Madisonville is at risk of losing its historic, architectural character as well as the diverse yet close-knit community. The instructional guide “How to Make Money From Your Home� is designed to give average residents the economic power to protect their community.
Founded in 1809, Madisonville has a long and varied history of existence. Today the modern draw of the area is both the diverse yet closeknit community as well as the abundance of historic, single-family homes. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly clear that a major threat to both of these assets is beginning to eat away the heart of Madisonville.
Demolition and construction are natural processes for the continued evolution of our built environment. However Madisonville has begun to only trend in the former. From the years 2001 to 2009, the main intersection of Madison Road and Whetsel saw a singular demolition succumb to being a vacant lot. Across the following decade, that number skyrocketed to 21.
The architectural character once defining this neighborhood is quickly becoming endangered. Cultural centers for the community were once built at approachable scales and filled with elegant detailing worthy of their prominent place in the community. The new powerhouses at the center of development are monstrous, minimally finished, and arguably forgettable in design.
It can be said that the economically limited neighborhood could see significant benefits from a redevelopment. Unfortunately these new projects are coming from Big-budget developers intent on only meeting the needs of surrounding neighborhoods with deeper pockets. This economic disparity has made it virtually impossible for the current residents to protect what they hold dear.
“How to Make Money From Your Home� is an amateurs guide to getting the most out of your home through DIY adaptations. As of 2010, 48% of households in Madisonville were owner occupied. If these residents were able to improve their economic standing with this singular asset alone, then maybe there is a chance that a few more local voices can be heard over the volume of the developers.
How To Make Money
A DIY g u id e f o r f in d in g s av in gs , t u rn in g a p ro f it , a n d g et t in g t h e m o st o u t o f yo u r res id en t ia l p ro p ert y
N e w t o th e wo r l d o f D o - I t -Yo ur s e l f ? N o P r o bl e m ! This illu str ated g u ide is desig n ed to serve even the most n ovice of home imp rover . Whether you ’r e lookin g to throw you r hat in to the r in g at the local far mer s mar ket or ju st wan t to fix that dr afty old win dow in you r bathroom, this man ual can g et you star ted on it all.
Writ t en a n d illu st rat ed by L ill ia n Acree 2020
framed in the manual as an example project is this campus designed for madisonville. The main purpose of this proposal is to improve the health of local residents through increased nutritional education, spreading knowledge of gardening, and creating an accessible source for fresh produce. The campus involves two existing buildings, an established community garden, and a proposed green house.
Culinary Center
Community Garden
Community Market
Youth Home
Green House
This Nutrition/education campus would become the epicenter of this positive redevelopment movement the “How to Make Money...� would create. Running parallel to the current center of development on Madison Road, the influence of the campus would spread along Chandler street and disperse into the residential core beyond. As the two paths of influence expand and gain momentum, the hope is that the green, Resident-fueled movement will have enough strength to protect the existing community when eventually confronted by the gentrifying front.
Individually these proposed projects from this manual won’t hold anywhere near the level of immediate impact as the massive developer footsteps. However, the hope is that while all the outside eyes are focussed on the major veins of Redbank Road and Madison, these DIY soldiers can move quickly and quietly through the residential streets and spread a protective network of positive redevelopment. Eventually this network will hold enough strength to turn the tides of change in the favor of those who count the culture of Madisonville among the things they hold near and dear.