Lyttelton Harbour Review

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lyttelton harbour review community news from port lyttelton to port cooper

www.lyttel tonh a r b ou r . in f o

18 March 2013 E86

Peninsula Art Auction Feature Artist: Asher Newbery

There are now only four weeks to go until the Fifth Peninsula Art Auction on 13 and 14 April at the former supermarket building at 19 London Street, Lyttelton. The doors of Lyttelton’s old super value site will be flung wide open to reveal an exciting exhibition of over fifty artists and their work. This event is a real highlight on Christchurch’s arts calendar and is returning even bigger and better, with some of the regions leading, and up and coming artists exhibiting. If you haven’t already starting saving your pennies and booking the babysitter for this great event you still have time. All of the money raised from the auction benefits the two primary schools in Lyttelton. Works will be available for viewing, with a gold coin donation all weekend and a silent auction will be combined with a live auction at 7.00pm Sunday 14 April. Tickets for the live auction are $35 and go on sale in the next couple of weeks, they will be available for purchase from Portico, Lyttelton West and Lyttelton Main Schools, the Lyttelton Farmer’s Market and through our website This week we continue with our series of feature articles on one of the contributing artists. Last week we featured expressionist artist James Robinson. This week the spotlight is on Lyttelton born and bred Contemporary Maori artist Asher Newbery. Newbery considers Lyttelton his home town, growing up in one of the houses across the road from Lyttelton West School, and doing all of his primary school years there. Newbery confesses that Lyttelton has had a huge influence on his path to becoming an artist. He remembers his Dad used to say that living in the hills lets you live in three dimensions, this is something that many of us living in the harbour or further afield somewhere on the peninsula relate to. He says being able to look down to the port and up out across the Port Hills gives a far more interesting perspective compared to the flat lands of Christchurch. Also growing up across the road from Bill Hammond, one of his greatest hero painters was always an inspiration. Newbery sees himself in the continuum of Contemporary Maori Art and has taken his influence from New Zealand’s greats such as Hotere, Shane Cotton [his first painting teacher], Kura te Waru Rewiri [his second painting teacher] and Saffron Te Ratana to name but a few. He believes it is every new generations responsibility to add to the Maori visual vocabulary. Newbery is currently based in Palmerston North but still calls Lyttelton home. In 2011 - 2012 Newbery enrolled in the Master of Māori Visual Arts at Massey University during which he was involved in the curation and hanging of several exhibitions. In 2010 he held a solo exhibition here in Lyttelton called First Crack held for the people of Lyttelton. He also did a group exhibition at the NG Gallery in Christchurch called Toi Kaingakau, this was an exhibition of painting and 3D work from the artist’s collective Toi Whatoro. Prior to this he took part in a group exhibition with the Toi Whatoro collective at the Our City Otautahi Gallery, Christchurch. He has also facilitated workshops on the kowhaiwhai [painting] and whakairo [carving] at Te Papa. Come down to the art auction on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 April to see Newbery’s work along with many other talented artists. There is no doubt Lyttelton is going to be in for a well earned visual treat. For further information on the upcoming auction phone 03 328-9560 or visit Article: Jill Larking | Peninsula Art Image: Summer2008 by Asher Newbery

Professionals Providing Quality Local and Visitor Information

Kennard Real Estate Limited MREINZ

Creative Community Participation The Volcanic Terrace

Each week the Lyttelton Review is working toward introducing you to the people behind the seven successful transition projects at the new civic square on the corner of London Street and Canterbury Street. The project being highlighted today is a collaboration between Rich Humphreys, Cynthia van de Loo, Ashley Elizabeth and John Allen. Their successful design includes a series of free-form plaster volcanic terraces to provide space to relax and link the steps leading to the upper level. Cyntha and Ashley came up with the concept of the terraces and local landscape designer, John from Elementals Design, will bring their vision to life. Rich pulled the project proposal together and will seek community participation on the project as is comes together in late April to early May. The concept was initially part of a larger design that could still be considered when the site is developed further. Their volcanic terrace will be situated in the back right hand corner of the lower site, and with landscaping from John it will link with Tim’s beautiful sustainable chair that the Review introduced to you last week. When completed the molded terraces will form a small amphitheater, and will provide a wonderful cosy seating area in this central community space. The great thing with this project is it will also serve as a teaching space. You will get the opportunity to attend a community workshop teaching you how to make the steps, foundation and how to put the project together. This hands on community approach is just what many people love. If you are interested in participating keep an eye out for information or alternatively send Rich Humphreys an email at Article: Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Images: Supplied by Rich Humphreys, with thanks

65 London Street, Lyttelton 8082 P: 03 328 9093

Providing Quality Local and Visitor Information

E: W:

Huge Retaining Wall Rebuilds Progressing Well SCIRT Update on Lyttelton Retaining Wall Works

Work on Lyttelton’s many retaining walls represent about one third of all the SCIRT retaining wall projects for the Christchurch area. Over the warmer months repairs have been progressing well: Canterbury Street and Dublin Street wall repairs are complete. London Street retaining wall should be complete end of March. Sumner Road stage one section is close to being finished. Ticehurst Road retaining wall work has begun at the top and will take two months. Cunningham Terrace retaining wall, a SCIRT Fulton Hogan project, will be finished in April. Canterbury and Ripon Streets are due to be completed in March. SCIRT delivery team MacDow has been installing handrails, capping the walls and doing sections of road surfacing. Selwyn Road and Ross Terrace projects should be completed late April. Ross Terrace retaining wall is finished but the road closure was necessary to keep cars out of the work area. Selwyn Road’s 48 square metre gabion basket wall is being built. Case Study: Cunningham Terrace Retaining Wall People who walk up the Bridle Path road on the west side of the port town, go past the entrance to Cunningham Terrace. This stretch of road and local residents have had a hard time from both earthquakes and bad weather. The bottom end of Cunningham Terrace was washed out last spring with the heavy rain and also has to be rebuilt. The road at that point drops down onto Simeon Quay and the main road to Corsair Bay, the tank farm and Naval Point. Cunningham Terrace runs above the main road away from the heavy traffic, providing a valuable link for residents. The road, which is supported by the retaining wall, also carries core infrastructure: water, wastewater and storm water pipes. Work to rebuild the retaining wall started in August 2012 by SCIRT delivery team Fulton Hogan and is now close to finished. Article and Images: SCIRT, with thanks

TOP LEFT: Lyttelton's Cunningham Terrace before work began, collapsed section of road and retaining wall fenced off, looking back towards the town. LOWER LEFT: Cunningham Terrace during construction: working on a tight work site, close to the red garage. LOWER RIGHT: Cunningham Terrace retaining wall, almost completed March 2013, road now level with the red garage.

Lynnette Baird P: 03 328 7707

Licensed Real Estate Agent

M: 021 224 6637

E: W:

Professionals Kennard Real Estate Limited MREINZ

about the lyttelton harbour review Lyttelton Harbour Review is a community newsletter initiative developed by local Professionals real estate agent Lynnette Baird and Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre chairperson Wendy Everingham. The objective of the Lyttelton Harbour Review is to help keep local residents informed with what is going on in the wider Lyttelton Harbour community. Each week readers can read about community groups; businesses; events; and everything in between. If you have an event, topic, cause, or other, that you would like to share with the harbour community, then we would love to hear from you. Be heard, be seen, be informed - read it or offer it here.

New Face at Lyttelton TimeBank New Phase Begins

The Lyttelton TimeBank has seen a number of TimeBank co-ordinators since its inception in 2005. Each brings their special qualities to the role and each has new hopes and dreams for the next phase of the TimeBank. A face familiar to many of you, Wendy Everingham has been appointed as the next Timebank co-ordinator for Lyttelton. Alongside Jen Kenix she’ll work fifteen hours a week, connecting and inspiring TimeBank members to make a difference. Talking with her we get a bit of a feel for the direction she’d like it to head in. “My number one aim is to get more people joining and participating in the TimeBank”. Whilst the current membership is around 450 Wendy feels the benefits of a larger membership base are huge. “When more people participate there are more skills to be shared and more needs that can be met. As we saw during the earthquakes when you know who is in your community and you can communicate with them you can achieve mountains. Therefore it’s to our entire community’s advantage to have as many people linked as possible”. According to Wendy the TimeBank is such a powerful community asset capable of realising many things in a community. “It definitely helps build social networks. It connects people of all ages who would never have crossed paths before. It values equally all the things that we do and the skills we have. It takes volunteering to a new level and you are encouraged to give and most importantly receive”. For her it’s also an experimental tool to show how some things could be done differently. “One project I’m looking forward to is the challenge of linking the TimeBank more effectively to Community Civil Defence”. She has an idea for a Street Reporter project where TimeBank members will be encouraged to volunteer to map their streets. Who are the neighbours, what could they share, would they like to join the TimeBank? Wendy also wants to experiment with creating more ways for members to spend Time Credits. Last year Wendy introduced member credits for the Festival of Walking, and she believes more credits could be applied to various events and activities and hopes that will be an added incentive for more people to become involved in the network. Connecting older people is also a high priority. The TimeBank works well for people with computers but those that don’t have them find the TimeBank more difficult. “We will be exploring ways to improve this situation” Wendy said. The TimeBank has the potential to help all the community groups around the harbour with member to member trades, member to organisation trades and organisation to organisation trades. Wendy says it’s such a multipurpose system that adds a new dimension to community life. Wendy concludes the interview saying “I have watched the TimeBank develop over the years. It’s taken many twists and turns that I would never have imagined when it first began. I think it typifies my life here. A multitude of exciting possibilities”. If you would like to know more information about the Lyttelton TimeBank please contact Wendy Everingham or Jen Kenix. You can drop in and visit them between 9.00am and 11.00am Tuesday to Friday at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Portacom, presently located at 65 London Street. They can also be contacted on or call 03 328 9093. Article: Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Image: Lyttelton TimeBank, with thanks

Steam Tug Lyttelton Until further notice the Steam Tug Lyttelton will be sailing every Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm. Tickets available from the wharf on the day: Adults $25, Seniors $20, Children $10.

subscribe to the lyttelton harbour review The Lyttelton Harbour Review is published every Monday and can be delivered straight to your email inbox. Just send an email with the words “subscribe me” in the subject line, then sit back and wait for the next instalment of local news, events and reviews. If you do not have access to email, but would like read about our local events, Professional Real Estate print hard copies that are available from Thursdays at the Lyttelton Club; Samo Coffee, Fisherman’s Wharf, Lyttelton Library and at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre on London Street. Or a copy can be delivered to your door, if you live in within the Lyttelton township: Contact Lynnette on 03 328 7707.

Bottle A Little Extra Community House Would Love Your Support

Lyttelton Community House is a social support services and drop-in centre that has been providing five hot, home-cooked meals per week to the elderly people of Lyttelton since the February 2011 earthquake. The cooking and delivering of the meals have been carried out by a dedicated group of local women who do so out of their own good will. Food costs for this programme are a constant challenge to raise money for. Over the past few months Community House, in conjunction with the Lyttelton Timebank and Community Garden [both initiatives of Project Lyttelton], has endeavoured to gather support for this service from the Lyttelton Harbour Basin community through the ‘Grow A Little Extra’ initiative. The ’Grow A Little Extra’ initiative has called to home growers of the region that may have a few extra veggies they can contribute towards the Community House kitchen. Fresh food is always appreciated, but as produce such as apples, pears and tomatoes are currently more abundant than one can adequately consume, these goods will be much appreciated as bottled items to store throughout the winter. So, if you have summer fruits coming out of your ears and a healthy interest in bottling, please consider spending a day at the stove for Community House, and for our elderly harbour residents. For those on TimeBank, time credits are given in exchange. Fresh food co-ordinated through Sue-Ellen at Project Lyttelton 03 328 9243 and any bottled goods can be delivered straight to Community House, 7 Dublin Street, Lyttelton. Or you can phone Community House on 03 741 1427 to arrange a pick-up. We thank you for your support. Article: Lyttelton Community House

Play On For Lyttleton Tennis Club Lease Extension for 33 Years Granted

Last week the Christchurch City Council approved a request for from the Lyttelton Tennis Club to extend their lease of the courts and club rooms, situated on the corner of Seaview Terrace and Cressy Terrace. The Lyttleton Tennis Club had also secured a grand from Vodafone New Zealand of $34,000 to improve the courts and club room. The Tennis courts and club room will be open to the public when not being used for club lessons and events. Background: The Lyttelton Tennis pavilion was built pre-1930 by local residents and throughout the years has been managed by local residents with no formal lease in place. Members of the public have free access to the playing surfaces which were maintained by the local Council. The pavilion and changing rooms fell into disrepair with no maintenance having been undertaken for the past 20 years. Last year the Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Community Board was approached by a number of Lyttelton residents who were actively promoting tennis in the harbour community and were interested in using the pavilion. The Council officers advised that a lease between the group and the Council would be the best course of action to provide the group with exclusive use of the pavilion. Negotiations with the group were undertaken and a draft Deed of Lease prepared. The group became registered as an incorporated society in November 2011 as “Lyttelton Tennis Club Incorporated”. Incorporation not only provided the Council with a legal entity to deal with but also opened up funding opportunities for the Club. The Lyttelton Tennis Club has successfully managed to raise funds from local and corporate organisations for the upgrade of the pavilion. The Council is undertaking earthquake repairs to the playing surfaces and retaining walls. The Detailed Engineering Assessment has been undertaken and the building may be occupied by the public. The Club is working in co-operation with the Council’s Green Space Asset Planner to schedule and plan maintenance works and upgrades to the building. Article: Christchurch City Council Media Release

contact the lyttelton harbour review The team at the Lyttelton Harbour Review would love to spread the word about your community group, fundraising efforts, local heroes, business promotions, events and anything else that the local community would like to share. Phone, Email, or Post: Lyttelton Harbour Review, PO Box 94, Lyttelton 8841. Deadline for any content: Thursday before Monday publication date. Lynnette Baird 03 328 7707 021 224 6637 Wendy Everingham 03 328 9093 021 047 6144

Lyttelton Urban Downhill Fast Paced Action

The second annual Lyttelton Urban Downhill bike took place yesterday as riders plunged down the 1.5km course that included steps, many jumps, banked corners made from plywood, containers and other challenges. The fastest rider and winner was Cam Cole and the field included several world-ranked New Zealanders, who would head overseas soon to compete in riding World Cup events.

Images from the Day:

iLite Photography on Flickr

plenty to share In Lyttelton so many residents grow vegetables; or have fruit trees literally dripping with produce. Plenty to Share is about sharing any excess produce with the community. So if your lemon tree is yellow with goodness and you can’t keep up with making lemon curd, bring those surplus fruits down to the organisers, where every Saturday the swapping of produce is well underway in Lyttelton on the corner of London and Canterbury Street; and also in Diamond Harbour on a Saturday morning at the village centre. If there is something on the Plenty to Share table that you would like to take home, then you are warmly invited to do so.

Harbour Co-Op Micro Producer Grow and Supply Local

Now is the time of year when many of us are looking at abundance all around us in our gardens. It’s a great time to be considering whether you’d like to become a Micro Producer for the Harbour Co-Op. The purpose of the Harbour Co-op’s Micro Producer Program is to promote local food production and consumption in the Harbour Basin and outlying areas. What is a Micro producer? The term refers to the broad spectrum of growers who are somewhere in between the backyard gardener and the full scale commercial farmer. There is no minimum size of land or variety of produce. A grower can specialise in one or two crops or have a full range. Micro Producers can even be a group of neighbours pitching together and growing on a shared plot. Do I have to grow organically? Although our preference is to have all of our produce grown using organic principles, we do not require external certification; we will evaluate every case individually, making exceptions for spray-free items that we have no other local organically grown source for. Our key focus is transparency and giving our customers the information they need to make informed choices about the food that they purchase while promoting local production. How do I register? First, get in contact with Brian at or phone 021 201 1279. You will need to fill out a Micro Producer Registration Form and arrange a site visit and interview with our auditor. A soil test may be required for your property How Does the System Work? Once you are registered and in the database you can start selling to the Co-op. Although the shop manager may contact you occasionally to estimate long term availability, it will be your responsibility to contact the Co-op at or on 03 328 8544 by the end of day on Thursday if you will have any produce available in the coming week. Confirmation of what the Harbour Co-Op intends to purchase and the purchase price will be made by 5.00pm on Friday. Monday is when all produce should be delivered to the shop complete with invoice and crates. Pickups in the Harbour Basin may be arranged when available. What is expected from me? We expect our growers to be open and transparent about their growing methods and inputs. We expect a high quality of produce that has retail marketability – the Harbour Co-Op reserves the right to refuse any produce of inferior quality. We expect a completed invoice to accompany all deliveries [including name, date, contact info, quantity and agreed price] – invoice books are available on request. For those who are GST registered, your invoice must include the words “tax invoice”, your company’s GST number, and a statement that GST is included. We expect that any crates or containers borrowed from the Harbour Co-Op will be returned in the same condition as received. How can the Harbour Co-Op help me? We aim to assist growers overcome some of the obstacles that small scale producers face. We can help source and purchase bulk materials, tools, and seeds. We can organise extra labour at busy times of the season. Transport of goods may be available in some areas. We can also connect you with other growers for information and inspiration. Finally, we promise to pay a fair market price for all goods. Thanks for your interest in the Harbour Co-op’s Micro Producer Program – Lets Grow! Article:

combined church service Since the deconstruction of Lyttelton’s historic churches you may not have heard that Lyttelton hosts a combined church service every Sunday morning at 10.00am at the Union Church in Winchester Street, Lyttelton. All residents welcomed.

Sunday 10am : Union Church, Winchester Street

LIFT Library Film Evening Monday 11 March, 7.15pm

The last film evening, on banks, money, exploitation of us, and financial alternatives, brought quite a lot of gasps and murmurs throughout, and then discussion. Ironically, just before I set up for the evening I heard on TV3 News that there is action starting up against NZ banks. And then I read this online article: The next film evening on Monday 18 March will feature Food Inc: A famous documentary showing corporate control of large amounts of food products in USA, and therefore ingredients here in NZ in our processed food, and stock food for our stock. Have a look at the trailer and then come and see the whole film. If you have missed a film that you would really like to see, Juliet often has them available on laptop, so could arrange to get them to you to look at. Let Juliet know if you want any films that have been shown and she will tell you how she got hold of it. What: Where: Time:

LIFT Library Film Evening | Every Monday Evening | Koha welcomed The Portal, 54a Oxford Street [behind the swimming pool] 7.15pm film begins Organiser:

Juliet 03 328 8139 or 021 899 404

LIFT Library Update Hello LIFT Library members. The latest addition to the LIFT Library is a quick read, full of interest: Organic NZ Mar/Apr 2013 Vol 72 No 2. This issue, again kindly contributed by Project Lyttelton, features foraging and fungi; the loss of bee hives in New Zealand; Canterbury Community Gardens; and several important articles on genetic engineering and poisons in our world, not just overseas. Lots of practical tips too. Important reading. A book which was donated to the library some time ago, and was snapped up before I even had time to write some notes on it, has come back to LIFT. A glance at a few pages has convinced me that this is my next “must-read” so you’ll have to wait a few days for it! Even though it’s not new, I’m sure it will tell me lots that’s new to me: Corporate Predators: The Hunt for Mega-Profits and The Attack on Democracy 1999 Russell Mokhiber, Robert Weissman 51 of the world’s biggest 100 economies are corporations, not countries. As the most powerful institution of our time, the multinational corporation dominates not only global economics, but politics and culture as well. Yet the mechanisms of corporate control have remained largely hidden from public perception – until now. Noam Chomsky writes: ‘ The incisive and sharply focused snapshots presented here give a telling portrait of some of the most dangerous forces undermining what is decent and hopeful in American and global society.’ Collections of Articles For a long time I’ve been saving up articles I have ripped out of magazines and newspapers, or had passed on to me, that are relevant to the topics in LIFT. Now I’ve decided to organise them in plastic sleeves and folders, in case anyone else wants some quick reads on certain topics. I was stimulated to do this because I received the following, and strongly recommend it to all: FOOD The first article is a comprehensive one from The New York Times – “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” by Michael Moss. This very enlightening article gives details of the techniques used by commercial food producers to encourage greater consumption of their decidedly unhealthy products. After reading this you will know which brands and ingredients to avoid, if you want to stay healthy! And, just to let you know Icelandic activist, Hordur Torfason, will be speaking in Christchurch on Tuesday 26th March. It will be a must hear talk on how Iceland dealt with the collapse of their privatized banking system. Please circulate amongst your networks. Today’s quote: It’s not hard to meet expenses ……. They’re everywhere To become a member of the LIFT Library, based right here in Lyttelton, contact Juliet Adams on 03 328 8139 or mobile 021 899 404, for more information.

lyttelton live music scene Lyttelton is host to some great live music: Tuesday 7.30pm Open Mic Night at Wunderbar; Wednesday 8.00pm Marlon Williams Live at Port Hole Bar; Thursday 7.30pm Live Music at Porthole Bar; Saturday 10.00am local musicians at the Lyttelton Farmers Market; Sunday 3.00pm Courtney Carmel at Freemans; and the list goes on. So don’t say home! Head on out and celebrate all that is Lyttelton Live.

Wunderbar: The Shiner Tour Thursday 21 March | 8.30pm – 10.00pm | Door Sales $

Chris Prowse, an accomplished guitarist and songwriter. Winner of 2009 Tui for Best Folk Album. Article:

Wunderbar: Mountain Eater Friday 22 March | 9.00pm to 12.30am | Door Sales $15.00

Mountain Eater are coming back to Lyttelton for a very special one off show. Very limited ticket sales for this event so get in quick if you want to come, as it will sell out. Support from Asian Tang and Motown Junk. Pre sale tickets $10.00 booking fees may apply. Article:

Wunderbar: Tami Neilson, Delaney Davidson, Marlon Williams | Grand Ole Saturday 23 March | 8.30pm to 10.30pm | Tickets $15.00

In the tradition of the old-time live country show, “Grand Ole Hayride" brings you the top three finalists of the APRA and New Zealand Music Awards 2012. Tami Neilson, Delaney Davidson & Marlon Williams [joined by multi-instrumentalist Dave Khan] make up this diverse line- up of some of the nation's most prestigious, award winning alt-country artists in a collaborative performance bound to turn the country genre on its head. “...comfortable in their craft and steeped in the traditions of storytelling and Americana. It'd take a cold, cold heart to ignore the pitch perfect performances, melodic ache and mad joy that is played out music that continues to prove its worth in the modern music environment.” Article:

Tommy Changs: Lounge Night Thursday 28 March | 8.00pm to Late | Door Sales $5.00

Dick Martin and Mr. Martini will be playing a delectable selection of classic lounge, exotica, Latino, Hawaiian and more to get you in the mood for swingin' those hips and swiggin' those bubbles this Good Friday Eve. There will be limbo for those of the bendy kind and prizes of the vinyl kind for those who dress in attire of the era. Come early because the last tune will be played at midnight!

Tommy Chang’s: Sunday School, A Vinyl Appreciation Sunday 24 March | 3.00pm $Free Event

Lyttelton Vinyl Appreciation Society and Tommy Chang’s presents: Sunday School. A relaxed afternoon of music worth listening to. A revolving door of deejays and musical genres. On every Sunday to the end of March.

c’mon get involved Lyttelton is known for its culture of volunteer activity and community participation. If you have ever had the thought that you would like to be more involved in the local community, but you are not sure where to go, or who to talk to? Start by having a conversation with the team at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre, as they can give you some advice on the many types of great volunteer organisations here in Lyttelton. If you are passionate about elderly care, sustainability, youth culture, harbour activities, heritage, radio, business development, fundraising, or just about anything - then there is a group who would love for you to be involved!

Freemans Dining Room: Live Jazz Sundays Sunday 24 March | 3.00pm $Free Event

Carmel and her guest musicians play with us every Sunday afternoon. Beautiful and soulful jazz, warm sunshine and great food make for the perfect experience. Our team will provide you with friendly welcoming service and with Happy Hour from 4.00pm to 6.00pm. Life could not be better.

Cressy Trust Fund Applications are now open for the Cressy Trust Fund. Funds are for the Health and Wellbeing of the elderly in the Lyttelton Harbour Basin. Individuals can apply for a maximum of $1000 and organisations to a maximum of $2000. Applications need to be for a specific need or project. Application forms can be collected from the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre..

Lyttelton Harbour Business Association Networking Event The next LHBA networking event will be held at Tommy Chang’s, London Street, Lyttelton at 5.30 pm on Wednesday 20 March. It will be jointly hosted by Tommy Chang’s and Mondo Vino. Light refreshments will be provided and drinks will be available from the bar. Members and associates welcome.

Lyttelton Mt Herbert Community Board Meeting Lyttelton Council Service Centre, London Street | Thursday 21 March, 1.30pm

Pop Up Tea-Rooms For one day only on Saturday March 23rd, 9.00am to 3.00pm at Tommy Changs, 48 London Street, Lyttelton. Cash only Doris and Margaret visit Tommy Changs bringing their tea room magic to you. Enjoy at the table or take it away. Not to be missed.

St Joseph Worker Catholic Church 21 Exeter Street | Sunday 24th March at 5.30 pm A discussion on the Holy Week liturgies.

Quail Island Easter Egg Hunt Get out to Quail Island this Easter for the annual Easter Egg Hunt! When: Friday 29th March to Monday April 1st. Where: Leaves from B Jetty in Lyttelton to Quail Island What Time: 10.30am, 11.30am or 12.30pm with 2.5 hours on the island. How much: Kids $10, Adults $25. Maximum of 3 eggs each with a chance of winning a golden egg. Bookings at Black Cat on 03 304 7641

lyttelton harbour network For news, events, and what is open or closed around the Harbour Basin, don’t forget to visit: Diamond Harbour Information

Governors Bay Information

Lyttelton’s Civic Square Development Wednesday 10 April | 7.00pm to 9.00pm | Community Meeting | Supermarket SIte 17 London Street, Lyttelton

Norwich and Gladstone Quays Road Works Update

Mid February wastewater and storm water pipe repairs began on Norwich and Gladstone Quays. Road surface repairs start after Easter weekend and expected to finish in May.

Tunnel Road Motorway Bridge Repairs Fletcher as part of SCIRT has been working on the Horotane Valley overpass since October 2012 repairing the bridge piers. The repair of the piers is nearly complete and the next phase of work involves repairing the bridge decks. We will be doing some preparation work first. The preparation work involves removing some vegetation and building a temporary road between the between the northbound and southbound lanes of SH74. This will allow two-way traffic flow when we work on the bridge decks. The preparation work starts Monday 18 March, 2013 and will continue for two weeks. We do not have a start date for work on the bridge decks at present but we will update you when we do.

Fully Furnished Home to Rent Gilmour Terrace location and the views from this property are amazing. You can sit on the deck in the sun or inside in the lounge and enjoy watching all of the activity in the harbour below. This property is fully furnished and offers three bedrooms, master with ensuite, open plan living, modern kitchen and large decking for outdoor entertainment and relaxing. There is a double garage with the property. This is an ideal property if you have to be out of your home for EQC repairs or require a fully furnished property. Please contact Betsy Mahoni-Rae on 03 377 4939 or 021 994 297.

Fully Furnished, Short Term Home to Rent Overlooking Lyttelton Harbour, Diamond Harbour and Quail Island is this fully furnished home available for rent from 17 March to 31 August [maybe longer]. Home comes with a beautiful cat for tenants to love and snuggle, so it is a must that you do like cats [not other pets allowed]. Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge. Second lounge or studio upstairs [same size as lounge down stairs]. Two bedrooms [one queen size downstairs and one king size upstairs]. Log burner and heat pump. Large vege garden, herbs and lots of native trees. Fully equipped kitchen. Looking for tenants that are Loving, caring honest people that are respectful of the property , our belongings and the cat. Enjoys gardening and keeping a home clean. Rent $450 per week. If interested please phone Cynthia 328 9547 or 027 201 3394.

Short Term Rent Available Lyttelton modern house to share for short term rental during EQC repairs. 1 Double bedroom, 1 Single bedroom, own bathroom, would suit single person with child. Furnished $180 per week for 1 room; or $280 for 2 rooms including expenses except food. To share with female owner. Call Karen 021 479 060 [no pets and smoke free].

Room Available to Rent Lyttelton room available for short term rent. $20 per night. Would suit builder or contractor visiting Lyttelton. Smoker welcome or someone that does not mind. Dog welcome, if friendly with other dog already here and cats already here. Four others in the house. Supply your own food. Rent is just for the room. Located on Cressy Terrace. Phone Shirley 328 8774

Wanting to Purchase House I am interested in buying a house in Lyttelton. Don't mind walk on access. Two or three bedrooms, price range $300,000 to $350,000. Contact Dan 021 233 4710.

looking for reading material A book swap has been operating from the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre for some time. Thank you to all the lovely residents who keep dropping books in. This service is available to all local residents, simply just pop in, choose a book, and then return it or another when you are finished. Borrow or swap - it’s your call. If you are looking for reading material on economics, the transition movement, sustainability, alternative currencies and community development then check out the LIFT Library that has recently started. Contact Juliet Adams on 328 8139 for more information.

EQC Land Assessments Underway EQC are assessing land damage claims, and this assessment process will continue for the rest of this year. A huge number of variables come into play in settling a land claim, and these call on quite specialised skills. Some of these skills are in limited supply – including people capable of undertaking geotechnical evaluation of the information reported back by the assessment teams, and people with good knowledge of the local property market who can help with establishing the value of the land in question. This doesn’t affect EQC’s target of having all assessments of all damaged land completed by the end of this year, but it does mean that it may take longer than first anticipated to begin making payments. EQC will be paying the most straight forward claims sooner than the more complex claims [such as those involving increased vulnerability to liquefaction and flooding]. EQC have begun making payments in the Port Hills region and expect all land claims to be settled during 2013. From March, customers whose land damage falls under the $500 minimum excess for land claims will receive a letter advising them of this. This is because assessors found only minor earthquake-related damage on these properties. EQC estimates that they will pay out a possible $2 billion for land claims in Canterbury by the end of 2014. Article:

Banks Peninsula ZIP Endorsed by Council The Banks Peninsula Zone Implementation Programme [ZIP] for water management was endorsed by Environment Canterbury at its council meeting on Thursday 14 March. Working with its community to develop water management recommendations for the zone has been the key focus for the committee since it formed in September 2011. These recommendations now form the basis for the design and realignment of council work and planning programmes for fresh water in the zone. The ZIP includes ten chapters, with each chapter focussing on a different priority area for water management. It is designed to enable present and future generations the greatest environmental, cultural, social and economic benefits from the region’s water. Now that the committee has an agreed set of water management recommendations it will turn its focus to implementing the on-the-ground actions outlined in its ZIP. At its second monthly committee meeting of the year, on Tuesday 19 March in Akaroa, the committee will focus on how it can track the progress of achieving the goals and recommendations outlined in the ZIP. The committee will also look at biodiversity and wetland protection in the zone. The Banks Peninsula ZIP recommends that two wetlands should be chosen for protection and regeneration in the next six months. The ZIP also sets specific criteria for Immediate Steps biodiversity funding support, which is allocated by zone committees. At the meeting the committee will be updated on biodiversity projects in the zone by Environment Canterbury. Immediate Steps is a $10 million programme for biodiversity which forms part of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy. It aims to halt the decline of our natural waterways by supporting initiatives which protect of indigenous biodiversity and water quality. The Immediate Steps fund contributes up to two-thirds of the project, with one third required from applicants in cash or in-kind. Another key focus for the committee is on developing recommendations for water quality and quantity limits for Te Roto o Wairewa (Lake Forsyth). These limits will be incorporated in to the Wairewa Sub-Regional Chapter, which will feed in to Environment Canterbury’s proposed Land and Water Regional Plan. Te Roto o Wairewa (Lake Forsyth) is a key focus for the committee, with 13 recommendations relating to its value, protection, and enhancement included in its ZIP. At the meeting, the committee will also receive an update from the Regional Committee, which considers regional issues of environmental restoration and repair; land use impacts on water quality; as well as water storage, distribution and efficiency options. The Banks Peninsula Zone Committee typically meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Zone Committee meetings are open to the public, and attendees will be offered an opportunity to contribute, if they wish. Next Banks Peninsula Zone Committee meeting 10.00am, Tuesday 19 March at the Akaroa Sports Complex, 28 Rue Jolie, Akaroa Link to agenda: Link to final ZIP: Article: Environment Canterbury Media Advisory | March 15 2013

suburban papers available Do you know that each week at the Lyttelton Information Centre you can collect most of your local newspapers? We get weekly editions of the Lyttelton Review and Coastal Mail, plus fortnightly issues of the Bay Harbour News, and the Akaroa Mail. We also have local events advertised in our windows plus many brochures for events happening in the greater area.

All Right? Campaign Developed by Research As part of developing All Right? the Healthy Christchurch organisation spoke to community leaders, undertook focus groups, and carried out a phone survey of 800 people in Christchurch, Waimakariri and Selwyn. Research showed that there are large chunks of the Christchurch population who are struggling and who would benefit from tools and support to improve their wellbeing. Key qualitative findings People feel there has been a 'double blow'. The stress and anxiety caused by dealing with insurance, repairs, and the agencies involved in the recovery has resulted in a 'double blow' which for many has proved more debilitating than the earthquakes. There is a need for a more 'people-focused' recovery. There is a sense that people have been forgotten and that buildings are more important than people. The most important supports for people are family and close friends, followed by the community

90% of respondents had made an insurance or EQC claim, and by November 2012 69% of these had not been settled. 83% value other people more since before the earthquakes 64% feel guilty that others have been much more affected by the earthquakes. 64% do not believe that people outside Canterbury understand what Cantabrians are going through.

Overall the research paints a very complex picture of where people are with their wellbeing. On the one hand people are struggling with specifics - things like dealing with insurers and repairs. On the other there's a new found sense of hope and optimism for the future. Focus groups People who took part in the focus groups felt that:

The impact of the earthquakes and the subsequent management of the recovery has resulted in a 'double blow' A focus on buildings has meant people have been forgotten There needs to be greater community input into decisions The most important supports for people are family and close friends, and then community Energy levels are low right across the community Any campaign needs to convey the message that what they are feeling is 'normal' Any campaign needs to feel 'real' and not be 'done' to them.


Lyttelton Library Fabric Stash Rehash

Fabric Stash Rehash Lyttelton Library Bring your unwanted fabric and haberdashery

18-23 March

Choose what you want to take away Fabric scraps

Fabric lengths






No cash

No cash






6.00pm Devilish Mary & The Holy Rollers 8.00pm Latter Day Saints Lyttelton Club Members and Invited Guests Only. Not a club member? Join the Lyttelton Club and enjoy great member benefits like this free live music event. Three month membership available for $15.00

File Reference: CP500127


START WORK NOTICE The Council has recently engaged MMS Ltd to undertake earthquake repairs and programmed maintenance to the Diamond Harbour Wharf. This work will involve replacement of stringers at spans 3 and 4, the removal of the damaged bent 4 and the relevelling of the deck over the first 4 spans. Should you have any enquiries about the work please contact the Council's Contracts Engineer for this project, Jeff Bellamore, telephone 941-8752. Enquiries relating to the Contractor's operations should be directed to the Contractor's Representative Brent McKay. Office Hours Telephone: After Hours Telephone:

027 433 2284 as above

It is expected that the work will commence shortly and take three (3) weeks to complete. There will be restricted access to the wharf beyond span 2 and this may be limited at times to 10 minute periods to coincide with the arrival of the ferry. There will be no vehicle access onto the wharf. Two or three car parking spaces at the wharf will be required by the Contractor during the construction period. No work is anticipated on Sundays or Public Holidays other than essential work relating to site safety and the mitigation of dust nuisance to properties and the public. This work is located in the Mt Herbert/Lyttelton Ward of the City. If you are not the owner of this property but are a tenant it would be appreciated if you would pass this leaflet on to the owner for their information.

Ref: 10799


Update – Horotane Valley Overpass, Heathcote Valley, bridge repair preparation What

Preparation work to allow for the repair of the bridge decks.


Horotane Valley overpass.


Preparation work will start on Monday 18 March 2013 and will continue for 2 weeks.

Where we are working

N Key

Vegetation strip removal Work area Speed limit direction Speed limit direction



Map 1: Location of work




SH 7


Sourced from LINZ data, Crown Copyright reserved

What we are doing 

As you may be aware, we have been repairing the Horotane Valley overpass. Our previous work notice can be found here:

The next stage of work once repairs to the bridge piers are complete is to start preparation work on SH74 to allow for the repair of the bridge decks.

We will start preparation work in the week beginning Monday 18 March 2013 and the work will continue for approximately two weeks. Our usual hours of work are 7:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday, with some weekend and night work if required.

What we are doing continued: 

Preparation work involves removing the strip of vegetation and building a temporary road between the northbound and southbound lanes of SH74 . This preparation work will enable two-way traffic flow to remain while we repair the bridge decks of the Horotane Valley overpass.

We will provide an update closer to the time when work is due to commence on the bridge decks.

Traffic impacts 

While preparation work is ongoing, we will maintain two-way traffic flow over the overbridge. The speed limit will be reduced to 50km/h past the work site.

Please limit your use of engine breaking while driving past the work site as the noise may be disruptive to residents close to the work area.

Please be on the lookout for changes in traffic conditions and drive to the conditions.

We will provide an update on the traffic impacts before starting repair work on the bridge decks.

General information 

All work is subject to favourable weather and on site conditions.

The work may result in dust, if there are dry weather conditions. The work may also result in noise and vibration. We will endeavour to keep any disruption to a minimum.

The work will have no planned impact on power, wastewater, telecommunications, water or gas services.

Please observe the special cordons and fences around the construction area and take care while driving.

We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we undertake this essential work.

Find the quickest and safest routes around Christchurch at

Need more information? If you have any questions, or for any other information about this work, please contact the Fletcher Infrastructure Rebuild Team on 0800 444 919 from 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday and we will be happy to help you. You can also contact us by email at If you are not the owner of this property, please pass this notice onto your landlord or property manager.

Suburban Centres Programme

Lyttelton’s Civic Square Creating a civic square for Lyttelton together What: Community meeting

When: Wednesday 10 April 2013 from 7pm–9pm

Where: Former supermarket site, 17 London Street For further information: • email • phone Jennie Hamilton on 941 5207 or Kim Swarbrick on 941 5176.

During development of the Lyttelton Master Plan, the Lyttelton community asked for a new civic square.* Many of you attended the drop-in sessions in March 2013 to confirm what the community wants to see and do in the square.

Now we need your help again Together we need to start developing options at a meeting hosted by the Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Community Board. Come along and: · · · ·

Hear what the community told us in March Talk about the look and feel of the square Discuss the kinds of materials that could be used Consider the location of the various elements

* The site, formerly occupied by Ground Café, the Albion Hotel and the Borough Council Offices, has been purchased by the Christchurch City Council for this purpose.

c’mon get involved “

March 2013

Lyttelton Harbour Community Garage Sale All donations of good used, or new, household items greatly accepted at Project Lyttelton 54a Oxford Street. Please do not donate items that cannot be sold, as this increases our costs trying to take unwanted items to the charity barn, or worse still the rubbish depot. Governors Bay Pre-School Music Preschool music classes run on Thursday mornings during school term, 9:15 - 10am in the Governors Bay School library. Come and join us for singing, dancing and musical games. Cost $3.50. All under 5s welcome, please bring a grown-up with you. Contact Mel Dixon 3299 908 Lyttelton Community Association New members welcome. As an issues based organisation, we do not hold regular meetings. If you would like to be advised of when the next meeting will be held, or have an issue to discuss, please email us at or phone Ken Maynard 03 328 9553. Lyttelton Community House Meals for the elderly continue to be prepared and delivered daily. If you know of any elderly residents who need this service, or would like to volunteer to assist, please contact Christine or Courtenay 03 741 1427. Lyttelton Harbour Basin COMMUNITY Civil Defence New members welcome. Meets every third Wednesday of the month 7.00pm - 9.00pm at Lyttelton Main School. To become involved contact the Area Co-ordinator Julie Lee on 03 328 7779 or 027 739 1832. Lyttelton Harbour Business Association For more details visit: Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Monday to Friday 11.00am to 3.00pm; Saturday 10.00am to 1.00pm; Sunday 11.00am - 2.00pm. Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo Issues Group Focus is to improve the natural environment and habitat of the harbour and harbour basin. Meetings are every second month. All welcome. Contact Claire Findlay (Chair) 03 328 8930, Melanie Dixon (Support) 03 329 9908 or visit Lyttelton Lions Meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Community House at 7.30pm. Anyone interested in becoming involved, or anyone who would like to learn more about this organisation, is most welcome. Contact Mary Jamieson 03 328 8523 or Dave Evans 03 379 6675. Lyttelton Historical Museum Society Lyttelton Museum committee is developing a concept plan for the re-building of Lyttelton Museum . Meetings held once a month. New members, donations or any other support is welcomed. Lyttelton Museum, PO Box 95, Lyttelton. 328 8972 Lyttelton Reserves Management Committee Reserves Committee meets on a regular basis to make decisions about the management of the reserves. It organises weed control and planting programmes that include public and schools planting days. To be involved email the group at Lyttelton Time Bank Jen will be at the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre every Tuesday and Thursday 9.00am to 11.00am. Phone: 021 806 406 or email the team at Lyttelton Toy Library Now at 25 Canterbury Street. Sessions every second Saturday 10.00am to 12noon. Range of 500+ toys for children aged 0-5 years. Toys large and small, ride-ons, puzzles, games and dress-ups to borrow. Join anytime $42.00 per year. Toy Librarian: Roz Jenkins 328 8552. Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade Meets for training and maintenance every Thursday night from 7.00pm at the temporary station in the Lyttelton Port Company admin building car park, 56 Norwich Quay. If you are interested in joining, then pop on in. Russ Barron, Brigade Secretary. Lyttelton Youth Centre Youth Centre/Community House, 7 Dublin Street, Lyttelton. Contact Christine 03 741 1427 for further details. Plunket Playgroup The Plunket Playgroup can be found at Lyttelton Main School, every Monday and Wednesday, 10.00am to 12noon. 50 cents donation and everyone is welcome. Contact Lisa York-Jones 03 328 8918 for more information. Project Lyttelton The Portal, 54a Oxford Street, Lyttelton [located behind the Swimming Pool]. Office 03 328 9243. Volcano Radio Currently - Off Air. Fundraising t-shirts available from Portico, 48 London Street.


“ business directory support our local businesses

March 2013

Lyttelton Abbraccia Bellydance Acupuncture Therapy Alexander Technique Alterations and Ironing Service Bank of New Zealand Banks Peninsula Accounting Beauty by Carly Bells Pharmacy Body Kinetics - Gym | Fitness Christchurch Council Service Centre Christchurch Yoga Coastal Living / Picture Framers Coffee Culture Dandy Designs - Web|Business Develop Diamond Harbour Ferry Dockside Apartments Everest Indian Restaurant Fishermans Wharf Freemans Restaurant Frog Web Works Four Seas Restaurant Ground | Gourmet Foods, Catering Harbour Co-Op Hands on Health | Nutrition Massage Himalaya Design Home Based Child Care Home Based Education Irish Pub Jack Tar Sailing Land Arch Landscape Architects London Fish and Chips London Street Books London Street Dairy Leslies Bookshop Lyttel Beauty Lyttelton Bakery Lyttelton Builders Limited - Office and Yard Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre Lyttelton Library Lyttelton Health Centre Lyttelton Physiotherapy Lyttelton Recreation Centre Lyttelton Sea Foods Lyttelton Service Station Lyttelton Shuttle

41 Voelas Road [West School] 18 Oxford Street Private Address Oxford Street 56 London Street PO Box 83, Lyttelton Private Address 50 London Street Oxford Street 15 London Street Private Address 34 London Street 18 London Street Private Address B Jetty, Lyttelton Wharf 22 Sumner Road 2 London Street 39 Norwich Quay 47 London Street 14 Winchester Street 23 Dublin Street Lyttelton Farmers Market 12 London Street Private Address 20 London Street Private Address Private Address 17a London Street West Side, No.7 Wharf 13 Exeter Street 34 London Street 48 London Street 34 London Street 18 Oxford Street 32 Voelas Road 6 Norwich Quay 16 Canterbury Street 65 London Street 35 London Street 18 Oxford Street 18 Oxford Street 25 Winchester Street 6 Norwich Quay 1 Canterbury Street Airport, Tours, Anywhere

03 328 8883 03 328 9053 03 328 8968 Private No. 0800 80 04 68 03 328 7231 Private No. 03 328 8314 03 328 7002 03 941 8999 03 328 8889 03 328 7350 03 328 7080 03 328 8646 03 328 9078 03 325 5707 03 328 8185 03 328 7530 03 328 7517 Private No. 03 328 8740 022 476 8633 03 328 8544 Private No. 03 328 7600 03 328 7217 03 328 9229 03 328 8085 03 389 9259 03 328 8882 03 328 8819 03 328 8088 03 328 7358 03 328 8292 03 328 7093 03 328 9004 03 328 9305 03 328 9093 03 941 7923 03 328 7309 03 328 8111 03 941 5656 03 328 7628 03 328 8749 Private No.

Paige 021 999 848 Robin Kerr Belinda Walker Wendy De Backer 021 0288 1466 Trish, Kelly, Donna Chris 021 280 0086 Carly 021 294 5676 Jen 027 204 1224 Debbie/Patricia Rebecca 021 071 0336 Grant / Kathy Parminder Singh

Graeme 027 473 5018 Rebecca 027 494 6349 Open 7 Days 10am - 4pm Marcia 021 236 1682 Jen Skjellerup Ross, Janet, Roger and Sandy Mike Rossouw Thurs-Sun Open 7 Days Peter Tocker 021 862 537

Linda 021 254 4986

“ business directory support our local businesses

March 2013

Lyttelton [continued] Lyttelton ‘Top’ Club Mac Todd Solicitors Maids of Ink Min Sarginson Real Estate Mondo Vino Orbit Architecture PedalOn Bicycle Service Port Electric Port Hills Auto Centre Porthole Bar Portico Professionals Real Estate Project Lyttelton Office Pynenburg and Collins | Architects Ray White Real Estate Roots Rossouw Window Cleaning SAMO Coffee Sno Clothes and Milly May Special Branch NZ | Arborist Storm Hairdressing Tailored Portraits | Photography Thea Mickell Services Ltd | Fundraising The Mindful Body The Rookery Time to Resolve | Mediation Service View Hairdressing Volcano Radio World Organics Skincare

23 Dublin Street 50 London Street 31 London Street 53 London Street 42 Norwich Quay 5 Norwich Quay 2 Exeter Street Private Address 42a Norwich Quay 40 London Street 48 London Street 36 London Street 54a Oxford Street PO Box 80, Lyttelton 47 London Street 8 London Street Private Address 3 Canterbury Street 8a London Street Private Address 34 London Street Cressy Terrace Private Address Private Address Ross Terrace Private Address Private Address Private Address Private Address

03 328 8740 03 328 9992 03 328 9263 03 328 7273 03 328 7744 03 328 9294 03 328 9246 03 328 8099 03 328 9980 Private No. 03 328 8088 03 328 7707 03 328 9243 Private No. 03 331 6757 03 328 7658 03 389 9259 Private No. 03 328 8584 Private No. 03 328 8859 03 328 7122 03 384 7547 03 328 9923 03 328 8038 03 328 8219 Private No. 03 328 8566 03 328 7446

Bronwen Jones– Writing and PR Services Rawhiti Street Chalfont Cafe | D.Harbour Country Store 2 Waipapa Avenue Diamond Harbour Ferry Waipapa Avenue Diamond Harbour Medical Centre 2a Waipapa Avenue Godley House Cafe 2e Waipapa Avenue Orton Bradley Park Marine Drive Snowdrop Cottage Children’s Store Waipapa Avenue Shunyata Retreat | Day Spa 10 Rawhiti Street Thrive: Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Nutrition Private Address

03 329 4303 03 329 4854 03 328 9078 03 329 4402 03 329 4880 03 329 4730 03 329 4464 03 329 4773 03 329 3254 Open 7 Days till 5.30pm

03 329 9970 03 329 9433 03 329 9825 03 329 9788

Neave Ross-Wallace

Ray Blake 021 43 66 50 Basement Level Min Sarginson 027 432 0327 Neil Aitken 021 155 5601 021 055 6865 Ken 021 117 6848 Mike 021 328 977 [Tue-Sun] Tue-Sun 10am - 4pm Lynnette 021 224 6637 Sue-Ellen Simon 021 163 7193 Marie | Daisy Christy | Guilio 021 120 8083 Mike 0274 355 239 Open 7 Days Heather Tim 022 091 9202 Sally | Kat Gillian Taylor 021 047 4415 Thea 027 607 7282 Janet 027 368 6515 Angus | Rene Chantal 022 618 8532 Megan 027 488 5173 Nicki 027 423 9455

Diamond Harbour Open 7 Days 9.00am - 5.00pm Contact Paru Mark and Lou Warren

Governors Bay At Home Childcare Limited Governors Bay Hotel She Chocolat Living Springs

18 Bay Heights 52 Main Road 79 Main Road Bamfords Road

“ accommodation places to stay around the harbour

March 2013


Canterbury Street Apartment. Fully renovated one bedroom apartment ideal for short term or holiday stay accommodation. Completely self contained with separate living space, kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom. Spread over two floors this furnished apartment will feel like a home away from home. Tariff from $120 per night. Phone Gloria 03 328 7065 or mobile 022 073 0014. Dockside Apartments. Three private apartments enjoying harbour views and available for casual holiday or short term occupancy. Scenic and close to London Street, an ideal option for friends or family. Options range from studio; one bedroom or two bedroom apartment. Tariff from $90 - $120 per night. Phone Grant or Kathy 03 325 5707 or view more details online No.1 Apartment. Warm two bedroom apartment with magnificent harbour views available for holiday or short term accommodation. Undercover parking. Tariff $120 per night with minimum three night stay. Longer rates available on enquiry. Phone Linda 03 328 9128 or 021 254 4986. Randolph Apartment. Private two bedroom modern apartment with superb views across Lyttelton available for holiday or short term accommodation. Apartment features private spa, off street parking and all the mod-cons including WIFI. Tariff from $120.00 per day, with minimum three night stay. Longer term rates available. Phone Heather 03 328 8585 or 03 328 8584. The Rookery. Built in 1866 The Rookery Bed and Breakfast is one of the oldest surviving local cottages, with wonderful panoramic views of the historic port town of Lyttelton. Three renovated rooms are available; one with ensuite facilities. Tariff from $115 to $160 per night. Phone Angus or Rene Macpherson on 03 328 8038 or view more details on line

Diamond Harbour

Bryneth's Cottage located on Purau Avenue. Luxury room, queen bed and spa bath. cooked breakfast or brunch. Only available Friday to Monday $200 per night. Phone 03 329 4728 or 021 315 609 Diamond Harbour Lodge is the place to relax, enjoy and unwind. Harbour sea views, spacious rooms, TV/DVD, CD player, large selection of books, games, free wireless internet, fridge, microwave, under floor heating in bathroom, heated towel rail, linden leaves toiletries, towelling bath robes. Robyn and Pete Hedges 3 329 4005 or visit www.diamondharbour Manaaki Eco Farmstay Purau offers self contained ensuite accommodation. One or two bedrooms with spacious fully equipped kitchen/living in a beautiful rural setting overlooking Purau Bay. Holiday (min 2 nights) or longer term rates available. Contact Wendy ph 329 3202 or view us online The Old Exchange Bed and Breakfast right in the heart of the Village at 2 Waipapa Avenue. Two queen sized bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, own private entrance, sea views and within walking distance of the Ferry. Contact Jill 03 329 4275 or mobile 027 482 6014. Orton Bradley Park offer self contained camper van sites for overnight stays. Services include 15 powered sites; treated drinking water; toilet blocks and dump site, with the golf club and tennis court next door. Fees start from $15.00 per night for two persons, with additional adults at $6.00 per night. Contact 03 329 4730.

Governors Bay

Governors Bay Bed and Breakfast offers a place to relax and rejuvenate on nine acres to bush side paradise beside the harbour. Furnished room with ensuite bathroom and separate sitting area also available for short term rent for those seeking emergency accommodation. For more details contact Eva on 03 329 9727, or view on line Governors Bay Hotel restored to it’s former glory and offers six guest rooms located on the first floor level. All rooms renovated with 32 inch flat screen televisions, queen size beds, free wifi, heaters and vanities. Four rooms with direct verandah access with views over the Lyttelton harbour. Contact 03 329 9433 or view more details on line: Governors Bay Studio is an upmarket studio with ensuite, wifi, sky television, kitchenette. Located by the water and beach. Lovely garden setting. Bed and breakfast $180 - $200 per night. Preferable short stays 2-3 nights. Contact Rosie Belton 027 228 7019. Living Springs offer an array of accommodation options from fully service private rooms, studios, twin rooms, shared bunkrooms to outdoor camping. Also available are some powered caravan sites. All rooms are clean, comfortable and well maintained for your relaxation. Contact Living Springs on 03 329 9788 or view more details on line: Waitahuna an 1850's Colonial Cottage fully restored and set in 4 1/2 acres of garden with waterfront access. Self catering accommodation in a lovely romantic setting. Breakfast supplies included in the tariff, fully equipped kitchen, double bedroom plus a modern sofa bed in the sitting room. Contact Gavin or Annabelle 03 329 9712 or 027 222 4604.

“ harbour vibe what’s on around the harbour this week

March 2013 20 Wednesday Plunket Play Group Community Garden Lyttelton Harbour Business Association Lyttelton Harbour Civil Defence Governors Bay Civil Defence

10.00am 10.00am 5.30pm 7.00pm 7.00pm

Lyttelton Main School The Portal, 54a Oxford Street Tommy Changs, London Street Lyttelton Main School Governors Bay Fire Station

All Welcome. Lisa York-Jones 03 328 8918 Shared lunch from 12.00pm Networking Meeting for Harbour Businesses Contact Julie Lee 03 328 7779 Contact Frances James 03 329 9560

21 Thursday Governors Bay Pre-School Music Lyttelton Mt Herbert Community Board Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade Governors Bay Volunteer Fire Brigade Contra Dance Night Al Park Live Music Thursday Chris Prowse - Shiner Tour

9.15am 1.30pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm

Governors Bay School Library Lyttelton Council Service Centre Lyttelton Fire Station Governors Bay Fire Station Private Address, Cass Bay Porthole Bar, London Street Wunderbar, London Street

All Under 5s Welcome with Adult | $3.50 All Welcome | Ordinary Meeting Weekly Training | New Members Welcome Weekly Training | New Members Welcome Contact Bill 03 328 8985 | $5 Live Music Thursday | Free Door Sales $5

10.30am 9.00pm

Lyttelton Library, London Street Wunderbar, London Street

Stories, Rhymes, Activities | Under 2yrs old Door Sales $15

23 Saturday Pop Up Tea Rooms 9.00am Lyttelton Art Market 10.00am Lyttelton Farmers Market 10.00am Lyttelton Garage Sale 10.00am Plenty to Share Neilson, Davidson. Williams | Grand Ole 8.30pm

Tommy Changs, London Street Cnr London and Oxford Street London Street, Lyttelton The Portal, 54a Oxford Street Cnr London and Canterbury Wunderbar, London Street

Fine Cakes and Tea Room Magic Photography, Painting, Sketches and More Fresh produce; Live Music; Buskers and More Second Hand Bargains and More Bring, Exchange and Share Food Tickets $15 |

24 Sunday Combined Church Service Lyttel Soccer Steam Tug Lyttelton, Harbour Cruise Sunday School, A Vinyl Appreciation Live Jazz Sundays St Josephs Worker Catholic Church

10.00am 10.00am 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 5.30pm

Union Church, Winchester Street Rugby Soccer Grounds Ferry Jetty, Lyttelton Wharf Tommy Chang’s, Lyttelton Freemans, London Street 21 Exeter Street, Lyttelton

All welcome End of Godley Quay; Ages 3-9 Welcome Tickets $25 Adults | $10 Children Every Sunday | Free Carmel Courtney Live | Free Discussion on the Holy Week liturgies

25 Monday Plunket Play Group Lyttelton Garden Club Governors Bay Community Association LIFT Library - Film Evening

10.00am 1.30pm 7.00pm 7.15pm

Lyttelton Main School Union Parish, Winchester Street Governors Bay Fire Station The Portal, 54a Oxford Street

All Welcome. Lisa York-Jones 03 328 8918 Contact Dot 332 3283 or Ann 328 8917 Contact Frances James 03 329 9560 Weekly Film Evening

26 Tuesday Story Time Community House Shared Lunch Lyttelton St John Youth Division Artists Showcase Open Mic Night

10.00am 12.00pm 6.00pm 7.30pm

Lyttelton Library, London Street Comm.House, 7 Dublin Street St John Ambulance Station Wunderbar, London Street

Stories, Rhymes, Activities | 2-4yr olds Make new friends 52 London St, Lyttelton Sing, Play, Quote or Entertain

22 Friday Baby Time Mountain Eater

Lyttelton Harbour Review is proudly sponsored by: Lynnette Baird - Lyttelton’s resident Professionals Real Estate Agent Lynnette Baird | Licensed Real Estate Agent P: 03 328 7707 M: 021 224 6637 E: W:

Professionals Kennard Real Estate Limited MREINZ

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