unit 6 4º ESO

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Vocabulary Unit 6 Adjectives for advertising 1. shocking (pésimo, espantoso)- it means very bad, very upsetting 2. appealing it means attractive and pleasing 3. controversial (controvertido, polémico) it means something people don´t agree about 4. offensive this is what rude people are; it means offensive and rude 5. upbeat it means optimistic; positive, cheerful and happy 6. powerful it means very strong 7. convincing it means easy to believe 8. inappropriate it means not acceptable 9. uninspiring it means very boring and dull 10. genuine it means real 11. natural it comes from nature 12. fast the opposite of slow 13. clever it means intelligent 14. cheap the opposite of expensive 15. rare it means that it is hard to find or it doesn´t often happen 16. original it means new and different 17. precious ( muy valioso) it means it is worth a lot of money

Kitchen items 1. mug (tazón) a tall cup for drinking with a handle 2. tin-opener (abrelatas) a tool for opening tins 3. fridge it is used for keeping food cold and fresh 4. toaster where you put slices of bread to toast 5. spoon a bowl-shaped tool with a handle for stirring, serving and eating food 6. kettle a container for heating water 7. saucepan a pot with handle(s) for cooking 8. knife a sharp blade with a handle used for cutting 9. lunchbox (fiambrera) a box for carrying food 10.fork a tool with a handle at one end and three or four points at the other for eating food 11.oven a closed box used for cooking and baking 12. frying pan a flat pan with a long handle, used for frying food. 13. pressure cooker a pot for cooking food very quickly by the pressure of the hot steam UK English flat

USA English apartment













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