate, all-out attempt to avoid impending calamity; fought or argued to the bitter end, using every available resource.



Many women will push the “panic button”, which means to overreact to a situation, to react in a wildly impulsive, confused, or excessive manner, often because of pressures of work. And my favorite one is “tear one’s hair out”. This saying means to be visibly distressed or agitated; to show signs of extreme anger or anguish. Originally referring to a gesture of mourning or intense grief, this expression, dating from the 16th century, is no longer used literally. It continues to be said, however, of one who is extremely frustrated, or going through an intensely painful emotional experience. If you can just imagine, this is the frame of mind the two daughters were in when they were in the cave. When women experience the cave, I can almost guarantee these are the emotions and thoughts that run through their mind. The two daughters never thought there was more to the world then what they already knew. The cave was a personal choice that was never supposed to be their destiny. The cave was never meant to be a permanent solution. This is so powerful! Your cave was never meant to be your dwelling place nor is it a sign that your end is near. The only thing the family had to do was “COME OUT OF THE CAVE.” But desperation made them believe the cave was their home. The Results of Desperation 32

Come, let us make our father drunk with wine, and we will lie

with him, so that we may preserve offspring (our race) through our father. 33

And they made their father drunk with wine that night, and

the older went in and lay with her father; and he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she arose.




Then the next day the firstborn said to the younger, See here,

I lay last night with my father; let us make him drunk with wine tonight also, and then you go in and lie with him, so that we may preserve offspring (our race) through our father. 35

And they made their father drunk with wine again that night,

and the younger arose and lay with him; and he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she arose. 36

Thus both the daughters of Lot were with child by their father.


The older bore a son, and named him Moab [of a father]; he

is the father of the Moabites to this day. If you look closely at the scripture you will see how desperation played into trickery. The father did not know what time the daughter laid down with him or what time she arose. The scripture never said that he did not know it was his daughter. The outcome of the two daughters’ desperation and the father’s fear was MOAB. Herein lies wisdom, never let your current circumstance dictate your decision. This will breed desperation and ultimately enable you to birth out your personal Moab. Moab has limited visibility and an unquenchable loss of direction. Moab will always come from the depths of your unhealed soul and be a constant irritant to your future. The Field of Moab I would like to be bring better clarity to explain the natural idiosyncrasy to justify the spiritual characteristics of Moab. Moab’s land has three dimensions. The first is the field of Moab. This field is enclosed by “natural fortifications”. This portion was bounded on the north by the gorge of the Arnon River on the west by the Dead Sea cliff; on the south and east by a circle of hills which no ‘natural opening” except for the flow of the Arnon. This field is the place of “bondage.” The second dimension is the land of Moab which was the more open



country from the Arnon north to the hills of Gilead. This land is the place of “no covering and no protection”. The third dimension is the plains of Moab. These are districts in the low, tropical depths of the valley of the Jordan River. These plains are the place of “oppression and depression”. If you look at the mind of a woman who carries the Moabitess Spirit you usually find her thoughts and spirit in one of these regions. She will act out in her daily life one or all of these areas emotionally, physically and spiritually. THE MOABITESS WOMAN The word Moabitess represents the female gender of Moabite. Moab means “fatherless or who is the father”. As you can see the Moabites entire conception was birth out of fear, incest, manipulation, lies, panic, desperation, deceit and perversion. This is the spirit a lot of women fight against on a regular basis and has caused much torment. Because many women suffer from their father not being in the home, society now has generations of women trying to find out who they are or whom they belong to. If you look closely at women today and over the last few decades, you probably have experienced women who carry the residue of a Moabitess Spirit. Some of the characteristic of this spirit are pride, arrogance, idolatry, superstition, fighting and arguing, greed, and superficial confidence. Let’s break down the Moabitess Woman. In the Biblical days, the Moabitess Woman was used as a weapon of warfare. Because of her gifting in seduction, she was normally the first line of defense. The Moabites would send their women in to a specific camp to seduce, manipulate and subdue the opposing nation’s



men. Thereby leaving them tired, relaxed and unaware of the pressing dangers. Once the men were in this state of mind, the Moabite men would raid their camps and kill them. In studying the books of the Old Testament, you will find that the Moabites were a strong enemy against the nation of Israel. Their characteristics which went before them was a witness to who they were. The Moabitess women were also notorious for displaying extreme selfishness. Decisions made were based on their personal condition and what could benefit them the most. According to Biblical Scriptures, the Moabitess women were just as powerful and were known to the Kings of Israel, especially King Solomon. The Bible says in 2 Kings 11:1 “But King Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites. “The Bible also says in 2 Kings 23:13 “And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile. Other characteristics of the Moabitess Spirit are anger tantrums. This cunning art form is used to get her way. A person who has the traits of a Moabitess Spirit are often set in their ways and traditions. Because of this, she will come across very dogmatic. To simplify the entire matter, it would probably be best to say that the Moabitess Woman is a “drama queen.” Let’s take an in depth look at Orpah. Orpah



Ruth 1:4 “And they took them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: and they dwelled there about ten years.” Taken from my book “The Heart of A Woman”, below is a insert wherein I give a very descriptive character synopsis of a Moabite Woman through the imagined personality of Orpah. “Orpah means “gazelle” or “stiff-necked”. I find Orpah to be very interesting. Just by the meaning of her name, I can imagine her being a very beautiful woman who exploited her beauty to get what she wanted. I could also see her being manipulative, cunning and swift. I can even imagine her being set in her ways, traditions and mindsets. She makes everything about her and if it isn’t, somehow it gets manipulated to be. In my mind, Orpah believes she can do no wrong and carries an unteachable spirit. When introduced to truth, she usually choses to live the lie. Nothing can interrupt her plan for her life and if anything does, she will destroy it. Her deception is not easily seen because she is a master at her skill and craft. She is perceived to be a strong woman yet carries enough gentleness to get what she wants. Oprah is fooled to trust her own ability and self-inflated status which leaves no room for change. The Orpah heart carries the mindset and spirt of a Moabite Woman. Some of us today continue in the Spirit of a Moabite Woman.’ How to Identify The Moabitess Spirit A person with a Moabitess Spirit is someone who has lost her identity. One of the elements of the Moabite nation was their inability to conquer due to their lack of understanding. The Moabites were often condemned by the prophets of God for their scoffing and boasting against Israel, and for their pride, and sinful arrogance, insolence and for worshiping idols. These



attributes are fragments that you will see in women today; mocking what they don’t understand, boasting of their exaggerated successes, extreme arrogance compounded with fanatical ignorance, teamed with intolerable disrespect while worshipping their own ideas. This is the core nature of a Moabitess Spirit. Sabotage Woman who deal with this intrusive spirit will also deal with the nature of who Moabite is. Because of pride and disrespect, you will find that the Moabitess Spirit will work excessively to sabotage another person’s life. We can find this in Numbers 22, 24 where Balak the King of Moab hired a Mesopotamian diviner named to Balaam to sabotage the Israelites. Let’s take a look. Numbers 22 in the Amplified Bible states… 1

The Israelites journeyed and encamped in the plains of Moab,

on the east side of the Jordan [River] at Jericho. 2

And Balak [the king of Moab] son of Zippor saw all that Israel

had done to the Amorites. 3

And Moab was terrified at the people and full of dread, because

they were many. Moab was distressed and overcome with fear because of the Israelites. 4

And Moab said to the elders of Midian, “Now will this multitude

lick up all that is round about us, as the ox licks up the grass of the field.” So Balak son of Zippor, the king of the Moabites at that time,




Sent messengers to Balaam [a foreteller of events] son of Beor

at Pethor, which is by the [Euphrates] River, even to the land of the children of his people, to say to him, There is a people come out from Egypt; behold, they cover the face of the earth and they have settled down and dwell opposite me. 6

Now come, I beg of you, curse this people for me, for they are

too powerful for me. Perhaps I may be able to defeat them and drive them out of the land, for I know that he whom you bless is blessed, and he whom you curse is cursed. Of course, the sabotage attempt of the Israelites did not work and the words that were purchased to curse Israel were changed to blessings. Let’s look at Numbers 24 in the Amplified Bible. At this time, Balaam had already blessed Israel three times. Because of the blessings, Balak, the King of Moab was angry. 10

Then Balak’s anger was kindled against Balaam, and he smote

his hands together; and Balak said to Balaam, I called you to curse my enemies, and, behold, you have done nothing but bless them these three times. 11

Therefore now go back where you belong and do it in a hurry!

I had intended to promote you to great honor, but behold, the Lord has held you back from honor. 12

Balaam said to Balak, Did I not say to your messengers whom

you sent to me, 13

If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I

cannot go beyond the command of the Lord, to do either good or bad of my own will, but what the Lord says, that will I speak?




And now, behold, I am going to my people; come, I will tell

you what this people [Israel] will do to your people [Moab] in the latter days. 15

And he took up his [figurative] discourse, and said: Balaam

son of Beor speaks, the man whose eye is opened speaks, 16

He speaks, who heard the words of God and knew the

knowledge of the Most High, who saw the vision of the Almighty, falling down, but having his eyes open and uncovered: 17

I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but He is not near. A


star (Star) shall come forth out of Jacob, and a scepter

(Scepter) shall rise out of Israel and shall crush all the corners of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth [Moab’s sons of tumult]. 18

And Edom shall be [taken as] a possession, [Mount] Seir also

shall be dispossessed, who were Israel’s enemies, while Israel does valiantly. 19

Out of Jacob shall one (One) come having dominion and shall

destroy the remnant from the city. Emotional Tyranny What are the expressive reactions of a Moabitess Woman? 1.

A Moabitess Woman is very emotional and her emotions rule who she is at any given moment.


A Moabitess Woman will make you assume she’s choosing to come out of her situation, but will always stay in it.



She is very confused and indecisive.



She’s quick with her tongue and carries a spirit of extreme anger.


Everything is always someone else’s fault.


She takes no responsibility for her own actions and thrives on a victim mentality.


There are usually no apologies. Justification is in her response when questioned.


Chaos usually surrounds her because of her emotional beliefs.


This type of woman reasons within her own mind that everyone else has the issues. This makes her very critical of other people while sanctifying herself.

10. A Moabitess Woman imagines that she has control of the situation no matter how chaotic it may be and refuses to let go. She eventually alienates anyone who could love her because of her extreme micromanaging and manipulation. One of the things I would love for you the reader to do is write down the descriptive words that describe the traits of a Moabitess Woman and then take a reflective look at yourself. What you confront, you can change. The Drama Kiss One of the most fascinating scriptures that rings true to every woman today is what I call the Drama Kiss. This kiss is the synopsis for most women who have the Moabitess Spirit. Let’s look at Ruth 1:14. “Then they wept aloud again; and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law [good-bye], but Ruth clung to her. Here we see the power of choice! Women will appear as though they are going to make the right choice and then turn and stay right where they are. They will go through all the motions, cry



the tears and even give a kiss (drama), yet will stay where they feel the most comfortable. Being delivered from the torment of the Moabitess Spirit is a lot of work and takes extreme patience with oneself. The problem is most women don’t want to do the work or have the discipline to change. Women become comfortable since they know the ins and outs of the life they already have. Woman have become masters of their own demise. They will talk a good game, but when faced with the choice of life and death, unfortunately, way too many will choose death. This is because death is easier to participate in. With death, there are no pure feelings. With death, a person can stay numb and dumb. With death, there is no accountability. The sad thing is, the same woman will cry when she sees the “gift of life” others have. She’ll weep when they pass by, but the cost to live in freedom is just too much to pay; So, the kiss is easier. I will never diminish the mental and emotional torment a woman goes through in having to be oppressed by a Moabitess Spirit. The woman who is persecuted by a Moabitess Spirit is one who is in constant pain. This pain is a course chosen due to familiarity, commonality and fear. Orpah lifted her voice and wept; not to make a joyful or victory sound but it was a sound to proclaim her choice. There was truly a struggle within her. The struggle within her is the same one that is within most women, and that is to believe the truth or have trust in the lie. CHEMOSH Chemosh was the god of the Moabites. He carried both male and female attributes respectively. His female face was Ashtor. According to Strongs Concordance and Dictionary, Chemosh was



known as the destroyer, subduer, or fish-god. You can find reference to this in the Bible in the following chapters (Numbers 21:29; Jeremiah. 48:7, 13, 46). In the Bible, it was said that Chemosh was the abomination of Moab. Chemosh’s nature was one of cruelty and sexual sin. Some of the worshipping practices of Chemosh were to have child sacrifices. Sexual worship is also part of the worship rituals for this god deity. This sexual worship was not only between man and female, but also includes the perversion of same sex. Why is it necessary to know of this god or deity? Because this deity is the same spirit empowering the Moabitess Woman’s mentality and lust. This lust includes for objects as well as people and positions. When a Moabitess Spirit is in full action you will actually see the neglect of children by mothers who have chosen something else as a higher priority than their child. This can be anything from illness to men to jobs, it is all relevant. In addition, the anger that is associated with this deity is paramount. It is a god of war. So quarrelling just to prove a point or revenge is wrapped up in the Moabitess Spirit. How is this relevant to torment? Because the image of who you are supposed to be will always be a loud voice against the person you may be now. Truth will always fight your personal lie. God will always seek a way of communication with someone He loves. However, when disobedience is dominant then torment begins. DELIVERANCE FROM THE MOABITESS SPIRIT You are probably looking at yourself right now and wondering, is this me? Are these the behaviors and virtues 0that I carry? I



have personally been guilty at one time or another of allowing this particular spirit to dominate my heart. But praise God!! He is a God of hope and deliverance. The first step to annihilate this spirit is to repent. Identifying and taking responsibility for your own actions is crucial. Truth will always set one free. Once true repentance is present, the purity of your heart will seek change. It will not be a hard choice to notice the changes that need to be made, but a choice based off love. This love will highlight the areas that still need improvement and will become progressive as you exercise your repented nature. Secondly, walk away from foolishness. This is so relative to stay pure before God. Foolishness should never be entertained by any part of your heart or mind. This means to cast down any interruptions that do not agree with the Word of God. Thirdly, motivate forgiveness on a daily basis. Women will declare they forgive and then add “But I will not forget.” For the record, this is not forgiveness. You have to motivate yourself every day to not only forgive, but to forget the incident as though it never happened. Motivate simply means to give yourself a reason or incentive to forgive. This incentive should be “I am not the woman I use to be and no one gets the power to change that!” Once you capture your own personal value, you will be able to correctly release forgiveness. Fourthly, activate the truth!! This is so powerful. Activate means to make something operational. Allow truth to operate in your life. Truth needs your permission to bring clarity of who you are to the forefront. Truth can be your best friend or worst enemy. Choose wisely. Allow truth to be found in your life. It opens the










opportunities. When a woman is walking in truth and love, there is nothing she can’t do. The evidence of truth will always keep her free and powerful. Fifthly, you are the frontline to your own deliverance. It is your responsibility to keep before Christ, seeking His face and striving to be just like Jesus. You are, after all, made in God’s image. The only one who can teach you about you is Him. With these five fundamental principles, you can and will defeat the Moabitess Spirit. Remember, the Moabitess Spirit operates from the lust of the flesh. Dying to your flesh and living through your Spirit will guarantee you victory every time.



Chapter 8

discordia “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.� Colossians 2:15

______________________________________________ A few years ago, I had experienced a machine gun attack in spiritual warfare that I have never combated before. The natural manifestation of this principality came so fast, so unknowingly and very targeted that when all the dust cleared, not much was standing. Today, I am writing about my experience in hopes to reveal not only the spirit but the strategy to annihilate it from women and the Body of Christ. WHAT IS DISCORDIA? This particular spirit is very cunning and deceptive. Many would get it confused with the spirit of Jezebel, but I believe that there was one spirit that lead the assembled manifestation of many spirits. The leader of this particular grouping was the spirit of "Discord". In mythology, her name was "ERIS" which means strife and in Latin her name is "Discordia". This is a goddess who still exist today. The undercover agents or spirits that helped the assignment of Discord were: Seduction, Lying, Deception,



Evasion, Exhibitionism, and Greed. With these spirits come the results of painful toil and labor, forgetfulness and famine, tearful sorrows, inner fighting and combativeness, as well as battles, murders and slaughtering with the tongue, manslaughter, quarrels, lies and falsehood, disputes, lawlessness and ruin and folly. All of one nature...Discordia / Eris. What is strife? Strife is not an action word as many would believe, but it is actually a noun which in turn makes it a person, place or thing or proper name of something. According to Genesis 13:7 it states, “And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land”. If you notice it was stated as “A Strife” which represents a place. Strife was not between Lot and Abram but between the servants, (or for us, church people) and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land. Once Strife or Discordia enters into the camp, then the spirit of Canaan and the spirit of Perizzite can dwell in covenant together. There must always be a treaty or agreement in order for any principality to enter into lordship over governmental issues concerning atmospheres, lands, kingdoms and property. This is the only way that principalities can legally have the authority to manifest with complete compliance of the people who inhabit the land, atmospheres, kingdoms or property. Canaanite means “submission” and Perrizite means ‘villagers” or of “one mindset”. So, when you put these two together, you have two types of mindsets open for the politics of Strife; one who submitted to the others views on things. Usually, these



views are not in cohesiveness with the leaders or your personal resolve. This created a place of no nourishment; a place without feed. This is what happens between women of all classes. Women get so caught up in the works of Discordia, that there is no more feed (Word of God) in the house (their soul). This then creates a place of torment, famine, hard labor, sorrows, inner fighting and combativeness, as well as battles, murders and slaughtering with the tongue, manslaughter, quarrels, lies and falsehood, disputes, lawlessness and ruin and folly. The politics of Strife simply means “the processing by which groups of people make collective decisions”. It consists of "social relations involving authority or power" and refers to the “regulation of public affairs within a political unit”, and to the “methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy”. Add in Strife and now you have a political system set up to utilize and motivate behaviors in the people that usurp the called leaders (in this case, your personal authority). Spiritual politics is the cuisine of choice for the spirit of Discordia. If a woman is seeking positions, making connections, titles, and walking in offenses, the spiritual politics can begin. What I have found in my experience of warfare with this spirit, is one begins to believe that order, guidelines and instruction is abuse and lack of love. This is the lie and then lawlessness breaks out. One refuses to adhere to what they had been taught for years and desires no structure or order. This spirit will attack the woman’s standards of belief and cause a distrust of the teachings she has already received. She will forget the essence of love. Here is what everyone must understand. Love will always bring the law. The law may not always bring love, but love will always



bring law. For it is through the boundaries of correction and discipline that love can flourish. Sometimes, because of this spirit, a woman may forget about the love that kept her. Especially the times of prayer, suffering, paying of their bills, hospital visits, standing beside them through thick and thin, warfare into the watchman hours, fasting, pouring into them and their families and embrace the discord as truth. This spirit becomes their leader and hope. Proverbs 6:14-19 states “Frowardness (stubbornly contrary and disobedient; obstinate) is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. Therefore, shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood; A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JEZEBEL AND DISCORDIA Ephesians 6:12 states “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Because we have learned so much about Jezebel, we tend to believe that every spirit that challenges a woman in her authority both spiritual and natural is Jezebel. Due to this strategy devised by the enemy, we are blinded to the assaults of other main principalities.



Discordia is a Principality. It dwells or lives in a high place. It is most often in the form of female hosts but can work with men who have a stake at protecting their investment of confusion. Usually with men, it is utilized to keep deeper issues from arising to the surface. With women, it is stimulated from a "theatrical standpoint". This usually is where we get the


Syndrome." It is activated in both genders through a gossipy tongue. The differences are subtle, but the results of both spirits are deadly. Sometimes they work hand in hand; however, the main goal of each is different. Discordia manipulates and divides not for positioning, but for greed. Not just greed in finances, but to have complete say in all things. It is a greedy, selfish and selfexalting spirit. Jezebel, however, desires established positioning and though it may not be able to be the leader per say, it is quite equipped to control leadership in order to destroy vineyards. Both spirits do not repent, but justify their actions through pity, shifting of blame or extreme haughtiness. Discordia will blame others in order to keep the mass confusion continuing. This spirit, though it may be evicted, will still try to keep its hold by working from afar to keep the lies circulating. Jezebel does not operate in this manner, but is more focused on controlling governmental decisions that weaken Kingdom results. Discordia enjoys company. Whoever will listen, agree and come in covenant with this spirit will have vain imaginations that contribute to the massive assault. Coming in covenant with this spirit brings instant judgment. According to Proverbs 6:15 “Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.� When one comes into covenant, which means unlimited access to all



the resources of one’s covenant, you literally curse your entire existence and your children's existence up to four generations. (Deuteronomy 28). Calamity comes suddenly! Calamity means "an event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction." There will be no remedy. No doctor’s prescription can cure it, no money can resolve it, and no words can change it. Usually, Discordia looks for such women who are not consistent or stable with decisions or decision making. These types of women normally have a double mind. If you have been attacked by the spirit of Discordia, it is usually by people who have not settled their opinion of you or has secretly talked in a negative way about you in times past. These people are the people that Discordia will make its servants. Discordia looks for other people to help serve it, so that it can give the appearance of importance. Jezebel usually has already positioned








appearances are not as important to Jezebel. HOW TO ANNIHILATE DISCORDIA In order to annihilate this enemy of women and the body of Christ or any spiritual enemy, one must understand warfare. There are a lot of teachings that state spirits must be sent to hell, but according to the Word of the Lord, Satan does not dwell there yet for his time is not yet come. In the four Gospels, you will see that each time spirits were cast out, they were not sent to hell. Judgment has not been pronounced on Satan as of yet, therefore he can only be displaced which means moved out of his governmental role over a particular atmosphere or realm. Therefore, in annihilating the enemy to where it does not ever come into a particular hemisphere, stratosphere or placement,



one must take the legal licensing of the enemy away. His access to people, places or things must be aborted. Therefore, teachings must be given so that the people can be empowered to walk at a level of understanding that reminds the people of who they are and what they don't have to accept. We must know our rightful place and take our rightful place or authority. The first level of any warfare and particularly dealing with Discordia is a heart, mind and demonstration of humility. Jeremiah 13:18 states “Say unto the king and to the queen, humble yourselves, sit down: for your principalities shall come down, even the crown of your glory.� Many leaders will have to repent to the people for allowing the person or persons to stay in leadership roles or even in the church after countless repeated attacks against the church vision and the people. Some people, because they were froward, (difficult to deal with, perverse) they must be dispelled from the church. In the same sense, when you experience someone who refuses to repent and habitually continues with a spirit of discord, it is your personal responsibility to dismiss them from your life. I directly had to battle with this spirit in male and female form. It caused so much unrest and famine in my church and personal life that I had to ask people to leave the ministry. After they were asked to leave the ministry, I had to set up personal boundaries to help eliminate the onset of confusion in my walk with Christ. What I have found is that many Christians feel as though it is necessary for all of us to get along and to allow this spirit to continue operating. Yet in my studies, I have learned that many



people have a "tent pitched towards Sodom" (Genesis 12:8) and their entire intention is to cause destruction. If they do not want to change, then they are a disturbance, distraction and liability for your Godly foundation and personal peace. Secondly, one must understand love and demonstrate love at all times in order to annihilate this spirit. Romans 8:38 states “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Love is not a warm fuzzy feeling based on emotion. Nor does love have stages or dimensional descriptions. There is only one Love and that is the love that is described in Corinthians 13:4. If you do not have this love, nothing will move or work in your life accordingly. “Love is patient, kind, gentle, and longsuffering. It does not remember wrong, is not boastful nor does is it encase jealousy”, etc. When I am all these things to other people, then I am walking in love, not emotion. Therefore, your decision as a woman should never be in emotion but motivated by love for other people. If you love people, then who will or won’t accept you should not sway your decision on what you must do. Thirdly, eviction of the host from your life. This is a must! For the host of the spirit is already opened and in agreement to the behavior of the spirit. They have become accustomed to the results that the spirit brings and are fed by the chaos of strife. They want to spirit to be there. Normally, there is a pattern of Discord wherever they have been.



Fourthly, check out all references and research. Call people and tell about the spirit. Exposure is necessary so that it does not have authority to work and create spiritual politics again. Fifthly, do not, I repeat, do not walk in a spirit of offense which lowers you to operate out of a victim mindset. The betrayal is great, but we must not charge the person. This only proves that other people still need guidance and understanding. I have learned because I said yes to the call of leadership and mentorship, my requirements are at a different mandate and of higher responsibility. Your agreement to the assignment placed the burden of the decision on your shoulders with the compliance of your own will. Therefore, though other people must be held responsible, they are not to be broken to a place of no repair. You can only discipline according to the rules, guidelines and understanding that the person associated with you knows. Once they understand, then more responsibility can be placed on them. Please keep in mind, not one person is better than the next, we are the same, but genuine called and holy women are discipled and disciplined. Always take the opportunity to teach people and groom them to be leaders. Do not kill them. For this is what the enemy desires. Finally, take time to heal. It is a sore and brutal battle. All spirits come to attack your call and your authority. It makes you doubt yourself and the reason for even trying to walk holy when such an attack is present. But take heart, God is processing all of us. In the midst of this great battle, I personally got wounded. Not by the person who did the evil, but by the people who I thought were above this type of controversy. I had to take a few steps back and evaluate my own heart before I moved into the next level of my life. The entire event was to prepare me for greater



works in the Kingdom. I should be growing and for any woman to believe that they are not going to be attacked is a truly a misunderstanding of what being a great, healthy woman entails. We, as women must be prepared by continuously learning and gleaning, expounding and expanding our minds and our spirits for








Unfortunately, being hurt, misjudged, diagnosed, talked about, betrayed, scandalized, bewildered, beat up and misused, unappreciated, mocked, tempted, called names, even called Satan, is all part of inhabiting our inheritance. We must always remember that by saying yes, that we not only inherited tangible and intangible things of heaven, but we also said yes to the cross and everything that lead up to it. This is the inheritance of them that love the Lord (Isaiah 54). NEVER AGAIN Why did I write this? I am sure there will be more teachings on and about this particular spirit, but since I have fought and won, I must reveal how to displace it. This spirit will not have the authority or license to run amiss in my life again. Not only am I careful of who is in my inner circle, I am also careful about my own intentions of shining light on this particular subject. If our minds are not in the right place, we too can fall prey to being utilized by this spirit. My heart is to reveal to empower, not to reveal to posture. The Bible states Ephesians 3:8-10 “And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.�



Women must begin to understand the levels and the secrets of heavenly places so they do not fight words with words or emotions with emotions. Women must walk, perform and operate at a level of honesty, integrity, respect, honor and love. My heart is to spoil principalities and powers, by having women triumphant in their everyday lives.





Chapter 9

You are not a victim “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Corinthians 15:57

______________________________________________ As we come to the conclusion of this book, there is one more important factor to having victory over torment and that is to have in the forefront of your mind the thought, YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM! Though things may have been done to you or may have been out of your control, you are still victorious! In addition, please note that life is not “happening to you”; it is simply trying to “get through you”. The key component, besides love, in defeating the enemy of your heart and soul is to know who you are at all times. You can’t play yo-yo games with your understanding or belief system. It must be a present-day help to you in your presentday circumstance. Yes, tears will come, but God has given you the essence of His son Jesus and you can resurrect from any given situation.



I am a witness and walking oracle of Jesus’ grace and love. From being broken by life to being restored by God’s grace, I can never have a defeated mindset in any circumstance or situation. Christ has been too good to me to doubt His love now. To have victory, you must have a heart of a Champion. A champion practices winning and never accepts defeat as her trophy. By the end of this book, my desire is to help you expand your emotions and thoughts past the moment you are in right now. My hopes and passion are that you finally understand you have the ultimate power to keep on going in spite of life. Life is going to give you its best shot, but with your new-found tools, you will be able to give back life and live. THE TRICK The enemy wants you to believe that you are a victim and that you don’t have control over your life. But as I say to my daughters, “Your life is always a reflection of what you are on the inside. Want something different, change your heart!” Do you know it actually takes more energy to act like a victim or to have a victim mentality? Being a victim has to have creative energy, the agreement of people and stagnation produced by unresolved hope. Meaning your hoping for things to change without involving yourself in the process. As stated before, you are responsible for your deliverance and because of that, you have to participate. Don’t buy into the trick. This is not your season to be hopeless and full of strife. It’s time to let things go and have a new outlook on life based on the continuous love of Christ. Life happens to everyone and everyone is part of this life. The trick is thinking something has been done to you that has



not happened to someone else. This is isolation and at best, vain imagination. THE ISOLATION Get this in your spirit today! You are not an island! So, get up and stop isolating yourself! You don’t have a disease, you have uneasiness of your heart. People will always let you down in so many ways, but when your trust is in Christ and not misplaced in man, you can live with high hopes of expectation in Christ alone and be free from the eyes of man. Isolation is not the remedy. It’s not a place you are to remain in. Get the nuggets and the anointing you are supposed to get from the wilderness and come out. To stay in any place too long, makes the experience ineffective and without success. Meaning, whatever you were supposed to learn has been wasted due to inactivation and self-pity. Yes, it hurt, but it also helped make you. Yes, it was definitely a lie, but truth in you resolved your heart. Yes, it was jealousy, but it worked out for your good. Yes, it was totally unfair, but, you now have a testimony. To isolate yourself because you were hurt does nothing for the world or for the Kingdom of God. I am not speaking of the times when God is leading you into consecration, but when isolation is produced from wounds, the enemy has shut you down. And this is simply unacceptable. So, BOLD UP! Cry the tears, rest your mind, take a break, but never isolate yourself. WARRIORS One of the recreations I enjoy the most is to watch historic Korean Dramas. They are filled with honor, hope and deep love.



The most wonderful aspect of these shows is the warrior. Even when they are assassins they fight for a cause and out of honor. If we, as women could learn to fight for the honor of Christ, for the honor of one another and for the honor of love, sadness, desperation and depression would not be part of our disposition. In other words, to help come out of the torment you may be experiencing, serve someone else. Come into an agreement for a righteous cause. We are in the Nature of Christ. Meaning we have the same qualities, personalities, descriptions, and spirit of our Heavenly Father. We are warriors for Him and at no time should we retreat! ACCEPTED VICTIM MENTALITY To be a victim literally means you have accepted the trickery of the enemy and are now being exploited as a witness against God’s grace. God has not abandoned or forsook you. Though you may not always get what you want, how you want it nor at the time you want it, it has no bearing on the love Christ has for you. When my son Malachi passed away, I couldn’t blame God. Sure, I wanted him to live, but Malachi probably made his own choice to be with Christ. You can’t pray away people’s choice. God accepts people’s choice and we as women have to do the same thing. Prayer however, provides protection and mercy while the one you love is transitioning in life, but it never alters their choice. When realizing this, I had hope and an unquenchable peace. I was not a victim. Even when I was raped, I was not a victim. Even when I was homeless, I was not a victim! When I couldn’t pay my bills, I was not a victim. When I was evicted, I was not a victim. Though I went through two divorces, I was not a victim. When my health brought me to the boarders of death, I was not a victim. I was and still am VICTORIOUS! I thought



and believed I was a champion. I could not give up. Though my heart was broken, I could not give up. So, through tears and extreme growing pains, I overcame. If I didn’t, what good could I have been to you? WHAT DOES VICTORY LOOK LIKE? Victory looks like YOU! Did you know encompassed in the word “VICTORY” is your everlasting position in Christ and in the earth? “Victory”! What a powerful word! Victor means to conquer. It is one who defeats their enemy. Adding the letter Y- puts the meaning of “Full of, composed of’, or “having the character of”. With this meaning, our victor has already been declared as Jesus Christ therefore putting us in the same character as our model. We are victors! (Genesis 1:26). Because of this fact and principle, we will now have victory. This means we have achieved or have mastery and success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties. I Corinthians 15:55 says: “O Death, where is your sting, O Hades, where is your victory.” Verse 57 says “But thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I John 5:4 says “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – FAITH”. We have no excuse to stay in a mindset that is contrary to God’s Word. His final statement declared in the world about mankind is that we have dominion! We always win! You are a champion that has a healed mind. There is nothing in this earth or spiritual realm that trumps the promises God has bestowed upon you. You have to win! It’s programmed in you to get you where you’re supposed to be. Now what is stopping you?



Chapter 10

How to maintain peace “The law of truth was in his mouth, and injustice was not found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and equity, and turned many away from iniquity.� Malachi 2:6

After such an important journey through deliverance from torment, I want to make sure you keep and maintain your peace. The enemy of your heart would love to search it for a new opening in order to bring intense destruction to your mind. But you are a warrior on boarder control and nothing will get past you again. With that being said, my heart is that you come to a specific place of decision and activation. This in itself will empower you to always have peace. The opinion of Jesus is the only one that counts. Your personal determination is critical in your new maintenance plan.



Listed are a few things to remember when patrolling your thoughts: 1.

Never let your thoughts roam.


Don’t get caught up in another person’s drama.


Realize that you are the messenger of God’s grace, but you are not the rescuer.


When things appear critical, step back and rehearse God’s promises to you.


Never switch Christ’s image for your flesh.


Recognize the enemy and then rebuke him.


Treat every person (especially other women) with tremendous value.


Guard your heart and put a stop to foolishness.


Know yourself and keep your standards. When you do this, the people around you will rise to meet them as well.

10. Know when to say No and Yes. Both are freeing when they are said from a place of appreciation of your own gifting and love for the one asking. 11. Keep humble. You are not the prize, God is. 12. Stay motivated to embrace every moment and learn from it. 13. Go treasure-hunting. When something major happens look for the gold in it. Never leave a moment without your spoils. 14. Be patient. Patience will give you the world with nothing lacking, nothing missing. 15. Don’t compare yourself to others. 16. Stay in your grace and let grace defend you. 17. Leave material items as materials. Do not give them the place that belongs to God. 18. Challenge yourself to be greater than your last moment.



19. Stop looking for pain; being suspicious or negative. 20. The quality of your life will always affect others, so make sure it is good. 21. Become an active, happy participant in life and stay in happiness. 22. Don’t always seek

companionship, but seek


mentorship. Companions normally are in the same place you are. Though at times this may be good, look for someone who can help you grow. 23. Love past yourself into the next generation. They are waiting for you. 24. The way to know when something is not yours to carry is when it gets too heavy. Adjust the weight by letting others carry their own. Peace is freedom from war. The time of travailing over your own mind is over. State your claim and believe in what you say. Stay in freedom. It is guarded by your personal choice. THE CONCLUSION In conclusion, I pray this book has helped you overcome some of the greatest obstacles concerning torment. There are so many ways for torment to trip a woman up. But a mentally healthy and emotional stable woman knows her own worth and abides by the truth when she hears it. I know that God has personally spoke to you through this book the same way He spoke to me. Listen, the enemy is real. Be aware and alert at all times. Torment is one of his greatest tools that can harass the mind of a woman and lead her to death. Today, I come against the spirit of torment operating in your life and I announce your freedom. This place is not your home nor is it your definition. As I have



done for you, I pray you will help liberate every woman you see by speaking truth and hope into her spirit. You are my passion and the cause of me becoming the woman I am today. My mission is clear and ever before me. Because of this, your freedom is crucial. With that being said, don’t go back to who you once were. Look for the warning signs and keep moving forward saving as many women as possible. Remember, I believe in you! Your dreams are possible and your life matters. Always take into account that you are never alone. God is with you and You Are FREE!!! “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16





SCRIPTURES TO GUARD YOUR THOUGHTS…. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. Psalm 103:2-3 My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh. (Proverbs 4:20-22 NKJV) Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass. (Josh 21:45 NKJV)

Your Participation. One of the ways in which God’s sufficient grace is remembered is to constantly rehearse and proclaim victory through worship and praise. What is in your heart today that gives Christ worship even when you feel heavy?

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God’s will (healing) is working in you. for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. (Phil 2:13 NKJV) The Spirit of Life is making your body alive. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. (Rom 8:11 NKJV) For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. (2 Cor 1:20 NKJV)

Your Participation. God said in His Word (which means it is guaranteed) that the Spirit of Life is making your body alive. God is for you! What areas in your life will you make this proclamation to bring life into the circumstance?

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And behold, a leper came and worshipped Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, you can make me clean. Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. (Mat 8:2-3 NKJV) Obey God’s Word and be healed. “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.” (Ex 15:26 NKJV) So you shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. (Exo 23:25 NKJV)

Your Participation. The Word of God encourages each of us to serve Christ with all of our hearts. Through serving, the understanding of healing is part of the Children’s benefit. How will you serve the Lord today?

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Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the LORD of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it. (Mal 3:10 NKJV) Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. (Psa 103:1-5 NKJV) He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. (Psa 107:20 NKJV)

Your Participation. Is unforgiveness the backdrop to the open door to torment? Who do you need to forgive today so that you can live?

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I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. (Psa 118:17 NKJV) I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; (Deu 30:19 NKJV) You will live a long life. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation.� (Psa 91:16 NKJV)

Your Participation. Make your declarations before man so that they will know the will of the Lord for your life. What are your personal declarations that will become your daily standard of life?

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Be confident in your prayers. Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. (1 John 5:14-15 NKJV) God answers the prayers of those that keep His commandments. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. (1 John 3:21-22 NKJV) Fear is not of God. Rebuke it! For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7 NKJV)

Your Participation. God hears and answers. Write out your prayers to keep a checklist of reminders of everything Christ has answered. This will help build your faith as well as protect your heart!

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Rehearse These Scriptures On A Daily Basis……. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 Cast down those thoughts and imaginations that don’t line up with the Word of God. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, Ephesians 6:10-17 Be strong in the Lord’s power. Put on His armor to fight for healing. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;



Rev 12:11 Give testimony of your healing. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Proverbs 4:23: Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. Luke 6:45: The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to










comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Proverbs 4:25 Let your eyes look directly ahead And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.



2 Corinthians 10:5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 2 Corinthians 4:4 in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Psalm 101:3 I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not fasten its grip on me. Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.



Mark 7:20-22 And He was saying, "That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man. "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Philippians 2:2-8 Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Romans 8:5-7 For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so,




Prophetess Tapika Howard Founder of Barren Breaking Ministries Whether we want to admit it or not, although Jesus came that He might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8), as Christians and kings and priests unto our God that does not alleviate our ongoing fight against the prince of the power of the air.

Satan is a constant aggressor and bombards us daily,

perhaps hundreds of times a day, with thoughts, innuendos, and accusations of unclean origin. These things that are shot in our midst from Satan’s arsenal are most accurately defined as propaganda. Just like the propaganda of modern warfare. Their ultimate goal is to demoralize the victim by any method possible. The enemy has been trying to demoralize women as a functioning organism with propagated lies. I believe that this book will launch a resistance that is more potent and more powerful than what has come against us. All Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare.

Although we

wrestle not against flesh and blood, even as we are earthly conduits for Jesus Christ, there are earthly conduits for Satan too. However, as mature spiritual snipers, the Spirit of the Living God has provided some of us with strategies and tactics necessary to overthrow the Father of the spirits that operate against us; rather than wasting our time on the children or the



conduits. You now have that eternal strategy in your hands. You will discover in this book that it was never the personality that came against you…it was the principality. This book is a modern-day spiritual warfare tool, purposed by God, to navigate the believer away from the spirits of competition,



manipulation, and all manner of deceit.



As well as, drive us

away from the many issues that have the ability to flow from within the heart. While I believe that spiritual warfare is a proactive approach to our faith. I believe that this book will be a pro-active approach against the arrows that fly by day and the pestilence that attempts to come in our lives in the night season. When we daily operate as pro-active members of the Body of Christ, we don’t have to react to the opposing forces that come against us. Spiritual warfare is the combative position taken by a Believer toward the unseen forces of Satan with the armor of God. I know by the Spirit that out of her own redundant experiences, Apostle Appling gave birth to a written weapon that if used properly, will serve as an intricate piece of our spiritual armor as we fight the good fight of faith. The scripture says in Isaiah 10:27, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.”

By the time you are

finished reading this book, the spirit that tried to overthrow you, will be overthrown and destroyed by reason of the anointing. Lady Freeda Sheriff Baxter Founder & CEO of God's (Divine, In-tune, Virtuous, Anointed) Women Ministry



"Associates" come a dime a Dozen, "Friends" are few and far between; "Kingdom Connections" are one in a Million. To be connected "Fleshly" is one thing, to be bound "Spiritually" is a totally different experience. When two destinies collide, the end result being an ordained explosion, this indeed is an encounter you will not soon forget. Such is the case with my connection with this anointed, Woman of God, Apostle Lynnette R. Appling. A familiar clichĂŠ', “experience is the best teacherâ€?. I venture to declare and believe that you cannot teach what you do not know nor lead where you have not gone and/or willing to go. With this being said, Apostle Appling is an individual vessel that is qualified to minister out of such state. To be able to recognize by form, identify by character, encounter by force and win by strategy in itself is a testimony. Yet to be able to live and tell about it is a testament to the fact that God has entrusted you enough with his Grace and Mercy to go through and come out on the other side victorious. Generally speaking, when spirits such as the spirits that are described in detail in this book, are revealed in a church setting it takes a spirit of "Discernment" to decipher amongst them with affluence and accuracy. These and other spirits should not be handled with irresponsible and immature hands. This book written by Apostle Lynnette Appling will instruct & equip you on this level of ministry. Read it to be wise! Study it to be sure! Apply it to be effective! Apostle Stacie Johnson Precious Oil International Ministry Women of the Kingdom of God have been attacked on many, many levels; these women have been faced with gender biases



in the pulpit, disunity and backbiting in the congregation, rebellion and the sowing of discord. They have experienced sabotage of character and lack of fellowship within the church walls. The book Free! No More Torment is not just any spiritual book; it is a Kingdom book that will release God’s people from the bondages of demonic attacks on multi-levels. This book reveals the very essence of the enemy and his tactics, tricks and assaults towards God people. Free! No More Torment is an eye opener, a truth revealer, it will impart revelational insight right into the enemy’s camp. Free! No More Torment is a spiritual warfare Kingdom manual designed only for those who are truly ready to advance to the next dimension. This book not only will reveal the hidden forces which have been in operation against women, but it is also written with a clear understanding of the realms that have never been unlocked until now. Apostle Lynnette Tiller Appling provides a solid foundation on how to overcome and defeat such attacks in your life and church. Through her own experiences with these demonic forces, The Holy Spirit has granted Apostle Lynnette Appling the wisdom and revelation not only to teach about it, but to expose, call out, and confront these forces to help women spiritually, emotionally, and socially free. God has commissioned Apostle Appling to chart her course on a global level. Apostle Lynnette is a profound speaker who has a heart for God; she is a true Gatekeeper of righteousness and truth. Her God given ability to preach and teach the pure gospel has allowed her to raise the standard of Kingdom living through exposing the enemy by facing it head on, taking up the challenge to address those hidden things of a man’s heart. Through a pure love and a sold-out heart for God,



she spends every opportunity to mother, mentor, shepherd, and be a great friend to those in need. I know every book has its own unique features. But Free! No More Torment is in a category of its own. In my opinion Apostle Appling has provided, more than any other contemporary author, what would be the basic DEMON BUSTER BOOK. If you want to finally over come and defeat these forces, you have the guide book you need in your hands. I am one of those who have been deeply touched, moved and motivated by her teachings, friendship and mentorship. As I have done, you will thank God and Apostle Appling for this outstanding book.

Apostle Andrea L. Dudley CEO of Habakkuk Publishing “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.� Matthew 16:18. The Bible is God's Holy Word and it tells us that the institution of the "ekklesia" meaning local church, was established by Christ Himself. (Matt. 16:18) He did not leave the matter of establishing His church to human wisdom nor did He leave us in the dark about what the church should be. He left His Word and complete instructions to deal with every aspect of establishing His church. From the beginning of the church until now the kingdom of God is advancing. The light of Jesus Christ is shining in dark places and souls are being snatched out of the grip of the enemy. But this is not done without opposition. Apostle Lynnette R. Appling, in her book, has written about two spirits that seek to annihilate women through tormenting their



souls. They are Moabitess and Discordia. Each of these spirits seeks to destroy the church of Jesus Christ by destroying women. It is their desire to dismantle women rendering them powerless to fulfill their assignment. In order to be able to identify what is being used against women, it is necessary to have an understanding of the tactics that the enemy uses. Some of these spirits are described in great length by the author. One of the spirits is Discordia. ‘These six things the Lord hates, indeed, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look [the spirit that makes one overestimate himself and underestimate others], a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, (A) a heart that manufactures wicked thoughts and plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who breathes out lies [even under oath], and he who sows discord among his brethren.” Proverbs 6:16-19 Amplified Bible (AMP) The Lord hates “he who sows discord among his brethren.” Discordianism is sometimes considered a "parody religion,” based on the worship of Eris. Eris was the goddess or spirit (daimona) of strife, discord, contention and rivalry Discord has a root in disorder. Lynnette has gone to great length to expose and explain forces that attack the mind of a woman. Use this tool to train and equip yourself to be able to identify and dis-possess the gates of our enemies.

Yolanda Dupree Founder of Yolanda Dupree Ministries, Inc.



Understanding that God has a "call to action" for our lives is exactly why this book was written. In "Women Defined", Lynnette Appling answers her "call to action" by exposing the spirits that creep through the cracks and invade our everyday lives. Women must understand that spirits don't announce themselves or ask for permission, they are disguised in disagreements, ungodly behavior, refusal to submit, big hats, designer suits, pretty faces, great songs, or just plain good intentions gone wrong. Even sweet spirited women can be infected if they aren't careful. So how do we identify these spirits and








Lynnette Appling uses the Bible and its very familiar stories to walk the reader through situations that lead to spirits raising their ugly heads. She also shows how simple behaviors end in destruction and affects generations. Lynnette Appling deals with two spirits, the Moabitess and Discordia. When these spirits take over, they cause confusion in our minds which affect our lives. These spirits are known for conflicts, lust, rebellion, and perversion, need I say more. The only way we are going to conqueror these spirits is we have to be taught about them. They have to be exposed with boldness and conviction. I am proud to say that Lynnette Appling has succeeded in her efforts. You must read, " Free! No More Torment " if you want the victory in your life. Yes, these spirits start in a person and begin to spread to others and then we see traces of them in our homes, churches, and communities. We have to understand them and then use the power that God has granted us to kick them out of our lives. As you read this book, I believe that your faith will increase and you will be able to use discernment to see the spirits in action and rebuke them. You will be able to operate in love in the presence of the enemy, especially when it's



attacking you or your family. You will understand that if you stay the course, stand firmly on God's word, and be patient that you will win the fight. You can't lose because you will be totally equipped after you finish reading " Free! No More Torment ". I have known of Lynnette Appling's ministry for several years now and I trust the call on her life. I know that she loves the Lord and His people. Her heart is exposed through her commitment to her church, in the conferences she hosts, and as a wife and mother. I would encourage you to allow yourself to be enlightened and empowered through this book. Unlock your potential to make a difference by not allowing the spirits of Moabitess and Discordia to take hold of you, your family, and those important to you. " Free! No More Torment " is a must read and I'm sure you will be blessed.

Prophetess Evette Young- Hill Founder of Declaring God's Voice International Ministries The Bible says that in the last days’ people will become lovers of themselves,







disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-having a form of godliness, but denying the power of God. The Lord tells us to have nothing to do with them. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over “weak willed women” who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning, but never able to acknowledge the truth. Wow, “Free! No More Torment”, this is an extraordinary book!



The Author has written several books, and I can assure you all of which will captivate, inspire, teach and help you. But to find one with such a title, says a lot about how times have changed, people have changed and the atmosphere in Christiandom has changed. The Bible goes on to say a wise woman builds her house, not just in her marriage, but also in her own “spiritual house”. The Lord through many scriptures has pointed out our self-worth and our value, letting us know we are priceless. Somehow women have strayed away from the course of what they really are, who they are and what they've been called to do. The Author has pointed out keynotes that need attention. God does not want us to be absurd, lacking sense and judgment. Father wants to deliver His daughters from the epidemic of the works of the flesh, because where flesh rules, battles, murders, disputes, discord, jealousy, and quarrels prevails! Our lives as believers are to be full and over flowing with the beauty of holiness. Now the author, Apostle Lynnette Appling, did not just preach about this book, she went behind the veil to get a fresh Rhema word for those women who are stuck and are in need of a mighty deliverance. Warring amongst ourselves has devastating effects on the Churches influence. In fighting of believers, churches and organizations have contributed to the breakdown of the public's confidence in the church and it's “impact” morally for our society. James 3:13 states that “we must put away envying and strife in our hearts, glory not and lie not against the truth.” It goes on to say in verse 16 “For where envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work.” James 4:1 states, “From whence come wars and fighting's among you? Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war



in your members?” Self-righteousness, arrogance or a critical spirit frustrates the Lords efforts to work His will in our lives and hurts the whole body of believers as well. The enemy wants to rule mankind because he cannot rule earth, unless he rules the men and women that God has put in charge of the earth. Having a strong demonic root is having a demonic life. A spiritual union can open the door for both spiritual and physical






depending on the situation. Rooting out the practices and destroying the elements that embolden the system of evil is the key to ending the plague. The adversary desires to get believers in a place of violation through strife and vain glory so that he can make the individual a candidate for defeat. Furthermore, religion and politics can create “deep hatred” in the hearts of people because “group associations” can lead to public exclusion and until we see colors, nationalities and tongues the way God sees them we are blind. Deception and lies are Satan's ultimate weapons of warfare, and ignorance helps demons devices to prosper against the people of God. Nothing diminishes the power and effectiveness of the church like the cancerous cells of division and strife. If we would only redirect our combat with each other and aim it towards the powers of darkness. If we would choose to harness the emotions and energy spent fighting one another and direct them toward the real enemy, then we could see widespread and rapid change! We would see the total collapse of a satanic empire that we have allowed to exist too long. I believe as you read through the pages of this book, you will be encouraged to examine yourself. You will come to a better understanding of who you are as a woman defined by God.



Endorsements Pastor Val Scarbrough Bringing The Word Forth Ministries, Inc., Charlotte, NC Lynnette has captured the root of “torture” for many women. Her in depth way of explaining inner battles makes one examine themselves through the eyes of natural events that may have at one point or another pulled them in a direction of selfdestruction. She digs deep and exposes the hand of the enemy and one of his devices that so often trips one up. The road she takes you on to Victory dispels every lie of the enemy and sets one on a road of total “Freedom & Victory”. A Must Read! Charlotte A. Moore CEO and Founder W.O.M.A.N. Ministries, Inc. In reading this particular excerpt from Free! No More Torment, Lynnette has taken this complete explanation and definition to another realm! As Apostle Lynnette always does, she is very meticulous and careful in capturing the heart of every scorned and/or hurting woman. The whole essence is to be able to draw from within who you are instead of allowing those around you to name you. While reading and dissecting this book, you will receive your breakthrough not later, but suddenly! Another touching spiritual book well written and captured through the eyes of every person who is wanting to emotionally break free! This is a must read!



Pastor Tonie Restrepo, Wholly Christian Ministries International, Lexington Park MD The Spirit of Oppression has been silently stealing, killing and destroying so many. Even those that have been giving the authority over him. It is definitely time to counter attack and destroy the works of this spirit. "Women Defined: Breaking Free from Emotional Torment," will help you to destroy the silent tormentor of your soul. Expect to be healed, delivered and set free. Expect to become your authentic and prosperous self. Paula Grimes, Prophetess Wise Men and Women of Faith Ministries Founder of New Outlook Beauty Concepts Host of Natural Expressions with Paula Grimes Lynnette Appling is a woman of great ambition and an exceptional visionary. I am certain as women reading this book Free! No More Torment there will be the light of truth which will shine in the dark areas of many lives. This is a life changing teaching guaranteed to instruct the mindset of many who are seeking for truth through God’s Word. I am thankful she is a Vessel of God’s power. God is up to something GREAT! DeLores Pressley Founder, When it comes to authoring powerful books for women, Lynnette is "The Authority". This must-read book gives you valuable applicable information that will help you take immediate action and change your life. It will take away any confusion on how to break free of emotional torment.



Cherise L. Riley CEO/Founder of Destiny Empowerment "Free! No More Torment", provides riveting truths, practical applications and spiritual insight for women from all walks of life that if utilized properly can help them to embrace true healing, while learning how to finally manage and take control of their emotions to move from Victim to Victor! Lynnette Appling has meticulously dissected the scriptures providing dynamic insight concerning Emotional Torment taking the readers on an adventurous journey of self-discovery, realization, healing and deliverance. This is a must have book for every household! Bernadette Adams Professional Speaker, Life Coach and Humanitarian I have been traveling and speaking for 8 years. After having the privilege of reading a chapter of Lynnette Appling's book, I have to say I found it very enlightening and informative. After only reading a chapter, I feel the book will be very helpful to a lot of women. The first step to freedom from torment is knowledge and as we all know, knowledge is power. Evangelist Suzanne Chin-Taylor Sisters for Souls Women's Ministry "All readers, regardless of their religious views, will find much to stimulate their thinking in this book. Lynnette once again helps us think more clearly about keeping your faith motivated". Minister Damita Robinson Empowered Believers Christian Learning Center Hampton, Virginia



Bravo to the Highest for equipping our Sister to edify us on these struggles. As an Ambassador and Kingdom Citizen, I found this book enlightening to all concerning the things we considered normal or "just going through" but were really the devices, plots and schemes of those working from within the kingdoms and governments of Satan to derail, steal our inheritance, peace and joy, kill and destroy...US. Understand the battlefield may be in your mind, but your weapons of warfare are NOT carnal. Just like they teach soldiers to prepare for war, we as Ambassadors should also prepare. Sure, the battle belongs to the Most High, but how can we give it to Him if we don't recognize it and keep falling into the illusion of security and comfort ability in the traps laid to ensnare us. Some go to worship service, much prayer and maybe even fasting have not truly prepared. They have a zeal and desire, but not according to knowledge, thus they have been in bondage all the while, living in lack of the abundance that readily awaits us. Today declare "No weapon formed against me shall prosper!" Evict those tormenting spirits, illegally taking resident and benefits from you! Used with the Word of God, this book "Free! No More Torment " will help break the yokes and chains on the heart and mind due to lack of understanding. It is your right and promise, to overcome as a Citizen and Child of the Most High God!! Praise, Thanksgiving and Glory to the Almighty God for Lynnette Appling's outstanding and eloquent tool to help us end the torment.

Eric Cornell (E.CORNELL) Image Success Coach/Master Stylist, Author CEO EBJ enterprises



"Free! No More Torment" will blow you away! This year’s new book by Lynnette Appling, about torture, and interrogation of the mind will make you really dig deep and examine yourself thoroughly. In this book, she explains how many try to pay or work their way to the rights of the kingdom, when in fact those of us born again through Christ, already have birthrights to the kingdom. This book is very empowering. I highly recommend you read and share this book. Terri Vee Gospel Rapper After reading “Free! No More Torment” I was at lost for words. I sat on my bed in tears because the words from this book truly softened my heart. Reading this book will give you the assurance that God is faithful to bring you through even the most horrific of circumstances. Lynnette helps you to dig deep and to recognize the weaknesses that lies within yourself. It's definitely an eye opener and it will push you into your deliverance! Sonya L. Atkins Executive Director Monroe County Habitat for Humanity For years, I have been tormented by constant thoughts of my past and eventually those thoughts lead into my present and my future. These emotional toxins have been tormenting me for years just like the physical toxins that I have been battling with for the past year. Lynnette’s book was another tool and confirmation God had used to reveal to me my own emotional tormented state.



As women, we are constantly bombarded by thoughts of ourselves, others, and the world we live in, which if not careful, can torment us. Torment can come from thoughts of our past, present, and/or future. This book reveals (revelation!) or exposes what torment is and where it comes from which is important when identifying the cause or enemy for which to defeat or overcome. Knowing Jesus Christ and who you are in Christ is extremely imperative if you are to overcome your enemy. Lynnette uses this book to help YOU define who you are through God’s truths so you are grounded when emotional thoughts try to consume you. Lynnette uses Godly wisdom to expose this enemy throughout the pages of this book by identifying the spirits that motivate such emotional torment. In the concluding chapters, Lynnette reveals the methods and truths to overcoming those spirits that torment many of us so we are finally able to BREAK FREE FROM EMOTIONAL TORMENT AND WALK IN GOD’S PEACE. (Philippians 4:7, And the peace of God, which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. KJV) Finally, as you read this book my prayer is you will be defined by the truths of Jesus Christ so you are able to walk freely from emotional torment and walk victoriously in His peace. Amen.




Appling Lynnette Appling has managed to live a life of great purpose. Her heart has been established for the ongoing development, growth and purpose of women. Her desire is to see every woman evolve into the person they were always meant to be. She especially inspired to be the most intimate loving wife and mother she could be to her family by honoring God through her love for her them. Because of the love and support from her family, Lynnette was enabled to complete daring fleets. In the year 2014, Lynnette Appling was the Visionary and Founder of I Am Healed International Tour which has boldly declared to the world that Jesus had already provided deliverance for those seeking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing. Lynnette was able to ensemble women from all walks of life to come together in unity for one purpose and that was to see the hurting redeemed. The tour touched and claimed foreign soil for Christ. Celebrating the heart of women, the cry for understanding and purposes had been heard and the answer was always…. JESUS! In adjacent, in the years 2012 -2013 Lynnette Appling was the Visionary and Founder of Christian Women’s Network TV. Lynnette was able to help bring strong Women’s Programming for Page


international view that focused on everyday living with Jesus as the center. With that vision, her dream was to build the first ever International Christian Women’s Network that directly competed with BRAVO, Lifetime & WE Networks. This was 24-hour programming that anyone can watch on a regular basis. Known and unknown women had the chance to showcase their gifts to the world through that incredible vehicle of ministry. Also in 2012, Lynnette Appling was the host of a National TV and Radio Show called “In Focus” which was carried by The Impact Network, and has been seen on Dish Network and on Comcast. On top of this, Lynnette carried a very powerful and international radio show on both The Impact Radio and where over 24,000 listeners were tuning in daily. Seeing the success of “In Focus”, Lynnette decided to add producing to her repertoire. Lynnette produced and directed a hit talk show entitled "THE CLASS" which took real situations and brought the answer of Christ as the solution. Her greatest hope was to help women understand that there was another answer to the circumstances that they were in. Today, Lynnette is debuting her new counseling show entitled "LYNNETTE'S PLACE". A new dynamic comprehensive TV Show dealing with the hearts of women. On this show, Lynnette helps women discover their true purpose in life. With hope, laughter, tears and a dose of truth, she empowers her guest to look at themselves and make the necessary changes to have success. As a credit to her legacy, Lynnette Appling is the former founding Co-Pastor of New Wine International Fellowship Church. New Wine International Fellowship Church was a multi-culture, prosperous church that taught the people about a more intimate relationship with Christ and man. Each person was encouraged to face the truth about themselves and to look at each other through Kingdom understanding. She was the Visionary & Founder of Ladies Night Out International for over 13 years. From 1999 to 2012, LNO was a



dynamic global women’s 501c3 organization that brought tremendous healing and holistic prosperity to spiritually thirsty and hungry women. This ministry had invested over 1 million dollars into the Stark County Region through outreach ministry with the help of corporate sponsors and private funding. Through the outreach ministry of LNO, countless women received jobs, became financially equipped, had their bills paid and received scholarships, housing items and products. Ladies Night Out International traveled the nation hosting conferences in various cities. It has been a staple and template for many women’s ministries around the United States. Because of the incredible success of Ladies Night Out International, Lynnette has embarked upon a new endeavor where she has established a much-needed national retreat entitled "COURAGEOUS WOMEN". With this ministry, her aspirations are to provide a more intimate experience that enables the women to promote sisterhood, discover their own uniqueness, define their personal strength and establish their identity. This retreat is held nationwide and is hosted three times a year. Along with ministry, Lynnette is a very successful businesswoman who operates and runs, alongside her husband, Appling Management and Communications (AMC), which consists of providing consulting services that help train administration staff of new and thriving ministries. AMC has taken on another arm entitled AMC VideoMedia which has become a very lucrative and prosperous family business that provides low cost professional videography, editing and photography services. Lynnette Appling continues with her mission to help women by establishing a successful prominent ghostwriting and publishing company, which has been in existence for over 20 years. LR ELITE BOOK PUBLISHING & GHOSTWRITING SERVICES is an extraordinary company where she helps women discover and publish their writings. Under this ministry, she has helped write, ghostwritten and/or published several books for renowned women around the world.



Lynnette Appling is an international author of several published writings in esteemed magazines and self-help blogs. She has been featured in "PROMOTING PURPOSE" Magazine, "WOMAN OF STANDARD Magazine", "I MATTER Magazine," “Shulamite Woman Magazine”, “W.O.M.A.N Magazine”, “Gospel4U Magazine” and “Alabaster Magazine” amongst others. Her first book, “A Kept Woman” has been translated into four different languages. Because of her tremendous testimony, “A Kept Woman” had been written into a major stage play and traveled to the metropolitan cities around the state of Ohio. It was written and directed by Lynnette Appling and debuted in June of 2007 to a soldout crowd of 1200 people. Her second Book "The Heart Of A Woman" was published in 2007 and has been a trademark of deliverance for many women around the world. Her third book is entitled "Baby, I am Free No More Torment" has been utilized to provide healing to women who have been emotionally tormented. As a tribute to Lynnette’s contribution to the State of Ohio, Lynnette has been rewarded through a mural of her work in the Circleville Ohio County Library for Black History Month as one of the most influential black woman to come out of Circleville Ohio. She was also awarded a Humanitarian Award for the incredible charity contributions she has performed and organized in the state of Ohio. Blessed with an amazing music ministry career, Lynnette has had the humble honor of opening in concert and ministering for many gospel and contemporary Christian greats such as Tammy Trent, Pam Thum, Anointed, The William Brothers, Vicki Winans, Kenny Eldridge, Jaci Velasquez and Melba Moore as well as a Worshipping Psalmist for Bishop Iona Locke, Pastor Sheryl Brady, Pastor Cheryl Grissom, Bishop Charles Ellis III and the late Bishop Norman L. Wagner. Lynnette’s women’s ministry has hosted such greats as Tony & Cynthia Brazelton, Tapika Howard, Tommi Femrite, Maria Torres, Debbie Coffman and Mary Tiller Woods to name a few. Lynnette has also been a frequent requested soloist for the Ohio Republican party. She has had the privilege of being showcased



on Total Christian TV, Comcast, Dish Network, Massillon Cable, The Impact Network, Trinity Broadcast Network, CBS, and Fox. Her debut CD “From Within: Psalms of Lament” was the #1 requested demo CD on for over 40 weeks running in 2001 and was played on radio stations nationwide. Multiple radio stations have honored her music ministry and had voted her as “The Artist of the Year”. In January 2006, Ohio National Independent Artist Music Awards honored her CD entitled “Intimate Worship". Lynnette currently travels the world teaching of God’s true character while elevating the minds of people to see and experience one true love…Jesus Christ. Her individual message is about total and complete healing that truly enlightens on redemptive resolutions and empowerment in one’s life. Sharing the message of God’s promises and often-overlooked covenants and kingdom architect, Lynnette reveals an eye and heart opening look at what Christ has stored up for those who simply believe and obey. Each message, thought and manifestation throughout her life is a direct testimony of what Christ has done in her lifetime. It is unmistakably insightful of how powerful this message is for Lynnette teaches from spirit and relationship. God has unshackled, healed and released her on a course cultivating hope, promise and restoration for others. Lynnette Appling is the spiritual daughter and the administrator to the executive office of Pastors Tony & Cynthia Brazelton and now, along with her family, serves the ministry of Victory Christian Ministries International in Suitland MD. Lynnette has been married for many years to Jeffery Appling and is the proud mother of Shaila, Joshua, and Garra Appling. ~





“A KEPT WOMAN” & “THE HEART OF A WOMAN” Get your copies today! Teaching DVD’s & CD’s also available.

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“BABY…THIS IS HOW I FEEL” Pre-order your copies today! Bulk purchases available for Women’s Groups & Churches.






Contact Information If this book has blessed and empowered you, please send your testimony. We would love to hear from you. All correspondence can be sent to:

BUSINESS PHONE: 202.255.1689 EMAIL: WWW.LYNNETTEAPPLINGMINISTRY.ORG Join Lynnette Appling on the following Social Medias:

To invite Lynnette Appling to minister, teach or sing at your event please call the number listed above.



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