Issue 28 Summer 2012
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Using existing technology for a better service Pages 8 - 9
Introducing Gillianne Walton Page 6 - 7
Mental Health Act Managers: working with the Trust
Pages 3
Welcome all to QuESt
Mental Health Act Managers:
the 28th edition
Working with the Trust
It gives me great pleasure to introduce this issue of the QuESt magazine. It also gives me an opportunity to reflect on my time as medical director over the past two years. This issue contains some thought provoking articles which I sincerely hope you will find both interesting and informative. As lead director for Research I am delighted to see the Trust taking Research into day to day practice. It is really good to see the significant progress with the SMS text prompting project which we know can make a significant positive impact on the numbers of service users who fail to attend their appointments. I suspect many of you receive text reminders in other parts of your life (e.g. dental appointments) and can, therefore, see how this approach can be useful within the services we provide. It is also great to see how the collaborative approach to ensuring therapy outcome measures are meaningful for people that use our services and their carers have been progressed within the Learning Disabilities Directorate. This work has immense potential for transferability and learning within and outside the organisation. I was delighted when Sharon Nightingale, associate medical director for doctors in training was successful in a bid to Medical Education England to contribute to the National Better Training Better Care Work Programme. It was another example of collaborative working that aims to fully integrate medical staff who are working out of hours into multidisciplinary team processes to improve training and further improve patient safety.
I have had opportunity over the last two years to have responsibility for the Corporate Mental Health Legislation Team. This team is lead by Gill Walton who has provided two informative articles. The first introducing herself as the Trust’s Corporate Mental Health Legislation manager with the second sharing the role and work of our Mental Health Act managers within our new integrated Trust. Medicines management has always been a responsibility of the medical director with Pharmacy transferring to the directorate at the beginning of the year. Pharmacy staff play a key role in the delivery of safe care as demonstrated by the article on the prescribing of oxygen. The Clinical Audit Support Team (CAST) have an important role in providing assurance of the quality of clinical service provision within the Trust. The article is an informative summary of how clinical audit work in conjunction with clinicians and the support CAST can provide. It is clear from the articles within this edition that none of us work in isolation, and that through partnership and collaboration, improvements are made. It is a testament to the individuals involved that they have had the vision and the tenacity to make the change happen. I am approaching the end of my time as acting medical director and would like to thank those of you who have helped and supported me in this privileged role. I am looking forward to a return to clinical work as a consultant psychiatrist at Aire Court in South Leeds and look forward to the prospect of supporting Jim Isherwood in his new role as medical director.
Douglas Fraser, medical director
The code of practice to the 1983 Mental Health Act details at some length the powers and duties of hospital managers with reference to patients detained under the act.
represents a reduction in total hearings of 14.4%. In response to concern at the number of hearings falling outside the Trust standard, (five working days for section 2 and 10 working days for other sections) service associate medical directors have been proactive in supporting the arrangement of hearings with a reduction in the accumulative days waiting rate. It has been agreed to add the unavailability of sufficient MHAMs to form a panel to the causes of hearings falling outside the Trust standard.
To avoid confusion, in LYPFT hospital managers who perform reviews of detention are referred to as Mental Health Act Managers (MHAM). MHAMs are expected to be independent of the Trust and cannot therefore be an employee. MHAMs are appointed by the Trust Board with delegated authority to discharge the ‘hospital manager’s’ duties in respect of Mental Health Act reviews of detention or CTOs. Each year they produce an annual report for the Board on their activities. The MHAMs have supported improvements for our service users as follows • Community Treatment Orders Identifying venues in the community that are appropriate to hold the reviews as feedback from service users was they would prefer not to have to return to inpatient units for review meetings. • Appeals Activity 77 in-patient hearings covering sections 2, 3, and 37 and 14 CTO hearings for patients being treated in the community took place. Out of the 77 in-patient hearings MHAMs rescinded the section in 7 cases (9.01%). This compares with 10 out of 90 (11.1%) in 2010/11 and also
• Ward visits Visit all wards and in-patient units where detained patients are held continue to take place. These visits inform the quarterly meetings with the Trust’s executive directors. Since the creation of the Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust on Wednesday 1 February 2012 there has been a programme of reciprocal involvement. As the MHA Code of Practice does not prescribe a defined way of carrying out review hearings, MHAMs had noticed minor differences in the process. A joint training day has taken place with time allocated for reflection on the differences experienced. This reflection will be used to inform the review of mental health legislation procedures to improve practice. Gill Walton, corporate mental health legislation manager tel: 07803 75 7750 e-mail
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Gillianne Walton Please call me Gill, NHS net lists my “Sunday” name! I was recently appointed as corporate mental health legislation manager as part of the transfer of services and I am based at Trust Headquarters. Prior to the transfer I was the mental health legislation lead for North Yorkshire and York since 2008 and was based in Harrogate. I have worked in mental health services since 1986 and have a general management background including facilities, health records, management of administration and complaints. Increasingly I became involved with mental health legislation and have had responsibilities for the Mental Health Act
Personal vision I feel my key role is to support staff in the Trust in the safe and consistent application of mental health legislation ensuring that people who use our services are treated in accordance with the law and are clearly made aware of their rights. Mental health legislation is a very challenging area of law which is constantly being revised by decisions of the court and government guidance. Effective training needs to be in place to ensure staff are kept up to date with the law and any changes and receive support in respect of areas of uncertainty. A new role of mental health law adviser is in the process of being appointed to and the post holder will work with myself and staff in York in the development and implementation of a training strategy in mental health legislation for the services in Leeds and York.
as part of my role since 1991. I led a project to implement changes in the legislation, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Mental Health Act 1983 as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007 and the further amendments for the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Just prior to the amendments I was awarded the LLM in Mental Health Law Policy and Practice from Northumbria University. During my appointment with North Yorkshire and York, I was instrumental in bringing about changes in practice with regard to mental health legislation to develop a consistent approach across the Trust. North Yorkshire and York was created from three smaller primary care trusts and this work generated many a lively debate on the best way forward. Clearly there will be similar challenges in
People that use our services have the right to have their detention or community treatment order reviewed by a group of people who are appointed by the Board of Directors, and include non-executive directors, to undertake this function; they are known as mental health act managers. This very committed group of individuals have been involved with the services in Leeds and York for many years and are keen to support improvements in ensuring service users receive their rights. The group provide an annual report on their activities to the Board of Directors and this is extremely useful in promoting their role to staff and service users as well as providing assurance on the application of mental health Legislation. It is part of my role to work with the group to take forward changes in practice to positively represent patients.
bringing together the services in Leeds and York and I hope my previous experience in this area will assist me in taking changes forward in the most positive way possible to ensure a consistent approach to the application of mental health legislation.
In conclusion I am looking forward to working with colleagues across Leeds and York to assist in the provision of high quality services to our users and the undoubted challenges which lie ahead.
Key Objectives: • Review and revise governance arrangements to integrate the NY&Y services for compliance
Gill Walton corporate mental health legislation manager Tel: 07803 75 7750 E-mail:
with mental health legislation. This will include:
(Gill pictured below)
• Design, agree and implement a mental health legislation Team with the capacity to discharge the Trust’s statutory responsibilities for the application of the Mental Health 1983 and other mental health legislation • Agree and implement a scheme of delegation authorising the ‘hospital managers’ and other delegated staff authorised by the ‘hospital managers’ to discharge their functions under the Mental Health Act 1983 • Implement and monitor the Mental Health Act Managers (MHAM) Governance structure for the Leeds, York and North Yorkshire services based on the conclusions of the MHAM Task and Finish Group reporting to Mental Health Legislation Standing Support Group and Means Goal 7 Standing Group • To review policies and procedures supporting the application of mental health law which support the relevant Code(s) of Practice are fit for purpose and there are no gaps within the existing policy and procedures across the organisation
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TOMs: Accessible to Service Users and their Carers. The Spring edition of QuESt introduced Therapy Outcome Measures (TOMs) and described how Learning Disability Allied Health Professionals (AHP) have embedded TOMs within its service delivery. One of the key issues raised within the article was the importance of service user and carer involvement. This article shares with you the approach Learning Disability AHP services took to make TOMs accessible to people who use our services who have learning disabilities as well astheir carers. A key driver for wanting to develop TOMs within AHP Learning Disability services was to find a way of transparently communicating with service users and (if appropriate) their carers the outcomes of interventions provided by AHP services and to demonstrate the impact that these interventions have had on the service users health outcomes. One of the ways of achieving this was through the development of a TOMs Service User Outcome Report. An initial design meeting was held and included; a service user, a representative of the Learning Disability Involvement Team, a clinician, a representative of the Health Informatics Team and the AHP lead for Learning Disability Services. The aim of the meeting was to design an accessible TOM’s Service User Outcome Report. The purpose of the report would be to record, document and communicate to service users and their carers the before AHP intervention and after AHP intervention TOMs scores for an individual. It was essential that a person using our service is involved in the design process for the report right from the very beginning. With the initial TOMs Service User Outcome Report designed
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and symbolised a process of service user, carer and clinician consultation commenced.
The aim of the consultation process was to obtain feedback on:
• What ’works’? – What people liked about the report
Following this awareness session, participants worked in small groups to discuss the TOMs Service User Outcome Report. Each group was supported to write down all their thoughts and comments about the report using the headings opposite. It was also important to ascertain if participants could understand; the way in which the report documented, the before and after TOMs scores, and if people could understand what these scores meant.
The TOMs Service User Report has recently been made available on PARIS. The report pulls information already documented by the clinician on the TOM’s PARIS form to automatically populate the report, making the report quick and easy for the clinician to access and complete.
• What doesn’t ’work’? – What people did not like about the report and or what was not effective or useful
Through TOMs, the TOMs Service User Outcome Report and the consultation process carried out, the Learning Disability AHP Service has developed a tool that supports making outcome measures accessible and meaningful to people that use our services. It is hoped that by being able to have access to and understand health outcomes, that this will support and empower service users and their carers, increasing their involvement and partnership working with clinicians and services. The TOMs Service User Outcome Report aims to provide a method of transparently communicating with service users their health outcomes and demonstrating the impact of AHP interventions in meeting their needs.
• What to keep? – What aspects of the report people thought should remain the same • What to change? – What aspects of the report people thought should be done differently and or removed. A secondary aim of the consultation process was to start to inform and increase service users and carers awareness of health outcomes and to introduce them to TOMs. A workshop was held at the Leeds City Wide Reference Group, which is a group for people with learning disabilities and their carers. One of the functions of this group is to act as a sounding board for the Leeds Learning Disability Partnership Board. At this workshop an awareness raising session was held which focussed on increasing participants awareness of health outcome measures, TOMs and how AHP Learning Disability services were aiming to use TOMs and the TOMs Service User Outcome Report within its service delivery.
the development of the TOMs Service User Outcome Report. Not only was the feedback useful in amending the design of the report but it also triggered the design of a TOM’s service user and carer information leaflet, which is now available for clinicians to use in supporting them to explain health outcomes and TOMs to people who use our services and their carers.
In addition to this workshop, the AHP lead also met individually with a number of carers. Using the same questions, carers were asked for their views and feedback on TOMs and the TOMs Service User Outcome Report and the meanings of the scores reported.
The consultation and involvement process will not stop here with future plans in place to evaluate the effectiveness of the report following longer term use.
During this time a number of clinicians were trialling the TOM’s Service User Outcome Report and provided valuable feedback on the report’s use in clinical practice.
allied health professional lead for Learning Disabilities Services
Lyndsey Charles Tel: 0113 3055947 E-mail:
Feedback from these consultation events was essential to
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Using existing technology for a better service Using existing technology for a better service for people who use our services. SMS (text) & email appointment reminders At the beginning of 2011 Heather Cook asked a number of her management team to look at service improvement initiatives. With the roll out of NHS net in 2011, the Trust gained the facility to send SMS and emails, free of charge. Shaun Wilkinson paired up with Alison Franklin to look at the possibility of reducing DNA’s, by using an automated appointment reminder for our services users that would be triggered from Paris. Jim Woolhouse was able to offer insight from a previous review of the functionality which was not implemented due to the cost that would be incurred in the set up and on-going maintenance. What the goal was The particular initiative has been based around making improvements in four areas: 1. Providing choice to people who use our service in how they are communicated to about their clinic appointments 2. Releasing time for our admin staff by automating routine appointment tasks 3. Improving appointment efficiencies by reminding people who use our services of their appointments in a mobile way 4. Saving the Trust money through reducing stationery & postage costs of reminder letters.
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What we knew • The technology existed and was ready to use, free of charge • Other NHS organisations have had great success reducing DNA’s by using SMS and email reminders in acute services • By obtaining consent from the person using the service we could ensure Information Governance was covered. What research told us Dr Foster Research Limited found that the cost of DNA’s to the NHS of approximately £600 million per year. In a 2005 study by BMC Family Practice Forgetfulness was the most common cause cited. People that use our services aged between 20 to 24 are most likely not to attend appointments.
SMS appointment reminders have the potential to reduce DNA rates between 30% and 50%. Even when the uptake from people that use our services is as low as 20%, study by the Imperial College of London (Acute Trusts) Brigstock Medical Practice (part of Croydon PCT) reduced their DNAs by a third in its first few months – the equivalent of releasing 14 additional weeks of consultations. Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust reduced DNA’s by nearly 40% and outpatient waiting times significantly reduced. What we found in reality We decided to trial SMS and email appointment reminders and were delighted when Caron Hargraves agreed to join us
by coordinating the trial with a team in Liaison Psychiatry (LP).
We launched the trial in mid October 2011. During October and November 2011, SMS reminders proved to be the most popular compared with letter or email reminders with over 80% selecting the SMS method and 50% requesting this method alone. This proved that we were providing a service that people who use our services s wanted.
technical/Paris development, draft a paper to take to the ETT (Enabling Tools & Technologies) sub group, chaired by Matthew Watkins. In order to send texts and emails to our service users and inform them of the correct venue for their appointments it is absolutely essential that this information is kept right up to date on Paris. Clinic venue or telephone contact changes will need doing through System Management via a call raised with IT Services at or 0113 2952400
Since December 2011 service user uptake continues to be strong and increasing steadily, which is largely due to the efforts of LP. All the teams involved are now showing significant decreases over the period and against the Trust average. Finally, we knew without doubt that any uptake would reduce admin time and surface mail costs that were directly associated with the service users’ appointment reminders. What next Shaun and Alison presented their goal and findings to SOMG in February 2012 and Michele Moran asked that other teams offering outpatient appointments in the Trust also take on this method of sending appointment reminders. The move to SMS for appointment reminders will be factored into the Transformation improvement plan for Tranches 1 and 2 with Andrew Jackson leading on the Outpatients Task & Finish group. Alison will also discuss the launch of this with Debbie Ward for services who will not be transformed in the near future. The continued success needs your Input If you believe the service could be even better through
Alison Franklin senior business analyst Tel; 07956 042100 E-mail:
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New Trust Oxygen
The first page of the chart contains the prescribing information such as flow rate, type of mask to use and target oxygen saturations as well as recording the necessary observations. Oxygen should be prescribed on the drug chart and then reference made to this chart, which should also be attached.
Prescription and Monitoring Chart In September 2009 the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) produced a rapid response report due to learning from incidents that have occurred with oxygen in hospitals.
the wrong flow rate being used for type of oxygen mask, an oxygen chart has been produced via the Clinical Interventions Standing Support Group (see below). This can also found on Staffnet at: http://staffnet/Topics/Professional Groups/Pharmacy/ Document Library/Oxygen Prescription and Monitoring Chart may 2012 md.docx
There were 281 reports of serious incidents in hospitals with oxygen relating to the inappropriate administration and management of oxygen up to June 2009. The errors were split into: • Prescribing - failure to or wrongly prescribed • Monitoring - patients not monitored, abnormal oxygen saturation levels not acted upon • Administration - confusion of oxygen with medical compressed air, incorrect flow rates, inadvertent disconnection of supply • Equipment - empty cylinders, faulty and missing equipment.
Page two of the chart contains some useful information on the devices available to administer oxygen and useful resources to look up further guidelines relating to oxygen including the British Thoracic Society guidelines.
In response to this document, the Trust produced the Oxygen Safety Procedure which can be found on Staffnet at: http://staffnet/Topics/Initiatives/Resuscitation and Physical Hea/Document Library/Oxygen/CM-0035 Oxygen Safety Procedure.doc As part of the rapid response document one of the actions is to review oxygen-related incidents and to ensure oxygen is prescribed in all situations as per the British Thoracic Society guidelines (in an emergency, oxygen should always be given immediately and documented later). Due to a number of incidents such as
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Michael.Dixon, lead pharmacist for R&I, Medicines Information, Tel: 0113 3056782, E-mail:
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Better Training Better Care Project Better Training Better Care is a national programme which aims to improve the quality of training and learning for the benefit of patient care by enabling the delivery of the key recommendations from Time for Training (Temple, 2010) and Foundation for Excellence (Collins, 2010). In order to implement recommendations from both the Collins and Temple reviews, the work programme for Better Training Better Care contains two overlapping components: • •
The identification, piloting, evaluation and dissemination of good education and training practice Improvements to curricula and the underpinning education and training frameworks to ensure training is fit for the purpose of providing safe, effective and improving patient care.
LYPFT was selected from over 96 applications to be one of the 16 pilots to play a critical role in the delivery of the three key objectives of the BTBC Programme: • • •
Appropriate supervision and/or implementing a consultant present service Service delivery that explicitly supports training Making every moment count; ensuring training is planned and focused.
Why we decided to take part from the training perspective? 2011 Psychiatry National Recruitment at core trainee
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(CT) level was even lower than preceding years with poor competitive ratio for applicants of 1.2:1 post. Drop outs in CT2 & 3 occur and less than 50% proceed to higher training (ST4) as expected due to exam failures. The Trust gets consistently good feedback on training in the GMC trainee survey & annual Deanery visits. Despite this, exam pass rate in our CTs remains around 40%. A 12 week survey of trainee activity in the Trust showed with the introduction of European Working Time Directive, the trainees are spending approximately only 30% of 48 hours in placements with their clinical (also educational) supervisor. The other 70% is: • • • •
In less supervised out of hours work, often not in contact with patients or if in contact with patients, it’s of no benefit to training Time off post on call Unsupervised day on call Important areas to be protected such as educational meetings, exam course and psychotherapy training.
• Trainees undertaking training on procedures and skills in simulation environments.
How will we know if we have succeeded? The identified evaluation measures are: • Appropriate supervision increased Issues the Trust needs to address are: • Contact time with consultants • Increase the ratio of daytime working in line with patient’s preference for psychiatric care that • Supervised direct and indirect patient contact time • Multidisciplinary joint working is consultant supervised and well planned • Service delivery supports training • Provision of clear guidance to trainers and • Number of work place based assessments trainees on training expectations • Number of incident reports involving doctors in • Protection of training in emergency experience training prescribing errors out of hours with appropriate supervision • Make every moment count • Increased curriculum competencies of trainees • Changes in the GMC trainee survey results and in turn a better expected progression to ST4 • Raise incrementally the Examination pass rate • Encourage promotion of psychiatry as a career through increased CT contact with medical Key expected outcomes and success criteria are: undergraduates. Outcomes • Increase consultant supervised direct & indirect patient contact
Success criteria • 5 WTE Core trainees back into daytime hours • Core trainee and specialist trainees job descriptions and timetables aligned for service delivery to explicitly support training in the Trust’s redesigned service delivery model • Formalised & supervised core trainee teaching experience to undergraduates in their timetables • Reduced number of prescribing errors • Improvements on GMC trainee survey in domains of clinical supervision, handover, adequate experience and distribution of tasks • 12 week survey of trainee activity in core placement and out of hours repeated and evidence increases (from 30 to 50%) direct & indirect patient contact with supervision in the core placement • Routine use of Situation Background Assessment Recommendation (SBAR) tool
• Increase training out of hours
• Out of Hours Workplace based assessments completed for each trainee every six months
Why we decided to take part from the service perspective? There was a good match with the Trust’s strategic goals and what BTBC seeks to deliver: • Improved patient outcomes • Safe care • Improved patient experience through better training and better systems of care. This will be achieved by • Aligning doctors in training to the redesigned services from the Transformation Programme • Improved and more immediate supervision of trainees • Enhanced multidisciplinary working which supports training
• Training guidance • Electronic trainer/trainee guide available linking service provision to curriculum • Competencies and resources • Medicines Management Competency e-learning module • Clinical Simulation Training to increase communication and clinical interview skills and new assessment stations for trainees in eating disorders/self harm • SBAR tool in routine use by trainees • Increased exam success
• Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC) success to increase up to 60% (Trust results in Jan 12: was 48 %. National Average: 37.9%) • Increased competitive interviewing at ST4 level
Gina White, head of quality, Tel: 0113 3055980, E-mail:
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Clinical Audit Support Team:
Clinical Audit
Improving the quality of care
Changes and Events Clinical Audit is a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through the systematic review of care against explicit criteria and the implementation of change. It is a valuable source of evidence for external reviews of the Trust, e.g. Care Quality Commission and NHS Litigation Authority. Who are we: The Clinical Audit Support Team (CAST) is a support service in LYPFT. We are: • Elizabeth Day, head of clinical audit (0113 30 58262) • Stella Calverley, senior clinical audit (0113 30 58260) • Fiona Lacey, clinical audit facilitator (0113 30 58264) • Dominik Klinikowski, clinical audit facilitator (0113 30 58265) • Calei Smith, clinical audit facilitator (0113 30 58263) • Pamela Morris, CAST administrative support (0113 30 58269)
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What we do: • Facilitate all clinical audit activity at various levels agreed with clinicians: Facilitators offer various levels of support to clinicians to enable them to be able to review the quality and consistency of clinical care and interventions provided to service users Individual facilitators are assigned to Directorates to support clinicians to complete their own locally identified priority audit topics. • Manage the Trust Annual Priority Audit Plan, The Trust Annual Audit Plan is a rolling annual programme of clinical audits which need to be undertaken in order for clinicians to evidence that the best quality of care is being provided, and that changes are being made in order to address areas of need, across core areas of clinical practice
In response to a request based on feedback from clinical staff about the impact of implementation of the Transformation Project, the Trust Annual Priority Plan has been revised so that community services will not be involved in data collection from July to October 2012. A copy of the current version of the plan is available on request from the Clinical Audit Support Team.
• Provide a governance role in connection with the clinical audit process, All Clinical Audit activity must be registered with CAST in order to ensure that the project is safe, effective, and
relevant to the care provided by clinicians, and has the greatest impact on improving health care and outcomes • Maintains the Trust database of Clinical Audit projects This is an electronic record of all clinical audits that have occurred in the Trust. This central record allows CAST to report clinical audit activity at governance councils, and can be accessed to provide you with ideas for clinical audit activity.
you with the tools and techniques to completing your own project. In addition, the training covers ways of involving and supporting clinicians in the work undertaken as part of the Trust Annual Audit Plan.
How we can further support you: In light of the recent merger with North Yorkshire and York services (NY&Y), CAST is currently providing free Clinical Audit Information Sessions for NY&Y staff to attend. These sessions are aimed at all levels of staff, from clinicians to management level. The aim of the session is take staff through the agreed Trust process for Clinical Audit activity, including registering projects; looking at why this must be completed for all Clinical Audits, retrospective registrations, and what support we offer. There will only be a limited number of these sessions with the new organisation, and staff who attend this (NY&Y only) are strongly recommended to attend the training sessions as well, as the training sessions are about ways of completing audits in LYPFT, rather than just the process.
The upcoming training dates are: • Wednesday 19 September - at the Learning and Resource Room, Bootham Park The next information sessions are: • Thursday 27 September - at the Mount Annexe, Leeds • Thursday 6 September (either AM or PM) – at the Learning • Thursday 15 November - at the Learning and Resource and Resource Room, Bootham Park Room, Bootham Park In addition to this, CAST offer at least four sessions of free clinical audit training each financial year. These sessions are welcome to all staff to attend, and are held at both Leeds and York sites. The training takes you step-by-step through each of the stages required for a complete Clinical Audit, providing
For further information, please contact CAST on 0113 30 58262, or alternatively please visit our intranet page, where you can find Clinical Audit projects, reservation forms, and wider reading.
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for the Diary 2012 A calendar of events is now available at the bottom of the Staffnet homepage. It is easy to add details of events you are organising – just click calendar of events, click new item, add the detail to the proforma, save and close. Details of how to book a place are on Staffnet too. A reservation form and study leave form must be completed, authorised and submitted before a place can be reserved. Some examples are given below:
Sep 12 Wednesday Monday Friday Tuesday
5 10 21 25
Equality and diversity (Acomb Gables) CBT for depression: a skills based workshop Essentials: drug misuse in the elderly Applied skills in clinical supervision
Oct 12 Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday & Thursday
2 9 11 17 & 18
Recovery training Essentials: assessing capacity Research skills: good clinical practice* Liaison psychiatry for older people conference
Nov 12 Wednesday Thursday Monday
7 15 26
Essentials: court of protection and safeguarding Clinical Audit Training session (York venue) CIEH Level 2 award in food safety in catering (for Category B staff only)
The above is a snapshot of the learning opportunities and training & development courses available. More information can be found in the calendar of events on Staffnet, Andrew Sims Centre website or by contacting the Development Team. Details of how to book a place are on Staffnet. A reservation form and study leave form must be completed, authorised and submitted before a place can be reserved.
Your Feedback QuESt is your newsletter for sharing and learning about good practice focused on clinical quality. Please send your ideas, suggestions or articles to Gina White, Head of Quality, Medical Directorate, Trust Headquarters, Thorpe Park or ( 0113 30 55980 or 7
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Next Edition The deadline for articles for the next edition is 2 October 2012.