Published By : Conlumino
Joel John 3422 SW 15 Street, Suit #8138, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442, USA
Tel: +1-386-310-3803 Toll Free: 1-855-465-4651
Report Details
Published By : Conlumino
The Clothing & Footwear Retailing in Americas, 2013-2018 report, published by Conlumino, provides an analysis of current and forecast market data of retail sales in the clothing and footwear categories across different channels in Americas. Also provides, clothing and footwear data by sub-categories men, women and children. In addition, it highlights the largest and fastest growing markets for the clothing and footwear categories identifying key trends influencing the markets, with an emphasis on innovative retailers across different channels. Key Findings The US Clothing and Footwear retail market will reach US$453 billion by 2018. A rise in consumer confidence level and e-commerce platform will favor clothing and footwear retail market to achieve growth.
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Published By : Conlumino
Clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods specialists are the largest channel for Clothing and Footwear sales in America, contributing 41.3% of total sales in 2013. Plus size segment is growing in the US driven by increasing average weight of Americans. Growing middle class and rising fashion awareness makes Brazil an attractive destination for retailers
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Published By : Conlumino
Synopsis Provides a comprehensive view of the clothing and footwear retail landscape, including current market sizes and category forecasts to 2018; and highlights the fastest growing markets and channels for the category group. Also provides, data by sub-categories menswear, womenswear and childrenswear for clothing and men’s footwear, women’s footwear and children’s footwear for footwear. Details market size and channel forecasts for the region and countries, and features major retailers, key innovative retailers, and clothing and footwear retail trends
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Published By : Conlumino
Reasons To Buy The report provides an essential overview of the clothing and footwear retail market in Americas, highlighting the largest and fastest growing markets. Provides analysis of the latest trends, market dynamics (covering nine channels) and key innovations in retail space in major countries across the Americas region. Identifies the largest and fastest growing channels for the category in major countries across the Americas region as well as the highest value growth. Benefit from a detailed analysis of key trends influencing the clothing and footwear retail market in Americas.
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Published By : Conlumino
Monitor the competitive landscape, with analysis of key international players across the region. Read Report with Compltet TOC @
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Joel John 3422 SW 15 Street, Suit #8138, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442, USA
Tel: +1-386-310-3803 Toll Free: 1-855-465-4651
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