Common Cents Magazine

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NTS NCE 10 MMO-751-85 O C 5 NTS , 22 510, 8510 NCE 10 51-8 ENTS 25-751- NTS E 2 MMO 1-85 225-7 NC , CO , 225-75 CENTS COMMO CENTS, MMONC1-8510 0 1 5 5 0 S N 8 O 751- NCENT OMMO-751-851 OMMON8510, C S, 225-7 ENTS C 225 225510C -751 CENT MMONC1-8510 NTS MMO 510, , NCE 8510CO 5-751-8 CENTS 25-751-8 NTS225 MMON O O -75 ENTS C 5 , M 10 CE ,2 CO C , 22 OM -751S22 MON NTS MON 8510 5-751-85CENTS MMON 10, CTS, 225 NCENT10COM NCE 0, COM 25-7512 MON 0, CO O 1-85 O 2 N S M S M E T 2 M 1 1 M 1-85 C CO 5-75 , N COM 1-85 O S E ENT T C C , , 0 0 N 2 5 N 0 5 O TS ONC 510 -7 CE 851 5-7 851 851 NTS, 2 CEN COMM 5-751-8 751- NTS22 MMON 0, COMM25-751- NTS225 N E 5 C O , 2 E N 2 O M 0 E 2 2 2 O NTS TS, ONC 510C -751-851 ENTS, MONC COM-751-851 ENTS, NCE 10 M CEN OMM 51-8 C C 5 8510 MMO-751-85 TS MON8510, C S, 225-7 ENTS22 MMON 510, CO 25-751- NTS225 MMON O C 5 , N 51- CENT NC S, 2 MONCE 8510CO 51-8510 NTS, 22 ONCE 8510 10CO 5-751-8 N 2 ENT 7 NCE OMM -751MMO 1-85 1C MMO 10, CO , 225-75 CENTS2 MMONC 10, COM225-75 2255 , NTS COMMO1-8510, TS, 225 5 S N 8 O S 8 E T O T C 1 C 1 0 N N N 5 10 TS 5-75 ONCE , COMM 51-851 225-75 ONCEN MMO 51-85 225-7 ONCE TS, CEN 0 S OMM51-8510 S, 225-7NCENT 0COMM 8510, COS, 225-7NCENTS0COMM MON 1-851 EN 1- ENT MMO 1-851 ONC 10, COM225-75 CENTS NT MMO 51-851 5 25-7 E M 7 C M C , 5 5 5 O ON 1-8 0CO MON 0, C 225-7 ENTS22 MMON 510, CO , 225-7 NTS -851 25-75 NCE OMM O S 8 COM-751-851 ENTS, ONC 510C -751- CENT 225-751 ENTS2 OMMO 8510, C 225 MONC C 510C -751, OMM25-751-8 NTS225 MMON S N C T O M , N 8 0 5 O M C CE OM 5-751- TS22 S, 2 MONCE 8510CO 851 2 MON 0, C 751- ENT EN 225- MONC 10, COM225-751 510COM 751-851 ENTS, 2 MONC -8 S225- ONC , COM 1 COM-751-85 ENTS, 5 7 M 5- CENT COM -8510 2 2 225 MONC , N 10 TS 751 COM ONCEN COMMO-751-85 225M 0, 225 COM-751-851 ENTS, C 5 22 MON COM

17 Years In Business • August 19 - Septmeber 1, 2010



LASSIFIEDS • b ton tnol. t antads

225-751-8510 1-800-582-3687

100 200 300

Market Place Home & Garden

400 500 600 700 900

Pets & Animals Real Estate Employment Guide

Health/ Family Lifestyles

Sportsman’s World Auto Mart

Pages 15-16-17 Business & Service Directory



'N_M ,I



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#;FF 4/$!9 ;H> ;ME OM ;<ION NBCM GIHNB…M 3J?=C;F CH=?HNCP? NI <OCF> Page 2 • August 19-September 1, 2010

(;NNC?M<OLA *;=EMIH #?HNL? 3NL??N 2C>A?F;H> -3


Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!

MARKETPLACE 100 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤


ANTIQUE BRASS BED: Paul Bunyan, good condition. $500. 225-261-9308. I BUY OLD US COINS Silver and Gold, Silver Dollars, etc. 115 N. Range, Denham Springs, LA 70726. 225-333-1960.


Buying U.S. & Foreign coins. We also buy Scrap Gold and Broken Jewelry. The Coin Shop, 31575 Hwy 16, Denham Springs. 225-791-5185.

Garage/ Estate Sales Get Loads of People at your next Garage Sale. Place your ad by Monday to be in Thursday’s Edition. Call 225-751-8510. Garage Sales Kits for only $6.50


Old Spanish Trail Market, 400 Garrett Road, Slidell. Open Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, 9AM5PM, Rain or Shine. Check out the puppies on our website. www. oldspanishtrailmarket .com ANTIQUE BED FRAME: Single, good condition. $350. 225-654-5650. 1915 VICTROLA VV-X1: Good condition, works. $300. 225-363-4006.


Class Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Broken Jewelry, Unwanted Gold. Flea Market of Louisiana, Booth #336, in Prairieville “This Weekend”. SaturdaySunday, 9am-5pm. 225-603-2752. FRANKLIN MINT CLOCK: Paid $295, Clock doesn’t work $50. “Fire-engine clock” 504-228-0425. SKATEBOARD: Made in 1976, 34 years of age, excellent condition. $200. 225-658-7528. LARGE NASCAR COLLECTION: Over 900 Pieces. Make reasonable offer. 225-262-0741. ANTIQUE FLOOR LAMP: Needs restoration. $35. 225-683-6934.


Internet Bidding Available: THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2010 @ 10AM, East Jefferson Levee District - 1135 Lesan Dr. in Kenner, LA $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction; SATURDAY AUGUST 28, 2010 @ 11AM. Real Estate Auction held at 3704 Karen Drive in Chalmette, LA; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 @ 10AM. City of Mandeville & Others - 101 Magnolia Street in Slidell, LA. $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction. See full terms at each auction. 10% Buyers Premium applies at each auction. Some items may be subject to confirmation. ServCorp International, Inc. *B. Mutz, 1467-10. 800-340-2185, http://www. servcorpii .com


Junkology is the search for junk, specifically your junk. Put some extra cash in your pocket. Sell us your junk. We’re looking for stuff that’s just sitting in your house, attic, barn, garage, storage shed, that you might not mind getting rid of. We might buy just about anything. You get cold hard cash and we get to take your junk away. 337-739-0567. FLEA MARKET: 60 Booths, Vendors Wanted. 2338 S. Range, Denham Springs (Behind Raising Canes) 225-287-1010.

120 Antiques & Collectibles

WATERFALL BEDROOM SUITE: Circa 1935, 7 pieces, excellent condition. $1250. 225-278-5365. VINTAGE STAR WARS MEMORABILIA: Huge Collection. $1850. 225-247-6085. ELVIS PRESELY ALBUMS: Prices vary. Call for Details. 504-228-1130. ANTIQUE BRASS CLOCK: Round Navy keywind ship’s bell clock. $250. 225-924-1238. ANTIQUE TIFFANY TABLE LAMP: All original. $150. 225-924-1238.

Antiques, Art, Crafts, Collectibles & Bargains!



Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9am - 5 pm Vendor Access Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun 8am-6pm

Auctions, Flea Markets, Resale Shops

2338 S. Range, Denham Springs (behind the Raising Canes)




Vendors Wanted


Sell Your Produce Outside Vendor


IN FRONT OF I-1o w/ Exposure to Traffic Count of 100,000 Cars Daily

$20/ day 10’x10’ Indoor & Outdoor for more info!


for 1 Month

400 Garrett Rd, Slidell, LA (Old Spanish Trail @ I-10, Exit 263) WATER COOLER: Sunbeam, hot/ cold. $75. 225272-1604. OLD TRAFFIC SIGNAL: 8” lens, standard bulbs. $175. 225-278-5365. WOODEN BASKETS: Various sizes, shapes, excellent condition. $3-$5. 504-220-0227. PORTABLE GAS GRILL: For Tailgaiting, Team Grill Brand. Folds up to go to the game with you!!!! 1)LSUTIG01. Regular Retail $499.99, Sale $379. Pat’s Home Center: 225-262-8685 Central, St. Francisville 225-635-4523, Clinton 225-683-8384.





At the Flea Market of Louisiana in Prairieville. Mark’s Quality Kitchenware; Booths 334 & 335. Saturday and Sunday, 9am-5pm.

AMERICA’S LARGEST ON-YOURLAND HOMEBUILDER. Call today and ask for your “FREE” custom Home Building Floor Plan Catalog. 1(800)NEW-HOUSE, www. americashomeplace .com Prices Starting at $50/ square foot. Financing Assistance Available. Local “Building Cents” in Baton Rouge, Hattiesburg and Jackson.

DIRECTV FREE HBO, STARZ, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX for 5 months! NO startup/equipment costs! Buy NFL SUNDAY TICKET, w/2yr agmt. New cust. only. DirectStarTV 1-877-385-1997

DWD OUTLET *Wholesale-Retail Merchandise **Home Deor, Gifts, Books, Novelties, Puzzles, and more. Low Shipping. http://www.stores.ebay. com/dwd-outlet

3 PUBLIC AUCTIONS 10% Buyers Premium applies at each auction

LARGE Inventory of

Thursday, August 26, 2010 @ 10AM

Y !-',1 ,),-2#1

East Jefferson Levee District ~ 1135 Lesan Dr in Kenner, LA Internet Bidding Available:


(7) Ford 3930 Tractors • Ford 5600 Tractor w/Side Cutter • (2) New Holland 7740 Tractors, one w/Cutter • Ford 6600 Tractor • (2) Ford F350 Crew Cab • Ford Bronco • (4) Dodge Durango’s • Dodge Ram 1500 • Toro Groundsmaster Mower • (3) New Holland MC28 Mowers • Generac Generator • Alamo Cutters • Tractor Kit Outfit. $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction

Y !-**#!2',% 13..*'#1 Denham Springs, LA 70726

ANTIQUE COCA-COLA BENCH: Good condition. $600. 225-654-5650. AUTHENTIC NATIVE AMERICAN CRAFTS: Prayer Shawls, Etc. 337-828-2758. ELVIS COLLECTIBLES: Variety, reproductions. Call for information. 225-361-0331. ANTIQUE SINGER SEWING MACHINE: Pedal, great condition. $150. 504-738-1069.


General Merchandise BLACK IRON POTS: 20-50 gallons. $100-$300. 225-261-9308. ROSETTA STONE: Latin / American Levels 1-5. Only $400. 504-704-6957. VHS MOVIES: Variety, cartoons. $50. 225-3174536. - Powered by American Classifieds

Saturday, August 28, 2010 @ 11AM

Real Estate Auction held at 3704 Karen Dr in Chalmette, LA Properties to be offered: 3704 Karen Dr in Chalmette • 7616 W. Judge Perez Dr in Arabi • 3212 Chalona Dr in Chalmette • 3109 Blanchard Dr in Chalmette. $2,500 Certified Funds required to bid. All properties are Subject to Owner Confirmation. Call Penny Mutz at (985) 646-2518 for full terms of auction & Property Information Packages. Visit website for more info.

Thursday, September 2, 2010 @ 10AM

City of Mandeville & Others ~ 101 Magnolia St in Slidell, LA Dodge Ram 2500 • Ford F150’s • Chevy S10’s • Ford Crown Vics • Chevy Cavalier • Ford Expedition • Chevy Corvette • Geo Tracker • Chevy Tahoe • CASE 580K Backhoe, Kubota Track Excavator, KX151 • Riding Mowers • Trail Sport Travel Trailer • Scaffolding • Tub/Sink Molds • Computers • Filing Cabinets • New Windows, Sinks & Commodes • Furniture • Contractor Tools & More! $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction

See full terms at auction * Some items subject to confirmation

ServCorp International, Inc. B. Mutz, 1467-10 * (800) 340-2185 *

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 3

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510


.F;=? 7IOL >

Call: 225-751-8510 • 800-582-3687 • Email: Fax : 225-751-4953 • 888-719-8235 • Mail: P. O. Box 3082, Prairieville, LA 70769 Website: • Walk-In: 17425 Opportunity Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70817 Market Place 110

Garage Sales/ Estate Sales


Auctions/Flea Markets/ Resale Shops Antiques & Collectibles Seasonal/Holiday General Merchandise

By Areas

120 125 130

Miscellaneous Articles

135 140 145 150 155 160

Music Merchandise Jewelry & Clothing Wedding Items Business Equipment & Furniture Restaurant Equipment Computer Merchandise





175 180 190

Cemetery Plots Want to Buy Lost & Found

Hardware, Software, Accessories, & Games Stereos, TVs, DVDs, VCR, Communications Hand & Power Tools, Welding Machines, Industrial

Home & Garden

210 220 225 230

Appliances Furniture/ Decor Cleaning/ Errand Services Home Improvement & Building Materials


Lawn/ Garden & Farming Mowers, Tractors, Garden Supplies Patios/Decks/ Pools/ Ponds &Spas Utility Trailers Storage/ Portable Buildings/ Modular Buildings

Materials, Plumbing, Heating/ Cooling Equipment & Services

250 260 270

Health/ Family/ Lifestyles

310 Health Care/ Aides to Living

Health Needs, Nursing Care, Sickroom Equipment, Medical Supplies

515 520 525 530 532 535 540 545 550 560 565 567 570 571 575 580 590

600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608

335 340 345 350 355 360 363 365

Adoptions Vacation/ Travel/ Rentals Trips, Excursions, Services, Lodging

Tickets/ Events Community Events & Announcements Personals Religious Financial/ Legal Services Food/ Dining/ Amusements

Restaurants, Recipes, Farmer’s Markets, Singing Telegrams, Entertainment

410 415 420 425 430 435 440

Pets & Animals

Dogs Cats Birds Rabbits Reptiles Other Pets & Supplies Farm Animals/ Accessories

Real Estate

505 506 507

Real Estate Brokers Want to Buy or Lease Condos/ Townhomes for Sale


Homes for Sale

By Areas

By Areas

1 Issue = 2 Weeks

Private Party:....10 words, 2 Issues..........................FREE Limit 5 ads Over 5 ads: 15 words, 1 Issue....................$8.50

710 720 725 730 735 740 750 755 775 780 790 794 795 796 797


Auto Mart

905 910 912 915 920 930 940 960 970

Page • August 19-September 1, 2010



Classified Deadline: Monday, 5:00 p.m.

%#2 ,-2'!#"

Parts, Service, Accessories


Add Color:...........................................................$100/wk

Boats/ Motors/ Trailers Personal Watercrafts Fishing Miscellaneous Hunting Miscellaneous Camping Guns, Bows, & Knives ATV’s, Dirt Bikes & Go - Carts Motorcycles Golf Equipment Games, Hobbies, Toys Bicycles Airplanes Recreational Vehicles RV Parks/ Campgrounds Sports/ Recreational



Business & Service Directory: 15 words, 3 issues.......$35 Business Card Directory: 2 Issues..................$125

Sportsman’s World


Business Rate:....15 words, 1 Issue.............................$14




Employment Agencies Administrative Professional Computer Personnel Engineers/ Chemists Drivers Delivery Oil Field Industrial/ Technical Medical

Restaurants/ Hotels/ Clubs Sales/ Marketing/ Telemarketing Salons Domestic General Help Wanted Career Training/ Schools Positions Wanted Business & Money Making Opportunities 640 Financial/ Accounting/ Legal

Exercise Classes, Hair Salons, Massage Therapy

Day Care, Schools, Tutoring, Baby Sitting, Toys


Employment Guide

610 611 612 613 620 625 630 635

320 Fitness & Beauty

321 Exercise Equipment 330 Child Care/ Kids Items

Homes to be Moved Mobile Homes for Sale Mobile Home Parks/ Lots Lots & Acerage for Sale Felicianas Lots & Acreage for Rent Homes for Rent By Areas Condos/ Townhomes for Rent Mobile Homes for Rent By Areas Apartments/ Rooms for Rent Roommate Wanted Out of Town Property Recreational Properties Waterfront Properties Retired Living Commercial & Investment Properties For sale or For Rent/ Lease Real Estate Financing

Automotive Agencies Autos Classics Sports/ Racing Cars Trucks/ Sport Utilities Vans Heavy Duty Trucks/ Trailers/ Buses Car Audio Vehicle Parts/Accessories/Services

Additional Words Only.....................................50¢ Additional Bold Words.....................70¢/each HEADLINER(large type, 15 characters)...........$4/line Border Around Ad.......................................$6 Centering.....................................................$8 Scatter..................................................$8/each Add a Photo, Logo or Graphic............$8/each Hotlink Website...................................$8/each .?N 0;N?M Registered and $99 + Animals use the private party pay rate. OMCH?MM 0;N?M Business rate also applies to: Rent Homes, Livestock, Political, Ads providing a Service, Selling Inventory, Crafters, Home Business, Etc.

CFFCHA !L?>CN .IFC=C?M Ad payments are due by Thursday’s publication. Unpaid ads receive a $1 Billing Fee per ad, per week, until the overdue balance is paid. All going out of business ads, 900 phone number & Chat Line Ads, and Private Party Ads totaling $50 or more; and Business Ads totaling $125 or more, must be paid in Advance. We charge $25 on NSF checks. Sorry, NO Refunds, In- House Credit Will Be Issued !;H=?FF;NCIHM !B;HA?M Once accepted, no changes

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!ILL?=NCIHM We are not responsible for incorrect ads after the first run. If you find an error, you MUST notify us within 5 days of publication date.


Monday - Thursday: 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M Friday: 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. • Closed Saturday & Sunday Monday of DEADLINE for Publication: 8:00-6:00 Common Cents is published every two weeks by ŠCommon Cents, Inc., an independently owned corporation. Common Cents is distributed every other Thursday through-out the following parishes: Ascension, Assumption, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Jefferson, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany Tangipahoa, West Baton Rouge, West Feliciana. Reproduction in whole or in part of Common Cents without prior written permission is prohibited. Common Cents is available free of charge, limited to one per reader. Any additional copies can be purchased at the office of Common Cents for $3.50 each. Common Cents reserves the right to refuse any listing which are contrary to its policies. Common Cents is not liable for the condition of advertised items or for composition errors. Common Cents may be distributed only by authorized distributors. No one may, without proper written permission of ŠCommon Cents, Inc. remove a stand of Common Cents

Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!


MARKETPLACE 100 โ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ ค

SEWING MACHINE MADE in a cabinet. $75. 985-892-7435. TUBE FITTINGS We Buy and Sell New Parker & Swagelok Tubing Fittings and Instrumentation Valves. We Also Buy New or Used Transmitters and Versa Valves. R&R Fittings and Valves. 337-662-3004 Cell Phone 337-654-1103. JAMBALAYA POT: With stand, 30 gallon. $300. 225-261-9308. STAINLESS STEEL JET BURNER: $79.99 225753-1300. (88) VCR TAPES: $0.50/ each. Can send list. 985-750-3370. MORSE SEWING MACHINE: Very good condition, buttonhole, blindstitching. $75. 504-256-0921. (3) SHOWER CURTAIN RODS: $5 each. 225644-9667.

$10.00 OFF

PATERNITY/ STD/ DRUG TEST And Much More. Confidential and Anonymous. Walksins Welcome. 2 LOCATIONS: Any Lab Test Now, BATON ROUGE: 14635 S. Harrells Ferry #3C, Baton Rouge. 225-7525681. METAIRIE: 3117 7th Street, #100, Metairie, LA 70002 504-838-2254. HYDRAULIC DRYWALL LIFT: To 16โ , very versatile. $500. 225-654-2759.


Music Merchandise UPRIGHT PIANO: Wurlitzer, with bench, very nice. 225-939-7631. CD JUKE BOXES & Video Multi Games For Sale. 225-383-5326. ACOUSTIC GUITAR: Daisy Rock, purple case, like new. $150. 225-337-2085. KIMBALL PIANO: Like new, with padded bench. $900. 225-262-5235, 225-485-7328 ESTEBAN GUITAR: Beautiful design, like new with case. $150. 225-615-7306. CLARINET: Excellent condition. $195. 985-8982105. MOUTHPIECES: (6) Alto Sax, (4) Clarinet, excellent condition. $10 each. 985-898-2105. TAMA: 6 pieces, lots of cymbals and extras, barely used. 225-275-6997. TRUMPET: Very good condition. $200. 225-6584993 after 5pm

140 Jewelry & Clothing

WOMENโ S CLOTHING: Size 6 through Large. 225-355-1419. LEATHER TRENCH COAT: New, XL, Navarre, ONLY $45. 225-363-4006. TRENCH COAT: Black, 44 regular, brand new. $65. 225-202-8431. NFL TENNESSEE TITAN JACKET: Full Length. $75. Chris 225-288-9219. LADIES GORGEOUS RING: 10 Karat gold diamond ring, never worn. $250. 504-468-2192. PANTS SUIT: 2 piece, black pin strip, size 7. $50. 225-775-0019. DONATIONS NEEDED: Womenโ s size 8, Medium, or small. 225-216-2177, 225-663-9273.


www. Money4GoldParty .com We Pay Top Dollar CA$H... Old Gold, Unwanted Gold, Broken Gold, Gold Watches, Gold Coins, Dental Gold, Platinum, Silver and Much More. We Host GOLD Parties, Fund Raisers Events, Charitable Events, Commission Rewards. 800-237-5044, 225-892-6251, info4 @ 1530 N Foster Drive, BR, LA 70806 or 13265 Perkins Drive (inside the Ritual Xperience), BR, LA 70810 BOYโ S UNIFORMS: (7) Pants, (9) Navy Shirts. Size 8. All for $24 (will seperate). 225-673-2303. BOYโ S SUMMER CLOTHES: Box of Size 8 (No Name Brands). $20. 225-673-2303. WOMENโ S SUIT & HAT: Size 22, black. $50. 225-775-0019. OAKLEY SUNGLASSES: Different styles $30. 225290-3776. Rolex replicas (exact copies), many styles $100. 225-290-3776. Affliction T-shirts, many styles, 100% Authentic $45. 225-290-3776. SCRUBS: (9) Shirts, (3) jackets, (12) Womanโ s pants. Size medium. All for $36 (will seperate). 225-673-2303. LADIES NECKLACE: Beautiful Chinese Crystal, handmade, 3 piece set. $45. 504-468-2192. MANโ S DIAMOND WEDDING BAND: 10/14K Gold. $300. 504-468-2192.


Wedding Items WEDDING DRESS: Excellent condition, size 14, accessories. $325. Details call. 225-933-4120. WEDDING DRESS; Beautiful, strapless, Size 8/10. $155. 225-803-6420. WEDDING DRESS: New, size 26W, cathedral train & veil. $300. 985-807-3019. WEDDING DRESS: New, strapless, size 5/6. $199. 225-803-6420. WEDDING GOWNS: Beautiful, sequined. Priced from $300-$500. 225-772-8575.

HUGE SALE: 46406 N. Morrison, Hammond, LA. Clothing, Handmade Jewelry, Gifts, and More. 985-351-2678.

Computer Merchandise DELL POWEREDGE SC-440 COMPUTER SERVER: Includes Winโ 03 Server 3 Software. Preconfirgured for 5 users. Delivery and Installation Available. $975. 985-415-9432. HEWLETT PACKARD 4-IN-1: Scanner, Fax, Printer, and Copier. $50. 225-665-3470. LAP TOP: Brand new, 10.5 Wii Fii, with WebCam. timothy.sndrs DELL COMPUTER: Complete, black, 15โ monitor, with desk. $400. 225-769-6553. LAP TOP: Brand new, 7โ Wii Fii. $150. timothy. sndrs


NINTENDO DS-LITE: Mint condition, all accessories included. $90. 225-907-7406.


13โ TOSHIBA TV: 2006. $25. 225-216-9313 after 5pm. IPHONE: 3G/3GS gels $10, located in Baton Rouge. 985-514-7354. MAGNAVOX AM/FM Radio Cassette and phonograph with speakers. $65. 225-924-1238. COLOR TV: 9โ , cable ready, built in vcr. $28. 225751-3765. 20โ FLAT SCREEN: 2005, with DVD. 225-216-9313 after 5pm. NEXTEL: I710 $35, I530 $100. Located near LSU. 985-514-7354. NEW BLACKBERRY TRACKBALL: $15. Baton Rouge 985-514-7354. 27โ RCA TV: 2003, good condition. Call after 5pm. 225-216-9313.

14โ GE TELEVISION: With VHS player, excellent condition. $75. 225-766-8633. AT&T SAMSUNG FLIP: Pre-paid phone with charger. $15. 225-330-3904. 27โ PHILLIPS TV: 2005. $60. 225-216-9313 after 5pm. DIRECTVS BEST PACKAGE FREE for 5 months + NO Start Costs + FREE HD DVR upgrade! Buy NFL SUNDAY TICKET, w/2yr agmt. New cust. only. DirectStarTV 1-800-928-1052 DIRECTV FREE HBO, STARZ, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX for 5 months! NO startup/equipment costs! Buy NFL SUNDAY TICKET, w/2yr agmt. New cust. only. DirectStarTV 1-877-385-1997 DIRECTVS BEST PACKAGE FREE for 5 months + NO Start Costs + FREE HD DVR upgrade! Buy NFL SUNDAY TICKET, w/2yr agmt. New cust. only. DirectStarTV 1-800-928-1052

SUMMER CLOSEOUT 3 Locations to Serve You Central (225) 262-8685 St.Francisville



(225) 683-8384

Business Equipment & Furniture

FILING CABINET: 4 drawer, brand new. Paid $230, Asking $160. 225-907-4101. (2) FAX MACHINES: Brand new in box. $30 each. 225-202-6753. BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT: $460. Beauty Shop Implements $413.50. 225-262-1737. DESK: L-Shaped, 2 pieces, fair condition, wood laminate. $75. 225-202-6753. FOLDING TABLES: (5) For Office. $25 each. 225-271-8570.


(225) 635-4223 $

STAINLESS: 6 panels, industrial grade. 2โ x8โ x8/32. $250 Sale or trade. 504-458-5266.


399 99

69 99

Monaco 5 pc. Patio Set

KYOCERA 2050 WORKGROUP COPIER SYSTEM: 2 paper trays, fax/ scan to PDF. $1750. Delivery Available. 985-415-9432.

Hummingbird Bench

(OLLS 7IHย N ,;MN ,IHA LSU Portable Gas Grill

Omaha Grill

155 Restaurant Equipment


Class Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Broken Jewelry, Unwanted Gold. Flea Market of Louisiana, Booth #336, in Prairieville โ This Weekendโ . SaturdaySunday, 9am-5pm. 225-603-2752.


LADYโ S LINGERIE: Beautiful, 20 pieces, Excellent Condition. $10 each. 504-468-2192. SHIRTS: Work and Dress, L, XL, XXL $3 each. 225-317-4536. FUR COAT: 3/4 Length, size XL. $150. 985-8927435.

SNOW CONE MACHINE: By Sno-Wizard, good condition. $995. 225-261-9308. USED ICE MACHINES: โ Sonicโ Style & Cubers. Residential or Commercial. Call Mike 225-4131672, mlhcjb789 - Powered by American Classifieds









August 19-September 1, 2010 โ ข Page 5

FREE Classified (225)751-8510 Ads...Call 225-751-8510 MARKETPLACE 100 โ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ ค PLAY STATION II: With Rock Band. $40. 225650-1904. REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! FREE 4-Room Digital Satellite and installation. Programming starting under $20. FREE HD and DVR upgrade for new callers. 1-866-929-8199 30โ TV: With cabinet for VCR. $300. 225-355-1419, 225-931-8075. 13โ COLOR TV AND VCR. $30 for both. 225751-3765. SPRINT FLIP PHONE: Like new. $45. 225-7699051. 50โ ZENITH FLATSCREEN: With stand, never used. $1500. 225-772-4556.


Tools, Machinery, Equipment 20โ AND 40โ STORAGE/ SHIPPING CONTAINERS: New and Used. โ Buy Directโ CONGLOBAL INDUSTRIES 504-246-7853. (2) PORTABLE GENERATORS: 5000 watt DEK 11HP AND Coleman Powermate 8hp. $375 each or $700 for both. 225-622-2382. 6 BAG SANDBLASTING POT: No gauges. $300. 225-665-7085. WHEEL BARREL: GAS powered, Muck Truck. $1000. 225-290-3568. GENERATOR: Powermate 22hp, normal 12,500, max 15,600 watts, electric start. $1750. 225-235-8883. WANTED: Wood working vise. 225-752-8686. STUMP GRINDER: 630B, excellent condition. $5700. 225-337-0182. GENERATOR: 4400 Watts, 9HP Subaru engine, excellent condition. 225-910-8719.

HOUSE LEVELING EQUIPMENT: Hydraulic pumps, Rams, Hoses, and More. 225-278-5365. AUTOMOTIVE/ HOUSEHOLD TOOLS: Various kinds. Call for price. 225-317-4536. HYDRAULIC DRYWALL LIFT: Lifts up to 16โ 8x12 drywall. $500. 225-654-2759.

GULF SOUTH EQUIPMENT SALES, 8343 Hooper Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70811. 800-462-8118, http://www. GulfSouthEquip .com Tractor Parts, Salvage Equipment Arriving Daily, Used, Aftermarket, Components, Attachments, Case, John Deere, Komatsu, International, Kubota, Massey Ferguson and many other makes.

ASCENSION EQUIPMENT & RENT-ALL โ Big or Small we rent it allโ *Tractors * Air Compressors *Front Loaders *Sod Cutters *Mini Excavators *Post Hole Diggers *Trenchers *Lawn Mowers * Grader Boxes *Pressure Washers * Weed Trimmers *Man Lifts *Scaffolding *Utility Vehicles, Etc. โ Ask about our Rental Club. 13173 Airline Hwy, Gonzales, LA 70737. 225-644-RENT (7368) BATTERY CHARGER: For Black & Decker, 6.0V, electric drill. 225-385-0770. AIR COMPRESSOR: Kobalt 30 gallon, cast iron, belt driven. $300. 985-651-1651. INDUSTRIAL PAINT SPRAY RIG: New spray gun. $700. 225-791-7876, 225-315-8091. BRASS FIRE HOSE NOZZLES: (2) New. $75 for both. 225-278-5365. FORD 555D Dismantling For Parts. Gulf South Equipment Sales. 800-462-8118. www. gulfsouthequip .com

5? ;L? 7-30 -H? 1NIJ 1BIJ @IL FF 7IOL $OLHCNOL? ,??>M


Starting @


'H=FO>CHA G;NNL?MM M?N Starting @


0?=FCH?LM Starting @

Junkology is the search for junk, specifically your junk. Put some extra cash in your pocket. Sell us your junk. Weโ re looking for stuff thatโ s just sitting in your house, attic, barn, garage, storage shed, that you might not mind getting rid of. We might buy just about anything. You get cold hard cash and we get to take your junk away. 337-739-0567.

COLEMAN GENERATOR: 5000W. $350. 225766-0511. NO NEED TO BUY NEW POWER TOOL BATTERIES... We will rebuild them at Half The Price. They will be as good as new. Ryobi, Craftsman, DeWalt, Makita, Bosch, Black and Decker, Skill, etc. (All Brands). The only place in Baton Rouge... Gayle Batteries, 16555 Plank Road, Baker, LA. 225-774-7475. 13400

I BUY OLD US COINS Silver and Gold, Silver Dollars, etc. 115 N. Range, Denham Springs, LA 70726. 225-333-1960. WANTED: Wood working vise. 225-752-8686.


STAINLESS: 6 panels, industrial grade. 2โ x8โ x8/32. $250 Sale or trade. 504-458-5266.

www. Money4GoldParty .com We Pay Top Dollar CA$H... Old Gold, Unwanted Gold, Broken Gold, Gold Watches, Gold Coins, Dental Gold, Platinum, Silver and Much More. We Host GOLD Parties, Fund Raisers Events, Charitable Events, Commission Rewards. 800-237-5044, 225-892-6251, info4 @ 1530 N Foster Drive, BR, LA 70806 or 13265 Perkins Drive (inside the Ritual Xperience), BR, LA 70810 WANT TO BUY: Wooden privacy fence real cheap or accept free. 225-673-2303. WANT TO BUY: 12โ -14โ Aluminum Boat. 225761-1456. WANTED: 1995-2000 Toyota Tacoma for parts. 225-667-9479. WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

JOINTER/ PLANER: 6-1/8โ Craftsman, 3/4hp Craftsman motor. $275. 225-910-8719. COMPOUND MITER: 10โ Rail Saw, excellent condition. $50. 225-262-9465.


Cemetery Plots BURIAL PLOT: St. Bernard Memorial. List $2600, Asking $1800. 985-898-2105. Need to sell your Cemetery Plot. Call Common Cents Magazine at 225-751-8510 to place your ad.

! . 12-,#

8336 Airline Highway โ ข Baton Rouge, LA 70814


*;S;Q;S Y !;MB !B?=E Y !;L>


GENERATOR: Briggs & Stratton 5500 watts. $400. 225-330-3008.

'I@H= @9B8 @5;GHCB9

1I@; *IP?M?;N !I@@?? 2;<F? 1?N

Starting @



8450 Greenmoss Dr. โ ข Baton Rouge 70806

!I@@?? 2;<F? 1?NM J=

Want to Buy

Lawn & Garden equipment, Self-storage, Party Rentals, Contracting Equipment. General Rental Center, 16155 Airline Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70817. 225-755-2277.

BARGAIN FURNITURE Across From Cortana Mall on Airline Hwy. Next to Hobby Town

Starting @


RADIO ARM SAW: 14โ Dewalt, Industrial, 220V single phase. $500. 225-936-8060. PROPANE GENERATOR: 6000w. $925. 985415-9432. 2002 CASE 550H: $28,000. Gulf South Equipment Sales. 800-462-8118, www. GulfSouthEquip .com

.18ยข/ lb

Your Stone Specialist

,98 &5J5 ,C7?

,5=B6CK T

.44ยข/ lb

.35ยข/ lb


.18ยข/ lb @5H ,5=B6CK T

Starting @


Area Rugs 6x8 Wall Art

-IH &LC x 3;N

.25ยข/ lb



*95 !F5J9@

'5GCB -5B8





LCHA 7IOL !IFF?A? '" @IL ; "'1!-3,2 I@@ HS .OL=B;M?

Page โ ข August 19-September 1, 2010

Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!


HOME & GARDEN 200 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

WANT TO BUY: Body for 1999 GMC Sierra SL. 225-305-2368.

LIVING ROOM SET: Sofa and LoveSeat, black. $350. 225-733-9780. COUCH: Antique Duncan Fife, creme floral. $200. 985-892-7435.


Sofa, Loveseat, Coffee table, (2) end tables. Brand New... Only $398. Bargain Furniture (across from Cortana Mall on Airline next to Hobby Town). 225922-8338. Financing, Lay-away. 8’ BAR COUNTER TOP: With cushioned edges, excellent condition. $45. 225-644-9667. DINING TABLE WITH 4 chairs, good condition. $100. 225-775-0019. NEW MICROFIBER RECLINERS: $299. 225927-0663. STUDENT DESK: Good condition. $10. 225-7538129. LOVESEAT/ CHAIR: BROWN leather, very little use. $300. 225-663-9451. SOFA SLEEPER: $100. 225-290-3568.



REFRIGERATOR: Whirlpool 19.1 cubic foot, harvest gold, side by side. $50. 225-262-9465. DEEP FREEZER: Crosley, medium sized. $75. 225-287-4736. DRYER: General Electric, electric, large capacity. $100. 225-262-9465. KENMORE DRYER 500: Never been used. $300. 225-221-1039. DYSON VACUUM CLEANERS: (2), Brand New, Never Opened, Top of the Line. Retails over $1000, Asking Price Will Blow You Away! Call Billy 318-419-3440. (3) DRYERS: $100 each. 225-931-4872, 225304-2332. WATER COOLER: Sunbeam, hot/ cold. $75. 225272-1604. REFRIGERATOR: With ice maker, excellent condition. $175. 225-803-4967. WASHING MACHINE: Whirpool, Ultimate 2, excellent condition. $125. 225-262-9465.



At the Flea Market of Louisiana in Prairieville. Mark’s Quality Kitchenware; Booths 334 & 335. Saturday and Sunday, 9am-5pm. DRYER: Crosley, heavy duty, 3 cycles. $75. 225287-4736. STOVETOP: Countertop 4 burner, electric. $50. 225-262-9465. REFRIGERATOR: New, Americana 2 door, white. $300. 225-753-5352. VACUUM CLEANER: Bissell, powerful force. $20. 225-287-4736. (4) WASHERS: Need minor repairs. All for $200. 225-931-4872, 225-304-2332.






Furniture & Decor

4 Mowe Mowers rs 30” to 54” UNDER


Junkology is the search for junk, specifically your junk. Put some extra cash in your pocket. Sell us your junk. We’re looking for stuff that’s just sitting in your house, attic, barn, garage, storage shed, that you might not mind getting rid of. We might buy just about anything. You get cold hard cash and we get to take your junk away. 337-739-0567. DINING TABLE: Large round pedestal cherrywood. $50. 985-892-7435. HOUSE FULL OF FURNITURE: All $2500. Can seperate. 225-454-6484, 225-614-3065. CHAISE SOFA LOUNGER: $100. 225-290-3568. LIVING ROOM SET: 2 pieces, with tables, lamps, almost new. $1000. 225-357-7300.


11730 Airline Hwy • Baton Rouge, LA 70817

CASH MONEY For Your Junk Vehicles. One Call, We Haul!! Call Quick Rick at 225-2463328, 225-806-5903. DRYER: Maytag, excellent condition, heavy duty, runs great. $200. 225-964-3378. DRYER: Kenmore, gas, like new. $175. 225-2798105. REFRIGERATOR: 18 cubic, 1 year old, Hot Point. $350. 225-753-5352. USED ICE MACHINES: “Sonic” Style & Cubers. Residential or Commercial. Call Mike 225-413-1672, mlhcjb789 DRYER: General Electric, large capacity, works great. $100. 225-262-9465. GE MICROWAVE: Withy stove vent built in, black. $50. 225-262-9465. DISHWASHER: Kenmore, great condition. $100. 225-644-9667.

New 2010


Did you know that you can Sell your unwanted items (Furniture, Clothing, Appliances, House, Boat, RV, Automobile, and any private party item.... For any Price) by placing an ad in the Common Cents Magazine for FREE. Call today and let us give you all the Details. 225751-8510, or http://www. NEW QUEEN MATTRESS SET: $199. 225-9270663. BAR STOOLS (4): Cushion seat and back. Nice! $30/ each. 225-644-9667. QUEEN BEDROOM SET: Ashley, like new, mattress included. $500. 225-716-4355. 5 PIECE DINETTES: Brand New...Starting at Only $138. Bargain Furniture (across from Cortana Mall on Airline next to Hobby Town). 225-922-8338. Financing, Lay-away.

Education Pays


Call today to reserve your seat! NO CREDIT CHECK!

CONTEMPORARY DRESSER: Beautifully accented with chrome color legs and T-moulded accents, with a replicated high gloss figured horizon maple grain. Moved won’t fit in new house. $100. 225454-6397. 84602

Get It All With Our Brand New No Credit Check! 90 Day SAME AS CASH! Home Furniture, 8440 Airline Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70815. 225-927-0663, www. homefurn .com (4) MIRRORS: Various Sizes. $30 each. 225-2621737 after 3pm NEW MICROFIBER SOFAS: $399. 225-927-0663. - Powered by American Classifieds


ITI TechnIcal college 13944 airline hwy. | Baton Rouge, la 70817


August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 7

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510

HOME & GARDEN 200 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

Need Furniture? Fc No Credit... No Problem! 8440 Airline Hwy • Baton Rouge, LA 70815








TABLE AND (4) CHAIRS: Dark wood, never used. $200. 225-272-1604. BARGAIN FURNITURE [DEALS! DEALS! DEALS!] 6 PC. Bedroom Set (including Mattress Set) $398; Dinette Set (5 Piece) $138; 6x8 Rugs (Area) Starting @ $39; Lamps (Ceramic) $9; Now Carry ASHLEY FURNITURE. BARGAIN FURNITURE (Across from Cortana Mall on Airline next to Hobby Town). 225-922-8338.

DINING/KITCHEN SET: By Ashley, 3’x5’ Wrought Iron and Multi Color Slate Table with 4 chairs, and Matching Console/Bu 4’Lx20”Dx29”H. Only 2-1/2 years old. Paid $650, Asking $200. 225-454-6397. 84600 ARMOIRE/ ENTERTAINMENT CENTER: Oak, 7’, excellent condition, no blemishes. $475. 225907-4101. LA-Z-BOY LOVE SEAT: Floral print, like new. $175. 225-663-9451.


DEALS! DEALS! DEALS! Bunk Beds with mattresses $248; 4 Drawer Chest $49; 5 Drawer Chest $69; Now Carry ASHLEY FURNITURE. BARGAIN FURNITURE (Across from Cortana Mall on Airline next to Hobby Town). 225-922-8338. NEW QUEEN BED: $199. 225-927-0663.

(3) BAR STOOLS: Padded, excellent shape. Paid $1200, Asking $295. 225-261-8095. NEW DINING ROOM TABLES: $199. 225-9270663. BEVELED GLASS TABLE: With 6 cushioned chairs. Paid $3600, Asking $895. 225-261-8095. WATERFALL BEDROOM SUITE: Circa 1935, 7 pieces, excellent condition. $1250. 225-278-5365. CORNER COMPUTER DESK: Straight desk. $650. Set or separate. 225-907-4101.

CAPRICE CHINA/ DISPLAY CABINET: Beautiful, dark wood, 42”Wx74”Hx18”D, Glass shelves with mirror back, and 2 full width storage drawers. Great Condition. Only 2-1/2 years old. Moved and won’t fit. Paid $1000. Asking $350. 225-454-6397. MATTRESS SET: Full, used, with frame and wooden headboard. $120. 225-683-6934.


Home Improvement & Building Materials CARPET: (2) rolls, gray, size 10x12+ $15 each. 225-753-8129. AIR CONDITION: Whirlpool, 25,000 BTU window unit, like new. $295. 225-271-8570.

2B? .LC=? I@ 1BCHAF?M B;M 1)70-!)#2#" ,-5 CM NB? .#0$#!2 2CG? NI 'HMN;FF ; +?N;F 0II@

1820 W. Hwy. 30. Gonzales, LA

We Now Carry Expanded Metal 4x8 Sheets 1/2”x13 Gauage Flat

1-800-207-1950 225-647-8588 www.metalmar

%L?;N "?;FM IH ! 0.-021 2II

Page 8 • August 19-September 1, 2010

The Trusted Source For All Your Metal Building Component Needs

Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!

HOME & GARDEN 200 โ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ ค


Specializing in custom Pools, Outdoor Kitchens, Updating Existing Homes. 225-936-4494. FETTER AIR CONDITIONER: 220 Volt, 1800 btuโ s, fan motor needs oiling. $150. 225-573-8394.


COMMERCIAL/ RESIDENTIAL... NEW, REPAIRS, REMODELS, IMPROVEMENTS. 30+ Years Experience. Licensed and Insured. Call H&O Investments TODAY 225-454-6397.




All Size Buildings Available

Galvalume w/Slab Size $12,999 30X50X10 $10,999 30X40X10 $9,999 30X30X10


Size Galvalume w/Slab 20X40X10 $8,999 20X30X10 $7,999 20X20X10 $6,999

Color Metal available at additional costs GREAT PRICE! Metal Mart The Southwest Leader in Panalized Residential Roofing 1820 W. Hwy 30, Gonzales, LA (Across from Home Depot). 225-6478588. www. metalmarts .com STEEL CABLE OR ROPE BLOCKS: Pair, 6 inch. $100. 225-654-2759.


Specializing in Installation of Ceramic and Wood Floors. Will Beat Any Reputable Business Price. 225-588-6238.


Lowest Prices. Call Raymond 225-975-2701.

LATEX PAINT: Household. $5 - 10/ gallon. 225317-4536. AIR CONDITION: 2008 Sears Kenmore, 18,000 BTUs. $300. 225-229-3517. 20โ AND 40โ STORAGE CONTAINERS. $1850. Will Deliver. Call 225-247-0790.


Where our work speaks for itself. Roofing, Plumbing, Sheetrock, Framing, Gutters, Floors, Decking, & Painting. Call today for FREE Estimate. 225-3171474, 504-508-2566.


WE CAN DO IT ALL!!! FREE ESTIMATES! Call JOSH 225-333-8936. (12) STEEL POST: 3x3, New. $20 each. 225931-6900. A/C GAUGES; yellow Jacket with 3 hoses. $35. 225-924-1238.


A/C SUMMER SPECIAL $99. Unit check and clean. Licensed and Insured. 337-365-3379 or 225-922-9227.



โ ข Buildings Include: 1-10X8 Roll-Up Door โ ข 1 Standard Walk through Door

MON-FRI 8-5 SAT 8-12

511 E. Frontage Road Iowa, LA 70647 โ ข A Trade Name Of Progressive Buildings, LLC

Res. Lic. #85734 Comm. Lic. #39718


Get your Companyโ s Services/ Products in front of Thousands and Thousands of Buyerโ s Every Month by Placing an Ad in our Business & Service Directory for as little as $35/ month. Call today and let us give you all the Details. 225-751-8510, or OUTDOOR SECURITY LIGHT: Sensored. $50. 225-573-8394



License and Insured, 1 Call Does It All. Remodels, pressure Washing, Fences & Decks. Jack of all Trades. Call Scott 225-773-2938. LOUVERED DOOR: Painted and stained. $4 each. 225-766-0511.



16 and 29 gauge. Custom Fit Trim and Flashing. Residential, Commercial, Industrial. Financing Available. Reeds Metals 800-581-4645.

CAP STONE 225-924-0550, 8336 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, LA 70814. MultiBlend $0.18/#, Blue/ Brown Flagstone $0.18/#, Red Lava Rock $0.44/#, Rainbow 6-9โ $0.35/#, Flat Rainbow 3-6โ $0.25/#, 57 Limestone $50/yard, 57 Gravel $30/yard, Pea Gravel $30/yard, Mason Sand $20/yard.



Largest selection of Doors & Skirting. We also carry everything you need for your mobile home.... Windows, doors, tubs, steps, anchors, plumbing supplies, etc. Rollin Homes Parts, 1496 North Airline Hwy, Gonzales. 225-647-9311. ENTRANCE DOOR: Wood, 36X80, excellent condition. $198. 225-261-8095. 4 TON AIR CONDITIONER Condenser (Rheem) R22, approximately 11 years old. $375. 225-892-0316.

MJ BELL CONSTRUCTION Specializes in Tree Removal, Custom Designs, Kitchen & Bathroom, Ceramic Tile & Marble. Licensed and Bonded. 225-772-6546. FLOORING: Brazilian cherry, 1โ x5โ , 1500 square feet. $2.50/ square foot. 225-572-9852. - Powered by American Classifieds


!- 0- -IH>;S &LC>;S x 3;NOL>;S NCF 0- x !CLFCH? .?;L (CABQ;S x 'IHT;F?M

August 19-September 1, 2010 โ ข Page 9

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510


HOME & GARDEN 200 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

(2) COMMODES: White, complete, great shape. $80 for both. 225-235-7029.

BARGAIN PRICES ON ORIGINAL KING KUTTER PARTS: Gulf South Equipment, 8343 Hooper Road, Baton Rouge 800-462-8118.

PROFESSIONAL REMODELERS: Anything to do with the home! Small or Large. Licensed and Insured. 225-290-2722.

8343 Hooper Rd. • Baton Rouge, LA 70811

Need A Tractor Part?? Call Today!!




We have many other makes:

• Used • Aftermarket • Components • Attachments


Internet Bidding Available: THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2010 @ 10AM, East Jefferson Levee District - 1135 Lesan Dr. in Kenner, LA $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction; SATURDAY AUGUST 28, 2010 @ 11AM. Real Estate Auction held at 3704 Karen Drive in Chalmette, LA; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 @ 10AM. City of Mandeville & Others - 101 Magnolia Street in Slidell, LA. $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction. See full terms at each auction. 10% Buyers Premium applies at each auction. Some items may be subject to confirmation. ServCorp International, Inc. *B. Mutz, 1467-10. 800-340-2185, http://www. servcorpii .com


Call Us Today! Gulf South Equipment Sales, 8343 Hooper Road, Baton Rouge 800-462-8118. BARBED WIRE AND POSTS: $15 and $1 each. 985-750-3370.

INSTAL LED Financ in g Availa ble

COMMERCIAL LAWN MAINTENANCE: Call H&O Investments TODAY 225-454-6397.

MASSEY FERGUSON 253 2WD TRACTOR: With 57hp engine and 48hp PTO, has only 42 hours of run time and comes with 5 foot Bush Hog brand squealer and Hay Spear. It is equipped with rear hydraulic hookups for power attachments in addition to three point hitch and PTO, and has spreadable front tires. All items are in almost new condition, The Tractor and Bush Hog were purchased by their only owner in 96 and used to keep a small field maintained with bush hog and unload hay bails from truck. Have all original owners manuals and bill of sales. Asking only $11,000 for all three items; or 10,250 for Tractor only. 82012

Standard Carport

Carport With Storage



ALL: Financing as low as 0% on most makes and models John Deere & Kubota Equipment, Tractors, Trailers, Riding Lawn Mowers. Stihl Weed Eaters Now on Sale. Ascension Equipment Rent-All, Airline new Highway 44, Gonzales. 225-644-7368. RICHLAND EQUIPMENT: Authorized JD, Mahindra, Bush Hog, and Kuhn Dealer. New Farm Equipment, Agricultural Lawn & Garden & Skidsteer. 1-800-558-4020. FARM KING FINISHIN MOWER: 72” cut, needs minor repairs. $900. 225-910-8719. FERGUSON 35 TRACTOR: With attachments, newly overhauled. $2800. 985-748-4187. BUSHHOG: PULL- TYPE, 5’ bushhog brand. $950. 318-253-8228. FORD 201: Rebuilt/ Long Block. $2850 Exchange. 800-462-8118.


As Low As



Boxed Eve Carport

Page 10 • August 19-September 1, 2010

GULF SOUTH EQUIPMENT SALES, 8343 Hooper Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70811. 800-462-8118, http://www. GulfSouthEquip .com Tractor Parts, Salvage Equipment Arriving Daily, Used, Aftermarket, Components, Attachments, Case, John Deere, Komatsu, International, Kubota, Massey Ferguson and many other makes. 1970 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 444 Tractor: Needs work. $3,000. 985-750-3370 WATER LILLIES: $7 & $10/ pot. 225-288-3932. CRAFTSMAN RIDING MOWER: Used, good shape. $700. 225-933-5578. USED LAWNMOWERS & RIDING MOWERS: Needs Work. 225-355-1419.

Lawn, Garden & Farming

• Case Dozers • Case Wheel Loaders • John Deere Backhoes • Kubota Tractors • John Deere Dozers • Komatsu Dozers • Komatsu Excavators • Case/IH Tractors • International Tractors • John Deere Tractors • Massey Ferguson Tractors

Double Carport


“Your Home’s Air Condition Ducts Could Be Making You Sick”. Call 1-877-422-4328, breauxsac 11570 Investor, Baton Rouge, LA 70809 FREE ESTIMATES! Call 225-333-8936. Insurance Claims Welcome.

Salvage Equipment Arriving Daily


MEXICAN TILE: 420 pieces of 12x12. $250. 225717-7929.

“Big or Small we rent it all” *Tractors * Air Compressors *Front Loaders *Sod Cutters *Mini Excavators *Post Hole Diggers *Trenchers *Lawn Mowers * Grader Boxes *Pressure Washers * Weed Trimmers *Man Lifts *Scaffolding *Utility Vehicles, Etc. We Sell Em’ and Rent Em’!! “Ask about our Rental Club. 13173 Airline Hwy, Gonzales, LA 70737. 225644-RENT (7368) VISIT V-DRIP.COM For All Your Indoor Gardening Needs. FORD 256: Rebuilt Long Block. $3800 Exchange. 800-462-8118. LAWN MOWER: Scotts 6.5hp, self-propelled, needs work. $50. 225-292-7501. LAWN MOWER: Craftsmen 16hp, with bagger, mulcher, like new. $900. 225-275-1589.


Lawn & Garden equipment, Self-storage, Party Rentals, Contracting Equipment. General Rental Center, 16155 Airline Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70817. 225-755-2277. REBUILT MOTOR: For 8N Ford Tractor. $300. 225-622-4780.


LAWNMOWER REPAIRS... ALL MAKE/ MODEL Specializing in John Deere. 225-715-7141, 225622-0867. POULON PRO/ BRIGGS & STRATTON MOWER: Self-propelled, 22” easy mulch deck, high rear wheels. $125 firm. 225-751-4953.


Lot Grading. FREE Estimates. Call Chris 225-445-2147. SARLO COMMERCIAL LAWNMOWER: 5hp, selfpropelled, needs work. $50. 225-292-7501.

DIXON ZTR New for 2010, 4 Mowers Under $3000. 30” to 54”. 225-291-6164, 11730 Airline Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70817. EDGER/ TRIMMER: Craftsmen, 4hp, 9” blade. $150. 225-275-1589. FARMALL TRACTOR: Super A. Some tools. $2100. 225-567-3132.

Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!


HOME & GARDEN 200 โ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ ค


Patios, Decks, Pools, Ponds & Spas TEXAS FOSSEL STONE: 1 Pallet. $100. 985750-3370. CYPRESS GLIDER SWING: $269. Eds Shenandoah Hardware Jones Creek Rd, Baton Rouge LA. 225-753-1300


LAST DISPLAY MODEL 6 PERSON SPA. Cover, Chemicals, Delivery, Set-up. 504-888-6157. CHAR-BROIL GAS GRILL: Black and Stainless Steel, 40k BTU 3 burners and a side burner, Model #463320110, UPC 047362332011. Regular Retail $259.99, Sale $209.99. Patโ s Home Center: 225262-8685 Central, St. Francisville 225-635-4523, Clinton 225-683-8384. PENTAIR INTELLICHLOR ELECTRIC Chlorine Generator Cell. New $30. Chris 225 806-2146 LOG SWING AND FRAME: Sku#4952719 model #nw-60. Suggested $399.99, Sale $189.99. Patโ s Home Center: 225-262-8685 Central, St. Francisville 225-635-4523, Clinton 225-683-8384.

(DEMO SPAS, 1/2 OFF: Warranty, Free Delivery. 504-888-5037 BISTRO SET: Cafeโ Collection, 24โ table and (2) chairs. Sku#596-4333, Model # 09s008d, UPC# 045734995697. Suggested retail $299.99, Sale $119.99. Patโ s Home Center: 225-262-8685 Central, St. Francisville 225-635-4523, Clinton 225-683-8384. ABOVE GROUND POOL: 30โ w x 57โ d with deck, ramp, and sand filter. To be moved. $3000. 225644-9667. MONACO CHAT SET: 5 pieces, (2) Chairs, (2) Foot stools, (1) end table. Sku#316-2799, Model# XR6327p15e75cf2, upc# 099266328287. Suggested Retail $499, Sale Price $299.99. Patโ s Home Center: 225-262-8685 Central, St. Francisville 225-635-4523, Clinton 225-683-8384. WEBER CHARCOAL GRILL: Model #1421001/841001 Performer Black grill. Regular Retail $359.99, Sale $239.99. Patโ s Home Center: 225-262-8685 Central, St. Francisville 225-635-4523, Clinton 225-683-8384.



Renovations, Gunite, Vinyl Decks. WE DO IT ALL. 225-328-2877.

BIG GREEN EGGS: Ed Shenandoah Hardware. โ The Grill Storeโ , 5715 Jones Creek Road. 225753-1300.


Specializing in custom Pools, Outdoor Kitchens, Updating Existing Homes. 225-936-4494. DAMAGED SPA: One Only, Slight Scratch on Cabinet, Full Warranty. 504-888-6157. SPA/ HOT TUB: 5 person with warranty, never used. Regular $4495, Sacrifice $2450. Call 225590-7449. NEW GAS GRILL: 8 Burners, with 2 Propane Tanks. $375. 225-921-7042.

Utility Trailers TANDEM UTILITY TRAILER: 5โ 10โ x15โ , new 700x15 tires. $1650. 225-567-3132. 36โ WELLS CARGO GOOSENECK: $5000. 225892-4943. PACE 2009 OUTLAW: 4โ x8โ enclosed trailer with Ramp Door. $2500. 225-802-3591. SMALL UTILITY TRAILER: Inside Dimensions: 39โ Wx70โ L, like new. $450. 985-860-5866.

270 CYPRESS SWING: Starting at $129.99. We have 4โ , 5โ , and 6โ swings. Edโ s Shenandoah, 5714 Jones Creek Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70817. 225-7531300. 43047 SUNQUEST TANNING BED: Good condition. $350. 225-315-2903. 2) CANVAS DECK CHAIRS: Southwest Stripe, redwood stained frame. $35. 225-683-6934.


MONACO 9 PIECE SET: 30โ x60โ bronze & glass table, (4) cushioned chairs, (2) cushioned swivel rockers, umbrella, and base. Suggested Retail: $1199.99. Sale Price $629.99. Patโ s Home Center: 225-2628685 Central, St. Francisville 225-635-4523, Clinton 225-683-8384. DEMO SPAS, MUST GO! SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM 504-347-5577.


MALLETT BUILDINGS Member of BBB. Visit our Photo Gallery http://www. malletbuildings .com Call 337-214-0428 for Our Weekly Specials.

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20โ AND 40โ STORAGE/ SHIPPING CONTAINERS: New and Used. โ Buy Directโ CONGLOBAL INDUSTRIES 504-246-7853. VINYL STORAGE BUILDING: 10โ Wx12โ Dx7โ H, Royal Premier Series, Woodbridge Model, New in Crate. $800. 225-771-8080.

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d l o s RAIDER - Powered by American Classifieds

August 19-September 1, 2010 โ ข Page 11

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510

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METAL BUILDINGS, DOUBLE CARPORTS, STORAGE, ETC. 8X12 Utility Building, as low as $78.47/ month. 18X21 Double Carport, as low as $695 installed. FINANCING AVAILABLE!!! New Deal 225-791-7752. 20’ AND 40’ STORAGE CONTAINERS. $1850. Will Deliver. Call 225-247-0790.


ABEKA FIRST GRADE CIRRICULUM BOOKS and Teacher Keys. $100. 225-454-6298.

LONG BATH TUB CHAIR: Watson Area. 225667-1158. WHEELCHAIR: & Miscellaneous Medical Supplies. 225-331-0828. POWER CHAIR: Excellent condition. $900. 225361-0331.

320 Fitness & Beauty

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PATERNITY/ STD/ DRUG TEST And Much More. Confidential and Anonymous. Walksins Welcome. 2 LOCATIONS: Any Lab Test Now, BATON ROUGE: 14635 S. Harrells Ferry #3C, Baton Rouge. 225-7525681. METAIRIE: 3117 7th Street, #100, Metairie, LA 70002 504-838-2254. WHEELCHAIR: New, burgundy, lightweight. $75. 225-769-6553. HUMALOG INSULIN: 27 unopened. Must Sell. $200. 225-247-1531, 225-778-4822. JAZZY SCOOTER: Like new, 2 batteries. $3500. 225-667-1158. HUBEROUND MPV4: Excellent condition, 2 new batteries. $400 Cash. 225-667-0779. JAZZY POWER CHAIR: Used only 18 months. Controls from left to right side, new rechargeable battery. $3500. Call 225-939-6690. RAISED TOILT SEAT AND CHAIR FOR TUB: $30 for both. 225-751-3765.

WILL CARE FOR YOUR ELDER: Fee includes Housework, Cooking, Laundry, and Outings. Will Travel. 985-981-5959. HOSPITAL BED: Hand crank. $50. 225-200-7367. HOSPITAL BED: $200. 601-542-5225 (Kentwood, LA) SHOWERCHAIR: White, excellent condition. $10. 225-769-6553.

Easy 2 Minute Sign Up

BEDSIDE POTTY: With accessories, Watson Area. 225-667-1158. BUY VIAGRA, Cialis, Levitra, Propecia and other medications below wholesale prices. Call: 1-866506-8676. Over 70% savings. www. fastmedonline .com BUY VIAGRA, Cialis, Levitra, Propecia and other medications below wholesale prices. Call: 1-866506-8676. Over 70% savings. www. fastmedonline .com

Health Care/ Aids to Living

Exercise Equipment

BOWFLEX TREDCLIMBER: Excellent condition. $800. 225-454-6298. ELLIPTICAL EXERCISE BIKE: Push and Pull. $75. 225-271-8570. SEMI RECUMBENT BIKE: Vision Fitness R2000, like new. $500. 225-939-3969. WEIGHT BENCH: $50. 225-717-7929. NORDIC TRACK TREADMILL: $200. Can deliver. Ask for Jay 225-505-9863. ELLIPTICAL: Weslow 710 Momentum EKG/ Pulse, like new. $140. 225-683-6934. TOTAL GYM ELITE: All Attachments, like new. $325. 225-252-2487. ELLIPITCAL STAMINA CT 2.0 CrossTrainer, digital, new. $375. 225-223-8745. EXERCISE BIKE: By Schwinn, Heavy Duty, with electronics. $75. 225-271-8570. PILATES PERFORMER SYSTEM: Stand, headrest, rebounder, like new. $350. 225-261-8295. HEALTH RIDER: Exercise equipment, like new. $35. 225-293-3402.

330 Child Care/ Kids Items

GRACO INFANT SEAT: With base, like new. $30. 225-892-8510. FISHER PRICE: My Little Lamb Swing, like new. $50. 225-892-8510. BABY STROLLER: Graco, like new. $75. 225663-9451.

Page 12 • August 19-September 1, 2010

NEED A GOOD LAWYER: Major Drug Charges, Serious Felonies, Post Conviction Relief, Probation & Parole Revocations, All Federal & State Courts. No Evidence, No Conviction 225-293-6262. HANDBOOK “HOW TO BECOME A BAIL AGENT” $39.99. Tammy Corney, P.O. Box 74364, Baton Rouge, LA 70874.

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GRACO HIGH CHAIR: Bears/ grean plaid print, good condition. $20. 225-892-8510 THOMAS TRAIN SET: Nilo table. Value $1000, Asking $450. 225-634-2265. EVENFLO EXERSAUCER: Blue/ green duck pattern, great condition. $20. 225-751-5383. FISHER PRICE RAINFOREST GYM AND BOUNCER SEAT: Like new. $50. 225-892-8510. PATERNITY/ STD/ DRUG TEST And Much More. Confidential and Anonymous. Walksins Welcome. 2 LOCATIONS: Any Lab Test Now, BATON ROUGE: 14635 S. Harrells Ferry #3C, Baton Rouge. 225-7525681 METAIRIE: 3117 7th Street, #100, Metairie, LA 70002 504-838-2254

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Food/ Dining/ Amusements CAST IRON JAMBALAYA POTS: Starting at $99.99. Sizes Vary from 4 gallon pots up to 28 gallons. We also Build Custom Jambalaya Rigs and Crawfish Burners. Ed’s Shenandoah Hardware, 5715 Jones Creek Road, Baton Rouge 225-753-1300

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NOAH: Beagle, Dachshund mix, baby, male, born 4/20/10. I am neutered, up to date on shots and current on heartworm prevention, gets along with other dogs and cats, neutered. Needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801.

Community Events/ Announcements

CARIN TERRIER AND WESTIN TERRIER PUPS: AKC. $550 & UP. 337-725-6141, 337224-7322.


If you’re at the end of your rope, and you don’t know what to do to help your child, This Workshop is for You. Presenter: Robin Clark, Training Coordinator, Louisiana PROMISE/ PIRC. DATE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2010, TIME: 10am-12pm. LOCATION: BREC’S Independence Park, 7505 Independence Blvd., Room #111, Baton Rouge, LA 70806. To Register Contact: Cynthia Chesterfield 225-216-7474 or email: cchesterfield This workshop is funded by a grant through the Louisiana State Department of Education.

ALI: Dachshund, Terrier mix, adult, female, very sweet, enjoys car rides and walks, up to date with shots, house trained, spayed, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303. LIZA: Chihuahua, Terrier, female born approximately 9/08, up to date with shots, spayed and tested positive for heartworms. CAAWS will pay for treatment, loves to play with other dogs, not good with cats. Needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801.


(1) Wolf Sable male, 1 year old. (1) female & (1) male, WHITE. $400 & down. 225-244-5438.



10 weeks old, AKC Registered, fawn with black mask. $700. 225-938-0300, 225-715-9500.

Financial/ Legal Services BOOKKEEPING IN MY HOME: QuickBooks and Peachtree knowledge, all accounting functions, including payroll and payroll taxes. Call Lani 225246-7012, 225-229-2517.

MARCO: Hound, Terrier mix, male, loves human affection and romping around with other dogs of same age and size, but has some food aggression tendencies when around other dogs so needs to be fed separately, not so good with cats. Application and adoption fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303.

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!


PETS & ANIMALS ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

BODI JO: Dalmatian mix, large, adult, male, house and crate trained, terrified of water, home without small children because of his size, up to date with shots, neutered, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303 REGISTERED BORDER COLLIE PUPS AND Started dogs. $200/ up. 985-514-1652. BOSS 15A: Catahoula Leopard mix, adult, male, 77 pounds, has personality though, this big, beefy guy isn’t the least bit bossy, easy-going and very affectionate. About 3 years old, responds to “sit” and it’s possible that he’s already housetrained, loves to spend lots of his time outdoors, sniffing and exploring. Please call Animal Control at 225-774-7700 or come by the shelter located at 2680 Progress Road, across from the Baton Rouge Metro Airport. All dogs in the adoption program are examined by a veterinarian, vaccinated, spayed/neutered, and micro-chipped prior to leaving the shelter. CKC POM-A-POO PUPPIES: Date of birth: 6/26/10. $200. 225-328-1296. BONNIE BLUE: Labrador Retriever, Catahoula Leopard Dog mix, baby, female, with one blue eye, born approximately 3/10, gets along with dogs and children, up to date with shots, spayed, needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. REGISTERED BRITTNEY SPANIEL PUPPIES: Top hunting bloodline. Available 8/1. Shots, tails bobbed, dewclawed. $400. 337-396-4087, 337-463-9115, sonkermax

AKC GERMAN SHEPHARD FABLE PUPPIES: 8 weeks old, vetted, both parents on site. $600. 225-485-0938. FREE PUPPIES: 1/2 Lab 1/2 rottweiller, have 5 puppies, 1 chocolate, 3 black, 1 looks like rottweiller, 7 weeks old. 225-341-0380. CHOW PUPPIES AKC: Shots/ wormed. Red, Cinnamon, Cream color. $300. 601-249-4304. LAVERNE: A female Terrier/ Lab mix born approximately 1/07. I am up to date on shots, spayed and heartworm negative. Get along great with other dogs (especially with each other - in case you’re looking for two), cats and adults, not good with small children. 225-752-5801 SWEETPEA & ANNABELLE LEA: Dachshund, Shepherd mix, young, female, very bonded, up to date with shots, heartworm negative, spayed and microchipped, need adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303.

CAVALIER SPANIEL: 1 Female, 2 males, shots, dewormed, dewclaws removed. $650. cpb0729 @ or 225-335-5695. 81010 CKC CHINESE CRESTED: Female, 7 months. $275. Another litter expected in September. 225571-1253. LILY: German Shepherd, Shetland Sheepdog, Sheltie mix, female, sweet and friendly, expected to weigh around 60 lbs, spayed, microchipped and up to date with shots. Application and adoption fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303 POMERANIAN: Black. Call 985-514-7354 (Kentwood)

ROMEO: Basset Hound mix, young, male, very sweet, up to date with shots, neutered. If you would like more information on this dog please contact APAWS at info If you would like to begin the adoption process and fill out an application please use our online application available here: http://www. apawspets .org/dog_application.html APAWS 225-343-0303. 71002 RAT TERRIER PUPPIES: CKC Registered. $50. 225-683-8315. FREE LABRADO PUPPY: Female, shots, spayed, to good home. 225-773-1445. BAILEY: Shepherd mix, female, born approximately 3/08, up to date with shots, spayed and heartworm negative, loves hugs, likes other dogs, kids and adults. Application and adoption fees apply. CAAWS 225-752-5801.

GABBY: Shih Tzu, Poodle mix, adult, female, born approximately 1/07, likes other dogs and would probably be okay with cats, sweet, up to date with shots, spayed, needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. PHONENIX 26A: Hound mix, female, one year old, enjoys daily leash walks, loves being outside, friendly and affectionate, weighs 40 pounds. Vaccinated, spayed and micro-chipped. EBR Parish Animal Control 225-774-7700. LITTLE PAWS KENNEL: Toy Breeds Available: Mal-Shihs, Toy Chihuahua, Shih-Tzus, Mini Schnauzers, Maltese, Poodles, Malti-Poos, Mini Dachshunds, Cocker Spaniels, and Pomeranians. Health Guaranteed! Visit our website... www. littlepawskennel .com 318-728-5128. SAGE: Catahoula Leopard Dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, adult, female, 3 years old, up to date with shots, on heartworm preventative, outside during day inside at night, sleeps in cage, not good with cats, spayed, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303. SHIH-TZU’S, MALTI-POOS, YORKIES, PEKA-POO’S. CKC. $250 & Up. Credit/ Debit. 318-237-5156. WWW.LITTLECREEKPUPPIES.COM CELESTE: Rat Terrier, Chihuahua mix, small adult, female, born approximately 6/09, up to date with shots, spayed, gets along with children, needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801.

CANDY 9A: Terrier mix, female, young, doesn’t like to be alone, weighs about 42 pounds, autumn colored coat, friendly, affectionate. All dogs in the adoption program are examined by a veterinarian, vaccinated, spayed/ neutered and micro-chipped prior to leaving the shelter. Please call Animal Control at 225-774-7700 or come by the shelter located at 2680 Progress Road, across from the Baton Rouge Metro Airport. 31002

DILLION 14A: Collie, German Shepherd mix, young, male, Dillon recently had surgery to repair an old injury to his hind leg. Dillon is now in foster care for his recovery, but he will soon be available for adoption, again. If you would like more information about Dillon, please call his foster parent; Jim at 225-892-0344 or contact the Animal Control at 225-774-7700. All dogs in the adoption program are examined by a veterinarian, vaccinated, spayed/ neutered, and micro-chipped prior to leaving the shelter. 45002

YOGI & LINUS: Schipperke, Papillon mix, small, young, born approximately 7/08, up to date on shots, neutered, not good with children, needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. 71000

JOSIE 18A: Rottweiler mix, female, young, 50 pound she is also the sweetest, gentlest dog. Take her for a walk, and she can’t resist rolling over for a belly rub after every few steps. This amiable, playful pup is probably between 1 and 2 years old. Please note the CAGE NUMBER of the dog, and use the CAGE NUMBER to identify the dog when contacting Animal Control. Please call Animal Control at 225-774-7700 or come by the shelter located at 2680 Progress Road, across from the Baton Rouge Metro Airport. TRIXIE: Beagle Chow Chow mix, female, about 3- 4 years old, house broken, crate trained, great with cats, up to date with shots, heartworm negative and microchipped. Application and adoption fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303. CKC CHORKIE PUPPIES: Male/ Female, 6 weeks, 1st sots. $250 & Up. 225-715-1135, 225-675-5927. PATRICK: Dachshund, male, loves to play, would love to have another dog to play with, up to date with shots, neutered, microchipped and will be heartworm free soon. Housebroken and loves to lay in the sun. Application and adoption fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303.

CKC REGISTERED CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES: 8 Weeks old, 2 males and one female left. Very loveable and playful. Email kbgardner2137 or call or text 601-551-5089. 81008

BLUE PIT BULL PUPPIES: 3-1/2 month old male, 5 month old female, shots and wormed. $200 each. 225-620-3093, 225-749-5661. AKC REGISTERED BEAGLES: Young started dogs. $300 each. Call 225-247-8443.

FONZI 35A: Black Labrador Retriever mix, male, baby, super-sweet 4 month old puppy very unsure of himself and he is desperate to find the security of a forever family. Is alert, active, and eager-to-please, needs regular exercise, chew toys, and patient puppy training. Please call Animal Control at 225-774-7700 or come by the shelter located at 2680 Progress Road, across from the Baton Rouge Metro Airport. All dogs in the adoption program are examined by a veterinarian, vaccinated, spayed/neutered, and micro-chipped prior to leaving the shelter. 45001 ANGEL: Border Collie, Terrier mix, young, female, born approximately October 2009, aggressive with other dogs and food, spayed and up to date with shots. CAAWS 225-752-5801. JADA: Labrador Retriever, adult, female, too energetic for small children, heartworm positive being treated, would be best as an only dog, kennel trained, up to date with shots, spayed, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303. SAGE: Catahoula Leopard Dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, female, 3 years old, not good with cats, needs adopting, application and fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303.

AKC REGISTERED GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS: 10 weeks old, black, tan, silver. $300. 225-588-6389.

CKC DOBERMAN PINSCHERS: 4 males, 1 female, black/tan, and grey/ tan. $350. 225-629-5642.

PITTBULL PUPPIES: 6 weeks od, blues, mini colors. $200. 225-328-6894.

AKC EUROPEAN BRED GERMAN SHEPHERDS: The best East & West German lines. OFA/DNA. Awesome Championship pedigrees. Working and show lines. Perfect for Schutzhund, search and rescue and reliable home protection. Lifetime genetic health guarantee. Free delivery. Training available. Parents and siblings on premises. Parents and siblings working police, search and rescue, tracking and protection dogs. Picture pedigrees available. $350 and up. Financing available for puppy/training packages if needed. 601-748-2371 . YORKIE PUPPIES FOR SALE: Starting at $450. 318-419-5190, 225-664-7316.

LACIE: Sheland Sheepdog Sheltie, Border Collie mix, adult, female, born approximately 8/06, not good with kids, up to date with shots, spayed but heartworm positive CAAWS will pay for treatment, good with other dogs and cats, needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. 71001 PITT BULL PUPPY: Female, Registered with papers. $400. 225-271-8570. - Powered by American Classifieds

YORKSHIRE TERRIER: Purebred Toys/Teacup size Yorkie puppies, very tiny females, 9 weeks, shots & worming. Absolutely adorable, playful and cuddly! No papers/ breeders. $650. 225-300-8818. 81009 BORDER COLLIE: 6-8 months. $100. 225-8067870. AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES: (Males), large parents. 225-955-2721.

YORKIES: AKC, Vet Checked, Beautiful, Sweet, but most of all Healthy. 337-224-9675. YORKIE PUPPIES $500: Parents under 51 pounds. 225-698-6404. TUCK: Labrador Retriever, Mcnab mix, up to date with shots, male, neutered, heartworm positive but CAAWS will pay for treatment. CAAWS 225752-5801.

PIT BULL PUPPIES: Champion Bloodline, 9 weeks old. $300 negotiable. 225-907-7406. 81020 RIN: German Shepherd Dog, Shetland Sheepdog, Sheltie mix, young, female, very sweet, expected to weigh around 60 pounds, up to date with shots, microchip and spay coupon, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303.

BUFFET: Chihuahua, small adult female, born approximately January 2004, not good with kids, spayed, up to date with shots, positive for heartworms but CAAWS will pay for treatment. CAAWS 225-752-5801

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 13

FREE Classified (225)751-8510 Ads...Call 225-751-8510 PETS & ANIMALS ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

MAY 8A: Black Labrador Retriever, female, young, 1 year old, playful, curious and extremely sociable with people and other dogs. Please note the CAGE NUMBER of the dog, and use the CAGE NUMBER to identify the dog when contacting Animal Control. Please call Animal Control at 225-774-7700 or come by the shelter located at 2680 Progress Road, across from the Baton Rouge Metro Airport.

AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES: Red/ Black, 8 weeks old. Both parents on premise. $400. 225665-9522/ 225-937-1167. MALE YORKIE: 3 months old, 1st shots/ worms. $275. 225-259-1456, 225-698-6972.

AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS: Wormed, shots up to date. Ready Now. $350. 337580-5090. GUS: Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, male, not good with cats or other dogs, personality is calm, loves walks or lounging on bed by your side, housetrained, neutered, microchipped, loves people, not good with other animals, light heartworm positive and being treated with monthly Heartguard. Vet checks and home checks required. Application and adoption fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303. SLIDELL’S NEWEST ANTIQUE & FARMERS MARKET Old Spanish Trail Market, 400 Garrett Road, Slidell. Open Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, 9AM-5PM, Rain or Shine. Check out the puppies on our website. www. oldspanishtrailmarket .com BOSCO: Chihuahua, Dachshund mix, young, male, up to date with shots, neutered, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303.

BLUE HEELER PUPS: Born 7/15/10, (2) females, (3) males. $200. 225-622-6954, 225-413-7337. 82028 BUSTER: Treeing Walker Coonhound mix, full of energy and love, needs family who is willing to take me for long walks, runs and play ball. Application and adoption fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303. AKC FRENCH BULLDOG PUPS: Taking Deposits. $1500. Call 225-664-7349 or 225-939-2229. FREE 3 YEAR Old black/ white, litterbox trained, neutered, declawed. 225-445-8263. VIOLA: Bluetick Coonhound, adult, female, not comfortable with children moving fast around her, loves to run, up to date with shots and spayed, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303. 8 WEEKS OLD: CKC Chihuahua Puppies, shots/ wormed. $250. 225-439-7861. AKC TEACUP POODLES, Yorkies, Maltese. Also Designer Puppies. www. smallestpoodle4u .com 225-955-2721. BICHON FRISE PUPPIES: AKC CHAMPION BLOODLINE, Health Guarantee, akcbichons. com $650. Visa/Mastercard, Delivery, Puppies Ready Now! PETUNIA: German Shepherd mix, female, not good with cats, very affectionate once she gets to know you, has to warm up to other dogs, up to date with routine shots and spayed, needs adopting, application and fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303. SIDNEY: Labrador Retriever, Beagle mix, adult, female, not good with cats or dogs, up to date with shots, house trained and spayed, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303. CKC BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES: $350 females, $300 males. 985-345-6874, 601730-1981. CHARLIE: Australian Cattle Dog/ Blue Heeler, Bluetick Connhound mix, baby, male, has brothers and sisters also, born 2/22/10, up to date with shots, neutered, needs room to run. Needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. CHIEF 1A: Black Labrador Retriever mix, young, male, about a year old. He is very patient and great on a leash, great family dog! Please call Animal Control at 225-774-7700 or come by the shelter located at 2680 Progress Road, across from the Baton Rouge Metro Airport. All dogs in the adoption program are examined by a veterinarian, vaccinated, spayed/ neutered, and micro-chipped prior to leaving the shelter. CAMO & KOKO: Dachshunds, adult, male and female need adopting together, not good with small children, up to date with shots spayed/ neutered. Needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801.

BUDDY 2: German Shepherd mix, male, has not been around children yet but would probably be okay with older children, up to date with shots, neutered, 1 year old weighs around 50 lbs, loves people, loves other dogs has not been around cats. Application and adoption fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303. 54116 AKC BULL MASTIFF PUPS: Fawn with black mask, 8 weeks. $700. 225-938-0300, 225-715-9500. PETER: Australian Shepherd mix, male, adult, born approximately 1/06, neutered, up to date on shots and heartworm negative, if never owned Aussie before do research on the breed, does not get along with other dogs or cats, needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801.

BEAUTIFUL AKC REGISTERED LABS: 10 weeks, females, s/w, 2 yellow, 1 chocolate. $300. 225-9360385. 81024

DAISY: American Staffordshire Terrier, adult, female, gets along with cats and other dogs not children, spayed, up to date with shots, heartworm free, crate trained not house trained. Needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. MICKEY & MILLIE: Terrier mix, Mickey is energetic, lovable and willing to please. Millie is shy and aloof at first but warms up. They eat together and sleep in crate at night, about 9 months old, up to date with shots, microchipped, spayed and neutered. Application and adoption fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303. PUG PUPPIES: 6 weeks old, shots, (6) males, (1) female. Parents on-site. $350. 985-351-7488. ZOEY: Pit Bull Terrier, female, up to date with shots, spayed, born approximately 8/07, gets along with other dogs and cats, heartworm positive but CAAWS will pay for treatment, not good with kids. Application and adoption fees apply. CAAWS 225-752-5801 CKC MINI DACHSHUND: (2) 1-1/2 year females, housebroken, shots and worms. 150 each. 225788-6751. CUDDLEBEAR: Chihuahua, small adult male, born approximately January 2003, neutered, up to date with shots, heartworm positive but CAAWS will pay for treatment, not good with kids. CAAWS 225-752-5801. IMPERIAL SHIH TZUS, Malti-poos, and Morkies. www. smallestpoole4u .com 225-955-2721. CYRUS 2A: Hound mix, young, male, handsome, energetic hound who is probably about 2 years old. He’s exuberant, friendly, and playful. His webbed feet and hound-like nose make him a natural for outdoor adventure. This rambunctious 50-pound canine is truly a guy’s kind of dog who loves both vigorous games and just hanging-out, enjoying nature. Until he gets some training in doggy manners though, Cyrus is probably too much for children to handle. Please call Animal Control at 225-774-7700 or come by the shelter located at 2680 Progress Road, across from the Baton Rouge Metro Airport. All dogs in the adoption program are examined by a veterinarian, vaccinated, spayed/ neutered, and micro-chipped prior to leaving the shelter. WALLY: Australian Cattle Dog/ Blue Heeler, Bluetick Coonhound mix, baby, male, he has three siblings, born 2/10, needs room to run, up to date with shots, neutered, needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. AKC BOXER PUPS: (4) males, (3) females, 6 weeks old. $350-$450. 225-276-3065, 225-276-3058.

MAXWELL: Boxer mix, young, male, up to date with shots, house trained and neutered, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303. 71004 BUSTER 37A: Dachshund mix, young, male, 30 pounds and is probably between 1 and 2 years old. Is a perky, dependable, eager-beaver who is extremely alert and highly observant, loves to go for long walks. Please call Animal Control at 225-774-7700 or come by the shelter located at 2680 Progress Road, across from the Baton Rouge Metro Airport. All dogs in the adoption program are examined by a veterinarian, vaccinated, spayed/neutered, and micro-chipped prior to leaving the shelter.

AKC LABRADOR PUPPIES: 7 Weeks old, 1st shots. $250. 985-351-0840. ANNABELLE LEE & SWEETPEA: Terrier/ Shepherd mix, females, about 25 pounds each, housebroken up to date on shots spayed and microchipped. Very loving towards people and each other. Application and fees apply. APAWS 225-343-0303. SHIBA INUS: 2 Male, 2 female, go to http://www. redstickshibas for more information or call 225-773-5309.

TAYLOR: Boxer mix, large, young, female. If you would like more information on this dog please contact APAWS at info If you would like to begin the adoption process and fill out an application please use our online application available here: http://www. apawspets .org/dog_application.html. APAWS 225-343-0303. 71003

DAWSON: Cocker Spaniel, Golden Retriever mix, adult male, will need long term antibiotics, can’t use rear legs, born approximately 6/08, up to date with shots, neutered. Needs adopting. CAAWS 225752-5801. 64012 GERMAINE: Bloodhound, Australian Shepherd mix, large, young, male, up to date with shots, neutered, needs adopting. APAWS 225-343-0303.

AKC, CHAMPION BLOODLINE QUALITY YORKIE PUPS: $1600. www. tristalandpups .com or 225-659-3509. BAYOU ROAD KENNELS: Registered AKC Lab Puppies. Chocolates, Yellows, Blacks, Silvers, and Charcoals. 225-907-6528, 225-603-1763.

Page 14 • August 19-September 1, 2010

LUCY: Siberian Husky, female, very friendly loves kids, but may be too active for very small children, loves long walks, play, fetch or snuggle and watch TV with you. Up to date with shots and spayed. Application and adoption fees apply. APAWS 225343-0303. 54114

WEIMARANER PUPPIES AKC. Package included. $250-$350. Information 1-337-513-3024 or 1-337249-1578. AKC ENGLISH Mastiff pups with champion pedigree, 225-938-6605 or http://www. louisianagentlegiants .com WEIMARANER PUPPIES AKC. Package included. $250-$350. Information 1-337-513-3024 or 1-337249-1578.

415 Cats

JUPITER: Domestic short hair, baby, female, born April 2010. Jupiter is not yet ready for adoption but we are taking applications for her. Please go to to fill out the adoption application. CAAWS 225-752-5801.

O’MALLY: Domestic short hair, baby, male, born March 2010 O’Mally is up-to-date with routine shots, house trained and neutered. CAAWS 225752-5801. 64016 PUREBRED HIMALAYAN KITTENS: “Flame point & Seal point”. $150. 225-247-6269. BENJAMIN: Domestic medium hair, black, adult, male, born 10/08, gets along with other cats, dogs and children, up to date with shots and neutered. Needs adopting. Contact Candice at Park Forest Animal Hospital 225-275-2284. CHER: Domestic short hair, adult, female, I was born in 2007, up to date with shots, house trained and spayed. Needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. NEPTUNE: Domestic short hair, baby, female, born April 2010. Neptune is not yet ready for adoption but we are taking applications for her. Please go to to fill out the adoption application. CAAWS 225-752-5801. ZIA: Domestic short hair, young, female, born March 2009, sister to Zeek, calico, shy at first but warms up, loves to play, be petted and sit in your lap, spayed, litter trained, up to date with shots. CAAWS 225-752-5801. JOSIE: Domestic long hair, adult, female, a little shy at first, do well in home with another cat would like to be adopted with Raspy, up to date with shots, house trained, spayed. CAAWS 225-752-5801. TIMMY: Domestic short hair, baby, male, born March 2010 Timmy is up-to-date with routine shots, house trained and neutered. CAAWS 225-752-5801. BOO: Domestic medium hair, female, gray and white, approximately 8 months, great with other cats, up to date on shots, spayed, needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. MARS: Domestic short hair, baby, female, born April 2010. Mars is not yet ready for adoption but we are taking applications for her. Please go to if you are interested in Mars. CAAWS 225-752-5801. TIGER: Domestic short hair, baby, male, is an orange Tabby with white on his chest and paws. He is intelligent and playful as well but is still a little on the shy side. Tiger is up-to-date with routine shots, house trained and neutered. CAAWS 225-752-5801. FREE KITTENS: Litter trained. Local 318-789-7198, 318-805-8698.

RASPY: Female, spayed, shots, small, domestic long hair mix, needs adopting. 225-752-5801. 11005 MIMI: Domestic medium hair, adult female, 11 years old, good in home with older children, up to date on shots, spayed, needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. FREE KITTENS: Must go ASAP. 5-7 WEEKS OLD. 225-778-4822, 225-361-9279

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August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 15

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Page 16 • August 19-September 1, 2010

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225.454.6397 August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 17

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Page 18 • August 19-September 1, 2010

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PETS & ANIMALS ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ COUP: Domestic short hair mix, male, born March 23, 2009, boldest out of litter, loves kitty tree house, gets along with other cats, but not sure how will react to dogs or young children. Up to date with shots, litter trained, neutered. CAAWS 225-752-5801. ZEEK: Domestic short hair, young, male, born around March 2009 and is brother to Zia. He is a lean boy, playful, shy at first. He stands in the background and watches as the other kitties play and then he slowly walks up and starts playing also. He likes to play with your feet and lay in the middle of your stomach. He is neutered, litter trained, Fiv/FeLV negative. CAAWS 225-752-5801. ROCKY: Domestic short hair, baby, male, is an orange and white Tabby, 4 months old. He is the “leader of the pack” and is very friendly, adventurous, intelligent, and playful, up-to-date with routine shots, house trained and neutered. CAAWS 225-752-5801.

PUFF: Domestic long hair, adult female, lap cat, good with other cats and dogs, up to date with shots, house trained and spayed. Needs adopting. CAAWS 225-752-5801. 64013

PLUTO: Domestic short hair, baby, male, born April 2010. Pluto is not yet ready for adoption but we are taking applications for him. Please go to CAAWS. org to fill out the adoption application. CAAWS 225752-5801. 64014 JEFFERSON: Domestic short hair, baby, male, born 5/10, was thrown from moving car, needs a loving home, up to date with shots, neutered. CAAWS 225-752-5801.

SATURN: Domestic short hair, baby, female, born April 2010. Saturn is not yet ready for adoption but we are taking applications for her. Please go to CAAWS. org to fill out the adoption application. CAAWS 225752-5801. 64015 COAL: Domestic short hair, baby, female, born March 2010. Coal will be ready for adoption soon. Please go to to fill out an application. Coal is up-to-date with routine shots, house trained and spayed. CAAWS 225-752-5801. FREE KITTENS: 10 Weeks old in Denham Springs, litter trained. 318-805-8698/ 318-789-7198. REESE: Domestic long hair, adult female, true lap cat, gets along with some cats, is fine with dogs, up to date with shots, house trained and spayed. CAAWS 225-752-5801.


430 Reptiles

BALD PYTHON: With Aquarium. $75. 225-6501904. CALIFORNIA KING SNAKE: With aquarium. 485. 225-650-1904.


Other Pets & Supplies

FISH AQUARIUM: 55 gallons, with stand, brand new. $200. 225-220-9909. WOGGIE WESCUE FERRET SHELTER: Accepting Ferrets. 225-355-1233. AQUARIUM: 55 gallon, fish lights, wooden stand, and filter. $125. 225-247-6085. DOG CAGES: Different sizes. Up to $25. 225272-1604. WATER TROUGH: 150 gallon. $75. 225-2476085. DOG KENNEL: 8x8x6, chain link. $150. 225757-6049. PARROT CAGE: Looks brand new, has play area on top. $125. 985-974-1081. CHINCHILLA: With cage and toys. FREE. 985750-3370.


Farm Animals & Accessories

REGISTERED TENNESSEE WALKERS: People Friendly Weanlings, Yearlings, Mares, Lay-away. 337-328-7365. 10017 CLASSY: Tennessee Walker, young, female, two and already started under saddle. She has been ridden a few times, while we will keep up with her training we will not be adding weight to the saddle for several months. Giving her time to develop. Classy is up-to-date with routine shots. Please contact Beverly Greenwood choctawridge @peoplepc. com, 601-748-3713 for more information about this pet. 601-823-0539. BABY CHICKS: We are receiving the unwanted left overs of the annual give chicks for easter theme. We have several breeds to choose from you are interested in adopting a chick send us an email. Small adoption fee applies. Baby chicks is up to date with routine shots. Please contact Beverly Greenwood choctawridge, 601-748-3713 for more information about this pet. 601-823-0539.

420 Birds

LARGE BIRD CAGE: 56”Tx26”W. $85. 225-6657085. BONDED BREEDER PAIR AFRICAN GREYS With cage, Breederbox. $1800. 225-364-5149. INDIAN RING NECK PARAKEET: Purebred, 10 months old, blue, wings clipped, very playful, hand fed. $400. 225-363-6133. BABY CONGO AFRICAN GREY PARROT: 2 months old. $600 Cash Only. 225-664-4229, 225-304-2093. SPECTICAL AMAZONS: 3 That hatched, handfed, hatch date 5/10. 337-394-6683/ 337-380-5365.

JEWELS: Kid safe mare out side of the ring, has done kids birthday parties, church festivals and fairs. She is very very fast in the ring. Has done timed events. Will consider trade for a babysitter. I have 3 kids who need to learn how to ride. Mare has parade experience too. $600. Christina 225-395-0990. 74039 CANYON: Thoroughbred, baby, male, striking bay with black and four white socks. He is about 15 months old, ready to begin training your way. If you are looking for a project horse this is your boy. Very typical Thoroughbred, he is interested in what you are doing, and wants to be a part of it. Up to date with routine shots. Please contact Beverly Greenwood choctawridge, 601-748-3713 for more information about this pet. 601-823-0539.

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!


REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

FRANKIE: Quaterhorse, Donkey/ Mule mix, young, male, 2 years old, about 14.2 hands tall, easy to handle, halter broken, up to date with shots and neutered. Please contact Beverly Greenwood choctawridge, 601-748-3713 for more information about this pet. 601-823-0539. BELLE: Quarterhorse, adult, female, under saddle she has had tons of training as well. She would make a wonderful playday horse for a small child to learn on. Please contact Beverly Greenwood choctawridge, 601-748-3713 for more information about this pet. 601-823-0539. LOG CABIN $3800 (Original Price $23,800) Moving, must sell. 768 sq. ft. expandable to 1152 sq. ft. 101 Solid Oak Logs Fully Dovetailed with Complete Plans for Loft, Stone Fireplace and 10 1/2’ Tall Ceilings. Stack walls in 2 days. Add Roof in 2 days. In Near New Condition. Pay When Received. Can Haul to Baton Rouge for $1850. (870)577-5757 Owner

STUMBERG CONDOMINIUMS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, separate dining and living areas, approximately 1550 living area, $110/ month association fee covering ground maintenance, pest control, insurance, water, sewage and trash, 6212 Stumberg Lane #107. $133,000. 225-753-1330/ 504-329-6962. CHRISTIAN STREET TOWNHOMES: 2 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, approximately 1150 square feet, washer/ dryer hook-up, 2210 Christian Street #37. $179,000. 225-205-5651.

0# * #12 2# %3'"# magazine

GEORGE: Goat, was adopted as a baby, but had to be returned to the rescue as his families life changed. He was bottle fed and very people friendly. He would make a great pet for anyone. Choctaw Ridge Farms. 601-823-0539.


Real Estate Brokers

AZALEA PARK: 1271 Azalea Park Drive. $170,000. AUTOMOTIVE, RESIDENTIAL, AND MOBILE TINTING: Gift Certificates Also Available. Make Your Appointment by calling Destin Fife at 225-644-7580. Just Tint, 42115 Rudy Road, Gonzales, LA 70737.



For Sale

BLUEBONNET CONDOMINIUMS II: 2 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 story, covered parking for two and private patio, freshly painted, stainless appliances and front load washer and dryer are included, seller to pay $4000 toward closing cost. Home warranty to transfer to new owner. Shown by appointment, 964 Ridgepoint Court. $144,900. 225-766-8453/ 225-921-6242/ 225-264-5523. FIELDHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS: 1 Bedroom, 1 bath, wood floors, granite countertops, balcony, close to LSU, 3347 Nicholson Drive B214. $202,000. 225-769-5872/ 225-603-5196. GOODWOOD CONDOMINIUMS: 2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, 1120 total square feet, owner offers $3000 allowance for paint and carpet replacement, 224 Ocean Drive #206. $109,900 337-5403088/ 337-794-8873.

BOULEVARD DE PROVENCE: 2 Bedroom with attached baths, fireplace, covered parking, attic converted into hobby room, 1797 Boulevard de Provence, Apartment A. $199,000. 225-205-3551/ 225-241-4734. 71011

THE BURBANKS: 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 1200 square feet, ceramic tile, 9016 Pecan Tree Drive. $129,900. 225-202-7085/ 225-768-6880/ 225-268-0616.


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380.

RIVERDALE COMMONS: Completely renovated inside and out. Old style New Orleans courtyard/ patio. Seller to pay $2,500 in closing costs, 15772 Riverdale Avenue East. $102,000. 713-392-4606. URBAN CONDOMINIUMS: 2 bedroom, 2 bath plus study. 1808 to 2002 square feet of living area, tow car completely enclosed garage, open floor plans, loft ceilings, high end amenities, granite kitchen counters, true hard wood floors in living/ dining and kitchen, tile in showers and bath rooms, gutters. $239,900. 9889 Old Hammond Hwy Unit #25. 225-939-3880.

BROOKHOLLOW CONDOMINIUMS: 2 Bedroom + 3rd bedroom/ loft, 2 bath, open floor plan, all appliances, fireplace, balcony with view of pool, 5143 Nicholson Drive, Apt. #52. $152,995. 337-685-5211/ 337-519-1154/ 337-519-3151.

SHENANDOAH SQUARE TOWNHOMES: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, single story townhome, FHA 5.5% assumption available, approximately 1020 square feet, fireplace with gas starter, extensively remodeled/ updated in the past two years, all new appliances to remain, private patio, 5145 Sleepy Hollow Drive. $121,900. 225-571-5505/ 225-572-5758. 54005 THE MERIDIAN: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1050 living area, work out room, pool, tennis court, security guard on duty, 11550 Southfork Avenue #507. $115,000. 225-270-9348/ 225-206-1593. WATERFRONT CONDO $117,300. Orleans Parish. 985-234-9068

BROOK HOLLOW CONDOMINIUMS: 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1562 square feet living area, 1 loft currently used as 3rd bedroom, 5139 Nicholson Drive B-40. $155,000. 225-205-9192/ 225-767-7070. 81002 RIVERDALE COMMONS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, updated, alarm system, fenced patio with deck, 15758 Riverdale Avenue. $113,900. 225-279-4668. PARK PLACE CONDOMINIUMS: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, 868 square feet, renovated, 1290 Park Boulevard. $159,900. 225-505-8477. - Powered by American Classifieds

SHARLO TOWNHOMES: 3 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, fourth bedroom has fireplace, approximately 2300 square feet, renovated 2008, master bath downstairs, new roof 2009, 5024 Alvin Dark Avenue. $199,900. 337-322-8340. 23010 SHADOWBROOK: 3 Bedroom, 2 full bathrooms upstairs one half bath downstairs, 2011 living area, private patio, wood burning fireplace, clubhouse with swimming pool, hot tub, tennis and basketball courts, shuffleboards, exercise room, 2513 Berrybrook Drive. $159,900. 225-810-5040/ 225-802-8988.

SHADOWBROOK: Very nice 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, fireplace, with large loft/ study, completely updated, many amenities, 2431 Shadowbrook Drive. $155,000. 225-939-3586/ 225-752-6466. 71010 SHERWOOD FOREST TOWNHOMES: 2 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, approximately 1068 square feet, great investment property or first home, 526 S. Flannery Road, Unit C. $89,900. 225-274-9893/ 225-772-7087. MAGNOLIA CREEK CONDOMINIUMS: 2 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 story, one year home warranty, $75/ month association dues, privacy fenced rear patio, 8091 Bayou Fountain Avenue #203. $85,000. 225-3309286/ 225-757-0494. UNIVERSITY VIEW: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, gated condo, all new appliances, property managed by Lewis Companies which monthly Home Owners’Association fee covers water, waste, garbage pick up, outside property insurance, maintenance of grounds and BRPD security Wednesday through Saturday nights, 710 E. Boyd #502. $195,000. 504-228-0732.

AMERICA’S LARGEST AND MOST EXPERIENCED ON-YOUR-LAND HOME BUILDERS! We have floor plans to fit every lifestyle & budget. *19 Floor Plans under $800/ month; $40 Floor plans under $900/ month; $62 floor plans under $1000/ month. FREE Floor Plan Customization. FREE Site Evaluation. CALL TODAY 225-366-6962 America’s Home Place. South Louisiana’s Custom Building Center. www. americashomeplace .com 1 BED/ 1 BATH: Beautiful view of golf course, close to clubhouse, tennis courts, and pool. New roof, new tile in bathroom, huge laundry room. Condo fee of $145 includes insurance, water, trash pickup, yard and exterior maintenance, 3 Camellia Lane. #21434298. $152,000. 985-710-4535/ 985-718-4394. MERIDIAN CONDOMINIUMS: 2 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, on 7th floor, washer and dryer to remain, 1020 square feet, seller willing to help with closing cost and will provide 1 year home warranty up to $500, $1500 seller concessions, 11550 Southfork Avenue #710. $122,900. 225-954-7038.

2 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH Condo off S. Harrell’s Ferry, 1656 square feet of living area, 2446 Shadowbrook Drive. $126,000. 225-229-6276/ 225753-0008.

LEIGH’S COVE CONDOMINIUMS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1547 square feet, open floor plan, nice balcony, 5165 Etta Street #8-F. $165,000. 225-324-3242/ 225-763-6376. 23015

CHATSWORTH COURT: 1 Bedroom, 1 bath, last downstairs unit with upgrade of wood floors, seller will pay $1,000 towards buyer’s closing cost, 888 S. Kenilworth Parkway 1D. $99,000. 225-931-9693.

PARKER PLACE CONDOMINIUMS: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, upscale condominium built in LSU area, open living and dining area, 4230 Highland Road #105. $279,900. 225-767-1554/ 225-939-9509/ 225-229-5909. 62004

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 19

FREE Classified (225)751-8510 Ads...Call 225-751-8510 REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

510 Homes For Sale

WINDWOOD, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, bonus office outside with wood floors and air condition, 1469 living are, fenced backyard, seller will pay $4000 closing cost with full price offer, 6406 Woodside Drive. $179,900. 225-571-5233/ 225-921-1932.

MARITA TERRACE, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, sun room, custom built, open floor plan, 2204 living area, wood burning/ gas fireplace, pre qualified buyers only, call for appointment, 2345 Zelmere Street. $252,000. 225-572-7538.

ZACHARY HILL ESTATES: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, 1.5 stories, custom built home, approximately 2571 living area, open floor plan, fireplace, by appointment only, 3528 Camelia Street. $270,000. 225-678-6899/ 225-301-0440/ 225-987-9165. 23006

RICHLAND, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, just like country living, almost 1/2 acre, 1819 square feet, 8350 Ormand Drive. $229,900. 907-252-6781. 54002 ZACHARY ESTATES, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1440 living area, Zachary School District, sits on 3 acres, mobile home on property for possible rental in income, fenced yard, 3825 Safer Drive. $184,500. 225-654-3296/ 225-614-4446.

AREA 1 ZACHARY: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1395 living area, 2.52 acre lot with mature oak trees, no carpet, 1458 Cordoba Drive. $151,000. 225-368-5191/ 225-570-2215. CYPRESS PARK, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1700 living area, fenced backyard, attached shop with retractable door and half bath, boat slip, 3874 N. Cedar Street. $210,900. 225-610-8018/ 225-244-0607.

NORTHWOODS, CENTRAL: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath on 1/2 acre lot, 2129 square feet, approximately 10 years old, fireplace, custom draperies to remain, new wood privacy fence, 10714 Durmast Drive. Appraised at $240,000, Asking $219,000. 225-9789670/ 225-485-2773. HUNTINGTON PARK, CENTRAL: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1608 living area, large fenced backyard with mature fig and peach trees, gas or wood fireplace, open floor plan, bonus sunroom, 14260 Heatherton Drive. $5,000 flooring allowance included in price, $1,000 toward closing costs. $142,000. 225-261-1520/ 225-405-4433.


LAKE POINTE, ZACHARY: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, 2172 living area, built 2001, in quiet cul-de-sac, fenced back yard with covered patio, 4048 Lake Court. $239,900. 225-301-3981. SANDY CREEK, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1550 living area, new carpet/ paint, split floor plan, 6672 Sandy Creek Lane. $184,500. 225-281-1487.

ZACHARY HISTORICAL DISTRICT: 5 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, an entertainer’s dream, 4237 living area, large greenhouse, efficiency cottage behind house, 4512 Virginia Street. $599,500. Call for appointment 225-572-0049. BUFFWOOD, BAKER: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, updated home, excellent floor plan, 3702 Myrtle Street. $139,000. 225-802-1578/ 225-241-1957.

COPPER MILL, ZACHARY: 4 Bedroom, 3.5 bath with office that could be used as 5th bedroom, 3700 living area, separate courtyard and entrance, commercial grade appliances, fenced yard, 1649 Royal Troon Court. Shown by appointment only! $585,000. 225-301-2510. WINDWOOD, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1246 living area, open floor plan, gas fireplace, 6159 Woodside Drive. $164,000. 225-654-4146/ 225-603-8993.

ZACHARY CITY LIMITS: 5 Bedrooms, 3 full baths, 3006 sf living, 4628 sf under roof. Country living at it’s finest. Home sits on a 23 acre stocked pond, boathouse, 10x40’ pier, 30x50’ covered pavilion. Zachary city limits, 3300 Yardley Drive. Seen by appointment only 225-658-4953. ZACHARY: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2733 living area, 200 square foot loft overlooks living room, gorgeous home with view, feel like in country but in Zachary School District, 23910 Jacocks Road. $336,000. 225-270-3606. FELICIANA, BAKER: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, recently updated in quiet neighborhood, approximately 1530 living area, outside storage shed 10x10 with electricity, above ground pool, Pre- Approval Required Before Contract, 14134 Blairstown Drive. $146,000. 225775-6928/ 225-278-5880/ 225-278-5882.

SANDY CREEK, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1606 living area, custom blinds, 30’x26’ red wood stained deck with built-in planter, large fenced backyard, 6163 Shallow Brook Lane. $196,000. 225-588-3843/ 225-278-7577/ 225-763-5725. 23005 BAKER: 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, nice dining room, breezeway with covered awning, 20x20 workshop/ storage room, 2125 Richmond Street. $115,000. 225939-7454/ 225-413-0957/ 225-572-7430.

DEER HAVEN, ZACHARY: 4 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3107 living area, in cul-de-sac, 4.76 acres with one acre stocked pond, no carpet, 2 story, 22132 Deer Haven Drive. $499,000. 225-573-2217/ 225278-4101. EAST HILLS, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2026 living area, large backyard with shop, courtyard outside master bedroom, green house, 3606 Oak Hills Drive. $200,000. 225-936-6885/ 225-333-8688/ 225-439-5887. BERT’S PLACE ZACHARY: 4 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, private dead- end street near Zachary High School, pool, hot tub, granite countertops, 4555 Bert Street. $365,000. 225-654-4243/ 225-268-9323. ZACHARY HILLS ESTATES, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, split floor plan, 1643 living area, newly updated home has a spacious floor plan and large backyard, 3574 Redbud Street. $165,000. 225-9375714/ 225-620-7654.

WILDWOOD ACRES, BAKER: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2267 living area, nice deck outside, new roof, fireplace with solar screens and heatolator to help with heating and air condition costs, seller to help with closing cost or carpet allowance, 12215 Pheasantwood Drive. $215,000. 225-235-5116/ 225-262-6972. 62000

CASTLE PLACE, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1,410 square feet approximately, precious and affordable new construction! New Orleans style cottage in Zachary school district. Open floor plan-nice neutral colors throughout. Open and airy with wall of double pane windows throughout house. Nice carpeting and ceramic in kitchen and baths. Formal dining room. Nice sized laundry room, 7573 Kristene Avenue. $135,900. 225-247-1479/ 225-288-0992. 54112 THE RESERVE AT POINTE SOUTH, ZACHARY: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1896 square feet living area, large computer area off kitchen, stainless appliances, 1700 Pointe South Drive. $242,688. 225-654-0529. CYPRESS PARK, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1349 living area, refrigerator stays, security system, no flood insurance, 3709 Cedar Street. $164,500. 225-301-3540/ krys3709


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380. 4 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH: Custom built, 2877 square foot living area, large bonus room on corner lot, 3903 Moss Trail Drive. $399,000. Call 225-654-3119/ 225-247-3251. 11015 LAKE JOLIE VUE, ZACHARY: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, custom home, large landscaped, fenced backyard with sprinkler system, 4 years old, 2588 living area, 25326 Dennis Court. $359,900. 225-978-0372/ 225658-2630/ 225-328-1294. SUNNYSIDE PLANTATION, ZACHARY: 4 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, bonus room, 1.5 acres, pond, workshop, fenced dog yard, 1051 East Plains Port Hudson Road. $398,000. 225-654-4566/ 225-278-1813. THE RESERVE AT POINT SOUTH, ZACHARY: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2022 living area with open floor plan, 1760 Pointe South Drive. $262,000. 225-9379563/ 225-654-0529. 11011 BILLYGOAT ROAD: 3BR/2BA on 3-1/2 acres, 2100 living area, huge family room. $230,000. 225-629-5701. THE OAKS, ZACHARY: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1631 living area, ventless fireplace, stocked lake, walk track and playground, 6642 Lake Ridge Drive. $207,000. 225-588-2207.

Page 20 • August 19-September 1, 2010


MORGAN PLACE WEST, CENTRAL: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 story, 2470 living area, built in 1999, under termite contract, alarm system, open floor plan, built in big screen TV and Bose speakers stay with home, fenced yard, 12218 South Milstead Place. $276,640. 225-505-7839. 62001 GEO JE’S, GREENWELL SPRINGS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2475 living area, 1 acre lot with large oaks and 5 pecan trees, bonus room can be used as office, playroom, or 4th bedroom, 16023 Chevernt Avenue. Shown by Appointment Only! $249,900. 225-262-2255/ 225-229-3410. BELLINGRATH LAKES: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2465 living area, fireplace, move in with equity asking $5000 below appraisal, 18053 Bellingrath Lakes Avenue. $305,000. 225-614-3021/ 225-202-2231.

AMERICA’S LARGEST ON-YOURLAND HOMEBUILDER. Call today and ask for your “FREE” custom Home Building Floor Plan Catalog. 1(800)NEW-HOUSE, www. americashomeplace .com Prices Starting at $50/ square foot. Financing Assistance Available. Local “Building Cents” in Baton Rouge, Hattiesburg and Jackson. CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1892 living area, wood burning fireplace, large dog kennel, 1 acre lot, workshop in back with water and electricity, 10690 Foster Road. $165,000. 225-6834670/ 225-978-8685/ 225-571-5966.

MAGNOLIA TRACE, CENTRAL: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1727 living area, new landscape, 17637 Hearthwood Drive. $199,900. 225-485-8439. 71008

CENTRAL 7.26 ACRES: Located in Central City limits, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, custom built in 2007, 2300 living, 3600 total, 2x6 exterior walls, super energy efficient, 9’ & 10’ ceilings, split floor plan, wood floors, covered patio with ceiling fans, 30x40 metal building in backyard, 13535 Blackwater Road. $355,500. 225-978-5656, 225-939-4405. 74002 WEBB’S FOREST, CENTRAL: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath on 4 acres with private dead end road, open floor plan, gas or wood burning fireplace, approximately 2450 living area, 13845 Beaver Bend Road. $355,000. 225-235-0908.

CENTRAL AREA: 5 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, 2540 square feet, 2 story, large front and back porches 14130 Hubbs Acres Lane. $299,000. Call for appointment 225-937-7067/ 225-654-2068/ 225354-9197. 54004 2.8 ACRES, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, open floor plan, 1480 approximate living area, 10164 Lovett Road. $175,000. 225-261-4492/ 225-3336309/ 225-603-9548. BELLINGRATH LAKES: Central Schools, 4BR/ 3.5BA. 3477 Living area. Lakeview Balcony. 225-802-8867. CEDAR MILL RUN, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, seller will pay $2500 in closing costs, approximately 1080 living area, swingset to remain with full price offer, 11114 Logan Drive. $113,500. Call for appointment 225-802-2503.

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!


REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

CENTRAL CITY, CENTRAL: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1600 living area, updated living room and kitchen, fenced backyard, by appointment only, 11809 Dame Drive. $169,900. 225-938-3175/ 225202-5881/ 225-202-3735. WISTERIA LAKES, CENTRAL: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, 2077 living area, stained concrete floors, open floor plan, 14590 Wisteria Lakes Drive. $274,000. 225921-2166/ 225-978-4436. WATSON FARMS, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1200 total square feet, completely renovated, new paint inside and out, large yard, 20822 Watson Drive. $119,900. 225-335-8130/ 225-936-4726.

CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, 5.5 acres, no flood insurance required, 1985 living area, has front and back porches, 16x32 swimming pool, separate pool house with boat port, 20x30 metal building, 16855 Hubbs Road. SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY! $339,000. 225-315-9893/ 225-654-0484. 52001


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380. NORTHWOODS, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1375 living area, fence backyard, utility shop 16x20, new air condition units, 10713 Sugar Pine Drive. $157,000. 225-937-0606/ 225-261-9899. AMBER LAKES, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1700 living area, office, open floor plan, surround sound wired inside and out, on lake with plenty of fish, 16947 Lynnwood Drive. $208,500. 225-268-7688. 3 ACRES, GREENWELL SPRINGS: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, no flood zone, 2054 square feet living area, 26590 Greenwell Springs Road. $198,500. 225-9640746/ 225-570-2531. 4 BEDROOM/ 3 BATH, split floor plan, 2696 living area, 1 acre stocked pond with fountain, 2.53 acres, 16138 Frenchtown Road. $415,000. 225-921-0618/ 225-202-7475/ 225-261-4779. WISTERIA LAKES, CENTRAL: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, hurricane ready with generator, 2,100 living area, fenced yard, 8100 Rustic Rose Court. $268,500. 225-978-7266/ 225-715-9260. GREENWELL SPRINGS/ PRIDE: 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, house is 50- 70 years old, original floors, 10 acres mostly cleared, 200- 300 year old Live Oak trees, 17550 Stoney Point Burch Road. $225,000. 225-620-3319/ 225-252-6807.

TANGLEWOOD, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, completely updated, new appliances that stay except for refrigerator, 9580 Rustling Oaks Drive. $165,000. 225-921-1504/ 225-938-6962. VILLAGE LAKES, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, office, 2078 living area, large lake lot, 9340 Magnolia Crossing Drive. $279,000. 225-252-9514. JACKSON PLACE, CENTRAL: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, completely remodeled in 2007, over 2700 living area, lot approximately .50 acres, 13011 Dorset Avenue. $279,900. Please call for appointment. 225-773-4076. MICKENS AREA: 4 Bedroom, 4.5 bath, large office, fireplace, custom sound system, pool, fenced huge backyard, custom built, one owner, must be pre-qualified for showing, 2.14 Acres, 7775 Mickens Road. $399,999. 225-279-1471/ 225-315-8554/ 225-355-3176. CEDAR GLEN: 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1100 square feet, brick home with fenced backyard, small side room/ patio, single carport, Sears siding with double insulated windows, wood and ceramic floors. $104,900. Offers from approved buyers only, 8722 Cedar Glen Drive. By Appointment. 225-571-9665, 225-571-9116 MAGNOLIA BEND, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1800 living area, open floor plan, large yard, fireplace, 18238 Magnolia Bend. $209,000. 225-329-4298/ 225-262-6545.

MERRYDALE WEST: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1211 living, 1323 total, hardwood floors, brick flooring in kitchen, hall, and foyer, new appliances, new workshop 12x15 completely wired, 5815 Grand Drive. $139,900. By appointment only. 225-356-1995. 11019 SPACIOUS 4BR: With den, nice area. Section 8. Marjoie. 225-288-5495.

AREA 4 WEDGEWOOD DRIVE: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, split floorplan, 2331 living area, sunken conversation pit with gas fireplace and wet bar, boat port, RV storage, 2014 Limewood Drive. $195,000. Call for private showing 225-229-3696. JEFFERSON RIDGE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, open floor plan, 42” gas ventless fireplace, private fenced yard, under termite contract, no flood insurance required, 6425 Ridge Way Avenue. $237,000. 225-938-7380/ 225-328-5680/ 225-756-8805.


CENTRAL: 2 ACRES WITH 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1000 living area, fish pond, lots of wildlife, 15133 Hooper Road. $130,000. 225-261-3112. 74001 MORGAN PLACE WEST, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2050 living area, split floor plan, 12044 W. Milstead Place. $235,000. 225-261-7056/ 225445-0117.

HIGHLAND CLUB ESTATES: 3 Oversized bedrooms, 2 bath, approximately 2169 square feet, formal dining room, office/ playroom, backyard boasts a peaceful manmade stone stream, 9331 Lake Forest Drive. $295,000. 225-772-6239/ 225-772-6051. OLD JEFFERSON: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, beautifully updated, 1580 living area, all new appliances, 7536 Chairman Avenue. $164,900. 804-852-5717/ 804-464-1126. SHERWOOD FOREST: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1721 living area, front and rear porches, fenced backyard perfect for pets and family outdoor activities, 11535 Sherbrook Drive. $135,000. 225-276-3426/ 225-261-8869. 12412 TAMS DRIVE: Beautiful, Completely Updated. 1608 square feet, 3BR/2BA, formal living/ dining, large wood deck, with fenced backyard. $125K. 225-413-3765. - Powered by American Classifieds

MILLBROOK: 3 Bedroom, office, 2 bath, fireplace, large backyard with separate areas for kids and pets, kids playset stays, 3402 Brookmeade Drive. $255,000. 225-615-8528.


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380. WOODLAWN ESTATES: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, corner lot, updated, 5360 Shakespeare Drive. $217,900. 225-933-1341/ 225-343-1212. SHADOWS AT WHITE OAK: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, custom built in 2002, gas appliances, gas and wood burning fireplace, indoor and outdoor speaker system, beautiful flagstone patio with large wooden deck, neighborhood park, playground, tennis courts and lakes, 18536 Shadow Creek Avenue. $294,900. 225-505-8973/ 225-454-6826. FAIRMONT: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1466 living area, open floor plan, located on double corner lot, fireplace, please have pre- approval letter, 12311 Fairhope Way. $165,000. 225-892-0827/ 225-663-6605. OLD JEFFERSON: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1711 living area, built- in cabinets in 2nd and 3rd bedroom, corner lot, 7333 Vice President. $159,900. 225-278-9464.

AREA 3 SOUTH DAYTONA: 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, new roof 7/09, new exterior paint 8/09, 5226 Jean Street. $53,900. 225-241-9428/ 225-241-9427. WOODLAWN: 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, fireplace, 1364 living area, fenced yard, 4456 Cannon Street. fsbobr. com. $89,900. 225-892-6254/ 225-892-6789.

MORGAN PLACE WEST, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1851 living area, fireplace, computer nook, fenced yard, home warranty included, 12010 Spring Meadow Drive. Call to schedule appointment. $218,000. 225-329-7260/ 225-324-1690/ 225-2619453. 54003 3 Bedroom Home on 2 Acres (3 miles from Indian Mound). $69,500. 225-335-3095.

LAUREL HILL: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, $4000 allowance for painting/ flooring, 2575 living area, 18314 Cedar Line Drive. $344,000. 225-892-7628. RIVER OAKS: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1400 living area, renovated. $137,000. 225-366-0001.

FAIRMONT: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1538 living area, carpet in bedrooms, fountain in front of house, Hunter Douglas custom blinds, 2525 Fairgate Drive. $169,500. 225-275-7331/ 225-573-7000. 23008 3B/2B With 2 car garage, Original Owner, allergy free home. $143,000 or total payments of $779/ month with $6000 down with owner financing. 540-371-5316 or 225-775-4458, PARK FOREST: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, security system, fenced backyard, 4141 E. Caribou Court. $158,900. 225-439-8187/ 225-405-5814. O’NEAL PLACE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1583 living area, fireplace, fenced backyard, 2319 Cully Drive. $143,000. 225-921-8010/ 225-953-5440/ 225-755-0067. JEFFERSON QUARTERS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, built in 2003, 1,516 square feet, 18349 Doc Olena Drive. $194,700. 225-284-1131.

SOUTH HARRELL’S FERRY LANDING: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, approximately 2571 living area, built 2004, open floor plan, fireplace, fenced yard, in-ground gunite swimming pool with salt water treatment, 3244 Grassy Lake Drive. $289,500. 225-273-5506. VIGNES LAKE: Lot Dimensions 85x140x85x140, square footage under roof 2111, 8 years old, 12x15 office added to house, 9643 Margaux Drive. $270,000. 225-955-1505/ 225-907-4652/ 225-778-7894.

ROUND OAK: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2100 square feet living area, new air conditioner, roof and dishwasher, deck with hot tub, 9432 Kindletree Drive. $234,000. 225-405-8100/ 225-405-7838. 23009 COUNTRY MANOR: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath + office, 1,593 living area, fenced backyard with large patio, viewing by appointment only, 13442 Country Meadow Avenue. $175,900. 225-485-3956/ 225-261-4219/ 225-238-3364. TUSCANY VILLAS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1485 total living area, custom window treatment, gas log fireplace, 7849 Gothic Drive. $188,000. 225-802-5928.

OLD JEFFERSON: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2 story, 2081 living area, fireplace, privacy fence, landscaped yard, shaded by oak and crepe myrtle trees, outdoor deck with covered bar area, 15717 Profit Avenue. fsbobr. com. $191,400. 225-753-2601. 53008 LAKE PARK: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, newly updated, 1380 living area, wood burning fireplace, wired for surround sound, access to private 7 acre lake, 17418 Deer Lake. $148,500. Call for appointment. 225-273-6056/ 225-907-8174. ELLIOT ROAD AREA: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, formal dining room southern charmer, gas fireplace, separate fully furnished mother-in-law apartment 767 square feet can be used as gameroom or office, 7415 Elliot Road. $439,000. 225-615-1050. THE WILDERNESS AT WHITE OAK: 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, 3591 living area, upstairs gameroom or extra bedroom with full bath, appraised at $517,000, 19433 River Breeze Drive. $350,000. 225-2292605/ 225-262-7607. VILLA DEL REY: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bath, formal dining and living room, new roof 2008, 2108 living area, 2 pecan trees, 1 pear tree, 2286 Palisades Drive. $189,900. 225-924-1434/ 225-405-4099. OLD JEFFERSON: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1450 living area, fenced yard, screen patio, owner willing to finance under certain conditions, 7517 Vice President Drive. $152,000. 225-505-2740. BROADMOOR: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2260 living area, sewing/ bonus room recently added, formal living/ dining area, office/ computer space, fireplace, 10151 Grandeur Drive. $195,750. 225654-9220/ 225-933-3604. PARK FOREST: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, large kitchen with new floor, huge den with built in book cases, new floors in bathrooms and new carpet throughout, security system, homeowner will provide warranty, 3505 Yosemite Drive. $149,900. 225-273-3607. FAIRWOOD ESTATES: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1472 living area, open floor plan, new roof and paint 2008, corner lot with fenced backyard, 13686 Greenview Avenue. $169,000. 225-202-7276/ 225-272-1353.

WOODLAND RIDGE: 4 Bedroom, plus office and gameroom, 2.5 baths, 3367 living, 4584 total, 105’x150’ corner lot, 3304 Sessions Drive. $225,000. 225-756-0845/ 225-284-7963. 74004 SHENANDOAH ESTATES: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2300 square feet living area, sun room in master bedroom leads to pool, stainless steel appliances, 15939 Confederate Avenue. $239,900. 225-287-9259.

MONTICELLO: In cul-de-sac, huge backyard, new carpet, 4546 Raleigh Drive. $152,000. 225-266-7878/ 225-266-1008. 51009 CENTURION PLACE: 5 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, approximately 3700 living area, new roof in 2008, office/ sunroom, fireplace, appraised at $426,000, 16749 Centurion Avenue. $345,900. 225-324-0619. WHITE OAK ESTATES: 4 Bedroom plus large office and computer room, 3 bath, 3100 living area, fenced yard, 17667 Brookcrest Avenue. $435,000. 225-413-7945/ 225-753-3573.

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 21

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510 (225)751-8510 REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

SHENANDOAH ESTATES: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1530 square feet, completely updated inside and out, fenced backyard, new roof 2009, 5733 Manassas Drive. Realtors welcome at 2%. $164,900. 225-892-2263/ 225-892-2241/ email 5733ManassasDrive SHERWOOD FOREST: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, updated kitchen, carpet and ceramic throughout, 24760 living area, 12647 Brookshire Avenue. fsbobr. com $197,900. 225-272-6747. LAKE FOREST PARK: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1694 living area, gas log fireplace, fenced backyard, 13641 Darilyn Drive. $159,900. 225-752-8126/ 225-610-8505. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH: 1400 square feet, fireplace, ceramic, ceiling fans, unique floor plan, great yard. $129,000. 225-772-5422. RUSHMORE: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath garden home, 1250 living area, completely remodeled kitchen, living room and dining room, fireplace, 486 Rushmore Drive. $132,500. 225-933-4920/ 225-273-1320.

CARRIAGEWOOD ESTATES: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, approximately 2700 living area, quiet cul-de-sac, built 2009, hardwood floors throughout, french doors lead to patio and balcony overlooking pond, 3 stocked fishing lakes, 8529 Cariole Drive. $415,000. 225-229-1000. 62002

AREA 5 COUNTRY CLUB WEST: 3 Bedroom, 2 full baths, 2 half baths on by pool side, 4,054 total square feet, custom drapes and window coverings to remain, heated pool, library/ study could be used as formal living room, Agents welcome, 17949 Pecan Shadows Drive. $474,900. 225-241-4104/ 225-756-4511.

KENILWORTH AREA: 1.5 Story, 4 bedroom, 3.5 baths, keeping room with fireplace, gas or wood fireplace, 3999 square feet, built in 1993, lot 87’x167’x86’x185’, 7225 Highland Road. $449,000. 225-769-1290/ 225-346-7401. 11034 HIGHLAND CREEK: 4 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, 1,900 living area, custom built two story, pre- qualified buyers only, 212 Highland Creek Parkway. $210,000. 225-276-1397. GARDEN DISTRICT: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, hardwood floors, new carpet, backyard patio, 887 Arlington Avenue. $199,900. 225-936-7180/ 225-926-3410. HERITAGE ESTATES: 5 Bedroom, 3 bath, open floor plan, approximately 3200 square feet, updated kitchen, stainless steel appliances, 2 wood burning fireplaces, patio with natural gas for grill, built- in vegetable garden, 17816 West Colony Way. $465,000. 225-202-9182.

SOUTHDOWNS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, master bath has separate his and hers walk- in closets and vanities, electric gated driveway, security system, built in ceiling speakers, 1828 Myrtledale Avenue. $399,000. 208-682-5194/ 225-248-9622. 52004 SOUTHDOWNS: Buy one get one almost free! Has 1- 2 Bedroom, 1 bath 1270 square feet and 2- 1 bedroom, two bath 750 square foot apartment, 4448 Whitehaven Street. $299,000. 225-767-3309/ 225-287-1822.

UNIVERSITY CLUB PLANTATION: 5 Bedroom, 4.5 bath, 4528 living area, open floor plan, surround sound, master bedroom with sitting area and golf course views, 14515 Memorial Tower Drive. fsbobr. com. $780,000. 225-218-6798/ 225-333-1199. FAIRHILL: 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, open floor plan, security system, willing to leave backyard play set valued at $1500, community clubhouse with pool, tennis courts and play area, 10622 Hillbrook Avenue. $259,900. 225-933-1510/ 225-921-4227. HIGHLAND PLANTATION: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, plus bonus room upstairs, 3202 living area, one owner custom built 1.5 story french style home on lake, 632 Plantation Ridge Drive. $389,000. 225-933-7138. QUAIL RIDGE GARDEN HOME: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1718 living area, open floor plan, ceiling fans in all rooms, privacy brick fence and security gate in courtyard, alarm system, 1014 Woodhue Drive. $237,500. 225-767-2261/ 225-241-0839. LAKESIDE: 4 BEDROOM, 3.5 bath, Acadian style home, 715 High Plains Avenue. $559,900. 225-302-5055/ 225-226-8828.

HISTORIC COLLEGE TOWN: 4 Bedroom, 4.5 bath, 3756 living area, classic Victorian home, open floor plan, private balconies overlooking stately Live Oaks, fireplace. Only Qualified Buyers and by appointment only. 155 Stanford Avenue. $649,000. 225-761-1755. 23013 GARDEN DISTRICT, ROSELAND TERRACE: 2 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1,404 living area, stainless steel appliances, updated kitchen, renovated home, by appointment only, close to LSU and City Park, 750 South 18th Street. $179,900. eskew.eric @gmail. com/ 225-235-8144. HILLTOP PLACE: 3 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, built in 1997, open 1.5 story plan, fireplace, beautiful balcony overlooking very large yard, 4639 Bennett Drive. $449,000. 225-247-4766. HEATHERSTONE: 2 Master bedrooms, 1.5 bath, 1500 square foot living area, 5333 Heatherstone Drive. $169,500. 225-405-0842/ 225278-3901/ 225-922-9100. ZEE ZEE GARDENS: 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2700 square feet, master bedroom with french doors that lead to screened in area 1556 St. Rose Avenue. $365,000. 225-284-3579/ 225-810-2957. EASTLAND: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1,445 living area, fenced yard with storage area in rear, 1425 Parker Street. $220,000. 225-766-0437/ 225-975-0654. OAK HILLS: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 baths, 2,490 living area, many architectural amenities complemented by a gorgeous and private pool setting, by appointment only, 1132 Pastureview Drive. $334,900. 225-2441337/ 225-933-9330.

VILLAGE ST. GEORGE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1274 living area, fenced backyard with covered patio, 1745 Lombard Drive. $122,000. 225-933-0921.


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380. TERRE HAUTE: Open floor plan, gas fireplace, 1706 living area, fireplace, new roof 2009, sunroom with plenty windows, decked patio with waterfall, 932 W. Tom Stokes Court. $199,900. 225-278-1968/ 225-252-5583.

SPRINGLAKE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1581 living area, open floor plan clubhouse with pool, tennis court, large playground with baseball/ soccer field, 10128 Springdale Avenue. $224,950. 225-405-3724/ 225-205-8185.

HUNDRED OAKS ADDITION: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, two story, five month old custom built, stainless steel appliances, open floor plan, separate mother-in-law suite, 2339 Horace Street. $375,000. 225-235-6116. IBERVILLE TERRACE: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, office/ hobby room, sunroom, 2412 living area, renovated open floor plan, fenced backyard, nice corner lot, owner will pay closing cost, 1035 Rue Desiree. $264,900. 225-937-9048. STRATFORD PLACE: 5623 Stratford Avenue. fsbobr. com. $280,000. 225-772-5869. PERKINS PLACE: 6 Bedroom, 5 bath, 6000 square feet, pool, 6321 Peggy Street. $995,900. 225-288-9883. WESTHAVEN: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1350 square feet, front and back porches, nonsmoking home, new stainless large appliances, 279 Edgehaven Drive. Call for appointment. $164,900. 225-993-4365. LYNNEWOOD: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, updated kitchen, bathrooms and flooring, 1630 living area, 1243 Kimbro Drive. $167,900. 225-200-2019/ 225-200-2129.

AREA 6 COLLEGE CIRCLE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1,801 total living, fireplace, courtyard, full privacy fence, central vacuum, 5966 College Drive. $253,900. 225-3197300/ 225-921-8181. OLD GOODWOOD: 3 Bedroom plus study, 2 bath, 2757 living area, renovated home on large corner lot, 1580 Keed Avenue. $379,900. 225-229-7090/ 225-931-9693.

UNIVERSITY GARDENS: 5 Bedroom, 4.5 bath, two large front porches with gorgeous view of lake, 3 fireplaces, in ground pool, 3087 East Lakeshore Drive. $1.35 Million. 225-205-9376. 81003

1880’S ACADIAN STYLE OVERSEER’S COTTAGE: Moved from a plantation on the levee, solid cypress kitchen cabinets, unique and charming home, 1218 Aberdeen Avenue, Southdowns. $389,900. 225-8036009/ 225-343-0694. 11033 LIVE OAK ESTATES: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2567 living area, fenced backyard, 646 Shadow Oak Drive. $339,000. 225-924-4141.

Page 22 • August 19-September 1, 2010

OLD GOODWOOD: 5 Bedroom plus kids den, sunken wine room, 5223 living area, 6240 Sevenoaks. $899,000. 225-229-4190/ 225-753-7690. 81005 WOODRIDGE: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, 2 year old custom built home, open floor plan, gas fireplace, 2418 square feet living, 9052 Glenfield Drive. $349,500. 225-938-6895. COHN, PORT ALLEN: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1660 square feet living area, ceramic/ wood floors, 314 Maryland Avenue. $168,000. 225-241-6857/ 225938-3131. LAKE AT OXFORD PLACE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1,670 living area, open floor plan, garden home on lake, fireplace, wired for surround sound, 3382 Spencer Court. $232,900. 225-281-5626.

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds! - Powered by American Classifieds


August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 23

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510 (225)751-8510 REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ FAIRVIEW ESTATES, BRUSLY: 4 Bedroom (4th bedroom could be large office), 2.5 bath on .5 acre with trees, side courtyard with small pond, 1.5 stories, 1743 Fairview Drive. $389,900. 225-2002559/ 225-6031478.

STEELE PLACE: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath + office/ playroom, 2132 living area, huge lot with fully fenced backyard, 1312 Glenmore Avenue. $345,000. 225-284-6342.

OLD STURBRIDGE: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, approximately 2781 living area, open floor plan, two gas fireplaces, newly landscaped fenced in courtyard with Buzz Off mosquito control system and in-ground cocktail pool with waterfall, 7632 Old Sturbridge Lane. $535,000. 225-9390439/ 225-603-3668. CLOVER HILL: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, 2 stories, open floor plan, 10125 High Pines Drive. $245,000. 225-937-9808.


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380. THE OAKS, PORT ALLEN: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, restored 1920’s Bungalow, fabulous kitchen, slab marble, 3413 under roof, 2893 living area, pool, great porches, 618 Avenue C. $349,900. 225-964-0999/ 225-381-9287.

YATTAN PLANTATION: 9024 Bueche Road, 4- 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath, plus office/ playroom, 2820 square feet living area, large workshop/ barn, 2 acres, 20 minutes from downtown Baton Rouge. $255,000. 225-405-5789 225-627-0888. 11052 LOG CABIN $3800 (Original Price $23,800) Moving, must sell. 768 sq. ft. expandable to 1152 sq. ft. 101 Solid Oak Logs Fully Dovetailed with Complete Plans for Loft, Stone Fireplace and 10 1/2’ Tall Ceilings. Stack walls in 2 days. Add Roof in 2 days. In Near New Condition. Pay When Received. Can Haul to Baton Rouge for $1850. (870)577-5757 Owner

COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES: Total Custom Renovation, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1650 living area, corner lot (2 lots approximately 130’x138’), 2444 Brentwood Drive. $216,000. 225-925-2756, 225-931-7777. 11041

GLENMORE: 4 bedroom, 2 bath, open floor plan, totally renovated, 3800 square feet living area, 1767 Ingleside Drive. $630,000. 225-216-3227/ 225-603-0094. 81004 OLD GOODWOOD: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, completely updated, 3562 living area, 6315 Sevenoaks Avenue. $597,500. 225-925-9189/ 225-924-6013/ 225-939-7922.

SPANISH OAKS, PRAIRIEVILLE: 4 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, 1 bedroom/ study, 1.5 stories, 3,200 living area, open floor plan, 1.6 care corner lake lot, fireplace, pool with poolside half bath, 16396 Winding Ridge Drive. $605,000. 225-445-1153.


SHELLY HOMESITES, DENHAM SPRINGS: 4 bedroom, 2 bath plus bonus room, fireplace, 2066 living area, 214 Pecan Street. $170,000 225-753-1833/ 225-324-9817. 11054


AMERICA’S LARGEST AND MOST EXPERIENCED ON-YOUR-LAND HOME BUILDERS! We have floor plans to fit every lifestyle & budget. *19 Floor Plans under $800/ month; $40 Floor plans under $900/ month; $62 floor plans under $1000/ month. FREE Floor Plan Customization. FREE Site Evaluation. CALL TODAY 225-366-6962 America’s Home Place. South Louisiana’s Custom Building Center. www. americashomeplace .com BRITTANY, GONZALES: 18 acres, with custom built 4 bedroom, 3.5 baths, 3800 living, swimming pool, large Redwood deck, sprinkler system to all flower beds, patio, Water garden with stream and waterfall, Gazebo with lights and fan Circle drive with lamp post, 30X40 insulated workshop, completely walled inside with workbenches, complete lighting, and concrete pad on two sides, 12x40 greenhouse, pond stocked with Florida Bass, 2 rental properties with tenants (Currently generates $950/ month), 2 deepwater wells, 4 acres within radio collar dog fencing, pre-wired for generator for emergencies. 8044 Highway 941. $975,000 REDUCED. 225-931-0401/ 225-715-0333/ 225-644-6490. COMMERCIAL LAND, HWY 42, PRAIRIEVILLE: 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, approximately 1300 square feet living area, 1 acre involving 3 lots on corner, 18018 Little Prairie Road. $185,000. 225-622-1137.

MANCHAC HIGHLANDS, PRAIRIEVILLE: 3 bedroom, 3 bath, exercise room, game room/ media room, 4200 square feet living area, 3 year old custom contemporary home, 18660 Manchac Highlands Drive. $749,000. 225-6733794/ 225-715-1581.



Interacoastal waterway, 36220 Hwy 75. Completely updated four bedrooms, two baths, living room with fireplace, sliding backdoor over looking Grand River, large fishing pier, with private boat launch, 1997 doublewide, 1680 square foot. Owner Financing Available. $81,000. 337-896-9235. WEST SIDE GARDENS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath 1790 square feet, built in 2005, 374 Melissa Drive. $149,900. 225-749-5025/ 225-326-9875.

DEEP WOODS, WATSON: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, 3753 living area, lease option, 2 story, 34705 Huckleberry Lane. $389,900. 225-405-9391/ 225241-0967. 11053 ACADIAN STYLE: Watson area, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, .5 acre. 7919 Ben Fugler Road. $174,500- below appraisal. 225-978-1358.

AREA 9 CYPRESS LAKE, PRAIRIEVILLE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1450 living area, 16016 Kirsten Drive. $179,900. 225-677-8663 40492 CROSS RIDGE AVENUE: No Agent. 3BR/2BA. $178,500. 225-329-9901,

PLAQUEMINE: 3 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, approximately 1300 square feet, house for sale only, 59135 Belleview Road. $21,000. 225-687-1181. 11050

BELLEVIEW PARK, PLAQUEMINE: Newly remodeled, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1865 square feet living. 59149 Maple Street. $165,000 225-776-7708/ 318-355-5221. 11049

3BR/2BA (PRAIRIEVILLE): New roof, security system, laminate floors, his/her closets, jacuzzi tub, view of pond. $175,000. 985-871-9213. MANCHAC PLANTATION, PRAIRIEVILLE: 4 Bedroom, 3 full baths, 2 1/2 baths, custom built lots of detail and extras, no space wasted, separate office, separate playroom, open floor plan, call for appointment after being pre approved, 18668 Perkins Road. $769,000. 225-936-5834.

Page 2 • August 19-September 1, 2010

5 BEDROOM/ 3 BATH: Fireplace, central air/ heat, security system, carpeted/ wood/ tile floors, appliances included, patio/ balcony, bonus/ great room, covered parking, deck/ porch, custom made Koi pond with waterfall, Mother-in-Law apartment, office/ den, sprinkler system, 412 Pencarrow Circle. #21940999. $495,000. 985-3734509/ 985-845-2017.

SUGAR RIDGE, LAPLACE: 3 Bedroom, house 24 years old, one owner, 1350 total square foot, fenced yard 2 covered patios, 21x4 pool with new pump, does not require flood insurance, by appointment only, letter of Pre- Approval required, 2100 North Sugar Ridge Road. $134,000. 985-652-7614. 33008

MANDEVILLE/ COVINGTON 4 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH, one story, built 2005, 21 acres, 81120 Chenel Road, Folsom, LA. #21806223. $795,000. 504-578-2001/ 985-578-2000. OLD MANDEVILLE VICTORIAN: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, central air, alarm, carpet/ wood floors, patio, nature/ bit paths, playground/ park, 515 Lamarque Street. $242,500. #21676448. 985-727-0198/ 985-807-3636 4 BEDROOM/ 3.5 BATH: Executive home in choice golf course and gated community, in ground heated pool with screen enclosure, 17th tee view. Bonus/ entertainment room with half bath upstairs. Custom cabinets with designer island, granite countertops, and stainless appliances. Master suite with sitting area, mother-in-law apartment, 421 E. Honors Point Court. #22029533. $375,000. 985-643-8926/ 985-643-8926.

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4 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH, 2721 square feet, fireplace, central air, carpet/ wood floors, gas range, patio, spa/ jacuzzi, 245 Laura Drive N. $315,000. forsalebyowner. com #20923512. 504-577-9864/ 985-626-9799. 2 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH: Lots of space for gardening and landscaping, a relaxing courtyard with koi pond, cobblestone walkways, landscape lighting and a unique look and feel, 1550 living area and detached storage shed. The home has hardwood floors throughout with tile in the kitchen and bathrooms. The large kitchen has been updated, 2220 Monroe Street. #21943951. $239,000. 504-909-2337. FOREST BROOK: 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, fireplace, central air conditioning, carpet/ wood floors, gas range, patio, 1850 square feet, 2216 Prairie Court, $248,000. #21465632. 985-9518597/ 504-842-6184. 3 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH: Whirlpool tubs, fireplace, hardwood floors, granite kitchen countertops, a beautiful interior brick wall in living room, step level ceilings in the great room at 12’, 13’, and 14’ heights. Crown molding throughout. Driveway parks (4) vehicles and has an addition on side for parking a boat or cars, 1350 Carroll Street. $225,000. #22106998. 504-858-7218/ 504-323-7007. 4 BEDROOM/ 4.5 BATH: 2 Story, 4600 square feet, fireplace, central air, security system, wood floors, patio/ balcony, 718 Tete Lours Drive. forsalebyowner. com #21389734. $546,000. 281-298-4298. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, two story, nature/ bike paths, fireplace, wood floors, patio, central air conditioning, 123 Live Oak Street, $215,000. #21524485. 985-869-2994/ 985-626-8190. 3 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH: Fireplace, Central air/ heat, security system, carpeted/ tile/ wood floors, patio/ balcony, deck/ porch, fenced yard, garage, lake front, 228 Mako Nako. #21941366. $323,500. 985-966-4502/ 504-710-3626. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, carpeted floors, central air conditioning, alarm, fireplace, 1700 square feet, 720 Canary Pine Court, $220,199. #21759436. 504-421-9040.


METAIRIE, LA: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, 2 story, custom built designer decorated, open floor plan, extensive renovation inside and out, 2950 living area, wet bar, fenced backyard, pool recently updated, 3804 Ferran Drive. More photos at www. 380ferran .com $419,000. 504-481-5532/ 504-453-9314/ 504-4598552. 33009

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!


REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ NEW ORLEANS

4481 PAINTERS STREET: New Orleans. $199,000. 504-228-0425.

4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH 28X80: With vaulted ceiling, fireplace, large kitchen, 14x70, awning included. Must sell quickly. $39,000. 225-937-0520.

OTHER AREAS PINE GROVE, LA: 50x140 lot, with Log House. $20,000. 225-572-3519.

9.78 ACRES, PRIDE: 3 Large bedrooms all with walk- in closets, 2 bath, on 9.75 acres, open floor plan, new floors in kitchen, foyer, dining, new roof, 16529 Pride Baywood Road. $165,000. 225-6588316/ 225-247-1151. 52000 OVER 30 USED & REPO HOMES! Homes starting @ $11,995. Only 1 left. 985-542-5420.

BALMORAL ESTATES: 4 Bedroom with large bonus room, 3382 living area, 1.86 acre gorgeous lot, two lakes in subdivision stocked for home owners, 1258 Kings View Circle. $389,900. 225-2529715/ 225-485-9723. 11058 57 ACRES, CLINTON: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath house and 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home with metal storage shed, 50 acres wooded and 7 acres open, abundant wildlife!!! Large pond, creek runs along north boundary, 6766 River Road. $377,600. 985-414-3065/ 985-447-1534.


Internet Bidding Available: THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2010 @ 10AM, East Jefferson Levee District - 1135 Lesan Dr. in Kenner, LA $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction; SATURDAY AUGUST 28, 2010 @ 11AM. Real Estate Auction held at 3704 Karen Drive in Chalmette, LA; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 @ 10AM. City of Mandeville & Others - 101 Magnolia Street in Slidell, LA. $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction. See full terms at each auction. 10% Buyers Premium applies at each auction. Some items may be subject to confirmation. ServCorp International, Inc. *B. Mutz, 1467-10. 800-340-2185, http://www. servcorpii .com

SPECIAL PRICING ON SINGLES & DOUBLES: For your best deals on New & Used Manufactured Homes call Frank Millet! 985-227-1917.

FORDOCHE, LA: Doublewide, 3 bedroom 2 bath, approximately 1800 living area, fireplace, refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer included, plus all window treatment, 4331 Smith Acres. By appointment only! $99,000. 225-939-1596/ 225-637-3583/ 225-297-2231. 62008


$AVE up to $10,000.00 off lot models. Over 10 to choose from. CALL 985-542-4704. MOBILE HOME & LOT: 14x80 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, central air/ heat, boat slip, 2 car/ boat covered parking, located on Gunboat Canal off Amite River at 16929 Gunboat Circle in Maurepas. $69,000. 225-776-1275.


Mobile Homes For Sale

New & Used Manufactured Homes


Did you know that you can Sell your unwanted items (Furniture, Clothing, Appliances, House, Boat, RV, Automobile, and any private party item.... For any Price) by placing an ad in the Common Cents Magazine for FREE. Call today and let us give you all the Details. 225751-8510, or http://www.

Before You Buy


“If You Want it, I Got It!”


DURANGO ESTATES, DENHAM SPRINGS: 2 Year old Clayton mobile home, master bedroom has french doors that open up to retreat that can be used as a formal sitting area, office or 4th bedroom, 2 decks, awning for covered parking, 35723 Durango Drive. $99,900. 225-664-3549/ 225715-5469. 54110 3 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH MOBILE HOME: On 2.3 acres in Bush Louisiana, owner financing $525 per month with $4000 down. 985-718-6029/ 985-774-5809.


SHADOW OAK ESTATES, PRIDE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, nice 2007 16x76, 15640 Milldale Road. $85,000. 225-281-3497/ 225-301-1228. 74003 LOMORI 1987 14X70: 2BR/2BA, air. $13,500. 225-355-3015. DOUBLEWIDE: $35,000. 3B/2B, must get own financing. 225-454-6298. CAVALIER 2005: 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, shingle roof, vinyl siding, good condition. $11,500. 225-978-6148.

Beautiful Condition. Above Ground Pool. Front and Back Porches. $88,900. 985-892-5959. CHAMPION 1986 DOUBLEWIDE 24x56: Remodeled and located on lease property. Located in Bayou Pigeon, great for a camp site. $35,000. Call for details 225-545-2952/ 225-776-6714. YOUR LAND OR FAMILY LAND GETS YOU YOUR NEW HOME: 225-644-4663 or 1-800-976-3765. 14X80 3BR/2BA: All electric, appliances, central air/ heat, remodeled. $8500. Denham Springs. 225-6655242, 225-665-5242. - Powered by American Classifieds

CLEARANCE!!! New 3 bedroom double wide, Windzone 3. $39,995. 985-542-5420. 4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH: Will move to your land! Call 601-268-8826.

USED MOBILE HOME: Financing available, will move. 985-542-5420.


WALKER: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 4 acres cleared, 16x80 Lexington, property has pond on back half of acre, 35726 Weiss Road. $130,000. 225-6651292/ 225-335-1291/ 225-335-1292. 11061

For a Limited Time to 1st time Homebuyers 225-644-4663 or 1-800-976-3765. 4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH: Doublewide on 1.5 acres of land included, fireplace, carport with wolvanized deck on back of house and porch on side, 6832 Jones Connell Road, St. Francisville. $139,500. 225-7212161/ 225-721-3054/ 225-634-5036.

1.05 ACRES, WALKER: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath doublewide, tin roof, 1842 square feet, fenced backyard, double pain windows, refrigerator stays, 2 sheds stay, never flooded, 13195 Galloway Garden. $118,000. 225-791-7430. 52011


Largest selection of Doors & Skirting. We also carry everything you need for your mobile home.... Windows, doors, tubs, steps, anchors, plumbing supplies, etc. Rollin Homes Parts, 1496 North Airline Hwy, Gonzales. 225-647-9311. HURRY! New 32x80 Sheetrock, 4BD/2BA doublewide. Only $79,995. 985-542-2533.

SINGLEWIDE IN QUIET PARK: With nice streets, swimming pools, and lake. 985-892-3373.

CLAYTON HOMES, 74682 Highway 25, Covington, LA 70435. 985-8925959. www. clayton .net DOUBLEWIDE LAKESHORE CELEBRATION 2005: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, sitting on 2.4 acres with great view of the Intracoastal Canal and the boats and water, this land is included in price, not leased land, 27190 Intracoastal Road, Plaquemine. $180,000. 225-938-7100/ 225-963-0528.

BELLE RIVER: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath overlooking Belle River, 60x32, fireplace 2 years old on large lot, wind zone 3 944 Belle River Road. $189,900. 985-2528448/ 985-513-0893. 33012 HURRY.. LIMITED: New 32x80. $55,000. First come, first served, Wind Zone 3. 985-542-7442. 14X80 3B/3B: Den, dining, kitchen, laundry, needs repair. $9000. 225-715-6384. 14X80 TRAILER/ LAND: In Central (Off Lovett), 11145 Ridge Road. $39,000. 225-975-1443.

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 25

FREE Classified (225)751-8510 Ads...Call 225-751-8510 REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ WHY PAY RENT

When YOU CAN OWN for LESS? New 3 bedroom, 2 bath doublewide starting $39,995. New 3 bedroom, 2 bath singlewide starting $19,995. Call 985-542-2533. THE VILLAGE, PORT VINCENT: 14940 Louise Street. $120,000. 225-615-0403.


Package on Government Houses. 985-8929969. HURRY! New Sheetrock Doublewide. Only $59,995. 985-345-8074 4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH: Lot size 82x426, 1680 square feet, 3105 Grand Caillou, Houma, Louisiana. $49,900. 985-868-4663/ email c21houma FIRST TIME HOME BUYER AND SINGLE PARENT PACKAGES AVAILABLE. 225-6444663. or 1-800-976-3765.

PINNACLE PARK HOMES Brand New Park Model Homes & Cabins Purchase Factory Direct. Financing Available. Prices starts in the Low to Mid 20’s.

Call 1-866-574-5159 or visit http://pinnaclepark

ST. AMANT AREA: 9 Lots on Summerfield South Road. $55,000 and up. 225-445-1198. WHITE OAK PLACE: Lot 4A, 0.9 acre, 128Fx346Wx198Ex195R. $130,000. 225-252-5815/ 225-753-8317. LIVINGSTON: 6.8 Acres with over 3 acres cleared, ready to build with no restrictions, power, water, gas and septic already in place, good drainage with small creek running through property, no flood, very private, 19606 Rudy Lee Road. REDUCED $75,000. 225-284-7070. LIVONIA AREA: 5 Acre lots for sale of cleared land starting at $65,000. One ten acre tract with alley of hundred year old oak trees $185,000. Close to Baton Rouge (25 minutes). Livonia area. Lots on Hwy 977. Call Randal 485-3444 with questions.

MOBILE HOME: 3B/2B on 1/2 acre. Sorrento, LA. $120,000. 225-571-4492.


4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH: 28x80 Cavalier, plus study, fireplace, refrigerator, microwave, stove and dishwasher to remain, 41519 Hattie Moran Road, Gonzales. $125,000. 225-717-6927. 11062

FLEETWOOD 1999 16X80: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, shingles, vinyl, plywood floors, air & heat. Zone 3. Gonzales, LA. $16,900. 318-446-6700/ 318419-9172. 2006 ZONE III MOBILE HOMES: Nice 3 Bedrooms starting @ $12,900 to $19,900. We Can Finance. Hammond Mobile Homes. 985-345-9900.


4 BEDROOM/ 3 BATH: Doublewide with 1800 living area, 2 acres with above ground pool and metal shop, 2300 Munson Drive. $140,000. 225803-4370. 82000 $15,000 OR BEST OFFER. Modular Office For Sale, 640 square feet. 225-644-4663.

ZACHARY: 2001 72x27 doublewide on 1.33 acres, 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 1944 living area, separate utility room, covered porch, security system, 6380 Woodland. $145,000. 225-658-0475/ 225-324-7857/ 225-938-7910. 71006

HUD HOMES AVAILABLE: Many to Choose From. Some on Land. 985892-5959. BRAND NEW 16X80: $29,995. Includes Wind Zone III, Appliances, A/C, Skirting, Delivery. 2 To Choose. Racin Homes 225-343-8000.

LIVINGSTON: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bath, 2007 16x81 Platinum on .75 acres, 1296 living area, all electric, 10x16 lofted barn wired for electricity, cable, internet and phone accessible in house, 23558 Ira Taylor Lane. $95,900. 225-241-2689/ 225-921-6465. 52006 HURRY! Triple wide, Wind Zone 3. $89,995. Air and delivery included. 985-542-5420. VERY NICE 2001 16X80: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath mobile home, 38th of an acre. Trees, New lamanite floors, new ceramic kitchen countertops, fresh paint, great condition. $78,000. Owner/ Agent. Jackie, 225-6036567/ 225-603-6569.

Singles starting @ $28,900, Doublewides starting @$49,900. *FHA 1ST Time Home Buyers *Home Only or Land Home Available *Insurance Available in All Areas. Hammond Mobile Homes, 42286 E. I-55 Service Road, Hammond, LA 70403. 985-345-9900, www. cavalierhomebuilders .com BRAND NEW 2010 16X76: 3 bedroom, 2 bath. $29,995. Set-up, delivery, skirting and air included. Racin Homes 225-343-8000.

ST. ROSE LOT: With Framed Mobile Home, Family environment, 136 Kennedy St. For Sale/ Lease $55,000. 956-342-4116.


Lots & Acreage For Sale PLANTATION OAKS, ST. FRANCISVILLE: 2.83 Acres, great neighborhood off Hwy 61 south of St. Francisville, dimensions approximately 400’ wide by 250’ deep, Lot 30 Live Oak Drive. $99,000. 225-658-7959/ 225-235-3246. REDUCED: LAND FOR sale, located on Highway 421, 5 acres, Jackson/ St. Francisville. 225-634-7712/ 225-634-2490. SHADOWS LAKE: Third filing, lake lot, size 50x140, Lot 174, Martin Lake Drive. Call for more details $125,000. 225-753-4183/ 225-413-1465. MARINA BEAU CHENE: One of the last lots available in the beautiful neighborhood of Beau Chene. Fantastic cul-de-sac wooded lot in the popular gated community. Amenities include golf course, country club, tennis courts, marina, and more! Walk to the marina on the Tchefuncte River. Lot dimensions: 127’x 171’x 217’x 50’. #21939721. $60,000. 985-705-6063. HIGHLAND SHADOWS: 95x265x95x241, .55 acre, Lot 13 Shadow Bend Drive. Appraised 8/30/06 for $215,000. $179,000. 225-715-0919.

Page 26 • August 19-September 1, 2010

CHINQUAPIN CAMPSITES, MAUREPAS, LA: 55’X100’ bulkheaded lot with improved housepad raised above 100 year flood elevation. Paved road, all utilities. 225-588-5132, 225-268-7989. TIGER BEND RURAL LOT: Approximately 3 acres, about 1 mile north of Hoo Shoo Too Road, electric pole, gas, water well 3 to 4 years old, 8961 S. Tiger Bend Road. $110,000. 225-667-7364/ 225-292-8910 ext. 218. LAKELAND ACRES, DENHAM SPRINGS: .34 Acre cul-de-sac lot, dimensions are 138x163x128x75, only three minutes from Greystone Golf Course, deed restricted 1,800 square feet minimum build, city water, sewage and electricity, highly motivated seller will consider partial trade or cash, Lot 38 Oakwood. $39,900. 225-288-8592/ 225-243-4631. (3) OLD GOODWOOD LOTS: Lot 4-A 130’x206’ $355,000. Lot 4-B 108’x214’ $330,000. Lot 4-C 100’x221’ $315,000, 7764 Jefferson Highway. fsbobr. com. $315,000 and up. 225-445-7798. THE ESTATES AT MYRTLE HILL: Lot 21 Myrtle Hill, 111 feet frontage by 141 feet deep, ready to build, custom house plans available. $246,000. 225-936-7775. ZACHARY: Beautiful tree shaded lot, 1.09 acres, ready to build, existing slab for shop, near BREC’s Beaver Creek golf course, restricted to maintain property values, connection ready utilities, 1055 Plains Port Hudson Road. $79,999. 225-654-0605. ROLLING ACRES, BAKER: Approximately 2.5 acres, site size 149.95x700.00, 99% cleared with 80’x90’ pad approximately 50 loads of clay, live oak and pecan trees, city water, entergy, cox available, modad system is required no city sewer, Lot 76 Rolling Acres Drive. $75,000. 225-953-0622. TREAKE PECAN PLANTATION: Zachary Area, Lot on Adams Lane, 3.33 acres, quiet family neighborhood with beautiful trees, no restrictions, ready to build. $120,000. 985-517-8171/ 985-747-0521. MATHERNE PLACE, DENHAM SPRINGS: Half acre lots, restricted to 1,800 square feet minimum living area, no mobile homes, not in flood zone, Lot 2-A thru 2-I on Matherne Place. $35,000 and up. 225-278-9668/ 225-664-1685. OLD GOODWOOD: 150x297 Lot on Thibodeaux Avenue off Jefferson Highway, Vacant lot, residential area. Appraised value $400,000, Accepting Offers. 225-931-1573/ 225-753-6765. COPPER MILL, ZACHARY: Lot size 100’x200’, lot borders on Fairway #1 of Copper Mill Golf Course, beautiful view, golf/ tennis/ swimming, Lot 115 St. Andrews Avenue. $85,000. 225-301-1204. GREENS AT PELICAN POINT: Lot size 50’x135’, exclusive active retirement community for residents 55+ years and older, lake and golf course frontage, located on 3rd hole, Lot 735 Courtyard Drive. $99,000. 225-978-9866/ 225-257-4223/ 225-229-5160. RIVERBEND, FIRST FILING: Lot size 110x220, close to LSU and downtown Baton Rouge, upgraded with culvert, water and fencing, park like setting on beautiful quiet street, 2923 Ormond Avenue, Lot 82. $135,000. 225-405-7874/ 225-205-4518/ 225-752-5476.

WASHINGTON PARISH: 13 Acres, all or part. $5800/ acre. 504-465-9951. LOTS AND ACREAGE: Restricted. St. Helena parish. 225-938-8937. GREEN TRAILS AT SHENANDOAH: Lot approximately 80’x154.68’, no thru traffic, plus walking/ biking trail directly in front of home, 2400 minimum square footage required, very few lots left in this phase and most are through the developer or specified builder, Lot 78 Parkside Court. $87,900. 504289-6280/ 504-909-7926. EAST HAMMOND: 3- 10 Acres, 5 miles east of Hammond, private and secluded, large trees cleared building sites, deer and wild turkey, River Road. $20,000/ acre. 985-222-1232. THE GATES AT THE OAKS, BRUSLY: Lot 15 on Quiet Oak Boulevard, new gated subdivision is approximately 80’ wide x 167’ deep. $64,500. 225-749-0641. CARRIAGEWOOD ESTATES: Rural area inside East Baton Rouge Parish, outside City limits, dimensions 78’x161’x104’x160’, 104 feet of beautiful lake side property, 3 stocked lakes with fountains, Lot 103 Phaeton Crossing. $88,000. 225-978-5511/ 225-753-4846. MALLARD LAKES, GATED COMMUNITY: 7.5 Acres with over 80 trees on quiet side street, 22222 Rabbit Run Drive lot. $450,000. 225-753-7000. WISTERIA LAKES, CENTRAL: Lot situate don 7 acre lake, 1,800 square feet minimum, Home Owners Association, lot size 70x144, Lot 90 Lavendar Drive. $60,000. 225-931-6889. UNIVERSITY CLUB SOUTH, ST. GABRIEL, LA: Large lot, approximately 60x214 irregular, underground utilities, curb and gutter, 265 Fieldhouse Avenue. $79,900. 225-223-0933. UNIVERSITY CLUB PLANTATION: Lake front lot, homes on both sides already complete, woods behind lake is protected area where nothing will be built, Lot 365 Victory Hill Court. $155,000. 225-6636632/ 225-284-5062. UNIVERSITY CLUB PLANTATION: Lot 63 on McClendon Court. $150,000. 225-614-5862. 35 ACRES: Central, previously Father Colbert’s Park, 2 houses each currently rented for $1100 per month, 7000 square foot building/ gym, 16629 Planchet Road. $1,000,000. Todd - 225-202-3100/ Jerry Lee - 225-931-3514. JEFFERSON PLACE BOCAGE: 100’w x120’d east side x107’d west side, 3,000 square feet building minimum with extensive restrictions, setbacks 25’ front, 7’ sides, 15’ rear, POA dues $1,000 annually, 7220 Leyland Court. $155,000. 225-771-8880/ 225413-3266/ 225-964-2872. LABELLE ESTATES, ST. GABRIEL: 1.56 Acre lot, some restrictions, nice mature trees, well established area, Lot 20, Lawrence Parkway. $75,000. 225-405-3941. THE ESTATES AT MYRTLE HILL: This lot is located on the high side of historic Highland Road just inside the entrance to the prestigious Myrtle’s subdivision. The lot is located inside the elegant gated private entry . Lot #5 Myrtle Drive. $245,000. 225-938-5082. GENRE PLACE, WALKER SOUTH: Lot 17-C, .60 acre, 150’ front x 173’ deep, Lot 17-B, .59 acre, 150’ front, 172’ deep, Lot 17-A, .40 acre, 174’ across back 172’ deep, can be sold as whole, restricted for home sites with minimum 1800 living area, no mobile homes! Lots on Genre Drive. REDUCED $80,000. 225-664-7456/ 225-335-3370. OLD WORLD VILLAS: Widest lot left in subdivision, 70’x130’, custom neighborhood, quiet street, 10031 Old World Drive, Lot 16. $59,000. 225-268-2140. BRIDALWOOD SUBDIVISION LOTS: Call for details. $42,500 to $46,500. 225-937-1811/ 225-665-7203. COLLEGE TOWN: Ready to build, walk to Tiger Stadium, 70x150 in old College Town neighborhood established in 1923, won’t find another lot for sale in this area, soil testing complete and house plans available if interested, 4334 Harvard Avenue, Lot 5, Square 8. $290,000. 225-202-2763. UNIVERSITY CLUB PLANTATION: .57 Acres, views include the golf course as well as lake view, 130x210x72x8x300, Lot #481 Memorial Tower Drive. $140,000. 225-963-4778/ 225-963-4779. GREENGATE, CENTRAL: Corner lot, Oak Fern Drive, 90x140, cleared. $35,000. Call for more information. 225-278-9248.

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!


REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

PRIDE: 6.69 Acres, 466x622 mostly wooded, no restrictions, access to water and electricity, 22070 Liberty Road. $90,000. 225-278-3346.

RIVER FRONT PROPERTY: 2.4 acres on Pearl River in Bogalusa Louisiana, 150 foot river frontage, clean property ready to build, pond with bridge, restricted subdivision. $95,000, 985-848-5128. SPANISH MOSS COURT: In Mandeville, 1/2+ acre, Lot 487. #21430005. $125,000. 985-626-1722. N. LAKE ROSEMOUND ROAD: 2 to 30 Acres No Mobile Homes. 225-933-9226. APPROXIMATELY 1-1/2 ACRES: Older home, as is, Near Baker. $155K. 225-778-1672 RURAL: Lot size 110x250, .6 acres, property line stops at markers in the back, Agents welcome at 3%, 7671 Elliot Road. $60,000. Serious Calls Only! 225-907-7998. BAYOU PLAQUEMINE: 3 acres cleared, no flood zone, minutes from Island Country Club. $90,000. 225-659-2995. 2 ACRE LOT: Cleared on Hwy 38 (Off Hwy 10). $19,900. 225-337-0182. SERENITY SUBDIVISION, BRUSLY: 4613 McKenzie Lane Lot, 0.8 acre, lot size 181’x193’, private road only 6 lots in restricted subdivision. $75,000 Firm per lot. 225-687-8844. 57 ACRES, CLINTON: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath house and 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home with metal storage shed, 50 acres wooded and 7 acres open, abundant wildlife!!! Large pond, creek runs along north boundary, 6766 River Road. $377,600. 985414-3065/ 985-447-1534. VIDOR ACREAGE off Hwy 12. 8863 N Linscomb Rd. By Owner. 137 acres, can be divided: 17 acre home site cleared with two ponds, high ground, frontage: $150,450. 120 wooded acres (30 cleared) can be used for hunting, development,etc. $144,000. Sell all $294,450 or as divided above. Neg. 409-769-1828 or 409-755-6134. COLORADO 5 MOUNTAIN ACRES, must sell! Fantastic views. Hunt, Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner financed. $300 down. $150/ month. 1-719-659-7247, 1-720-570-0592 TAKE OVER 5 acres. NO Down. $59/Month. Trees. Deer. Southeast Oklahoma. 818-340-1912, www.

532 Felicianas

HISTORICAL 1836 HOME In Jackson. 1759 High Street, new roof. $100,000. 225-719-0214. 2BR WOODFRAME HOUSE: On 50’x150’ lot. $60K (Jackson, LA). 225-634-2265 Serious Buyers Only. FSBO: Hwy 10, Clinton, 1/2 acre+ lot, owner finance, sewer system included. $27,500. 225-719-1548.


Lots & Acreage For Rent BY OWNER: 9 Acres, 1 hour north of Hammond, LA (McComb, Ms). Beautiful pasture with scattered trees, adjoined large block of timberland, great hunting, community water, power, phone, road frontage. $27,000. 601-303-0132.


Homes For Rent

BEAVER CREEK, ZACHARY: 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, built 2007 custom, 2220 living area, open floor plan, 12 month lease, available August 1st, no smokers 1009 Fairwinds Avenue. Call for appointment. $1900/ month, $1000/ deposit. 225-405-5933. 74037


COUNTRY ROAD, CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, on pond. Lease Option to Purchase is OK with 1/2 Rent going to down payment over 12 months, 4617 Beaver Creek Drive. $2000/ month. 619-223-5556. 11066

SPRINGLAKE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, stainless steel appliances, real pine wood floors, gas fireplace, security system, 2222 Springtide Drive. $1900/ month. 225-572-1558. 33004 STOP RENTING! Govt & Bank Foreclosures! 3 bed/2 bath $500 Down, $450 Month. ALL OVER US! No Banks! Owner Finance! Bad Credit Ok! www. rebuildUS .com


AREA 3 3 BED 2 bath only $475/mo! 2 bed 1 bath only $455/mo! 3 bed 2 bath only $480/mo! Own with $1500 Down! Owner Finance! Details at www. rebuildUS .com



PERKINS OAK, PRAIRIEVILLE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1500 square feet, large fenced backyard with screen porch, non smoking, pet approval and pet deposit, 12 month lease required, 18462 Perkins Oak Road. $1350/ month, $1350/ deposit. 318-613-4118. 64008


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380. GREENWOOD ACRES, PRAIRIEVILLE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1664 square feet, new carpet/ paint, non smoker required, pet approval and deposit, 12 month lease required, 14376 Hwy 431. $1250/ month, $1250/ deposit. 225-573-4496.


3BR/2BA Brick Home. $1200/ month, $1200 Deposit. 225-715-8639, 225-675-6520. LAND O’ LAKES: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bath, Living/ Dining room combination, 2435 W. Contour Drive. $1,250/ month. 225-610-8534. 11071


FRANCOIS POINT, GONZALES: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, freshly painted, 1300 living area, ceramic tile floors, covered patio, nice privacy fence, great family neighborhood with several ponds, 11079 Reyn Drive. $1600/ month, $1600/ deposit. 225-335-4914.

Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380.


AMERICA’S LARGEST ON-YOURLAND HOMEBUILDER. Call today and ask for your “FREE” custom Home Building Floor Plan Catalog. 1(800)NEW-HOUSE, www. americashomeplace .com Prices Starting at $50/ square foot. Financing Assistance Available. Local “Building Cents” in Baton Rouge, Hattiesburg and Jackson. ANTIOCH VILLA: 7704 BLAKE DRIVE, Corner lot, fenced yard, fresh paint, new carpet. $1,900/ month Unfurnished $3,495/ month Furnished with utilities, $2,000/ deposit. Also available For Sale or Lease Purchase on 619-223-5556.

CAPITAL HEIGHTS: 733 Longwood Drive $1500/ month. 225-324-8327. 64006 LAND O’LAKES NEAR TARA: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1800 square feet, covered patio, 2455 East Contour Drive. $1250/ month, $1200/ deposit. 225-806-1381.


WHITE OAK ESTATES: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, custom built home, 3 years old, 2582 living, huge fenced backyard, no smokers or pets, 17867 Gray Moss Avenue. $2300/ month, $2500/ deposit. 225-9394462/ 225-266-3082/ 225-756-3114. 81006

OLD JEFFERSON: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1450 living area, fenced yard, screen patio, owner willing to finance under certain conditions, 7517 Vice President Drive. First and last months rent due upon signing, pets with approval $1450/ month. 225-505-2740. 64004 2 BED 1 Bath Only $490/Month! With $1500/Down! Owner Finance! www. 514westjefferson .com


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380. - Powered by American Classifieds

THE OAKS, PRAIRIEVILLE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, fenced backyard, 1 year lease, no smokers, pets ok, 17204 Fountainbleau Drive. $1500/ month, $1500/ deposit. 225-773-9887. 81007



For Rent


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380.


AREA 1 STOP RENTING! Govt & Bank Foreclosures! From $500 Down, $250 per Month! Over 900 Exclusive Homes! No Banks! Owners will Finance! Bad Credit Ok! www. rebuildUS .com

MEADOW BEND: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 10 minutes from LSU, great room with fireplace, lawn maintenance included in rent, no pets or smoking inside house, available August 1st, 1 year lease required, 774 John Henry Drive. $1350/ month, $1350/ deposit. 504-885-6451/ 504-401-4108.

1.23 ACRES, DENHAM SPRINGS: 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, large game room upstairs, mud room, large office, 2649 living area, 11004 LA Hwy 1033. fsbobr. com. $1,500/ Month. 225-571-6043/ 225-936-5657/ 417-255-2616 after 9:00pm. 13000 CARTER HILLS, DENHAM SPRINGS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, one mile from I-12 Juban interchange, large corner lot, very clean, NON- smokers Only, no pets, 10236 Carter Hills Avenue. $1200/ month, $1000/ deposit. 225-791-8060.


Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800-818-7380. LIVINGSTON TRACE, DENHAM SPRINGS: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1.5 years old, 1893 living area, spacious fenced backyard, media room/ office/ day room, open floor plan, fireplace, 26435 Avoyelles Avenue. One year lease, no smoking, no pets. $1800/ month. 318-884-2839. 33006 3 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH: Great neighborhood, next to Denham Springs High School, no pets or smoking. $1200/ month. 225-978-9461.

THE LAKES AT BLUEBONNET: 2 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1370 living area, landscape front entry courtyard, private fenced rear patio, Home Owners Association $133/ month, no pets or smokers, 10600 Lakes Boulevard Unit 1003. $1200/ month, $800/ deposit. 985-875-9887/ 985-789-5430. 64005 NESSER GARDENS: 1 Bedroom, 1 bath, gated community, open floor plan, back patio overlooking pool, 10440-C Jefferson Highway. $800/ month. 225573-7805/ 225-324-3328/ 225-473-7251.

JEFFERSON AREA: 2 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1050 square feet, close to Mall of Louisiana, washer/ dryer connection and water/ sewage paid, ceiling fans throughout, no pets, 4363 Rue de Bell Maison. $800/ month, $300/ deposit, $25 application fee. 225-752-7730. PELICAN POINT, GONZALES: 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, plus computer room, overlooking lake, ready to move in, lawn care and maintenance of flower beds maintained by owner, must have previous rental history, appointments only, 40047 Champion Tif. $1650/ month, $1650/ deposit. 225-333-2122/ 985-519-5024/ 225-474-6597.

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 27

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REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ DOWNTOWN: 2 Bedrooms, 2.5 baths, walking distance of 35 restaurants and bars, sub-zero and wolf appliances, 900 square foot roof terrace that overlooks the river and all of downtown, 232 Third Street #302. $3,950/ month. 225-571-5596. THE RESERVE AT CEDAR LODGE: 1 Bedroom, 1 bath, all utilities, cable and internet included, upscale gated community, 6765 Corporate Blvd. #11207. $1650/ month furnished. 225-229-6044/ 225-229-5439.


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Page 28 • August 19-September 1, 2010

OTHER AREAS 2BR/1BA DUPLEX: $580/ month, $580 Deposit. Amite, LA. 985-215-4849.


Out of Town Properties

RICHLAND PLACE CONDOMINIUMS 04: 2 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1190 square feet, two story, updated 2007, community pool, Home Owner’s Association dues are $150 per month, 1 year lease, preferably no pets or smokers, 12426 South Harrells Ferry Road #5D. Investment property or personal residence, tenant occupied currently renting for $925 per month. $950/ month, $500/ deposit. 225-270-9789. 62005 DOWNTOWN: 1 Bedroom, 1 bath, in walking distance of 35 restaurants and bars, large balcony that overlooks downtown and perfect for barbecuing, security system, 232 Third Street #304. $1,800/ month. 225-571-5596. JEFFERSON HILLS CONDOMINIUMS: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, upstairs flat with balcony, appliances, access to workout room, swimming pool, picnic area and clubhouse, 2 covered parking spaces, 9855 Jefferson Highway Unit W-31. $950/ month, $1,000/ down. 225-603-8269.



14743 CENTRAL WOODS AVENUE: Apartment D. 2 Bedroom includes washer & dryer. $600/ month. No Pets/ No Inside Smokers. 225-937-4703.

(Baker), 2 Bedroom, 1 Large Master Bath, Quiet and Safe Environment. $700/ month, $500/ Deposit. 225-775-2032. THE CRESCENT CONDOMINIUMS: 2 Large bedrooms, 2 baths with a study/ office, on- site security, 1750 square feet living area, overlooks University Lakes, 990 Stanford Unit 408. $2800/ month. 225769-0858/ 225-751-7378.


Mobile Homes For Rent

AMITE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath modular home on 3 acres, prime hunting land that backs up to National Forrest. Is a modular home built on site, 1600 living area, open floor plan, front and rear porches, backyard fenced with an orchid of fruit trees, all electric. Must see! Serious inquiries only! No Agents! Appointments only, and buyer must have approved financial statement of funds from a lending institution to provide at time of showing. $138,200. 225-615-4147. 33013 GREENSBURG, LA: One of a kind custom split level home on 75 acres, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 4 acre stocked pond and 3 smaller ponds, barn/ workshop/ storage, pastures are cross fenced, great hunting home surrounded by timber, 343 Butch Norris Lane. $585,000. 225-978-4115.

4 BEDROOM/ 3 BATH: On 10 acres, approximately 3 acres have been cleared the rest are hardwood timbered, abundant wildlife, mudroom off kitchen, fireplace, 2150 living area approximately, 564 Waddell Lane, Woodville, Mississippi. $229,000. 225-573-9585/ 225-573-6350. 54108


Package on Government Houses. 985-8929969.

AREA 8 WALKER/ MAUREPAS: 2/3/4 bedroom Houses, Trailers, & Lots for Rent. No Pets! 225-665-9166.


Package on Government Houses. 985-8929969.


Apartments/ Rooms For Rent

AREA 1 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX: 1210A Plaza Drive. $650/ month + $500 deposit. No pets/ inside smokers. 225-937-4703.

AREA 2 15015 FOREST GROVE. 2 bedroom, 1 bath duplex. $625/ month + deposit. New tile & carpet. No pets/ No inside smokers. 225-937-4703.

DANIEL ESTATES, YOUNGSVILLE: 3 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, pond lot, 1982 living area, fireplace, carpet/ ceramic tile/ wood flooring, 101 Talon Road. Appraised at $260,000 Asking $227,500. 985-252-4261/ 985518-9092/ 985-518-1448/ 337-344-2091. 54118

571 Waterfront Properties

THE SETTLEMENT AT BAYOU PIERRE: Gated community, directly on the Diversion Canal this wonderful lot is ready to go with a board walk, bulk head and boat lift. Also very close to boat launch, 24 hour gym and great dining, lot is 40x200, Lot 7 Bayou Pierre. $84,999. 225-806-8555. THE SETTLEMENT AT BAYOU PIERRE, DIVERSION CANAL: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1500 square feet living area, open floor plan, two boat slips and one lift, 18032 Bayou Pierre. $249,900. 225-954-4288/ 225-954-0464/ 225-261-7847. 82001 KINGS POINT MARINA #15: 2 Bedroom and study or small bedroom, 2.5 bath, 3 level condo, 50’ covered boat slip with lift, remodeled 2006, furniture negotiable, 32875 River Gate Circle, Terry Harbor, Springfield, LA. $225,900. 225-405-8994/ 225-751-4777. TICKFAW BROADMOOR, TICKFAW RIVER: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1050 living area, 20595 Faust Circle. $159,900. 504-920-0190/ 504-858-4001/ 225-695-6835/ 985-764-3600.

Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!

REAL ESTATE➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤


Commercial & Investment Properties FALSE RIVER: 5 Bedrooms, 5 baths, perfect family home, bed and breakfast or corporate retreat, 4761 living area, apartment in basement, finished retaining wall, pier, gazebo, party barge boat shed with lift, 9504 False River Road. $879,000. 225-769-2285/ 225-571-1875. 33015 WATERFRONT EAST, DIVERSION CANAL: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2225 living area, loaded with amenities and upgrades, 21149 Waterfront East Drive. $380,000. 225-978-0198/ 225-405-4085. 82002

CYPRESS POINT ON AMITE RIVER: 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 1344 living area, twin slip boat house with boat lift, great public school, call or email for lots more information, 15915 Cypress Point Lane. $289,000. 504-615-8790/ falgou 52005



EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 600 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ INDIRECT LENDING BUYER: Plaquemine Location. Responsible for entering new loan documents when received from participating dealerships and ensure that all required documentation is complete and accurate. Excellent communication and customer service skills. High School diploma and 2 years related financial institution lending experience required. Title work/DMV experience preferred. Visit us online at to apply for and learn more about this position. EOE/mf WE ARE EXPANDING! Openings for Tax Preparers and Managers in this area. Experience counts, but training is available. Call 225-927-1211.

COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND APARTMENT DUPLEX, CLINTON: Duplex has one unit with 1BR/ 1BA, other has 2BR/ 1BA, nice office with 1/2 bath, warehouse also has 1/2 bath, office has 1000 square feet rented to air condition company, remaining 2000 square feet has owners cabinet shop, 12703 Silliman Street. $296,000. 225-683-5832/ 225-244-1889. 62007 FOURPLEX: 2352 Square Foot, woodframe, 50’x150’ lot. $60K (Jackson, LA). 225-634-2265 Serious Buyers Only.

INSTRUCTOR: South Central Louisiana Technical College River Parishes Campus Reserve, Louisiana is accepting resumes for a part-time INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUCTOR For more information, please refer to: www. Region3 under Employment, An Equal Opportunity Employer. GENERAL MANAGER: White Castle Fertilizer Co-Op is seeking a full time General Manager. This position is responsible for leading our team to meet, and exceed of growth goals. The right candidate will execute all company policies, and procedures, and make sure our staff is adequately trained. Strong managerial experience with preference to retail, and the agricultural field preferred. We offer the right candidate excellent benefits and salary to compensate for your experience. Please fax your resume to 225-545-8065 or email it to whitecastleferti

COMMERCIAL AUTOMOTIVE SHOP: 2701 Plank Road. 6 bays and office. $185,000. 225-355-8591/ 225-284-8592. 62006

THE WATERFRONT, DIVERSION CANAL: 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, 2100 living area, 2 year old home, fireplace, covered patio, 21065 Waterfront East Drive. $347,500. 225-937-1289. 11079


Real Estate Financing



Administrative Personnel


CHINQUAPIN CAMPSITES, MAUREPAS, LA: 55’X100’ bulkheaded lot with improved housepad raised above 100 year flood elevation. Paved road, all utilities. 225-588-5132, 225-268-7989.

TEACHERS: Child care center in Denham Springs has immediate openings for Full- Time Teachers. Call 225-664-0908.

WATERFRONT CONDO $117,300. Orleans Parish. 985-234-9068

LE BON TEMP ESTATES, PIERRE PART: 4 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, overlooks Bayou Tranquille, 3028 living area, 2 story, bottom floor may be used as mother-in-law suite, outdoor cooking, 229 Eagle Point Drive. $287,500. 985-518-7370/ 985-252-1166. BOGUE CHITTO RIVER FRONTAGE: 4 Acre tract, 1 acre cleared, 3 acres heavily wooded hardwoods, creek/ slough in rear of property, duck hunting are in back of property, road to property and electricity in. Great retreat for cabin or permanent house, restricted are no mobile homes, acreage on Lazy Creek Road, McComb, Mississippi. $40,000. 225-715-5777. RIVER PINES PLANTATION, TICKFAW RIVER: 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, waterfront property located on 2 lots, 2,000 living area, 31753 River Pines Drive. $365,000. 225-921-5545/ 225-294-3623/ 225-937-4503.


Retired Living ELM STREET APARTMENTS: Housing for the elderly. All (1) bedrooms. Pay 30% of income, laundry room on site, HUD subsidized. 225-357-1896.

FULL- TIME TELLER: Needed at Baton Rouge Telco Federal Credit Union’s Wooddale Branch. Excellent customer service skills and 6 months banking or customer service experience. Hours are Monday- Friday 8am- 5pm. Apply with resume AND salary requirements to jobs or fax to 225-756-8553.

BATON ROUGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5310 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge. EOE SAFETY OFFICER: Local Road Construction Company has an opening for a Full- Time Safety Officer. Must have 3-5 years experience, OSHA 500 trainer preferred. Salary DOE. 1881 Wooddale Blvd. Fax resume to 225-927-8831. EEOE SLAUGHTER COMMUNITY CHARTER SCHOOL: A new charter school located in Slaughter, LA in East Feliciana Parish, less than 30 minutes from downtown Baton Rouge will be opening its 7th grade in August, 2010, is seeking outstanding candidates for the following positions: Principal and Certified Middle School Teachers If you are a motivated educator looking to make a difference, submit your resume to: bbarron Salary is highly competitive and commensurate with the region. NOTICE OF VACANCY Applications are being accepted for the following position: MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR PAYROLL ANALYST- HIGH SCHOOL Please see additional qualifications, details and application instructions at www. bakerschools .org. Individuals with exemplary skills interested in being considered for each position should send a completed City of Baker School System employment application (not required for current employee), letter of intent, resume, and three (3) letters of professional reference (within the last year) to: David Timoll, Supervisor Office of Human Resources City of Baker School System Post Office Box 680 Baker, LA 70704-0680 Dtimoll DEADLINE FOR ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS: until filled CONTROLLER: Ratcliff Construction Company, a commercial building contractor with offices in Alexandria, LA and Dallas, TX seeks Controller. ACCOUNTING DEGREE REQUIRED. Please e-mail resume to jdanen or mail to Daenen Henderson & Co. ATTN: Ms. Jackie Daenen, 5615-C Jackson St. Alexandria, LA 71306. FAX 318-442-1138.

Driver Trainees Needed NOW! Learn to Drive for


GYMNASTICS PROFESSIONAL: Leaps & Bounds Sports Center is looking for a Full- Time experienced gymnastics professional to teach class and lead gymnastics staff. Must have excellent communication skills, love kids and entrepreneurial spirit. Download app at www. leapsandboundssports .org

$10.00 OFF

PATERNITY/ STD/ DRUG TEST And Much More. Confidential and Anonymous. Walksins Welcome. 2 LOCATIONS: Any Lab Test Now, BATON ROUGE: 14635 S. Harrells Ferry #3C, Baton Rouge. 225-7525681. METAIRIE: 3117 7th Street, #100, Metairie, LA 70002 504-838-2254. MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH TEACHER: Kenilworth Science & Technology School is searching for an Experience Middle School Math Teacher. MOST BE CERTIFIED. Fax resume to 225-767-9061. - Powered by American Classifieds


EARN $750/ WK!

Gets you Job Ready In Just A Short Time!


August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 29

FREE Classified (225)751-8510 Ads...Call 225-751-8510 EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 600 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ AUDITOR: First Guaranty Bank has an opening for the following: SOX Auditor Internal Auditor. Please refer to the website for full description and apply at www.fgb. net Requirements for positions include: BA/BS, CIA or CPA designation is a plus, minimum of 1-5+ years of audit experience and/or 1+ year of SOX 404 experience. Financial industry experience preferred. Resumes may be faxed or sent to: 985-375-0461, Human Resources, P.O. Box 2009, Hammond, LA 70404 EOE UL LAFAYETTE: Open Position, EEO/AA Assistant Director/ Program Coordinator of the Child Development Center For full job description, please access UL Lafayette website: www. personnel .louisiana. edu/vacancies/#STAF

BATON ROUGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ANTICIPATED OPENING Baton Rouge Community College is a public comprehensive community college located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the State Capital. Baton Rouge Community College is an open admissions, two-year, postsecondary public institution designed to be accessible, affordable, and of high educational quality. The College is building major developmental, corporate, continuing, and distance education courses. Faculty Sonography Instructor Staff Disabilities Counselor For information on qualifications and how to apply for these jobs, please visit our Web site at or call 225-2168603. BRCC IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/EQUAL ACCESS EMPLOYER MANAGER OF MARKETING & SPONSOR RELATIONS: Full-time, Exempt. Excellent Benefits Package Start Immediately Salary $35,000 - $40,000 MANAGER OF SUPPORT SERVICES Full- time, Exempt Excellent Benefits Package Start Immediately Salary $37,500 - $42,500 Mail Resume to: Mrs. Colleen Keith, Senior Director NSGA - PO Box 82059 Baton Rouge, La. 70884 No Phone Calls Please Please refer to our website www. for further information on positions available. EPISCOPAL: Has an opening for a Full- Time Physical Education Teacher & Head Baseball Coach. We seek a certified teacher & experience coach with creative energy & strong work ethic. Please refer to for a complete position description. Submit cover letter, resume, copy of transcripts & references to: Myra Mansur, Director of Athletes, via email at: mansurm or mail to: Myra M. Mansur, Episcopal High School, 3200 Woodland Ridge Blvd., BR, LA 70816 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA GBR: Is seeking a Mental Health & Substance Abuse Counselor for our HIV/ AIDS program. Masters degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field required. Experience & knowledge of HIV/AIDS services preferred. Qualified candidates should fax resume & salary requirements to 225-925-1369. EOE ZACHARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL SYSTEM: Applications are being accepted for the following position: SPANISH TEACHER ZACHARY HIGH SCHOOLAnyone interested in being considered for this position should send a resume and proof of certification to: Yolanda Williams, Director of Personnel Zachary Community School System 4656 Main Street Zachary, LA 70791 Phone: 225-658-4969 Fax: 225-654-0725 yolanda. williams www. zacharyschools .org Application packets will be accepted until position is filled. Equal Opportunity Employer FULL- TIME REAL ESTATE SALES MANAGER: Needed for a Large Real Estate Company Manage Sales Office. Recruit & retain new & experienced Sales Associates. Coach & develop Sales Associates. Responsible for financial performance of Office. Computer skills, organizational skills, & LA Real Estate License required. Baton Rouge Office. Send resume and salary requirements to ldufour or fax to 504-889-7763 EOE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK: Local, family owned company currently seeking an Accounts Receivable Clerk. Ideal candidate will possess heavy AR experience, excellent customer service skills and a desire to learn & grow within a company. Must work well within a team and fast paced environment. Include salary requirement for consideration. Great benefits. Email resume: hr @ Fax 225-927-0036. BANK INTERNAL AUDITOR: FNBB Services Corporation, a subsidiary of First National Bankers Bankshares, currently has an excellent opportunity available to perform internal audits for community banks. The ideal candidate will have banking and/ or audit experience. Professional certification as a CPA, CBA and/or CIA is preferred. Must have a strong work ethic, possess good analytical, written and communication skills. Some travel is required. We offer competitive wages and benefits as well as an opportunity for professional growth. Interested candidates should send their resume to: First National Banker’s Bank Attn: Human Resources 7813 Office Park Blvd BR, LA 70821 EOE M/F/D


SJB GROUP LLC Engineers- Designers- Surveyor HR

IN-HOUSE TRAINER/ IT SUPPORT: Large Baton Rouge law firm seeks In-House Trainer/IT Support Help. This position will train new support staff and attorneys as well as assist with training on any new software. Also requires answering support calls on software and minor hardware issues for all system users. Must be professional in attitude and appearance, personable, possess excellent verbal, written and presentation skills. Must be service orientated, a team player and possess a can do attitude. Bachelors degree in a technical field preferred. 3-5 years experience in IT support role and prior experience as a trainer. Must have extensive experience in MS Office and Windows. Competitive salary and paid benefits. Email resume to mary.coghlan EOE/mf


Computer Personnel

MANAGER: Louisiana Tech Computing Center Manager, Systems Programming to oversee operation of IBM mainframe system. Requirements: college degree, strong communications skills & ability to lead projects. See more at To Apply send letter, resume, transcript, three references to Louisiana Tech Computing Center, Attn: Roy Waters, P.O. Box 3184, Ruston, LA 71272. 318-257-2893. Employment ASAP. Tech is a member of the University of Louisiana System. EOE/Women & Minorities Encouraged To Apply

LEWIS COMPUTER SERVICES Inc NETWORK ENGINEER: Verma Systems, Inc. www. vermasystems .com, a 19 year old network integrator is looking for a Network Engineer to work in a fast paced, challenging network support environment. Position requires advanced-level knowledge of Microsoft Server OS, as well as a solid understanding of networking with 3-5 years of experience. Cisco Router and Firewall experience recommended. MCITP or CCNA certification a plus. Must be a self-starter with good interpersonal skills. Competitive salary & benefits package. Send resume & salary requirements to: Verma Systems, Inc., Email: hr


Engineers/ Chemists

CIVIL ENGINEER: Project Design, Client contact and coordination, Specification writing, and Cost estimating; BS or MS in Civil Engineering, Engineering Intern (EI) Certification required; 2 years experience. Job Location: Houma, La. Resume, credentials & application letter to GSE Associates, LLC; Attn. Careers @providenceeng. com or 991 Grand Caillou Road, Houma, LA.

CSRS, INC: Civil Engineers, Architects, PMS, fax 225767-0060/ humanresources

GSA INC. Engineers needed P.Es and E.Is. Municipal, Stormwater, Flood Protection, Water/ Wastewater. resume OWEN AND WHITE Engineers - Cad Beverly @

Page 30 • August 19-September 1, 2010

CLASS A CDL DRIVER: Must be willing to drive & perform construction labor. Pay based on experience. Directional drilling experience is a plus. Local & out of town. Call 225-572-7939.


COMPANY DRIVER: Ameri- Gas/ PTI. CDL-A, 3 years T/T driving with 1 year tanker experience, 250K miles minimum. Less than 1 ticket in 2 years, No felonies. 10 days vacation and 10 Holidays 1st year. Benefits Package/ Safety Bonuses. Ken 866-364-4361. CLASS A CDL DRIVERS: Needed to haul from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to various locations in Louisiana and Mississippi. Must live within 15 mile radius of Baton Rouge. Call for more information 334-371-4450. HOT SHOT DRIVERS: Owner/ Operators. Must have TWIC card. Gooseneck, pick-ups, 24 foot flat beds. 713-974-3432. DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! Swift Transportation is training drivers. EARN $750 + PER WEEK. No experience needed. Gets you Job Ready in a short time! Local CDL Training Program. Great Benefits. 1-888-418-6381. DEDICATED DRIVER: New Pay Increase! Dedicated Regional Drivers Average $1100- $1200 per week delivering store merchandise Family BCBS Benefits Home EVERY Week Paid Vacation & 401k Paid Holidays & much more! Requires CDL-A with 1 year experience. Also Hiring Teams! 888-WORK-4-US www. averittcareers .com Equal Opportunity Employer

DRIVER/ OWNER OPERATORS: Zero Down Tractor Purchase Industry Leading Rev/ Mile No Lease-On Costs MILLER TRANSPORTERS 888-240-4808 www. millerdriving .com Must have CDL w/ Tanker & Hazmat Endorsements.

CDL DRIVER: United Rentals is looking for a CDL Driver for its Gonzales, LA location. Come join a great company with 401K, paid vacation and a great team atmosphere. Experience is required and you will be home every night. If interested or have any questions please contact Robin DeLoach at 337-316-1947 or go to & click “Careers” link to apply. DRIVER/ OWNER OPERATOR: Regional & OTR Dry Van Freight, Miles, Hometime COMPANY DRIVERS - start up to $.36 per mile. LEASING OWNER OPERATORS - $1.17/ loaded/ .90 empty CDL-A & 15 months experience required. TANGO TRANSPORT Call 877-826-4605.

NOW HIRING TANKER TRUCK DRIVERS: Local, Regional and OTR Positions in Baton Rouge There is no driver on the road today more recognizable than the one behind the wheel of a Schneider tractor. For the last 75 years, we’ve employed the best the industry has to offer - the safest, most respected group of tanker drivers out there. Predictable Work Schedules Flexible Home Time Consistent Pay Check. To apply, visit, Text “JOIN” to 44630 for text alerts or call 1-800-44-PRIDE CLASS A CDL TEAM DRIVERS: Based in Baton Rouge, 4 trips from Montgomery to Houston per week. $1100 per week, per driver. 2 years tractor trailer experience required. Clean driving record, benefits. Call 225-927-7066 or email acimino

EMPLOYEE DRIVERS NEEDED: $1,000 Sign On after 90 days Accident/ Incident free Class A CDL HOME DAILY/ Great Pay Clean Dac/ MVR 1 year T/T Experience within past 5 years. Call 214-403-7809 Monday thru Friday 8am to 4pm Fax 972-522-1771 Email: gosteen www. cardlog .com DRIVER & WAREHOUSE PERSON: Needed in Prairieville area. Looking for a dependable person to work in warehouse & drive for pick ups & deliveries. MondayFriday, 8a- 4:30p. Call 225-677-9213. DRIVER/ MENTAL HEALTH TECHNICIAN: Needed for Outpatient Mental Health Program open 8am-4:30pm Fax 225-778-1199 or email mdeavila CLASS A HAZMAT DRIVERS: Rolloff, End Dump, TWIC a plus. Contact Custom Ecology, Walker, LA 225-667-1707 or info

DRIVERS CDL A: We have an Opportunity for you!!! 100% No-Touch Freight. Late-Model Equipment, NO Hazmat, Paid Vacation, Health Insurance, 401(k). We Pay Weekly! Class A CDL, 1 Year OTR Food Grade Tank Carrier 800877-2430 www. indianrivertransport .com DRIVER NEEDED: No experience necessary, Class A with Hazmat & clear MVR. Apply in person at Sprint Safety 3895 Hwy 30, St. Gabriel, near Hwy 30 Truck Stop. REGIONAL VAN DRIVERS: Starting Pay is 37 cpm, with 2 years experience. Family BCBS Health Benefits. Home EVERY Week! No NYC or Canada - 31 States. Paid Vacation and Holidays, 401k/ Profit Sharing and more! CDL-A with 1 year T/T experience required. 888-WORK-4-US www. averittcareers .com Equal Opportunity Employer

NOW HIRING: For a Storeroom Issue/ Driver Position. Ideal candidate must have a valid drivers license. Apply in person at Woman’s Hospital Food and Nutrition Services Department located in main hospital on the first floor. For more information call 225-924-8150. Pre-Employment Drug & Background Screenings are required. EOE. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY DRIVER: Needed for Geismar Location. OTR Hauls Currently Available. Trimac Company Driver Full Benefits Packages Trimac IC Programs Available: $1.10 per mile Fuel Card & License Plate Program Fuel Tax Filings Weekly Settlements Fuel Surcharge IC must meet all DOT Standards. CDL-A with X & T, 2 year Tractor Trailer Experience Service with Safety Incentives. Paid Training & Weekly Direct Deposit Preferred Place to Work 800-332-3107. TRACTOR TRUCK: Driver pulling 24 yard dump trailer. CDL required, 5 years minimum experience with references. Call 225-664-4350. TOW TRUCK DRIVER: Experience Only. No graveyard. Days off every week. Clean MVR, drug test. 225-248-0044.


Great HOURLY Pay, Bonuses, Benefits! Experience with Diesel, Own Tools Required. Mack Trucks & Tankers preferred. 225-355-1342. CLASS A CDL DRIVER: Needed in Baton Rouge. Must pass drug, physical & background check. No DWI. Need TWIC card, 2 years experience tractor trailer. Apply at 1000 Riverbend Drive, Ste. B, St. Rose, LA 70087, or email: markt DRIVERS: Needed for 18 wheelers. Also Hot Shot owner operator jobs available. 225-362-4648. DRIVERS: Average $20/ hour Night shift, 9pm- 5am. Full- Time & Part- Time available. Clean driving record, clean criminal record, clean cut appearance. No experience necessary. Apply in person at Riverside Towing, 953 S River Rd, Monday-Friday, 8am- 5pm.

HIRING COMPANY DRIVERS ON THE SPOT.... August 19th from 9am-4pm and August 20th from 9am-2pm. Qualified Applicants will RECEIVE a $50 GIFT CARD!!!. Service Transport Company, 4124 Highway 30, St. Gabriel, LA 70776. 225-319-9000. Requirements *Class A CDL with “X” Endorsement *Less than 2 moving violations in last 3 years *No Chargeable accidents in last 3 years *Must be 24 years old. **Earn More Pay for Tanker and 18-Wheeler Experience **Weekly Pay, Excellent Benefits, and Much More. EOE TRUCK DRIVER: Experience needed for gravel truck. DOTD & drug screen required. Call 225-683-3713/ 225-683-5373.

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!


EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 600 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS: Local Construction Company looking for Dump Truck Drivers. 3 years minimum experience. $300 quarterly safety bonus with no accidents per driver. Call 225-364-7967 for information. Clean driving record & medical card a must. DRIVER: We are now hiring class A CDL drivers with at least one year OTR experience. You’ll get excellent benefits, great home time, top pay and late-model equipment. At Texas Star Express, you’re part of the family! Some dedicated lanes may be available in your area! Either call us or chat online live with a Recruiter! 800-888-0203 www. TSExpress .com DRIVERS: ENGLANDTRANSPORT.NET is now accepting applications for driver trainees! 16 Day Company sponsored CDL training now available! No experience or credit required. 1-800-991-7531 #3130 www. CDLTrainingnow .com


IRONWORKERS: Ironworkers Local Union 623 Joint Apprenticeship Committee is taking names & telephone numbers to set up classes to begin in August for Apprenticeship into the Ironworker trade. 225-357-3262 EOE

LUBE TECHNICIAN: Experienced Auto Lube Tech needed. Apply at: 14215 N. Airline Experienced, clean cut with valid Drivers License. Ralph Sellers Dodge/Jeep Sam 388-9875 LICENSED PLUMBERS: Needed for commercial work in southern states. Attractive benefits package; $900 - $1350 per week depending on experience. MUST BE ABLE TO PASS A DRUG SCREEN. Qualified applicants can apply on-line at: www. levettmechanical .com or download an application and fax to: 985-872-2385.

LUBE TECHNICIANS & MANAGERS: For Jiffy Lube in the Baton Rouge area. Quick lube experience only. Call 225-772-0673.


BATEMAN SENIOR MEALS: Is seeking Delivery Drivers. Valid Chauffeurs license with clean driving record required. Must pass background check & drug test. Apply in person Only 8a- 2p at 1845 Beaumont Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70806. EOE M/F/D/V/C

606 Oil Field


Licensed Crew Boat Operators. Apply in person @ Weber Marine Incorporated, 10148 Hwy 44, Convent, La 70723. TUBE FITTINGS We Buy and Sell New Parker & Swagelok Tubing Fittings and Instrumentation Valves. We Also Buy New or Used Transmitters and Versa Valves. R&R Fittings and Valves. 337-662-3004 Cell Phone 337-654-1103.


*EXPERIENCED MECHANIC *EXPERIENCED MAINTENANCE *TANK WASH. August 19th from 9am-4pm and August 20th from 9am-2pm. Qualified Applicants will RECEIVE a $50 GIFT CARD!!!. Service Transport Company, 4124 Highway 30, St. Gabriel, LA 70776. 225-319-9000. EOE MILLWRIGHT/ MECHANIC: Manufacturing Company has Full- Time position. Welding & Mechanical Repairs. Diesel Power & Hydraulics. 3 years minimum experience, 40+ hours/ week. Monday- Friday, 401K, Pay DOE. Email resume to: spi or apply at Southern Packaging Inc. 7271 Hwy 190W, Port Allen, LA. MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN: Full- Time position available for a multi-family apartment complex in the Baton Rouge area. Minimum 3 years of experience. Please email resume’ to rbmhire JM TEST SYSTEMS, INC. 800-353-3411 www. jmtestsystems .com Fax # 1-225-927-0036 MAINTENANCE MANAGER: PORT ALLEN COMPANY has immediate opening for experienced hands on maintenance manager. Experience with general construction & welding required. Must be a proven problem- solver. Prior management experience a plus. $20/ hour + benefits. Fax resume: 225-336-0671.

GHIRARDI MARINE AGENCY. Master-Mates, Engineers, A/B, D/H, Cooks, G/H, Tankerman Offshore & Inland Boats. Call: 1-800-298-2419


Industrial/ Technical

WAREHOUSE OPPORTUNITIES: $12.00/ hour Start $15.17/ hour After 1 year AND Up to $3.00/ hour Incentive Performance Pay Can be earned immediately PLUS Free health insurance. For employees Looking for a career with a great company? Associated Grocers, celebrating our 60th anniversary in Baton Rouge, has openings for Order Selectors to work in our state-of-the art Distribution center located off Bluebonnet. Excellent work history and physical or athletic background preferred. Must be able to lift up to 90 pounds and be willing to work weekends. Apply online at (click on employment). Computers also available in our HR Department, Monday- Friday from 7:30am- 4:30pm at 8600 Anselmo Lane, BR. EOE FIELD TECHNICIAN: Construction Equipment Doggett Machinery Services, a major distributor of John Deere construction equipment, is currently seeking an experienced Field Technician to perform repairs to John Deere and all makes of heavy construction equipment in Baton Rouge and surrounding areas. Previous experience in construction equipment diagnostics, repair and servicing required. Compensation based on experience and ability. Doggett Machinery Services offers highly competitive pay, sign-on bonus, a full benefits program, tool allowance, uniforms, paid vacation and holidays. We also offer tuition reimbursement, opportunities for advancement and company paid advanced service training through John Deere. Interested candidates should email resume to chris.jaques

DISPATCHER: Local company now hiring for dispatcher position. This person should have good people skills and a great attitude. 2 years dispatching experience a plus. Must have good computer skills also. Please send resumes to: IESI, 4722 Hwy 190 West, Port Allen, LA, 70767. Ref: Dispatcher position. Only serious applicants need apply. AUTO TECHNICIAN: Cecil Graves Chevrolet Technicians Needed GM Dealership looking for Techs with GM knowledge. Serious inquiries only. Send resume to: cecilgraves

COX COMMUNICATIONS 74901 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge. For Employment Opportunity Visit www.cox. com/coxcareer INDUSTRIAL SERVICES: Experienced Pipe Fabricators/ Pipe Welders Ohmstede Industrial Services, the industry leader in the manufacturer of shell and tube heat exchangers, is seeking experienced Pipe Fabricators & Pipe Welders (Heli Arc & Stick). Must have at least 5 years experience. Work is up-coming in the fall of 2010 and the first of 2011 in various locations. Please call 225642-5057 and speak with Beth to set up an appointment Equal Opportunity Employer DECKHANDS: Ingram Barge Company, the leader in the Marine Industry, is accepting applications on-line at www. ingrambarge .com Applicants can also apply at your local Work- Force Development Center. Must have a valid driver’s license and High School diploma or GED required. Three years heavy labor work experience (i.e. farming, logging, construction, etc.) preferred. Generous daily wage, excellent benefit package (401k & Retirement Plan, Health, Dental, Vision, Life, AD&D, etc.) Schedules may vary & opportunities for advancement. EOE, M/F/V MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN: Needed for local LSU apartment community. HVAC certification and the ability to take call on rotation a must. Excellent benefit package with competitive pay. Please email your resume to cdoss or mail one to 262 West State St., Baton Rouge LA., 70802. All candidates will be seen by appointment only! SECURITY SYSTEM/ CCTV TECHNICIAN: Previously or currently licensed technicians need only apply. Call 225-237-3189. CONSTRUCTION CRANE OPERATORS: Chalmette Levee Constructors, A Joint Venture, is hiring for the New Orleans area. Candidates must be certified by a nationally recognized crane operator certification organization with past experience involving pile driving, heavy concrete work and crane barge operations. Competitive compensation & benefits. Apply in person: 5501 Paris Rd. Chalmette, LA 70043 504-324-7625 EOE, M/F/D/V Minorities and females are encouraged to apply. - Powered by American Classifieds

COMMUNITY COFFEE COMPANY ROASTING/ Mftg Plant EEO/AA www. communitycoffee .com HEAVY HIGHWAY PROJECT MANAGER: Proficient in planning & scheduling. Viewpoint, HCSS & Primavera a plus. Salary DOE. Send resumes to: FG Sullivan Jr. Contractor, PO Box 15196, Baton Rouge, LA 70895. CLAYMAR CONSTRUCTION: Is hiring Pipe Fitters, Pipe Welders, Iron Workers & Fabricators. Please fax/ email resume to 225-695-2037 or claymar @eatel. net or apply in person at 15930 Herman Berthelot Rd., Maurepas, LA 70449. AUTO BODY TECHNICIAN: Excellent pay/ conditions/ equipment. Plenty of work OWENS COLLISION 12525 Jefferson Hwy 225-751-4432. HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC: Heavy Equipment Mechanic in New Orleans area. 5 years experience. Fax resume to 504-436-3002.

AIR CONDITION TECHNICIANS: FOR LARGE COMMERCIAL & Industrial Company. Top pay & benefits. 225-923-1930. PIPELAYERS & LABORERS: Underground Utility Construction Firm Seeking Pipelayers and Laborers. Experienced In Sewer, Water and Drainage. For More Information Please Call 225-567-3795. LOCAL TRUCK LEASING Company looking for DIESEL PM TECHNICIAN. Full benefit package, paid vacation & top pay for qualified individual. CDL license a plus. Call Sonny @ 225-923-3450. PROJECT MANAGER: For Specialty Contractors. Responsible for scheduling jobs & supervising crews. Drywall experience preferred. Opportunity to grow. Will train right person. Pay DOE. Bilingual a plus. Fax inquiries to 225-364-2543 or call 225-413-6645 please leave message. ENVIRONMENTAL AIR TESTING TECHNICIANS: Environmental Testing Firm looking for 2-Environmental Air Testing Technicians, passed experience is a plus but not required. Company offers great opportunities for advancements in the environmental testing field. College degree desired for positions but not required. Benefits include insurance, 401k, vacation, and sick. Submit resumes to: SETCO Environmental 14530 Barringer Court Baton Rouge, LA. 70809. DC POWER TECHNICIAN: Company looking for a service technician to join our team! Looking for technicians with general electrical knowledge, able to lift 100lbs, able to work 10- 12 hour days, will report to work daily (Monday- Friday) on time, someone who works well with others and is looking to make a job into a career. If you are interested, please email your resume’ to batonrouge or fax to 225-753-4484. No walk-ins or phone calls allowed.


Licensed Crew Boat Operators. Apply in person @ Weber Marine Incorporated, 10148 Hwy 44, Convent, La 70723.


J ob P lacement As s is tance F inancing A vailable (for thos e who qualify) Weekend C las s es O ffered No C os t Hous ing

#!-+# 203!) "0'4#0 ', -,*7 " 71

Enroll and Train At: 2064 N. Flannery Rd. Baton Rouge, LA 70815

Enroll and Train At: 42226 S. Airport Rd. Hammond, LA 70403

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 31

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510


EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 600 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

MACHINISTS: CNC & MANUAL Precision Industries, Inc. 225-924-5353. HELI-ARC PIPE WELDERS: New Orleans & Mississippi $38.60/ hour Call 504-436-6995.

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or visit and fill out our online application.

Only Qualified Persons Need Apply Page 32 • August 19-September 1, 2010

AIR CONDITION INSTRUCTOR: Part- Time or full time mornings & evenings. Must have minimum of 5 years field experience, knowledgeable with HVAC systems & devices. E-Mail to: bbordelon GILCHRIST CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Is now hiring for Work Zone Safety Observers. These positions assist motorists in construction zone and must be able to recognize hazards within the work zone and take action to correct hazards. Will fill out accident reports in detail and at times work closely with police. Must have clean driving record, must be available to work flexible schedule. 877-841-2111. EOE LANDSCAPE FOREMAN: Horticulture experience & good driving record required. Call Bridget @ 225892-3521. CARPENTER: House framer looking for experienced carpenter. Call 225-665-7090. SMALL ENGINE TECHNICIAN: Zero turn and 2 stroke experience. 225-413-9097. HVAC SERVICE TECHNICIAN: Great pay and benefits. DOE. 225-647-8525. TELECOM & CABLE TECHNICIANS: Experienced Inside and Outside Technicians needed to install telephone and cable service. Prefer candidates who are equipped with tools and vehicle but will consider all applicants with at least one year cable, satellite, alarm or electrical experience. Email resume to: resume or call 225-647-2919 or 225-276-4704. TIG WELDERS: Shop & Field Experience Necessary. TWIC, OSHA & Drug Screen. Fitting Experience A+. Send Resume Or Contact Information Via Fax To 225-665-0637. ELECTRICAL LINEMEN: Linemen for the Beaumont, Texas area. Position requires a minimum of 10 years pole line experience. Excellent pay & benefits package. Fax resume to Human Resources at 225-756-8005. PILOT APPRENTICE: Attention The New Orleans Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots Association will conduct a selection of new pilot apprentices on November 10, 2010 all individuals desiring to submit an application must do so by September 27, 2010 at 3:00pm. All applications must be submitted “in person� to a member of the NOBRA Board of Examiners. To request an appointment with a member you may contact Sharon Geraci at 2805 Harvard Ave, Suite 101 Metairie, Louisiana 70006 504-887-5797 Applications may be obtained at WWW.NOBRAExaminers.Louisiana.GOV


Must have proper license and valid Z-card (Merchant Mariners Document) with proper endorsement, STCW 95 and be able to pass a post offer physical exam with drug and alcohol screenings. GREAT COMPANY... GREAT OPPORTUNITIES! *Top Pay *Direct Deposit *Life Insurance *28/14 Schedule *401K *Award Program *Dental Insurance *Health Insurance *Double Paid Holiday. Call 1-800672-0868, 337-233-6515 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Fax Resume to: 337-233-6546, Email to: dani @ or visit and fill out our online application. Only Qualified Persons Need Apply ELECTRICIANS & HELPERS: Electricians & 2 year experience Helpers needed. Call 225-658-0212. MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN: Immediate Opening for Full- Time position at luxury apartment community. Must be Air Condition certified, experience in plumbing, electrical & appliance repair helpful. Some painting required, tools helpful, reliable transportation a must, truck a plus. Excellent benefits. Apply in person MondayFriday 9a- 5p, No Phone Calls Please. Turnberry Place Apartments, 10720 Linkwood Ct. (behind Brew Bacher’s on Bluebonnet)


www. mbhperforms .com SALCO CONSTRUCTION seeking Metal Building Erectors. Minimum 3 years experience. Sheeting and trim experience preferred. Health Insurance & 401K Benefits available. Drug testing required. Fill out application @ 8484 Athens Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70814.

FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIANS: DH Tech, a industrial rental company in temperature and humidity control, seeks Field Service Technicians for our Baton Rouge area office. HVAC, electrical, and generator experience a plus. Drug Free. Company paid benefits, plenty of overtime. Salary DOE. Fax resume to 225-869-4500 or email to: KBoeding CRANE OPERATORS Accepting resumes at craneresume BODY SHOP ESTIMATOR/ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE: We offer: Great pay Friendly work environment Health Insurance Paid Holidays Paid Vacation 401K All inquiries will be kept confidential. Please contact Doug Reed, 225-298-3310 or apply online at: www. team-toyota .com, Highlight the contact us tab, and select the job application tab. LEAD DIESEL MECHANIC/ SHOP FOREMAN: Local Vacuum Truck Dealership seeks shop foreman/lead diesel mechanic. Must have knowledge of and diagnose the following: hydraulics, electrical systems, drive-line components, OEM diagnostic software. The position will require the following skill set: above average computer skills, parts inventory and stocking, strong customer service. Successful candidate must have the following: own tools, Class B CDL or higher and reliable transportation. We offer top pay for the industry to the most qualified candidate. Please fax resume and salary requirements to 225-744-2852. WELDER: Experienced GTAW (TIG) & FCAW (flux core). Employment is contingent upon applicant becoming certified to our welding procedures. Looking to hire welders for both day and night shifts. Air Conditioned shop. Great benefits. Email: Jmann or mail resume & salary history to: K-TEK, Attn: HR, 18321 Swamp Road, Prairieville, LA 70769. EOE

AIR CONDITION SERVICE TECHNICIAN: Join the pro’s at River City Air. Minimum 3 years experience. Top pay. Top benefits. Long term employment. Call 225-753-3300.

A CHEMICAL TRANSPORTATION COMPNAY IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR: *Plant Maintenance *Experienced Mechanic *Experienced Tire Technician. Enjoy Great Benefits: Competitive Pay, Vacation Pay, Health, Dental, Vision, & Life Insurance, 401K, and More. For more information Please Come by: SERVICE TRANSPORT COMPANY, 4124 Highway 30, St. Gabriel, LA 70776. 225-319-9000 or Fax Resume 225-319-9090. EOE AUTO TECHNICIAN: Auto repair/ lube shop needs reliable Mechanic with 3+ years experience. ASE preferred. 225-933-2848. PAINTER: NEED WORK? Make $10- $20/ hour, as a painter, Experience required. 225-366-0626.

BODY SHOP TECHNICIAN: The Acadian Companies has an immediate opening for a Body Shop Technician in the Baton Rouge area. Qualified applicants should have basic mechanical skills and experience in vehicle sanding and paint preparation, component replacement, basic electrical work, interior refurbishing, including replacement of upholstered items, wood and vinyl floor and interior hardware. Competitive salary and benefits including Health, Dental, and Life Insurance and 401k/ESOP Retirement Plan. Interested candidates should apply online at www. acadian .com. Equal Opportunity Employer HVAC TECHNICIAN/ DIESEL MECHANIC/ ELECTRICIAN: Portable Power Industrial / Oilfield Opened Positions for Experienced HVAC Technician, Diesel Mechanic, and Electrician. Must have relevant industry and oil field knowledge, 24 hour call and capable of travel. Competitive pay and great benefits provided. Please send resume to: sheila.savoie or NOV Portable Power, Attn: Sheila Savoie, P.O. Drawer 220, Larose, LA 70373. CONSTRUCTION WIREMAN: Electrical Contractor seeking Construction Wireman with experience in commercial & industrial. Rate based on experience. Must pass drug test. EEO/DFWP. Call for appointment. 225-636-2310.

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!


EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 600 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

MECHANIC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Bobcat Dealer, experienced required. Call 225-753-0541, apply at 12181 Airline Hwy, or email resume to: chipa @

608 Medical

RN: Interested in working with children/ adolescents in the school setting. Send resume to Attn: Human Resources, PO BOX 64749, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 or fax to 225343-9141. HCS is an EOE. FULL- TIME DENTAL ASSISTANT: Experience Dental Assistant for a high tech office. Radiology certified. Please fax resume to 225-927-3457. MT/ MLT: West Feliciana Parish Hospital Full- Time PRN MT/ MLT positions opened. Work independently, generalist in all areas of clinical laboratory, good phlebotomy skills. LA State Licensures required. Competitive salaries, excellent shift differentials, great work environment. For more information call Human Resources department at 225-635-2441, fax resume to 225-635-2442 or email leaken RN: Professional Home Health Services of Baton Rouge has these positions open R.N. for Director of Nursing & L.P.N. for Office Coordinator. Home Health experience is required. Call 337-783-5040 or fax resume to 337-783-5041.

NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATOR: Lane Nursing Home, a 38-bed long-term care facility, an Affiliate of Lane Regional Medical Center, located in Zachary, LA (approximately 15 miles north of Baton Rouge) is seeking an Administrator. This individual must have current Louisiana Nursing Home Administrators license. Candidates must have a minimum of five (5) years experience as a Nursing Home Administrator. Lane Regional Medical Center Human Resources 6300 Main Street Zachary, Louisiana 70791 225-658-4194 Fax 225-658-4591 www. LaneRMC .org Equal Opportunity Employer PATIENT FINANCIAL COUNSELOR: Comprehensive Pain Management is seeking a patient Financial Counselor. The qualified applicant will have experience with financial accounts or collections, preferably in a medical clinic or hospital setting. The applicant must be proficient in basic office/ clerical functions. Only motivated team players with an ability to multitask and get the job done need apply. The position is full-time and offers a competitive benefits package. Please fax a cover letter, with salary requirements and a resume to 225-368-2274.


You Can Have The Skills You Need To Get A Job As A Dental Assistant. 10 week course, Saturday Only. Classes start October 9, 2010. Tuition $2450 - payment plans. Call Henri at Louisiana Dental Assistant School, LLC, 1338 Church Street, Zachary, LA 70791 For information packet at 225-658-8098. LOUISIANA MEDICAL CLINIC: Looking for P/T Medical Doctor for PT & Chiropractic evaluations. Email resume to: lmca REGENCY PLACE NURSING & REHAB: Is currently hiring for: Director of Nursing Must have current RN license in LA Contact Administrator, Candace Gautreaux at 225-362-2076 or 225-272-1401 Fax: 225-272-0685 OR Apply in Person: 14333 Old Hammond Hwy Baton Rouge, LA 70816 CLINIC QUALITY CODING COORDINATOR: Our Lady of the Lake in Baton Rouge is seeking a Clinic Quality Coding Coordinator (Coder) for more information and/ or to apply please visit: www. ololrmcjobs .com

LPN, FT & PRN: Needed for Outpatient Mental Health Program. Send Resume to: 225-778-1199 or mdeavila DENTURE LAB TECHNICIAN: Needed For Hammond Office. Experience Preferred. Benefits Available. Call 985-510-3062. RN - FIELD & OFFICE: 1 Year as RN required. Home Health experience preferred. Competitive pay. Destiny Home Health. Fax Resume 225-774-6153 1225 Alabama St., Baker LCSW: Position available in Intensive Outpatient Program in Reserve. Previous IOP experience preferred. Email resumes to: cburchfield or fax: 225-644-1070.

TEMPORARY TRANSCRIPTIONIST & FULL- TIME DATA ENTRY POSITION: In a High Volume Medical Billing Company. Only those candidates with medical office and team leader experience in data entry will be considered. Fax resume & wage requirements to: 225490-0255 Or email to: brrghr COME JOIN A WINNING TEAM PRIMECARE HOME HEALTH TEAM: Immediate Need For Rapid Growing Company: Full- Time Office RN, Office LPN F/T Field LPN, CNAS F/T PT, OT P/T MSW, Paperless, documentation, Excellent Salary Full Benefits for all F/T Positions FAX RESUME TO: HUMAN RESOURCES @ 985-549-0846 or Call 1-800-847-1716 or 985-549-0865 EOE LICENSE PHYSICAL THERAPIST: Needed for outpatient P/T Clinic. Hands on Physical Therapist. Great clinic atmosphere. Salary+ Benefits, quarterly incentive based bonuses, looking for an outgoing & ambitious person for a great opportunity. Call Christie @ 225-275-9293. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST/ SPEECH THERAPIST: TRITON Healthcare seeking PT OT & PT ST for its our outpatient clinic in Denham Springs. Outstanding compensation & excellent work environment. Call 888-762-8668, fax 225-791-2891, email triton1 MEDICAL TECHNICIAN/ DR ASSISTANT: Full- Time immediate opening, great benefits. Must be able to work at a fast pace, be a team player and people person. Ophthalmology experience a+. Fax resume: 225-214-3400. PHYSICIAN: Needed for Primary Care Medical Practice in the Baton Rouge area. No on- calls and no weekends. Excellent pay, part time. Email CV/ resume to: nolapga or fax 225-368-2478. DAY PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Needed for Adult Day Program Must have experience working with developmental disabled individuals. Must be a self starter, have leadership and supervisory skills. Resumes can be faxed to 225-644-6163 or call 225-450-3025 for more information.

NURSING LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Support Care Manager, Oncology House Manager, Trauma Program Manager, Nurse Manager- Mental Health Unit, Nurse Supervisor (Bed Coordinator) Please apply online at www. OLOLRMCJobs .com OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST: Needed PRN. Apply in person at 9725 B Grace Lane, Clinton, LA or fax resume to 225-683-1616. RNS & LPNS: Growing Home Health Agency as openings for RN’s & LPN’s. Fax Resume to Julie at: 225-2980420; Email: careers or visit: www. vitalhcgroup .com DIRECTOR OF NURSING (R.N.): Long Term Care, Harvest Manor Nursing Home is accepting resumes for the respected position of DIRECTOR OF NURSING. We will provide you with a rewarding career, an industry leading benefit package and the outstanding opportunity to play an integral part in the provision of quality and committed service. The selected candidate will possess the ability to provide comprehensive leadership, oversight and direction in a dedicated TEAM setting. Prioritize your goals, commit to making a change in your nursing career today!! Candidates should submit their resume in confidence to wwelborn MEDICAL ASSISTANT: Orthopedic clinic seeking fulltime medical assistant. Resumes: Human Resources, 8080 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste 1000, BR, LA 70810, Fax: 225-408-7984. DENTAL ASSISTANT: Full- Time, seeking an experienced, dependable, goal-oriented, team person. Applicants may call 225-767-8084 or email resume to: smile SCHEDULING COORDINATOR: Busy dental office looking for a scheduling coordinator. Computer skills and pleasant speaking voice a must. Knowledge of Practiceworks a plus. Good benefits and hours. Fax resume to 225-218-9219 or email at distinctivesmilesofbr BMA OF BATON ROUGE Providing Dialysis Services 225-357-9026 MEDICAL ASSISTANT: Orthopedic Office. Salary Based On Experience. Fax Resume To: 225-456-5141. DENTAL ASSISTANT: 6 Months to 1 year experience. Radiology certificate required. Please fax resume to 225-774-3980. HOSPICE AIDE/ CNA: SouthernCare Inc. one of the nation’s largest hospice companies hiring for our local Baton Rouge, LA office. Hospice or Home Care experience preferred. If you are interested in joining our team, fax your resume with cover letter to: 888-887-9190 (toll free) or 205-868-4404, email to: Ltaylor or go to our website www. southerncareinc .com EOE LPN: Needed for residential substance abuse center. Experience preferred. Great work environment. 3- 11 shift during week. 7- 3 and 3- 11 weekends. Fax resume to: 225-216-1845 or call 225-387-1611. - Powered by American Classifieds

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST/ DIRECTOR OF REHAB: Needed at SNF in Baton Rouge, great pay and work environment. Requirements are Masters in Occupational therapy, LA OT License, experience in SNF setting. Previous management experience a plus but not mandatory. Please call Mike 877-744-5451, fax 813-374-8981, email: mnovak LPNS: OLOL PHYSICIANS GROUP, has several LPN Opportunities available. For more information, or to apply online visit: www. OLOLRMCJobs .com, select job location as OLOL Physician Group and search keyword “nurse”. DRIVER/ MENTAL HEALTH TECHNICIAN: Needed for Outpatient Mental Health Program open 8am-4:30pm Fax 225-778-1199 or email mdeavila LPN: Private duty case in Prairieville needs part time LPNs. Flexible hours with weekend work. Contact Sheila at 985-778-3150. MT/ MLT: West Feliciana Parish Hospital Full- Time/ PRN MT/ MLT positions opened. Work independently, generalist in all areas of clinical laboratory, good phlebotomy skills. LA State Licensures required. Competitive salaries, excellent shift differentials, great work environment. For more information call Human Resources department at 225-635-2441, fax resume to 225-635-2442 or email leaken GENERAL DENTIST ASSOCIATESHIP: 1 Year + experience. Part- Time or Full- Time available. PH: 504939-6193. Fax resume to: 225-774-3980.


ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Micro Soft Office 2007. Must Speak English, Spanish & have good interpersonal & phone skills, multi task & extremely organized. Experience preferred. Call Stephanie @ 225-907-4337. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE: Starmount Life Insurance Company Insurance company call center seeks CSR Prior call center experience or insurance experience preferred. Full- Time and Part- Time positions available. Competitive compensation! Email resume to careers EOE RECEPTIONIST/ ACCOUNTING CLERK: I-10 & Highland Road. Fax or email resume: 225-756-3180/ applied ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Busy Orthopedic/ Cosmetic office in Zachary seeking Administrative Assistant. Call 225-658-9996, ext. 109, fax resume to 225-658-9970, email: practiceadmin @ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Needed for Disaster Recovery company in downtown area. Will support manager including scheduling and calendar, working with clients and vendors, correspondence, presentations, messages and all other support needs. Must have at least three years secretarial or administrative assistant experience, excellent communication and organizational skills and ability to take initiative and make decisions. Competitive salary and benefits package. Reply to: Careers or fax to 225-769-6715. BILLING CLERK/ OFFICE MANAGER: QuickBooks/ DOT Compliance Experience a plus. Fax resume to: 225-357-2003. Email to: Shannon



Restaurants/Hotels/ Clubs

CLOSING SECRETARY: Small Title Company needs experienced Closing Secretary. Primarily post closing duties with some cross over as Escrow Officer. Send resume with salary requirements in Word or PDF to: closesec OFFICE MANAGER/ BOOKKEEPER: Manufacturing Company looking for an Office Manager Proficient in Quick Books Pro and Excel. Preparing sales tax reports, financial reports, paying of invoices, invoicing of customer, inventory control, end of the year reporting, W-2’s, 1099s. Benefits including health insurance, holidays, vacation. Salary DOE, $17/ hour plus. Fax resumes to 225-756-2352 or send to slcorts @agminc. org. Immediate opening. MAILROOM COORDINATOR: Starmount Life Insurance Company Rapidly growing insurance company seeks coordinator for BUSY mailroom. Must have reliable transportation and ability to lift/ carry 25 lbs. Experience with printing, insertion & postage processes preferred. Apply online at www. alwayscarebenefits .com EOE MEDICAL INSURANCE BILLING CLERK/ RECEPTIONIST: Provides customer service support to medical billing office. Strong data-entry skills, knowledge of Medicare & health claims required. Experience w/medical billing software a plus. Professional appearance & demeanor a must. EOE. Email resume to recruitment, or fax to 225-308-4173. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ HUMAN RESOURCES: Needed Part- Time for mental health facility in Zachary. Must have advance computer skills, dependable, detail oriented, and be a team player. Email: jferrarophc @ or fax to 225-654-9574. RECEPTIONIST: Must be able to answer multi line phones & handle general clerical duties. Computer skills & self motivation required. $8/ hour. Fax resume 225-755-7799 or email margaret @ FRONT DESK RECEPTIONIST: Busy Clinic Practice is seeking a Full- Time Monday- Friday Front Desk Receptionist. The ideal candidate will possess good communication skills, great personality, and be able to multi-task in the role. Computer skills required. Qualified candidates please fax your resume to 225-766-3144.

$10.00 OFF

PATERNITY/ STD/ DRUG TEST And Much More. Confidential and Anonymous. Walks-ins Welcome. 2 LOCATIONS: Any Lab Test Now, BATON ROUGE: 14635 S. Harrells Ferry #3C, Baton Rouge. 225-752-5681. METAIRIE: 3117 7th Street, #100, Metairie, LA 70002 504-838-2254. LEGAL ASSISTANT: The Law Firm of Simien & Simien is looking for a full time Legal Assistant. Responsibilities to include assisting Attorneys in Class Action and Litigation cases, office support within a fast paced environment such as answering multiple phone lines and other duties as needed. Office hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The ability to speak Spanish is a plus. Send resume to the attention of Lynne Dawson at 7908 Wrenwood Boulevard, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809, Facsimile 225-932-9286 and/or via e-mail at lynne

THE BLUFFS COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT IN ST. FRANCISVILLE, LA NOW HIRING Wait staff, Bartenders, Sous Chef, experienced Cooks, Administrative Assistant, Accounts Payable/ Receivable. Apply in person or email resume to thebluffscountryclub @ SPRINGHILL SUITES BATON ROUGE-NORTH Airport Baton Rouges Newest Marriott Hotel is Hiring for the Following Positions: Front Desk Supervisor Assistant Housekeeping Supervisor House Person Please Apply in Person at: 7980 Howell Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70807

HILTON BATON ROUGE CAPITOL CENTER ARAMARK CAMPUS DINING: Accepting applicants for Experienced Cooks, Food Service Workers and Utility Workers positions at Southern University. Customer service attitude a must. Available to work nights and weekends. Send Resume to sucampusdining or Southern University/ Aramark Campus Dining Mayberry Annex Building Monday- Friday 9am- 4pm EOE. RESIDENCE INN by MARRIOT Apply in person 10333 North Mall Drive.

WWW. CROWNEPLAZA BATONROUGE .com 4728 Constitution Ave. BUSINESS IS GOOD: Drury Inn & Suites Baton Rouge Full- Time FRONT DESK Part- Time NIGHT AUDITOR Starting @ $10/ hour. Part- Time BREAKFAST/ BAR Starting @ $9.50/ hour. Full- Time HOUSEKEEPING Starting @ $9/ hour. Experience Preferred for all open positions. Excellent benefits. Great company. Please apply at: www. druryhotels .com/careers MICROTEL INN & SUITES, 10645 Reiger Road. We have a front desk position & housekeeping. In person only. No calls. Apply Mon-Fri 1-3


Sales/Marketing/ Telemarketing AUTO SALES: Established car lot is looking for salesmen, experience preferred. Must have drive and desire to earn $4000- $7000 per month. Call today, 225-572-9464.

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 33

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510 (225)751-8510 EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 600 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

SALES REPRESENTATIVE: Heavy Equipment Red Dog Rental Services, a full line equipment rental company, is currently seeking Outside Sales Representatives for the Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Covington markets. Previous experience in construction equipment rentals and/or sales with industry knowledge preferred. The ideal candidate will be highly motivated and possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills. We offer a strong team environment, a highly competitive compensation package, full benefits including health insurance, 401k, tuition reimbursement and paid vacation. Email resume to: chris.Broussard Red Dog Rentals Services is an equal opportunity employer. FIELD COLLECTIONS, SALES & CUSTOMER SERVICE: Must have a clean driving record. Apply in person at either 5151 Plank Rd., Ste. 1A, Baton Rouge/ Fax 225-356-1000 or 1921 Staring Lane, Baton Rouge/ Fax: 225-769-3380. SALES POSITION: Join the Family at Mayer Company Clothiers for Ladies. Sales position open. WednesdaySaturday, 9a- 6p. 225-293-5180.


The nations largest automobile recycler with over 150 locations nationwide is looking for qualified individuals for local delivery, drivers, yard warehouse shipping- receiving and quality control positions. Automotive knowledge a plus but not required. Excellent wage and benefits package. Apply in person LKQ Gulf Coast 16925 Black Mud Rd. Livingston La. 70754 or phone 800-321-3209 ext. 5287. SALES PROFESSIONALS: We offer: Guaranteed monthly salary, High Commission, High Bonuses, Medical Insurance, 401k, Paid Vacation, 5 Day Work Week Send resume to: cecilgraves

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY: Looking for a great Communicator. Must have a proven work ethic. Ability to multi task with good written/ verbal & organizational skills. Attention to detail is a must! Fax resume to 225-215-2248 or email to fbreithaupt ROUTE SALES. Contact Bruce, 225-381-9699. TEAM AUTOMOTIVE GROUP: Don’t let your career sit in park! We’re looking for experienced New and Used Car Sales Professionals who are ready to drive forward to new opportunities!!! Upgrade your career by joining the Team Automotive Group and enjoy the ride!!! *5 day work week *Weekly and monthly bonuses *Huge Inventory *Health Insurance *401K *Unlimited income potential *Paid Vacation. Please take this opportunity for a confidential interview at Team Toyota, 1788 O’Neal Lane, Sharon Leggett, 225-273-5880 Or apply on line at www. team-toyota .com select the information tab then select job application AFTERMARKET OUTSIDE SALES: Salesperson needed to call on existing & new customers for emergency generator service & support. Salary, commission, vehicle. Send resume to: cchauvin or fax to 225-744-0031. PRE- NEED SALES: Great commissions. Management training & support bonuses. You MUST not be afraid to prospect. Call 225-744-8788 or send resume to: michael INSIDE SALES: With Leads provided Baton Rouge Office Salary, Bonus & Benefits Sales experience preferred email resume to careers SMART COMPANY needs Smart People. PT/FT. We sell Hurricane Preparedness Kits and much more! Fun Job Great Pay! 225-257-4118 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: $63K/ Year. Call 225294-0579.

612 Salons

(5) HAIRSTYLISTS: Needed WONDER CUTS $12/ hour. Full time. Paid holidays paid vacations. No chemicals. No Sundays. Great tips! Stylists average $22/ hour. Gonzales. 225-644-2887, Perkins Road, 225-767-4917 & Siegen Lane 225-291-8441.

Career Education

COSMETOLOGIST: Booth rental available, Coursey Blvd. $400 month. Call Chuck, 225-241-3858. BARBERS & STYLISTS: Attention License Barbers & Stylists: Booth Rental avail at Chill’s Barber & Beauty Shop, 2574 N Acadian Thruway. For more information, contact Bernard at 225-355-7729/ 225-303-4231.

LICENSED COSMETOLOGIST/ BARBER: Paid Holidays/ Vacation/ Closed Sunday. Hiring For all locations. Fantastic Sams 225-275-1144. RECEPTIONIST & SHAMPOO ASSISTANT: Panache Salon is looking for Part- Time Receptionist and Shampoo Assistant and a Full- Time Nail Technician, 7330 Corporate Blvd. HAIR STYLISTS NEEDED BRUMBLES: HAIR Cuts, Perms, Colors Full- Time $14/ hour guaranteed. Paid Holidays and Vacations. No Sundays. 225-751-7405. 10 HAIRSTYLISTS: Needed Wonder Cuts, No chemicals. No Sundays. Great tips. Paid vacations, Paid holidays. $12/ hour & up. Full- time/ part- time. Siegen 225-2918441. Gonzales 225-644-2887.


General Help Wanted H2O AUTO SPA: Now hiring Auto Detailers and Car Wash Attendants. Make $15 to $20 hour plus! We provide training. Click the employment link at: www. h2oautospa .com DAYCARE WORKERS: With 1 year experience, Full- Time and Part- Time positions available. Call 225-358-7001.


EARN UP TO $150/ DAY. Under Cover Shoppers Need to Judge Retail & Dining Establishments. Experience not required. Call 888-697-6566. LAWN COMPANY HIRING: Experienced weed eat operators, experienced crew chief with driver’s license. Call 225-248-6718. MAIDS: Maid Service Needs Maids. Must have own (TG) transportation. Competitive pay. Call Denham Springs office, 225-664-9053. Proof Due Back By: 06/04/10 5pm 25 POSITIONS AVAILABLE: $16.36/ hour to start Ad P04561-f-10631-3x4 Full- #: Time/ Part- Time. International distribution company specializing in asthma & allergies, is hiring in Deadline To Pub: 06/07/10 3pm their Baton Rouge divisional corporate headquarters: First Run: 06/10/10 Customer Service, Marketing/ Advertising, Personnel, Branch Management, & UpperCents Level Management. Publication: Common Launching 5- 7 offices in the surrounding areas. Secure Section: Career corporation, no history ofEducation downsizing or layoffs. Quality people with3.6875 great peoplexskills needed. Training provided. Specs: 4.875 Call 225-752-1227, MONDAY ONLY, 8-Noon.


as is. T Approved$10.00 OFF ApprovedSTD/ with revisions. PATERNITY/ DRUG TEST And Much TMore. Confidential and Anonymous. Walks-ins Revise and resend. Welcome. 2 LOCATIONS: Test T Now, BATON ROUGE: 14635AnyS.LabHarrells

InitialFerry _________ Date225-752-5681. __________ #3C, Baton Rouge.

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Page 3 • August 19-September 1, 2010

METAIRIE: 3117 7th Street, #100, Metairie, LA 70002 504-838-2254.

SOUND TECHNICIAN: Part- Time position, 10- 15 hours/ week. Downtown church, Comp. competitive. Wednesday PMs & Sunday AMs required. Additional hours optional. Great people to work with: Worship team, choir, drama, musicals in support of Christ centered Ministry. Send resume & references to Sound Tech, P.O. Box 2006, Baton Rouge, La. 70801. MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR: Sunrise Assisted Living at Siegen is currently hiring for a Maintenance Coordinator. Excellent home like workplace and benefits. Please apply in person at 9351 Siegen Lane Baton Rouge, LA. All applicants must have HVAC certification, knowledge with plumbing, electrical, mechanical and equipment repair. This position is hands on. GROUNDSKEEPER: Part- Time position. Light maintenance. Grounds upkeep, office/ warehouse. Must have valid Drivers License & own transportation. $10/ hour. Background & drug test required. Call 225-924-7756. ESTIMATOR: Commercial construction company looking for an Estimator with project management experience. Please fax resume to 225-923-4638. CALL CENTER POSITIONS: $8/ Hour To Start, 24 New Part- Time & Full- Time Call Center Positions. No Experience Necessary! 2 LOCATIONS. 225-761-7243. 2 MASSAGE THERAPIST: Rooms for Lease. $150/ week with 1 year lease. $175/ week with 6 month lease. For more information call Jennifer 225-281-2301.

COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE CREW LEADERS AND CREW MEMEBERS: Needed Immediately. Experience helpful, but not necessary. Current Driver’s License required. Paid Holidays, Paid Vacation, and Paid Uniforms. Call 225-753-3137 Monday- Friday 9am-5pm. CASHIERS, SALES CLERKS & WAREHOUSE HELP: Must have experience. Apply in person, Goodwood Hardware, 7539 Jefferson Hwy.


Licensed Crew Boat Operators. Apply in person @ Weber Marine Incorporated, 10148 Hwy 44, Convent, La 70723. GFP EMERGENCY SERVICES: Is seeking DISASTER RELIEF WORKERS for temporary, on-call when needed, for-pay entry level positions. Must be able to work hard in adverse conditions and be a team player. Training is provided and required for work. Please register for the class on-line at www. wildlandfirefightingjobs .com and be prepared for it to last 6- 8 hours. Class is being held at the Iberville Building 627 North St. in Baton Rouge on July 28th. Questions, please contact the Human Resource Office at 800-600-8425. EOE CORPORATE GREEN Landscaping needs additional team members for all areas of the operation. Grass cutting, Installing landscape, maintenance of beds, and irrigation work. No experience is necessary but starting pay will be based on experience. Benefits are health insurance, a long term disability plan, paid vacations and holidays. This is a full time and year round positions. This branch is located on Hwy 433 in Slidell and we service both the North Shore and New Orleans. Must be 18 years old, have a valid driver licensed, and be able to past both a drug test and a back ground test. Call Chris @ 225-413-5444. WE ARE EXPANDING! Openings for Tax Preparers and Managers in this area. Experience counts, but training is available. Call 225-927-1211. GROWING PCA AGENCY: In need of PT DSW Field Supervisor, DSW workers, CNA’S & weekend workers. Call 225-924-9127. RECEPTIONIST/ VET ASSISTANT: With desire to provide care and service for pets and their owners. Basic computer skills a necessity. Call 225-355-5676.


*EXPERIENCED MECHANIC *EXPERIENCED MAINTENANCE *TANK WASH. August 19th from 9am-4pm and August 20th from 9am-2pm. Qualified Applicants will RECEIVE a $50 GIFT CARD!!!. Service Transport Company, 4124 Highway 30, St. Gabriel, LA 70776. 225-319-9000. EOE ARMED AND UNARMED SECURITY OFFICERS NEEDED For long term positions with TRACER. Apply in person at 3040 Teddy Drive, Baton Rouge or http://www. tracerpro .com EXPERIENCE MAKE READY: With at least 3 years on the job experience with own tools needed for 150 unit apartment community in Baton Rouge. HVAC certified a plus. Fax resume and salary requirements to 225-7663021 or email to meadowpark1


Now Hiring Experienced DirecTV Technicians in the Baton Rouge area. All techs hired in the month of August & September will earn 75/15. Email resume to amberz ARMED SECURITY GUARD: State board certified is a plus. Must be able to work any shift. To apply go to www. or call 800-446-0698.


Career Training/ Schools ROSETTA STONE: Latin / American Levels 1-5. Only $400. 504-704-6957. NOTARY PUBLIC PREPARATORY CLASS FOR DECEMBER 4 STATEWIDE EXAM. STARTS AUGUST 17. EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTOR 225-275-0058.

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August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 35

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Page 36 • August 19-September 1, 2010


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*Job placement assistance; *Financing Available (for those who qualify); *Weekend Classes Offered; *No Cost Housing. Enroll and Train @ 2064 N. Flannery Rd., Baton Rouge or 42226 S. Airport Road, Hammond, or call 800-486-3639 HANDBOOK “HOW TO BECOME A BAIL AGENT” $39.99. Tammy Corney, P.O. Box 74364, Baton Rouge, LA 70874.


Day and Evening classes. Financial Aid available. Delta College, 7380 Exchange Place, Baton Rouge 225-928-7770. (d)

SUCCESS STARTS AT ITI TECHNICAL COLLEGE: Call today to start training for a new career! 877-201-4235. TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN GRAPHIC DESIGN: Classes starting soon. Enroll Today Call Delta College 225-928-7770.


You Can Have The Skills You Need To Get A Job As A Dental Assistant. 10 week course, Saturday Only. Classes start October 9, 2010. Tuition $2450 - payment plans. Call Henri at Louisiana Dental Assistant School, LLC, 1338 Church Street, Zachary, LA 70791 For information packet at 225-658-8098. HANDS ON CAREER. Rapid training for Aviation Maintenance career. Financial Aid if qualified. Job Placement Assistance. Housing Available. AIM 866-430-5985. www. AviationMaintenance .edu GET YOUR DEGREE ONLINE! Increase earning potential, turn your Associate Degree into a Bachelor Degree. Job Placement Assistance. Computer Provided. Financial Aid if Qualified. Call 800-463-0685 http://www. CenturaOnline .com AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid Training For High Paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA Predicts Severe Shortage. Financial Aid if Qualified. Job Placement. AIM 877-384-5827. www. AviationMaintenance .edu ATTEND COLLEGE Online From Home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, Accounting, Criminal Justice. Job Placement Assistance. Computer Provided. Financial Aid if Qualified. Centura 800-495-5085. www. CenturaOnline .com THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298. ATTEND COLLEGE Online from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 877-692-9599 www. Centura


$800 GUARANTEED WEEKLY! Mailing Fliers From Home. For Free Information Packet Call 1-972-2217035. BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT: $460. Beauty Shop Implements $413.50. 225-262-1737.


National Business & Money Making Opportunities


Between High School and College? Over 18 and want to see America? Earn what you are worth! Travel with successful young business group. Paid training, transportation and lodging provided. Call TODAY!

877-646-5050 FEDERAL & State Jobs Earn $12-$48/Hour. Full Medical/Dental Benefits, Paid Training, FT/PT. 1-800320-9353 ext 2509. JOB FOR You! $500 Sign-on Bonus! Travel USA with young minded, Enthusiastic Business Group. Cash/Bonuses Daily. Phil 888-890-2070. LOOKING FOR Independent Distributors. Less than $500 buys you your own business-Powergum- Linda 575-6752449 for information. powergum2011

ASSEMBLE MAGNETS & Crafts from home! Year-round work! Excellent pay! No experience! TOP U.S. COMPANY! Toll Free 1-866-844-5091 CODE 20. FAST DAILY CASH! Sell “OilSpill” Bumper Stickers. Cost $0.49, Sells for $2.99. Awesome Fundraisers! 513223-5088; View: www. OilSpill2010 .us TRAVEL USA! Representing Supreme Cleaning Products, 19+, Valid ID, Earn $600-$900 Weekly in Commissions, Daily Cash Advance. Start Immediately 1-888-800-1584 Ext 0 GHIRARDI MARINE AGENCY. Master-Mates, Engineers, A/B, D/H, Cooks, G/H, Tankerman Offshore & Inland Boats. Call: 1-800-298-2419 1000 ENVELOPES=$5000. Receive $3-$5 each envelope stuffed with our sales material. Free information 24HR recorded message. 800-805-4880


Boats, Motors, Trailers


Now Hiring Experienced DirecTV Technicians in the Baton Rouge area. All techs hired in the month of August & September will earn 75/15. Email resume to amberz


Business & Money Making Opportunities MYSTERY SHOPPERS

EARN UP TO $150/ DAY. Under Cover Shoppers Need to Judge Retail & Dining Establishments. Experience not required. Call 888-697-6566.

SPORTSMAN'S WORLD 700 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ 15’ OPEN FIBERGLASS BOAT: With trailer, no papers. $400. 225-235-7029. 15’ ALUMACRAFT: New, 42” bottom, 43# MotorGuide foot controlled, Galvanized trailer, dual battery, onboard charger, Fish Finder, 2 fish decks, fully carpeted, new Merucry 25HP 2 stroke motor, 3 hours, water ready. $5795. Motor sold seperately for $1950. 225-315-1542, 225-272-2050. 15’ VENTURE BASS BOAT: Trolling motor, depthfinder, trailer, 115hp Evinrude. $995. 225-620-2091. 16' AVENGER 1996 BOAT: Fiberglass, 115hp Johnson motor, with trailer. $2625. 225-505-6845. 16’ HYDRASPORT 1992: With 60hp Envinrude and trailer. 225-788-1702. 16’ LONESTAR: Boat and trailer, 3 seats, running lights, oars, spare tire, no motor, $600. 225-261-9488. Email: dawollmer

16’ POLAR KRAFT 2001: With 76” beam package, 50hp Yamaha motor, 43 guide II trolling motor, Hummingbird fish finder, 2 live wells, carpet thru out, EZ loader trailer with new tires like new contact Greg @ 601-695 4229. $6500. 16’ SEA ARK 2006 1660 MV: 60” Wide, brand new model boat, with Mercury 50hp, 4 stroke with power trim, rod locker, bilge pump, live well, lights, wired for trolling motor. $7900. 970-309-5939. 17’ BASS TRACKER 2009 TX170: With 40hp 4 stroke, 4 year left on warranty, 2 fish finders, kwik drop seats, like new about 20 hours on the motor (REDUCED) for quick sale everything work perfect there is nothing wrong with this boat you can hit the water today. $10,700. 225-287-6688.

DIVORCE $99.00 Covers Children, Custody, Property & Debts. Uncontested. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Unlimited Customer Support. Call 24/hrs. Free Information! 1-800-250-8142.

Positions Wanted

JOB FOR You! $500 Sign-on Bonus! Travel USA with young minded, Enthusiastic Business Group. Cash/Bonuses Daily. Ryan 888-553-8648.


BOATS 13’ AIRGATOR 1984: 13’x7’ about 1970 1/8’, 1/4’ UHMW bottom & sides, combee rigging 1984, 27 gallon fuel tank. $7,500. 504-899-4485. 14' ALUMINUM BAOT: 15HP eVINRUDE, NO TRAILER. $1275. 225-505-6845. 14’ BATEAU: With trailer, 70hp Envinrude. $1000. 225-545-3922. 14’ BOAT & TRAILER: 75lb Thrust trolling motor. $1000. 225-328-2069. 14’ DIAMONDBACK 1997 AIRBOAT: With trailer, in excellent condition, seats 3, 454 big block, 600 hours, with spray rig. $16,000. Call Matt @ 337-654-2756. 14’ PIROGUE: Like new, seats 2. $200. 985-8605866. 15’ ALUMINUM SKIFF: With 15hp Yamaha & trailer. $3500. Call 225-603-1721. - Powered by American Classifieds

17’ BUMBLE BEE 1996: With new 54lb trolling motor, livewell, 130hp V4 Yamaha with stainless steel propeller, 2006 McCain trailer with new tires, good condition, email for more information. $7500. 866-588-1416/ paued 17’ DURACRAFT 2003: Aluminum all weld with Yamaha 60hp 4 stroke motor & trailer, under 100 hours, like new, bimini top, new batteries, trolling motor & many extras. $8900. Contact Larry 504-427-7532. 17’ G3 2007 175 EAGLE BASSBOAT: With 90hp, 4 stroke Yamaha. $12,800. 225-667-7430, 225-445-4890. 17’ GRADY WHITE 1979 SPRINT: New steering, 1990 88hp Johnson totally rebuilt engine, stainless steel propeller, like new Sports Trail aluminum drive on trailer, Carver bimini top, Great White trolling motor. $5500. 985-351-2683. 17’ KEY WEST 2006 STEALTH 115E-TEC: Saltwater Series, only 65 hours on motor with 3 year service print out as proof, Minn Kota 70#, 24V trolling motor, on board battery charger on all 3 batteries, 2 live wells, stainless steel 4 blade propeller, hydraulic steering, trim tabs, ice chest, backrest and seat cushion, kept in boat shed, boat in Baton Rouge now. $11,000. 225-274-1341/ dscott28 17' LOWE 1982: With Mercury 50hp, galvanized trailer, air conditioned. $1500. 225-931-6372. 17’ LIFETYME 2009 SAC-A-LAIT 1754: Custom built boat & trailer, 50hp Honda, stick steering, rod boxes, live well, batteries, battery charger, bilge pump, trolling motor, boat cover, 18 gallon fuel tank, aluminum hull white with purple & gold stripe. $18,500. Call 225-802-2530. 17’ PRO CRAFT: With 150hp Manier, 24V 71lb thrust trolling motor, good condition, runs good, hydraulic jack plate & steering. $7500. 662-760-3301.

17’ SEA FOX 2002 172CC: With 2003 75hp Mercury, GPS, depth finder, trolling motor, marine stereo with CD and two speakers, lots of extras. $8600. 985-851-2945.

17’ SEASWIRL 2005: With 115hp Yamaha outboard, AM/ FM CD player, fish finder, removable carpet, seats and Bikini top. Trailer included. $9500. 985-778-1882.

17’ STRATOS 2007 176: With 2007 Evinrude E Tech 75hp, Stratos trailer, waterproof cover, spare tire, 71lb thrust trolling motor, attachable swiveling umbrellas, live well, 4 locking storage compartments, fish finder, trim gauge, etc, excellent condition. $10,000 FIRM. 504-400-7309. 17’ SUNBIRD 1996 OMC SPIRIT 140: 4.3 Liter Chevrolet 4.6 I/O Volvo Penta rebuilt, Mofield comp-cam valve train (cam springs, rollers, rockers, pushrods) reworked/ ported heads, Edelbrock performer manifold, Holly 600-CFM MSD ignition/ complete, new exhaust, ducts, harwood air scoop, ranker racing stainless propeller, outdrive completely rebuilt, new upholstery/ carpet, new boat cover. $10,500. 601-798-8431. 17’ TEAM PERSUASION 1988: With 98 Johnson SPL, 2” fantail with built in aerated livewells, 13 gallon fuel tank, 43lb trolling motor, 2 batteries with automatic 2 bank charger, 2 built in storage boxes in front desk, 1 in rear, 4’ jack plates, gauges, custom fit cover. $7900. 985-785-9969. 17’ TEAM PERSUASION 1998: With 1998 aluminum v- bottom with 2’ fantail, green linex, jack plate, 3 storage compartments, aerated live well, all gauges, built in 2 bank charger, Eagle depth finder, trolling motor, 1998 Johnson 90 special, new water pump, trailer has new wheels & boards. Ready to fish. $9,500. 504-235-2322. 17’ TRACKER 2009 1754SC: Purchased new 8/13/09 less than 30 hours run time Mercury 4 stroke 25hp. Includes Brunswick 38lb electric trolling motor, lights, accessories. $9000. 504-460-6644.

17.5’ GATOR TAIL GTR 1760: With 35hp, center console seating, forward, neutral, and reverse, extra wide, 50 hours, used mainly in open fresh water. Heavy duty aluminium trailer. On board battery charger and trolling motor. $14,000. 318-243-2593. 71014

17.5’ STRATOS 2006 275 PRO XL: 115hp Optimax, custom propeller for information call. Gonzales area. $12,500. 225-673-3334. 71020 17.5’ TRACKER 2009 BASS BOAT: With 50hp Mercury, foot control, trolling motor, custom cover, trailer. Used only 4 times. Selling due to health reasons. $14,000. Call 225-226-1964. 17.5’ TRACKER 2009 BASS BOAT: With 50hp Mercury, foot control, trolling motor, custom cover, trailer. Used only 4 times. Selling due to health reasons. $14,000. Call 225-226-1964. 18’ BAYLINER 2005 175: With custom wakeboard tower, 3.0 Mercruiser, great wakeboard/ ski boat, amazing sound system, very good shape, well maintained & runs great, comes with full galvanize trailer. $7000. 985-515-7922. 18’ BUMBLE BEE 1998 150 VMAX: Yamaha motor, hot foot, trolling motor, runs great, looks good, red metal flakes. $5000. Call for more info 601-463-0520. 18’ CHEVROLET 1999 CH3: With 454 Chevrolet engine max hp 400 model CH3 2-1 Serial 3278 Airboat Drive Units RD2 FRANKLIN PA 16323 PAT 4884948 Others Pend. $15,000. 225-362-7122. 42006 18’ COBIA 2007 186CC: With 90hp Yamaha, stainless steel propeller, 71 lb MinnKota, 2 bank charger, Lowrance 520C, Marine CD Player/ Speakers, Galvanized Trailer. $12,500. 225-978-5746. 18’ EXPRESS 2005 HD CAMO: With 115 Yamaha 4 stroke, low hours, 24v 80lb trolling motor, on board charger, garage kept. $14,500. 985-688-6412.

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 37

FREE Classified (225)751-8510 Ads...Call 225-751-8510 SPORTSMAN'S WORLD 700 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ 18’ EXPRESS 2009: With 90hp Yamaha with 1 year remaining warranty, live well, pedestal seats & Minn Kota trolling motor, 10 hours, has never been in salt water, extra stainless steel propeller. Call between 9am & 6pm. $13,500. 337-201-1868. 18’ GULFLINE 1992: With 120hp Johnson, hydraulic trim tabs & galvanize trailer, good condition, great fishing with plenty of room. $3,900. 504-400-7507. 18’ HYDROSPORT 1979: With Johnson GT 150hp, rebuilt carborators, tandem axle trailer, 30 gallon fuel tank, all gear included, ready to go. $3950. 504-452-1641.

18’ JAVELIN 2001: With 150hp Johnson, hot foot, depth finder, troll motor, very clean, low hours. $8900. 985-515-4307. 11080

18’ POINT CLEAR 2007: With 150hp 4S Yamaha (still in warranty), hydraulic steering with stainless wheel, aluminum leaning post, trolling motor. $19,995. 504913-0374. 41006 18’ PROCRAFT 1999 185 PRO: 175 EFI, low hours, runs great, very fast, 70# Motorguide Trolling Motor, depthfinder, new batteries. $11,000. 985-630-2987. 18’ SKEETER 2005 TZX 190: Dual console, Yamaha V Max 150, tandem axle, hot foot, pro trim, swing away tongue with disk brakes, dual tank fuel system 36 gallon, Lowrance LCF 1440 flasher with temp (dash), hydraulic steering, live wells, recircuit, pump out & drain modes, gas shock assisted lifts on compartment lids, interior light package. $17,000. 225-405-6733. 18’ STRATOS 1994: With 150hp Johnson. $3800. 225445-4458/ 225-247-0030.

18’ TRITON 2006 SF- 188: Like new, garage kept, 150 Optimax, hydraulic steering, jack plate, stainless propeller, trolling motor, custom cover, Lowrance X-135, recirculating live wells, rod/ tackle storage, onboard battery charger, AM/ FM CD player, swim step & ladder. $19,000. 225-413-0920. 41007 18’ TUNNEL HULL 2009 G3/ 1860: Center Console with trailer, 4 1/2 year warranty remaining on Yamaha 90hp 2 stroke. Lifetime warranty on hull. Stainless steal propeller, jack plate, flotation pods, depth finder, trolling motor, 2 swivel seats, livewell. $15,800. 601-720-6010. 18’ WELLCRAFT 2005 SPORTMAN: Ski & Fish, dual console, GPS, fish & depth finder, 24 VDC trolling motor, 115hp Yamaha 4 stroke, all cushions snap in and out, walk through windshield, bow rider. $15,000. 225-235-2322. 18’ XPRESS 2009 H18: With 115hp Yamaha four stroke motor. 16 hours run time. FM marine radio with MP3 jack. MinnKota trolling motor 70lbs thrust. Ski pole. Hummingbird side imaging fish finder/ GPS. Rod box. Garage kept-like new. Only used three times. Transferable warranty. $20,000 Call 225-229-0401. 18’ XPRESS 2009 H18: With 115 Yamaha 4 stroke motor, 16 hours run time, FM marine radio with MP3 jack. $20,000. 225-721-2925.

18.5’ LARSON 1998 186 LXI: With 4.3L Chevy 205hp, Volvo Penta SX Outdrive. Boat looks and runs great. Must see and ride in. Boat has 2/3’s new interior, new starter, raw water pump, engine water pump, belts, electric fuel pump, alternator, and shift cable. 3000.00 Kicker marine sound system with eight 6 1/2” speakers, two 10” Kicker marine sub-woofers, two 4 channel Clarion marine amps and Alpine marine head unit. Boat comes with aluminum trailer and spare tire. Boat has blue bimini top and limo tinted windshield. Also included is a 3 blade Ballistic speed prop and a 4 blade Stiletto ski/pulling prop. BOAT IS TURN KEY. $8000. Contact Jeff @ 504-460-3590 19’ BASS CAT 1992 PANTERA II: Motor needs minor work, price negotiable, call after 4PM. $4000. 225-620-6887. 19’ BASS CAT 1993 PANTERA II: Boat & trailer, trolling motor without the outboard, custom canvas cover, steering. $3500. 225-571-0247. 19’ CAROLINA SKIFF: With Yamaha 2007 90hp, 4 stroke. $9500. 225-448-2388. 19’ CUSTOM ALUMINUM 2009: Custom aluminum flat, bow storage center console fantail high sides. $6900. 504-421-2219. 19’ KENNER 2005: Very low hours and has many extras, with 115hp Mercury 4 stroke EFI salt water series hydraulic jack plate, GPS fishfinder, break away tongue CB, showroom condition, garage kept. $21,500. 225-954-0387. 19’ KEYWEST 2008 BAY REEF: With 150hp Yamaha 4 stroke, 16 hours, GPS, depthfinder, much more. $22,000. 985-960-0944. 19’ ORCA 2010 BAY BOAT: Framing Jig for ORCA Aluminum Bay Boat. Boat not included. Price $950. Jig is on wheels 985-960-1124. 118 Marlin Dr. Slidell, LA. 19’ RENEGADE 1998: With 185hp Evinrude. Call for information. $3295. 225-244-1221. 19’ TAHOE 2009 Q5I SF: Boat in showroom condition, used boat 5 times. Comes with to many extras to list. $20,000. 337-280-4444. 19.6’ KENCRAFT CHALLENGER: With 2003 Yamaha 115, SS, center console, t-top, all electronics, trailer, ready to fish. $9750. 225-261-4848. 20’ ALLISON 2000 2003XB: Dual Axle Boatmate trailer with spare tire, new rims. 71 lb motorguide, 3-bank charger, Lowrance dash mounted color 332c, 3 Optima batteries, JBL stereo/ CD with speakers, Allison boat cover, rear bench seat, pro-seat & folding fishing seat 14” Allison jack plate with bottom plate. $13,500 negotiable. 985-855-0245.

20’ BAJA 2005 OUTLAW: With 305V8, only 39 hours on boat & motor. Super clean, like new condition, custom graphics, AM/ FM/ CD, Heritage custom trailer. $27,500. Call 225-603-7356. 42007 20’ BLAZER 1997 202 PRO V: Bass boat with a 1998 175hp Johnson Ficht ocean runner fuel injection. $9000. 225-931-0394. 20’ CHRIS CRAFT PLEASURE BOAT: Very Good Condition! V8, inboard/ outboard. $6000. 225-335-3095. 20’ CHRIS CRAFT: With 5.0 Cobra engine, very economical, good condition. $6500. 225-335-3095. 20’ GLASTRON 2009 GT205: Walkeboard package, 8 hours on boat. $24,000. 225-802-3591. 20’ SKEETER 2006: With 200hp Yamaha VMAX 3.1, motor guide trolling motor, 2 build in depth finders, fish finder, Lowrance LCX 28c HD Gps, (New paid $1239.00), 2 live wells, 2 fuel cells, Many storage compartments for bait and rods. Ice chest built in, dual console. NEW 12’ hydraulic jack plate (paid $1500.00), 3 bank battery charger. Duel axle trailer with breaks. This boat has been garage kept. Its a must see. $23,000. For more info contact John 225-276-1969. 41008



$200 Per Day/No Kill Fees/Lodging Included 2010 Season Oct. 2nd - Jan. 2nd Book Your Hunt Today Call Rick Worley: 325-668-4892 or 325-691-5120 Page 38 • August 19-September 1, 2010

20’ SKEETER 2006: With Yamaha 150hp 4, 2 live bait wells, 4 batteries new, built in recharger, 2 more years warranty on engine, PGS, trolling motor, top. $22,000. 504-324-5423. 20’ SKEETER 2008 ZX20: With 150hp Yamaha 4 stroke, 82lb Great White Trolling Motor, 8’ power pole anchor, Lowrance LMS 522 GPS. $24,000. 601-347-2302. 20’ SPRINT 1999 BASS BOAT: With 200hp EFI Mercury Outboard 12/24 Volt Trolling Motor Depth/ Fish Finder Custom Trailer Garage Kept. $9000. 318-359-0093. 20’ YAMAHA 1999 JET BOAT: Twin engine, trailer included with lifejackets 270hp 1 engine has less than 1 hour use. Seats 7, speed about 65 MPH, excellent condition. $8500. 225-938-8754 20’ YOUNGBLOOD 1981 TX20: Beautiful, pickle fork 750hp. Everything powder coated with all stainless lines. Speed coated, dominator with loader pump. $10,500. 318-286-3044. 2008 ALUMINUM BOAT: With motor, trailer, accessories. $3200. 504-452-0112. 21’ CAPE HORN: Offshore with t-top, electric box, 300hp Yamaha HPI with 45 hour, warranty till 2011, 4 stroke Yamaha kicker, garage kept, galvanized trailer. $26,500. Larry 504-415-0301. 21’ CENTURY 2001 CC Bay Boat With 200hp Yamaha and trailer. $15,000. 225-241-1798. 21’ OSPREY 1995: With 150hp Mercury Blackmax, 24v trolling motor, low hours, needs new fuel tank, aluminum trailer. $5500. 225-921-0335. 21’ SEA HUNT 2009 BX21: Deep hull, handles rough water, 12/24 trolling motor, front & rear live wells, AM/ FM satellite radio. $34,000. 318-366-6080. 21’ SKEETER 1995 BAY PRO: With 200 Mercury EFI, newly restored floor & trailer, good condition, new learning post & trolling motor. $8000. 225-715-9033. 21’ STARDECK 2003 DECK BOAT: With 140hp Suzuki Outboard Repropped to Cruise 35 MPH with 8 People on board. $18,000. 225-620-5380.

21’ VIP VINDICATOR 2001: With GM Mercruiser 350, approximately 140 hours, Alpha 1. $10,999. Please call for more information 225-573-4009. 41009 22’AQUASPORT 1986: With 200hp Saltwater II Yamaha, dual axle galvanized trailer, hydraulic brakes/ steering, fish box, bimini, fish finder. $10,000. 601-441-6670.

22’ SEA CHASER 2002 BAY BOAT: With 200hp Yamaha, 24 volt Motorguide, trim tabs, hydraulic Steering, AM/ FM/ CD with waterproof speakers, 2 live wells, 1 rod locker, 2 insulated fish boxes, front console seat storage, cooler seat with flip backrest, 3 new gell cell batteries. Moving and must sell. $10,000. Call 985-677-2360. leave a message. 22’ SIMMONS 2004 TOPCAT: Custom Boat Topcat 22cc catamaran, 2004 Yamaha 300 VMax HPDI with 100 hours & factory warranty until Mar 2011. $26,000. 985-960-1585. 22’ SKEETER 2008 ZX22V: Only 40 hours, well maintained, cleaned after every use, always covered, 2008 Yamaha 4 stroke. $36,500. 985-791-7298. 23’ FISHMASTER 2002 BAY BOAT: Clean, Extras. $17,500. 225-567-2440. 24’ GRUMEN HOUSE BOAT: Sleeps 4, dual axle, galvanized trailer, 55hp Yamaha. One of a kind. $8500. 318-359-8591. 27’ SEARAY: Cabin Cruiser, new twin V6 mercruisers, new outdrives, sleeps 6, bath, hot/ cold water, marine air conditioner, fridge, stove, sink, back bedroom, GPS/ fish finder, 3 axle aluminum trailer. $22,000. 228-363-4417. 27’ TIARA 1986: With tri-axle trailer, completely redone, all Furuno electronics. For more information call 504-341-3409. 28’ BAJA 1993: With twin 2007 200hp Evinrude E-Tecs with 75 hours and 4 years left on factory warranty, Garmin 2010c GPS/ map/ sounder, VHF, AM/ FM/ CD. $38,500. 985-264-0975. 28’ FORMULA 1985 PLEASURE CRUISER: Twin 350, air condition, generator, refrigerator, microwave, sleeps 4- 6. $15,000. 225-931-1662.

30’ BAJA 2008 277 ISLANDER: With 69 hours, equipped with lots of extras, tons of storage, custom Heritage tandem trailer, great color scheme, don’t miss out. $65,000. 225-603-4200/ scott 30’ GRADY WHITE 300 1999 MARLIN: Well maintained with twin Yamaha salt water Series 250 OX66. Good electronics, sleeping for 4, fish rigged and READY TO GO! Boat located in Pecan Island, La. Generator, air conditioning in cabin, Furuno radar, Furuno 1650 GPS, Yamaha fuel management gauge, microwave, refrigerator, 4 sided enclose, salt and fresh water washdowns, 306 gallons of fuel. Serious inquires only. $58,000. For more information or to take a look at this boat contact Alex 337-962-5446. 31’ FOUNTAIN 1993 CENTER CONSOLE: With twin Mercury motors, 1993 aluminum trailer, new electronics, pumps & top, ready to fish. $26,000. Call Chris 225-5737506/ sescris

22’ AQUASPORT 2009 222: 2009/ 1984 restored with custom floors and transom. Everything in boat is brand new. 2009 Mercury Verado 28 hours. To much to list. Call for more info 985-677-1450 or email and I will send full description. $35,000. 985-677-1450/ jean.savoie @ 13011 22’ BOSTON WHALER 2000 DAUNTLESS: 2001 Yamaha 225, Aluminum Trailer, T-Top, Simrad Auto Pilot, VHF, Garmin GPS Chartplotter/ Sounder, Stereo. $21,300. 985-790-1919

22’ KEY WEST 2008 216 BAY REEF: In Mint Condition! It has a 225hp Evinrude Etec with Stainless Steel Viper propeller on the back with only 96 hours on the engine. There are a number of options that come with this boat such as: I-Command Dual Digital Gauge System ($4000 value), SS bimini top, dual battery starter with switch, 101 lb 36 volt trolling motor with on board charger, trim tabs, power trim and tilt, stereo with 4 speakers, Lowrance color GPS and depth finder, leaning post with 94 quart cooler underneath, 48 quart cooler with cushion in front of console, bow and aft recirculating live wells, raw water washdown, fish boxes, and automatic bilge pumps. Selling to upgrade to the Key West 246 Bay Reef. Asking price is $37,500 or best offer. For more information, please call Garrett at 337-501-6883. 41010 22’ PROSPORTS 2000 PROCAT CC: With twin 100hp Yamaha 4 stroke engines, with stainless steel propellers, two 26 gallon transom live bait wells. $22,000. 985-637-5715.

31’ FOUNTAIN 1996: Repowered in 2005 with 2004 250hp Mercury saltwater twins, low hours, boat and electronics in excellent shape, comes with full cover and triple axle aluminum trailer. $44,000. 504-417-3865. 31’ SEA RAY 2007 SUNDANCER: 65 Hours, twin 4.3 Mercury, generator, air condition, 2 refrigerators, microwave, head with shower, 2 flat screen, DVD, satellite radio, CD changer, chart plotter. $87,500. 985-892-1300. 32’ COASTAL: Express with tower twin 6BTA Cummins, Northern Lights generator, new electronics, Must See! Too many extras to list. $70,000. 985-594-5831. 32’ VELOCITY 2004: 130 Hours on twin 496 mags/ bravo1 out- drives. Kept covered. Excellent condition. Matching aluminum tandem trailer, magnificent condition. All offers considered. $52,000. 228-297-6836. 34’ VENTURE 2000: Like brand new. Boat is powered by 2008 250 four stroke Yamaha’s less than 100 hours on them. I have brand new Garmin Electronics GPS, Sonar, Radar, XM Weather. Boat has spot light, FM/ AM/ CD radio player. Boat holds 50 gallon fresh water and has fresh and raw water wash down. Has a toilet and sink in the center console. Boat has plenty extras and is very very clean SHED KEPT!!!!! Must sell looking at bigger boat!!! Contact Paul 985-856-0220 Or e-mail me at duplantisp

66’ HOUSE BOAT 1991: Home built, 3BR, 1BA, very nice, well maintained house boat, sleeps 12. $55,000. 504-341-7021/ email tros200

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!


SPORTSMAN'S WORLD 700 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

HOUSEBOAT: 2 Volvo Penta engines, 8kw Westerbeck generator, 2 bed, sleeps 7, 1 bath, full gally, air conditioner & heaters. $90,000. 985-397-1941. 41001 8’X20’ STARCRAFT 1993 PARTY BARGE: Includes trailer, 1996 Mercury Force 120HP, new seats, carpet, and hardware. $8000. 225659-2934.

SEADOO 2003 RX DI: Runs great, never had any problems, comes with 2 matching life vests. $4500. 985-856-9258. YAMAHA 1996 1100 WAVE VENTURE: With trailer, 169 hours, excellent condition. $1600. Call Ben 225-383-3211/ 225-953-3211. YAMAHA 2003 1300 GPR: Hydroturf deck pads, 2005 pump update, 5 degree ride plate, r&d water intake, fuel injected, runs great, single trailer. $4200. 225-445-3012. YAMAHA 2003 800 XLT: 3 Seats, tilt steering, reverse, 2 storage bins, hydroturf deck pads, good cruiser, good on gas, trailer. $3750. 225-445-3012.


ATV's/ Dirt Bikes & Go-Carts

ATVs ARTIC CAT 2007 400: 4WD, camo, automatic, low hours. $3900. 985-415-9432.

KAYAK: Cost $400, Selling $150. 225-271-8570.

MALIBU 2006 WAKE SETTER VLS: 63 Hours, cruise, perfect pass, bikini-top, has it all. Ask for payoff or best offer, warranty till 2012. $39,000. 318-471-8107. 71021 SPRINT 1991 FISH & SKI BOAT: With 150hp Johnson Outboard Motor & Trailer. $3000. 225-667-9821/ 225-413-2117. STARCRAFT 1993 BOAT: With 350hp Mercury with trailer. $3500. Call after 5pm 225-993-1982/ 225664-1047. STARDECK 2006 AURORA: With Suzuki 200 Four Stroke, 3 blade/ 4 blade propellers, depth finder, CD player with AUX input, custom made wakeboard tower with wet sounds speakers and amps over $3,000, 3 deep cycle batteries just for stereo and 1 for motor with 4 bank battery charger mounted in boat, External alternator to recharge batteries while on the water, dual seats for front deck, can easily be set up for fishing, livewell and tackle storage, trolling motor hook ups, recessed rod storage, changing room with travel toilet, stowable table for rear seating area, sink and faucet, fresh water shower on stern swim platform, 5 new tires on trailer, low hours, lots of extras. 12 person max. $24,000. Ryan 337-501-4576 or Jacob 337-692-2693. 42008 TAHOE 2008 Q4-S: Red, good condition, low hours. Will negotiate. $15,000. 225 261-6496/ 225 241-8493. V HULL ALUMINUM BOAT: With 7.5hp motor, and trailer. $750. 225-665-7128. WANT TO BUY: 12’-14’ Aluminum Boat. 225-7611456.

Motors GODEVIL 16HP: Excellent condition. $14. 225-7211964. HONDA 15HP MOTOR: Electric start, short shaft. $1200. 225-261-9308. MERCURY 2001 SR6: 150hp, very well maintained, excellent condition. $3200. 225-937-4945. MERCURY 2005 VERADO: 275hp, 4 stroke, 25� shaft, 350 hours, service and ready to be mounted on boat. $6000. Call Aaron 985-637-9720.

YAMAHA 2007: Excellent condition, runs perfect, under 30 hours, garage kept, reverse, Yamaha cover, remote lock, galvanize trailer, extended warranty, maintained by Yamaha dealer, original owner. $8000. 504-453-7862. YAMAHA 2008 VX CRUISER WAVE RUNNER: Perfect condition, only 22 hours, 3 seater, 60+ mph, garage kept, comes with cover and upgraded aluminum trailer with LED lights. Reduced $7000. 225-931-9730. YAMAHA 2009 WAVE RUNNER: 210hp 8 hours, 3 seater with trailer and cover. 100 plus mph. Perfect condition. $12,000. 601-325-1477.


Fishing Miscellaneous WORMS, SHINERS, & CRICKETS: We Got Em’! Eds Shenandoah Hardware, Jones Creek Rd, Baton Rouge, 225-753-1300. GPS GARMIN: Brand New. $189. 225-205-9262.


Hunting Miscellaneous HUNTING LEASE (North of Walker) Looking for members. $450. 225-665-9099. BOX DEER STAND: 5’X5’, 8’ high platform. $375. 225-654-2759. ARCHERY ONLY! Whitetail Buffalo Mountain Hunts $200 per day/no kill fees. Lodging included on ranch. Oct. 2 - Jan. 2. Book Now! Rick Worley 325-691-5120. ARCHERY ONLY! Whitetail Buffalo Mountain Hunts $200 per day/no kill fees. Lodging included on ranch. Oct. 2 - Jan. 2. Book Now! Rick Worley 325-691-5120.

735 Camping

PORTABLE GAS GRILL: For Tailgaiting, Team Grill Brand. Folds up to go to the game with you!!!! 1)LSUTIG01. Regular Retail $499.99, Sale $379. Pat’s Home Center: 225-262-8685 Central, St. Francisville 225-635-4523, Clinton 225-683-8384.


SUZUKI 1998: 140HP, brand new lower unit motor, runs great, low hours. $3000. 504-470-9614. 41002


Guns, Bows, & Knives

(4) TRAILER TIRES: With rims, ST205/75/R14 Goodyear, like new. 225-939-7631.

720 Personal Watercrafts

KAWASAKI 2007 ULTRA 250X: 45 Hours 4 cylinder DOHC EFI, supercharged/ intercooled, fuel injection, 250hp, 3 seater, 2 keys- slow & fast. Has reverse, aluminum trailer. $6000. 225-247-0073. 71017 SEA DOO 2007 RXP: With 155hp, less than 50 hours. Asking $6000. Contact Barry @ 225-279-1616 for information.

BADBOY 2009 XT LSV BUGGY: New delivered 2-5-10. This buggy was bought for tax reasons, and the IRS’s loss is your gain. I have over $15,000 in this buggy. Gun racks and mirrors still in box. This buggy does come equipped with a winch. May have 5 hours on it in order to season the batteries. Check out BadBoy’s Web site @ www. badboybuggies .com. Will help buyer with sales tax. $11,000. 318-758-4770. 42009

Guns ROMANIAN AK47: New barrell, extra lite, with 6 clips, plus 130 round barrell, and 1000 rounds of ammunition. $1500 OBO. 985-327-9393. TASER GUN: 15’ Reach with case and instruction tape. $200. 225-665-3470. FLARE PISTON: Heavy Duty, 26.5mm, all steel. $100. 225-665-3470.

Bows BOWFLEX CROSSBOW: 175# pull, all accessories. Cost $735, Asking $350. 225-654-2759. - Powered by American Classifieds

CAN AM 2008 800 GORILLA: Lift edition, barely used. $11,000. 985-665-1344. 54007 CAN AM 2008 DS450X: Full FMF Exhaust. Purchased new April 2010 Less than 6 Hours Like New. $5500 or Trade old cars. Lafayette, LA. Call Chris 337-316-1408 or Email: chris 81021 CAN AM 2008 RENEGADE: 390 Miles, 175 hours, 29.5 outlaws, ss 212, PC5, dual LTE, stage one lift, snorkles, both front axles are gorillas, never been sunk, bike runs awesome, located in central LA. $8600. 318-201-6556. CAN AM 2008 RENEGADE: All aluminum skid plates, hand guards, 2 sets of tires and rims, custom winch bumper, extra clutch kit and belt. $7500. 985-320-7295.

CAN-AM 2008 800 XT 4X4: Visco-look, dess digitally encoded security system, garage kept, all factory, 56 hours, 373 mile. $9800. 225-240-9803. 71022

FARM PRO RAIDER $2500. 225-755-2277. HONDA 1986 250R: Very fast, showroom quality. $3500. 985-277-0329. HONDA 1998 FOREMAN: 4 Wheeler with winch, looks & runs great. $3600. Call 225-261-0009. HONDA 2002 400EX: Bought new in 2004, less than 15 hours, never been in mud, shop kept, LRD performance exhaust, black ITP baja wheels with holeshot tires, tag handlebars, dura-blue extended axle, Must See! $2950. 318-323-4344. HONDA 2005 450R: Complete sand drag bike & engine build, stretched, lightened, chrome parts, runs great, call for details. $4500. 504-723-9377. HONDA 2005 TRX450R: Very clean, well kept, starts on 1st kick, dasa exhaust, dynojet kit, DG nerfs, renthal handlebars, holeshot gncc tires, outerwears pre-filter lid, will trade for Honda 4x4. $2800. 337-764-1625. HONDA 2006 450ER: Excellent condition, HRC kit, white bros full exhaust, curtis sparks clutch, all work done by Honda of Lafayette, just changed battery, do not ride enough, adult owned. $3200. 337-288-3245. HONDA 2006 500 FOREMAN: 4x4 MS, 27� executioner tires, rims, lift, and locker. $4500. Call 985-532-0266/ 985-637-4822.

HONDA 2006 TRX-450R: Black, electric start, Curtis Sparks full pipe, 2 sets of wheels & tires, rode about 10 times, like new. $3250. 504-305-3464. HONDA 2007 FOREMAN 500: Low hours, great condition, garage kept, well maintained, 2 1/2’ lift, 29.5 new outlaw tires, high lifter snorkle kit, high lifter outlaw rims, stick stoppers, skid plates (front and back). Best Offer. $4200. 985-209-0741. HONDA 2007 FOREMAN 500ES: It is in great shape, has been well taken care of and has lots of accessories. Included are the 28 inch Mudzilla tires on ITP Stainless Steel Rims, HMF Stainless exhaust, K&N Filter System, lift kit, original tires and rims, and camo cover. The bike has only 70 hours and a little under 180 miles on it. This is a must see bike. The trailer in the picture is a 2009 6ft 6 inch by 12 with dovetail and short gate. It can be purchased as well for 1400.00. $5900. You can email me here or contact me at 225-936-5897/ k_breaux01 41020

Hideaway Ponds Campground


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(Offer only Valid once. Both husband and wife required to attend a membership presentation)

Take Hwy 90 to Gibson Exit... Follow the signs to Resort

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August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 39

FREE Classified (225)751-8510 Ads...Call 225-751-8510 SPORTSMAN'S WORLD 700 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ HONDA 2007 TRX 90: Low hours, like new, is a Youth Style ATV equipped with an 86cc, Air Cooled, Single-Cylinder, SOHC, 4-Stroke Engine and a Manual / Automatic Clutch Transmission. It has a 4X2 driveline. Independent Front Suspension with 2.6 inches of travel while the Swing Arm Rear Suspension has 2.6 inches of travel. Front Dual Sealed Drum Brakes and Rear Sealed Drum Brakes. Was introduced in 2003 and is Carryover for 2007. $1400. 713-493-8532. HONDA 2008 500 FOREMAN: 4 Wheeler 4x4 in EXCELLENT condition. Red in color with manual shift, front and back cargo baskets, very low mileage and hourly usage. Kept in shed when not in use. $5000. 318-264-5800. HONDA 2008 RANCHER: 420 Fuel Injection 4x4 12 inch stainless steel Rims 27 inch Mud Lites Stick Stoppers Real nice Bike. $4200. 601-807-1687. HONDA 2009 RINCON 680: 4x4, Excellent condition, 476 miles, 91.6 hours. Paid $8300; asking $6800. 225266-4979 wcpaint6377 KAWASAKI 2004 KFX400: Bought new in 2006. Aftermarket pipe and intake. Barely used/ mint condition, 2nd set of sand/ mud tires. $2500. 225-241-7649. KAWASAKI 2005 BRUTE FORCE 650: Excellent condition! $5490. 985-969-6716. KAWASAKI 2007 BRUTE FORCE 750: 2’ Lift, lift springs, Snorkels, 4,000# winch/ rope, HD tie rods, 2008 dry box, candy blue, 29.5’ Outlaws, 12” SS112’s. $6500. 337-5198059/ 985-209-3637. KAWASAKI 2008 BRUTE FORCE 750I: 4x4, fuel injected, 40 hours, 28” mud lites, 14” rims, 2” lift kit, factory tires & rims, winch, never in mud. $7000. 337-519-0715.

KAWASAKI 2008 KFX 450R: White and black, Ironman pro series slip on exhaust, K&N air filter, HMF optimizer, set of rear sand paddle tires and rims. $4900. 504-4171647. 74008

KAWASAKI 2008 KFX450R: Excellent condition, under 30 hours, looks & runs like new! Must sell, call for more information or to make offer. $6000. 337-2789959. 74017 KAWASAKI 2009 KFX450R: Monster Energy, AC Racing Nerf Bars, No time to ride. $5200. 318-447-8987. KAWASKAI 2005 KFX 700: Excellent Condition, Very Fast & Powerful. $2950 Call or text 225-718-2309 anytime. Email at atraw09 62015 KUBOTA 2008 RTV900 4WD: With 110 hours, camouflage pattern. Hydraulic steering and bed lift. 4000lb Warn winch. Locking differentials. Mud tires. Rhino lined bed. Front/ rear driving lights. $9500. 985-662-2600.

SUZUKI 2008 LTR450: Black. hotcams, wiseco piston, still 450ccs, dasa full exhaust, k&n, dyno jet power commander, cherry bomb, fast, low low hours. $4800. 318-491-1800. SUZUKI KING QUAD 450AXI: Like new, 4x4, IRS, F/I, winch, aluminum skid, 26” tires, 140 miles, finance available. $4495. Call or Text Nick 985-232-9453.

WE DO TIRE AND OIL CHANGES WHILE YOU WAIT! Adrenaline Motor Sports.... Parts, Accessories, & Service. *Cruisers *Sports Bikes *ATV’s *Dirt Bikes. 1120 Florida Ave., Denham Springs, LA. 225791-1034. Will match any competitors price on ATV BIG Wheel Kits. YAMAHA 1997 BANSHEE: In great condition, FMF fatty exhaust with silencers, pro wedge 2 tires along with factory tires, boyseen reeds, great bike, very reliable and has give me no problems. $3000. 225-623-9664. YAMAHA 2001 BANSHEE: Bored .60 over 4mm hot rods stroker crank 35mm keihin carbs, trailer, many more upgrades. $4500. 716-572-9790. YAMAHA 2004 RAPTER 660R: Electric start, 6 speed with reverse, mint condition, needs battery and carbs cleaned. $2800. 601-810-3906. YAMAHA 2004 RAPTOR 660: Good condition. $2700. 985-351-0008. YAMAHA 2005 660R: Garage kept, custom paint job & seat, viper blue & white, race ready, lots of accessories, must be seen! Call for Price. 318-419-5240. YAMAHA 2005 GRIZZLY 660: Snorkle, winch, low miles, must see! $6790. 985-969-6716. YAMAHA 2006 YFZ450: good shape two sets of ITP tires and wheels one set brand new, pro taper handle bars full Yoshimura titanium exhaust lots of extras runs great. $3800. 985-859-5855.

YAMAHA 2007 RHINO 660: New carbon fiber plastics, new wheels & tires, dual exhaust, 4 speaker roof mounted sound system with color matched speaker grills, tubular rear bumper, aluminum front & rear stick stoppers, perfect condition, factory warranty til 2012. $9500. 225-572-3709. 74015 YAMAHA 2007 YFZ 450: Special edition, like new, only been thru 4 tanks of gas! Blue powder coated frame. $5500. 985-870-1888. YAMAHA 2008 GRIZZLY 700: Green, like new, power steering, independent rear fuel injection. $6800. 318308-0580.

DirtBikes ATK 1994 406: Reliable, low upkeep. $2250. 985258-5870. BLUE CAMO 90CC: Good condition. 225-650-1904. HONDA 1998 XR400: Dirt bike, excellent condition. $1800. Call 225-261-0009.

POLARIS 2010 RZR S: Like new, now water, no mud. First service done and add-ons. Hattiesburg, MS $12,500. 601-325-7009. 54009

STAR ELECTRIC 2009: 261 Miles, like new, street legal in residential areas, won’t exceed 25mph, registration, lights, turn signals, wiper, horn. $7500. 985-785-6005. 74016 SUZUKI 2006 LTR 450: Drag bike, very well maintained & serviced, +10 chromoly swingarm (chrome), lots of extras. Call or text with any questions. $5800. 504-330-9202. SUZUKI 2006 LTR450: Very Clean, Oil changed every 3 rides, some extras, Must See! $3800. Call 985-351-8949.

HONDA 2000 CR250R: Excellent condition, never raced, FMF pipe, Showa forks, starts easily, great suspension. $1900. 504-390-8830. HONDA 2006 CRF 150F: Electric start, excellent condition. Brand new Maxxis tires, MSR Barkbusters and hand shields. Garage kept, fresh oil change, clean air filter, etc. Getting wife her smaller bike. $1700. 318-229-7075. HONDA 2007 CRF 250R’S: (2), excellent condition, Less than 20 hours! Call 225-939-3706. $4200 each. Serviced after each ride! gregmayeux HONDA 2007 CRF450F: Great shape, very low hours, no damage, 2 helmets, shirt, pants & boots to go with it. $4500. 985-992-0435.

Page 40 • August 19-September 1, 2010

HONDA 2007 CRF80F: Mint condition, garage kept, will accept best offer. $1600. 985-856-3046. HONDA 2008 CRF 450R: Very nice bike, barely ridden, FMF pipe, renthal twinwall handlebars, ramp, riding gear, stand. No time to ride. $4500. 503-830-3066. HONDA 2008 CRF450R: Black edition, immaculate and well maintained, suspension is factory built top n bottom. Excellent bike! $4500. Ask for Travis, 601-519-5111. HONDA 2008 XRL 650 DUAL SPORT: Excellent condition, purchased about $500 in upgrades, bike has 2,300 miles on it, comes with two helmets & a jacket. $5000. 225-715-0454. KAWASAKI 2003 KLX 400R: Lightly used, garage kept, newly rebuilt carburetor, new tires, graphics kit and exhaust. Runs perfect. $1950. 985-386-7897.

KAWASAKI 2003 KLX110: Excellent condition. $1000. Mandeville, LA 985-705-9957, 985-674-1874. KAWASAKI 2004 KX125: Excellent condition, bought new in 2006, adult owned, must see!! $2300. 504919-7039.

APRILIA 2007 MILLE R1000: 5138 Miles, Rotax V60 motor, 43 year old original owner, Ohlins shocks front & rear, Brembo brakes, Akrapovic exhaust, Sargent seat, Pirelli Diablo Corsa III tires, Giles bar risers (1”). All highway miles, never raced. $10,000. Call 225-337-0776. BIG DOG 2004 CHOPPER: Softtail, 107” Engine, 5 speed, Baker Transmission. $14,000. 225-749-3632.

BIG DOG 2004 PITBULL: With very low miles, in excellent shape, 107 Stainless steel motor with 6 speed Baker transmission, Scorpion alarm, runs and cranks with out any problems. Will consider trades of equal value or a muscle car. $14,200. 318-652-1202. 41014 BMW 2010 GS800: Excellent Condition, 1500 miles, never wrecked and not a scratch on it. GPS, luggage, and onboard computer. Great Bike. $12,000. 985-860-4144. FXR: Custom built bike, show quality, 106 Rev Teck motor, 6 speed tranny, lots of chrome, under 2000 miles. Show and Go Bike! Garage kept. $13,500. 601-248-1683. HARLEY DAVDISON 2000 SOFTAIL DEUCE: Rare purple color and carbureted, under 12k lots of extras. $10,200. 504-301-7894. HARLEY DAVIDSON 1969 SPORTSTER: Custom paint, springer front end, many extras. $5200. 225-978-7413.

KAWASAKI 2009 KX250F: Monster Edition. $3800. 318-717-5344. 74021

KTM 2003 250SX: Runs great! Call for more information. $1500. 985-691-1830. 71024 KTM 2004 300MXC: Michelin tires, 2005 graphics, titanium chain guard, brake snake cable, V-force reed valve, bark buster hand guards, renthal bars, FMF pipe, low hours, very fast, kept indoors. $2500. 225-235-4722. SUZUKI 2007 RM85: New condition. $1350. 225281-2662.

YAMAHA 2002 250: 4 Stroke, good condition, runs great, adult owned. $2300. 985-630-8174. 74020

YAMAHA 2005 YZ 250: All stock, 2 stroke, excellent condition. $2700. 225-362-1298. 74019 YAMAHA 2006 YZF450: Anniversary addition, very low hours, looks new. $3500. 985-665-3840. YAMAHA 2009 TTR 125 SE: Hardly ever ridden. Will include an adult medium chest protector and adult medium helmet. $2400. 225-408-9319/ 225-791-4856.

755 Motorcycles

AMERICAN IRON HORSE: 10K Miles, used, very clean motorcycle, a must see, 111ci S&S motor, 240mm back tire, ostrich covered seats & much more. $14,000. 504-559-3430.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1993 SPORTSTER 1200: Custom, way to many extras to list! $6499. Please call Keith Parker @ 337-578-3208. HARLEY DAVIDSON 1994 FXR: Aqua Pearl Screaming Eagle kit 23k miles Front 4” over Bike is very clean! $10,000. 985-637-6554. HARLEY DAVIDSON 1996 ROAD KING: 33k Miles, many extras. $8000. Call 225-936-1964. HARLEY DAVIDSON 1996 SPRINGER SOFTAIL: 28,417 Miles, used. $8800. 225-772-1456.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2000 ROAD KING CLASSIC: Like New. 9,024 Miles. Garage Kept. $9250. 225-571-1829. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2000 ULTRA CLASSIC: Excellent running condition, maintenance records & manuals included, must see!! $9000. 985-870-8572. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001 1450CC: Softail standard, 27K, windshield, sattle bags, luggage bag and rack vance, hines, K&N new tires. $8990. 504-915-6907. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001 DYNA WIDE GLIDE: Trophy Winner, custom paint, custom rims, lots of chrome, 14,148 miles, great shape, always garaged, will consider swapping for truck. $9800. 337-962-7511. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001 FXDWG 2 CVO: Red powder coat frame, Red fins, Gold Leaf flames, Limited Edition, 12,334 miles. $12,449. 225-931-2323. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001 ROAD KING CLASSIC: Lots of extras, nice ride, great shape. $9500. 225279-6854 . HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001 ULTRA CLASSIC: Excellent condition, chromed out, Reinhart exhaust, Harley Davidson unlimited mileage warranty (3 1/2 years remain), runs great, selling due to health issues. $9750. 504-452-1908. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2002 DYNA WIDE GLIDE: Nice bike, only 8800 miles. $7650. 504-427-0402. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2002 ELECTRA GLIDE: 31k Miles. $11,500. 985-575-8041.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2002 ROAD KING CLASSIC: Garage Kept, Big Bore Kit, Many Extras. $10,000. 225-921-7530. 81500 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2002 SPORTSTER 883 Custom, excellent condition, low miles, extra chrome, garage kept. Must Sell! $4500. 225-665-9193.

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!


SPORTSMAN'S WORLD 700 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2002 SPORTSTER CUSTOM 1200: Lots of chrome, (2) leather bags, lowered for the wife, but also have the stock shocks, very cushiony seat, windshield, tires are like new, runs 100% perfect, gets about 42-45 m.p.g. selling because we have done everything we wanted to do with our bikes-time for a boat. $5100. 985-867-0700. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2002 V-ROD: Fully custom V-Rod show bike. Custom airbrushed skull paint job with over $10k in chrome alone. Screamin eagle heads, pistons, cams, and exhaust all professionally installed by Harley. 19k miles asking $10,500. 318-613-5458. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2003 SPORSTER 883: Converted to 1200, black, 19,18700 miles, battery tender and saddlebags included. $4500. 225-751-5110 AFTER 4:00 PM ONLY HARLEY DAVIDSON 2003 V-ROD: Gold key package, screaming eagle pipes, sundowner seat, 30k miles, excellent condition. $9000. 225-614-8453.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2004 FATBOY: Fuel injected. Stage 1 Kit. Rear lowered. 4 inch risers on bars. Over $2k in custom/ chrome work. 6k miles. Never rained on. Perfect condition. Includes stock parts. Blue Book value is $13,000. Asking $10,300. 504-231-8707. 71025

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2004 FLHTCSE: Screamin’ Eagle Electra Glide. Twin Cam 103” EFI. 1800 original miles, mint condition. Orange Pearl/ Jet Black. King and Chopped tour-paks NIB. Color matched lower fairings. $20,000 Stuart 985-859-3202. 62013

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2004 FXST: Like new, 13k miles, lots of extras. 318-359-1304. 74010 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2004 FXSTDSE2: Screaming Eagle deuce, with 8900 miles and also has a windshield, luggage rack, custom cover, stage 2, vance and hines big radius pipes, and forward control exterior. $15,500. 318-471-9852. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2004 NIGHT TRAIN: Many custom features, only 3300 miles, garage kept (covered), Samson BG3 pipes. $10,500. 504-453-6560. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2005 ROAD KING CLASSIC: Many extras. Never seen rain, garage kept and great condition. Only 1000 miles with first service done (over $300). $14,500. 225-776-3301.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 CUSTOM STREET BOB: 19,646k, all maintenance records, over $10k in extras, extra pipes, extra seats, computer chip, rear end lowered, many many extras, showroom condition, garage kept, never been rained on, must see! $16,500. 225-788-6642. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 DYNA LOW RIDE: 15K Miles garage kept, excellent condition, detachable sissy bar & windshield, crash bars, 24 month warranty-unlimited miles Plus Lots More! $11,500. 225-985-6375. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 DYNA: Wide Glide, pearl white, VH pipes, lots of chrome & extras, 912 miles, garage kept. $16,500. 985-643-6511. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 ELECTRA GLIDE: 8036 miles, 1584cc, 2 year warranty remaining, owner disabled. $14,500. 985-447-8625. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 FATBOY: 610 Miles, extras, Stage One kit, new pipes, factory condition, steal at this price, custom paint, detachable windshield. $14,000. 504-421-7614.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 FLHRSE3: Screamin Eagle, mint! , ID# 957858B. 985-641-5100. 74024 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 FLHTCU: Bike is in excellent condition! $15,000. 225-622-4109. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 FLSTC: Heritage Softail, blue suede & black, 8k miles. $16,900. 337-394-3691. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 FXSTC: Softail Black showbike, 8K miles, thousands in extras. $13,900. 601-720-7202. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 ROAD KING: Excellent condition. $13,500. 225-614-5340. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007 ULTRA CLASSIC: 8900 Miles Blackcherry. $14,000. 985-677-4646/ beaverkaren2005 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2007: 4400 Miles, pewter denim, 103cu, GPS included, saddle bag guards, detachable hardware, thrush exhaust, oil cooler, kuryakyn floorboards, garage kept. $15,800. 337-280-7250. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2008 DYNA SUPERGLIDE: Garage kept. 2 person seat, quick de-attachable windshield, rear bar, luggage, 2 helmets and more. Original owner and records at Baton Rouge Harley Dealer where purchased. Contact : hwinsure for more information and make appointment to see. $10,500. 225-388-0037. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2008 ROAD KING CLASSIC: Quick detach back rest and windshield, only 4000 miles, excellent condition. $15,500. 225-686-1629. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2008 SOFT TAIL CUSTOM: 5400 Miles, Crimson/ Sunglow Red, 16” internal wired Ape Hangers, Vance & Hines exhaust, extra front/ rear travel bag, $15,500. Steven 225-200-8729. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2008 SPECIAL 1250: Night Rod, is equipped with after market pipes and high performance gripes. Garage kept/ excellent condition. $15,500. 337-852-0222.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2009 SPORTSTER: Flat black and silver color, 1200 cc, great condition/ hardly used, everything is stock. $10,500. 225-268-8366. 225-268-8366. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2009 SUPER GLIDE: Only 1500 miles, 2 helmets, rear seat forward controls brand new. $13,000. 225-337-0475. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2009 ULTRA CLASSIC: With Trike Shop Trike kit, many add ons, two tone, 1850 miles. $33,995. 225-667-9284. 74027 HONDA 1998 SHADOW 750 ACE: Bike is in great shape with 11500 miles, just sitting in the garage waiting for a rider. $2700. 225-247-6446. HONDA 1998 VALKYRIE 1500CC: Garage kept, covered, includes Mustang seat, windshield, saddlebags and extras. $5500. 225-686-2511/ 225-262-9934. HONDA 2002 SABRE 1100 CRUISER: Clean, lots of chrome, Ostrich seat, 6080 miles. $5399. 225252-2445. HONDA 2002 SHADOW SPIRIT 1100CC: Black/ Chrome. MUST GO! $3500. craigjena, 225-665-1261. HONDA 2003 SHADOW ACE 750 CRUISER: Like brand new at only 5k, highway bars, saddle bags, extended risers, lowered, light kits, rerouted cables, chrome, Vance & Hines pipes, factory custom candy orange, set up for solo, but have original seats, can see evenings or weekends. $3900 OBO. 225-276-8786. HONDA 2004 CB600F: “599”. 3000 miles, black. Like new, Runs Great! $3995. 225-791-1034. HONDA 2004 VTX1300S: With saddlebags, windshield, lightbar, helmet 5,300 miles, used. $5,200. 601-799-2381.

HONDA 2004: Lots of chrome, cobra pipes, etc. Will trade for a 4 wheel drive 4 wheeler. $4500. 318-715-9010. HONDA 2005 SHADOW 1100: Black, 9,500 miles, excellent condition, kept covered, crash bars, sissy bar. vlred $4000. 662-560-0038.

HONDA 2005 SHADOW SPIRIT 1100: Candy red, lots of chrome, 2 matching helmets, leather bag, 6,300 miles. $4300. 225-315-6056. HONDA 2005 VTX 1300CC: Mint condition, garage kept, includes extras, 6k miles. $6500. 504-813-7997. HONDA 2005 VTX 1800F: Custom paint, V&H longshots, hyper charger/ power com., backrest/ luggage rack with rear bag, 7800 miles, excellent condition. $7500. 504-377-0196.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2005 SUPER GLIDE: With Extras, excellent condition, 3500 miles. $9600. 225-413-7989. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2006 DUECE: Fuel injection, Big Radius VH pipes with state 1 kit/ lowered front & rear by Harley techs. Plenty of extra chrome. Garage kept and very clean. Sissy bar is included. Will negotiate on the price. $11,500. 504-799-8222. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2006 HERITAGE SOFTAIL: 9600 Miles, garage kept, Vance Hines pipes. $13,000. 225-405-5219. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2006 NIGHTRAIN: 8,500 Miles, new front & rear tires, perfect condition, dark wine, has extras. $12,190. 985-860-7985. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2006 SPORTSTER 883L: Cobalt Blue, 2200 miles, garage kept in air condition, no scratches or dings, screamin eagle exhaust plus other extras, clear title, $7,500. 985-373-7124. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2006 SPORTSTER: Low miles, windshield. $6500. 225-294-0581. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2006 WIDE GLIDE: Two-Tone Rich Sunglo Blue/ Chopper Blue Pearl, Fuel Injected, Six Speed Transmission, Screaming Eagle Stage 1, Alarm with Siren, Lots of Extra Chrome, Quick Detach Windshield, Less than 4000 Miles. $13,500. 601-916-7782.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2008 SPORTSTER 883: 1500 Miles. $7500. 504-392-8284. 54014

HONDA 2006 CBR 1000RR: Original owner, bike is stock. It only has dressup. Helmet and cover included. $6500. 225-279-1164. HONDA 2006 GOLDWING GL 1800: 7800 Miles, like new, navigation, lots chrome. $15,000 Firm. 225-413-6987.

HONDA 2007 CBR600RR: 800 Miles, adult owned, garage kept, flawless, all stock. $6300. Call 337-288-3245 or email clearstream 74006 HONDA 2007 SHADOW SPIRIT 750: Black & chrome, 5647 miles, garage kept, This is The One! Must Sell! $3499. 601-249-0231. HONDA 2007 SHADOW: GARAGED kept, one owner, 3k great condition, Cobra Pipes. $3800. 504-432-1933. HONDA 2007 VTX1300R: Garage kept, only 3100 miles. No dings, dents, scrapes. $6000. 504-401-9418. HONDA 2008 CALIFORNIA TRIKE GOLD WING: GPS, Fully Loaded!! $25,500. 225-206-7007.

HONDA 2008 GL1800: California Sidecar Trike. White in color with lots of chrome, heated seats/ hand grips, navigation. $31,000.00 Note: Also White Escapade Trailer - $5,000. 318-542-3966. HONDA VTX 1300: 8800 Miles with extras. $5900. Call 225-261-9603.

KAWASAKI 16000 CRUISER: Mint Condition, garage kept, extras listed in highlights, sale of bike includes stock exhaust and stock breather. $6500. 504-416-4482. KAWASAKI 2001 ZRX 1200: Good condition, new tires. $4200. 985-386-9529.

KAWASAKI 2003 VULCAN MEAN STREAK 1500: Silver & Chrome, 9800 miles, Vance & Hines exhaust, Fuel Injection Power Commander module and software, sissy bar, lots of chrome added, garage kept, excellent condition, bike cover. $6500. 985-637-9397. 71026 KAWASAKI 2005 VULCAN 2000CC: 2200 Miles, extras, very clean. $9000. 225-245-0285. KAWASAKI 2005 VULCAN NOMAD: Vance and Hinds pipes, mustang seats, lots of chrome, 12k miles, bike is like new. $6400. 504-421-6132. KAWASAKI 2008 NINJA ZX-14: Custom candy paint, stretched 8”, 9400 miles. $7500. Cell 504-957-5062. KAWASAKI 2010 BRUTE FORCE 750: Limited Edition, blue, only 25 hours, snorkel, clutch kit, 2” lift, programmer, HMF exhaust, s/s header, 30” mud lites, like new. $8500. 225-324-0516.

HONDA 2006 SHADOW: 2700 miles, 3 helmets, rear seat, large foot pegs, saddle bags. $4500. 225-413-0190.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2008 ULTRA CLASSIC: White with gold trim. Garage kept and in excellent condition. Vance & Hines exhaust, stage one with race tuner, runs great, front end chrome package, painted inner faring, anti-lock brakes, luggage rack, drivers backrest, front blinker package, AM/ FM/ CD player and many extras. Very comfortable and great for long rides. $19,600. 225-278-6359. 74026 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2009 ROCKER C: Black with ghost flames, 3850 miles, 240mm rear tire, stage 1 kit, Vance & Hines exhaust., saddlebags, $3500 in custom upgrades, $16,500. 337-342-3831. - Powered by American Classifieds


HONDA 2006 VTX 1300R: Garage kept, 3547 miles, custom painted headlight and sidecovers. Kuryakyn mirrors, signals, plate, fuel valve. Rifleman windshield, Retro sissybar/ backrest, studded seats, tank bib, (not shown but included) desperado saddlebags with ghostbrackets, backrest backpack, windshieldbag, toolbag. $6,800. 337-849-2605.

*Auto *Truck *Boat *RV *ATV *Golf Cart *Motorcycle *Industrial and More. Battery Parts & Accessories. WE BUY USED LEAD ACID BATTERIES. Gulf South Battery Doctors, 13503 Hwy 44, Gonzales. 225-644-7812. Full Replacement Warranties. PIAGGO 2005 TYPHOON SCOOTER: 49cc, black & red, professionally maintained with service records. $1400. 318-305-0348. SUZUKI 2001 INTRUDER: Garage kept. St. Francisville. $3500. 225-635-9875.

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 41

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510

!54/ Lot #1



Lot #2



Gonzales, LA

.I #L?>CN ";> #L?>CN



SPORTSMAN'S WORLD 700 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ SUZUKI 2003 GSXR 1000: Full of aftermarket parts, very well maintained, jet kit, power commander, you name it its on the bike! $7000. 504-427-4220. SUZUKI 2003 TL 1000R: Two bikes with some parts. One ready to ride. Needs paint. Priced for quick sale $3500 for both. 318-413-1009. SUZUKI 2005 GSXR: 20th Anniversary edition, blue & white, 1 owner, 6600 miles, excellent condition, kept inside, helmet, gloves, jacket. $4800. 601-498-2871/ darrenjohnson

YAMAHA 1999 ROADSTAR: With extras, a must see. $5000. 985-517-8558/ ricksjjkel YAMAHA 2002 VSTAR 1100: Low hours, extras. $6000. 985-351-0008. YAMAHA 2004 ROADSTAR: 17k Miles, just serviced, perfect condition, lots of extras, V&H pipes, corbin seat. $6500. 601-862-9443. YAMAHA 2004 VSTAR 1100: Custom 10,276 miles, it has cobra exhaust and kuryakyn hypercharger air cleaner KIT, 8000k Hid headlight, Cruising Pegs, Cruise Control, Driver and Passenger Sissy Bar, and Many other extra’s. $3800. 985-951-0027.

./ 02/",%-



Hemi V-8, 425 HP

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25K Miles

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NOW SERVICING HARLEY DAVIDSON!! We do tire and oil changes while you wait! Adrenaline Motor Sports.... Parts, Accessories, & Service. *Cruisers *Sports Bikes *ATV’s *Dirt Bikes. 1120 Florida Ave., Denham Springs, LA. 225791-1034. Will match any competitors price on ATV BIG Wheel Kits. SUZUKI 2005 HAYBUSA: Many upgrades, mint condition. $9500. 225-802-3591. SUZUKI 2006 1500 C90T CRUISER: 9,300 Miles, grey metallic, custom sheepskin gel seat, gel grips, cruise, custom hard chrome exhaust, also have the original stock pipes, large floorboards front and rear, lots of travel bags, fuel injected, runs perfect, good tires, no dents/ rust, 5257 m.p.g., very comfortable. Trade this bike for a 16’-20’ welded flat or carolina skiff with a 40-90 hp motor center console. MARK 985-867-0700.

YAMAHA 2005 1100 V-STAR SILVERADO: Windshield & sissybar. Excellent condition, garage kept, never dropped or wrecked, Hard Khrome 2.75 Big Straights with slashcut tips, Lindby highway bars, Mustang rider and passenger seats, Breakaway cruise control, 4� handlebar risers. Older rider, never saw “hard� riding. Can be seen at Yamaha ATV Center in Gonzales, La., Hwy 44. $4950. 225-206-1208. 74009 YAMAHA 2006 VSTAR 1100: Very low hours, Showroom. $6500. 985-351-0008. YAMAHA 2006 YZF-600: Two Brothers aftermarket exhaust, Power Commander, BMC air filter, aftermarket front and back sprockets, never laid down or wrecked, new tires, very clean and fast. Must See! $5300. 985870-5867.






Tinted Windows





Starting @





SUZUKI 2006 HAYABUSA 1300 LIMITED: Lowered, full Muzzy exhaust, double bubble windshield, LED Tail light kit, Billet mirrors, handles & dog bones, new tire & chain, still have factory parts, only 5300 miles, will consider trade for Hot Rod. $8900. 504-559-4728. 74022 SUZUKI 2007 GSX 1300R: Hayabusa, 4110 miles, Eager to sell, many extras including seat, coat, helmet; stock swing arm and all stock parts have been changed, has mirror plates if you’d like to remove mirrors, Bike is stretched and lowered, Call to see. $9000. 985-665-1625. SUZUKI 2007 GSX-R 1000 K7: Only 228 miles, great riding bike! Call if you have any questions. $6800. 985991-0756/ bart02zippy


SUZUKI 2007 GSXR 600: Runs great 10k miles lot of extras call for details make offer. 71027



YAMAHA 2006 YZFR6: Special Edition, very nice bike, 4000 miles, crg levers, color matched stainless brake lines, integrated brake light, flush mount front blinkers and much much more!! $6500. 225-202-8404. 74028


Only 3,000 miles, Showroom Condition. Asking $8500. Call 225-341-9391. YAMAHA 2007 V STAR 1300 TOURER: Excellent condition, runs fantastic, Cobra pipes, thunder air intake, Cobra fuel manager, added chrome, saddle bags, windshield & more! $6500. 225-270-8847. YAMAHA 2009 FZ-6: All stock features, full factory warranty, very fun & easy to ride. $5995. 225-644-6432 or email us at sheets100 YAMAHA 2009 T-MAX: 4 Years warranty, 8k, excellent condition. $6400 Call after 5 225-293-5975. YAMAHA 2009 V STAR TOURER: 4200 Miles, lots of extras, showroom condition. $8600. 225-572-0833.

Starting @

0 down, $259/mo.




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Page 2 • August 19-September 1, 2010

SUZUKI 2008 GSX-R600: 7200 Mile, Two Brothers Carbon Fiber Slip on Exhaust, Shotgun Frame & Spool Sliders, Integrated LED Brake Lights smoked out, KBC VR-2 Ladykiller Helmet & Black Pinstripe Shift Jacket! (Helmet and Jacket are Large). The bike has been kept indoors by the previous owner and myself. It has never been dropped or laid down and has been maintained as scheduled. $6800. 225-241-4200 Call Anytime! 74025 SUZUKI 2009 GSX-R 1000: Less than 3 months old. Red and black. Very fast and fun to drive. Less than 3000 miles. Serious inquiries only please. No test rides. Also have Suzuki jacket and a Scorpion helmet if interested. $10,500. 225-252-1922. TRIUMPH 1971 CHOPPER KTM600: Some Mechanical Skills needed. 985-258-5870. TRIUMPH 2006 SPRINT ST: 19,850 Miles, great condition, beautiful must see, one owner, garage kept, sport luxury. $6495. 985-649-4135.

YAMAHA 2009 V STAR: Confederate Blue Silverado, studded seat/ sissy bar, leather bags, windshield. Less than 2000 miles, kept under garage. Never wrecked/ laid over. $9600. 601-259-1374. 81012 YAMAHA 2009 VSTAR 650 CLASSIC: 1200 miles, windshield, locking bags, more extras! $4800. 225485-4606, 225-335-2403.


Golf Equipment EZ GO GOLF CART: With charger and cover. $1500. 225-791-7876, 225-315-8091

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!

SPORTSMAN'S WORLD 700 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤

GOLF CARTS *Sales *Service *Rental. EZ Go; Club Car; Star; Yamaha. Lift Kits, Chrome Rims, Rear Boxes, Folding Back Seats. Gayle Battery 225-774-7475.

EX GO 2005 GOLF CART: Excellent condition, AM/ FM CD Player and Running Lights. $2500. 504-348-3668.


Games, Hobbies, Toys NEW/ UNOPENED Kinked Skateboard grind rail, durable, portable. $60. 225-658-7528. BASEBALL BAT, GLOVE, HELMET: 19oz, good condition. 225-650-1904.


31575 Hwy 16, Suite F, Denham Springs. 225791-5185.


POOL TABLE: Including 5 sticks and 2 racks. $400. 225-802-3591. PLAY STATION II: With Rock Band. $40. 225-6501904. HIGH PERFORMANCE REMOTE CONTROL CAR: 17�L, electric, extras. $120. 318-382-3954.

790 Bicycles

MOUNTAIN BIKE: 10 speed, by Harley Davidson. $30. 225-658-7528. 20� ALUMINUM BMX FRAME: $100. 225-658-7528. USED BIKES: Needs work. 225-355-1419.


Recreational Vehicles

26’ SUPER SLIDE 2003 RLS: Front Bedroom, Rear Bath, 22’ Awing, Super slide with Awing, Microwave Vent, Ducted air condition, Electric Tung Jack, Max Air Vents, 5KW Gas Generator, Extra Rear Storage Compartment, Rear Spare Tire Holder. $10,000. 504-432-8710/ mrstretch1 27’ KEYSTONE 2000 SPRINGDALE: 1 Slide, air condition, sleeps 6, queen bed, sofa bed, table lays to bed, full kitchen. $6000. 985-285-0803. 27’ MOBILE SCOUT 2750: Less than 1000 miles, excellent condition, sleeps 6, 1 slideout, fully loaded. $15,300. Please Call 504-416-4992. 28’ COLORADO 2009: 7 Months old, 2 slide outs, end kitchen with lots of storage, 2 wall recliners and sofa ceiling fan, high ceiling, 26� LCD HD TV, center vacuum system, queen bed, chest and dresser, separate toilet area with storage, vanity area, corner shower. EXCELLENT CONDITION - MUST SELL $39,000. 318-381-5364. 28’ FORD 1988 WINNEBAGO: Come and see. $1500. 225-278-7205, 225-218-7874. 28’ FOREST RIVER 2008 TOY HAULER: Black, never used, 2 air conditioner’s. $20,000. 225-622-2566. 28’ NORTH TRAIL 2008 RLS ULTRA LIGHT: Sleeps 6 with memory foam mattress, deluxe stove/ oven, excellent condition 1/2 ton towable, hitch and sway assembly included. $13,750. 985-878-3251. 28’ WILDCAT 2007 28RK: Fiberglass, super slide, hydraulic jacks, rear kitchen, 1/2 ton towable, excellent condition, very clean. $16,900. 985-516-7130/ 985-735-5408.


28’ WILDWOOD 2006 FKSS: Super slideout kitchen/living, sleeps 6-8, non smokers, Really Clean!, rear queen bed, used 4 times. $12,000. 985-768-0450. 62012 28’ WINNEBAGO 1988 FORD: Must be Seen! $1700. 225-218-7874. 28.5’ TRAIL LITE 2005: Two slides, GM Workforce chassis and gasoline engine. Gas generator, propane, water tanks. Sleeps six. $39,900. 337-344-1473. 29’ CARDINAL 2003 LE: 2 Slides, rear living, queen bed, GOOD condition and ready to hit the road. $13,900. 504-920-1511. 29’ FOOT TRAIL BAY 2003 FIFTH WHEEL BUNK HOUSE: Super slide, hitch included. $15,000. 337-2889334/ Stuartbilleaud


(4) TRAILER TIRES: With rims, ST205/75/R14 Goodyear, like new. 225-939-7631. 19’ FLEETWOOD TRAVEL TRAILER: Good condition, many extras. $2700. 985-646-1976.


35’, 2 Slides, Washer/ Dryer, Central Air, Electric Awning, Like New. $18,500. 225-445-1257. 22’ BANTAN 2002 TRAIL LITE: 17B Hybrid, excellent shape, 1 queen, 2 pull out & double dinette makes into queen bed, sleep 6, shower/ toilet combo, new air conditioner, awning. $6500. 985-764-6811. 22’ HI LOW 2007: Like new, sleeps 6, fully equipped, sway bar, weight distribution hitch. $15,000. 985-764-3602.

22’ KEY STONE 2006 NRG: Generator, fuel/ pumping station, sleeps 6- 8, loaded, excellent condition. $19,000. 985-518-4282. 62010 22’ KZ-MXT 2007: Inside and out showers, lots of storage, generator, sleeps 4, set up to haul 2 bikes, cold air conditioner, extras, nice camper. $14,700. 601-549-6888. 22.5’ FRONTIER 2005 KZ 2251: Half ton towable, dinette slide, rear bath, rear custom rack, great starter camper, excellent shape!! $11,995 negotiable. 337-523-6985. 25’ SPORTSMAN 1999: 1 Slide out, new tires, excellent shape. $9000. 985-735-6946. 62011 26’ 2006 5TH WHEEL Trail Cruiser Lite with slide, used 5x. paid $25K, Asking $13,500. 225367-5513. 26’ EXPLORER 2005: Extended warranty, sleeps 9, electric hitch receiver, price firm. $10,500. 318-422-6340.

29’ FOREST RIVER 2006 WILDCAT: With super- slide, garage kept, hitch, electric jack, rachet chocks, all sewer & electrical hookups, aluminum extra step, small BBQ pit, outside rug, air max roof vents, camper globe lights with dimmer control. $19,500. 985-518-0007. 71028


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29’ WILDCAT 2006: 2 Slides including hitch. $15,000. 985-640-7998. 71029 30’ ADMIRAL 2004: 2 Slides, 26,500 miles, Chevrolet workhorse chassis, bank exhaust, new tires, 4000 Onan generator. $49,000. 601-201-6682. 30’ FOREST RIVER 2004 WILDCAT M-29RLKS: 2 Slide outs, hitch, all sewer & electrical hookups, aluminum extra step, air max roof vents, awning, TV and antenna. $14,500. 318-992-7766. 30’ FOREST RIVER 2008 SURVEYOR: Beautiful, like new, tub/ shower, wood plank vinyl flooring, white cabinets, queen bed. $20,000. 303-949-2359. 30’ FRONTIER 2008 ASPEN: Aluminum frame walls, fiberglass exterior, oak cabinets, king bed with slide), full size corner shower, 6 panel swinging interior doors, super slide in living area. $29,999. 225-281-2749. 30’ GULFSTREAM 1993 CONQUEST: Class C, well maintained, 80k miles. $10,500. 985-373-2805/ 985796-3522. 30’ ROCKWOOD 2006 8287SS: 2 Slide outs, bunk beds, fiberglass sides, power front jacks, excellent condition, lots of room. $15,000. 225-445-3992. 30’ SUNNY BROOK 2002 TT: Large slide, mint condition. $13,000. 225-927-5187. 30’ THOR KODIAK 2006: Quad bunks, sleeps 8- 10, lightweight aluminum frame, awning, excellent condition. $8400. 318-305-4060. 30’ TIFFIN 2004 ALLEGRO: With 2 slides, 11k miles, looks brand new in/ out, stored inside. $45,000. 225938-6642. 31’ CARDINAL 2006: Sleeps up to 9, has 2 slide outs, has bunkhouse. $27,000 just for camper. If need truck 2004 2500HD will sell with camper for $30,000 as a pair. 337-893-5387. 31’ CROSSROADS 2006: Like new, never used. $10,500. 225-337-1883.

29’ FOREST RIVER 2008 SIERRA 291RL: Quality built home away from home, nicely equipped, very clean, rear living storage galore, sleeps 6, side bath with large shower. Located in Schriever, LA. $22,000. 985-709-3646. 42017 29’ FORESTER 2006 WILDWOOD: Dinette and sofa slide out, good condition, very clean. $9500. 225-933-4227. 29’ HOLIDAY RAMBER 1973 TRAVEL TRAILER: $5325 negotiable. 225-505-6845. 29’ HOLIDAY RAMBLER 2009 ALUMASCAPE: 5th Wheel, super slide, bed slide, slide out awnings, used 4 times, mint condition. $33,000. 601-540-8483/ ddaniel 29’ KEYSTONE 2006 EVEREST: 5th wheel, triple slide, electric jacks, dual air conditioning, ceiling fan, AM/ FM, CD/ DVD, stereo system, outside shower, 5 new tires. Low use and stored under cover. $29,000. 225-335-8866. 29’ MONTANA 2005: With 2 slides and rear kitchen. $19,000. 985-773-3814/ mimidene3 29’ SUMMERLAND 2010 2980BH: 6500 lbs, very nice, bunkhouse w/super slide, all camping supplies, hitch bars, need half ton truck. $19,000. 985-859-7558. - Powered by American Classifieds

31’ FLEETWOOD 2003 JEEP TIOGA SL: 28k Miles, 4kw generator, ford chassis V-10, leather seats, 12’ slide, full queen, nada low; Wrangler: 79k miles, automatic, air, 6 cylinder, cruise dick cepek tire, tow bar/ wired for pulling. $48,000. 985-703-1984.

31’ KEYSTONE 2009 HORNET 31RLDS: Rear Living, Used 6 times, great shape, lots of interior room. $25,500. Must see 985-637-2361 email for more pictures rmeaux 82027 31’ MAXLITE 2006 30BHS: Weighs 5200 lbs, extended warranty, 2 slides, sleeps 6, excellent condition, barely used, hitch and many extras included, negotiable. $16,000. 225-505-4477. 31’ ROCKWOOD 2007 SIGNATURE ULTRALITE 8318SS: 2 Slide outs, 15k BTU ducted air conditioner, surround sound, XM satellite radio. $20,000. 985-9661362. 31’ ROCKWOOD 2009 LITE: 6200 pounds, 2 slides, large bath. $22,500. 225-567-6880. 31’ TITAN 2007 SUNNYBROOK BWKS LX: 5th wheel, 3 slides, 2 air conditioner’s, new tires, solar. $32,000. 504-491-9308.

32’ COACHMEN 2004 CHAPARRAL 277DS: 5th Wheel, fiberglass exterior, 20’ awning, 2 slides- 1 living 1 master bedroom, lots of closet/ drawers, sleeps 6, kitchen and bath has all amenities, central ducted air condition/ heat, gas/ electric converter, front power leveling jacks, rear scissor stabilizers, must see! $16,000. 228-3419307. 71030 32’ FOREST RIVER 2007 FLAGSTAFF 829FKSS: Like new, used 5 times, kept under cover, large slide out, electric jack, heater, furnace & central air condition. $20,000. 318-465-3140. 32’ FRONTIER 2006 ASPEN: 2 Slides with bunkhouse, sleeps over 8. $19,000. 985-290-8779. 32’ HOLIDAY RAMBLER: Camper, great shape! $3200. 225-931-2616. 32’ KEYSTONE 2008 LAREDO BHS: Well kept, automatic awning, outside speakers, 2 flat screen TV’s, one queen, 2 bunks, automatic air foldout couch. Dinette converts in to sleeper. $20,000. 985-705-0026. 32’ MANHATTAN 2006: Sleeps 6. Call 225337-1883.

31’ FLEETWOOD 2009 TIOGA RANGER: garage kept, 1 owner, new condition, no pets/smokers, 4500 miles, 2 slides with bunk house, sleeps 8, lots of extras! $65,500. 337-335-8870. 82026 31’ FOREST RIVER 2008 ROCKWOOD SIGNATURE ULTRA LITE: 2 slides, 30A, sleeps 8, air condition, HD TV’s, gas kitchen, gas/ electric refrigerator/ freezer, large awning, slide toppers, weight distribution hitch, 7784#. $19,000. 337-356-1378. 31’ FOUR WINDS 2007 CLASS C: With slide, 4k miles, mint condition, leather interior, great floor plan, perfect for road trip/ LSU tailgating, uses gas, asking payoff. $59,900. 225-354-6430.

32’ MONARCH 2002: Class A, 2 slides, great condition. Call for details. $42,000. 225-664-7452. 32’ MONTANA 2007 MOUNTAINEER EDITION: Triple slide, excellent condition, kept under cover. $25,000. 985-637-2191. 35’ 5TH WHEEL: With 8’ ceilings, 3 pull outs. $14,000. 225-558-6015. 35’ TRAVEL TRAILER: 2 tip-outs. $6000. 225-6639451. 35’ WINNEBAGO: Loaded, 2 slides, clean, low miles, 1 owner. $39,990. 225-926-5385. 36’ DAMON INTRUDER: 1998 Ford 460 less than 24k miles, 2 air condition’s, Owan generator, awning, 6 new tires, camera, garage kept and much more. $28,995. 225-673-5798.

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 43

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510 SPORTSMAN'S WORLD 700 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ 36’ GEORGETOWN 2004 359TS: With 3 slides, Ford V10, 2 air conditioner’s, 29k miles, back-up monitor, auto leveling jacks, Onan Marquis 5500 generator. $37,900. 985-294-1719.

36’ MONTANA 2007 MOUNTAINEER MODEL 344RET: Original owner, like new, non smokers, 3 slides, garage kept, 2nd air conditioner added in bedroom, 2 sofas, email for more pics mgaljour $29,500. 985-258-1567. 74033 37’ HOLIDAY RAMBLER 2004 VACATIONER: 50th Anniversary Edition, beautiful coach, rarely used, new tires, 2 pull outs, sleeps 4, washer/ dryer, 2 baths, 20,780 miles. $65,000. 985-232-2463. 37’ HOLIDAY RAMBLER 2006: 2 Air condition’s, furnace, 10 cubic foot refrigerator, 15” LCD TV in bedroom, 22” TV in living area, AM/ FM/ CD, 2 DVD players, 5kw Onan, front power leveling jacks, 18’ awning, fiberglass exterior, outside shower, safe, spare tire & carrier, garage kept. $30,000. 337-257-1325. 37’ SALEM 2007 376SRV: 5.5kw Generator, fueling station, dual air condition, 12’ garage, single slide. $19,000. 601-310-2285.

38’ CAMELOT 2003 MONOCO: Luxury motor home offers 3 slides 350hp cummings engine, seperate sink in master bedroom, 2 TV’s, satellite dish, only 9,000 miles. $98,000. 225-715-7200. 74032 39’ CROSSROADS 206 TOY HAULER: Excellent condition, always covered, 3 slide outs, large 12’ garage, full size shower, sofa sleeper, loft, large master bedroom, 5500 watt Onan generator, refueling station. $28,000. 504-340-6147.

40’ ALLEGRO 2004 BUS: Stored under cover, original owner, no pets, no smoking, 400hp Cummins, 3 slides, washer/ dryer, 2 TVs, surround sound, self searching Satellite, loaded, beautiful condition, awnings, tow bar, all decorations included. $139,000. 662-837-6495. 74030 40’ AMERICAN DREAM 1999: Slideout, leveling jacks, washer/ dryer, rear monitor, all new batteries, Cummins diesel, awnings all around, Loaded!! Must See! $74,500. 225-206-7007.

40’ DAMON TUSCANY 2009: with 360hp diesel engine, 9244 miles, 4 slides, sleeps 5, 60,000 mile 5 year extended warranty, very clean, many upgrades including slide out tray, DVD, Ipod tuner player, in-motion satellite, third a/c unit, must see! $165,000. 337-316-2963/ timh @ 74031 40’ FOREST RIVER 2006 CARDINAL: 2 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1 king, 2 queen, 1 single bed, Satelite, bose, cabinet upgrade, celing fan, washer/ dryer, outside shower, 3 slide outs, no pets, no smoking, excellent condition. $29,950. 985-507-4358. 40’ INFERNO 2009 TOY HAULER: 3 Slides, loaded, too many extras to list, never camped in, garage kept. $55,000. 985-594-5831. 40’ ITASCA 2007 ELLIPSE: 400 Cummings, 12k miles, 8kw generator, 3 slides, exterior entertainment center, washer/ dryer, king sleep# bed, loaded, no smoke/ pets, extended warranty. $175,000. 601-787-3908. 40’ JAYCO 2008 RACON ZX F36V: Triple axle, generator, electric awning, 2 slide outs, queen beds, 37” flat screen, 1k miles, power washer, asking payoff. $45,000. 318-880-3688. 74029


40’ TRAVEL TRAILER 5TH WHEEL: Needs work. $7000. 225-268-4283. 41’ SUNNYBROOK 2005 TITAN 412SUT: 2 Slides, 5500 Onan generator, 2 air condition units, very clean toy hauler. $25,000. 504-466-3431. 48’ LARK 2009 CAR HAULER: Cargo trailer, 7.6’ H & 8’ W, never been used, living quarters started on front, has camping door, 4’ cargo door, 16’ canopy on side & full ramp door on back. $13,800. 318-613-2281. ALEGRO 1985 MOTORHOME: Will SELLALL or PARTS. 225-665-5242, 225-936-9024. CARDINAL 2003: Rear living, 4kw Onan, 8 hours only, with 18 gallon fuel tank, 2 slide-outs, no pets, no smoking, excellent condition, garage kept, many accessories, husky slide hitch. 2004 King Ranch, diesel, air ride. 78k. Truck $19k. Camper $22k. 337-658-8193. CARDINAL 2006 5TH WHEEL: Like new, 2 slides, $23,000. Call 985-507-9849. COLEMAN 1998 POP-UP: $3800. Great condition, sleeps 8. 225-385-1607. DENALI 2007 5TH WHEEL: Excellent condition. $23,500. 225-637-3450.




$12,965 HUMMER 06 H3






IT’S WHERE THE DEALS Are! Many to choose from. Quality Pre-Owned Vehicles... NO HASSLE BUYING. DUPLESSIS PONTIAC *BUICK *GMC, corner of Burnside @ Hwy 30, Gonzales, LA 225-295-5900 or 225-621-2164.

MARSHALL BROS. USED CARS: Lincoln & Mercury, WE BUY ALL LATE MODEL VEHICLES! 4641 Veterans Blvd, Metairie, LA 7006. 504-885-1680, http://www. marshallbros .com FLEETWOOD 2006: With slide, good condition. Only $5555. 225-644-2886. 71619 FORD 1999 F250 XLT SUPER DUTY: Deisel, 46K miles, AND 2000 MONTANA 5TH WHEEL, 2 slides, 32.55rl, non-smoker, garage kept, lots of extras! $37,000. Must See! used very little. Camper can be sold seperately. 225-687-9591, 225-964-9355.

HEARTLAND 2007 TRAIL RUNNER: Pre- owned, 1k miles. $14,988. 601-431-2361. 82025 TRAVEL TRAILER 2006: Fully loaded, excellent condition. Must See to Appreciate! $9500. Call 225775-6394. WINNEBAGO 1994: In good condition, 21k miles, 454 Chevy chassis, Must Sell due to open heart surgery. $13,500. 985-796-3543/ 985-264-1547. WINNEBAGO 2005 SIGHTSEER M-29R: Ford V10 with 2 slides, hydraulic leveling jacks, 4kw generator, 19k miles, many extras, garage kept, excellent condition. $55,000. 225-261-7780/ 225-405-5831.



*In-House Financing *30 Lenders Available *Call or Come by Allstar Kia of Baton Rouge, 5740 Siegen Lane, Baton Rouge, LA 70817. 225-490-8000. RAY BRANDT TOYOTA/ SCION: 2460 Veterans Blvd., Kenner, LA. 888-593-2215. http://www. raybrandttoyota .com PREMIER KIA KENNER: 2712 Veterans Blvd., Kenner, LA. www. premierkia .com 800-496-0775. ALLSTAR HYUNDAI OF BATON ROUGE: 9292 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, LA 70815. 225-490-7600. NO DRIVERS LICENSE? NO CREDIT? NO JOB??... NO PROBLEM!!! We can help with any complications you might have buying a vehicle. Call for more details! EVERYBODY APPROVED! DRIVE TODAY!!! Approval available @ www. homeofrent2own .com. 504-309-8718.




AUDI 2000 A6 2.7T QUATTRO: Green with tan leather, automatic, air, all power, power sunroof, CD/ cassette, alarm, all wheel drive, 109k miles. Must sell $4900. 504-473-7144/ 504-464-4746.

6367 Hwy 182, Gibson, LA 985-575-9928.


Automotive Agencies

MR. C’S AUTO: We Buy and Haul Junk & Wrecked cars. 225-355-4740 or 225-978-6699.

2121 Clearview Pkwy. Metairie, LA 70001

Buick • GMC


A SECOND GENERATION PROUDLY SERVING THE NEW ORLEANS AREA! Crown Buick GMC, 2121 Clearview Parkway, Metairie, LA 70001. 504-455-6666, 866-616-2513, http://www. crownbuickgmc .com

Grade-A $2500-$3500... Grade-B $1500-$2500... Grade-C $500-$1500... Call Van-The FEMAMAN 225-567-2734. Located on I-12 Pumpkin Center Exit.


AUTO MART➤ ➤➤➤➤➤

797 Parts Services Accessories

AUDI 2008 S5: Leather, all power, keyless, memory seats, alarm, side & passenger airbags, sunroof, navigation. $58,000. 985-860-9584. 74040

BOATS USED ICE MACHINES: “Sonic” Style & Cubers. Residential or Commercial. Call Mike 225-413-1672, mlhcjb789



Text CROWN to 53555 to Browse Entire Inventory on Your Cell Phone

Page • August 19-September 1, 2010

Motorcycles LEATHER SADDLEBAGS: New. Will FIT ANY BIKE. $100. 225-665-5242, 225-936-9024.

BMW 2002 325I: VP583, Sunroof, Loaded. $9995. 888-685-4307. 74310

Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!


AUTO MART 900 โ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ ค

BMW: Low mileage, non-smoker, excellent condition, memory seat, alloys, steering wheel controls, cruise, CD, sunroof, keyless, all power, 6 speed Steptronic automatic transmission, leather, tinted windows. $32,000. 504-432-8722. 82019

BUICK 1971 RIVERIA: White, 454 engine, black/ white leather. $15,000. 225-355-3673. BUICK 1983 RIVIERA: Only 53k miles, cold air, great condition. $4500. 225-964-0484. BUICK 1989 REATTA: 3.8L, runs. $1000. 225-2056910. BUICK 1994 REGAL: 2 Door, custom, runs good, cold air, needs work. $995. 225-223-5504. BUICK 2001 REGAL LS: Excellent condition, leather seats. $3695. 225-927-2114.


BUICK 2003 LESABRE: Call for details. $6969. 504455-6666. 74330. BUICK 2005 CENTURY: 108K+ miles, cruise, remote locks, inspected. $4500. 225-290-3670. BUICK 2006 LACROSSE CXL: 4 Door sedan, 96k miles, V6, power, cruise, keyless, bucket seats, remote vehicle start system and built in XM Satellite Radio Service. Also had plugs changed and fuel injectors cleaned at dealership. $7500. 225-772-5898. BUICK 2006 LACROSSE CXL: 4 Door sedan, 70k miles, automatic, 100k warranty, excellent condition, air, power, keyless, alloys and more. $12,000. 225-774-3399.

CADILLAC 1993 DEVILLE: 4 Door, one owner, 43k miles, loaded, leather, excellent condition, new air. $3995. 225-939-3969. CADILLAC 1993 DEVILLE: 4 door, 1 owner, excellent condition, new air, 43K. $3995. 225939-3969. CADILLAC 1997 STS: Sunroof, cold air, runs good. $2500 Must Sell. 225-247-9580. CADILLAC 2003 CTS: 24โ Rims, excellent condition. $11,000 or pick up note. 225-505-6673.

CHEVROLET 1996 CAMARO: Automatic, V6, 120K. $4800. 225-276-5741. CHEVROLET 2000 CAMARO: V6, 3.8, cold air, drives A-1. $3500. 225-436-3892. CHEVROLET 2000 MALIBU LS: V6, automatic, power windows & locks, leather, cruise, alloys, AM/ FM/ CD, clean interior, 106k miles. $4350. 225-726-8759. CHEVROLET 2001 MALIBU: V6, 4 door, 1 owner. $2195. 225-355-3841.

CHEVROLET 2009 MALIBU: $14,500. 504-885-1680. CHEVROLET 2010 CAMARO SS: Silver, automatic, 4000 miles, roof, leather, loaded. $34,980. 985-507-9337.

;NIH 0IOA? ONI 1;F?M CHEVROLET 2002 IMPALA DONK: 100% Custom, many stock items left on car, one of a kind, over 20k miles, much more to tell. Call for more information. Priced to sell or make quick trade. $9000. 225-505-5672. 82015 CHEVROLET 2002 MALIBU: Air condition, runs & drives great. $2995. 225-362-7272. CHEVROLET 2003 IMPALA: Runs good, air, power windows & locks. $4500. 225-571-0780. CHEVROLET 2005 CORVETTE: 53,500 miles ZO6 chrome wheels, new kumo tires, drilled and sloted rotors with ceramic brakes. Targa removable top, very nice. New body style car for the right price. $25,000 firm. e-mail tnesom or call Todd @ 225-572-2863. 81015 CHEVROLET 2006 COBALT LT: 4 Door, automatic, 56k miles, warranty, 4 cylinder, gas saver, power steering, locks & windows, alloys, air, cruise tilt, keyless. $7000. 931-572-8538. CHEVROLET 2006 IMPALA LS: Call 504-309-8718 or www. homeofrent2own .com

14880 Florida Blvd.

3 mo./3000 miles Warranty Mercury 2004 Chrysler 2002 Mountaineer Town & Country

3rd Row, Leather FULLY LOADED

PW, PL, Tilt/ Cruise

CHEVROLET 2010 IMPALA: 2 to Choose. $15,995. 888-685-4307. CHEVROLET 2008 COBALT LT: Automatic, low miles. $9935. 225-490-7600. CHEVROLET 2008 CORVETTE Z06: With 2LZ Package. Only 1176 miles, perfect, black with black leather interior, navigation, Bose stereo, chrome Z06 alloy wheels. Stored in air conditioned garage. $58,500. (2010 msrp is $82,000) 225-293-3158. CHEVROLET 2009 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE: Twin turbo with only 9890 miles and is loaded with electric heated seats, electric convertible top, upgraded chrome wheels. STS Twin Turbos with upgraded H-Trim Ballbearing Turbos with Intercooler which makes the car extremely faster than any stock Z06 or ZR1 and still makes close to 40 miles to the gallon (38.9 MPG) on the HWY and about 25 in town. These turbos are capable of making over 1500 HP. This Corvette is one of a kind and has over $90,000 invested in it, the first $65,000 buys the car, Call 337-201-1848. Serious inquiries only please.



2.5 lift with 33โ Tires, 4WD/AWD, 50,980 mi, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, AM/FM, CD, Keyless, Alloys

GMC 03 YUKON SLT CADILLAC 2003 DTS: 48k Miles, private party, 8 cylinder, off white, blue, excellent condition. $13,900. 225-752-8454. 82014

CHRYSLER 2009 SEBRING: $12,995. 504-885-1680. CHRYSLER: 2008 300: Black on black, 16k miles, original owner. $15,000. 225-324-5143.

DODGE 1996 NEON: Runs great, great condition. $1500. 225-226-6891.

DODGE 2006 CHARGER RT: Automatic, Hemi, Cd, Leather. Rent To Own. Call 504-309-8718 or www. homeofrent2own .com 81303

in Gonzales Quality Pre-Owned Vehicles NO HASSLE BUYING FORD 08 FUSION


6 To Choose From. Call for Pricing & details. 800-4960775. 33317 CHEVROLET 1970 IMPALA: 2 door, 77K original miles, light green with dark green vinyl top, everything original, great condition. See to Appreciate! 225-778-9949, 225-223-2629. CHEVROLET 1980 IMPALA: 225-774-1110. CHEVROLET 1981 CAMARO Z28: Needs inside work. $3000. 504-352-2967. CHEVROLET 1985 CAMARO Z-28: With T-Tops, desirable bodystyle, runs great!! All original parts, 5 speed with new shocks & breaks & cold air. $3400. For information Call Curry @ 225-252-7012. CHEVROLET 1989 CORVETTE: 6 Speed transmission, black on black, Pioneer stereo system, AM/ FM/ CD, complete tune up, just installed new set of injectors, after market exhaust system has a nice rumble to it, new digital dash, cold air, tinted windows, garage kept, car is in excellent condition, 127k miles. $8500. Greg 504-487-3383.

CHRYSLER 2008-2009 PT CRUISER: 4 to Choose. Starting @ $8995. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. Ledetsautos .com 82345

CHEVROLET 2009 IMPALA LT: $12,995. 225-2871152. 82300 CHEVROLET 2009 IMPALA LT: 3.5 L, excellent condition, fleet maintained, all power, leather, wood grain, Onstar, XM, premium sound, non smoker, 57k miles, getting new company car, must sell. $11,500. 225-921-1816. CHEVROLET 2009 IMPALA LT: Alloys. $12,990. 225490-7600. 82331 CHEVROLET 2009 IMPALA LT: Automatic, air, V-6: Stk #VP356. $15,990. 888-685-4307. - Powered by American Classifieds


Stk# AG258883A


Stk# 8R132952







Ask for โ Aceโ


2522 S. Burnside Ave. Gonzales, LA 70737

August 19-September 1, 2010 โ ข Page 5

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510 (225)751-8510 AUTO MART 900 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ FORD 1998 MUSTANG; V6, 5 speed. $2700. 985320-6587. FORD 1998 TAURAS (2): 1 Running, 1 for parts. $1550/ both. 225-244-1221.

DODGE 2007 CHARGER RT: Special Edition, Automatic, 8 cylinder. $19,995. 800-496-0775. 81313

FORD 1999 CROWN VICTORIA: Great condition, 96K, 1 owner, never smoked in. See To Appreciate! $4200. 225-778-9949, 225-223-2629. FORD 2003 MUSTANG COBRA SVT: Convertible, red with tan top, 50k miles, garage kept, 600hp, lots of extras, immaculate, SVT maintained. Serious inquiries only please!! $27,000. 225-445-4238/ 225-685-1128.

DODGE 2007 CHARGER SRT8: Hemi, V8, 425HP. $25,488. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. ledetsautos .com

DODGE 2009 CHARGER SXT: Credit Plans! $17,995. 504-885-1680.

DODGE 2010 CHALLENGER: $21,495. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. Ledetsautos .com 82342

FORD 2004 MUSTANG GT: 5.1 Stroker kit, P1SC pro charger, 11 lbs of boost, TKO 600 5 speed, Patriot heads, Reichard Racing maifold, Long tube headers, built suspension, Corbeau seats, Roll bar, Bassani 3 “ exhaust, Koni shocks & struts, 315 17 rear tires, Cobra rims, professionally built by Shreves Automotive, 15k miles. $17,995. Will consider partial trade. 504-390-6440. FORD 2005 CROWN VICTORIA: 111,602 miles, only asking $5200. 225-773-0055. FORD 2005 MUSTANG GT: Adult owned and pampered, 30k miles, all stock, V8, automatic, air, power windows, locks and seat, Shaker 500 sound system with 6 disc in dash CD changer, tilt, cruise, leather, 17” factory alloys. Super nice, garage kept, never smoked in, must see. $18,500. 225-328-0336. FORD 2006 MUSTANG GT: 5 speed, leather, 47K, touch screen panel, fully loaded. $11,500. 225-200-9456.

DODGE 2010 CHALLENGER: $24,195. 504-8851680.

FORD 1992 CROWN VICTORIA: 4 Door, automatic, cold air, leather seats. $1995. 225-313-7898. FORD 1993 ESCORT: Runs good, great gas mileage. $1900. 225-261-0060. FORD 1993 TAURAS: Runs great, 56,000 miles. 42200. 225-200-8557, 225-287-5855.

FORD 1998 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE GT: 2 Door, 83k miles, automatic, black/ black, air, leather, all power, keyless, tilt, tint, MP3 player, alloys. $5400. 225-588-7607.

HONDA 202 ACCORD EX: Automatic, 4 door, very clean. $5995. 225-205-9357.

FORD 2007 500: Woodgrain, automatic, air, power windows/ locks, Cd, keyless, leather. Call 504-309-8718 or www. homeofrent2own .com FORD 2008 FOCUS SES: Like new, heated leather seats, adult driven non-smoker, 35,500 miles, coupe, 4 cylinder, red, black, excellent condition, automatic, FWD, 2 doors. $10,500. 225-623-8600.

FORD 2099 FLEX: $23,200. 504-885-1680. 82311

HONDA 1989 CIVIC HATCHBACK: 5 speed, runs good. $1000. 225-907-2471. HONDA 1992 ACCORD: Needs engine. $350. 225357-4911. HONDA 1997 ACCORD SE: Automatic, air, new tires, sunroof, 135k miles. $4000. 225-930-7595. HONDA 1998 ACCORD LX: 4 door, standard, great condition. $3800. 225-664-4948. HONDA 1999 CIVIC LX: Automatic, 4 door, Super Clean! $3995. Call 225-205-9357. HONDA 1999 CIVIC SI: Red, 1.6L V-tech, 177,245 miles, wrecked in rear, no front-end damage, 17” chrome bars, tires in good condition, asking $1975, will take $1650 with factory rims and tires, contact seller thru e-mail at tcarles or 225-938-5037 (phone calls between 5:30pm-9:30pm ONLY) HONDA 2001 ACCORD: Automatic, loaded, air, leather, good condition. Call for price. 225-274-1365/ 225-620-8944.

HONDA 2003 ACCORD COUPE: Leather, sunroof, spoiler. $10,995. 888-685-4307. 82318 HONDA 2003 ACCORD EX: Automatic, V6, leather, 109k miles, air, alarm, alloys, AM/ FM/ CD player, cruise, power, sunroof, keyless, tilt, tinted glass. Call for price! 504-289-2445.

We can rebuild your battery with new cells

HONDA 2005 CIVIC: $7990. Ask for Ace 225-6212164 81331 HONDA 2007 ACCORD MT EXL: 2 Door with navigation, black, leather, V6, 67,500 miles, power, alloys, sunroof, tilt, tinted glass. $15,300. 504-427-9875.

16555 Plank Road Baker, LA

Page • August 19-September 1, 2010

INFINITI 1995 J30: Low miles, no body work needed, air, all power. $4200. 225-993-7006.

INFINITI 2004 G35: Coupe, 2 door, automatic, leather, 89k miles, power, air, alarm, cruise, custom wheels, red. $12,900. 225-978-9864.

JAGUAR 1999 VANDEN PLAS: Needs instrument pack, headliner. $8000. 225-683-6934. JAGUAR 2000 S TYPE: 4.0, 7000, 109K miles. 225610-3516 dre JAGUAR 2004 VANDEN PLAS: Good condition, 49k miles. $18,500. 985-626-5991. JAGUAR 2008 X-TYPE: AWD, 45K, sunroof, clean, 1 owner. $17,500. 985-373-5578.

JEEP 2001 WRANGLER SPORT: Yellow, 2 door, 62k miles, automatic, 4 WD, air, alloys, cruise, tilt, very nice. $11,000. E-mail tnesom or call 225-572-2863. JEEP 2005 WRANGLER: Hard top, right hand drive, 45K miles. $11,600. 225-315-4281. HONDA 2008 ACCORD: Automatic, spoiler, tinted windows, Extra Loaded. $19,998. 888-685-4307. 63308

Gayle Battery


HYUNDAI 2004 SANTE FE GLS: Automatic, power window/ locks. $9883. 225-490-7600. 82326 HYUNDAI 2006 SONATA: Steel gray, excellent condition, loaded, 62k miles. $9000. 225-241-1801. HYUNDAI 2007 SONATA GLS: Low miles, under warranty. $8500. 985-264-8233.

HONDA 2007 CIVIC COUPE: Air, 40k miles, alarm, cruise, all power, keyless, tilt. Call for price jackie.millet or 225-329-9757. 82008

For Much Less

Ryobi • Craftsman • Dewalt • Makita • Bosch • Black&Decker • Skil • etc. All Brands

HYUNDAI 1996 ELANTRA: Runs, needs work. $1500. Call Jay for details. 504-377-9547.

INFINITI 2006 G35 COUPE: 3 to choose from. $18,888. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. ledetsautos .com

FORD 2008 FUSION: Spoiler. $13,997. “Ask for Ace” 225-621-2164. 82339

No Need To Buy New...

NO DRIVERS LICENSE? NO CREDIT? NO JOB??... NO PROBLEM!!! We can help with any complications you might have buying a vehicle. Call for more details! EVERYBODY APPROVED! DRIVE TODAY!!! Approval available @ www. homeofrent2own .com. 504-309-8718.

HONDA 2008 ACCORD: Loaded, Navigation. $20,900. 888-593-2215.

KIA 1998 SEPHIA: 5 Speed, 4 door, air/ heat works $1800 or best offer. 225-658-7528. KIA 2007 OPTIMA LX: 4 Door sedan, automatic, 40,800 miles, black, air, power, keyless, driver and side airbags, tilt, tinted glass. $9500. 225-975-6901. KIA 2008 SPECTRA: Automatic, power windows/ locks. $10,888. 225-490-7600. 82335 KIA 2009 BORREGO LX: Automatic, air, power window, CD. 4 to choose... Starting @ $22,900. 800-496-0775.

Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!



We Have One of the Largest Selections in The State, of One Owner Cars in Excellent Condition, with Credit Plans to Fit All Customers! 5? 37 FF

Established 1947

4641 Veterans Blvd. at Clearview • Metairie, LA 70006 *;N? +I>?F 4?BC=F?M CHEVROLET 2009 MALIBU




$19,995 Sunroof, Navigation














www.mar 5 0 4 . 8 8 5 . 1 6 8 0 KIA 2009 RIO LX: Several to Choose. $10,700. 800496-0755. 74301

MAZDA 2009 3: 4 Door, front wheel drive, air, AM/ FM/ CD/ MP3 player, driver and passenger airbags, power steering, tilt, tinted windows. $12,250. 225-571-6751. MAZDA 2010 3: Silver, 4 door, automatic, 15k miles. $12,995. 225-993-8296.

MERCURY 2008 GRAND MARQUIS: Loaded, leather, 7100 miles. $16,000. 985-726-9327. MERCURY 2008 MILAN: 4 Door sedan 36k miles, 29 MPG City/ 33 Highway, 4 Cylinder, automatic, Silver/ Charcoal, excellent condition, MP3, rear spoiler $14,900. 601-749-4414.

LINCOLN 2000 LS: V8, sunroof, alloys. $6500. 225490-7600.


KIA 2009 RONDO: $12,599. 504-885-1680.

Red/ tan, 2 tops, good condition, 133K miles. $8000. 225-931-3068. MERCURY 2009 GRAND MARQUIS: Automatic, air, power windows/ locks, leather. Stk #VP358. $15,990. 888-685-4307. 31307

KIA 2010 FORTE EX: $13,995. 888-685-4307. 81330

LINCOLN 2007 MK2: Credit Plans! Navigation, sunroof. $19,995. 504-885-1680. 81318 LINCOLN 2008 MKZ: 4 Door sedan, black, 32,800 miles, V6, front wheel drive, automatic, power, leather, alloys, cruise, navigation system, DVD player and satellite radio. $21,400. 225-791-0725.

MGB MERCEDES 2003 CLK 430: Convertible, fully loaded. $17,843. 504-455-6666. 81301

MG 1952 ROADSTER KIT CAR FOR PARTS: $300. 225-603-8130, 225-665-8667.

MINI COOPER 2009 COUPE HARDTOP: 2 Door, red and white, 4 cylinder, automatic, 33k miles, power, leather, AM/ FM radio. $18,200. 225-405-3400. KIA 2010 FORTE: Low Miles. Several To choose. 800-496-0775.

LEXUS 2007 IS250: Sporty. $22,495. 225-644-2886.

LINCOLN 2008 TOWN CAR: Signature Limited, All power, loaded, leather. $21,823. 225-490-7600. 82332

LINCOLN 2009 MKX: Credit Plans! $26,995. 504885-1680.

MAZDA 1998 626 ES: Automatic, 4 door, air, alarm, alloys, cruise, power, keyless, sunroof. Needs engine belts and oil seals. 225-907-4761.

MERCEDES BENZ 1989 560: A/C works great, headlights replaced, new battery, RUNS GREAT! 181K miles. $3700. 225-337-1419. 64399 MERCEDES BENZ 2008 E CLASS: Sports package, black/ black, excellent condition, new tires, 26k miles. $36,995. Call 225-939-4511. MERCEDES BENZ 2009 C300: Certified pre- owned, 19,280 miles, private party, sedan, 6 cylinder, silver, excellent condition, automatic, 2WD, 4 doors. $30,000. 504-201-3472.

MERCURY 1989 GRAND MARQUIS: 52k Miles, very good condition. $2500. 225-715-0317. MERCURY 2005 SABLE LS: 56k Miles, loaded, excellent condition. $8500. 225-926-0096. MERCURY 2005 SABLE LS: 56K, loaded, excellent condition. $8500. 225-926-0096.

LEXUS 2008 ES350: Fully Loaded. $29,995. 888685-4307.

LINCOLN 1997 TOWN CAR CARTIER: Silver color, 133,400 miles, very good condition, synthetic lubricants, never wrecked, clean, good tires, light gray leather interior. Retail price $5400 but asking $4000 cash only. Contact Mickey at 225-275-9516/ 225-205-7559.

MAZDA 2006 TRIBUTE: Automatic, power windows/ locks, CD. $9923. 225-490-7600. 82327 - Powered by American Classifieds

MERCURY 2006 MONTEGO: Leather. $9995. 504885-1680. MERCURY 2007 MARINER: 55k Miles. $12,500. 225-955-5214.

MINI COOPER-S 2008: FUN AND FUEL EFFICIENT!! $19,600. Call 225-205-0369 (Please Leave A Message).

MITSUBISHI 1995 MIRAGE COUPE: 18” rims and tires, good body/ interior. $750. 225-276-2048.

NISSAN 2001 MAXIMA GLE: 4 Door sedan, automatic, sunroof, power, air, alloys, MP3 player and more. $6700. 337-281-1094. NISSAN 2003 MAXIMA: Low miles, 85k miles, 6 speed manual transmission, very rare, garage kept, all service records, clean title in hand, no dings or scratches in paint. $8500. For more photos and information call, 225-413-4326. 82010 NISSAN 2003: 4 cylinder, 4 door. $5500. 225-665-5242, 225-936-9024 (Denham Springs) NISSAN 2005 ALTIMA: 2.5 SL package, black exterior with tan leather interior. Bose sound system, 6 disc CD changer, power windows and heated seats. Private Party. Maintenance records available - well maintained. Plenty of life on tires, brakes new, battery new, 90k miles. $8900. Call 225-205-7542. Located in 70710 zip code NISSAN 2006 350Z CONVERTIBLE: CD, keyless, leather. Call 504-309-8718 or www. homeofrent2own .com

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 7

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510



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Used Car Super Center 4?N?L;HM FP> +?N;CLC? *

Honda 03 Accord Coupe Chevrolet 10 Impala Ford 06 Ranger Sport Toyota 06 Avalon XLS




Leather, Sunoof, Spoiler

Nissan 10 Altima S


Scion 09 XB


2 To Choose

Kia 10 Forte EX SALE




Auto, Air, CD

Toyota 03 Highlander

Limited SALE

Auto, Air, PW, PL, CD

Honda 08 Accord


Auto, Spoiler, EXTRA LOADED, Tinted Windows

Auto, Air, CD





Auto, Air, All Power, CD, Keyless, Leather, Sunroof, Woodgrain

Lexus 08 ES350


Auto, Air, PW, PL

Toyota 06 Sienna CE




BMW 02 325I





&;<F; #MJ;HIF


Page 8 • August 19-September 1, 2010

Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!

AUTO MART 900 โ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ ค

NISSAN 2007 VERSA: Gas Saver! Automatic, air. $9983. 225-490-7600.

NISSAN 2007-2009 ALTIMA: 2 to Choose. Starting @ $15,795. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. Ledetsautos .com 82346

PONTIAC 2007 SOLSTICE GXP: Convertible, 25K miles. $17,495. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. Ledetsautos .com 82343

PONTIAC 2007 SOLSTICE: Convertible, black, 20k miles, great shape. 225-931-0536. 82013


Honda of Covington Over 80 Vehicles in Stock... Big Selection Under $9995 09 Chevrolet Impala LT 09 Ford F150 Super Crew XLT stk#4P2274

NISSAN 2008 ALTIMA: $13,995. 225-287-1152. NISSAN 2008 SENTRA: Gas Saver. $10,995. 225-644AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. Ledetsautos .com 81336

PONTIAC 2009 G5 COUPE: Like new, only 6200 miles, automatic, air with filtration system, power steering, windows, locks and mirrors, tilt. Call 225-766-9281. 81016




07 Honda Ridgeline RLT 07 Ford Expedition XLT stk#4P2289

NISSAN 2009 ALTIMA 2.5S: Automatic, air, power windows/ locks, CD. $15,969. 225-490-7600. 82330


PONTIAC 2009 G5: $11,399. 504-885-1680. 82315

NISSAN 2010 ALTIMA: 2 to Choose. $19,995. 888685-4307. PORSCHE 2004 CAYANNE S: White exterior, Havanna/ sand beige interior, AWD, 72,500 miles, V-8, 340hp, 6 speed automatic with tiptronic shifting, non smoker, garage kept, well maintained and priced to sell. $20,900. Cells 985-233-0817 or 225-910-6168 Home 225-644-6168.



08 Nissan Altima

06 Mercury Mountaineer

$13,995 06 Chevrolet Silverado

$9995 stk#401024A


OLDSMOBILE 1991 CUTLASS SUPREME: 4 door, burgundy/ grey, good condition. $2200. 225-333-4113. OLDSMOBILE 1992 CUTLASS CIERRA: Excellent condition, very clean, runs great! $1500. 225-436-2980.

PONTIAC 1998 BONNEVILLE: Excellent condition, white. $3000. 225-772-4785 Leave Message. PONTIAC 1998 BONNEVILLE: Runs great, needs work, make offer! 225-329-9353. PONTIAC 2000 GRAND AM GT: Very clean, all power, tilt, cruse, electric sunroof, CD, cassette, fold down rear seats, tinted windows, new tires, garage kept, never wrecked, 3.4 V6, automatic, cold air, factory original car a must see very clean, equipped with all options. $4900. 985-351-5761. PONTIAC 2002 FIREBIRD TRANSAM WS6: Used, 71k miles, coupe, 8 cylinder, black, tan, automatic, street or strip ready. $12,500. 504-343-3052.

SATURN 1999 SL: 5 speed, needs starter. $1200. 225-357-3718. SATURN 2002 SC2: 3 Door, automatic, one owner, never wrecked, just turned 100k miles, air, alarm, power locks/ windows/ steering, tilt, tinted glass. $5500. 225-315-2303.

1500 Extended Cab

SCION 2009 XB: $16,995. St# VP570. 888-685-4307.



08 Nissan Titan King Cab



!;FF 2-,7 @IL .L? JJLIP;F PONTIAC 2006 GRAND PRIX GT: Automatic, Cd, leather. Rent To Own! Call 504-309-8718 or www. homeofrent2own .com 81304

SCION 2009 XB: Loaded. Starting @ $14,990. 888593-2215. - Powered by American Classifieds

225-287-1152 100 Holiday Square Blvd. Covington, LA 70433

August 19-September 1, 2010 โ ข Page 9

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510


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Auto, Air, PW, PL, CD

Auto, PW, PL



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%+! #HPIS 1*2





Low Miles, Auto

,CMM;H 4?LM;


Auto, Air, GAS SAVER

LOADED, Leather

*CH=IFH *1 4


Sunroof, Alloys


Auto, Air, PW, PL, CD

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Auto, PW, PL


All Power, Leather, LOADED

+;T>; 2LC<ON?


Auto, PW, PL, CD

Page 50 • August 19-September 1, 2010

Common Cents - Your American Classifieds!




Rent To Own!



EVERYBODY APPROVED! DRIVE TODAY NO Driver’s License Needed for INSTANT Approval!


60 CARS IN STOCK! Habla EspaĂąol

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TOYOTA 2006-2010 COROLLA S: Several to choose, loaded. Stk# T1627796A. Starting at $11,990. 888593-2215.

Trucks/ Sport Utilities

SUBARU 2003 FORESTER: $9874. 504-455-6666.

TOYOTA 2007 FJ CRUISER: Automatic, air, power windows/ locks. $19,845. 225-490-7600. 82336 TOYOTA 2009 CAMRY LE: Automatic, air, power windows/ locks, tilt, cruise, CD, keyless. Stk #VP258. $14,880. 888-685-4307.

VOLVO 2008 C70: Retractable hard top, loaded, sirus radio, 24,500 miles, in factory warranty, red white/ gray interior, great car! $29,900. 504-376-5000/ 504376-3679.

TOYOTA 1993 COROLLA: 5 speed. $2000. 225357-4911.

TOYOTA 2009 CAMRY: $14,995. 504-885-1680. TOYOTA CONVERTIBLE: Beautiful car, all leather, automatic, a must see car! 225-654-9254. TOYOTA 1995 TERCEL: $3995. 888-593-2215. 82323 TOYOTA 1996 COROLLA: Cold air, 182k miles, green. $2100. 225-288-2333. TOYOTA 1998 COROLLA: 4 Door, automatic, cold air, cruise, MP3 player, very clean, runs great, new tires, 114k miles. Call for more information 225-284-8714. TOYOTA 1999 COROLLA: 141K miles, engine great motor. $2500. 225-771-8363.

TOYOTA 2003 HIGHLANDER: Limited. $10,995. 888685-4307. 81328 TOYOTA 2006 CAMRY: 77k Miles, mint condition, warranty. $11,900. 225-978-3530.

TOYOTA 2006 SOLARA SLE: Convertible, automatic, air, Cd, leather, spoiler. $17,995. 888-593-2215. 61300

TOYOTA 2006-2009 CAMRY: Starting @ $10,990. stk# T091353A. 888-593-2215. 31311

VOLKSWAGEN 2008 EOS: Hardtop convertible, sun/ moonroof, 59,631 miles, 4 cylinder, automatic manual, black interior/ exterior, loaded, leather, interior ambient lighting, heated seats/ mirrors, alloy wheels, CD/ MP3, good condition. $20,200. Call 225-921-8955. 82007

VOLKSWAGEN 2002 BUG: Green, 79k miles, clean, 5 speed. $7200. 225-636-1467.

VOLKSWAGEN 2004 BEETLE: Turbo, convertible, automatic, leather, completely loaded, 61K miles, garage kept, dealer maintained, carfax. $11,000, 225-359-6058, 225-603-3163. 82009 VOLKSWAGEN 2005 BUG: Excellent condition, 65k miles. $10,000. 225-766-8670. VOLKSWAGEN 2005 JETTA GLI: 63k Miles, excellent condition, pod guages, Magnaflox exhaust, blue with black interior. $10,500. 985-892-3783.

VOLKSWAGEN 2008 BEETLE S: Credit Plans! $13,995. 504-885-1680.

VOLKSWAGEN 2008 EOS DSG CONVERTIBLE: 2 door. $19,991. 504-455-6666. 74329 - Powered by American Classifieds


Internet Bidding Available: THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2010 @ 10AM, East Jefferson Levee District - 1135 Lesan Dr. in Kenner, LA $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction; SATURDAY AUGUST 28, 2010 @ 11AM. Real Estate Auction held at 3704 Karen Drive in Chalmette, LA; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 @ 10AM. City of Mandeville & Others - 101 Magnolia Street in Slidell, LA. $25 Notary Fee Applies at this auction. See full terms at each auction. 10% Buyers Premium applies at each auction. Some items may be subject to confirmation. ServCorp International, Inc. *B. Mutz, 1467-10. 800-340-2185, http://www. servcorpii .com


Classic Cars

CHEVROLET 1962 PICK-UP: 5 mounts, very rare. $5000. 985-370-0242. MERCURY 1965 COMET 202: 289 ci, Iski cam, Eldelbrook intake, carb, must sell. $7000. Call Ed 504931-9651. Must see! CHEVROLET 1985 MONTE CARLO SS: Rebuilt 454 bored 30 over 500 miles, new aluminum wheels & tires, new flowmaster mufflers & pipes. $8000. 985-415-6343/ 985-386-4508.

ACURA 2010 RDX: Brand new, 3 months old. Excellent condition, no wrecks, or mechnical problems, 3 year warranty. Air, alarm, power locks/ windows, sunroof, tinted glass. Everything like a new car except the price. Only serious buyers please. $29,500. 225-413-6553. 82006 CHEVROLET 1974: 4x4. $3000. 225-717-7929. CHEVROLET 1997 F-10 BLAZER: Great condition. $3000. 225-271-3988. CHEVROLET 1997 X-CAB: Bad transmission, needs work. $500. 225-663-9451. CHEVROLET 2000 SILVERADO 1500: Extended cab 143.5� WB LS, good condition, automatic, cold air, new fuel pump, 218k miles, gray. $6200. 225-485-5958.

CHEVROLET 1955 3100: 1st Series, yellow, 5 windows, 350 edelbrock 750 carb, dual chamber flow masters with Hagi headers & 350 Turbo automatic transmission. $13,500. 225-324-2003. 82020

CHEVROLET 2001 SILVERADO: 3/4 ton, good condition. $8900. Call 504239-4291. CHEVROLET 1964 IMPALA: EYE catching Custom Impala, 2 door, 2000 LS1 engine, 350 turbo trans with stall converter, new interior, 3 TV’s and custom sound system, custom kicker panels inside car, fully adjustable air ride suspension, Dayton rims, new WORKING air, www. bigdaddys64impala .com for website. $40,000. 504-575-9819.

OLDSMOBILE 1970 CUTLASS: All original. $11,500. 504-583-4747. 82018

CHEVROLET 2001 SILVERADO: Automatic, air, V6, work truck. $4500. 225-315-9910. 64001 CHEVROLET 2002 TAHOE: Excellent condition, new tires, 135K miles. $7000. 225-964-8174. CHEVROLET 2003 SUBURBAN 1500 Z71: Black, 8 cylinder, automatic, 4WD, air, alarm, cruise, leather, memory seats, power, sunroof, tilt, tinted windows, towing package. Call for price. 225-223-5255. CHEVROLET 2003 TAHOE: Excellent mechanical condition, leather, towing package, garage kept. $10,400. 225-276-8236. CHEVROLET 2006 EQUINOX LT: New brakes, front rotors and tires, 79k miles, extremely clean, non-smoker, oil changed every 3000 miles. Asking trade in value $11,000 (NADA retail $13,200) Call or text for more details. $11,000. 225-938-9416/ 225-892-3742 email blackbirdbr

August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 51

FREE Classified (225)751-8510 Ads...Call 225-751-8510 AUTO MART 900 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ FORD 2002 RANGER: New clutch, etc., bed needs repairs. $2500. 225-769-9051.

HONDA 2008 PILOT: 50k Miles, air front & rear. 6-CD changer, satellite radio, custom/ special Order floor mats, front & rear. Special order wheel covers & splash guards, cruise, keyless, tilt, tinted glass. In Excellent Condition. $20,500. 504-343-2892. EMMYNOLA123 @GMAIL.COM


Up to 3 Year Warranty. Remanufactured or Pre-Owned. Import and Domestic. Baton Rouge 225-387-4200 or Kenner 504-394-4447. CHEVROLET 2006 SILVERADO: X-CAB. $14,995. 225-287-1152. CHEVROLET 2007 AVALANCHE: With a K&N cold air filter, super chip programmer, 26” rims, 11.1 monitors & headrests, 52,500 miles. $32,000. Call 225-454-0176. CHEVROLET 2007 TRAILBLAZER SS: 400hp, garage kept, loaded, sunroof, Bose system. $20,900. 225-603-0824.

FORD 2002 SUPER DUTY F350 DRW: Crew cab 172” XLT, air, alarm, alloys, climate control cruise, all power, keyless, tilt, tint, towing package, 223k miles, red. $11,000. 225-665-2770.

FORD 2007 F150: Harley Davidson, 4x4, crew cab. $29,995. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. ledetsautos .com FORD 2008 F250 SUPER DUTY XL: 4WD, super cab , 16k miles, diesel, automatic, air, cruise, tilt, towing package. Call for price. 225-677-8890. HUMMER 2005 H2: Air, all power, custom wheels, navigation system, leather, TV/ DVD/ VCR, tilt, towing package, tint. Call 225-445-5044 if interested. 81017

FORD 2003 F150 XLT LWB: Used, 134,539 miles, private party, 8 cylinder, green, gray, good condition, automatic, 2WD, 4 doors. $6700.00 Firm 225-278-0844. 82021

FORD 2008 F250: 4x4, Lariat Super Duty V8. $26,900. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. Ledetsautos .com

CHEVROLET 2007 TRAILBLAZER: Custom Wheels, Running Boards, CD. Call 504-309-8718 or www. homeofrent2own .com CHEVROLET 2007 Z71 LT2: 2500 Crew cab, Duramax diesel. $31,000. 225-637-3450.

CHEVROLET 2008 AVALANCHE: Power windows/ locks, CD. $26,763. 225-490-7600. DODGE 1986 RAM CHARGER: Fully Loaded, air. $950. 225-753-5333. DODGE 1994 RAM: Diesel, excellent transmission, clean interior. $1000. 225-270-2993. DODGE 1999 KING CAB: V8, automatic, air. $3500. 225-264-9928. DODGE 200 DURANGO: Red, 4 door, with 22” Rims. $4500. 225-733-8052. DODGE 2005 1500 ST: Automatic, 43k miles, V6, short wheel base, cruise, tilt, undercover bedcover, oil changed every 3000 miles with a detailed service record, only driven about 25 miles a day. $10,500. 225-719-0408/ 225-654-9134. DODGE 2006 3500: Mega Cab Cummins Diesel. $19,950. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. Ledetsautos .com 81335

HUMMER 2006 H3: Nerf bars, 4WD, low miles. $21,885. 504-455-6666. 74328

FORD 2003 F150 XLT: Private party, 74k miles, 5.4L Triton V-8, automatic, power everything, keyless, excellent condition. $10,500. 225-687-7497. 82023 FORD 2004 F150 STX: Regular cab, 2WD, 4.6 V8 automatic, non-smoker, has sidebars and hard cover on bed of truck, air, tilt, tinted glass, power locks, steering, cruise. $11,900. 225-573-4894. FORD 2004 F250 CREW CAB FX4: Lariat, Custom Stereo, tint, 4” Fabtech Lift with NEW 35” Terra Grapplers on Black Helo Max 8’s, leather, Rhino Liner with A.R.E. Hard Lockable Bed Cover, Locking Tailgate. Perfect Maintenance on V10 engine with 93k miles. Retail Value, $23,000, Selling Price $17,000 FIRM. 985-227-3922 FORD 2005 SUPER DUTY F250 SUPERCAB XLT: 4 Door, 5.4L Triton V8, power locks/ windows/ tow mirrors, keyless, air, CD, cruise, tilt, cloth seats, center console, sliding rear window, tow package, all terrain tires, bed liner, fog lights, running boards, no dents, well maintained, 76k miles. $13,500. 225-290-0834

FORD 2006 EXPEDITION: Eddie Bauer, V8, automatic, air, leather, two tone paint, tinted windows. $17,990. 888-685-4307. 41336

DODGE 2008 RAM: 4 Door, black & chrome. $17,500. 225-610-9174. 81014 DODGE 2008 RAM: Black chrome, 4 door. $17,500. 225-610-9174. FORD 1967 PROJECT TRUCK: SWB. Will Sell For Parts. $1500. 225-936-8060. FORD 1978 F350: Tulsa winch, 5 speed transmission. $20,000. 225-573-8394. FORD 1988 F150: SWB. $1000. 225-357-4911. FORD 1992 X-CAB: Diesel, runs well. $4000. 225-3551419, 225-931-8075. FORD 1997 F150: Transmission works good. $500. 985-258-5870, 225-665-2110. FORD 1999 EXPEDITION: Eddie Bauer, green/ leather. $4500. 225-571-8726.

FORD 2002 EXPEDITION XLT: V-8 loaded, black with grey trim, grey leather seats, power windows/ mirrors/ seats/ locks, privacy glass, cold front & rear air, intermittent wipers, rear defrost and wiper, running boards, roof rack, keyless entry, great shape. Priced to Sell! $6800 Call 504-756-3122 CELL or 225-363-6205. 74043

FORD 2009 F150 SUPER CREW XLT: $22,995. 225-287-1152. GMC 1958 1/2 ton Pick-up, V-8, doesn’t run, has short white bed. $5500. 318-253-8228. GMC 1991 3500: Dually, 350, V8, 4 speed, welders bed. $1800. 225-907-2471. GMC 1994 1500: X-cab, blue. $1800. 225-733-5466. GMC 1994 SLE EXTRA CAB: Automatic, air, power windows/ locks, 163k miles, 350 V8, clean. $3995. 225357-1497/ 225-413-0981. GMC 1999 SONOMA SLS: Good work truck, no air condition. $2800. 225-315-9910. 64000 GMC 2002 SONOMA: 120,000 miles. $700. Needs head gasket work. 504-722-6835.

GMC 2003 YUKON SLT: $10,988. “Ask for Ace” 225621-2164.

GMC 2004 ENVOY SLT: Loaded, leather. $9978. 225-490-7600 FORD 2006 F-250 SUPER DUTY LARIAT: 4WD, crew cab, 111,550 miles, V9 Turbo 6.0, automatic, diesel, power, air, leather, cruise. $22,700. 225-278-9892. 74041

FORD 2006 RANGER SPORT: Automatic, air, CD. $13,995. 888-685-4307. 82320

FORD 2007 EXPEDITION XLT: $17,995. 225-2871152. FORD 2007 EXPLORER: $12,965. 504-455-6666.

Page 52 • August 19-September 1, 2010

JEEP 1995-2007 WRANGLERS: 3 to Choose from $5995. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. ledetsautos .com 71607 JEEP 2004 GRAND CHEROKEE LARDDO: V6, power locks, steering, windows & seats, dark green, 92k miles, leather, tint, AM/ FM/ Cassette/ CD, 17” alloys, kept under carport. $8300. Call 225-247-2631. JEEP 2004 LIBERTY: $7975. Ask for Ace 225-6212164 81332 JEEP 2006 LIBERTY: Limited Edition, 4x4, Blue, 68K miles, leather interior, six disc CD changer, clean, tow package. 225-439-9335, 225-439-2180. JEEP 2006 WRANGLER RUBICON: Used, 60k miles, private party, SUV, 6 cylinder, green, gray, good condition, manual, FWD, 2 doors. $16,500. 225-324-2631.

JEEP 2007 WRANGLER: 2.5 lift with 33” Tires, 4WD/AWD, 50,980 miles, power windows/ locks, tilt, cruise, AM/FM, CD, keyless, alloys. $18,955. Call Ace @ 225-621-2164. JEEP 2008 WRANGLER UNLIMITED: Red with black hardtop in excellent condition, automatic, 30,600 miles, touchscreen radio with CD, DVD, GPS and satellite radio, rearview camera, tinted windows, chrome upgrades, 4WD. $26,500. 225-573-4578.

GMC 2008 YUKON SLT: Rent To Own! Call 504-309-8718 or www. homeofrent2own .com HONDA 2006 RIDGELINE TRS AT: Excellent condition, new brakes, garage kept, one owner, automatic, 4WD, power, keyless, tinged glass, tilt, towing package, 78k miles, must see! $16,750 won’t last long at this price. 214608-6748 or 225-473-5132 Monday- Friday days.

LINCOLN 2006 NAVIGATOR: $27,400. 504-8851680. 82312 MAZDA 2002 B4000: 4x4, X-cab, all power, 53K miles, excellent condition. $10,500. 225-261-0301, 225-937-9602.

HONDA 2007 RIDGELINE RTL: $22,995. 225-2871152.

MERCURY 2004 MOUNTAINEER: 3rd row, fully loaded, leather. $6495. 225-273-2100. 82337

Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!


AUTO MART 900 โ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ คโ ค CHEVROLET 2007 UPLANDER: Excellent condition, 43K miles. $10,000. 985-878-2358.

MERCURY 2006 MOUNTAINEER: $9995. 225-2871152. 82305

TOYOTA 2004 TACOMA 4X4: Tinted windows. $9995. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. Ledetsautos .com 82344

TOYOTA 2006 SIENNA CE: $13,995. 888-685-4307. CHRYSLER 2002 TOWN & COUNTRY: Power windows/ locks, tilt, cruise. $4295. 225-273-2100. 82338 DODGE 1998 VAN: Runs, excellent, low miles. $2500. 225-268-3340.

MINI 2002 COOPER: Conversation package. $8950. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. ledetsautos .com 71618 MITSUBISHI 2007 RAIDER LS: Extended cab, black, 2 WD, air, alarm, alloys, AM/ FM/ CD, cruise, all power, keyless, tilt, tinted glass, 52,088 miles. Call for price. 225-654-7217. MITSUBUSHI 1986 TRUCK: 4 cylinder, runs good, new parts. $995. 225-664-7613.

NISSAN 2006 ARMADA LE: Private party, charcola gray, good condition, automatic, 4 door, fully loaded, 116k highway miles, GPS, sunroof, power windows/ locks, power heated memory seats, CD tilt, cruise, 3rd row seats, towing package, running boards, luggage rack, alloys. $17,500. 225-810-5737/ 225-571-5101. 82016 NISSAN 2008 PATHFINDER SE: 2WD, 4 door, V8, 39k miles, 1 owner, loaded, excellent condition. $23,000. 225-241-4259.

TOYOTA 2005 X-RUNNER: Rare Truck. $0 Down, $250/ Month. 225-644-AUTO, 225-647-AUTO, www. ledetsautos .com 71616 TOYOTA 2006 4 RUNNER: Leather, 65k miles, 6 cylinder, Salsa Red Pearl, gray leather interior, 4 doors, sunroof. $20,500. 225-337-5515. TOYOTA 2006 MATRIX: Automatic, 5 doors, air, AM/ FM/ CD player, power steering, tilt, 86,600 miles, clean. For more information call 225-931-7022/ After 8pm 225-774-3458. TOYOTA 2007-2008 TUNDRAS: DOUBLE CAB, SR5. Several to choose, loaded. Stk# T008618A. Starting at $16,995. 888-593-2215. TOYOTA 2007-2009 RAV- 4: SEVERAL to choose from, loaded. Starting at $16,900. 888-593-2215. TOYOTA 2008 TACOMA: Double cab, Like New. Stk# P2866. $23,990. 888-593-2215.


SATURN 2009 OUTLOOK XR: All wheel drive, 33k miles, automatic, air, alarm, AM/ FM/ CD player, child restraint seat, cruise, leather, MP3 player, power, tilt, tinted glass. Call for price! 225-445-3742. 74044

TOYOTA 2002 SEQUOIA: $12,995. 888-593-2215. 82322 TOYOTA 2002 TACOMA PRERUNNER SR5: 4 Door, power windows/ locks, toolbox, green, excellent condition, 245k miles. $7500. 225-717-2665. TOYOTA 2003 4 RUNNER: Sport Edition, excellent condition, power locks/ windows, CD, air, alarm, leather, keyless, tilt, tinted windows, towing package. $13,500. 225-772-1680. TOYOTA 2003-2008 HIGHLANDERS: Low miles, several to choose, loaded. Stk# VP585. Starting at $11,990. 888-593-2215.


FORD 2002 CARGO/ SERVICE: Racks, Shelves, Bins, Extras, 6 & 8 cylinders, clean. (3) under $4400. 504-467-7707. 11090


NISSAN 2008 TITAN: King Cab. $13,995. 225-2871152. 82307 NO DRIVERS LICENSE? NO CREDIT? NO JOB??... NO PROBLEM!!! We can help with any complications you might have buying a vehicle. Call for more details! EVERYBODY APPROVED! DRIVE TODAY!!! Approval available @ www. homeofrent2own .com. 504-309-8718.

TOYOTA 2006-2008 SIENNA CE: LOADED, Auto, Air, stk# VP581. Starting @ $13,990. 888-593-2215.

TOYOTA 2005 4 RUNNER: One owner, garage kept, fully equipped, excellent condition, 83K miles. $15,900. 225-933-8527. 82024

CHEVROLET 1999 SILVERADO 1500: Extended cab 3 door, short bed, V-8, 5.3L, Vortec. New tires & new air, loaded! $8500. 225-324-6392.

CHEVROLET 2001-2005 ASTRO SERVICE: Shelves, Racks, Partitions, clean throughout, air, good mpg. 7 to Choose $2400- $5900. 504-467-7707. 11087

CHEVROLET 2004 G-2500 SERVICE: Racks, Shelves, Extras, V8, 1 owner, extra clean. (2) under $5975. 504-4677707. 11088

CHEVROLET 2006 G2500 SERVICE VAN: Racks, Shelves, Bins, 60-67K miles (3) Available. $8400-$8900. 504-467-7707. - Powered by American Classifieds

Heavy Duty Trucks/Trailers/ Busses BLUEBIRD 1995 BUS: Cummins Allison, 26,000 miles. $6500. 225-665-2110, 985-258-5870.

FORD 2002 WINDSTAR: Call 504-309-8718 or www. homeofrent2own .com GMC 2008 SAVANNA: 33K miles, excellent condition, perfect for Plumber, Electrician, Locksmith, etc. $13,900 Make Offer. 985-875-2303. HONDA 2002 ODYSSEY EXL: Silver, 114k miles, excellent condition, all maintenance current, new tires. $7495. 225-281-6342.

$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$

DODGE 2007 3500: Western hauler body, total custom inside, gas, Hemi, automatic, power windows/ locks, 31k miles, SLT package. $17,500. 225-248-5140. 82022 MACK 1995: Green Mack Tri-axle 20 yard Dump, sold as is. $35,000. Call 225-301-6486.

4007 I-10 Frontage Rd. โ ข Port Allen, LA

Self Service

CASH CarFororYour Truck PAID! WILL PAY

$150-$600 -J?H ";SM 5??E

5# 37 Y 0OHHCHA !;LM Y 5L?=E?> !;LM Y (OHE !;LM Y 2LO=EM 4;HM


$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$

August 19-September 1, 2010 โ ข Page 53

FREE Classified Ads...Call 225-751-8510 (225)751-8510 AUTO MART 900 ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ CHROME WHEELS 24.5 Pilot Holes. $200 each. 225-571-8726. SCHOOL BUS: Partially converted for Recreational use, runs good. 225-776-5254.


Car Audio & Electronics

(2) 12” SPEAKERS in glass box, Amplifier 1200w. $200. 225-291-9676. JVC 12 DISC Wired CD Changer. $40. Call Chris 225-288-8680. AM/FM RADIO/ TAPE PLAYER: FOR Lexus 1995. $25. Nikki 225-202-1965.


CHEVROLET ENGINE: 1979 350, needs overhaul, many extras. $400. 225-776-5254. CAR BATTERY: Top and side post, good condition. $50. 225-359-6904. 22” RIMS/ TIRES: Practically new. $1300. 225-978-6174, 225-264-0730. TIRES: 205/60 R15. $350. 225-933-1525. 882 CHEVROLET HEADS: Good shape, two sets. $200 pair. 985-258-5870.

TOW CAR DOLLY: 2010, 7000# winches and 6000# tire nets. $850. 225-405-8999. BUMPER: For Chevrolet 1969 pick- up, upper and lower, A frame, 6 lug. $40 . 504-392-6046. VAN PARTS: For Dodge 1981-1984 Ram. $5 & up. 225-317-4536. BRAND NEW PARTS: For Toyota 1994 Camry. Various prices. 225-302-0761. (4) TRAILER TIRES: With rims, ST205/75/R14 Goodyear, like new. 225-939-7631.



Vehicle Parts/ Accessories/ Services

SMALL BLOCK CHEVROLET ALUMINUM INTAKES STARTING @ $99.99. Call TKB Motorsports for more information. 225-372-2550.


*Auto *Truck *Boat *RV *ATV *Golf Cart *Motorcycle *Industrial and More. Battery Parts & Accessories. WE BUY USED LEAD ACID BATTERIES. Gulf South Battery Doctors, 13503 Hwy 44, Gonzales. 225-644-7812. Full Replacement Warranties. CAMPER SHELL/ Ladder Rack, 6’x8’. $40. 225274-0853. 1968 CHEVROLET 250: 6 Cylinder block only! $30. 504-392-6046.


Import and Domestic Engines Available. Baton Rouge 225-387-4200; Kenner 504-394-4447.

SMALL BLOCK CHEVROLET COMPLETE Rebuild Kit. $1550. 225-372-2550. PASSENGER HEADLIGHT: For Lexus 1995 ES300. $25. Nikki 225-202-1965. 7.3 DIESEL ENGINE: For 1994 Ford. $875. 225362-8762. WANTED: 1995-2000 Toyota Tacoma for parts. 225667-9479.

TRAILER HITCH: For Chevrolet 1500 Pick up. $75. 225-235-7029. CHROME BUMPER: For Dodge Truck 2000. $200. 225-571-8726. CAMARO 1969: Rear window. $60. 504-392-6046. CODE ALARM SYSTEM: $30. Chris 225-288-9219.

CASH MONEY For Your Junk Vehicles. One Call, We Haul!! Call Quick Rick at 225-246-3328, 225-806-5903. TIRES: Brand new, 205/60R15. $350. 225-933-1525. HEI BILLET DISTRIBUTORS: Red, Blue, or Black $99. Call TKB Motorsports for more information. 225372-2550. CAMPER SHELL: 6’9”x5’2”, dark blue. $50. 225274-0853.

“We Propel What Drives You.”


Auto Restoration, Tune Ups, AC Work, Exhaust Coating, Performance Parts, Custom Engines, Chrome Parts, Diesel Work. TKB Motorsports, 12626 jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge 225-372-2550, http://www. TKBmotorsports .com PARTS OR WHOLE: Chevrolet 1988 Camaro. $600. 225-806-7922.

Call TKB Motorsports for More Information. 225-3722550. VIPER CAR ALARM Replacement Remote 266 Codes. $10. Chris 225-288-9219. WINCH: Brand new, power, for truck or Jeep. $200. 225-664-7613. TIMINGT BELT: For Toyota 1995 Corrolla. $5. Chris 225-288-9219. FORD 1967 PROJECT TRUCK: SWB. Will Sell For Parts. $1500. 225-936-8060. NEEDS DEPENDABLE INEXPENSIVE CAR FOR ELDERLY DISABLED WOMAN.... 225-348-6891, 225-753-3708. FENDER & HOOD: For Honda Accord 1998-2000. $250. 504-236-7641. DRIVER SIDE CORNER LIGHT: For Toyota 1995 Corrolla. $10. Chris 225-288-9219. 20” RIMS: Black chrome. $200. 225-302-0761. DODGE 1972 DART: Parts. $40/ for all. 504-3926046. 350 BLOCK: 4 bolt main needs main caps. $200.l 225-803-8142. FOR PARTS: FORD 2004&2006 F350. Call for Availability. 225-665-5242, 225-936-9024. HOOD: For 1997 Ford Thunderbird, Pearl White. $125. 225-337-4823. MOTOR AND TRANSMISSION: For Mitsubishi 2010 Montero Sport. $900. 225-357-5607. (4) TIRES: Used, 265/70R16, good treads. $100. 225-938-3312. FOR SALE: TOYOTA 1990 4-RUNNER Engine (6 cylinder) $450; Transmission $200. 225-356-5502, 225-276-3148. TOYOTA ENGINES. 22RE, 3VZE, 5VZE, 3R2, 2R2. New 22RE heads. Parting out Toyota 4RUNNERS and trucks. www. toyotatruckengine .com 1-877-484-7888.



Auto Restoration AC Work Tune Ups Custom Engines Chrome Parts Exhaust Coating Diesel Work Performance Parts

.90 $27 Oilge* n Cha

Mil D to Wil d! *5 quarts non-synthetic oil/ oil filter/ top off fluids/ grease chassis/ inspect air filter. Excludes Diesel.

225-372-2550 12626 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge

Page 5 • August 19-September 1, 2010



We Buy Cars! We Will Pay You Top Dollar For Your Junk Vehicle. 225-377-2000. TRAILER HITCH: Fits Chrysler Mini Van. $45. 225235-7029. WANT TO BUY: Body for 1999 GMC Sierra SL. 225305-2368. DOOR MIRRORS: Electric, used, for Ford 2005 F250. $100. Chris 225-806-2146. CORVETTE 1979 - 1982: Chunk with brace. $80. 504-392-6046.

WALKER/ MAUREPAS: Casas de 2/3/4 cuartos. Trailers y lotes para rentar. No mascotas! 225-665-9166.

REGISTRADOS TENNESSEE WALKERS: 20 suaves caballos, todas las edades, colores, lay-away. 337328-7365.

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Common Cents - YouR American Classifieds!


TOYOTA 06 Solara SLE stk# T092723



Scion 09 XB


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TOYOTA 08 tacoma

stk# P2866

8 - *, & / &

"POJ "DM %JJM $% %JP=G@ $<=

TOYOTA 07-09 Rav 4 stk# T137880A

stk# VP570


TOYOTA 07-08 Tundras SR5 Toyota 06-10 Corollas stk# T008618A

stk# T162776A

4&7&3"50 $)004&


Honda 08 Accord stk# VP441



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toyota 03-08 4-Runners stk# VP607

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4&7&3"50 $)004&


TOYOTA 06-09 CAMRY stk# T091353A




TOYOTA 06-08 SIENNA CE stk#VP581

4&7&3"50 $)004&

Starting @

Toyota 95 Tercel stk# T26558A


Starting @

"POJ "DM $%


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August 19-September 1, 2010 • Page 55




OVER 50 CARS $2995 & BELOW! 2ISIN; !;GLS


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SPECIAL EDITION Auto, Sunroof, Spoiler, 8 Cylinder

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