lyttelton harbour review community news from port lyttelton to port cooper
www.lyttel tonh a r b ou r . in f o
21 January 2013 E68
Volunteering Can Open Doors A Glimpse Into Kerry’s World
Kerry Donnelly is a bit of an unsung hero in Lyttelton. He’s probably recognised by many, but under the radar for much of the time. A resident of Lyttelton for the past eight years he has come along way. Diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome [ME] in1996, on a sickness benefit and with little energy to work he has gradually set about healing his tired body. With the help of alternative therapies and a supportive community he’s turned the corner and is settled, happy and contributing to Lyttelton in a way he never dreamed of. Kerry’s Lyttelton volunteering story begins back in 2009. He ventured into the Lyttelton Information Centre. He was looking for work that wasn’t physical. With ME he really needed something quite different to the building focused life that he had before, something not physically demanding. He came to the right place. As a customer service volunteer he discovered quickly that he was great with people. Bit by bit his confidence grew and with new skills he found a new career path that could work for him. He began training as a taxi driver. He knew he could chat to people easily and liked meeting visitors who came to and from the city. The quake in 2011 put an end to his new taxi career. “The quakes taught me to be agile and open to change” he said. Bit by bit he started helping on a wider range of things in the community. Whilst continuing his voluntary work at the Information Centre he was attracted to Project Lyttelton and their altruistic way of being. “I started doing odd jobs up there, sometimes voluntary and sometimes paid”. Work grew with projects in the community garden, garage sales and as a part time manager of the Lyttelton Farmers Market. He then heard about the possibility of the Farmers Market moving to London Street. Whilst quite a scary proposition it really excited him. Kerry has been instrumental in the logistics of the market move to London Street. You’ll now see him at the market every week. He makes the set up and pack down look effortless, but believe me lots of thought and effort has gone into the logistics of that. He makes everyone’s market experience more enjoyable. If you happen to run the community stand at the market he looks after everyone beautifully. “Each Saturday I have the marquee, tables and chairs are ready prior to your arrival. I want people to have an enjoyable experience,” he said. You can tell because he’s happy with life he’ll go that extra for all of us. It’s a win-win really. His expanded role at the Farmers Market has created even more opportunities for him. He’s now trained in traffic management, setting up the electrics for events and organising the community owned PA that was kindly supported by sales of the Harbour Union CD. These skills mean that other community groups can hire the PA and electrics and Kerry is available to help them. His services will be put to use by the Urban Downhill team in March. Little bits of Kerry can be seen all over the township as he contributes to a wide variety of projects. If you look at the sign above the Harbour Co-Op you’ll see his handy work. He was instrumental with the GAP Filler site in its early days of construction. Do you remember the “LYTTELTON” bricks and the watering system? You’ll even see him at the Port Hole Bar where his other creative talents shine. With the promise of a beer from Helen Back he’s written and performed poems for many of the shows she’s facilitated there. Kerry is a significant contributor to community life in Lyttelton. By getting involved he’s been able to create a lifestyle that works with his medical condition, enables him to learn loads of new skills, meet many people and just feel good about life in general. He knows he’s making a difference. He proudly tells us that Adam McGrath from the Eastern congratulates him over the smooth running of the Christmas Eve event at the Petanque Club and the great feel of the Farmers Market. He beams as he knows he’s helping people feel good about our place and enabling Lyttelton to re-claim its vibrant feel again. Article and Image: Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre
Professionals Providing Quality Local and Visitor Information
Kennard Real Estate Limited MREINZ www.kre.co.nz
A Familiar Face Departs Maggie Button’s New Opportunities
If you have ever had anything to do with the Lyttelton Recreation Centre, Maggie Button will be a familiar figure to you. Maggie has been the face behind physical activity at the Council since 1997. Formerly appointed by the Banks Peninsula District Council she reflects on the changes and happenings at the Recreation Centre over the years. “Some of you will remember the more flexible regime when residents were trusted to use the Centre and they borrowed the key for all activities. This allowed sports groups to make those last minute wet weather decisions. Those days were superseded when Banks Peninsula District Council merged with the Christchurch City Council who required staff to be on duty at all opening times. There was the period when basketball was all the rage, indoor bowls was popular and exercise classes began for older adults. Classes of all types and sizes have been catered for at the Recreation Centre” she said. “No one day at the Centre has been the same and that’s what has made the job so interesting. Before I knew it ten years had slipped past.” Highlights for Maggie during her years in Lyttelton were: our community, she loved the passion and depth of the community organisations the re-development of the Norman Kirk Memorial Swimming Pool the satisfaction of seeing the Recreation Centre filled with classes and activities A casualty of the earthquakes the Recreation Centre has been closed since June 2011 and with the closure Maggie was transferred to other duties at the council. With no definite end of the closure in sight Maggie choose to take redundancy at the end of last year. For Maggie this presents new opportunities for her and new opportunities for the township. She reflects how relatively easily some activities have been transferred to other venues around Lyttelton and really wants us to think hard about what the community really wants if/when the Recreation Centre returns. “Is squash still popular and do you want a basketball court that isn’t full size? Can you create something better? Can the site be made to work with the schools better reducing the need for an extra community building? What are your priorities?” She is hopeful a good dialogue will open up and the community will have a facility more relevant to today’s needs than those of twenty five years ago. She’ll keep her eye on us and the outcomes. She’s also excited, like many of us that the quakes have opened up new opportunities for her. As she says a chance to smell the roses, enjoy life, even read a book or two and then of course loads of time for surfing, walking riding and her own community. Yes she cycled to our meeting point, something which she can do easily in her home village of Sumner. Thank you Maggie Button for your contribution to Lyttelton. May you emulate the passionate community you so much admired in Lyttelton in your own village. Article and Image: Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre
Calling All Local Artists and Crafts People Want an opportunity to be innovative and expose your work for the benefit of your community? The Council has funding for a transitional project to get people thinking about how they would like Lyttelton’s new civic square site at 44 London Street to be designed and utilised [this project will complement other community consultation regarding the new civic square’s final design]. It wants you, either individually or collectively, to create and trial the possible future design of street furniture, play equipment, public artwork, lighting, etc, and in a manner that is uniquely Lyttelton. The chosen trial design/s will complement the existing informal use of the new civic square site until permanent construction begins and could be relocated elsewhere within Lyttelton in future if not incorporated into the permanent design of the new civic square. The deadline for the Council’s Request for Proposals is 31 January 2013. Please contact Dennis Preston, Phone 03 941 8728 or email dennis.preston@ccc.govt.nz for further information or download a copy of the Request for Proposals at http://www.ccc.govt.nz/ thecouncil/policiesreportsstrategies/SuburbsRejuvenationProgramme/LytteltonWorkProgramme.aspx. Article: Christchurch City Council, with thanks
65 London Street, Lyttelton 8082 P: 03 328 9093
Providing Quality Local and Visitor Information
E: infocentre@lyttelton.net.nz W: www.lytteltonharbour.info
Maintenance Channel Dredging Commences Advisory Notice: Lyttelton Port of Christchurch
The dredge New Era is scheduled to arrive into Lyttelton on Saturday 19 January to begin maintenance dredging in the harbour channel. Pre dredging discussions will take place with Lyttelton Port of Christchurch Engineers and Pilots to prepare the programme of works prior to commencing. Dredging is scheduled to take place over approximately ten weeks, working a 24-hour operation with seven days on and two days off. During this time surveys will be taken to determine performance and confirm the channel depth. No disruption to shipping services is envisaged. Maintenance dredging involves removing the silt and sediment that has been deposited in the shipping channel over the course of a year. Maintenance dredging typically happens annually and is in accordance with our Maintenance Dredging Consent CRC930648 and Environmental Management Plan. If you require further information on this project please visit the Lyttelton Port of Christchurch website http://www.lpc.co.nz/ RP.jasc?Page=N279P2 or contact the Project Manager, Alec McWhinnie on 328 8198 or alec.mcwhinnie@lpc.co.nz Article: Lyttelton Port of Christchurch, with thanks
Don Burnham And The Fern Fron Boogie Boys Lyttelton Club: Thursday January 31 2013
Doors open: Gig starts: Entry: Tickets:
7:00 pm 7.30pm R18 $10.00
Guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter, Don Burnham, best known as founder and front man of California's all star, LOST WEEKEND WESTERN SWING BAND, brings his music to the Lyttelton Club, Thursday 31 January. Don was inducted into the Western Swing Hall of Fame. He brings with him ace pianist, Scott Lawrence, and superb guitarist Jon'Doc "Stein and vocalist, Sarah Duckworth. For the New Zealand tour they call themselves "The Fern Fron Boogie Boys". Don's extensive repertoire goes from original and classic, contemporary and vintage Western swing songs with a touch of country and jazz tunes. With support from Lyttelton based Devilish Mary and the Holy Rollers-Anita Clarke [vocals/fiddle], Simon Gregory [guitar] and Ben Woolley [upright bass]. This is a show that shouldn't be missed by anyone who loves music. Thanks to the generous support of the Lyttelton club we can present this show for only $10. www.donburnham.com
Lyttelton Entertainment Tuesday 22nd
Artist Showcase Open Mic Night
Wednesday 23rd
Adam McGrath of The Eastern
Thursday 24th
Port Hole Bar
Al Park Live
Poet's Night
Port Hole Bar
Burns Night; Scottish Music, Food and Drink
Friday 25th
Lynnette Baird P: 03 328 7707
Licensed Real Estate Agent
M: 021 224 6637
E: lynnette@realhomes.co.nz W: www.realhomes.co.nz
[See Mike for Whiskey Tasting Details]
Professionals Kennard Real Estate Limited MREINZ www.kre.co.nz
about the lyttelton harbour review Lyttelton Harbour Review is a community newsletter initiative developed by local Professionals real estate agent Lynnette Baird and Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre chairperson Wendy Everingham. The objective of the Lyttelton Harbour Review is to help keep local residents informed with what is going on in the wider Lyttelton Harbour community. Each week readers can read about community groups; businesses; events; and everything in between. If you have an event, topic, cause, or other, that you would like to share with the harbour community, then we would love to hear from you. Be heard, be seen, be informed - read it or offer it here.
Fireworks Testing at Lyttelton Lyttelton Port of Christchurch and Fireworks Professionals Ltd are sorry for any distress caused during the fireworks testing held last Wednesday 16 January 2013. We have now taken steps to ensure that notices for any future testing and training will be provided well in advance to the Lyttelton Information Centre and through the Lyttelton Harbour Review. We also confirm testing will not occur after 8.30pm. Night time fireworks testing and training has been taking place 3- 4 times a year for the last 8 or so years and we hope the residents in the Harbour Basin will continue to enjoy these firework displays. Article: Lyttelton Port of Christchurch, with thanks
Belly Dancing Classes Abraccia Bellydance New Adults' Beginners Course, February 4th New Children's Courses, All ages, February 11th Contact Paige 328 8883 or 021 999 848 or email paige.bellydance@gmail.com
Naval Point Club News World Class Fleet Assembles for A-Cat New Zealand Champs
Some big names from the sailing world will face the starter on Monday for the commencement of the 2013 New Zealand A Class Catamaran championships. A small but high quality fleet of these international class, one person catamarans have 12 races scheduled between Monday and Friday on Lyttelton harbour. These boats are seeing a good deal of technological development trickle down as the battle for the Americas Cup in catamarans heats up.. Well known sailors joining the competition include Blair Tuke,fresh from a Silver medal in the 49er class at the Olympics, Mike Drummond, design guru with Team New Zealand and latterly with the Oracle Americas Cup effort. and our own Murray Philpott, 5th at the A Class world champs in Florida late last year and a past NZ Champion on numerous occasions. Combined with these are a bunch of locals and others from around NZ who will provide some keen competition.
LIFT Library Update Perhaps you are like me, not getting as much reading done as you would like, but the latest to arrive from the contributions to the Garage Sale didn’t take me long: Little Tom Learns About the Environment Author: Gerard and Alain Gree A children’s book, translated from the French. The language is a little formal compared with the content and illustrations, but the methods of conservation illustrated provide valuable ideas for our children. So we are gradually building up the selection of books to introduce these ideas to children. Are you a member of Timebank? Would you like to read a LIFT book, write a review, record the number of hours spent on it, and get those hours credited to your account? Choose something you’re interested in and let me know. If you’re not a Timebanker, join up with that! It’s worth it, for lots of reasons. To become a member of the LIFT Library, based right here in Lyttelton, contact Juliet Adams on 03 328 8139 or mobile 021 899 404, for more information.
contact the lyttelton harbour review The team at the Lyttelton Harbour Review would love to spread the word about your community group, fundraising efforts, local heroes, business promotions, events and anything else that the local community would like to share. Phone, Email, or Post: Lyttelton Harbour Review, PO Box 94, Lyttelton 8841. Deadline for any content: Thursday before Monday publication date. Lynnette Baird 03 328 7707 021 224 6637 lynnette@realhomes.co.nz Wendy Everingham 03 328 9093 021 047 6144 infocentre@lyttelton.net.nz
Diamond Harbour Writers Group January Author: Jill McClelland
The Diamond Harbour Writers Group are an informal group that encourages members to develop their skills in writing prose and verse. New members are welcome, and you can be from anywhere in the Harbour region to join. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month, in the afternoon, at a private home. They also have a blog site: diamondharbourwriters.blogspot.co.nz which includes more their great work, and much more information about them. For more details please contact John Riminton 03 329 4329 to enquire further.
Old Bones Jill McClelland Some old bones live in nursing homes; Other bones don't give in Fit old bones like to roam; Always like to win.
If you don't use it, you lose it; Is a very true saying eh, So bones, get up and get fit; There is no time to delay
Some bones are quite tired; And everything seems too hard A handyman can be hired; To tidy up the yard.
If you stumble and fall; Fragile bones can break Drive your car into a wall; Oh the havoc you can make.
Some bowling friends are 90+; And a good game they still play Mobility scooter ready to rush; Where legs won't do as you say.
Walking sticks at strange angles; They struggle to the green And wow, up goes the bowl; Some of the best I have ever seen.
Achy bones are hard to live with; As I well and truly know But better that than the other choice; Of being 6 feet below.
subscribe to the lyttelton harbour review The Lyttelton Harbour Review is published every Monday and can be delivered straight to your email inbox. Just send an email with the words “subscribe me” in the subject line, then sit back and wait for the next instalment of local news, events and reviews. If you do not have access to email, but would like read about our local events, Professional Real Estate print hard copies that are available from Thursdays at the Lyttelton Club; Samo Coffee, Fisherman’s Wharf, Lyttelton Library and at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre on London Street. Or a copy can be delivered to your door, if you live in within the Lyttelton township: Contact Lynnette on 03 328 7707.
LIFT Library Film Evening Every Monday Evening
Film Evening, Monday 28 January:
The rise in the number of meat-eaters in developing countries is not actually balanced by the number of meat-eaters in developed countries trending towards vegetarianism. This film raises many issues about the growth of the meat industry. Here are just two points:
18% of global greenhouse gases are caused by livestock farming; 7kg of crop feed (soy, corn etc) is needed to make 1kg of beef, preventing that land area from producing vegetables and fruits, which are more nutritious for us;
There is lots more information that will make you think about the health of the planet and humans and animals. Watch this trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lPxHaJ-87w And then come and watch the film MONDAY 28 JANUARY at The Portal, 54A Oxford Street. The LIFT Library Monday free Film Evenings are going well. If you have missed a film that you would really like to see, Juliet often has them available on laptop, so could arrange to get them to you to look at, via a USB stick or other such alternative device. Let Juliet know if you want any films that have been shown and she will tell you how she got hold of it. What: When: Where: Time: Organiser:
LIFT Library Film Evening Every Monday Evening The Portal, 54a Oxford Street [behind the swimming pool] 7.15pm film begins Juliet 03 328 8139 or 021 899 404
Leaders Needed: Lyttelton Sea Scouts We are currently looking for motivated and reliable cub leaders for Lyttelton sea scout troop. Currently we have 21 children enrolled between the ages of 8-10.5 and a growing waiting list. We meet on a Wednesday night 6.30pm to 8.00pm during school term. You will need to provide us with two referees and be willing to undergo a Police Check. If Interested, please ring Nikki on 328-9231.
Houses to Rent Lyttelton: Two bedroom house available to rent on Cornwall Road. Term, rental and furniture negotiable. Contact Roy 0274 812209 or email roy@campsite.co.nz. Corsair Bay: Fully furnished home available. Ideal if you need short term accommodation for earthquake repairs. Four bedrooms, two living areas, two toilets, bus stop at bottom of section, sea across the road, heaps of parking plus a double garage. $500 per week negotiable. Available end of February, with rental period negotiable. Store your belongings, as this home is fully furnished. Contact Heather on 027 211 7205.
c’mon get involved Lyttelton is known for its culture of volunteer activity and community participation. If you have ever had the thought that you would like to be more involved in the local community, but you are not sure where to go, or who to talk to? Start by having a conversation with the team at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre, as they can give you some advice on the many types of great volunteer organisations here in Lyttelton. If you are passionate about elderly care, sustainability, youth culture, harbour activities, heritage, radio, business development, fundraising, or just about anything - then there is a group who would love for you to be involved!
Situations Vacant Godley Cafe, Diamond Harbour Happy new year everyone. The weather has been beautiful and the cafe has been very, very busy, especially in the weekends which is fantastic. Since officially opening we have had a chance to evaluate our staffing situation, and would love some more people to join our team. We are open five days a week, Wednesday to Saturday, with a late night on Friday. Godley Cafe in Diamond Harbour is looking to fill some permanent part time positions [20+ hours per week] and these hours can be managed to fit in with the ferry timetable:
Barista - Experienced barista required, if you have worked in a busy cafe/bar before, have a love of producing quality coffee every time and can help us present a friendly, welcoming environment for our customers, then please call us.
Prep/Chef - Our chef needs another person to help with the day to day prepping and preparing of food and who is also able to be the leader in the kitchen on weekends. Hours are 8.00am - 12.00 noon (these are flexible) 5 days a week. If you have had experience in this area before, or just love preparing and being involved with food, are a quick worker and can think on your feet, then please give us a call. Immediate start. Contact:
Michelle Anderton Godley Cafe, 2e Waipapa Avenue, Diamond Harbour Phone 03 329 4880 or Email manderton@slingshot.co.nz
Lyttelton Review: Graphics/Layout Volunteer Needed If you have time to donate to the Lyttelton Harbour community, each and every week, and have advanced MS Publisher skills, or graphic artist publication skills, then we would love to hear from you. Please note that this is a purely volunteer “work for free” position and your help will be required for about 2-3 hours each week. If interested please contact: Lynnette Baird 021 224 6637 or 03 328 7707 or lynnette@realhomes.co.nz
Rat Problems With all the rain we have been having some four legged rodents have ‘upped the anti’ by heading indoors in some areas. An immediate thought is to send in some cats but then thought you would have to send in some dogs to catch the cats who had been sent in to catch the rats and you probably know the rest of the song. The question is, who is responsible for sorting this out the councils or CERA? According to the Council: “If you have a complaint about rats coming from or breeding in a specific source [ie: a poultry house, shed or garage with rubbish, food premises) contact the Council Action Line and an Environmental Health Officer will investigate.” The Action Line number is 941 8666. Article: Thanks to CanCERN for highlighting this issue. www.cancern.org.nz
Wanted: Recreation and Education in Lyttelton We are planning to organise an ongoing programme of recreation and education classes and workshops for the harbour, pulling together skills and experiences people here have to share. On week days and evenings the Lyttelton Union Parish Chapel on Winchester Street is available for hire - so if you would like to run a choir, teach a class, offer a one-off workshop or start a club, please get in touch with us. Email lucette@theclinic.co.nz or phone Lucette or Adam on 328 8266.
plenty to share In Lyttelton so many residents grow vegetables; or have fruit trees literally dripping with produce. Plenty to Share is about sharing any excess produce with the community. So if your lemon tree is yellow with goodness and you can’t keep up with making lemon curd, bring those surplus fruits down to the organisers, where every Saturday the swapping of produce is well underway in Lyttelton on the corner of London and Canterbury Street; and also in Diamond Harbour on a Saturday morning at the village centre. If there is something on the Plenty to Share table that you would like to take home, then you are warmly invited to do so.
Whanau Ora is for All New Zealanders Tariana Turia explains Whanau Ora: and it appears it is a means to empower Maori to claim back responsibility for their future in a co-operative holistic way that enables them to move forward positively as a collective. It's about taking back responsibility and not being looked at as needy but looking at how you can be aided to reach your full potential. The concept reminds us very much of how some communities in Christchurch are trying to move forward. Many of us are tired of having things done for us. A core group of residents around this harbour call out for more responsibility and for meaningful partnerships with government. Working in a collaborative way trying to create better outcomes for the entire harbour. Outcomes that compliment government policy and improve outcomes. Examples of this in Lyttelton include stepping up to shape the new town square and township in general, the desire to create a more resilient harbour, community ownerships of key assets and so the list continues. People stepping up and taking responsibility to shape the sort of future we want to see in partnership with government and the wider community. Whanau Ora seems to be a similar concept. And Maori Party co-leader and Whanau Ora Minister Tariana Turia shares how empowering families to take care of themselves will help them grow a better tomorrow for the country: I am taking this opportunity to share the Whanau Ora initiative's successes in improving the health and wellbeing of all New Zealanders. Whanau Ora is a long-term, holistic approach involving whanau or extended families, hapu, iwi, marae, community groups and Government agencies. It is about families taking responsibility for their own lives and determining their own destiny. It is about realising our collective potential to make those changes to participate fully in the social and economic development of our country. In the long-term, we believe Whanau Ora can transform our communities. It is about restoring decision-making back to them rather than having the State make the decisions for them. Since its inception in 2010, we have developed Whanau Ora collectives which are developing appropriate services and processes to meet this change in approach. There are now 34 Whanau Ora collectives representing more than 180 providers. More than 3000 whanau and 33,000 individuals have set their whanau planning activities in motion through involvement in the Whanau Integration, Innovation and Engagement Fund. The key to Whanau Ora lies in supporting families to realise the power they have within themselves to change the future. It is about bringing people together, and reconnecting them to their greatest support base, their families. Families involved in Whanau Ora say the most important part of their planning for their wellbeing is whakawhanaungatanga or being able to rekindle ties with the extended family and discussing the issues facing them which opens up a whole new world of opportunities to both provide and receive support. Along the way, whanau discover the specialist support required to help achieve goals and have better access to health, social services and education services. For example, a young couple with a two-year-old child living with extended family asked for assistance. They were struggling financially and the father seemed unmotivated. A Whanau Ora navigator discovered that rather than being unmotivated to find work, the father lacked knowledge about how to gain a heavy machinery licence. Two years on, this family has moved into a rented home and are working their way out of debt. We believe the collective success of families such as this contributes to a stronger and healthier community. While Whanau Ora is still relatively new, we already see successes with the uptake of stress management workshops, anti-violence programmes and more involvement of elders in their families' lives. Community and Government policy may seem worlds apart, but Whanau Ora families are developing their own goals, which reflect the Government's goals such as 'Supporting Vulnerable Children', with improved uptake of immunisations, increased pre-school enrolments and caregivers attending parenting programmes. Nationally these seemingly small gains make a huge difference for vulnerable and disengaged families. I know collective potential is being recognised in other sectors of the community. I acknowledge leading export industry representatives like Federated Farmers for being part of the Maori Economic Development Panel, which is tasked to help realise the Maori economy's potential. A range of opportunities where whanau, collectives, enterprises, Government and the private sector can work together to increase Maori participation in the primary sector has been identified. Eighty per cent of Maori land is under-utilised. The Maori unemployment rate is currently around 15 per cent. All of this impacts the wealth-generating abilities of whanau and, as such, remains a key priority for our future planning. With your collective knowledge and will to participate, we can begin to reverse these unacceptable statistics.
lyttelton market town Saturday mornings are never dull in Lyttelton! Enjoy the local markets including the Lyttelton Farmers Market for fresh produce, meat, fish, eggs, honey and yummy baked goods. Head up to the Grassy Art and Craft Market for bargain items or unique art items from creative local artists. Also be sure to check out the Community Garage Sale located up the driveway behind the swimming pool. The Garage Sale is a fundraising activity for any Lyttelton community group; so if you’re not buying, feel free to donate items instead.
Capturing Christchurch Photo Competition The Christchurch City Council is running a photo competition to find images of Christchurch for its long-term plan. It wants photos that show the way we want our city to develop and the future we see for ourselves. The winning photo will appear on the cover of the document. There are two categories: People – families, cultural and social events Places – buildings, suburbs and the city. This is a great chance to reinforce the importance of the Avon-Otakaro and places within the residential red zone in our city’s future. So if you have photos of the river and its surroundings, from Fitzgerald Ave down to and including the Estuary, that you think deserve to be seen by more people, why not enter them in the competition? You could play big part in reinforcing the importance of Avon in recreating the city of our dreams. There are a few conditions: You must submit a digital image of a person or a place in Christchurch and the Banks Peninsula area. The photo must have been taken after 1 January 2012.. You should consider images from all four seasons. You can enter up to five images. Entries close at 5pm on Friday 1 February 2013. Visit: www.ccc.govt.nz/thecouncil/policiesreportsstrategies/ltccp/longtermplanphotographycompetition.aspx
World Wetlands Day The secret places at the Travis Wetland will be revealed to the public on World Wetland Day on Tuesday 2 February. Christchurch City Council rangers and members of the Travis Wetland Trust will offer guided tours in celebrating ten years of restoration work in the heritage park. Travis Wetland Nature Heritage Park is a lowland freshwater wetland located within the City boundaries. It offers a number of easy walkways and viewing areas, with opportunities to see a range of bird species and plant communities. 'The Secret Places of Travis Wetland' is a guided tour of the more inaccessible places in the 116 hectare wetland, offering an opportunity to get off-the-beaten-path. Travis Wetland boasts nearly 80 percent of pre-European native wetland plant species, including a number of species that now rare on the Canterbury Plains. "The Travis Wetland guided tour will celebrate World Wetland Day and ten years of restoration by the community and Council" says Alan Beuzenberg, Unit Manager Transport and Greenspace. "The local residents and Trust have put an impressive amount of time and energy into planting, removing weeds and caring for the area." The international theme for World Wetlands Day 2010 is "Wetlands, Biodiversity, and Climate Change," and its focus is on Caring for our wetlands - an answer to climate change. World Wetland Day commemorates the date on which the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was adopted in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971 with the main aim of promoting conservation and wise use of wetlands through local and national actions complemented by international cooperation. ‘The Secret Places of Travis Wetland’ Guided Tour Starts at Beach Road car park. 6 pm, Tuesday 2 February. The main car park and access is located at the end of Beach Road. There is also a car park on Mairehau Road. Gumboots required. If the weather looks doubtful, txt or call 029 739 9796 to check. Visit: http://traviswetland.org.nz/news/
looking for reading material A book swap has been operating from the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre for some time. Thank you to all the lovely residents who keep dropping books in. This service is available to all local residents, simply just pop in, choose a book, and then return it or another when you are finished. Borrow or swap - it’s your call. If you are looking for reading material on economics, the transition movement, sustainability, alternative currencies and community development then check out the LIFT Library that has recently started. Contact Juliet Adams on 328 8139 for more information.
Lyttelton Harbour Sunsets We could resist sharing a few images of the stunning Lyttelton Harbour sunsets of recent. Enjoy!
Dec 16 : The Eastern : HANNAHHARDING &ALPARK 30 Jan 06 : Miho'sJazz Orchestra : Dr.Sanchez 13 : MarlonWilliams &DelaneyDavidson 20 : Radius-Justine & Harry 27 Feb 03 : DannyWilson &JohnBevan 10 : TINY LIESAND FRIENDS : DevilishMary 17 : BlackVelvet Band 24 SPRIG.ORG.NZ
Weather: If inclement, staged in Diamond Harbour Memorial Hall.
: 16dec feb24 www.actionsigns.co.nz
POINT The works of five
GREAT NZ sculptOrs
bursting out of the coastal volcanic landscape. SPRIG.ORG.NZ
o PEN TO PU B LI C : STO D DA RT PO I NT D I A M O N D H A R B O U R : a l l - d ay
: 16dec feb24 www.actionsigns.co.nz
câ&#x20AC;&#x2122;mon get involved â&#x20AC;&#x153;
January 2013
Lyttelton Harbour Community Garage Sale All donations of good used, or new, household items greatly accepted at Project Lyttelton 54a Oxford Street. Please do not donate items that cannot be sold, as this increases our costs trying to take unwanted items to the charity barn, or worse still the rubbish depot. Governors Bay Pre-School Music Preschool music classes run on Thursday mornings during school term, 9:15 - 10am in the Governors Bay School library. Come and join us for singing, dancing and musical games. Cost $3.50. All under 5s welcome, please bring a grown-up with you. Contact Mel Dixon 3299 908 Lyttelton Community Association New members welcome. As an issues based organisation, we do not hold regular meetings. If you would like to be advised of when the next meeting will be held, or have an issue to discuss, please email us at LCAssn@vodafone.co.nz or phone Ken Maynard 03 328 9553. Lyttelton Community House Meals for the elderly continue to be prepared and delivered daily. If you know of any elderly residents who need this service, or would like to volunteer to assist, please contact Christine or Courtenay 03 741 1427. Lyttelton Harbour Basin COMMUNITY Civil Defence New members welcome. Meet second Monday of every month, 7.00pm St Johns Ambulance Station, London Street. To become involved contact the Area Co-ordinator Julie Lee on 03 328 7779 or 027 739 1832. Lyttelton Harbour Business Association For more details visit: www.lytteltonharbour.co.nz Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Monday to Friday 11.00am to 3.00pm; Saturday 10.00am to 1.00pm; Sunday 11.00am - 2.00pm. Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo Issues Group For details of the next meeting please contact Melanie Dixon 329 9908 or see our website: www.ecan.govt.nz/lhwig. Lyttelton Lions Meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Community House at 7.30pm. Anyone interested in becoming involved, or anyone who would like to learn more about this organisation, is most welcome. Contact Mary Jamieson 03 328 8523. Lyttelton Historical Museum Society Lyttelton Museum committee is developing a concept plan for the re-building of Lyttelton Museum . Meetings held once a month. New members, donations or any other support is welcomed. Lyttelton Museum, PO Box 95, Lyttelton. 328 8972 lytteltonmuseum@xtra.co.nz Lyttelton Reserves Management Committee Reserves Committee meets on a regular basis to make decisions about the management of the reserves. It organises weed control and planting programmes that include public and schools planting days. To be involved email the group at reserves@lyttelton.net.nz. Lyttelton Time Bank Either Bettina or Jen will be at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 9.00am to 11.00am. Phone: 021 806 406 or email the team at timebank@lyttelton.net.nz Lyttelton Toy Library Now at 25 Canterbury Street. Sessions every second Saturday 10.00am to 12noon. Range of 500+ toys for children aged 0-5 years. Toys large and small, ride-ons, puzzles, games and dress-ups to borrow. Join anytime $42.00 per year. Toy Librarian: Roz Jenkins 328 8552. Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade Meets for training and maintenance every Thursday night from 7.00pm at the temporary station in the Lyttelton Port Company admin building car park, 56 Norwich Quay. If you are interested in joining, then pop on in. Russ Barron, Brigade Secretary. Lyttelton Youth Centre Youth Centre/Community House, 7 Dublin Street, Lyttelton. Contact Christine 03 741 1427 for further details. Plunket Playgroup The Plunket Playgroup can be found at Lyttelton Main School, every Monday and Wednesday, 10.00am to 12noon. 50 cents donation and everyone is welcome. Contact Lisa York-Jones 03 328 8918 for more information. Project Lyttelton The Portal, 54a Oxford Street, Lyttelton [located behind the Swimming Pool]. Office 03 328 9243. Volcano Radio Currently - Off Air. Fundraising t-shirts available from Portico, 48 London Street.
â&#x20AC;&#x153; business directory support our local businesses
January 2013
Lyttelton Abbraccia Bellydance Acupuncture Therapy Alexander Technique Alterations and Ironing Service Bank of New Zealand Banks Peninsula Accounting Beauty by Carly Bells Pharmacy Body Kinetics - Gym | Fitness Choice Take Home Dinners Christchurch Council Service Centre Christchurch Yoga Coastal Living / Picture Framers Coffee Culture Dandy Designs - Web|Business Develop Diamond Harbour Ferry Dockside Apartments Everest Indian Restaurant Fishermans Wharf Freemans Restaurant Frog Web Works Four Seas Restaurant Ground | Gourmet Foods, Catering Harbour Co-Op Hands on Health | Nutrition Massage Himalaya Design Home Based Child Care Irish Pub Jack Tar Sailing Land Arch Landscape Architects London Fish and Chips London Street Books London Street Dairy Leslies Bookshop Lyttel Beauty Lyttelton Bakery Lyttelton Builders Limited - Office and Yard Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Lyttelton Library Lyttelton Health Centre Lyttelton Physiotherapy Lyttelton Recreation Centre Lyttelton Sea Foods Lyttelton Service Station Lyttelton Shuttle
41 Voelas Road [West School] 18 Oxford Street Private Address Oxford Street 56 London Street PO Box 83, Lyttelton Private Address 50 London Street Oxford Street 20 London Street 15 London Street Private Address 34 London Street 18 London Street Private Address B Jetty, Lyttelton Wharf 22 Sumner Road 2 London Street 39 Norwich Quay 47 London Street 14 Winchester Street 23 Dublin Street Lyttelton Farmers Market 12 London Street Private Address 20 London Street Private Address 17a London Street West Side, No.7 Wharf 13 Exeter Street 34 London Street 48 London Street 34 London Street 18 Oxford Street 32 Voelas Road 6 Norwich Quay 16 Canterbury Street 65 London Street 35 London Street 18 Oxford Street 18 Oxford Street 25 Winchester Street 6 Norwich Quay 1 Canterbury Street Airport, Tours, Anywhere
03 328 8883 03 328 9053 03 328 8968 Private No. 0800 80 04 68 03 328 7231 Private No. 03 328 8314 03 328 7002 03 328 8784 03 941 8999 03 328 8889 03 328 7350 03 328 7080 03 328 8646 03 328 9078 03 325 5707 03 328 8185 03 328 7530 03 328 7517 Private No. 03 328 8740 Private No. 03 328 8544 Private No. 03 328 7600 03 328 7217 03 328 8085 03 389 9259 03 328 8882 03 328 8819 03 328 8088 03 328 7358 03 328 8292 03 328 7093 03 328 9004 03 328 9305 03 328 9093 03 941 7923 03 328 7309 03 328 8111 03 941 5656 03 328 7628 03 328 8749 Private No.
Paige 021 999 848 Robin Kerr Belinda Walker Wendy De Backer 021 0288 1466 Trish, Kelly, Donna Chris 021 280 0086 Carly 021 294 5676 Jen 027 204 1224 Available 5.00 - 6.00pm Debbie/Patricia Rebecca 021 071 0336
dana@dandydesigns.co.nz Grant / Kathy Parminder Singh
Graeme 027 473 5018 Jenny 022 476 8633 Rebecca 027 494 6349 Wed-Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm Marcia 021 236 1682 Ross, Janet, Roger and Sandy Mike Rossouw dan@landarch.co.nz Thurs-Sun Open 7 Days www.lyttelbeauty.co.nz Peter Tocker 021 862 537
Linda 021 254 4986
“ business directory support our local businesses
January 2013
Lyttelton [continued] Lyttelton ‘Top’ Club Mac Todd Solicitors Maid of Ink Min Sarginson Real Estate Mondo Vino Orbit Architecture PedalOn Bicycle Service Port Electric Port Hills Auto Centre Porthole Bar Portico Professionals Real Estate Project Lyttelton Office Pynenburg and Collins | Architects Ray White Real Estate Roots Rossouw Window Cleaning SAMO Coffee Sno Clothes and Milly May Special Branch NZ | Arborist Storm Hairdressing Tailored Portraits | Photography Thea Mickell Services Ltd | Fundraising The Mindful Body The Rookery Time to Resolve | Mediation Service View Hairdressing Volcano Radio World Organics Skincare
23 Dublin Street 50 London Street 31 London Street 53 London Street 42 Norwich Quay 5 Norwich Quay 2 Exeter Street Private Address 42a Norwich Quay 40 London Street 48 London Street 36 London Street 54a Oxford Street PO Box 80, Lyttelton 47 London Street Private Address Private Address 3 Canterbury Street 8a London Street Private Address 34 London Street Cressy Terrace Private Address Private Address Ross Terrace Private Address Private Address Private Address Private Address
03 328 8740 03 328 9992 03 328 9263 03 328 7273 03 328 7744 03 328 9294 03 328 9246 03 328 8099 03 328 9980 Private No. 03 328 8088 03 328 7707 03 328 9243 Private No. 03 331 6757 Private No. 03 389 9259 Private No. 03 328 8584 Private No. 03 328 8859 03 328 7122 03 384 7547 03 328 9923 03 328 8038 03 328 8219 Private No. 03 328 8566 03 328 7446
Bronwen Jones– Writing and PR Services Rawhiti Street Chalfont Cafe | D.Harbour Country Store 2 Waipapa Avenue Diamond Harbour Ferry Waipapa Avenue Diamond Harbour Medical Centre 2a Waipapa Avenue Godley House Cafe 2e Waipapa Avenue Orton Bradley Park Marine Drive Snowdrop Cottage Children’s Store Waipapa Avenue Shunyata Retreat | Day Spa 10 Rawhiti Street Thrive: Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Nutrition Private Address
03 329 4303 03 329 4854 03 328 9078 03 329 4402 03 329 4880 03 329 4730 03 329 4464 03 329 4773 03 329 3254
www.bronwen-jones.com Open 7 Days till 5.30pm
03 329 9970 03 329 9433 03 329 9825 03 329 9788
Neave Ross-Wallace
Ray Blake 021 43 66 50 Basement Level Min Sarginson 027 432 0327 Neil Aitken 021 155 5601 021 055 6865 Ken 021 117 6848 Mike 021 328 977 [Tue-Sun] Tue-Sun 10am - 4pm Lynnette 021 224 6637 Sue-Ellen Simon 021 163 7193 Marie | Daisy Christy | Guilio 021 120 8083 Mike 0274 355 239 Open 7 Days Heather Tim 022 091 9202 Sally | Kat Gillian Taylor 021 047 4415 Thea 027 607 7282 Janet 027 368 6515 Angus | Rene Chantal 022 618 8532 Megan 027 488 5173 Nicki 027 423 9455
Diamond Harbour
www.godleyhouse.co.nz Open 7 Days 9.00am - 5.00pm Contact Paru Mark and Lou Warren
Governors Bay At Home Childcare Limited Governors Bay Hotel She Chocolat Living Springs
18 Bay Heights 52 Main Road 79 Main Road Bamfords Road
“ accommodation places to stay around the harbour
January 2013
Canterbury Street Apartment. Fully renovated one bedroom apartment ideal for short term or holiday stay accommodation. Completely self contained with separate living space, kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom. Spread over two floors this furnished apartment will feel like a home away from home. Tariff from $120 per night. Phone Gloria 03 328 7065 or mobile 022 073 0014. Dockside Apartments. Three private apartments enjoying harbour views and available for casual holiday or short term occupancy. Scenic and close to London Street, an ideal option for friends or family. Options range from studio; one bedroom or two bedroom apartment. Tariff from $90 - $120 per night. Phone Grant or Kathy 03 325 5707 or view more details online www.dockside.co.nz. No.1 Apartment. Warm two bedroom apartment with magnificent harbour views available for holiday or short term accommodation. Undercover parking. Tariff $120 per night with minimum three night stay. Longer rates available on enquiry. Phone Linda 03 328 9128 or 021 254 4986. Randolph Apartment. Private two bedroom modern apartment with superb views across Lyttelton available for holiday or short term accommodation. Apartment features private spa, off street parking and all the mod-cons including WIFI. Tariff from $120.00 per day, with minimum three night stay. Longer term rates available. Phone Heather 03 328 8585 or 03 328 8584. The Rookery. Built in 1866 The Rookery Bed and Breakfast is one of the oldest surviving local cottages, with wonderful panoramic views of the historic port town of Lyttelton. Three renovated rooms are available; one with ensuite facilities. Tariff from $115 - $160 per night. Phone Angus or Rene Macpherson on 03 328 8038 or view more details on line www.therookery.co.nz.
Diamond Harbour
Diamond Harbour Lodge is the place to relax, enjoy and unwind. Harbour sea views, spacious rooms, TV/DVD, CD player, large
selection of books, games, free wireless internet, fridge, microwave, under floor heating in bathroom, heated towel rail, linden leaves toiletries, towelling bath robes. Robyn and Pete Hedges 3 329 4005 or visit www.diamondharbour lodge.co.nz Manaaki Eco Farmstay Purau offers self contained ensuite accommodation. One or two bedrooms with spacious fully equipped kitchen/living in a beautiful rural setting overlooking Purau Bay. Holiday (min 2 nights) or longer term rates available. Contact Wendy ph 329 3202 or view us online www.ecofarmstaypurau.co.nz The Old Exchange Bed and Breakfast right in the heart of the Village at 2 Waipapa Avenue. Two queen sized bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, own private entrance, sea views and within walking distance of the Ferry. Contact Jill 03 329 4275 or mobile 027 482 6014. Orton Bradley Park offer self contained camper van sites for overnight stays. Services include 15 powered sites; treated drinking water; toilet blocks and dump site, with the golf club and tennis court next door. Fees start from $15.00 per night for two persons, with additional adults at $6.00 per night. Contact 03 329 4730.
Governors Bay
Governors Bay Bed and Breakfast offers a place to relax and rejuvenate on nine acres to bush side paradise beside the harbour. Furnished room with ensuite bathroom and separate sitting area also available for short term rent for those seeking emergency accommodation. For more details contact Eva on 03 329 9727, or view on line www.gbbedandbreakfast.co.nz. Governors Bay Hotel restored to it’s former glory and offers six guest rooms located on the first floor level. All rooms renovated with 32 inch flat screen televisions, queen size beds, free wifi, heaters and vanities. Four rooms with direct verandah access with views over the Lyttelton harbour. Contact 03 329 9433 or view more details on line: www.governorsbayhotel.co.nz. Living Springs offer an array of accommodation options from fully service private rooms, studios, twin rooms, shared bunkrooms to outdoor camping. Also available are some powered caravan sites. All rooms are clean, comfortable and well maintained for your relaxation. Contact Living Springs on 03 329 9788 or view more details on line: www.livingsprings.co.nz. Waitahuna an 1850's Colonial Cottage fully restored and set in 4 1/2 acres of garden with waterfront access. Self catering accommodation in a lovely romantic setting. Breakfast supplies included in the tariff, fully equipped kitchen, double bedroom plus a modern sofa bed in the sitting room. Contact Gavin or Annabelle 03 329 9712 or 027 222 4604.
“ harbour vibe what’s on around the harbour this week
January 2013 23 Wednesday Community Garden Adam McGrath Live 24 Thursday Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade Contra Dance Night Poets Night Al Park Live Music Thursday 25 Friday Scottish Burns Night
10.00am 8.00pm
7.00pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm
The Portal, 54a Oxford Street Wunderbar, London Street
Shared lunch from 12.00pm Adam [The Eastern] Live in Lyttelton
LPC Building, 56 Norwich Quay Private Address, Cass Bay Wunderbar, Lyttelton Porthole Bar, London Street
Weekly training etc | New members welcome Contact Bill 03 328 8985 | $5 Join the Lyrical Fun Live Music Thursday | Free
Porthole Bar, London Street
Scottish Food, Music and Whiskey Tasting
26 Saturday Lyttelton Farmers Market Lyttelton Garage Sale Grassy Market Lyttelton Museum Plenty to Share Sculpture on the Point
10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.30am -
London Street, Lyttelton The Portal, 54a Oxford Street The Grassy, Oxford Street Lyttelton Main School Cnr London and Canterbury Stoddard Point Grounds
Fresh produce; Live Music; Buskers and More Second Hand Bargains and More Art, Craft and Bric-a-Brac Monthly Meeting; New Members Welcome Bring, Exchange and Share Food Take the ferry; stay the day in Diamond Harbour
27 Sunday Combined Church Service Live at The Point Sculpture on the Point Live Jazz Sundays
10.00am 1.00pm 3.00pm
Union Church, Winchester Street Stoddard Point Grounds Stoddard Point Grounds Freemans, London Street
All welcome Dr Sanchez Take the ferry; stay the day in Diamond Harbour Carmel Courtney Live | Free
28 Monday LIFT Library - Film Evening
The Portal, 54a Oxford Street
Thought Provoking Film Series
12.00pm 6.00pm
Comm.House, 7 Dublin Street St John Ambulance Station
Make new friends 52 London St, Lyttelton
29 Tuesday Community House Shared Lunch Lyttelton St John Youth Division
Lyttelton Harbour Review is proudly sponsored by: Lynnette Baird - Lyttelton’s resident Professionals Real Estate Agent
Lynnette Baird | Licensed Real Estate Agent P: 03 328 7707 M: 021 224 6637 E: lynnette@realhomes.co.nz W: www.realhomes.co.nz
Professionals Kennard Real Estate Limited MREINZ www.kre.co.nz