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The Trade Agreement Concluded Between Lithuania and the Netherlands Through the Exchange of Notes was signed in Kaunas, the capital of Lithuania, on 10 June 1924. The signing was performed by Ernestas Galvanauskas, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, and Willem L. F. C. Chevalier de Rappard, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Lithuania99. The Agreement was done in two original copies in the French language. The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania ratified this Agreement on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania in Kaunas on 24 March 1926, thus enabling it to enter into force on the100 same day101. It was a provisional agreement that had to be replaced by a permanent one in the future. The Agreement was registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations on 26 May 1925102 .
The Trade Agreement Concluded Between Lithuania and the Netherlands Through the Exchange of Notes contained 10 articles providing for relations between the two countries in the fields of trade and postal service. The Agreement specified the trade- and industry-related rights of natural and legal persons of the Republic of Lithuania and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Under the Agreement, most-favoured-nation status had to be ensured based on the principle of non-discrimination. Namely, all agricultural and industrial products were subject to the same taxes and tariffs as the production coming from other most-favoured-nation countries, but the per abiejų valstybių teritoriją, numatyta, kad kilus ginčams ir jų nepavykus išspręsti diplomatiniu būdu, juos nagrinėti turėjo būti perduota Nuolatiniam Tarptautinio Teisingumo Teismui. Prekybos sutartis, sudaryta Lietuvos ir Olandijos notų pasikeitimo būdu , – pirmoji dvišalė Lietuvos Respublikos ir Nyderlandų Karalystės sutartis, sudaryta po Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo 1918 m., ir viena iš keturių dvišalių sutarčių, pasirašytų tarp šių valstybių iki 1940 metų103 Nors tai buvo laikinoji prekybos sutartis, kurią ateityje turėjo pakeisti nuolatinė, tačiau ši taip ir nebuvo sudaryta. Kita dvišalė prekybos ir pramonės sutartis – Lietuvos ir Olandijos susitarimas fabrikų ir prekių ženklams apsaugoti104 – pasirašyta 1935 m. sausio 9 d, tačiau ir ji buvo sudaryta pasikeičiant notomis. same status did not apply to cross-border transport and trade. The Agreement included the Baltic Clause, which meant that Finland, Latvia and Estonia received more trade preferences than the Netherlands was entitled to. The arrangement also provided for the free transit of goods across the territory of both states and for reference of disputes to the Permanent Court of International Justice in the event of failure to settle them by diplomatic means.
The Trade Agreement Concluded Between Lithuania and the Netherlands Through the Exchange of Notes was the first bilateral agreement concluded between the Republic of Lithuania and the Kingdom of the Netherlands after the re-establishment of the State of Lithuania in 1918 and one of the four bilateral agreements signed between these states before 1940103. It was a provisional trade agreement that had to be replaced by a permanent one in the future, but it never happened. The Agreement Between Lithuania and the Netherlands on Protecting Factory and Trade Marks104 was another bilateral trade and industrial agreement signed on 9 January 1935, but it was also concluded by an exchange of notes.
Prekybos sutartis, sudaryta Lietuvos ir Olandijos notų pasikeitimo būdu
Kaunas, Lietuva, 1924 m. birželio 10 d.
Sutartį pasirašė Lietuvos Respublikos Ministras Pirmininkas ir užsienio reikalų ministras Ernestas Galvanauskas (1882–1967) ir Nyderlandų Karalystės nepaprastasis pasiuntinys ir įgaliotasis minist ras Lietuvai Willem L. F. C. Chevalier de Rappard.
Popierius, mašinraštis, rašalas; 22 x 34 cm, 34 x 46,5 cm
Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas, f. 383, ap. 8, b. 1341, l. 2, 2 a. p., 3
Trade Agreement Concluded Between Lithuania and the Netherlands Through the Exchange of Notes
Kaunas, Lithuania, 10 June 1924
The Agreement was signed by Ernestas Galvanauskas (1882–1967), Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, and Willem L. F. C. Chevalier de Rappard, Envoy

Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Lithuania. Paper, typewriting, ink; 22 x 34 cm, 22 x 46.5 cm
Lithuanian Central State Archives, Stock 383, Series 8, File 1341, p. 2, 2r, 3