of the
Holy Child
2013-2014 Upper and Middle School Student/Parent Handbook 1
School of the Holy Child Student/Parent Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to introduce the policies and procedures that provide the framework for student life at Holy Child. We hope it will be a valuable resource in describing many aspects of Holy Child. It also makes clear the values, expectations, and behavior we hold important and which we expect you, as students and parents, to uphold and share. At Holy Child, honesty, respect, trust, self-discipline, and service are held to be fundamental. By working together to honor these principles, we seek to create an environment that encourages growth and learning for all. To ensure you understand these policies and the reasons for their implementation, it is important that, together, both students and parents carefully read! It will serve as a reference for your year at Holy Child.
Colm MacMahon Assistant Head of School/Head of the Upper School/Director of Guidance
Colleen R. Pettus Head of the Middle School
Accreditation and Memberships
School of the Holy Child is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools and is registered by the New York State Board of Regents. Memberships include the Network of Holy Child Schools, National Association of Independent Schools, New England Prep School Athletic Council, Fairchester Girls Athletic Association, National Association of College Admission Counselors, College Board, Secondary School Admission Test Board, Alumni Program Council for Independent Schools, Online School for Girls. 2
General School Policies and Regulations
Jurisdiction Indirect Jurisdiction Student Behavior Student Leaders School Name, Logo and Mascot Elevator Use Food in School Eating Outside
Bus Circle/Main Entrance Faculty and Staff Student Visitor and Parent Enforcement
School Closings
Emergency Procedures
Fire/Evacuation Drills School Security The Crisis Plan
Health Concerns and the Community
Acceptable Technology and Computer Use Policy
Communication with Parents
Laptop Security Appropriate Use of Laptops Laptop Care Laptop Repair Repeated Laptop Damage/Abuse School Equipment Netiquette Newslines Website Email
Communication and Acceptable Technology Use
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices Telephone Usage Photography and Video
UPPER SCHOOL Commitment to the Community
Academic Integrity Personal Integrity
Assistant Head of School/Head of the Upper School/Director of Guidance Director of College Counseling Dean of Students Class Deans
Academic Program
Graduation Requirements
Program Selection and Changes
Ninth Grade Study Hall
Grading System
Honors National Honor Society Awards (Graduation Awards, Year End Awards)
Community Service Guidelines
Hours Acceptable Service Reflection
Communication with Parents
Parent/Teacher Conferences Interim Grades Teacher Comments, Advisor Letters, and Report Cards Progress Reports Academic Warnings
Summer School
Detention Mandatory Study Hall Disciplinary Probation Administrative Review Separation from Community Suspension Expulsion Reporting Disciplinary Matters Leaving School without Permission Inappropriate Behavior Stealing and Lockers Defacement of School Property Smoking Alcohol and Drugs
Academic Honesty
Conduct and Disciplinary Consequences
Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism Cheating Administrative Review Separation from Community
Absences Lateness Lateness to Class Class Cuts Early Dismissal College Visits
Standardized Testing
PSAT SAT I New SAT and Subject Tests Score Reporting Policy AP ACT ERB
The Learning Center
Director of Learning Center Tutoring
Accommodations Pass/Fail Policy School Psychologist/Counselor Services Relationships between Parents and the School Student Policies and Procedures
27 28 28 28 29
Morning Meeting Class Meeting Advisor Meeting Lockers Messages and Announcements to Students Using Free Periods Wisely Field Trips Visitors After School Student Fundraising Ring Day
Religious Life
Student Life
Spiritual Life including Liturgies Prayer Retreats
Senior Privileges Requirements for Privileges
Senior Independent Project (SIP) Peer Leaders Extracurricular Activities Exchange Programs Holy Child Schools’ Student Exchange Program School Year Abroad (SYA) The Mountain School/High Mountain Institute (HMI) Semester Semester at St. Stephen’s School The Online School for Girls 5
32 32 32 33
MIDDLE SCHOOL General Information Policies and Responsibilities Expectations
36 37
Parent Requirements Discipline Student Lateness and Absence Early Dismissal Homework and Absence Academic Dishonesty Lockers and Personal Possessions Guidance The Learning Center The Arch Award Student Government Campus Ministry Snack, Lunch and Celebrations Birthdays Field Trips and Retreats The School Website Marking System
38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 42 42
General Classroom Dress Class Cuts Early Dismissal College Visits
Honor Roll Fifth Grade Examinations Report Cards Teacher Comments, Letters and Parent Conferences Tutoring
After School
Gryphon Time The Library and Supervision After School Procedures for the “After-School Library� Class Cuts Early Dismissal College Visits
NYSAISSA Sports Standards Selection Classification
ALL SCHOOL General Policies and Regulations Jurisdiction A student is responsible to the school and subject to its discipline when she is on campus (including the Purchase Street bridge and Westchester Avenue), on a school-sponsored trip or event, or when she is signed off-campus for senior privileges during the school day. Students are not permitted on school campus when school is not in-session for any reason unless it is for a school-sponsored event.
Indirect Jurisdiction Off campus outside of the school day, a student is responsible to the law and her parents and is additionally subject to the discipline of the school if she behaves in a manner that may bring public discredit to School of the Holy Child.
Student Behavior Integrity, tolerance, respect, honesty, fairness, and compassion are expected of all members of the Holy Child community. Holy Child students are expected to be good citizens. They must be familiar with the rules of the school and, with the support and encouragement of their parents, are expected to abide by these rules. General behavior within the Holy Child community will be guided by:
The goals as laid down by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus Consideration for each other, demonstrated by courtesy, kindness, compassion and understanding Honesty, responsibility, and fairness in academic, athletic, artistic and social endeavors Participation in a safe and supportive community Respect for the property of others and for the safety and health of all members of the community
No student shall be subjected to harassment or discrimination by employees or other students on school property or at a school function. This conduct includes, but is not limited to, threats, intimidation or abuse based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex. All inappropriate behavior shall immediately be reported to the student’s Division Head.
Student Leaders Student Leaders are expected to reflect the behavior described above at all times. Any Student Leader who commits a serious infraction of school rules may be asked to resign her position.
School Name, Logo and Mascot The usage of the school name, logo or mascot is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the Head of School.
Elevator Use An elevator is available to students and staff with disabilities and/or injuries, or sanctioned school business. Students who are suffering from a temporary injury or disability must obtain permission from the Dean of Students prior to using the elevator. Students may be asked to provide a doctor’s note. Students who use the elevator without permission will receive appropriate sanctions.
Food in School All food is to be consumed only in the Dining Hall. No food or drink is allowed in the Library, hallways, or in any classroom or offices. Exceptions are made for advisor meetings, peer leader lunches, or for special celebrations, under faculty supervision. No student may “order out” without the express permission of the Dean of Students. Parents are also asked to consult with the Dean or an Advisor before they plan special celebrations involving food in school. Lunch is provided for every student at Holy Child. Lunch, provided by FLIK, includes a daily salad bar, deli bar, soups, desserts and a choice of hot entrees. Girls can go from station to station, for example, to get a soup and then some salad. All vegetarian and vegan choices are labeled. Menus are posted monthly on the School’s website. Breakfast and snacks are available for purchase on a cash basis with an average cost of under $1.50. All items are freshly prepared. An afternoon snack may be purchased in the Dining Hall between 2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Students and parents can make suggestions for new menu options by emailing Chef Karen Brennan at Students may bring their own snacks; however, lunch will be provided by the school food service. Regarding food allergies, Holy Child is a “nut and seed aware” school. The cleanliness of the Dining Hall is the responsibility of the students. Girls are asked to keep the area as clean as possible and to place any garbage or recyclables in the receptacles provided.
Eating Outside In nice weather students may choose to eat in the picnic area for snack or lunch. Some things to remember: Exit to the picnic area through the door at the bottom of the steps to the Dining Hall (NOT the door at the end of the hall by the Upper School Art Room). Reenter the school through the door adjacent to the Reception Desk. At no time should doors be jammed open using rocks or anything else. Return all dishes and utensils to the Dining Hall and clear the picnic tables by throwing out all garbage. Eat in the picnic area only, not in the courtyard or any other area outside. Welcome students to your table. Do not hold or save seats. Remember, being outside is about having fun, and that includes fellow classmates!
Parking All parking spaces in the upper lot or mansion circle are open to all drivers AFTER noon on a “first come first served” basis. If you have any questions regarding parking, please contact the Receptionist at the front desk.
Bus Circle/Main Entrance This area is for buses and handicapped parking only. The Harrison Fire Department rules state that it needs to remain open for emergency vehicles. The fire lane is clearly marked in red. All three of our handicapped spaces are located in this circle because only the main entrance is equipped to handle the needs of those with disabilities. For the safety of our students, no cars may enter this area between 7:45-8:15 a.m. and between 2:45-3:30 p.m. This area is restricted for buses during these times. 8
Faculty and Staff Parking Only faculty and staff may park in the upper lot, the Gryphon Field lot or in the Mansion Circle parking spaces. Until 12:00 p.m., only faculty or staff members are permitted to park in these spaces. After 12:00 p.m., if a space is open, anyone may park in the upper lot or Mansion Circle parking spaces.
Student Parking Driving privileges are extended ONLY to juniors and seniors with valid driver’s licenses. Before or during the first week of school, any student with parental permission to drive to school MUST register ANY car she plans to use. In order to register, the student will need to give the license plate number, make, model and color of the car to the Receptionist at the front desk. After registering her car, the student will need to purchase a student parking sticker for $5.00. This sticker MUST BE DISPLAYED on the driver’s side rear window. Extra stickers are available for purchase by girls who have the use of additional cars. The parking stickers are valid for 2 years. Failure to complete the registration or to display the sticker may result in the loss of driving privileges. Seniors will be allowed to park in the spaces along Ross Field. This will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Juniors may park only in the Church of Our Saviour parking lot. Since the upper and Gryphon Field lots are reserved for faculty and staff, any student found to be parking there will risk the loss of driving privileges. Students MAY NOT park along the road to the Head of School’s home – these spaces are reserved for parent/visitor use. Students also MAY NOT park in the Gryphon Field parking lot at any time, including after school. Juniors MAY NOT leave campus to move their cars during the school day. Spaces 1 and 2 in the upper lot are designated for the winners of these spaces at the Annual Auction. Under no circumstances are students allowed to park their cars in the drop-off areas, fire lanes, or Admission spaces. Students may not park their car overnight at the school without the permission of the Dean of Students or the Head of the Upper School. Students found to be without a parking sticker, parked outside the designated area, or abusing her parking privileges, may receive a detention, may be towed by United Towing Company (718-777-3300), and runs the risk of having her driving privileges rescinded.
Visitor and Parent Parking Spaces 5, 6, 7 and 8 are Admission or Visitor Parking spaces and are designated by signs. All other visitors are permitted to park on the road leading to the Head of School’s home and also in the drop-off areas between the hours of 8:45 a.m. and 3:10 p.m. Parents are required to display bright signs saying “SHC PARENT” on their dashboards while visiting the school. Additional signs are available from the Receptionist at the front desk. All parents and visitors to the school must sign-in with the Receptionist. NO ONE may park in a fire lane at any time.
Enforcement If a car is in an unauthorized parking area, it will be reported to the school Receptionist and a bright orange VIOLATION sticker may be affixed to the driver’s side window. If the car is identified as a student car, the student will receive a detention and be asked to move the vehicle. For repeat offenders, the car may be towed and/or the loss of driving privileges will occur. The same applies to a student parking in the drop-off areas, Visitor Parking spaces, Gryphon Field lot, or on the road to the Head of School’s home.
School Closings
In the event of severely inclement weather or an emergency, school may be closed or the starting time delayed. Parents will be notified of unexpected closings through the IRIS system (IRIS is an electronic system that automatically calls families on designated phone numbers if any announcements need to be made). School closings or delayed openings will also be announced on the School’s website, In addition, the School’s recorded phone message will announce school closings or delays.
Occasionally, an early dismissal is needed due to an unexpected daytime snowstorm. Every family will receive a telephone call through the School’s emergency notification system. In addition, the School’s recorded phone message and website will announce school closings or delays. Families should also have discussed with their child, in advance, what to do in the event of an early (unplanned) dismissal.
Emergency Procedures Fire/Evacuation Drills
The fire alarm is a repeated horn sound accompanied by strobe lights. When the fire alarm sounds, all students and faculty should follow the exit route posted in each classroom. The last person out of the classroom closes all windows and makes sure the doors are shut. Once outside the classroom, students should proceed to Gryphon Field to line up alphabetically by class, or by advisor groups in the Middle School. Students must wait for permission to re-enter the building. Talking is NOT permitted during fire drills. In the event of evacuating the building and the grounds, faculty and students will proceed to the Church of Our Saviour on Westchester Avenue. In the event of such evacuation, the IRIS system will be used. Information will also be posted on the School’s website.
School Security In order to ensure the safety of all members of the Holy Child community, all building entrances except the Main Entrance will be kept locked once students have arrived in the morning. All persons are required to enter the building using the Main Entrance and sign in at the Front Desk. (Note: No one may park in the Fire Lanes in the Bus Circle or in the Mansion Circle, or they will be towed.)
The Crisis Plan All faculty, staff, and administrators of the Holy Child community will be given a copy of the Crisis Plan and Emergency Procedure Manual at the beginning of the school year. The manual has its own link on the Holy Child website so that members of the Holy Child community have easy access to it prior to and throughout an emergency. Head of the Upper School is responsible for reviewing the Crisis Plan.
Health Concerns and the Community In regard to any health issues that may affect the larger community, such as MRSA, chicken pox, lice, flu or impetigo, Holy Child will take an active approach to keep parents and students apprised of the situation and our mutual responsibilities. Holy Child will strive to educate parents, students, and staff about prevention and recognition before cases or outbreaks occur. We will establish and inform parents and staff of administrative policies on screening, exclusion for treatment, and conditions for the return to class. In addition, we will offer clear instructions and assistance about treatment products and procedures. If at any point parents or students would like to voice a health concern or to clarify school policy, they may contact Gina Romeo in the Nurse’s Office at
A full-time nurse is available to assist students in their health and well-being. The nurse, like the advisor, the Dean of Students, and the School Counselor, is often a confidante to students. She is an instrumental part of the Guidance Team at Holy Child. Students who feel unwell should report directly to the nurse’s office. Students should not call, text or email parents to arrange transportation to go home. It is the nurse’s responsibility to determine whether or not a student should be sent home, to arrange transportation with the parents, and to communicate this to the Receptionist. (Students who do not follow the correct procedure may receive a detention.) Parents should communicate any prescription medication and medical issues their child may have to the nurse’s office. Please contact nurse Gina Romeo at or ext. 217 with any concerns.
Acceptable Technology and Computer Use Policy Laptops at Holy Child are intended to support teaching and learning by providing access to a wide variety of information and resources. Both the School network and the Internet are available to all students of the School, but students should remember that they are a privilege not a right.
Violations of the acceptable computer use policy may result in disciplinary action and suspension of the student’s privilege to use the School’s network. Students are asked to sign an acceptable computer use policy and agree to use their computers (both at home and at school) in a manner that is supportive of, and consistent with, the philosophy, principles, and practices of School of the Holy Child. In particular, students must agree to refrain from participating electronically in cheating, plagiarism, harassment, bullying, and the display or distribution of hateful, racist, pornographic, or educationally inappropriate material. In addition, any student who uses any school or home e-mail account, blog, webpage or other electronic venue to harass or defame any member of the Holy Child community in such a manner as to cause disruption in the student’s, faculty’s, staff’s or family’s life faces serious disciplinary action.
Laptop Security 1. Laptops shall be accounted for at all times. Laptops should either be on the desk in use, or if not in use, by the desk. When not with students in person, laptops must be locked in the student’s locker. Laptops should not be left in the hallways. 2. Laptops, carrying bags, CDs, battery packs and any other laptop accessory must be labeled with the student’s name. 3. Laptops should be stored and carried in a laptop carrying case. Laptops should never be placed in any bag that has not been designed explicitly for laptop use. Laptops should be moved around school in bags. Carrying the laptop around without the bag increases the chance of the laptop falling and being severely damaged. 4. School of the Holy Child is NOT responsible for any stolen laptops. There is no insurance coverage by the School.
Appropriate Use of Laptops 1. Laptops should be brought to school every day unless students have been told otherwise. 2. It is the student’s responsibility to back up her work regularly. This will prevent her from losing all of the work stored on her computer in the event of a problem. There is no excuse for work not being handed in due to computer failure. There should always be another copy saved elsewhere (either on disk, jump drive, student’s backup folder on the server, or Google Drive). 3. Materials printed at school are to be academic in nature. Documents not pertaining to school are not to be printed in school. 4. Batteries should be charged every night. Battery power will last between two and three hours. Therefore, power packs must be brought to school every day. 5. No multimedia CDs/DVDs are allowed unless directed by the teacher. 11
Laptop Care It is important for students to take care of their laptops. Abuse and damage will decrease the life and functionality of the machine. It is important that students do not abuse their machines in the hope that it will be repaired. Listed below are the most common problems, and their causes: 1. Damaged hard drives: This is often due to mistreatment, dropping the computer, bumping it, etc. Students must remember to back-up all work at least once a week and certainly more often if important projects and papers are due. This is to prevent the loss of work should they experience hard drive failure. The School provides backup storage space for every student and students are taught how to back up their files. The School is not responsible for work not backed up by the student. Only school-related material should be saved to the student’s back-up folder. Please be advised that in the event that a computer must be re-imaged, all files will be lost, including music. Accordingly, students are advised to back-up their personal music files regularly on a CD, iPod, home computer, etc. 2. Broken screen: This is usually due to dropping the machine. When transporting laptops, students should keep them in a case that is specifically designed to protect a laptop. 3. Keyboard Failure: Causes for keyboard failure range from spilled drinks to students popping off keys and slamming things on the keyboard. Students should not drink or eat around the machine and should realize that the keyboard is very delicate. Taking the proper care of a laptop will increase its life, limit the strain of resources at school, and make the students’ experience with laptops much more positive.
Laptop Repair All students in grades 7-12 must have a working laptop for class every day. Dell and Mac laptops purchased through Holy Child are covered under a three-year warranty. The Mac warranty does not cover accidental damage. If a family has purchased a machine outside of Holy Child, then that family is responsible for any hardware repair. The School will do its best to help with any software problems, but anything outside of this will be the family’s responsibility. Parents who do not purchase the school’s recommended laptop models are responsible for making arrangements to ensure their daughter has a working machine so this will not become an excuse for tardy homework assignments. Technical hardware and support are handled by Frank Lutz, Director of Technology and Plant Management, and Edward Yan, Assistant to the Director of Technology – Laptop Support. All students must complete a laptop repair form explaining exactly what the damage is and how it happened. Mr. Yan will help diagnose the problem, fix it or arrange for authorized service.
Repeated Laptop Damage/Abuse If a laptop has repeated problems or severe damage, the following steps will be taken: Any damage that is indicative of abuse as determined by the Tech Department will result in the student being called to the Tech Office to explain the damage. Parents will be notified by e-mail, mail or by phone. Holy Child may charge a fee for repeated damage to a laptop. The charge will be billed to the student’s account. Dell’s service contract does not include repair for abusive, purposeful damage. Dell may altogether decline service if the above is found. Parents would be responsible for paying the cost of the repair either through Holy Child or through their own vendor. Any student who purposefully damages her laptop will be subject to serious disciplinary action. 12
School Equipment School of the Holy Child has several video cameras, still cameras, tripods and supporting equipment that students may borrow for school projects. All such equipment may be checked out from the library. Students are responsible for any replacement costs incurred should any equipment be damaged or not returned. Any said cost will be billed to the student’s account.
Netiquette The School expects all members of the community to use their laptops responsibly. Instant messaging, emailing during class, and playing music in the hallways during school hours are not acceptable. Inappropriate usage or behavior could lead to suspension of computer privileges or to more serious disciplinary consequences. Students should apply the same standards of courtesy, honesty, integrity and respect that govern their conduct in life to govern their use of computers. This should include, but should not be limited to, the following: 1.
2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
12. 13.
All students must log on with their own username and password. Passwords must be kept confidential. Students are responsible for all actions that occur with their user account. If a student accidentally discovers another user’s password, she must immediately tell that user and the Technology Department so the password can be changed. Students must not attempt to access or tamper with files and programs on the network that do not belong to them. The Internet is available to students for academic pursuits. Students may not use it in an inappropriate manner, give out personal information about themselves or classmates over the Internet, or post inappropriate photographs. For safety, students must never agree to get together with someone they meet online. The School will provide all students with an email account. This is a privilege and may be rescinded if used in an inappropriate manner. Files on the network belong to School of the Holy Child. System Administrators have access to all files, including email. Students may not subscribe to listserv services, in which mail is automatically sent to the subscriber, without written permission from a teacher, or the Director of Technology. With regard to all computer usage, the School reserves the right to define appropriateness. Students may not bypass Internet filtering on the school network by using an outside proxy. All Internet traffic is monitored and if any attempt is made to bypass the filter, the student’s Internet access may be suspended. Students may not use the Internet to view inappropriate or social sites (ie: adult sites, IM/blog sites, chat sites, MySpace, Facebook and other social networking sites). Just because a site isn’t blocked doesn’t mean a student is allowed to view it. Again, the Internet is provided by the School for academic pursuits. Any electronic document or activity may be searched by a System Administrator. This includes: email, hard drives, Internet and printer usage. Use appropriate language online. Any online information either published on off-site websites, text or email by students regarding School of the Holy Child, its staff, faculty and student body is subject to review. Any student posting content that is harmful, vulgar, abusive, obscene, threatening, harassing, sexually offensive, slanderous or deemed inappropriate will be in violation of school policy and will be subject to disciplinary action. Never portray yourself, or others, in an inappropriate, vulgar or sexually offensive manner on any website or e-mail. This includes text, video, audio and photographs. Copyright laws must be respected. Do not make unauthorized copies of software. Do not lend, give or sell copies of software to others. Do not pirate music or movies. 13
14. 15. 16. 17.
The acceptable use policy and code of conduct applies to students using any of Holy Child’s cloud computing accounts (including but not limited to): Google Apps, Voicethread, WordPress, YouTube and Vimeo. Technology use outside of normal school hours and/or off school grounds is subject to the rules of this acceptable use policy. The School reserves the right to seek financial restitution for any computer or technological damage caused by a student or other user. Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S. or state regulations is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret.
Communication with Parents Newslines
Newslines is a school publication that contains important calendars and updates for families. Newslines is emailed to parents bi-monthly, beginning in October, and is also posted on the school website.
Website Please note that the school website,, contains a wealth of information, including links to Admission, Academics, Arts, Athletics, Community Service, Development, and School Closings. The site is updated regularly. Please check the school portals for school trip information, necessary forms (such as health forms, course selection forms, etc.), calendar revisions, lunch menus, and information concerning all Holy Child events.
Email Parents who wish to communicate with individual teachers or administrators are encouraged to use email. If they prefer, they may leave a message with the Middle or Upper School Office, or with the Receptionist. Email addresses follow this formula: N.B.: Parents who do not have access to the Internet or email should notify and confirm this with the Middle or Upper School Office.
Communication and Acceptable Technology Use Cell Phones, Blackberries, PDAs, iPhones & Other Electronic Devices Cell phones, Blackberries and other such devices are prohibited during the academic day. All communication and electronic devices should be switched off and kept locked in the student’s locker. Students are not permitted to use cell phones during a free period inside or outside of the school building. Use of cell phones or other communication devices by a student will result in the device being taken for the remainder of the day; the student will serve a detention and she may lose her privilege to carry any device. In the event of an emergency, the student may request to use a school phone or her cell phone. Students need explicit permission from a member of the staff or faculty to use any school phone.
Telephone Usage The front desk telephone is available for proper, brief communications during the school day. Students must ask for permission prior to using the School’s telephone. Any student using the phone for a prolonged period of time, or for inappropriate reasons, may have her telephone privileges rescinded.
Photography and Video No images, video or audio may be taken and/or posted online of any member of the Holy Child community without their knowledge and consent and without prior approval from a teacher or administrator. No images, audio recordings or video footage are to be taken in the classroom without the teacher’s consent. Students may not take unauthorized pictures or videos on school property or at school-sponsored events. 14
UPPER SCHOOL Commitment to the Community This commitment is the foundation upon which we at Holy Child make choices in our daily lives. All members of the community are expected to live up to the highest standards of honorable behavior in the areas of personal integrity, respect for others, and community standards. Violations of these basic principles may result in serious disciplinary consequences.
Academic Integrity The principle of academic integrity is the cornerstone of any school. We encourage students to lead a life governed by values of academic honesty and respect for the work of others. Cheating, plagiarizing, or giving or receiving unacknowledged assistance in academic work are unacceptable behaviors in this community. As an affirmation of this principle, students may be asked to write out the following honor pledge on tests and major essays, as well as other assignments as required by the instructor: I vow that I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment. It is expected that writing out the honor pledge will serve as a reminder of the community’s commitment to the principles of honor and personal integrity.
Personal Integrity Sensitivity and mutual respect are at the core of Holy Child’s mission. Lying, stealing and behavior that intimidates, harasses, insults, humiliates or demeans another human being is unacceptable within this school community as it is in society. Infliction of physical or verbal abuse, damaging or destroying the property of others, threats, intimidation, or behavior inside or outside the community that violates propriety and adversely affects the well-being of an individual or the community will be subject to appropriate action, including possible dismissal from school. This list of behaviors is illustrative and means that other behavior not listed here could be considered a violation of community standards and would be subject to disciplinary action. Such behavior should be brought to the attention of the Head of the Upper School and to the Dean of Students, and may be referred to the Head of School.
Administration Assistant Head of School/Head of the Upper School/Director of Guidance The Assistant Head of School/Head of the Upper School/Director of Guidance reports directly to the Head of School. He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Upper School, including faculty recruitment, retention, and supervision; academic counseling and guidance (in coordination with advisors and the Director of College Counseling); scheduling (in coordination with the Director of Scheduling); and student life, in liaison with the Dean of Students, Department Chairs, the Class Deans and the Head of the Middle School.
Director of College Counseling The Director of College Counseling provides a support system for problems both large and small. The Director is able to answer questions regarding testing, accommodations, summer programs, and the college process, as well as those concerning a student’s general welfare and emotional life here at school. She works closely with the Head of the Upper School, Dean of Students, School Counselor, and the School Nurse to ensure that students have the best support team possible while at Holy Child. The Director will oversee the college application process for seniors, and the initial introduction to the college search for juniors. All students are encouraged to stop by the office and seek the guidance they need to be successful and confident young women. The Director reports directly to the Head of School. 15
Dean of Students, Upper School The Upper School Dean of Students is responsible for the quality of student life in the Upper School at Holy Child. Ensuring the quality of life includes overseeing the Class Deans, the Advisory program, coordinating student government, counseling students, implementing discipline, and social event planning.
Class Deans The Class Deans assume overall responsibility for the members of each class. The Class Deans are responsible for initial inquiry into academic and disciplinary issues. The Class Deans supplement, but do not replace, a student’s individual advisor. They also coordinate the policies of the Dean of Students’ office with the advisors and support her goal of enhancing the quality of student life. Class Deans work with student leaders to coordinate class events and are responsible for supervision of class activities. Parents should contact Class Deans only after they have contacted their daughter’s advisor.
Grade Deans: 12th Grade: 11th Grade: 10th Grade: 9th Grade:
Michael Clancy Alina Troya Aquilato ’00 Trisha Baca Suzy Slattery
( ( ( (
Advisors If parents have a question about their daughter’s progress in a specific class, the first step is to contact the teacher directly; however, if they have a more general question about their daughter’s progress, they should first contact her advisor. Advisors monitor grades, maintain contact with teachers, encourage students in their extracurricular activities, and provide written evaluation of their advisees’ overall performance at school. The advisor is also responsible for supporting and monitoring their advisees’ community service hours.
Academic Program
The Graduation Requirements are as follows: English: Religious Studies: Physical Education: History: Mathematics: Modern & Classical Language: Science: Visual Arts & Performing Arts: Human Relations & College Guidance: Community Service: SIP (Senior Independent Project)
4 years 4 years 4 years (students on an interscholastic team are exempt from Physical Education that trimester) 3 years 3 years 3 years (or if a student reaches level 3 of one language, 2 years of which should be taken in Upper School) 3 years (2 years of which must be a lab science) Six trimesters 5 trimesters 25 hours each year
Grade 9 Required: Religious Studies, English, History, Mathematics, Science, Modern or Classical Language, one Visual or Performing Arts elective, Physical Education, Human Relations I, and 25 hours of community service.
Grade 10 Required: Religious Studies, English, History, Mathematics, Science, Modern or Classical Language, Physical Education, Human Relations II, and 25 hours of community service.
Grade 11 Required: Religious Studies, English, History, Mathematics, Science, Modern or Classical Language (if level 3 has not been reached), Physical Education, College Guidance I, and 25 hours of community service.
Grade 12 Required: Religious Studies, English, Physical Education, College Guidance II, Senior Independent Project, and 25 hours of community service. Unless they are taking 2 or more AP’s, seniors are required to select the electives of their choice to ensure that they are enrolled in at least six courses.
Program Selection and Changes Registration for courses is finalized, with a parent’s approval, in the spring. After consultation with the Head of the Upper School and the subject teacher involved, schedule changes may be made during the first two weeks of classes in the fall trimester. The deadline for adding/dropping a course is two full weeks after the beginning of the term. Students must complete a Course Add/Drop form prior to any course changes being enacted. A student who drops a course after two weeks will have W/P (withdrawn/passing) or W/F (withdrawn/failed) entered on her transcript. All course changes are at the discretion of the Head of the Upper School.
9th Grade Study Hall All ninth grade students are required to attend study hall during their free periods in the course of the school day. Students are expected to bring enough work for the entire class period. Study hall is a quiet environment for students to work. Talking (outside of a whisper) and eating food are not permitted. Students may be exempt from study halls during the second and third trimester depending upon their academic performance. Students may access the Learning and Math Centers during study halls.
Exams will be held at the end of the second trimester for year-long courses and are required of all students. For year-long courses, the examination grade is 10% of the year grade. For trimester courses, it constitutes 10% of the trimester grade. At the discretion of the teacher, portfolios, projects, a trimester test, or research papers may be assigned at the end of the first and third trimesters.
Grading System Letter A AB+ B BC+
Numerical Value 95-100 90-94 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79
74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66 60-63 Below 60
The school year is comprised of three trimesters. Achievement in courses is indicated by a letter grade.
Academic Honors Cornelian Scholar
The Cornelian Honor Roll gives recognition to students for commendable academic achievement at the end of each trimester. Requirements are an A average with no grade lower than an A- and no incompletes.
Graduation Awards The Cornelia Connelly Award: Granted to the senior who contributes most to the school through her outstanding service and leadership in both school and community. Selection is made by the Upper School faculty.
The Holy Child Award: Granted to the senior with the highest grade point average for four years. The Sister Mary Basil Award: Given to the senior who most consistently displays Christ-like compassion, generosity and concern for others. This award is voted on by the senior class.
The Dede Ross Award: Granted to the senior who has enriched the life of all at Holy Child through her honesty, humility, quiet perseverance, and sense of humor. Selection is made by the Head of School.
National Honor Society The Cornelia Connelly Society is Holy Child’s chapter of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools. Membership in the Honor Society is offered in recognition of three years of academic excellence, exemplary character, leadership, and service. Prerequisites for membership are as follows:
Scholarship: Candidates must have a 3.70 cumulative average. (N.B. This grade is an absolute number – we do not round up.) School of the Holy Child does not calculate GPA as a rule, but facilitates the completion of this portion of the requirement using the standards set forth by the Society.
Leadership: Candidates must demonstrate clear evidence of leadership capabilities. Service: Candidates and members are expected to perform significant service beyond the required minimum of 25 hours per year. In order to apply to NHS, students must have already completed at least 50 hours.
Character: Candidates are expected to have demonstrated a sense of responsibility, concern for others, and positive moral values at all times. Students found guilty of any major infractions of school rules jeopardize their candidacy or membership. A nomination committee comprised of faculty members reviews each candidate’s application. This committee makes the final decision for admission to the NHS. N.B.: Any student who has been found guilty of any serious disciplinary infraction or any act of academic dishonesty is automatically excluded from nomination or will have membership removed.
Community Service
Goal 4 of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus requires students, “to work for Christian principles of justice, peace and compassion in every facet of life.” In order to be congruent with this mission, to promote human values of compassion and generosity, and to develop women of “conscience and action,” Holy Child has a graduation requirement of a minimum of 25 hours of service each year. Fulfillment of this service requirement is intended to cultivate a life-long commitment to serving others.
Minimum requirement: Each student will complete a minimum requirement of 25 hours of service during the period of time from June 10, 2013 to May 2, 2014. Completion of hours is a graduation requirement. Additional hours: We encourage students to devote more than 25 hours each year to serving others, and we will record the hours a student completes in excess of 25 hours per year for the purpose of service awards, National Honor Society, and scholarship applications. Carry-over: Excess hours completed during the year may not be carried over to satisfy the requirements of subsequent years. Maximum In-School Service: Students are permitted to complete a maximum of 10 hours of school-related service that may be credited toward their 25 hour requirement. This includes, but is not limited to, all hours serving the Offices of Admission, Development, Alumnae Relations, Guidance, and the Departments of Arts and Athletics. Accountability: Hours will be tracked by each student’s advisor and entered in a database, and students will be provided with a report of accumulated hours at the end of each year.
Documentation Each student is responsible for obtaining the signature(s) of the individual(s) who supervised her service as well as her parent’s signatures. Blank Service Contract forms can be printed from our website. These completed forms must be turned in to the student’s advisor no later than February 28, 2014 for seniors and May 2, 2014 for freshmen, sophomores and juniors.
Seniors Senior Privileges will not be granted for any senior who has not completed 75 hours of community service by fall interims. 100 hours must be completed by Friday, February 28, 2014 or senior privileges will be revoked. Restoration of privileges will be at the discretion of the Diversity and Community Service Coordinator upon completion of service.
Student Leaders Students seeking leadership positions should have satisfied their community service requirements.
Acceptable Service No Remuneration: Students may accept no remuneration for any service completed. Types of Service: Students must work either for a non-profit organization or directly with people in need at for-profit organizations. Service at for-profit organizations must be approved in advance by the Community Service Coordinator. If you have questions, please call Dana Thomas at (914) 967-5622, ext. 280 or e-mail her at
Reflection Advisor Groups: Students will discuss their service with their advisors and fellow students in scheduled advisory meetings throughout the year. 19
Communication with Parents Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled once a year and parents are expected to attend. Parents are also encouraged to contact and make appointments with teachers, advisors, Class Deans, or the Head of the Upper School when they have any special concerns.
Interim Grades Parents will receive interim grades and progress reports by mid-trimester throughout the year.
Teacher Comments, Advisor Letters, and Report Cards Teacher comments are written by teachers, and are mailed home, along with report cards, at the end of the first and second trimesters. Advisor letters will accompany report cards at the end of the third trimester.
Progress Reports Progress reports alerting parents of academic or disciplinary concerns may be sent at any time by a teacher or by a student’s advisor.
Academic Warnings An academic warning is issued to any student receiving one or more failing grades and/or two or more D grades at the end of a trimester. Parents will be notified and a conference scheduled. Specific guidelines will be drawn up for the student to enable her to improve her academic standing. Students in academic difficulty may be assigned to the Learning Center. Failure to follow through on assigned appointments with the Learning Center will be considered a class cut, and the student may receive a detention.
Summer School
A student who earns a D, or fails a required course, must repeat the class in summer school. A student who receives a C- or lower in the first or second level of a foreign language, Algebra I or Geometry must also attend summer school or undertake some form of remedial work over the summer approved by the Head of the Upper School. If a student has to repeat a course in summer school, her transcript will show the course and grade from Holy Child, as well as the course and grade from summer school. Given departmental consent, if a student takes a summer school course as a prerequisite to qualify her for a more advanced course at Holy Child (i.e. Pre-Calculus to qualify for AP Calculus), her summer school grade will be included as part of her transcript. If a student takes a summer school course for enrichment purposes only, given proper documentation, the course and grade will become part of her permanent file.
Sanctions Detention
Detention at Holy Child is held either before school at 7:00 a.m. or after school at 3:15 p.m. The Dean of Students will determine the time of the detention. A student required to serve an afternoon detention must report to detention no later than 3:15 p.m. If a student is late to afternoon detention, a 7:00 a.m. detention will be served the next Friday morning. Regardless of the detention time, students are responsible for making appropriate arrangements regarding transportation as well as with employers, tutors, coaches, etc. Students who serve an after-school detention for a more serious or recurring infraction risk participation in any school activity including clubs, athletic events, arts rehearsals, or performances on that day. It is the student’s responsibility to notify her coach, moderator, or director of her detention. Detention is not a study hall, nor is it a time to make up missed tests or quizzes. 20
Mandatory Study Hall A mandatory after school study hall may be assigned to students who fail to turn in their assignments. Students may be first offered a grace period and may hand in the assignment by 8:00 a.m. the next day. If the student fails to submit the homework within the grace period, the student may be assigned a mandatory study hall that afternoon. This will take place in the library from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Mandatory study hall may preclude the student from participating in any after school activities on that day. The student will sign in and out with the Library Supervisor who will also collect the completed work after the session.
Disciplinary Probation Placement on disciplinary probation is an official statement that a student’s behavior is seriously inconsistent with the expectations of the school. When disciplinary probation is necessary, the Dean of Students and the Head of the Upper School will establish terms for the probation. The Head of School is consulted. The Dean of Students will arrange for a parent/student conference to communicate the terms of the probation. The student’s behavior will be closely monitored during the probationary period, and additional inappropriate behavior may result in suspension or expulsion. Follow-up reports of the student’s behavior will be furnished to the parents as necessary.
Administrative Review Administrative Review will occur when a student has violated the student conduct rules which warrant a serious level of discipline. At this point, her case may be presented to the Head of the Upper School or Head of School. Consequences may include Separation from the Community, Academic/Disciplinary Probation, Suspension, or Expulsion. The consequences may result in a written summary or report of the situation, or alternative forms of discipline that will serve to remind the student of the importance of the community conduct of Holy Child. At this point, a student’s participation in leadership positions may be jeopardized.
Separation from Community Separation from Community is a period in which the student remains on campus, but may not attend classes, participate in the school day, or in extracurricular, athletic, or artistic activities. School work may be completed during this time. A parent meeting summary and letter from the Head of the Upper School/Dean of Students will be added to the student’s file.
Suspension Suspensions can be a definite length, often from one-to-ten days, but can also be indefinite, during which time the student remains at home. A student will not be allowed to attend classes, or to participate in extra-curricular, athletic or artistic activities during the duration. Faculty is not responsible for teaching material covered during this period. Tests, quizzes, and large assignments may be made up at the Head of the Upper School’s discretion.
Expulsion Expulsion is the permanent dismissal of a student from the School. A student may be asked to leave for serious academic, disciplinary, or attendance problems. This decision is reached in consultation with the Head of School.
Reporting Disciplinary Matters If a student is found responsible for a disciplinary violation, academic or behavioral, which results in her suspension, probation, removal, or dismissal from school, Holy Child is required to report this matter to the colleges at the time of application and any time in between application and graduation. This policy of disclosure is in accordance with the Statement of Best Practices of the National Association of College Admission Counseling, which requires counselors to “report any significant change in a candidate’s academic status or qualifications, including personal school conduct record between the time of recommendation and graduation, where permitted by applicable law; and establish a written policy on disclosure of disciplinary infractions in their communications to colleges.”
Leaving School without Permission Students may not leave school without the permission of the Dean of Students or the Head of the Upper School. If a student leaves without proper permission, a meeting with the Dean of Students will be required. The student will lose driving privileges (if applicable) and face other disciplinary measures. Further offenses may result in suspension. If a parent has scheduled a doctor’s appointment for their daughter, they must notify the school receptionist.
Inappropriate Behavior
Bullying, hazing, baiting, sexual harassment, physical assault, or any behavior that encroaches upon the personal rights of others will not be tolerated. This includes behavior that occurs in person and online via social media.
Stealing and Lockers Students should respect the property of other students. Prevention is the best method of curtailing theft. All students are supplied with a locker in which they are required to secure book bags, laptops and property they do not wish to carry with them during the school day. If a student is found stealing items or in possession of stolen merchandise (regardless of the inherent value of the item), a parent conference will be held immediately and serious disciplinary action will be taken. Students should refrain from bringing large amounts of money or valuables to school and should remember to keep lockers closed. Students should not share their locker combinations with other students. School of the Holy Child is not responsible for any items a student reports missing.
Defacement of School Property Any student found defacing school property may be required to pay for the repair of the property involved and will face appropriate discipline.
Smoking Holy Child is a smoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited in the school building, on the Purchase Street bridge, on Westchester Avenue, on school grounds, at school events, on school trips and on school buses at all times. If a student is discovered smoking in any of these areas, parents will be notified and disciplinary consequences will ensue. Students are not permitted to possess tobacco products at any time on school property or school trips and off campus events. The purchase and possession of cigarettes under the age of 18 is illegal in the State of New York.
Alcohol and Drugs The possession or consumption of drugs or alcohol by minors is illegal. Any student thought to be consuming, possessing, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be suspended from the class or activity immediately, and a conference with parents will be held. The student, upon her return from any type of disciplinary action, will be placed on disciplinary probation, and any subsequent offenses will meet with the most serious consequences, including dismissal from school. Any sports team member or student in a leadership position found consuming or possessing drugs or alcohol, or under the influence on our campus, or behaving in a manner that brings public disgrace to the school, will be removed from the team 22
or activity. A student discovered selling or buying drugs will be expelled from Holy Child.
Academic Honesty Academic Dishonesty
Holy Child students are expected to display character, honor, and integrity at all times and in every situation. Our community is based upon the concept of trust. Lack of honesty destroys trust and corrodes the relationships within the community. Therefore, academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Colleges take academic dishonesty very seriously and will consider the offense carefully during the admission process. Academic dishonesty can take many forms: copying someone’s homework, using papers available on the Internet, giving or taking information from another student during tests, quizzes or homework; submitting the work of someone else as one’s own; or trying to discover information about a test or quiz before taking it. The Upper School may require an honesty pledge. Students may be asked to sign each test/quiz/paper, etc. to verify that they have neither given, nor received, help on the particular endeavor.
Honesty Pledge I vow that I have neither given nor received aid on this [test, quiz, homework assignment, exam, project, etc.]. Signature______________________________________________________________________
Plagiarism Plagiarism is a serious form of academic dishonesty. It is the act of willfully submitting the work of someone else under the pretense that it is one’s own; it is also the failure to document properly all work or ideas taken from other sources. No Modern or Classical Language student may use a translation engine. No student may submit the ideas or writing of another person as her own. Materials and ideas from any electronic resource must be properly cited. Anything short of this is considered plagiarism. A student discovered plagiarizing will be subject to severe disciplinary action. All teachers are expected to review their expectations and give explicit instructions outlining their policies on the correct way to use and attribute borrowed ideas. Failure to follow these guidelines on the student’s part may result in serious disciplinary penalties.
Cheating Cheating (both giving and taking help, answers and information) is both a lapse in integrity and a detriment to the learning community. With maturity, students learn that cheating harms the student far more than it helps. If discovered cheating, students will receive academic and disciplinary consequences.
Conduct and Disciplinary Consequences Whatever form it takes, academic dishonesty is a serious matter. When a student chooses academic dishonesty, she hurts both herself and the community. Tests and assignments are created to evaluate the learning process. If a student does not complete them truthfully, critical shortcomings may be left undiagnosed. Students who violate the academic honesty policy may be excluded from pursuing school leadership positions, and those holding a school leadership position may be asked to resign their position. If academic dishonesty results in a suspension or a removal from the community, Holy Child is obliged to 23
report this to colleges.
Absences According to New York State requirements, the following, and only the following, are legal (excused) absences from school: Approved college visits/Bus service lacking/Illness/Death in family/Necessity of appearing in court/Essential health treatment/Impassable roads/Hazardous weather. Class time is valuable. Students and their families are strongly discouraged from taking time away from school for unexcused absences or to extend school vacations or holidays. Students who miss school due to unexcused absences, including family vacations outside the school vacation schedule, risk compromising their class participation grade and teachers may elect to not permit the student to make-up missed work. Students who are frequently absent on days of scheduled assessments risk not being able to make-up the work for full credit. Seniors with unexcused absences risk losing senior privileges. Should a student be absent, the school requires a parent or guardian to phone the Receptionist at ext. 200 before 9:00 a.m. Students may not call in their own absence. When the student returns to school, she must bring a note to the Receptionist from a parent/guardian stating the date of, and reason for, her absence. A doctor’s note must be presented when a student has been absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness. In order to be considered present for a full day, and to participate in any extra-curricular activities on that day including games, dances, practices, musical events, or plays, a student needs to be in school before 11:00 a.m. or, arrive at school on time, and attend all classes through 1:00 p.m. When a student does miss school, it is her responsibility to confer with her teachers following an absence and to complete any work that has been missed. The student is responsible for making up missed work in a timely manner. In the case of an extended absence, students should consult with their advisor and the Head of the Upper School to plan how best to proceed. Students who receive an incomplete on a report card must make up the work within two weeks of the end of the marking period. Extensions may be granted for extended absence. If a student is absent for more than seven days per trimester or has more than five unexcused absences, a parent conference may be required. A student may lose credit for courses taken during that trimester.
Lateness The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. Students are expected to be in their places when morning meeting begins. Students who arrive after 8:00 a.m. will be marked late. Students arriving late for school must bring a note from a parent stating the reason for their late arrival. Lateness will be excused only for reasons stated as legal absences. Free periods, oversleeping, or problems with car pools, traffic (not weather related), or driving other family members constitute illegal or unexcused lateness. Students who are frequently absent will be held academically responsible for missed class time and assignments. Students who fail to take or turn in scheduled assessments risk not being able to make-up the work for full credit. Seniors who are late for school for other than excused reasons will not be eligible for senior privileges. Students who arrive late more than four (4) times during a trimester may be required to make up missed time by arriving at school at 7:00 a.m. 24
Note: Students should be aware that, once they arrive on campus, they may not leave without permission from the Dean of Students or the Head of the Upper School.
Lateness to Class Faculty will handle late arrival to their classes. In most cases, the teacher will require the student to make up missed class time during breaks or other free times. In addition, the student’s grade for class participation may be adversely affected. Should late arrival to class become a persistent problem, the Dean of Students will determine an appropriate response.
Class Cuts Class attendance is required at all times. Any unexcused absence from class will be reported to the Dean of Students. If a student cuts a class, she will meet with the Dean of Students, her parents will be notified, and a 7:00 a.m. detention will be served. In addition to this sanction, any senior cutting a class will lose her senior privileges. Repeat offenses by any student may result in suspension, and, for seniors, a permanent loss of privileges. A student who does not attend class for health reasons must meet with teachers, personally notify the teacher involved and then proceed directly to the nurse. Only students who report their illness and check in with the school nurse will be excused from a missed class. Students who do not follow this procedure will be illegally absent from class and given a 7:00 a.m. detention.
Early Dismissal Written requests for early dismissal must be presented to the Receptionist as soon as the student arrives at school. The note must be signed by a parent and state the reason for, and time of, dismissal and, if applicable, the time of return. Early dismissals are to be used only for family emergencies or medical appointments which cannot be scheduled outside the school day. Parents are strongly discouraged from signing their daughter out of school for any other reason, even if the student has scheduled free periods. Only seniors are permitted to leave school early during free periods if their senior privileges are in effect. Students who have frequent early dismissals will be liable for disciplinary action. Students who are frequently absent will be held academically responsible for missed class time and assignments. Students who fail to take or turn in scheduled assessments risk not being able to make-up the work for full credit.
College Visits Seniors are permitted four college visiting days per year. However, they must adhere to the following guidelines: At least one week before each visit, the student must get the appropriate form from the College Counseling Office and obtain the teachers’ signatures of all classes to be missed and a parent’s signature. The completed form is to be given to the School Receptionist. If the proper procedure is not followed, the senior will incur an unexcused absence and a detention. Juniors are expected to use vacation and long weekends for college visits.
Standardized Testing Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Tests/National Merit Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) All 10th and 11th grade students will take the PSAT at Holy Child on Wednesday, October 16, 2013. The 11th grade students take the exam so that they may be considered for the National Merit Scholarship Program.
SAT Reasoning Test (SAT I) These exams test a student’s critical reading, math and writing ability. They are required by almost all four year colleges. Holy Child recommends that most students begin testing in their junior year.
SAT Subject Tests (Formerly SAT II) Unlike the SAT I, these one-hour, subject-specific tests are taken after the student has completed the highest level of appropriate coursework. Up to three SAT Subject Tests can be taken in one sitting. However, there are only a small number of colleges that require the student to take the SAT Subject Test.
SAT Reporting Policy It is always important to check a specific college’s reporting policy about Standardized Testing. Some, but not all, colleges give students the flexibility to submit test scores by the testing date they believe best represents their abilities. Even with the Score Choice policy, a student has the option to submit all scores. Most colleges superscore (select the highest result in each category) test results no matter the number of individual tests submitted.
Advanced Placements (AP) Advanced Placement courses measure achievement at a college level. They culminate in national tests that are taken during a two-week period in May. This year, they will be offered May 5, 2014 through May 16, 2014. If students are enrolled in an AP course, school regulation mandates that they sit for the exam in the spring. Students enrolled in AP classes are required to attend all classes prior to the exam. Absences on the days prior to an AP exam are unauthorized, considered unexcused absences and a parent conference may be required.
ACT The ACT test assesses high school students’ general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science. The Writing Test, which is optional, measures skill in planning and writing a short essay. The ACT is accepted at all colleges in lieu of the SAT. Holy Child urges students to take the ACT with the optional writing component at the end of the junior year.
Educational Records Bureau CTP IV (ERB) The ERBs are a battery of assessments designed to provide instructionally useful information about student performance in key areas of test-taking and school achievement (reading, vocabulary, writing and mathematics). ERBs are administered to ninth graders on October 16, 2013 and parents receive a report describing their daughter’s performance. If a student is absent on the day of ERBs, she cannot make them up. 26
The Learning Center Director of the Learning Center There is an established Learning Center located in the Maureen Alison McGrath ’78 Memorial Library. The Director of the Learning Center works closely with the Head of the Upper School, Upper School Dean of Students, Director of College Counseling; School Counselor and the Upper School faculty members to ensure that our students have a successful transition from Middle School to the rigors of an Upper School curriculum. Holy Child recognizes that all students learn differently. The Director of the Learning Center is on hand to advise and help faculty to implement different strategies in the classroom to meet the needs of all students. The goal of the Learning Center is to provide support to help students with organizational skills, study habits, and time management. The Director of the Learning Center will provide individual and small group instruction to students who are in need of additional academic support. Math tutoring is also available in the Learning Center during the school day. Students can come in to discuss their learning styles – their strengths and areas in need of improvement – and learn to employ strategies to supplement and refine their abilities. The Director of the Learning Center handles referrals for testing, prepares student accommodation plans, acts as a liaison to outside school districts and practitioners, attends school district meetings with parents, participates in parent conferences and is responsible for the files containing evaluations/assessments for students with accommodations. Those students who are in danger of failing a subject may be scheduled to report to the Learning Center during study hall and free periods. For more information or questions regarding the Learning Center, please contact the Director of the Learning Center Joan Gangi at
No advisors, teachers or staff may make suggestions directly to parents or students regarding testing, tutoring, or therapy. These recommendations are made by the Head of the Upper School, Director of College Counseling, or the Guidance Committee. No faculty member may tutor (for remuneration) any student in his/her Division. Families are responsible for ensuring that tutors understand and follow all school policies related to academic integrity.
Students who receive accommodations should meet with the Director of the Learning Center each trimester to review their academic progress and plan accordingly. The Learning Center, along with the Guidance Department, is responsible for collecting and documenting applications to the College Board and the ACT for accommodations on these standardized tests that are used as part of the college admissions process. Specific cognitive ability and academic achievement tests, individually administered by a licensed diagnostician, are required for students who apply for testing accommodations. For students with physical disabilities, documentation must be provided by a qualified physician. In the event that an appeal process is necessary, parents should note that their input and participation often merits the best results. More information about accommodations on the College Board and ACT exams can be found on their respective websites or by contacting the Director of the Learning Center Joan Gangi at 27
Accommodation Plans Sponsored by Public School Districts Federal and State requirements regarding special education services for private school students now assign responsibility for special education services to the public school district where the private school is located. As a result, the Harrison Public School District has assumed responsibility for some students at School of the Holy Child who are receiving special education services. However, a few home school districts still conduct testing and IEP meetings for students who reside in their districts. If your child is an incoming student who is currently receiving special education services sponsored by a public school district, please contact their special education office as soon as possible to determine if they will continue to serve your daughter’s testing needs. If you have any further questions, please contact the special education office in your home school district or our Director of the Learning Center. Please be assured that we will be working closely with local public school districts to address our students’ needs.
Pass/Fail Policy Language Waivers and Language Assessment While we often see that students who use their language waivers have schedules that better serve their accommodation needs (with free periods to see the Director of the Learning Center), or to take electives that showcase special talents in art, science or music, for example, we want to leave room for them to study a language if they so desire. When a student elects to take a language in the Upper School, despite having proper language waiver documentation, she and her parents may request, along with the advice of the Department Chair, the Head of the Upper School, the Director of the Learning Center, and the Director of College Counseling, to enact a Pass/Fail option. This option should be introduced after the first interim grades are distributed in the fall and after discussions have taken place with the necessary parties. With this option, a student would be responsible for completing the same daily tasks, assessments, and requirements as the other students in the classroom. However, with the interim and end of the year grades, a student would receive a Pass/Fail grade. A student may not decide on this option and then decide later to enact letter grades. Once Pass/Fail is put into place, it is a permanent grading system for the length of time a student is enrolled in the language class. Continuation of the language beyond the year in which the exemption is enacted is at the discretion of the Department Chair and the Head of the Upper School.
School Counselor Services
The School Counselor addresses students’ behavior, academic concerns, crisis response, and short-term counseling. The School Counselor is responsible for making referrals to therapists and following up on a student’s program of treatment. In addition, the School Counselor is the primary liaison between the student’s outside therapists or therapeutic communities, residential treatment programs and Holy Child. The School Counselor works with the Guidance curriculum and offers leadership and lectures in Human Relations and SELF courses.
Relationships between Parents and the School
The School believes that a positive and constructive working relationship between the School and a student’s parent or guardian is essential to the accomplishment of the educational mission of the School. 28
The School accordingly reserves the right to terminate, or not renew, a student’s enrollment contract if the school reasonably concludes that the actions of a student, a parent or a guardian make a positive and constructive relationship impossible or otherwise seriously interferes with the accomplishment of the educational purposes of School of the Holy Child.
Student Policies and Procedures Morning Meeting
The Upper School assembles on Monday and Wednesday in the gym for morning meeting, announcements and prayer. On Thursday morning the entire school assembles in the gym. Morning meeting begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. During this time attendance is taken and other school business is conducted. Attending morning meeting is mandatory. If a student is late to morning meeting (arriving after 8:00 a.m.), she is marked late for the day. Seniors who are late lose their senior privileges. Proper uniform and behavior are expected at morning meetings.
Class Meeting Each Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m., class meetings are held with Class Deans in the designated meeting places. This time is for planning and discussion of school events and class projects.
Advisor Meeting Every Friday morning at 8:00 a.m., students will meet in advisor groups. This time is intended to share key information and insights, as well as to reflect on community service or other student concerns.
Lockers All students are assigned a locker with a personal locker combination. The Upper School Dean of Students maintains a master list of combinations and a master key to lockers. Students must not share their combinations with any person. Lockers are meant to be closed, and students are required to keep their personal belongings in their lockers at all times. Students are discouraged from bringing valuables or large sums of money to school. School of the Holy Child is not liable for any personal item belonging to students, and the school reserves the right to inspect lockers as needed.
Messages and Announcements to Students Student messages are emailed. Students are required to check their email throughout the day – outside of class – to ensure that they receive their messages. Students may not use cell phones during the school day. Students who wish to call a parent may request permission to use a school phone.
Using Free Periods Wisely One of the reasons students receive free periods is to learn time management. While it may be tempting to pack a schedule tightly to impress colleges, it is more important to use that time to catch up on studying, and take participation in a challenging curriculum to the next level. Students are encouraged to use their free periods to get the help they need. Often, a student will be able to meet with study groups, or see a teacher for extra help. Whatever she gets done during these periods does not have to be done after school, when so many extra-curricular programs take place. Students are encouraged to use the school’s resources during their free time. Using the Library, the Learning Center, the Math Center or other quiet places instead of sitting in the hallway or Dining Hall for the whole period will only be beneficial to study habits for the future. This is a good time to get some research done at the Library, type out a paper or edit a rough draft for English class, get some help in the math lab, or work with a peer tutor, if possible.
Field Trips 29
At the beginning of the school year, all parents are asked to sign a field trip consent form, which covers school field trips throughout the school year. Field trips are an integral part of the school’s curriculum; unless otherwise indicated, attendance on all field trips is mandatory.
Visitors All visitors must register at the Reception desk. Students who wish to bring a guest during the academic day (8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) must obtain permission in advance from the Head of the Upper School. Students are responsible for their visitors, and are asked to introduce their visitor to the Head of the Upper School and other faculty. Visitors are required to be in appropriate attire and demonstrate appropriate behavior. Former students are discouraged from visiting school during the academic day. Exceptions may be made with special permission from the Dean of Students or the Head of the Upper School.
After School Students not involved in athletic or arts related events may remain on campus if they wish to work in the Maureen Alison McGrath ’78 Memorial Library. However, if they are not engaged in a constructive activity, they risk being asked to leave campus and go home. School offices close at 6:00 p.m. Calls after that time will transfer to the school’s answering machine, and any messages received will be delivered the next working day. Unless students are remaining at school for a specific reason (to attend a practice, rehearsal, or a club activity), parents should be aware that they will not be supervised. All students must be picked up by 6:00 p.m.
Student Fundraising Student fundraising within the Holy Child community is generally coordinated by Campus Ministry and the School of the Holy Child Development Office. Any student who wishes to raise monies in support of a worthy charity or cause must submit her request to Campus Ministry and receive approval prior to soliciting any funds from people in the Holy Child community.
Ring Day Juniors at School of the Holy Child enjoy the privilege of an annual “Ring Day” where junior students, if they choose to, purchase and receive a School of the Holy Child ring at a ceremony dedicated to that purpose. The festivities begin the evening before Ring Day with a Mother-Daughter dinner in the Dining Hall hosted by the sophomore class. The annual Ring Day dinner is held the evening of the ceremony, April 3, 2014, at the home of a junior. Seniors will be asked to “ring” the juniors on this special day. A junior who has a mother, sister or other close family friend who is a School of the Holy Child alumna may ask that person to “ring” her in addition to having a senior student. Students are limited to receiving two balloons during the ceremony; the balloons should be in good taste, and no balloons may be vulgar or depict alcoholic beverages. All Upper School students attend the ceremony, which is held during the school day. Classes are in session until the Ring Day Ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Siblings in the Middle School may attend this occasion.
Religious Life
Spiritual Life including Liturgies Students’ spiritual life is nurtured through daily prayer, retreats, Liturgies of the Word and Masses, which are held frequently throughout the year. In our prayer and worship we celebrate in the Catholic tradition, yet we are inclusive of people of all faiths. All students, faculty, staff and administrators, regardless of their faith, are required to attend liturgies and masses. Seniors have two special masses at the end of the year that they are required to attend: a mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York in April 2014 for all 30
graduating seniors of Catholic High Schools, and Holy Child’s Senior Family Mass on June 1, 2014.
Prayer One of the benefits of our small, Catholic community is that we can pray for the needs of our community (which includes students, parents, alumnae, faculty, staff, administrators, trustees) as they arise. We ask that when you hear of someone in our community who has had a family member die, or who is suffering in some other way (illness or other), please share this information with the Dean of Students, or the Campus Minister. Then we can ensure that our community may offer our prayers for them.
Retreats Retreats give students and faculty precious time to step away from their busy lives to reflect on their faith, regardless of their faith tradition. These days are important and coordinate closely with the theology curriculum. All students are required to attend their class retreat, which will be held on January 16, 2014 for the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades, and on January 16 and January 17 for the twelfth grade. These retreats are scheduled within the academic day, with the exception of the Senior Class whose retreat includes an overnight stay. The Faculty, Staff and Administrator Retreat is scheduled for May 14, 2014.
Student Life Senior Privileges Seniors are reminded that senior privileges are a privilege and not a right, and will be confirmed by the Head of the Upper School each fall. Currently, the school allows seniors certain privileges, which are contingent upon parental and school consent. These privileges consist of one late day and an open campus after 11:00 a.m. Senior privileges will begin after the first marking period, once all permission slips have been signed and returned to the school, and will only be granted if a student has completed 75 of her 100 required community service hours.
Requirements for Privileges
Seniors are allowed one late day per week. Unless it is their pre-determined late day, all seniors must report to school by 8:00 a.m. each day or risk losing their privileges. Seniors must attend all classes. Seniors must attend all liturgies, assemblies, and special events, even if scheduled on their late day. Seniors must sign out and in at the Reception Desk when leaving and returning to campus. Seniors are discouraged from leaving school more than once during the day. Any senior who receives a grade below a C- on a progress report or report card will have her privileges revoked until she meets with the Dean of Students or the Head of the Upper School to discuss the grade and satisfactory academic progress has occurred. Any student discovered cutting class will lose her privileges. Seniors must meet all deadlines of the Senior Independent Project. Failure to meet deadlines will result in a loss of privileges. Senior privileges will be revoked for any senior who has not completed 100 hours of community service by March 2, 2014. Restoration of privileges will be at the discretion of the Diversity and Community Service Coordinator. Seniors are not required to wear uniforms after spring break. However, it is important that their attire be “workplace, office/professional appropriate” rather than “beach appropriate.” Students are not permitted to wear halter-tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, short shorts, or cropped tops. No t-shirts with inappropriate language, or alcoholic beverages, no ripped jeans, bare shoulders or midriffs, spandex, or lycra. 31
Seniors who take vacations outside the school vacation calendar will lose their senior privileges. Senior privileges may be removed at any time by the school or by the student’s parents or guardians. Seniors are strongly advised not to accept any employment during the school day as senior privileges may be revoked at any time.
Senior Independent Project (SIP)
The Senior Independent Project (SIP) is designed by the student within the framework of one of the following categories: community service; an unpaid career internship; or an independent study of an academic or artistic nature. The SIP must have educational value and contribute to the personal and intellectual growth of the individual. The SIP Committee will review all proposals and make final decisions regarding the validity of a project. All seniors are required to participate. Upon completion of the project, each senior is required to make a multi-media presentation to the class, following the guidelines established by the SIP Committee. All seniors are required to attend the presentations. Successful completion of the SIP, including attendance at the final presentations, is a graduation requirement. Students who do not respect the spirit or letter of the rules governing a senior project may jeopardize their right to participate in commencement activities.
Peer Leaders The Peer Leader experience is an important aspect of life at Holy Child. Peer Leaders are seniors, and their primary role is to help integrate the ninth grade students into the Upper School. Through their work with the ninth grade, Peer Leaders have opportunities to hone their leadership skills and to help develop closer relationships. Juniors will receive applications for the Program in Junior Guidance Class. Peer Leadership applications, interviews and initial training will take place during the third trimester. Peer Leaders are expected to abide by all school rules and sustain a high level of integrity throughout the school year. Any Peer Leader found to be in serious disciplinary trouble will be asked to resign her position. In addition, Peer Leaders need to be at all scheduled meetings, and attend the Camp Jewell orientation trip with their Peer Leader groups. They must also attend all trainings and other meetings throughout the school year.
Extracurricular Activities
A variety of clubs and activity groups exist to meet the needs and interests of the student body. Membership requirements vary by club. All students are required to belong to a minimum of one extra-curricular clubs, and attendance at meetings is required. Clubs meet during activity period, approximately once per week, during the school day. Other clubs may be formed as student interest dictates. Other extracurricular activities, including athletics teams, the STEP Team, and theatrical performances, are also offered. A preliminary list follows: Art Club Book Club CAMBIAS (Diversity Club) Campus Ministry Captains Council Chemistry Club Cornelian Newspaper ECOS (Environmental Awareness Club) Film Club
French Club Literary Magazine Mandarin Club Math Club Model UN SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Spanish Club Student Government Yearbook 32
External and Supplementary Educational Programs
To provide educational, cultural, and social enrichment, students attending School of the Holy Child, Rye may apply to study at one of the network of Holy Child Schools, School Year Abroad, The Mountain School, High Mountain Institute (HMI) Semester, St. Stephen’s School in Rome or Online School for Girls. All students who apply for a program should have a demonstrated sense of responsibility and concern for others, possess strong self-motivation, have an ability to study independently, and be in good academic and social standing. They must apply during the preceding academic year.
Holy Child Schools’ Student Exchange Program Students interested in this program should be aware of the following and discuss their interest with the Head of the Upper School. The host Holy Child School may not have exactly the same course of study as Holy Child, Rye. Therefore the student’s schedule must be carefully planned with the Head of the Upper School and Director of College Counseling. Additional course work, such as summer school or tutoring, may be necessary to fill in any areas that the student may have missed during her time away from Holy Child, Rye. The host school will arrange accommodations for visiting students either on their campus or with a family whose daughter attends the host school. Should the need arise, in return, a Holy Child, Rye, family may also act as a host to a student visiting our school. The host family provides room and board. Parents are responsible for all other expenses. Tuition is paid to the host school. In some instances, (especially where the student is boarding at the host school) the student may be charged additional boarding and tuition fees. Books are either borrowed/rented/purchased at the host school. Exchange students may wear the uniform of her own school. Exact dates of the exchange are coordinated with the host school. These will vary with each exchange. The host school will evaluate the exchange student’s work. These grades may be factored into her permanent record. Students studying away from School of the Holy Child, Rye are still responsible for completing a minimum of 25 hours per year of community service.
School Year Abroad (SYA) Students interested in this program should be aware of the following and discuss their interest with the Head of the Upper School and Director of College Counseling. Only students in their junior year may attend School Year Abroad. School Year Abroad allows American high school juniors an opportunity to live in another country (France, Spain, Italy, India, Vietnam and China) for a year. It provides them an understanding of other people and another way of life through near-total immersion of a different culture, without delaying graduation from their home schools or compromising their applications to selective colleges and universities. SYA seeks to offer students the opportunity to achieve real fluency and accuracy in another language. Students are placed to live with caring host families and take classes in both English and the language of the host country. They have opportunities to travel to interesting areas of the country outside of their learning centers. SYA remains under the supervision of its harter schools: Phillips Academy (MA), Phillips Exeter 33
Academy (NH) and St. Paul’s School (NH).
The Mountain School
Students interested in this program should be aware of the following and discuss their interest with the Head of the Upper School and the Director of College Counseling: The Mountain School is a one semester, co-educational boarding school program located in Vershire, Vermont. The Mountain School remains under the supervision of Milton Academy. From the Mountain School Mission Statement: The Mountain School welcomes students from different backgrounds and schools around the country, and challenges them to work together and learn from each other, as they explore the intersection of the school’s farm, academic program, and residential life. A goal of the program is to provide an intellectually demanding curriculum that balances hands-on learning and critical thinking; that links academic disciplines; and that inspires self-reflection and personal development, while pushing students to reach beyond the self and focus on the common good. While the school’s courses are similar to those offered at Holy Child, student schedules must be carefully planned with the Head of the Upper School and the Director of College Counseling. Additional course work, such as summer school or tutoring, may be necessary to fill in any areas that the student may miss during her time away from Holy Child. All courses offered at the Mountain School are given full credit at Holy Child. Mountain School courses are considered AP or honors level. All students attending in the fall semester take the PSAT at the Mountain School; students attending in the spring or fall take the SAT I and SAT subject tests – or the ACT in April – at the nearby Hanover High School in Hanover, NH. AP tests are administered in May at the Mountain School. The school offers a mock testing program for students who want to practice and study for the SAT and ACT. Expenses: Students are required to provide their own transportation to and from Vermont. Books, school supplies and personal outdoor clothing and equipment are additional costs. Financial aid may be available if a student is accepted into the program. The financial aid package is based on the need calculated by the Mountain School and the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS), and the availability of funds. More information about the Mountain School can be found at
High Mountain Institute (HMI) Semester Students interested in this program should be aware of the following and discuss their interest with the Head of the Upper School and the Director of College Counseling: This coeducational program is an opportunity for juniors in high school to partake in an apprenticeship with nature. It is open to students in solid academic standing and was created to share intellectual curiosity with the natural world. The goal of the program is to provide students with a framework for learning that will serve them well wherever they go in future years. There are three central tenets: a core of basic knowledge; disciplined habits of mind; and a life-long curiosity and delight in learning more about ourselves and the world which so richly surrounds us. The classroom is the Colorado Plateau where half of the program takes place in wild settings, and the other half on the campus, which is at the foot of several 14,000 ft. peaks. The HMI does not offer identical courses as Holy Child. Therefore, the student’s schedule must be carefully planned with the Head of the Upper School and Director of College Counseling. Additional course work, such as summer school or tutoring, may be necessary to fill in any areas that the student may have missed during her time away from Holy Child. HMI sends grades and written reports to schools and parents at the middle and end of the semester. Holy Child will evaluate the student’s work and grant credit. These grades may be factored into her permanent record. Expenses: Students are required to provide their own transportation to and from Colorado. Books, school supplies and personal outdoor clothing and equipment are additional costs. Financial aid may be available if a student is accepted into the program. The financial aid package is based on the need calculated by the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS), and the availability of funds.
Semester at St. Stephen’s School Students interested in this program should be aware of the following and discuss their interest with the Head of the Upper School and the Director of College Counseling: This program is offered to juniors. It is a nondenominational, coeducational college-preparatory high school enrolling boarding and day students in Rome, Italy. The two-acre campus is located in the heart of Rome and offers students a unique cultural, educational and recreational experience. St. Stephen’s welcomes students who are eager to undertake the School’s academic challenges and take advantage of the opportunities available in Rome and its surroundings. St. Stephen’s School may not offer identical courses as Holy Child. Therefore, the student’s schedule must be carefully planned with the Head of the Upper School and Director of College Counseling. Additional course work, such as summer school or tutoring, may be necessary to fill in any areas that the student may have missed during her time away from Holy Child. The curriculum is based on the American model and also offers the International Baccalaureate. The New England Association of Schools and Colleges and the European Council of International Schools accredit the school. The student body is diverse. About 30% of the students are from the United States, 22% are from Italy and the remainder are from 40 different countries. Financial aid may be available if a student is accepted into the program. The financial aid package is based on the need calculated by the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS), and the availability of funds. 35
The Online School for Girls Mission Statement: The Online School for Girls provides an exceptional all-girls educational experience by connecting girls worldwide through relevant and engaging coursework in a dynamic online learning community. Guiding Principles: Guided by current research on how girls learn best, the School has dedicated itself to the following principles: Connection - Emphasize connection among participants; Collaboration - Incorporate collaboration into the learning experience; Creativity - Inspire and reward creativity; Application - Engage in real-world problems and applications while having students probe the social and ethical dynamics that define and stretch our global society. School of the Holy Child is a Consortium Member of the Online School for Girls. As such, we recognize the importance of providing as varied a curriculum as possible to our students. The Online School for Girls provides Holy Child students with course options that would not be available to them otherwise, and does so in a fashion that allows for freedom in the student’s academic schedule. Students in the Classes of 2014 and 2015 are eligible to apply. Students interested in pursuing courses through the Online School for Girls must have the approval of the Head of the Upper School. For the 2013-2014 school year, available courses include: Genetics, AP Macroeconomics, AP Computer Science, AP Psychology, Multi-Variable Calculus, Differential Equations, Intro to Engineering, Forensic Science and AP Environmental Science. All courses taken by students through the Online School for Girls will count for full credit at Holy Child. Online School for Girls courses, however, cannot replace a course that is required for graduation. For example, a full-year online English course offered through the Online School for Girls cannot replace English 11. Online School for Girls courses can only be taken as electives. As a Consortium Member, Holy Child students receive a 10% reduction in tuition costs for classes. Limited financial aid is available. For more information about the Online School for Girls, visit
MIDDLE SCHOOL General Information Policies, Responsibilities and Expectations All students in the Middle School have a responsibility to follow the standards outlined in the Mission Statement. The practice of showing concern and respect, not only for self, but also for an entire community, is an important goal of the Middle School. As far as possible, a positive approach to behavior is followed in the Middle School, thereby making consequences a secondary way of upholding standards of behavior. Very important to the Middle School is the underlying principle:
You should not do to anyone else, or their property, what you would not like done to you or your possessions.
Expectations in General Students are expected to: Be courteous and polite at all times. Show respect and concern for others in their behavior, their actions and their language. Respect the property of others. Know and uphold the “No Bullying Code” in the Middle School. Students are expected to read, understand and sign this code of conduct. Bullying is defined as any behavior over a period of time that causes discomfort or pain, physical, social or emotional, to another student. This includes inappropriate comments, exclusion, inappropriate use of technology and all forms of harassment. Since electronic harassment out of school hours can affect student relationships and learning, this form of bullying will also be dealt with by the School. There is zero tolerance in the Middle School for bullying. Be punctual for school, advisor groups, morning meetings, classes and all activities. If a student is consistently late for school, after four times in one trimester, the student will receive an after school detention. Being punctual is an important part of the school day and the School upholds and values this code of behavior. Respect the no eating and drinking rule in Middle School classrooms, Gallery and locker rooms. NO chewing gum is allowed in the Middle School. Not use cell phones during school hours. (Emergencies are the only exception.) Cell phones are to be turned off and kept in lockers or cubbies during the day. At no time may a student use her cell phone during the school day to text, make a call or send an email, without permission from a teacher. If a parent needs to contact his or her daughter during the school day, please call the front desk at ext. 200 or the Assistant to the Middle School at ext. 226. Not take unauthorized photographs or video recordings on school property using cell phones or other devices. Not use headphones, iPods, or any other electronics during school hours for recreational purposes. Lock all books, personal belongings and laptops in their lockers. The school cannot be held responsible for misplaced items. Pick up and put all possessions in their lockers and keep the locker rooms and classrooms neat. Behave appropriately, showing respect to all, on all school field trips, events and activities. Respect the Dining Hall and clean up after themselves at all times. Recycle whenever possible. Expectations in the Classroom Students are expected to: Bring all required books and equipment to class. Be punctual to class. Behave appropriately towards classmates and the teacher. The Middle School strongly believes that no student has the right to interfere with the learning of another student. If a student disrupts another student’s work, a teacher may ask that student to leave the room. Be kind, courteous and respectful to classmates and respect their ideas and comments at all times. 37
Ensure proper use of laptops and the Internet in the classroom and the school. (See "Acceptable Technology and Computer Use Policy") Expectations in Dress Students are expected to: Wear the school uniform, as defined in the uniform code; interpretations and variations diminish equity and camaraderie, and therefore are not permitted. Wear skirts of an appropriate length. Skirts should be no more than 6 inches above the knee. Wear minimal jewelry–one necklace is sufficient and it should be of personal or religious significance, not a fashion statement. A watch and small pierced earrings may be worn. Large costume jewelry is not permitted. Not wear elaborate headbands, head scarves and bows. Observe the no makeup rule. Label all items of clothing and retrieve them from Lost and Found in the phone room.
Parents Parents are required to: Use the main entrance to the school building (not the mansion entrance) and inform the school receptionist of the purpose of your visit. Sign in at the front desk. Be respectful of the pick-up and drop-off guidelines. Be respectful of parking rules. The front circle is for buses and is not a parking area.
Discipline — Grades 5-8 Discipline is about equity, teaching and essentially, love. It should not be confused with punishment. Certainly some form of punishment is necessary at times, but more often, discipline is best achieved through building relationships and honest, open conversations with students and parents. However, when a more quantifiable consequence is needed, a student can be sent to sign “The Book” in the Division Head’s office. The student will write the date, the reason for signing the book and her signature. The signing can be for uniform infractions, lateness, acting out in class or breakin g any stated school rule. Signing of The Book usually happens after the student has been given a group or individual warning. If The Book is signed more than three times in a trimester, the student will earn a Friday afternoon detention with the Division Head. A parent will be notified if a detention is earned.
Student Lateness or Absence In the case of known absences, appointments, and lateness, parents or guardians should notify the front desk receptionist and the Assistant to the Middle School Head via email. The email should state the date(s) and reason for her absence as well. In order to ensure student safety, no student will be allowed to leave school early without written consent from a parent or guardian. It is very important that the receptionist be notified before 9:00 a.m. whenever a student will not be in school for the usual hours. 38
Early Dismissals School-wide early dismissals are announced through the IRIS system and on the school website.
Homework and Absence A student who is absent for a short period (1-2 days) should check the class webpages for missed work and assignments. Teachers will assist students with missed work when the student returns to school. Students who are absent will be given a period of time within which to make up the work. Contacting the teacher via email as soon as possible will help with the transition back to school. In the event of an extended absence, a student should consult with her advisor to plan how best to proceed. Time in school is very valuable. Therefore, vacations or extended vacations are strongly discouraged. The distribution of homework as described above may not apply to students taking time off school for vacations or other reasons. Families are respectfully requested to honor the Holy Child schedule of vacations. When any student is absent it places an unusual burden upon the faculty as well as the student herself; on those days the community is diminished. Students are expected to participate in all scheduled field trips.
Academic Dishonesty Any form of sharing or borrowing work is taken very seriously. No student should help another to be dishonest by sharing their work; and no student should “borrow” work of any kind from a friend, a book, or electronic sources. If a student is having difficulties with a topic, an assignment, homework, or preparation for a test, she should consult with her teacher or her advisor. Because cheating is in no way helpful to the participants and it is dishonest, there are serious consequences for this behavior, which may include detention.
Lockers and Personal Possessions Each student in grades 5-8 is assigned a cubby or locker to keep her books, laptop, supplies, coat, and PE uniform. All cubbies or lockers are to be kept well-organized. Students are encouraged to see the positive benefits good organization can have on their studies. Lockers are to be kept closed and locked. Clothes, laptops, musical instruments, and books are all to be labeled and are the sole responsibility of the student. At all times, students’ belongings should be with the student or in her cubby or locker.
Guidance Advising and guidance are an important part of the Middle School curriculum. All students have an advisor who sees her regularly throughout the week and monitors her academic, emotional, and social well-being. A separate advisory period is held each week as well. During this period, the advisor leads the girls in activities to build group dynamics, discuss issues or concerns and foster the development of “women of conscience and action.” Advisors frequently confer with parents and other faculty members and the Head of the Middle School. Students are urged to seek help and support from all faculty members whether or not that person is her designated advisor. A counselor 39
is in school three days per week to support students and advise faculty. Preparing and developing “the whole child” remains a prime goal in the Middle School. A full-time nurse is always available to assist students in their health and well- being. The nurse, like the advisor and the School Counselor, is often a “confidante” to students. Each year, the school nurse addresses topics related to human sexuality with each grade. Students who are ill should see the nurse. At no time during the school day should a student text, email or call a parent and especially not ask to be picked up; the nurse will call home, if necessary.
The Learning Center The Learning Center offers a variety of services to students in need of academic support and/or organizational skills. An experienced learning specialist provides small group instruction in reading and/or math to those in need of extra reinforcement. In addition, students in the Upper School may serve as peer tutors to Middle School students. The Upper School students reinforce and review skills that are taught in the classroom and often form a close bond with the Middle School students whom they tutor. Peer Tutoring may take place as a push-in program during class time or during lunch or break time. The Learning Center, in conjunction with the Middle School Head and/or Language Arts teachers, also provides an enrichment program for outstanding readers. This program, called the Literature Enrichment Club, is offered to f i f t h t h r o u g h eighth grade students who love to read. Standardized test scores as well as teacher recommendations help to decide who should be in this club. This club is run similarly to an adult book club. Books dealing with challenging topics or styles help elevate the level of the monthly discussions. The learning specialist is available to individual students for some sessions to help with study strategies and test taking skills. She helps all eighth grade students prepare for exams by creating a study schedule with them and teaching them methods to best prepare for these tests. The Learning Center also provides faculty and parents with support and advice in helping to support each student’s unique learning style. Weekly Consult Periods give the students access to extra assistance from their teachers during the school day. After checking in with the advisor, a student can choose to visit any available teacher for extra help. The teachers can also mandate a student to come to Consult to make up missed work or tests/quizzes. This program promotes the students self-advocacy, independence and accountability in terms of their schoolwork.
The Arch Award The Arch Award is earned each month by students who exemplify the character values and beliefs that are inherent to the School’s mission. In many cases, both teachers and students can nominate students. In some months, teachers are awarded as well. Reflecting on both students and adults helps foster and celebrate kindness and action within the community.
Student Government Girls in Grades 6-8 participate in their own Middle School government. The President is a member of Grade 8 and the Vice-President is a member of Grade 7. In the fall, each grade elects class officers, who will form the student government. The government serves as a forum for Middle School concerns a n d p r o g r a m i n i t i a t i v e s and encourages good citizenship, school spirit, and active participation in school and community life.
Campus Ministry Middle School girls from each grade level take on and lead initiatives in community service projects. The girls undertake many service projects, which not only achieve much in the community but also provide leadership opportunities for the girls. Throughout the year, there are grade level chapel meetings, which the girls help to prepare and plan in their religion classes. Students might also help in a number of ways at liturgies and prayer services.
Snack, Lunch and Celebrations No food or drinks other than water are to be eaten in the Middle School classrooms, locker rooms or hallways. Middle School students may bring a morning snack or they may buy a snack in the Dining Hall. Holy Child offers a universal meal plan for lunch. The lunch plan is for every student at Holy Child. Lunch, provided by FLIK, will include a daily salad bar, pasta bar, deli bar, soups and a choice of hot entrees. All vegetarian and vegan choices will be labeled. Menus will be posted regularly online at Regarding food allergies, Holy Child is a “nut and seed aware” school. To help celebrate a birthday or special event, arrangements may be made in advance with the advisor. Because of students with allergies and other concerns, all arrangements should go through the advisor. Birthdays Much happiness, but also unhappiness, can surround birthdays, and it is for this reason that the school has implemented the following important guidelines: Birthday invitations are not to be given out in school unless the whole class is invited. We ask everyone to consider the “ratio” of the class when planning a birthday party. A few girls left out can be very hurtful and damage the school community. Gifts may not be given in school and this includes Christmas gifts. Large group pick-ups for birthdays at school are not permitted unless the whole class is included. Sleeping bags for “sleepovers” may not be brought into school. Concern for the individual remains a primary goal, and hence the above guidelines have been found necessary. As our class sizes are deliberately small, we ask that extra sensitivity always be shown with birthday celebrations and other potentially exclusionary invitations and activities.
Field Trips and Retreats Written parental permission is required for all school-sponsored field trips. A general permission release is at the bottom of the emergency form filled out at the beginning of the year. However, 41
parents will be notified when s p e c i f i c t r i p s a r e s c h e d u l e d . Field trips are an integral part of the total curriculum. Unless there is due cause, students are expected to attend.
The School Website The school website is a vital part of communication between families and the school. Families are encouraged to check this regularly. General information can be found on the homepage of the website. However, for specific information, please log in to the parent portal using your username and password. This is emailed to new families after enrollment.
Marking System There are three marking periods in the school year. Achievement is indicated by a letter grade. Letter Numerical Value A AB+ B B-
93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82
C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C70-72 D+ 67-69 D 61-66 D60 and below The Middle School does not use “A+.” An “A” is the highest grade to achieve. Honor Roll Honor Roll gives recognition to students each trimester for earning an academic average of B+ (87) or above with no B- or below in an academic subject. Fifth Grade Students in grade 5 start receiving grades at the end of the second interim marking period. There are no first interim or first trimester grades. Students also do not receive grades on their assignments during the first trimester. This allows students to settle in to Middle School and for teachers and students to concentrate on learning styles and skills during the first months of a new school year. Examinations Grade 8 students take examinations in academic subjects at the end of the second trimester. These will count for one-seventh of the final grade. Students practice their review skills for these exams. All Middle School students in Upper School classes will follow the Upper School grading system and exam schedule. All students take ERB’s, a standardized test, in the fall. These are primarily to help teachers plan and assess curriculum as well as individual learning profiles. Report Cards Report cards are mailed home at the end of each trimester. Interim grades are mailed mid-way through each trimester. At the interim marking period, a student who has gone up or down a whole grade since the last marking period, or has received a C- or below, will receive a written progress report. Progress Reports may also be written to express concerns about a student’s behavior or cooperation. Fifth grade students start receiving grades at the beginning of trimester two. 42
Teacher Comments, Letters and Parent Conferences Subject comments are written at the end of trimester one. Parent-teacher conferences with subject teachers and/or advisors are held in October and January. Parents are notified about the procedure of signing up for these conferences prior to the meetings via email. Advisor letters are written at the end of the school year, and reflect on the student’s progress and activities throughout the year. Parents may call or email teachers at any time throughout the school year. Tutoring No advisors, teachers or staff may make suggestions directly to parents or students regarding testing, tutoring, or therapy. These recommendations are made by the Head of the Middle School, and the Guidance Committee. No faculty member may tutor (for remuneration) any student in his/her Division. Information on the scheduling of these conferences is posted on the website and mailed with interim grades.
After School
After School: Gryphon Time “Gryphon Time” offers a variety of afterschool activities . Information and enrollment for Gryphon Time are emailed to families ahead of each upcoming session to allow girls plenty of time to make their selections. Many of the offerings allow girls to choose single sessions in addition to all weekly meetings. After School: The Library and Supervision after School Students who cannot be picked up at the end of the day at 3:00 and are not in an after-school activity or athletics are required to go to the library. There they may do homework, read, or be engaged in a quiet activity. Students must report to the library by 3:30 p.m. The Dining Hall is open until 3:30 p.m., where students may buy and eat a light snack. If staying after school, all Middle School students must sign in and sign-out of the library. It is essential for the safety of students that they go to the library after school, if they are not engaged in any other supervised activities. For the well- being of our students there is a staff member on duty in the library until 6:00 p.m. In the event that a student is not picked up by then, she should go to the front lobby to sit and wait to be picked up. A receptionist is on duty until 6:00 p.m. Procedures for “After-School Library” Girls may stay after school Monday through Friday, or just some days during a month. Please note that the supervision ends at 5:30 on Friday afternoons. For safety, all students staying late should be picked up from the front bus circle (not from outside MS2.) The girls may sit in the lobby where there is a receptionist on duty until 6:00 p.m. Girls in athletics, in a Gryphon Time activity, or any school activity who need to stay later in the afternoon, should go to the library when their game, practice, rehearsal, or activity has finished. All girls going to the Library, no matter what time, are required to sign in and out at the library desk.
Athletics The Mission Statement of the Athletics Department, to foster “Values, including character, citizenship, civility and competence,” is integrated throughout the Middle School athletic and school curriculum. Interscholastic athletics are an important part of the Middle School Program. Each student participates in regular Physical Education classes, and has the opportunity to participate on an interscholastic team, each season. In conjunction with the Department of Athletics, classes and curriculum are planned to promote lifetime fitness and general good health. Students who choose to participate in interscholastic athletics should remember that they are expected to show a commitment to that sport and their team. Students are expected to attend all practices and games. Please refer to the Athletics Handbook for the Middle School attendance policy. NYSAISSA Sports Standards Based on the NYSAIS Sports Standards, to be eligible for a sport, a student must be a Bona Fide Student, enrolled within the school, prior to the start date for that particular sports season. Transfer students may be subject to different guidelines, based on the details of the transfer. The following are the New York State Association of Independent Schools Athletics Association sports standards, outlining the required minimum number of practices prior to a team or individual’s participation in a scrimmage and/or game. Sport
Field Hockey Soccer Cross Country Basketball Softball Lacrosse Track and Field
Number of practices prior 1st scrimmage – Team/Individual
Number of practices prior 1st Game Team/Individual
8/6 8/6 10/8 8/6 6/4 – pitcher 6/6 8/6 10/8
10/8 10/8 10/10 10/8 8/6 – pitcher 8/8 10/8 10/10
Selection Classification (7th & 8th Grade Participation on Upper School Teams) The New York State Public High School Athletics Association oversees the selection classification program, which is a process for screening student- athletes in grades 7 and 8 to determine their readiness to compete at the Upper School level. Student-athletes will be evaluated, utilizing the NYSPHSAA Physical Maturity Test on physical fitness, skill level and maturity; student- athletes must pass the NYSPHSAA physical maturity test to be eligible to participate at the Upper School level, for each sport, separately. No 7th or 8th grade student may participate on an Upper School team if a Middle School team is offered for that sport or if there is a full Upper School roster for the sport in which the Middle School student wishes to participate in. Permission for 7th or 8th grade students to participate on Upper School teams will be granted based on a number of factors (including the NYSPHSAA Physical Maturity Test); the Director of Athletics and Head of the Upper School have final approval of this process. 44