Place an order Simply fill out this form and return it to the address overleaf. Please write the child’s name clearly and as you want it to appear on their letter.
(with a splash of magic) to the little ones in your life this Christmas. Place your order overleaf before Monday 10 December 2012 to ensure Christmas delivery!
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in £ im um donation
Your support With your support we will be able to provide the service with things that go above and beyond what the NHS can ordinarily afford. Things that can make a huge difference to a child or young person’s recovery journey. Things like distraction toys and games go a long, long way. With your help we can make a difference to the lives of children and young people in mental distress. Contacting us If you would like to get in touch with our team of helpers you can: Write to us at: The Communications and Engagement Team, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, 2150 Century Way, Thorpe Park, Colton, Leeds, LS15 8ZB Visit: Email: Tel: (0113) 30 55944
Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust
Charitable Funds
Registered charitable fund: 1051514
The CAMHS team can support and give professional help and advice when a child or young person worries or has problems that begin to seriously interfere with their everyday lives.
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What is Lime Trees? Lime Trees is the name of the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in the York and Selby area. The service supports children and young people up to the age of 18 who have emotional or behavioural problems or other mental health difficulties. 1 in 10 youngsters have these kinds of problems at some time in their lives.
Send an extra special letter
Santa’s workshop
Visit: Email: Tel: (0113) 30 55944/55976
All income other than postage from your personalised letter(s) from Santa goes directly to Lime Trees in York. Administration of personalised letters is carried out by Santa’s helpers.
Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust
Charitable Funds
Registered charitable fund: 1051514
As you know, Santa is at his very busiest at this time of year but he wants to support the children at Lime Trees Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in York and he has generously given up his time to send an extra special letter.
Your details First name Surname Address
Letters are personalised for each child and sent out by Santa’s little helpers. All proceeds go directly to Lime Trees in York (other than postage). To order your letter(s) simply fill in this form and return to the address overleaf with a cheque for your donation.
The last day for ordering your letter(s) is Monday 10 December 2012. Letters will be posted out until Wednesday 12 December 2012.
Email Telephone
Place an order Simply fill out this form and return it to the address overleaf. Please write the child’s name clearly and as you want it to appear on their letter.
We never, ever share your details. Please tick here if you are NOT happy for us to contact you by mail or email to give you information about our activities [ ]
Child 1: First name Surname Age Gender (M/F) Address Postcode The following details will help personalise your letter: Friends name: Special achievement/hobby (learnt to tie shoelaces, started nursery, loves football):
Your donation I have ordered Suggested donation of £4 per letter
Child 2: First name Surname Age Gender (M/F) Address Postcode The following details will help personalise your letter: Friends name: Special achievement/hobby (learnt to tie shoelaces, started nursery, loves football):
Gift aid it! Increase your donation at no extra cost. We can only claim Gift Aid on your donation if you provide your full name and address above. You must pay an amount of UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each year (6 April one year to 5 April the next) that is at least equal to the tax that the charity will reclaim on your donations for the next year.
Donation for letter(s)
Additional donation
I want Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust’s Charitable Fund to treat my donation as a Gift Aid donation [ ] Please enclose this form in an envelope with a cheque made payable to Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust’s Charitable Fund and send it to:
Please photocopy this form if you would like to order more than two letters. We do not keep these details once the letters have been posted. All of the above data is destroyed after the letter is sent out. We guarantee to post the letters from Santa in time for the Royal Mail’s last posting date before Christmas. We cannot accept responsibility however, for any delay on behalf of Royal Mail. No receipt for payment will be sent unless requested.
The Communications and Engagement Team (AKA Santa’s helpers) Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 2150 Century Way, Thorpe Park, Colton, Leeds, LS15 8ZB