STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES 2009–10 Financial Aid Award Guide
WELCOME TO STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES! Our staff is committed to assisting you with financing your education at SAIC. We strive to partner with students and families in obtaining scholarships, grants, loans and student employment for those who are eligible.
HOW TO REACH THE STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES OFFICE Please contact the Student Financial Services Office for additional assistance. The best ways to contact the office are listed below.
GENERAL INFORMATION Free Application for Federal Student Aid — FAFSA Students, and parents, must file the FAFSA annually
2) Office Hours — Visit the office Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., to see an Advisor. You may also call to schedule an appointment if your time is limited. 3) SAIC Portal or Email — Please visit the SAIC portal for information or email questions to
to reapply for aid for the next academic year. To receive maximum consideration for SAIC grant funds, the FAFSA should be filed by March 15 each year. You will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR)
We have reviewed your FAFSA and have
confirmation via email 3–5 days after your FAFSA
determined your eligibility for financial aid.
is processed. You should review it to make sure the
Your award letter and further instructions
information provided on the FAFSA is correct and
are enclosed. Please review this packet of
follow the instructional comments. If estimated tax
information which is designed to assist you in
information was used to file the FAFSA initially, it
understanding your options, outline some next
should be updated once the actual tax information
steps, and to ensure that funds are in place
is available.
when you begin classes.
1) Telephone — Please call 312-629-6600 for student account and financial aid questions.
RE-EVALUATING YOUR FINANCIAL AID If your family’s finances have changed after filing the FAFSA, due to loss of employment, loss of untaxed income, separation, divorce or death, or you feel there was information about your situation that you were unable to provide on the FAFSA, you should submit a letter of appeal with supporting documentation to the Financial Aid Appeals
Enrollment Status Initial financial aid awards are calculated based on the number of hours reflected on the student financial aid award letter and, upon the student’s degree or certification program. Student awards are re-packaged to match their current enrollment before each billing invoice. Students may request an estimate of financial aid for a different enrollment status by emailing a request to
Please feel free to visit the Student Financial
Confirmation of the information provided on your
Services Office, Monday through Friday from
FAFSA is called Verification. If your file has been
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., in Suite 1218 of the
selected for verification, you will find a request
Sullivan Center on a walk-in basis. Appointments
included listing the additional documentation
are also available upon request should you be
needed to complete the verification process.
it’s financing. For a complete listing of dates and
visiting SAIC. We are happy to assist you with
Forward this requested information to the Student
deadlines, please refer to the portal.
the financial aid process and other payment
Financial Services Office immediately to avoid a
options. You may also contact us by telephone
delay in updating your financial aid award package,
at 312-629-6600. Please select option 9 to speak
if necessary.
Committee. Your financial aid award package will be reviewed to determine if this information affects
Important Dates to Remember There are a number of dates and deadlines to
your eligibility for aid.
be aware of as you plan for your education and
to a Student Financial Services Advisor. You may also email us at
Deadlines: For purposes of the Federal Pell grant, verification must be completed by September 29,
Annual FAFSA Applications
March 15
My staff and I are looking forward to serving you
2010, or 120 days after the last day of the student’s
Loan Application(s) — Fall
July 1
and are ready to help in any way that we can.
enrollment, whichever is earlier. For purposes of
Loan Application(s) — Spring
December 1
the Federal Stafford and PLUS loan programs,
verification must be completed before the last
First Bill Mailed to Enrolled Students (estimated)
Payment Due (first day of the term)
Fall 2009
July 24, 2009
Fall 2009
September 3, 2009
2010. Students that miss the required deadlines risk
Winter 2010
November 25, 2009
Winter 2010
January 4, 2010
losing their eligibility of funds.
Spring 2010
December 23, 2009
Spring 2010
January 28, 2010
Summer 2010
April 26, 2010
Summer 2010
June 1, 2010
day of attendance and for all other types of aid, verification must be completed before June 30,
Patrick S. James Director of Student Financial Services
Billing Process
Payment can be made through the SAIC Bursar’s
Tuition and fee bills are mailed monthly to students
Office (37 S. Wabash, Chicago, IL 60603) using
Financial aid advances are processed during
who have a balance due and to those who have
cash, check or money orders (made payable in U.S.
the first 5 weeks of the semester. Students are
Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG Grant)
had account activity since the last monthly bill
currency) or online for credit card (Mastercard,
eligible to apply for an advance equal to 50%
The Academic Competitiveness Grant is a federal
was sent. The bill includes all account activity that
American Express and Discover) and ACH
of their anticipated credit balance up to $1,000.
grant for undergraduate students who are also
occurred during the period of time listed at the top
(electronic funds) payments. A service fee will be
An advance can be requested online under the
Federal Pell Grant eligible, have completed a
of the bill. Any account activity that occurred prior
charged to make a credit card payment online. The
Financing Your Education section or SAIC Self-
rigorous secondary school program, and are
to the beginning date on the statement is included
fee will be based upon the amount of the payment.
Service of the SAIC Portal.
enrolled in either the first or second year of a
in the balance forward line. New undergraduate
There is no fee for an ACH payment.
student laptop charges are billed separately.
Laptop Payment Options Tuition and fee bills are processed and mailed
Laptop payments options for the Fall 2009
around the 25th of each month. Payment in full or
semester will be mailed to families in June 2009.
degree-seeking program. First year ACG students
must have graduated from high school after January 1, 2006 and can receive a maximum of $750 for their first year of study. Second year ACG
Federal Pell Grant
students must have graduated from high school
The Federal Pell Grant is a need-based program
after January 1, 2005 and have a cumulative grade
the first day of the semester. The balance due
Payment Plan Options
for undergraduate students who have not earned a
point average of least 3.0 from their first year of
reflected on the bill is the amount not covered by
Deferred payment plans are available online
bachelor’s or graduate degree. For the 2009–2010
undergraduate study. Second year students can
anticipated financial aid. The student’s anticipated
through SAIC Self-Service for tuition and fee
aid year, the Federal Pell amount ranges from
receive a maximum of $1,300 for their second
aid is listed on the bill and does not include the
balances, and laptop computer balances for all
$609 to $5,350 for students with an Estimated
year of study. All students who are eligible for
amount of Federal Work Study or SAIC student
new undergraduate students required to purchase
Family Contribution (EFC) ranges of 0 to 4617 as
these awards are identified through the FAFSA
employment eligibility the student has for the
a laptop computer.
determined by the information the student and the
application process. Students can only qualify to
parents (if the student is dependent) submitted
receive one year of the ACG grant at SAIC.
payment arrangements must be made on or before
semester as the student will be paid directly on a Tuition and fee plans — Payment is due the 15th
on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
of the month with the first payment due in August
(FAFSA). The Federal Pell Grant award amount is
Bills are sent to the student’s billing address. If the
for the fall semester and January for the spring
determined by the number of credits for which
Illinois State Grant — Monetary Award Program (MAP)
student has not provided a billing address, or the
semester. There is a $50 enrollment fee due at the
the student is enrolled and their EFC. The award
Note to State of Illinois Residents
address provided by the student is not active, the
time the payment plan is established and a $40 fee
amount could change if information is corrected on
By completing the FAFSA and agreeing to share
bill will be sent to the student’s home/permanent
for each late or missed payment. Payment plans
the FAFSA by means of the Verification process
that information with the Illinois Student Assistance
address. If this address is not active, the bill will be
can be established once tuition and fees have
or any other updates. Please see the section in this
Commission (ISAC) you have been considered for
mailed to the mailing/local address.
been charged for the semester. For more
guide on Verification for more information.
the State of Illinois (IL) Monetary Award Program
biweekly basis for hours worked.
information on the payment plans at SAIC and
(MAP) Grant. If you were determined to meet the
Students are expected to monitor their student
how to make a payment, please visit our website
eligibility criteria for the MAP grant, an award is
account balance, be current on payment of their
account balance, and maintain their addresses in
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
included on your award letter. This award may be an estimate made by the Student Financial
SAIC Self-Service. All students who are not current
Refunds and Advances
FSEOG is awarded to both independent and
Services office and, if so, is identified as a “State of
on their account balance are subject to late fees
Refunds are processed for actual credit balances
dependent students with the highest need at
IL MAP Grant (Est).” MAP grants are limited based
and will be prevented from future registration and
on a student account. Financial aid advances are
SAIC. This is typically all undergraduates with an
on the number of applicants and funding levels
release of academic transcripts/diplomas.
processed for students who anticipate having a
EFC of zero including those enrolled part-time
appropriated by the Illinois General Assembly.
credit balance on their account once all financial
Awards are made to all applicants who meet the
Please be aware that in light of state funding
Payment Options
aid funds are received and credited to the student
award criteria on a rolling basis until funds are
constraints, reductions to estimated or actual MAP
Students must pay in full or make the necessary
exhausted. The maximum amount of a FSEOG
grants are possible.
award at SAIC for the 2009–2010 academic year
arrangements for payment of tuition and fees by the first day of classes to avoid incurring financial
Refunds are typically processed following the end
is $4,000. The award amount could change if
Eligibility for the MAP grant is tracked by the
penalties. Payment or arrangements for payment
of the add/drop period for the semester, however,
information is corrected on the FAFSA by means
equivalent number of semester credit hours of
of a laptop computer must be made prior to
there are exceptions when the credit balance is
of the Verification process or any other updates.
MAP benefits paid on your behalf. This is called
delivery of the laptop computer.
generated by private and/or federal loans where
Please see the section in this guide on Verification
MAP Paid Credit Hours. Payment for each term is
the loan funds are received before the end of the
for more information.
being made according to the equivalent number
add/drop period.
of credit hours eligible for MAP payment, with
and community affiliations you or your parents
bi-weekly. The amount of the award is dependent
more than 20 hours per week) and earn at least the
a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 15 MAP Paid
may have, to find out if they offer scholarships
on the student’s need according to the FAFSA and
current federal minimum wage. Students are paid
Credit Hours.
for which you may qualify, and how to go about
available funding through SAIC. FWS eligibility is
bi-weekly. Students can use the services available
applying for funding. In addition to checking
reflected on a student’s award letter. Students are
in the Career Development Office to assist them in
There is a limit on the number of MAP Paid Credit
with the associations you may have, you will
responsible for securing employment and can use
their search for institutional employment positions.
Hours that can be paid while you are classified by
find information listed on the SAIC website
the services available in the Career Development
your school as a freshman and sophomore. This
( about organizations offering
Office to assist them in their search for FWS
The Career Development Office, located in the
limit is the equivalent of 75 MAP Paid Credit Hours.
scholarships to students. Suggested scholarship
Sullivan Building at 36 South Wabash, Suite 1204,
If this maximum is reached, you must attain junior
search websites are also listed at that location.
status for your MAP grant eligibility to resume.
Outside scholarships are generally forwarded
SAIC Institutional Employment
at The Career Development
The maximum number of MAP Paid Credit Hours
to SAIC to be directly applied to the student’s
The SAIC Institutional Employment program
Office maintains an on-line database of available
that can be received is capped at 135. If a State of
account or disbursed to the student after
is available to international students, teaching
student employment jobs, called “Launch,” and can
IL MAP Grant (Est) is not included in your award
the semester begins. Please be advised that
assistants (TAs) for graduate students, students
be accessed through the SAIC Portal. Students
letter, you are not eligible for the grant at SAIC.
any assistance you may receive is counted
participating in the Cooperative Education
must complete all necessary payroll documentation
toward your overall Cost of Attendance. Please
program and students hired to fill a limited number
within 3 days of being hired in order to meet federal
Illinois Incentive for Access (IIA)
submit documentation regarding your outside
of highly specialized positions. Much like the FWS
employment regulations. These documents and
The IIA grant assists students who have a limited
scholarships to Student Financial Services by fax or
program, students work to earn money for their
further information can be accessed in the SAIC
ability to pay for college. The IIA Grant is awarded
mail so that a revised award letter that includes the
education. Both undergraduate and graduate
Portal by going to the Student Financial Services
to first-time, freshmen students who have a zero
outside scholarship can be sent.
students employed through the institutional
section and then clicking on Student Employment.
can be reached by phone at 312-629-6820 or email
employment program work part-time (typically not
EFC, enroll at least half time and who are Illinois residents or for dependent students whose
Third-Party Assistance
parent(s) are Illinois residents. The IIA grant is a
In some cases third-party organizations are
one-time award of $500.
responsible for partial or full payment of your tuition and fees. Examples of third-party assistance
Federal Stafford Loans
SAIC Merit Scholarships
include college savings plans, veteran benefits,
The annual borrowing limit for a Federal Stafford Loan for students is based on the student’s academic level
SAIC Merit scholarships are awarded during the
rehabilitation programs or employee assistance
including transfer credits. A student may be eligible for both a subsidized and an unsubsidized loan in the
admission process. If you have been awarded a
programs. It is important that all notification of
same academic year. The interest rate is fixed. Beginning July 1, 2009, for undergraduate students, the Federal
Merit Scholarship, you will see it listed on your
this type of assistance be submitted to Student
Subsidized Stafford Loan rate is 5.6% and 6.8% for Federal Unsubsidized Stafford loans. For graduate level
award letter. Inquiries about the merit process
Financial Services prior to the start of each
students, the interest rate for Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans is 6.8% beginning
should be directed to the Admissions Office at
semester. A student’s initial award package
July 1, 2009.
312-629-6100 or
may have to be adjusted to accommodate this assistance. Please submit, or have the third-party
SAIC Need-Based Grants
submit on your behalf, documentation to Student
Need-based SAIC grants are awarded based
Financial Services by fax or mail.
on the availability of funding to students who demonstrate need through the FAFSA application process. Endowed and restricted scholarships are awarded to students who meet the above funding requirements and donor established criteria.
Outside Scholarships
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT AND LOANS Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) The Federal Work-Study program provides
An option to explore additional funding for your
students the opportunity to earn money for their
education is outside scholarships. You can start this
education. Both undergraduate and graduate
process as soon as possible by asking questions
students may work part-time (typically not more
and doing research. Contact organizations you and
than 20 hours per week) and earn at least the
your parents belong to and professional, religious
current federal minimum wage. Students are paid
Credits Earned
Subsidized Unsubsidized Dependent/Independent Dependent ** Independent
Juniors & Seniors
(60 or more)
Post Baccalaureate
* Credit hours dependent on program. ** If a parent is denied a PLUS loan and SAIC receives proof of this denial from the bank or the parent, the student is automatically awarded an additional unsubsidized loan. For freshmen and sophomore students, this eligibility is $4,000 and for junior and seniors it is $5,000.
CHECKLIST FOR SECURING YOUR FINANCES Please complete this checklist to determine your costs and secure your finances for the upcoming academic year. All students have a total or aggregate limit
automatically awarded an additional unsubsidized
for borrowing the Federal Stafford Loans.
loan. For freshmen and sophomore students, this
This limit depends on degree program and
eligibility is $4,000 and for junior and seniors it
dependency status. The maximum for dependent
is $5,000. Graduate students must also complete
undergraduate students is $31,000 of which
Entrance Counseling at www.mappingyourfuture.
no more than $23,000 may be subsidized;
org. Graduate students should choose the
independent undergraduate/post baccalaureate
option called “Stafford and Grad PLUS combined
students is $57,500 of which no more than
1. Review the enclosed 2009–2010 award
$23,000 may be subsidized; and graduate students is $138,500 of which no more than $65,500 may be
Private (or Alternative) Education Loans
subsidized .
Private education loans are offered by private lenders and are available to students to assist with
letter, award guide and request for additional information (if necessary). These documents include award descriptions and amounts, costs, and important deadlines. It is important that you ensure funding is in place by the first day of classes each semester. It is recommended that you complete this process by July 1, 2009 for the fall and spring terms to allow adequate time for the processing of these funds.
____ Be sure to review the information included in this mailing and understand the important information and deadlines.
All students who receive a Federal Stafford Loan
their educational and living expenses in addition to
must complete entrance counseling at
the Federal Stafford and PLUS loans. These loans
2. Complete the Figure Your Costs Worksheet. — an online
should only be used as a final choice and are not
counseling session that informs borrowers of the
recommended to students and families unless the
loan terms and explains repayment. They also
Federal PLUS is not an option, especially in the
must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN)
case of Graduate students. Any student applying
through the student loan section of the website of
for a Private Educational Loan must first complete
the lender of their choice. The promissory note is
a separate application and pass a credit approval
the document authorizing the borrowing of funds
with their chosen lender. Private Educational Loans
with the lender. Both the counseling session and
will be included as a resource in your financial
the Promissory Note must be completed in order
aid package and cannot exceed your Cost of
to accept and complete the loan(s).
Attendance Budget.
Federal Plus Program
Loan Period Dates
Both graduate students and parents (biological,
When applying for a Federal PLUS loan or a
adoptive or step-parent providing financial
Private/Alternative Education loan, borrowers
support) of undergraduate students may apply for
must provide a requested loan period. If enrolling
the Federal PLUS loan program. Post Baccalaureate
for both the fall and spring semesters, borrowers
students are not eligible. In order to be approved,
should use September 3, 2009 through May 16,
borrowers must be credit worthy. Credit approvals
2010. Summer loans are typically a stand alone
are done at the time of application. Borrowers may
term. Borrowers requesting loans for summer
also request a Pre-Screen or Pre-approval in which
should use the loan period date of May 26, 2009
their credit is checked without actually completing
through August 14, 2009.
the full application. The maximum amount of the Federal PLUS loan allowed is the student’s cost of
Lender Choice Research
attendance minus all other financial aid including
The following websites may be very helpful in
loans and Federal Work Study. Parents and
research and determination of a lender for the
Graduate Students interested in receiving a Federal
above programs. Please note that these websites
PLUS loan must apply at the website of their
are informational only and are not endorsed by
lender of choice. All approved Federal Plus Loan
SAIC. SAIC does not endorse any specific lender in
borrowers will also be asked to complete a Master
any educational loan programs.
Promissory Note (MPN). If a parent is denied a Federal PLUS loan and SAIC receives proof of this denial from the bank or the parent, the student is
The Figure your Costs Budgeting Worksheet will help you calculate your expected costs for the year and review your awarded aid. The worksheet will help you determine whether or not you should pursue additional loans or a semester payment plan.
Review the items below to determine your next steps. ____
I have reviewed the Figure Your Costs Budgeting Worksheet and have determined I will need additional federal and/or private loans to fund my education.
Please proceed to the next step for securing additional loans for your education. ____
I completed the Figure Your Costs Budgeting Worksheet and will not need additional federal and/or private loan funds.
Please proceed to Step 3.
3. Secure Loan Funds. If your Figure Your Costs Budgeting Worksheet includes a need for loans, please complete the steps for each loan below at this time.
____ For Federal Parent PLUS Loan (Parents of Dependent Students) Applicants Complete: 1) Go online to complete a loan pre-approval at the lender of your choice to determine if you are eligible to receive a Federal Plus Loan 2) Complete a Federal PLUS loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) on the lender’s website
____ For Graduate PLUS Loan (Graduate Students Only) Applicants Complete: 1) For all new borrowers — complete an Entrance Interview at 2) Go on-line to complete a loan pre-approval at the lender of your choice to determine you are eligible to receive a Graduate Plus Loan 3) Complete a Federal PLUS loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) on the lender’s website
____ For Private Loans (Student and Cosigner, if applicable) 1) Review Rates and Terms with different lenders on their websites 2) Complete a loan pre-approval at the lender of your choice to determine if you are eligible to receive a private loan 3) Complete a loan application/promissory note and secure cosigner information (if necessary) on the lender’s website After the steps above are complete proceed to Step 4.
4. Review Payment Options.
Review the SAIC billing process, payment plan, and methods to make payments provided in this guide. After you review payment options proceed to Step 5.
_____ I have reviewed all billing and payment options. Please follow the steps outlined for each loan program.
_____ For Federal Stafford Loan- Subsidized and Unsubsidized (Students Only) Applicants complete: 1) All new borrowers — complete an Entrance Interview at 2) Federal Stafford Master Promissory Note (MPN) on-line at the website of the lender of your choice
5. Submit additional documents if necessary. If your file is selected for Verification, additional documents may be needed to finalize your financial aid. Please refer to the Missing Information Letter enclosed or go to the SAIC Self-Service To Do List to determine if additional documentation is needed to complete the verification process. Please refer to
this Award Booklet for more detailed information on verification. The Priority Processing Deadline for submission of all documents for the fall 2009 semester is July 1, 2009.
STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES 36 South Wabash, Suite 1218 Chicago, IL 60603-3103 Voice (312) 629-6600 Fax (312) 629-6601 E-mail
STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES 36 South Wabash, Suite 1218 Chicago, IL 60603-3103 Voice (312) 629-6600 Fax (312) 629-6601 E-mail
UNDERGRADUATE 2009–2010 Figure Your Costs Budgeting Worksheet
GRADUATE 2009–2010 Figure Your Costs Budgeting Worksheet
Please complete this worksheet to help determine how you will finance and budget your expenses while attending SAIC. The example listed below is for an undergraduate student enrolled in 15 credits for each semester and living off campus.
Please complete this worksheet to help determine how you will finance and budget your expenses while attending SAIC. The example listed below is for a graduate student enrolled in 15 credits for each semester and living off campus.
Direct Expenses: Charges for which you will be billed at SAIC including tuition, fees and room charges (if you live on campus).
Direct Expenses: Charges for which you will be billed at SAIC including tuition, fees and room charges (if you live on campus).
Payment in full for tuition and fees is due by the first day of class or payment arrangements must be established.
Payment in full for tuition and fees is due by the first day of class or payment arrangements must be established.
Sample Figures Semester
Your Figures Semester
Sample Figures Full-Year
Your Figures Full-Year
Tuition ($1,140 x per credit hour)
$ 17,100 (15cr)
$34,200 (30cr)
Health Insurance (optional)*
$ 1,478
Sample Figures Full-Year
Your Figures Full-Year
Tuition ($1,220 x per credit hour)
$18,300 (15cr)
$36,600 (30cr)
Health Insurance (optional)*
Charged to full-time students
Charged to full-time students
Technology Fee
Your Figures Semester
Charged to all students in 12 credits or more
Charged to all students in 12 credits or more
Sample Figures Semester
Residence Hall (optional) Single–$6,300 Small Single–$4,995 $
180 0
$____________ $____________
Technology Fee
Residence Hall (optional) Single–$6,300 Small Single–$4,995 $
Your Semester Subtotal $____________
Sample Figures Full-Year Subtotal $38,648
Double–$4,740 Triple–$3,810
Double–$4,740 Triple–$3,810
Laptop Computer — To be determined
Laptop Computer — To be determined
• Subtotal A
Sample Semester Subtotal $ 18,124
Your Semester Subtotal $____________
Sample Figures Full-Year Subtotal $36,248
Your Figures Full-Year Subtotal $____________
Your Figures Full-Year Subtotal $____________
Semester Full-Year Grant & Scholarships $____________ $____________ Student Loans** $____________ $____________ Semester Subtotal Full-Year Subtotal • Subtotal B $____________ $____________
Semester Full-Year $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________ Semester Subtotal Full-Year Subtotal • Subtotal B $____________ $____________
Grant & Scholarships Student Loans**
• Subtotal C
To determine your estimated amount due to SAIC Subtotal A - Subtotal B = Subtotal C $____________
To determine your estimated amount due to SAIC Subtotal A - Subtotal B = Subtotal C $____________
Indirect Expenses: Costs NOT directly billed by SAIC but considered additional expenses. Please note that a meal plan is NOT available at SAIC and books/supply costs vary per class. Sample Figures Semester
Your Figures Semester
Sample Figures Full-Year
Your Figures Full-Year
Living Expenses
$ 3,850
$ 7,700
$ 1,030 $ 1,330 $ 350
$____________ $____________ $____________
$ 2,060 $ 2,660 $ 700
$____________ $____________ $____________
$ 6,560
$ 13,120
Resident Hall student use $1,310/semester for food only
• Subtotal D
Estimated Financial Aid: Please see your enclosed Financial Aid Award letter or SAIC Self Service.
Estimated Financial Aid: Please see your enclosed Financial Aid Award letter or SAIC Portal.
Personal Expenses Books and Supplies Transportation
Please note: The average Graduate student’s enrollment can vary (15cr=$18,300 12cr=$14,640 10.5cr=$12,810 9cr=$10,980).
Please note: The typical first-time freshman takes 16.5cr their first semester and 15cr their second semester. (16.5cr=$18,810 15cr=$17,100 13.5cr=$15,390 12cr=$13,680)
• Subtotal C
• Subtotal A
Sample Semester Subtotal $19,324
Indirect Expenses: Costs NOT directly billed by SAIC but considered additional expenses. Please note that a meal plan is NOT available at SAIC and books/supply costs vary per class. Sample Figures Semester
Your Figures Semester
Sample Figures Full-Year
Your Figures Full-Year
Living Expenses
$ 4,900
$ 9,800
$ 1,030 $ 1,330 $ 350
$____________ $____________ $____________
$ 2,060 $ 2,660 $ 700
$____________ $____________ $____________
$ 7,610
$ 15,220
Resident Hall student use $1,310/semester for food only
Personal Expenses Books and Supplies Transportation
• Subtotal D
Total Remaining Expenses: Add Subtotal C and Subtotal D to determine your total remaining estimated direct and indirect expenses (those not covered by financial aid) to be paid for the 09–10 academic year. Then subtract your estimated student employment earnings, estimated family contribution and any other resources available to use in financing your education, to determine whether or not you may want to pursue a semester payment plan, or borrowing additional Federal PLUS or Private Educational loans as listed in this guide. * Health insurance may be waived if the student has comparable coverage per year. Waivers must be re-submitted each year on-line through SAIC Self-Service. The rate listed is the 2008–2009 amount and is subject to change. ** Bank loan fees of up to 3% of the total loan may be deducted for Federal Stafford and Federal PLUS loans depending on your loan program and lender.
Total Remaining Expenses: Add Subtotal C and Subtotal D to determine your total remaining estimated direct and indirect expenses (those not covered by financial aid) to be paid for the 09–10 academic year. Then subtract your estimated student employment earnings, estimated family contribution and any other resources available to use in financing your education, to determine whether or not you may want to pursue a semester payment plan, or borrowing additional Federal PLUS or Private Educational loans as listed in this guide. * Health insurance may be waived if the student has comparable coverage per year. Waivers must be re-submitted each year on-line through SAIC Self-Service. The rate listed is the 2008–2009 amount and is subject to change. ** Bank loan fees of up to 3% of the total loan may be deducted for Federal Stafford and Federal PLUS loans depending on your loan program and lender.
STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES 36 South Wabash, Suite 1218 Chicago, IL 60603-3103 Voice (312) 629-6600 Fax (312) 629-6601 E-mail Web