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Risk and Assurance
Risk and assurance is an integral component of AT’s overall governance structure. Its purpose is to provide independent, objective assurance and advice designed to drive continuous improvement in how we operate. This support helps management to be more effective in meeting AT business objectives, fulfilling its strategy, and meeting its obligations to key stakeholders.
Specifically, Risk and Assurance:
• Supports the Finance and Assurance Committee in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities • Works with the business to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management and control processes using a systematic and disciplined approach, prioritising its efforts through a flexible, risk-based internal audit plan • Provides assurance to the Chief Executive and
Board that AT’s financial and operational controls are operating in an efficient, effective and ethical manner.
• Implements of the Organisational Risk Management Framework • Facilitates risk assessment workshops, provides advice and coaches the organisation on risk and control, and promotes the development of a common language and risk management framework based on the Risk Management
Standard, AS/NZ ISO 31000:2009 / ISO 31000: 2018 Risk management – principles and guidelines • Acts as the central point for coordinating, monitoring and reporting on risks • Interacts regularly with other business areas such as Internal Audit, Finance, Health, and
Safety and Legal • Supports managers to identify the best strategies to mitigate risks.
Risk management
Risk management activities in 2020/21 focused on: • Rolling out of the new risk management software,
Active Risk Manager (ARM) • Conducting deep dives into 15 Key
Organisational Risks • Delivering ongoing risk management training and providing support to the Risk Champions and Risk Owners
• Collaborating with Auckland Council Group
Risk and providing updates for the AC Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) • Providing updates and risk reports for the ELT and FCRC
• Leading the organisaion’s response to COVID-19.
Special investigations
An online Fraud Awareness module launched last year continues to be introduced to new staff, and AT people are required to complete relevant training modules. An independently managed whistle-blower service operates as a contact point for AT people and suppliers on any compliance or probity concerns.
Legal Support
A dedicated in-house legal team supports activities across the organisation ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and supporting commercial activities and wider organisational functions. This team also works with selected external legal advisers to ensure the necessary specialist legal support is provided to AT’s organisational objectives and commercial activities.
Internal and probity audits
ATs Internal Audit Team provides independent assurance to the AT Board and the Chief Executive on whether business controls are operating in an efficient, effective and ethical manner. The team works to improve business efficiency and reduce the risk of error, waste and fraud by reviewing: • Financial and operational processes • Legislative compliance • Conflict of interest management • Business technology • Projects management compliance with good practice. Internal Audit ensured that recommendations arising from this year’s reviews were implemented in a timely manner. The team also reviewed new processes, systems and projects. A collaborative approach with the business during the ‘design and build’ stage of various new processes and systems enabled the sharing of insights on how to manage risks arising from those new initiatives. Reviews this year included several lessons learned focusing on how to carry forward good practice and opportunities for process improvement. Probity audits ensure all participants involved with significant procurement contracts with AT are treated fairly and with transparency. For all significant procurements, an independent probity auditor is assigned to monitor and review the processes followed. The probity review results are reported to the Finance and Assurance Committee and the Chief Executive.
