Drops of Madness

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Giuditta R

Drops of Madness

Produced by / Progetto editoriale M-House www.mhouseed.com info@mhouseed.com

Texts by / Testi di Julie Kogler, Basak Malone

ISBN: 978-88-98434-00-8

All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

Tutti i diritti riservati. È vietata la riproduzione anche parziale e con ogni mezzo, senza la specifica autorizzazione scritta dell’editore.

© 2013 M-House Editrice - Milano - Italy

Giuditta R

Drops of Madness

With special thanks to my family, for always suppor ting me... ...to Maria for believing and following me, also during the hard times! Thanks also to Tijana Miskovic and Johan Ebbesen for helping me do “great moves” here in Copenhagen

Un ringraziamento speciale alla mia famiglia, per il costante suppor to... ...a Maria per credere e seguirmi, anche nei momenti diff icili! Un ringraziamento anche a Tijana Miskovic e Johan Ebbesen per avermi aiutata a fare “grandi passi” qui a Copenhagen


Drops of Madness

Drops of Madness

In general the project Drops of Madness originates from the inspiration given by various sources, among these the Expressionism, New Figuration (Francis Bacon), cinema (thriller-horror), contemporary photography, archives about criminality and the interesting theories of the parallel dimensions such as the unconscious, dreams, metaphysics.

Giuditta R


The project Drops of Madness has been developed in parallel with intensive analysis of some psychology books. It comprises of a series of works made with pencils (graphite) and mixed media on cardboard. The drawings are generally created in a black white (pencils-suppor t). Only little par ticulars are underlined, in each ar twork, by evident and colored glitters, shiny pagliettes and little objects, emerging drastically, or with difficulty, from each representation. This choice is meant to give a different, contemporary and original way of looking at the ar tworks. A key of reading which brakes with the classic way of drawing. The series Drops of Madness por trays the disturbing elements of cer tain ”human truths”. The characters of the ar tworks are described as “childish”, a precise choice, which indicates how society is not often composed of “real adults”. Fur thermore these characters represent the human and its dark face, a collection of wounded, violated, scared, aggressive beings. Silent and screaming at the same time, they actually express what comes directly from the unconscious. Drops of Madness are the inner par ts of the human. They are simply “ghosts”, crystallized as par ticular feelings or childish roles. This collection of beings, signed by scares and trauma, describes the singular development of the human in a ignorant and “violated” society. This individual “tragedy” of existence, transforms the expression of these ghosts in a violent mix of criminal feelings, ambiguous expressions, desperation, degrade, attention wishes. The project Drops of Madness can be seen as a deep dialogue. Something that can leave a reflection about some of the essential issues of our lives, such as identity, self-knowledge and about our (maybe “endless”) childhood.

Giuditta R

Gocce di follia

In generale il progetto Gocce di follia trae ispirazione da diverse fonti, tra cui l’Espressionismo, Nuova Figurazione (Francis Bacon), il cinema (thrillerhorror), la fotograf ia contemporanea, archivi di criminologia ed affascinanti dimensioni parallele quali l’inconscio, i sogni e la metaf isica. Il progetto Gocce di follia è stato sviluppato in parallelo con un’intensa analisi di libri di psicologia, include una serie di lavori a matita (graf ite) e materiali misti su car tone. I disegni sono generalmente creati in bianco e nero (a matita). Solo piccoli par ticolari sono sottolineati, in ciascuna opera, da evidenti glitter colorati, paillettes splendenti e piccoli oggetti che emergono drasticamente oppure a fatica da ciascuna rappresentazione. Questa scelta è volta a proporre una modalità diversa, contemporanea ed originale di osservare le opere. Una chiave di lettura che frena il classico metodo di disegnare. La serie Gocce di follia ritrae gli elementi inquietanti di alcune “verità umane”. I personaggi delle opere hanno dei tratti “infantili”: una scelta precisa che indica come la società non sia composta da “adulti autentici”. Inoltre questi personaggi rappresentano l’essere umano e il suo lato oscuro, una raccolta di individui feriti, violati, spaventati e aggressivi. Silenziosi e sbraitanti al tempo stesso, esprimono effettivamente ciò che viene direttamente dall’inconscio. Le Gocce di follia sono le par ti interiori dell’essere umano. Sono semplicemente “fantasmi”, cristallizzati come sentimenti par ticolari o ruoli infantili. Questa raccolta di individui, segnati da paure e traumi, descrive lo sviluppo individuale dell’essere umano in una società ignorante e “violata”. Questa personale “tragedia” dell’esistenza trasforma l’aspetto di questi fantasmi in un violento mix di sentimenti criminali, espressioni ambigue, disperazione, degrado, desiderio d’attenzione. Il progetto Gocce di follia può essere interpretato come un dialogo. Qualcosa che può lasciare una riflessione rispetto ad alcune delle questioni della nostra vita come l’identità, la conoscenza di noi stessi e la nostra (forse “interminabile”) infanzia.

Giuditta R


Drops of Madness Giuditta R


Brothers XVII

Drops of Madness series Pencil and mixed techniques on paper • cm 50x35


Rose and Margareth

Drops of Madness series Pencil and mixed techniques on paper • cm 70x50

Drops of Madness Giuditta R


Sophia’s nightmare

Drops of Madness series Pencil and mixed techniques on paper cm 70x50 SAK Business collection


We really like this game IV

Drops of Madness series Pencil and mixed techniques on paper cm 100x70

Studies & Exhibitions Studies

2003-2008: Bachelor degree and Master with First Class Honours, Academy of Fine Ar t - Catania, Italy

Drops of Madness

Solo shows

Giuditta R


2013: “Drops of Madness” Oxholm Gallery, Copenhagen – DK 2012: “Drops of Madness” Damp Gallery, Copenhagen – DK 2011: “Drops of Madness” Sala Dogana, Palazzo Ducale, Institute of Contemporary Ar t, Genova – IT 2010: SAK Kunstforening, Centre of Contemporary Ar t, Svendborg – DK 2005: “Monocromi & Policromi” solo show, Jessica Hauf photographic Atelier, Catania – IT

Selected group shows

2013: UAMO Festival 2013, Kullukcu Gallery, Munich – D “Eye can draw”, Tijana Miskovic Show Room, Copenhagen – DK 2012-13: (Ongoing) Biennale JCE - Jeune Création Européenne 2011-2013, international show, Montrouge (Paris) and other European locations: Klaïpeda, Lithuania; Hamburg, Germany; Batislava, Slovachia; Pecs, Hungery; Salzburg, Austria; Amarante - Por tugal 2012: “Spejlinger”, Museum Lolland Falster – DK “Lys over Lolland”, yearly international, Museum Lolland Falster – DK IMAFestival, National Museum of Science and Technology, Milan – IT 2011: “De dødes dag”: Damp Gallery – Copenhagen, DK “The Garden of Culture”, Institute of Culture, Messina – IT “Generous Gestures” Den Frie Udstillingsbygning (Centre of Contemporay Ar t) – Copenhagen, DK 2010: “Christmas Sales”, Freies Museum, Berlin – D “Fata Morgana”, Gallery Meno Parkas, Kaunas – Lithuania “Star t - Mail Ar t Project”, Gallery of Ar t and Design Patricia Muñoz, Barcelona – Spain “Christmas Palm” unique urban ar t project. Freies Museum and other locations, Berlin – D

2009: “Fairy Tales, young ar tists from Wonderland”, Antonio Battaglia Gallery, Milan – IT “Summer time”, Christoffer Egelund gallery, Copenhagen – DK “Present Ar t”curated by the critic Lucio Barbera, Vittorio Emanuele theatre, Messina – IT 2007: Group show, museum-historic Centre Ursino Castle, Catania – IT 2006: Catania Ar t Fair, Ciminiere, historic and Contemporary Ar t Centre – IT

Other artistic experiences

2013: featured in Saatchi online collection Spotlight on Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway & Sweden 2012: Selected for “100 Curators 100 Days” Saatchi Gallery collection made by curator Ben Street Selected for publication in the New Collectors Book 2012, New York – USA Presented by DAMP Gallery at Herning Ar t Fair – DK 2011: Selected among the last 30 f inalists in the Saatchi Online “Drawing Showdown Competition” 2010: Danish Ar ts Council’s Intercultural Advisory Project, assignment of a yearly mentorship, Statens Kunstråd, Copenhagen - DK Grant received for the “Generous Gestures” installation “Hot Cabinet” made in collaboration with danish ar tist Anna Bennike at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Statens Kunstråd, Copenhagen – DK 2007: “Ref lection about the Ref lection”, vir tual ar t project, Aalborg University, depar tment in Ballerup, Copenhagen – DK


Giuditta R

Drops of Madness

Giuditta R Giuditta R è nata in Italia nel 1984, attualmente vive e lavora a Copenhagen, Danimarca. Quasi l’intera formazione ar tistica di Giuditta nasce dall’ispirazione data dall’Espressionismo, la Nuova Figurazione (Francis Bacon), cinema (thriller-horror), fotograf ia contemporanea, archivi sulla criminalità e le interessanti teorie sulle dimensioni parallele, come l’inconscio, i sogni, la metaf isica. Giuditta è affascinata e curiosa di indagare l’ambiguitá, il paradosso, le facoltà della mente, allucinazioni, incubi ecc. L’idea di base del progetto Drops of Madness è di catturare le radici dell’identità umana e di mettere luce e peso sul tema della conoscenza di sé.

Giuditta R was born in Italy in 1984, currently lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. Almost the entire ar tistic formation of Giuditta originates from the inspiration given by the Expressionism, New Figuration (Francis Bacon), cinema (thriller-horror), contemporary photography, archives about criminality and the interesting theories of the parallel dimensions such as the unconscious, dreams, metaphysics. Giuditta is fascinated and curious to study the ambiguous, the paradox, the mind faculties, hallucinations, nightmares etc. The basic thought of the project Drops of Madness is to capture the roots of the human identity and to put light and weight on the theme of self-knowledge.


www.mhouseed.com info@mhouseed.com

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