2 minute read
Feeding picky eaters
By ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen
Feeding a picky eater is not only stressful, but it can also become very frustrating! Don’t panic; here are some helpful tips and tricks on how to avoid a battle at the dinner table.
All kids have a natural fear of trying new foods. They also go through phases of liking foods; something they love today could be something they will not touch tomorrow. Keep calm and know that you are not alone. Read on for some tips to help you out on your road to transforming a picky eater into a happy eater: 1. Sit down and eat together. One of the most important ways to build healthy eating habits is to eat together at the table as a family. This means putting away screens and creating a routine. This first step paves the way for eating success while also allowing you to lead by example and eat healthy, balanced meals yourself. 2. Try again. Repeated exposure of foods is especially important to help with the fear of trying new foods. Seeing the same food on their plate repeatedly changes it from something new to something less scary.
The first time you offer a new food or one that they previously have said no to, give them no more than one or two mouthfuls. This is more approachable than giving them a full serving. Instead of forcing children to eat everything they are given, encourage them to try a taste and leave it up to them to decide if they continue eating it.
Sometimes kids honestly do not like some foods. You can keep offering the food they do not like with your meals, but serve it alongside something you know they enjoy. 3. Get them involved. Another way to encourage your children to eat their meal is to get them involved in the kitchen. Have the whole family help with meal planning so that everyone knows what to expect for the week. Let your children pick their favorite foods and avoid labeling foods as bad or unhealthy. Talk about the importance of balance and variety when explaining why we cannot eat the same favorite foods every single day. Kids are also more likely to eat foods that they helped to make, so do not shy away from having them help you cook dinner.
Visit ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen online at atcoblueflamekitchen.com for tips, recipes and cookbooks. Drop by the cafe for breakfast or lunch or to take home a delicious ready-cooked meal for dinner!