JULY 2018
Contents 1 STRATEGIC AND BUSINESS CONTEXT 4 Voice of the Customer at Auckland Transport 4 Purpose 4 Benefits 4 Problem Statement and Opportunity 6 Strategic Alignment 6
2 PROGRAM STRUCTURE 8 Listen 9 The Pulse Survey 10 Fides Terminals 10 Social Media 10 Veritas (After Call Survey/ Closed Loop Feedback) 10 Existing Capabilities (Customer Insights) 10 Interpret 11 Convey 11 Act 12 Executive Engagement 12 The feedback lifecycle 12 Measure 13 Customer Satisfaction 13 Customer Experience Key Performance Indicators 13
3 IMPLEMENTATION 14 Program Roadmap 14 Product Roadmap 14
Strategic & business context
Our vision is to put the customer at the centre of everything we do at Auckland Transport.
Developing a suite of tools to gather and collate impactful feedback from our wide and varied customer base
TOOLS Displaying our customer feedback in a way that is meaningful for our customers, staff and partners, in an individualised way
ACTION Acting quickly on the feedback we receive
VOICE Developing a culture where the customer’s voice is central to all action, direction and decision making 4
PURPOSE At Auckland Transport, we are committed to becoming a customercentric organisation. The Voice of the Customer program intends to deliver real-time feedback about the Auckland Transport customer experience across all functions and levels of the organisation, so that we can continue to learn from, and grow to achieve & exceed our customer’s expectations. All customer focused organisations rely on information they collect from their customers to continuously improve service levels. ‘Voice of the Customer’ is the term we use in AT to describe the range of performance, satisfaction and quality reporting we produce, as well as the market research and insight surveys we undertake periodically in order to better understand the expectations, aspirations, likes and dislikes of our current and potential customers. Importantly, it also encompasses how we use those insights to deliver a step change in customer experience.
Furthermore, Voice of the Customer will provide a shared measure of the experience by customer type for each interaction with Auckland Transport, and discontinue duplicative/ non-value adding activities (e.g. multiple customer feedback approaches, complex legacy processes, etc.) The Voice of the Customer program will develop and mature incrementally. At maturity, VoC will be able to gather real time feedback, at either an interaction or episodic level, from all of the following customer types: • Road Users • Active Mode Users • Public Transport Users • General Public Upon maturation, the VoC program will produce a consistent customer focus across Auckland Transport and positively influence the overall Customer Satisfaction scores. It is a key enabler of all activity across Auckland Transport – in understanding whether these activities meet the expectations of our customers, or whether changes need to occur. Furthermore, a well-integrated and proactively managed Voice of the Customer program will deliver significant financial and non-financial benefits.
Financial – Call volume and turnaround time reduction/ enhancements of claims handling
Market Indications:
Non-financial – culture change and learning
Increased staff engagement and quality improvement
Fair performance measurement and real time feedback via dashboards will allow employees to learn and improve immediately and increase their satisfaction and engagement. Coaching will be meaningful and transformational.
Non-financial – Operational efficiency and structural improvement
Improved and streamlined processes
Analysing trends via the long loop centralised function which will help select and prioritise future initiatives to improve and streamline processes on a micro, project and strategic level
Non-financial – Impact societal and customer experience
Improved reputation and customer experience
Collecting feedback from potentially all Aucklanders enables AT to better deliver on its mission to deliver safe, innovative and sustainable transport for a great city.
• Call volume reduction of ~3%
Spend reduction TBD based on market research and industry benchmarking. Has not yet been assessed against AT business model
• Call turnaround time reduction of ~5%
PROBLEM STATEMENT AND OPPORTUNITY Figure below summarises the current state ‘Today’ and associated issues, and how the deployment of a Voice of the Customer program will support the realisation of a target state tomorrow.
Seek feedback across all interactions and moments of truth for all customers
Improved “customer centric” culture by sharing feedback with people and teams who delivered the experience
Real time understanding of the customer experience and associated metrics for all customer types
Ability to take action to course-correct feedback in realtime, whilst also focussing on key systemic trends
A consistent approach and repository of customer feedback to focus ATwide continuous improvement efforts
No ability to take immediate action to upon customer feedback
No constistent approach to using customer feedback and experience in the prioritisation of work
Customer feedback is collected and analysed only for a small proportion of customers
Feedback is dispersed and only partly shared amongst different teams and functions
STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Auckland Transport’s statement of intent clearly articulates a vision to transform into a customer centric organisation. Additionally, from a Business Technology perspective, AT has committed to ‘being customer led’, in order to offer a ‘better Auckland experience.
Customer experience metrics not widely prioritised or understood
In order to deliver on these strategic objectives, Auckland Transport needs to: • Actively engage with Aucklanders and visitors • Use technology as a vehicle and mechanism to engage with end users • Maximise the use of qualitative and quantitative data to guide the planning and design of AT services, both internally and externally. • Engage customers to provide feedback on, and shape, the Auckland experience provided by AT. The Voice of the Customer program is integral to the delivery of these strategic objectives.
The Voice of the Customer program is more than just a survey platform. The intention is to truly put the customer at the centre of Auckland Transport. The Voice of the Customer program is integral in the shift towards customercentric thinking, and changing the way AT thinks about, and engages with, its customers. The VoC program defines, supports and enables the cultural change AT is aiming for, to place the customer at the centre of all business functions and decisions.
Program Structure
Five strategic pillars underpin the program, and parallel delivery is essential for success. Figure two details the pillars.
LISTEN The ability to ‘hear’ the voice of the customer is the essential starting point for every Voice of the Customer program. Our customer base at AT is complex. Due to the nature of our work, the term ‘customer’ encompasses both those that have day-to-day transactions with us, such as AT Hop or AT Park users, and those who do not actively engage with us, but use our infrastructure often, such as Walking & Cycling customers. With this in mind, multiple feedback mechanisms are required order to get a complete view of our customers, with each serving a distinct purpose. The table below highlights the individual capability each tool brings to AT:
• Provides regular insight in to AT’s performance against the 5 customer KPI’s • Ability to be customised, to receive quick feedback regarding specific events – e.g. new network launch
• Provides the ability for us to understand and incorporate the voice of those customers who do not have a transactional, day to day relationship with AT (E.g., road users) and act on their feedback, where appropriate, in a timely manner
VERITAS (Closed Loop Feedback/ After Call Survey)
• A simple, impactful way of gathering feedback from passive users
• Allows us to instantly understand the experience our transactionalcustomers have had when interacting with us
• Provides a powerful, in-moment feedback loop
• Provides the ability to ‘close the loop’ with these customers in real time.
• Allows for the provision of indepth, bespoke, targeted campaigns • Ensures appropriate sampling and sample size • Directly linked to KPI’s in the statement of intent.
The AT Pulse survey provides the ability for us to conduct a ‘spot check’ on customer experience for our different customer types, using our opt-in marketing databases. These customers will regularly be asked how they perceive the experience we provide, against five key customer results areas:
CX Social allows us to actively listen to social media channels, to understand how our customers are experiencing our services.
• Customer Effort • Safety • Value of Money
Social media as a feedback tool has become increasingly important to AT in recent years. As mentioned above, our customers are not limited to those who have a transactional relationship with us. Some of our customers use our ‘services’ or ‘products’ on a daily basis, but do not interact with us in any way, such as road users. CX Social allows for automatic tagging of posts, which allows us to identify trends and themes emerging via different social media platforms.
• Quality of Service • Overall Satisfaction The generation of insight via this method is significant for AT, as it aids longer-term planning, marketing and strategy creation, and delivery. The pulse survey also has the capability to generate bespoke, targeted surveys as required, in order for us to quickly capture insight as to how changes or initiatives are being received.
FIDES TERMINALS (In-moment Feedback)
As discussed, due to the nature of our customer base, it is at times exceptionally challenging to engage with our customers. Some customers may use our services every day, yet never have a need to interact with us, such as cash fare public transport users, bicycle riders, etc. Furthermore, we may, at times, want to conduct targeted, simple surveying of large samples of customers, for example event transport or following a major disruption. The inclusion of in-moment feedback terminals is a simple, cost effective and impactful way to ensure we understand the thoughts and feedback of passive customers who do not regularly interact with us or are not registered with us, as well as gathering targeted insight to build our voice of customer.
(After Call Survey/Closed Loop Feedback) The development of a Closed Loop Feedback tool is particularly important in AT’s development into a customer centric organisation. Closed Loop Feedback works as an integrated customer feedback approach (i.e. segment and channel specific) and ultimately establishes one ATWide Customer Experience Management tool, for those customers that have a transactional relationship with us. This will elevate the customer focus across all customer-facing units in Auckland Transport and, with time, will positively influence the overall NPS and Customer Satisfaction Scores. For those customers with transactional-relationship with us, Closed Loop Feedback allows us proactively respond to our customer’s feedback, relating to a specific interaction or transaction with us. For our customer facing staff, this is a particularly important for the growth of our customer centric culture.
EXISTING CAPABILITIES – CUSTOMER INSIGHTS Auckland Transport already has a sophisticated Customer Insights (CI) capability with a focus on in depth quarterly customer satisfaction surveys and bespoke research projects. The capabilities provided by the Customer Insights team are of equal importance in our mission to developing the Voice of the Customer, and ensure our ability for in-depth research and analysis of key issues. The capabilities proposed in the Voice of Customer program work in partnership with the Customer Insights capability. Where suitable, VoC and CI thematic insights will surface via Power BI to give one universal view of the customer.
INTERPRET The insights we receive from our customers need to accurate, in real time and easy to understand. Each survey platforms invites customers to provide a verbatim comment regarding their chosen rating, which is an integral element to allow us to understand the customer experience. Thematic analysis of all incoming customer insights – including social media – will be automated, consistent and timely. This will ensure the Voice of the Customer program remains consistent at scale and relevant. Through Power BI, we will surface the right information, to the right people, at the right time.
CONVEY As the program progresses, the management of feedback received from customers will be decentralised, so that individual business units have accountability for closing the loop with their customer feedback. This shared accountability will ensure that we prioritise the voice of the customer at every transaction and pivotal decision point. Keeping consistent with the organisational direction, Power BI will be the platform by which all Voice of the Customer data is stored and displayed. At any time, all staff will be able to view week on week scores for recent Pulse and Fides terminal surveys, along with the key themes of verbatim comments given by customers. Key themes from social media, Veritas surveys and CI campaigns will also be available to view. A further layer of customised insights will be available for those leaders and staff in customer facing roles. Staff in Customer Service and Service Delivery roles will have access to their individualised report, outlining the scores and comments given by customers in Veritas surveys, managers will be able to see the wider team, etc. Simple, relevant, easy to understand reports will be generated for individual business units, outlining key emerging themes. These key themes will also be discussed by the executive team on a monthly basis.
THE FEEDBACK LIFECYCLE Customer feedback will generally take on two forms – Inner and Outer Loop.
EXECUTIVE ENGAGEMENT Customer centricity will span all levels of our organisation. Active executive engagement is imperative to ensuring ongoing engagement with, and drive for, customer centricity. As the program matures, our Executive team will have complete access to customer feedback dashboards, including verbatim comments. Once a month, the executive team will be invited to attend a VoC-specific meeting to discuss the previous month’s trends and insights. The executive team are encouraged to take part in customer resolution, and take away action items where opportunities exist to enhance the customer experience. In order to grow our customer centric culture, talking about what our customers are saying needs to become part of what we do every day. The Group Managers forum will also have a standing agenda item to discuss VoC insights.
F with ollow cu sto u
Figure three below outlines how both feedback loops are equally important to AT’s transformation to being a Customer Centric Organisation. The Outer loop allows for the strategic delivery of a world-leading customer experience, in a pro-active way. Additionally, a well-managed Inner Loop is imperative for customer retention. In today’s digital age, customer’s expectations are higher than they have ever been – and for the first time, are industry-agnostic. As customer’s expectations shift exponentially higher, the ‘tolerance’ to perceived poor customer service becomes even lower. Connecting without customers at the ‘inner loop’, understanding and solving their problem where possible, is one of our most prominent opportunities to accelerate their AT Experience.
es ey issu f y k o u se s i t c ot en I d n d ro a
s es n Ass erie xp th e e
Inner loop feedback is immediate and granular. This feedback is generally received shortly after the customer’s interaction with AT, and specifically targets the customer’s experience with that interaction. If the experience was less than optimal, knowing this with such immediacy allows AT to remedy the situation via a further client contact. Such tangible, actionable feedback is also an important coaching tool for customer facing staff, with the aim of improving the experience they provide to their customers.
r s me Custo ith u w eng ag es
STRUCTURED IMPROVEMENTS Engaged customers and employees
em imCom p l p ro m u n i c oy ve a e e m e n te s an t s to d co s t o mers
ns ctio e a ritize in e f p ri o nd
Identif y a c and coach b tions e ha vio r
Outer loop feedback is valuable for understanding the end to end customer experience, and can help identify systemic improvement opportunities such as service gaps, future digital initiatives, staffing levels, staff training needs etc. Management of the long loop is decentralised, and while the Executive team may have oversight on the themes and trends, it is anticipated that business units proactively respond to relevant feedback and use this as a key part of work planning. The Long Loop feedback will be a key input to the Customer Central Sense and Scan funnel.
en ro t st ve ruct ur me nt s a l
m ple m p i
The development of operational performance indicators that focus solely on customer experience is imperative to ensuring continuous improvement in this area. By building out our operational metrics to include customer experience, we develop a complete view of the service we are providing to customers. Operational customer-experience metrics also allow us to understand our week-on-week performance through the eyes of our customers, in four key areas. Figure below outlines these areas.
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Customer Satisfaction is reported to the board quarterly as per AT’s commitment in the statement of intent. This reporting method will not change. Customer Effort Overall Satisfaction A metric to capture the overall satisfaction of our customers. It should be easy to understand, use, and compare accross the business.
A metric to measure how much effort a customer had to put in during a certain interaction or experience to achieve their desired outcome.
Safety How safe did the customer feel during the experience? It may be matched with operational metrics such as “number of accidents occured” for example.
Value for money
Across all metrics it is crucial we give the customer the chance to explain their answer. This encapsulates the “why...?” and gives a nudge towards potential solutions.
Did the experience feel worth the amount we charge for it on the day, and during the experience. This should consider monetary value and time.
Quality of service This metric should cover the quality of people, assets and information during an experience. It should consider items such as comfort, staff conduct, timeliness and doing what we say we will.
Implementation In order to gain maximum value as quickly as possible, implementation will focus concurrently on the growth of all five strategic pillars. Where practicable, components will launch as a minimal viable product, demonstrating maximum value for minimal investment, with continuous improvement over time. Figure 5 below outlines the VoC roadmap at a high level. However, it is important to note that each underlying product (Pulse Survey, Veritas survey etc.) requires its own roadmap, delivered via agile.
+ 2018
MVP Pulse survey launch Additional of Walking & Cycling and AT Park CX social integration Happy or not PoC Contact centre after call survey Thematic reporting in power BI Executive governance Feedback lifecycle Engagement Development of headline KPIs
Pulse Survey
• AT Hop,
• AT Park,
• AT Metro,
• Walking and Cycling
CX Social
• Tagged data surfaced through Power BI
• Active listening without the need for AT to be tagged
• Survey ‘push’ capability developed
Fides terminals
• PoC developed
• Evaluation of PoC success,
• Integration to Power BI
• Extension of use Veritas Survey
• MVP developed replacing after call survey in contact centre
• ‘Closed Loop’ capability initiated
• CRM Case Closed
Customer Insights
• Integration with Power BI
Dashboards/ Reporting
• Pulse and CX Social verbatim,
• AT Park,
• Push reports
• Thematic layer,
• Walking and Cycling
• CRM case closed
• Customer Insights integration
• After-call survey
• Viewed alongside operational data
• ‘Click through’ and customisable permissions *Effective dashboard and reporting links our combined VoC products in one, unified view of the customer. Highlighted as a separate product here due to the significance of the work to be completed.
• Performance week on week
Review Review The strategy will be reviewed annually to ensure alignment with strategic direction.