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home grown work. In Emma Jordan they have an exemplary artistic director of vision and articulation. Nobody speaks about their work with more clarity and passion then Emma and after her huge success with the Lyric’s production of Educating Rita I am delighted that she has returned to direct Red with her company in partnership with the Lyric.
I am delighted that Patrick O’Kane has returned to the Lyric which is the first time he is back on our stage since Quietly by Owen McCaferty was presented here by the Abbey three years ago. Patrick also played John Proctor in The Crucible which was the inaugural production of the New Lyric building in 2011. He is an extraordinary actor and one of the most in demand theatre actors Belfast has ever produced. He has found time to fit this production between commitments with the RSC and the National in London. The brilliant young actor Thomas Finnegan has come through the Lyric Drama Studio and Royal Welsh and continues to make his name through performances in Blackout and Here Comes the Night