Vocabulary 1-7 units

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Unit 1 accent (noun) a way of pronouncing a language citizen (noun) a person who lives in a particular place or country citizenship (noun) the legal right to belong to a particular country customs (noun) traditions demand (verb) insist, ask firmly fit in (verb) belong force (oblige) government (noun) people who rule the country laws (noun) rules loyal (adjective) dedicated,faithful officials (noun) authorities proposal (noun) suggestion prove (verb) verify typical (adjective) usual, characteristic Unit 2 appearance (noun) look be aware of (verb) know beauty (noun) attractiveness fashion (noun) a popular style of dressing features (noun) qualities hardship (noun) difficulty light-skinned (adjective) pale lucky break (noun) fortunate opportunity painful (adjective) unpleasant proud (adjective) arrogant and pleasant success (noun) a person or thing that has achieved a good result and been successful tease (verb) make fun of Unit 3 audience (noun) people who attend a show/play. audition (noun) a short performance to decide if they choose you

amazement (noun) great surprise commercial (noun) a TV or radio advert entertain (verb) amuse and interest sb goal (noun) aim, purpose joke (noun) a funny story that you tell perform (verb) act performance (noun) acting quit (verb) leave, stop doing sth realise (noun) know stage (noun) place where artists perform street band (noun) a group of music that performs in streets take place (noun) happen Unit 4 collapse (verb) fall down suddenly, esp. a building crash into (verb) have a violent vehicle accident fear (verb) worry that something bad will happen, be afraid of fire engine (noun) a special vehicle that carries firemen and special equipment to put out fires firefighter (noun) a person whose job it is to rescue men and women horrific (adjective) terrible; extremely bad and shocking; horrifying impressed by (adjective) a feeling admiration for sb/sth leak (noun) a hole that causes water to escape return (verb) come back from one place to another shot (noun) a photograph or a scene in a film made by one camera, without interruption site (noun) location;a place where something of special interest happened stop by (verb) make a short visit somewhere survival (noun) the state of staying alive, despite difficulty or danger witness (verb) to see something happen (typically a crime or an accident) have a narrow escape (verb) sth very unpleasant nearly happens to you TOPIC VOCABULARY angry:feeling or showing anger or strong resentment (usually fol. by at, with, or about) calm:opposite of angry; quiet, still, not excited.

confused:perplexed, disconcerted distressed:showing great pain, troubled exciting: agitated, enthusiastic exhausted:worn out; very tired frantic:desperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear, pain, etc.; frenzied. frightened:afraid; fearful (usually fol. by of) furious:extemely angry; full of fury nervous:highly excitable relieved:free from an¥xiety, fear, pain,,; alleviated shocked:surprised and upset surprised:when something happens that you don´t expect tense:nervous or worried, and unable to relaz upset:unhappy or disappointed because of something unpleasant that has happened

Unit 5 career (noun) the job(s) that sb has in a particular area of work, usu. involving more responsibility as time passes, profession demand (verb) request dropping out of (verb) leaving school before you have finished your studies earn (verb) get money by working employer (noun) person or company you work for hire (verb) employ sb or pay money to borrow sth for a short period of time qualifications (verb) the knowledge or education needed for a job require (verb) need sth skilled (adjective) with experience and knowledge to do sth well ; expert, experienced subjects (noun) areas of study suited (adjective) appropriate training (noun) instruction; the process of learning the skills you need for a job trend (noun) tendency, behaviour pattern waste of time (noun) not worth doing

Unit 6 cash(v.)get money in Exchange for something con (v.) trick or deceive somebody to get money or sth counterfeiting (n.) an exact copy of sth. to trick you into believing you are getting the real thing daring (adj.)brave, adventurous forge (v.) to make an illegal copy of sth.in order to cheat people get away with sth (v.): steal sth.and escape with it manage (v.) succeed in doing sth difficult, be able to phoney (adj.) false, not real or true pose as sb (v.) pretend to be sb in order to trick other people proper(adj.) suitable,right release (v.) set sb/ sth free run away from (v.) escape term (n.) a period of time trick(v.) deceive sb, in order to get what you want warn (v.) tell sb about sth so that they can avoid it Unit 7 achievement (n.) accomplishment amount (n.) sum auction (n.) public sale available (adj.) free catch on (v.) become popular develop (v.) grow and change exciting (adj.) interesting fantasy (adj.) imaginary hit (n.) success lead( v.) guide pick(v.) choose real- life (adj.) true (football) season (n.) time of the year spread (v.) move take turns (v.) do an activity, one person at a time tiny (adj.) very small

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