FCCF 2008 Annual Report

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Fairfield County Community Foundation Annual Report Fiscal 2008, including Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation 2007

Behind every gift . . .

there’s a story


We wanted to urban children learn computer skills, and were

gratified . . .

–Per Heidenreich and son Fritz, fundholders since 2006


I wanted to my daughter’s memory, but didn’t

expect . . .

–Al Nickel, fundholder since 1993

–Charlotte Suhler, fundholder since 1990


We wanted to more affordable housing for women and children, and were

impressed . . .

help less fortunate children get a good education,

We wanted to

but we never thought . . .

–Eric Ferguson, fundholder since 1997


What story is behind your giving?


Which causes ignite your passion— or break your heart?

How does your generosity take you by surprise?

generosity When you invite the Fairfield County Community Foundation to be your philanthropic partner, you gain access to expertise and innovation that bring about real change.

Your charitable desires are transformed into smart philanthropy. Your giving becomes more meaningful, and more effective at producing the most good from each dollar.

And you make a difference in your own backyard.

We wanted to help urban children learn computer skills, and were gratified to find out about a program that trains teens in technology.

I was working at a fast food place and knew I wasn’t living up to my full potential.


n 2006, when Per Heidenreich of Greenwich sold Heidmar, the international shipping and technology company he founded 22 years before, he did not plan to retire to a life of leisure. Along with starting a new company, Per established a family fund at the Foundation, a bookend to a corporate fund his company established in 2004. Per, who emigrated from Norway in 1970, and his family used the fund last year to help urban children get ahead by providing them with technology training. “We believe training in information technology is vital in today’s workforce,” his son, Fritz, said. Having been at the forefront of information technology in his business, Per believes there is no limit to what a person can do with computers once they have the skills. The Foundation introduced him to a program that meshed with his philanthropic goals. The Bridgeport Area Youth Ministry offers computer training to Bridgeport teens, preparing them for college or careers in computer science and technology. After learning more about the organization, his family decided to help fund its programs. “I announced when I sold my company that it is ‘payback time,’” said Per. “We have been very privileged and it is our responsibility to provide the same opportunities to others.”



hat thought struck Iris Ortiz of Bridgeport a little over a year ago as she took yet another order for a burger and fries. The BullardHavens Technical High School student wanted to learn more about computers than she was learning in school and at work. “I wanted to expand my skills and learn new programs,” she said. Iris jumped at an internship opportunity with Bridgeport Area Youth Ministry. Over eight weeks she excelled in its Computer Genesis program, learning everything from advanced keyboard shortcuts to “taking computers apart and putting them back together.” Following her training, Iris started working at BAYM, where she provides customer service, serves as a teaching assistant and even helps with fundraising and writing grant proposals for the nonprofit organization. Now a night student at Housatonic Community College, Iris said her training at BAYM opened her eyes to a world of possibilities. Her new goal is to become a veterinarian. While that seems far removed from technology, Iris said everything she has learned at BAYM will play a role in her future career. Most importantly, she said, her training at BAYM gave her the confidence to dream big. www.fccfoundation.org

I wanted to honor my daughter’s memory, but didn’t expect I could make a dream come true.

I never, ever thought I’d stand in front of Mozart’s house.



Melissa’s father, Al Nickel, uses the Melissa Nickel Memorial Fund he established at the Foundation to support organizations in Fairfield County as a way to honor his daughter. The Wilton resident favors programs that help teens and promote educational accomplishments. “Any time you can help jumpstart children in life, you open doors to possibilities,” he said. “They realize, ‘This can happen, I can do it.’ ” The Foundation approached Al about funding a program aligned with his interests. The Norwalk Youth Symphony offers “Lessons in the Schools,” which provides one-on-one instruction to aspiring young musicians. After learning how this program helps them matriculate into the one of the Youth Symphony’s four orchestras, he quickly agreed. “That’s one of the things about the Foundation–it knows which programs are important, well run, and match your goals for giving,” Al said. “I’m amazed at the variety of organizations that the Foundation touches.” While the memorial fund for his daughter is broad-based in nature, Al said helping teenage girls get ahead and realize their dreams is often the most meaningful to him.

For the Norwalk High School junior who has studied violin for six years, a two-week summer trip to Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary with the Norwalk Youth Symphony was more than she ever imagined. “We played in Loretto, Salzburg and Prague,” Katherine said, beaming. Back home, Katherine spent the rest of her summer practicing and attending private music lessons through the Norwalk Youth Symphony’s “Lessons in the Schools” program. She hoped to be invited to join one of the symphony’s orchestras after the August auditions. “Mr. Brooks was my teacher, and I learned so much from him,” she said. The extra instruction and her practicing paid off. Her audition was successful. While Katherine isn’t sure she’ll study music in college, she is sure of one thing. The trip to Europe and her involvement in the Symphony have opened her eyes to the possibilities in life. “The experiences and opportunities I’ve been given as a violin student are a dream come true.”

hen Melissa Nickel was struck and killed by a car in 1985 at the end of her freshman year of high school, her family looked to turn their tragedy into a way to make a difference.

Fairfield County Community Foundation

tanding at the doorstep of the composer’s childhood home in Salzburg, Katherine Cifuentes came face-to-face with the history of music in a way no textbook could provide.


We wanted to provide more affordable housing for women and children, and were impressed we could accomplish so much by leveraging our giving.

Our old apartment was not safe, but now our new home is so beautiful.


harlotte and John Suhler of Darien went from being charitable donors to hands-on philanthropists after reading a 1999 research study by the Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls. “The study showed that the most outstanding need for women in Fairfield County was housing,” Charlotte said. “It really hadn’t been discussed that much as a need before.” Today, Charlotte plays a central role with the Foundation, 19 other private funders, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and Fairfield County nonprofit affordable housing developers to bring safe and affordable housing to families. As a progression of their involvement with the Fund for Women and Girls, Charlotte and John were founding members of the Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing, initiated by the Foundation in 2005. Grants from the fund provide operating support to nonprofit affordable housing developers, such as New Neighborhoods Inc., so they can focus on buying land and building new, affordable units. The Collaborative Fund is managed by LISC. To date, Fairfield County nonprofit developers have 1,000 affordable housing units in the pipeline and manage 1,083 existing units. “It’s a way a relatively small amount of money can make a difference,” Charlotte said. “If someone has $5,000 to give, and they are concerned about the issue, they can donate to the Collaborative Fund and have an impact.” 6


ntil last spring, Ana Rodriguez and her seven-year-old daughter Genesis had to tiptoe through a housemate’s bedroom to get to the one they shared. Street noise, cockroaches and bedbugs made their sleeping fitful.

Ana, a single mother who immigrated from Honduras 10 years ago, couldn’t afford anything better than the rundown rental unit in Stamford. “Just a one-bedroom apartment is very expensive–$1,200 or more,” she said. But a chance at a new life came when New Neighborhoods Inc., a nonprofit affordable housing developer in Stamford, bought the building where they lived, with plans to tear it down and build new, affordable housing. New Neighborhoods relocated tenants to other affordable housing it owns in Stamford. Ana, who’s worked as a hotel housekeeper for eight years, was moved to a newly renovated apartment. Her rent is now 30% of her salary, which is the government definition for affordable housing. Sitting in her spotless living room, Ana still can’t believe the change in her life. She no longer worries about her daughter’s safety at home. Genesis plays at a playground on the property and attends a good school nearby. “Last week, my daughter was running around the apartment,” Ana said. “She ran over to the window, leaned out and yelled, ‘I’m happy! I’m happy!’” www.fccfoundation.org

We wanted to help less fortunate children get a good education, but we never thought we could bring fresh, enthusiastic and qualified teachers into urban classrooms.


or at least 30 years, Eric and Anne Ferguson have been active in philanthropy. When they established the Ferguson Fund at the Foundation in 1997, the staff worked with Eric and Anne to identify and focus on issues important to them, including addressing the achievement gap between students attending city schools and those in suburban school districts.

“With the Foundation, we became more involved in educational initiatives,” Eric said. “It has been shown that if you do not reach children from age four and up with education and positive role models, it is almost certain that by age 15, too many of these teenagers will be trouble.” Consequently, with assistance from the Foundation, the Fergusons identified Teach for America as a program worthy of their support. For two years the couple has funded the program, helping bring new, qualified teachers from across the country to some of the most challenging schools in Bridgeport. “This is a very complex problem,” said Eric. “You need financing, teachers, parental involvement and a support system.” Teach for America is an important component of the solution. “With a problem as complex as education in an urban school district, progress is made one step at a time,” said Eric. “Teaching is one of those major steps.” Fairfield County Community Foundation

I always wanted to be a teacher. I want to help kids get a fair shot in life.


ate Snow knew he would face challenges as he prepared for his first year as a language arts teacher in Bridgeport’s Barnum Elementary School. As a member of Teach for America, the 2007 graduate of Texas A&M University had signed up to work in an underperforming school district because he felt that was where he could make the most difference. “My eighth graders were reading at a fifth grade level,” Nate said. “I vowed to improve their reading and comprehension scores as quickly as possible.” The 24-year-old explained to his students and their parents and guardians that he had ambitious goals for the year, and an aggressive lesson plan that would push students harder than they had been pushed before. “I was candid and honest with the parents–and the aunts, uncles or grandparents caring for my students–that I needed their support, and knew I could rely on them to back my strategy at home.” The group effort paid off. By the end of the school year, Nate’s students were working harder, showing more interest and improving their reading skills. “Their reading improved by two levels,” he said. With the confidence of a successful year behind him, Nate has even more ambitious plans for his new eighth grade students this year. 7

FCCF Fiscal 2008 by the Numbers GROWTH OF GRANTS (in millions)

For someone like me who is new to philanthropy, the

Foundation can help direct giving so it’s done in the best possible way. Brendan Synnott, Westport

Fundholder since 2008

Who we are $10.6 million awarded in grants, a 27.4% increase

• Serve as a leader, advisor and catalyst for effective philanthropy • Create and manage charitable funds

$1.0 million brokered for additional grants $10.4 million in contributions $131.9 million in net assets, a 40.1% increase

GBAF 2007 by the Numbers $1.5 million awarded in grants $6.8 million in contributions $46.2 million in net assets

The Fairfield County Community Foundation, in partnership with fundholders and donors, promotes smart philanthropy to make the communities of Fairfield County healthy, vibrant and supportive to all. We:

• Identify and respond to community needs with strategic grantmaking, partnerships and initiatives In short, we help you make a difference in your own backyard.

Whatwe do

Provide philanthropic advisory services that connect you to causes you are passionate about, share our insights and expertise on local issues, introduce you to nonprofit organizations–large and small–that achieve excellent results, professionally manage fund assets, and handle all administrative tasks and reporting. Help nonprofit organizations improve their effectiveness and sustainability so they can accomplish the most good with every dollar. We provide grants, professional development opportunities and other resources that strengthen their services, management, staffing, structure and operating methods. Create and lead initiatives that bring together policy makers, nonprofit leaders, community leaders, fundholders, contributors, private funders and other experts to work together to tackle critical regional needs. Broker our knowledge of specific community needs to other public and private funders. This generates millions of new charitable dollars each year to address local and regional needs. Provide private foundations and corporate funders with our philanthropic advisory services, management and administrative services by contractual agreement.

Above totals exclude custodial endowments



Dear Friend,


Typically annual reports provide a retrospective of the previous year. However, economic challenges compel us to begin by assuring you that the Foundation is working strategically with the philanthropic and nonprofit communities to make sure that critical needs of our Fairfield County neighbors are met and important services continued. During the difficult year ahead, we will apprise you of opportunities to join us in providing shelter, food, heat, health care and education to those who need our help. Please share your e-mail address with us so we may communicate with you frequently and frugally. Last year’s merger of the Fairfield County Community Foundation and the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation proved to be prescient. By unifying the resources and expertise of the two foundations and consolidating operations, we’ve become more efficient at making your philanthropy meaningful and effective. Last year, we awarded a record $10.6 million in grants. This 27% increase in grantmaking included $902,000 in scholarships to Fairfield County students. To accommodate the growth in our work, and to continue providing you with personal service, we relocated to a convenient, central location and expanded our staff. We also moved forward on executing our strategic plan and launched two important initiatives that are especially relevant in this troubled economy. First, in response to our research which found that the most pressing need of women in Fairfield County is economic security, the Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls launched the Family Economic Security Initiative. The core of this initiative is a bold pilot program at Norwalk Community College that will help low-wage students with dependents acquire skills, education and ultimately employment so they can support themselves and their families. Second, we zeroed in on a looming crisis–and opportunity–in our urban public schools. Over the next five years, 50% of the school principals in Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford will retire, and 80% of Bridgeport principals will retire. To address this leadership shortage, the Foundation worked with these school districts to create the Urban School Leaders Fellowship. The first class of 31 prospective principals will graduate in June 2009, prepared to lead our urban public schools and create environments where teachers excel and students thrive. All that we accomplished in the past year was possible because of you. All that we need to accomplish in the next year depends upon you. On behalf of the thousands of individuals and families to whom you extend your generous hand, we thank you for making a difference in your own backyard. Sincerely,

We thank these generous contributors for helping underwrite the merger of the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation and the Fairfield County Community Foundation

Lead Underwriters Gifts of $20,000 to $50,000

Barbara Leonhardt People’s United Community Foundation RBS Card Services

Underwriters Gifts of $10,000 to $19,999

Anonymous Bank of America Foundation Thomas and Mary Ann Hays Stephen & Ann Mandel Plaza Realty & Management Corporation Shipman & Goodwin LLP Sullivan Family Fund Tyler Cooper & Alcorn, LLP

Lead Supporters Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Anonymous BNY Mellon Wealth Management W. Michael and Ellen Funck Mark & Betsy Gabrielson William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund Marta Jo Lawrence Leo Nevas Sheila and Charles Perrin Smith Richardson Foundation David J. Sullivan III & Gioia J. Riccio

Supporters Gifts of $300 to $4,999


W. Michael Funck Chair, Board of Directors

Susan M. Ross President / CEO

Fairfield County Community Foundation

New Funds


Regional Initiatives








Governance, Advisors, Committees




Chapin & Bangs John P. Chiota James & Mary Himes Joseph Hoffman Mary Lee & Jack Kiernan Thomas D. & Susan Lenci, Jr. Fred McKinney Phyllis Marsilius Durham Monsma Ron Noren Janice Park Susan M. Ross Linda F. & John R. Whitton

In-Kind Contributors GE IBM Pitney Bowes W&M Properties 9


at the Fairfield County Community Foundation For donors who want to give to their community, the Fairfield County Community Foundation makes your philanthropy meaningful, effective and easy. You can establish and name a fund at the Foundation, then give to any nonprofit organization in the state, county, city or town of your choosing. In addition, you can give to existing funds that match your charitable passions, or support our countywide initiatives that tackle the root causes of regional problems. If you already have a charitable passion, we can identify corresponding programs that make a difference in Fairfield County. If you don’t, we can help you target your philanthropy to support values important to you. Depending on your level of engagement, you’re invited to site visits at local nonprofits, donor briefings and special conferences, and introduced to like-minded donors. In addition, you have access to our research, including program evaluations in your fields of interest, and we tell you about new giving opportunities. You are freed from drafting documents, accounting and reporting requirements. Your contributions are professionally managed and overseen by the Foundation’s Investment Committee and Board of Directors. You receive quarterly fund reports. We invite you to become acquainted with these new fundholders and the stories behind their giving.

Norgren/Mahon Family Fund

Community Education

Fund (Anonymous)


For Phil and Jane Norgren of Bridgeport, giving back to the community has always been a part of their lives. By creating the Norgren/Mahon Family Fund, they are simply formalizing the process and making philanthropy a family affair. “We formed the fund in part to start involving our children and their families in the process of charitable giving,” said Phil. “We have always donated to a variety of charities, and felt establishing a fund would be a good way to focus things.” The family plans to meet at least once a year to set the fund’s philanthropic goals, identifying areas of need in Fairfield County and beyond. Along with Phil and Jane, the fund will be managed by their children, Anna Norgren Mahon and her husband, Sean, of Orange; Nils E. Norgren and his wife, Kim, of Norfolk, Massachusetts; and Erik R. Norgren of Stamford. “We have five grandchildren and we’re looking forward to the time when they can be involved in the decisions,” Phil added. The fund will not be used to aid a specific set of nonprofits and causes, but will be directed where the need is greatest and the family’s passions lie. “We have a fairly eclectic set of causes that we donate to: religious, humanitarian, nature conservation, et cetera, with programs from local to worldwide,” said Phil. As an example, the fund will support ARI of Stamford (Always Reaching for Independence), a nonprofit which helps developmentally disabled residents with transitioning from high school, job training and housing alternatives. The programs at ARI are particularly meaningful to the family, as the organization has been instrumental in helping their son, Erik, who has Down Syndrome, maintain an independent life at a group home in Stamford.

A local business was interested in making meaningful contributions to the community. As a team, they wanted to impact community members by empowering them through education. The most effective way to achieve this initiative was by creating an employee advised fund mandated to donate to local educational organizations. The team derives additional motivation and commitment to the firm’s success knowing the community is benefiting from their work. The fund’s shared management and financial contribution reinforces the team’s cohesiveness and dedication while achieving the firm’s philanthropic objectives.


When Brendan Synnott’s fledgling company, Bear Naked, became an almost overnight success, he found himself in a position to positively impact his community through philanthropy. Having been through the struggles of a start-up company, he quickly became interested in the idea of providing resources to others who, like himself, hoped to start their own businesses. An entrepreneur with an analytical mind, Brendan, a 29-year-old Westport resident, wanted to be sure his investments in the community would be wisely managed and targeted for optimal impact. New to philanthropy, he turned to the Fairfield County Community Foundation to serve as his guide in the giving process, and to be a mentor for his much larger philanthropic goals. “For someone like me who is new to philanthropy, the Foundation can help direct giving so it’s done in the best possible way,” he said. “It would be disappointing to fund an organization that is not run properly, or is ineffective.” While wanting to give back through philanthropy in the short-term, Brendan said he is also “looking ahead at the next 40 years.” “Ultimately, I’d love to have my own organization,” he said. “I like the idea of building tools for philanthropic organizations to enhance their innate good will. Hopefully that leads to more robust efforts supported by a more robust network.”

For the Leslie family of New Canaan, creating a fund in memory of their son, John, was a way to turn the tragedy of his death into a lasting memorial of his life. With an outpouring of support from friends and family in the United States, Canada and Bermuda, the fund has grown, allowing the family to support and promote activities and organizations in which John had been active during his lifetime. The fund will focus on preserving the ideals of good sportsmanship, community awareness, healthy families and educational excellence, all of which were important to John. “In life, John was well loved. In spirit, he returns that love through us,” the family said.

Hellogood Fund

John A. Leslie


Where I’m From I’m from 221 Old Norwalk Rd. The woods and the little brook trickling through rocks and neighborhood football games in the neighbor’s yard. I’m from the attitude of gratitude and school comes first as well as don’t worry be happy. Where Andrew’s many impressions keep us all laughing. I’m from goulash to spaghetti with occasional Chinese food and the stove hissing and spitting as supper cooks. The smell of chocolate chip muffins floats through the air. I’m from Terry Conners Rink and other rinks across the country. The smack of hockey pucks against the boards, bruises and grunts after a hard played game. Soccer goals and fields. The swoosh as the soccer ball takes flight. I hope someday to be in the NHL and live in Hamilton, Bermuda like I did in my first six years of life. Author: John Leslie Sept. 15, 2005

The Bonnie and Gene Markowski Family Fund was created to support programs and organizations that enrich the lives of children and the community. The fund will support education and healthcare related activities.

Bonnie and Gene Markowski Family Fund

Fairfield County Community Foundation


NEW FUNDS at the Fairfield County Community Foundation (continued) Millstone Farm

Charitable Fund

Perrin Family


Fath Family



Betsy and Jesse Fink of Wilton were looking for a way to extend the sustainable agriculture work being done at their farm to communities across the state. The Millstone Farm Charitable Fund provides a way for them to support others who are practicing good stewardship of the land through sustainable agriculture. “We believe that rebuilding paths that connect us to our food, friends, families and communities will create a healthier society today and for future generations,” the Finks said. “The fund will support our philanthropic initiatives around local and sustainable agriculture, including school and community gardens and healthy food initiatives targeted at underserved communities.” For the Finks, the payback from their philanthropy comes in “seeing the direct impact of our giving on the lives of various members of the communities in Fairfield County; how people relate to their food and environment and how there is a shift in people taking better care of themselves.” While the family has been vested in philanthropic efforts for some time, they chose the Fairfield County Community Foundation to help manage this fund because the Foundation “provides information on local organizations and activities allowing us to keep in touch with current local opportunities.” Local, sustainable agriculture is more than just farming. The Finks hope to reconnect people with the land and to their communities through agriculture while helping to preserve working farms in Connecticut, and support healthy eating and economic opportunities in the process. If they could imagine the ideal outcome of their philanthropy, Betsy said it would involve “people from all of the diverse communities coming together for a harvest, cooking a meal from the fields and sitting together to enjoy a healthy, local meal.”

Active in philanthropy through their own family foundation, Sheila and Charles Perrin’s new fund was established to address areas of need that fall outside of typical grant making. “Some type of philanthropy has always been a part of our family’s lives, whether volunteering or giving donations to a special cause,” Sheila said. “This fund was established to enhance the Fairfield County Community Foundation. It was set up to provide support in whatever area the staff felt it needed to achieve the Foundation’s goals. As a member of the board, I am keenly aware of how difficult it is to raise money to do all the things the Foundation does to assist grantees and fundholders beyond giving out grants.” The Perrins have made philanthropy a part of their lives for many years. “It always feels good to give back and you meet so many nice people in the process,” she said. “The Foundation is an excellent way to get connected with your community and get the maximum bang for your philanthropic buck!”

Established by John and Elizabeth Fath of Fairfield, this fund supports programs in the arts for those unable to participate without assistance, supports early and secondary education for those in need, and seeks to help minority groups achieve economic security and parity, as well as address other community needs.


NEW FUNDS at the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation The following funds were established in 2007 at the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation and now are part of the Fairfield County Community Foundation. Every fund initially established at the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation will always be managed with respect for the donors’ intent as stated in the founding documents.

Marian Heard’s mother probably had no idea how deep an impression her volunteer work and charitable giving would make on her young daughter. “I’ve been giving since I was a child, watching my mother collect for the March of Dimes, the Red Cross, our church and the Salvation Army,” said Marian, who grew up to lead the national Points of Light Foundation, the United Ways of New England and the United Way of Massachusetts Bay and to serve on the boards of four nonprofit organizations. She is also a director of some of the largest corporations in the country. The Heards established their fund to honor Marian’s mother, now 90 years old. They also wanted to engage their adult sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren in charitable giving. Marian and Winlow prefer focused giving that helps people succeed in school, at work and in life. “We like to move people from dependence to independence,” said Marian. “We choose programs that provide a positive result and a measurable impact. Our fund at the community foundation lets us focus our gifts and enjoy the flexibility of combined community giving.” “It’s exciting to see the possibility of changing lives,” Marian said. Perhaps her mother said the same thing several decades ago.

In 1947, thirteen black women from Bridgeport set out to improve the lives of black youth in the region, forming the Les Treize Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club. Their mission was to recognize and reward academic achievements by black youth and provide college scholarships. The first scholarship was for $100, paid for out of the pockets of the members. Just over two decades later, Dr. Eric MacCalla, as a student at Fairfield Prep, received a Les Treize scholarship, helping him earn an undergraduate degree from Brown University, and later a master’s degree at Stanford and a Doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California. He and his wife, Dr. Johnetta MacCalla, pursued their careers in engineering and eventually opened their own engineering and construction company, designing and installing communications, controls, and security systems for government infrastructure projects. In 1977, after earning his Master’s, Eric decided to honor the women of Les Treize, including his grandmother Esther Conway MacCalla and aunt, Bernetta Brown, a founding member of the organization, by creating the Eric C. MacCalla Engineering Scholarship Fund under Les Treize. This year he and his wife created the MacCalla Family Trust/Les Treize Engineering Scholarship Fund with an endowment to last in perpetuity. “I really appreciated what Les Treize did for me, and felt creating a scholarship endowment was an appropriate way to give back and say ‘Thank you,’” Eric said. Their family’s goal for the scholarship is to encourage black youth to follow in their footsteps. “We would like more black youth to enter the field of engineering,” Eric said, adding the scholarship is for high school students as well as junior and four-year college students who demonstrate a financial need and a drive to achieve success. “Our daughter, Dr. Ayanna MacCalla Howard, is the director of the Robotics Lab at Georgia Tech and sees the need to help not only high schoolers but students pursuing engineering in college. We hope this helps encourage more blacks to pursue engineering. It is a door open to many things.” The Hugh and Eleanor Curran Memorial Fund was established to honor the memories of two longtime Bridgeport residents who, over their lives, were committed to civic and charitable activities. Hugh Curran was a city attorney before becoming mayor of Bridgeport. The fund will be directed to supporting organizations and programs in Bridgeport which were important to the Currans, with an emphasis placed on education. Fairfield County Community Foundation

Winlow and Marian Heard

Family Fund


Family Trust Fund

Hugh and Eleanor Curran Memorial Fund


REGIONAL INITIATIVES Help You Tackle the Most Critical Needs Part of the role of a community foundation is to unite resources–people and money–to address critical needs in the community. The Foundation brings together donors, community leaders, policy makers, nonprofit leaders, private funders and other experts to tackle those needs together. We invite you to support these countywide initiatives and make a difference in your own backyard, today and for generations to come.

Helping Urban Public School Students Succeed

Fairfield County has one of the highest overall academic achievement rates in the nation, yet, at the same time, one of the country’s largest gaps in performance between children from high-income, suburban households and those from low-income, urban households. Students who lack basic academic skills are at elevated risk of poverty and associated high rates of crime, incarceration and poor health–which result in huge costs for society and squander lives once full of promise. Improving the academic achievement of our low-income, urban public school students is one of Fairfield County’s most critical needs.

The Fairfield County Community Foundation School Leadership Initiative

Three of seven Urban School Leaders Fellows from Norwalk Public Schools, with instructor Dr. Richard Lemons (standing) and superintendant Dr. Sal Corda (second from right).

Creating Affordable Housing for Mid-Wage and Low-Wage Residents

After teachers, principals have the largest school-based influence on student academic performance. In Fairfield County, we face a school leadership crisis–and an opportunity. Over the next five years, half of the principals and assistant principals running public schools in Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford will retire. Bridgeport’s public schools will lose close to 80% of their school leaders. One strategy for closing the achievement gap is to make sure our urban public school principals are thoroughly trained and supported to lead schools where teachers excel, students thrive, and parents and the community are engaged. The Foundation launched the Urban School Leaders Fellowship to fill this leadership void. A multi-year undertaking, this initiative is creating a diverse pipeline of public school principals who will be fully prepared to lead our county’s urban public schools. No other philanthropic entity focuses on this important issue, nor are there any nonprofit organizations specifically addressing this need in Fairfield County. Results to date: Thirty-one Urban School Leaders Fellows will graduate from the program in June 2009 prepared to assume principal positions.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development considers housing as affordable if it costs no more than 30% of the occupant’s income. In the Stamford-Norwalk region, a renter must earn at least $60,000 a year to afford a two-bedroom apartment. Yet the median household income in Stamford is less than $47,000, and a minimum wage worker earns less than $15,000. In Danbury, a home buyer must earn over $80,000 a year. Yet Danbury’s teachers and police officers with five years of experience earn less than $62,000.

The Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing For years, the Foundation has made grants to address this complex problem. We expanded our efforts, and in 2005, brought together corporate and family foundations, the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation, individual donors and local United Ways to pool funds and work in partnership to create new affordable housing. The Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing was officially launched in November 2006. The Collaborative Fund makes general operating support grants to proven nonprofit affordable housing developers in Fairfield County. The fund is managed and held by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation. Created 26 years ago by the Ford Foundation, LISC is a national nonprofit that brings financial and technical resources to inner city communities. Results to date: $905,000 in grants has been awarded to eight qualified nonprofit housing developers throughout Fairfield County. More than 1,000 affordable housing units are in the pipeline, plus these developers manage 1,083 existing units. Combined, the new projects and current properties will benefit 5,010 residents.



In Fairfield County, 20,000 women head households with children under the age of 18. Nearly half of households headed by women with children under 5 live in poverty in Fairfield County. In Fairfield County, a single parent with one pre-school child needs at least $51,000 a year to pay for basic needs–child care, housing, food, transportation and health care. Yet, in Connecticut, women with a high school diploma earn only $26,000 a year, while women with a Bachelor’s degree earn $55,000+ a year. Clearly, higher education is crucial for economic self-sufficiency.

Helping Low-Wage Women

The Family Economic Security Program At our 2008 Fund for Women and Girls’ Grant Awards Luncheon, we announced the Fund’s largest single grant to date: $250,000 to the Norwalk Community College Foundation to launch a new program to support low-wage students with dependents. For students with children or dependent parents, a simple scholarship isn’t enough. Problems with child care or elder care, transportation and debt can unravel plans to get a college degree. Participating students will have access to financial coaching, career coaching, achievement coaching, and financial support for unexpected costs for child care or elder care and transportation. This initiative was designed to help Norwalk Community College students earn an Associate’s degree, then a Bachelor’s degree, and ultimately enter well-paying careers that will allow them to support themselves and their families. The Fund for Women and Girls initiated a partnership with Norwalk Community College and the Norwalk Community College Foundation to adapt the Center for Working Families model, pioneered by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The program is designed to help low-income families reach financial stability and move up the economic ladder. (See page 45 for a list of Fund for Women and Girls committee members.)

No matter how complex the immigration issue, the reality is that Fairfield County needs new workers to counterbalance the exodus of native-born residents in their twenties and thirties and the retiring baby boomers. Over 110,000 immigrants live and work in Fairfield County. In general, the immigrant groups with the highest poverty rates have been in the United States for the shortest time and are not yet proficient in English. Research shows that the best-educated workers earn the highest wages, regardless of whether they are immigrants. For immigrants to move out of poverty, they need to further their education. Before they can do that, they need to become proficient in English. Learning English is the keystone for immigrants to build new lives and find work.

The Family Economic Security Initiative helps low-wage students with dependents acquire skills, education and ultimately employment so they can support themselves and their families.

Helping Immigrants Succeed

The Fairfield County Community Foundation Fund for New Americans The Fairfield County Community Foundation’s Fund for New Americans supports high quality, sequential English as a Second Language classes; citizenship classes and legal services; mainstream and grassroots organizations that deliver culturally competent social services, education and health care; vocational training; training in developing financial assets; and promoting public understanding of the role of immigrants in Fairfield County.

Nonprofit organizations are the agents for solving community problems. Yet too often their effectiveness is hampered by insufficient funding for basic operating expenses, and the need for ongoing training and professional development. With the support of donors, we help nonprofits become more effective and sustainable. We award grants to strengthen financial management and fund development, and offer workshops and training in strategic planning, leadership development, program assessment and other topics. This multi-faceted support helps agencies operate at peak efficiency, accomplish the most good with every dollar and improve sustainability. The Nonprofit Resource Library, established by the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation, remains in downtown Bridgeport and available to the nonprofit community at the Bridgeport Public Library.

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Strengthening Nonprofits to Heighten Effectiveness


CONTRIBUTORS to the Fairfield County Community Foundation’s Leadership Work In addition to strategic grantmaking, the Foundation develops and leads initiatives to address critical community needs, educates donors and residents about those needs, strengthens nonprofits that provide solutions, and increases the effectiveness of philanthropy. We are grateful for those who contribute to this community leadership work.

We are pleased to recognize and thank these generous corporations, private foundations and individuals for their significant gifts:

Leadership Gifts Anonymous (2) John T. & Sheila B. Becker Foundation Blue Moon Fund The Bridgemill Foundation Barbara Leonhardt Lone Pine Foundation, Inc. Stephen F. & Ann Mandel MBI, Inc. The Edward S. Moore Family Foundation Gordon & Diane Myers New York Community Trust/ Frederick H. Leonhardt Fund PBO Fund We thank these contributors for gifts that support our community leadership work:

Key Supporters

“Gioia and I are contributors to the Foundation because of its commitment to improve the quality of life for those less fortunate, for its support of the arts and entertainment, and for its leadership in bringing new ideas to the forefront. Staff and Foundation leadership are uniquely positioned to impact each of these with compassionate, competent skill.”

John L. Anderson Peter & Anne Ardery Bernicestine & Harold Bailey Allan & Nancy Bernard Edwin L. & Jane Bescherer Blum Shapiro BNY Mellon Wealth Management Tina & Jeffrey Bolton Family Trust Catherine M. Brennan David & Anne C. Campbell Charles F. & Laura E. Carroll John P. Chiota George E. & Carol Crapple Robert & Linda Cremin John & Jean Crocco Cummings & Lockwood LLC Daniel L. Daniels, Esq.

Louis D. & Alice Duff Deborah & Archie Elam Pam & Kenneth Fadner Betsy & Jesse Fink Richard S. Fisher, Esq. W. Michael Funck, Esq. Michael & Janie Galbreath Andrea Gartner Nancy Hart Glanville Global Impact Golf for Good, Inc. Robert C. Graham, Jr. William O. Gray Susan M. & Edward Greenberg Stephen K. & Janet McCarthy Grimm E. Bulkeley & Lila Griswold Peter Guenther Mike & Sally Harris Edna Percy & Edward E. Harrison Fund Barry C. & Lilyan Hawkins Hearthstone Foundation, Inc. Mickey & Jacqueline F. Herbert David R. Hermenze, Esq. James A. & Mary Himes James Hoban & Anne Harris Michael & Hazel Hobbs Hans Hopf Nathaniel S. Howe Jr. Pat & Shirley Howe Hynes, Himmelreich, Glennon & Company Troy & Diane M. Jellerette Dahlia Johnston JP Morgan Chase Foundation Matching Program Mary Lee & Jack Kiernan The Kuehner Brothers Foundation, Inc. Percy Lee & Kennedy Langstaff Marta Jo Lawrence David T. Leibell, Esq. Thomas D. & Susan Lenci Jr. George B. & Betsy B. Longstreth III The MacInnis Family Foundation Patricia & Jeremy Main James & Mary Ellen Marpe Frances D. Martin James S. & Ann Martin

Joseph J. McGee Fred McKinney, Ph.D. Peter & Barbara McSpadden Len & Catherine D. Miller Durham J. & Robbie Monsma Frank Moore Randall K. & Sandra Motland Peter T. & Janet Mott Neuberger Berman, LLC Leo Nevas Loretta Nolan Associates, LLC Ronald & Renee Noren Donal C. & Carolyn O’Brien III The Overbrook Foundation Janice Park Patrick Foundation William J. Peterson Peter & Cynthia Phelan Robert & Patricia C. Phillips Pullman & Comley, LLC RayLign Foundation Hans F. Reiss Relyea Zuckerberg Hanson, LLC Elizabeth & John T. D. Rich Robert N. Rich Lunsford & Bea Richardson Daniel K. & Betty Roberts Family Foundation June Rosenthal Susan M. Ross Gene Rostov Round Table Services, LLC Charles M. & Deborah Royce Gene J. & Dae Rubino Rita & Richard Seclow Ann Sheffer & Bill Scheffler Diana Wege Sherogan Charlotte & John Suhler David J. Sullivan III & Dr. Gioia J. Riccio U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Ileana Velazquez Jimena Vignola Helen Wasserman Linda F. & John R. Whitton III

David J. Sullivan III Westport



CONTRIBUTORS to Fairfield County Community Foundation Funds We are pleased to recognize and thank those who gave $100 or more to funds at the Foundation:

A Kim & John Abate Graciela Abelin-Sas J.C. & S. Adams Fund of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole Marilyn F. & Stuart D. Adelberg Carl B. & Marian C. Adolphson Memorial Fund Stephanie J. & Peter W. Ahl Raymond J. Albright, Jr. Kent & Donna Alder Harry Allan Robert L. & Paula Allen Sarah Alvord Earle G. & Betty M. Anderson Fund Andrews Family Foundation Andrew J. Andriuk Andron Construction Corporation Koryoe Anim-Wright Ann Taylor, Inc. Anonymous (5) Peter & Anne Ardery Maxine Armstrong Richard W. & Arleen B. Arnold, Jr. Daniel E. Aron Maria J. Arone Ashforth Properties, Inc. Harold & Beverly Atkins David & Alexandra F. Austin Catherine & Robert Avery Richard A. & Nancy Axilrod

B Bernicestine & Harold Bailey David & Gwen Baker Helen S. & Steven F. Baker Jenny Baldock Baldwin Fund Estate of Donald C. Baldwin David F. & Lucy Ball Elizabeth P. Ball Madeline Bandy Virginia Banerjee Bank of America Foundation Kim Bankston Patricia Barakett Walter Bareiss James R. & Kaye E. Barker Edgar W. & Joan Barksdale Kathleen Barlow Judy & Charles Barnett Eileen Bartels Kenneth G. Bartels & Jane Condon Richard A. & Margaret H. Bartolotta John P. Bassett Scholarship Fund Robert Baumler Laura & Andrew A. Bazarian

Lisa Bazemore Jeannie Bean John T. & Sheila B. Becker Foundation George B. & Mary L. Beitzel Irwin Belk Educational Foundation James F. & Angelique Bell, IV Clifton E. Benham Jay & Mary Bennett Fred M. Bering Andre M. & Caren L. Berk John M. Berkowitz Fund Allan & Nancy Bernard Stuart S. Bernard Mark A. & Nell W. Bernegger Alan Bernstein Lynn Bernstein Stephen M. & Francine L. Bernstein Edwin L. & Jane Bescherer Ashish & Leslie Bhutani Milton I. & Pamela C. Bickle R.C. Bigelow, Inc. Judith L. Biggs Jane Binger Barbara Blauvelt Stephen M. Bliss Marc & Lorin Blitzer Margaret Block Wendy Block Barbara Bloom Blue Moon Fund Bluenose Fund Barbara Bluestone Richard & Cynthia Blumenthal BNY Mellon Wealth Management Robert L.& Elizabeth A. Bochman Richard P. Bodine, Sr. Scholarship Tina & Jeffrey Bolton Family Trust Trudy & Harry Borchers, Jr. Olofunto Borofice Julie Bostwick Bottomline Technologies, Inc. The Bowery Presents, LLC Roberta D. Bowman & Steven A. Denning Jennifer Boyd Kathleen Boylan Susan Boyle John J. Bradley Keith Bradley & Norean Lennon Kevin M. & Irene M. Bradley Madeline & Joseph J. Bradley Rose C. Bradley Elizabeth A. & Michael P. Brady Emily & Steven Bragg Spencer & Dulcy Brainard Eileen C. Brancucci Jennifer & Steven Braverman Catherine M. Brennan David H. & Theresa L. Bresky Fund Peter B. & Liza Breslin Edie Brickell The Bridgemill Foundation Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition Bridgeport Ladies Charitable Society Bridgeport Rotary Club Memorial

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Joanna Sedlmayr Bridges Daniel A. Brierley Louis J. Briskman Harry Brodbeck Trust Brody, Wilkinson & Ober, P.C. Louise Brooks Mallory Brooks & Kristin H. Brooks Kurt W. Brower & Hege Dammen Ann D. Brown Beth W. Brown Nancy C. Brown Robert W. Brown Scholarship Fund William H. & Carol D. Browne Marianne F. & William B. Buchanan, Jr. Doris A. Bucky Scott J. Buddenhagen David N. & Sharon E. Budds Neil Budnick & Anita Grace Cobb Buffa-Harr Family Fund Marcia B. Bull Philip H. & Cecelia K. Burdett Fund Edward T. & Mary B. Burke Elizabeth H. Burke Peter O. Burke Annie O’H. Burleigh Estate of Constance Burns Emily Wilson Burns Gordon & Frannie Burns Michael E. Burns & Amy E. Bauer Michael P. & Elena E. Byrne Niall P. & Jacqueline M. Byrne

C Eileen Cahill Kevin R. & Kathy Callahan Sharlene & Anthony V. Cameron Diane Caminis David & Anne C. Campbell Kathleen J. Campbell Lisa Cannella Kathleen Cannon Nancy Cannon Cantor Fitzgerald Securities The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Capwood Associates, LLC The Cardinal Sheehan Center John F. & Deborah A. Carey Maura Carley William & Philip Carlson Fund Charles F. & Laura E. Carroll James R. & Nancy R. Carroll Julie H. Carroll William F. Carroll Sarah Casey Yolande Casey Kevin J. Cassidy Joseph & Susan Catalano CCE Music - Tampa, LLC Cellar Door Amphitheater, Inc. Cellar Door Productions of Michigan Cellar Door Venues, Inc.-Verizon Wireless Virginia Beach Amphitheater

Andrew G. Celli Karen L. & Edward Chaplin R. Ward Chapman Fund Joan E. Chiota John P. Chiota Francis Chiou & Margaret M. Prestwood Amy C. & John M. Cholnoky C. Frampton Chowenhill Octavio G. & Nela Choy David H. Christopher & Alice M. Dibble Stephen R. Chronert Chuza Foundation Jaclyn M. Ciccosillo Kathleen M. & Samuel T. Ciccosillo Nicole Ciccosillo Paul L. & Vivian A. Cinquemani Gail Citrin Jeffrey & Rona Citrin Sara Clark Vidal S. Clay Carol & William A. Clukies Angela S. Cockfield Gay K. Coe The Steven A. & Alexandra M. Cohen Foundation, Inc. Richard N. & Ann R. Cohen Kristi Colburn Wylie Collins The Commonwealth Fund Alison A. & Larry A. Comstock Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness Connecticut Performing Arts Partnership The Meadows Music Theatre Margaret Connery Dietz Katharine Giblin Connolly Brooke & Patrick F. Connors Craig A. Connors Diane & Victor S. Consoli Cindy Converse J. Eric & Julie Bertola Cook Nancy Laurentzen Cooper Cope Family Foundation John C. Corr Lauren Corrigan Mary Corson & Jonathan Sackler Susan & Robert Cotter Leonard & Anne C. Cotton Bonnie G. & Christopher H. Covington Gwendolyn Coyle Kathy & Edward V. Craig David & Jane Crandall George E. & Carol Crapple David & Vicki Craver Malcolm & Virginia Crawford Robert & Linda Cremin John & Jean Crocco Joy H. Cronin Andrea K.& David M. Cross Jane E. Crossley & Anne W. Samsami-Mohajer Margaret Crotty-Platka Robert D. Crowell Marvin & Karen Cruz Cummings & Lockwood LLC Thomas D. & Louise M. Cunningham, Jr.


CONTRIBUTORS to Fairfield County Community Foundation Funds (continued) D Anthony F. Daddino & Susan Bevan Thomas W. & Martha W. Dalluge Peter & Allison S. Daniel Daniel L. Daniels, Esq. Peg M. Davidson Estate of Barbara Benton Davis Beth Davis Edward G. & Kathryn Davis Laurie A. Davis Leon Davis, Jr. Joseph Decanio Deer Creek Amphitheater Concerts, L.P. Leopold P. DeFusco DEJ, LLC Heather L. & Thomas J. Devitt Rachel Dewey Wendy Dewey Thomas J. & Lori E. Di Bartolomeo Regina DiBiase Meline Dickson James & Judith K. Dimon Foundation Mario & Jean Dinatale Robert & Carol A. Dinmore

Andrea Dipasquale Robert K. & Marie S. Dix DLC Corp Show Account - Clear Channel Entertainment Anamae L. Dolan Marie & Patrick D. Dolan Kenneth D’Orazio Frances & Robert Dorf Benjamin & Frances Doto Fund Benjamin V. & Cynthia L. Doto III Benjamin V. & Elisa Doto, Jr. Bryan V. Doto Leete P. & Marjorie S. Doty Elaine Douglas Amy C. & Tony Downer Connie K. Doyle Teresa M. Drew Bettina Drummond-Hay & Peter Hay duBay Horton Associates Louis D. & Alice Duff Marea Anne Dumbauld Cheryl & Daniel Dunson Michael Durkin Dworken Family Fund Christopher J. Dwyer David & Pamela Dysenchuk

E, F

“Cancer is a life-altering experience. Each gift to the endowment fund we established at the Foundation in 1997 helps us provide a beacon of hope for people living with cancer and their loved ones. Our contributors make a lasting impact in the lives of local families facing uncertainty and fear.” Wilda Morgan Hayes Executive Director Ann’s Place, The Home of I CAN 18

Bobbie & Harry Earle Charles & Judy Eaton Charles H. & Elmira T. Edmonston Dawn & John J. Egan IV Warren W. Eginton Kevin C. Eichler Suzanne Einstein Deborah & Archie Elam ElderHouse Electric Factory Concerts, Inc. Electro-Optical Engineering Inc. Thyra & Theodore Elliott eLoyality Page Englehart Joshua H. Epstein Kenneth & Wendy Epstein Richard & Jo-Ann M. Epstein Sheldon N. & Lillian E. Epstein Sue & Jeffrey Epstein Helen Ericson Celeste C. Eshenwald Judy Evnin ExxonMobil Foundation Sara A. Factor Pam & Kenneth Fadner James C. & Martha J. Fagan Angelina & Vincent J. Falotico Family & Children’s Agency Deborah Farrell Winslow & Diane Farrell Despina & William Fassuliotis Elizabeth & John Fath Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Eric N. & Anne Ferguson Lisa Field

Peter T. & Laurie A. Figliola Betsy & Jesse Fink Telford N. & Ellen B. Fink, Jr. Carrie Finlayson Gayle Fisch Mabel Burchard Fischer Grant Foundation Mary Alice Fisher Louise R. Fitzgerald James P. & Jane Flaherty David & Luigina Fleming Floren Family Foundation David S. Floyd Stephen J. & Gail Flynn J. William & Patricia A. Font Foomz LLC Carla Foran Forester Capital, LLC Vincent James & Christine Formato Barbara A. Foster Mary-Jane Foster & Jack E. McGregor Madeleine G. Fox Helen & Dana J. Fox-Obrien Marilyn M. & William P. Frank Mika W. & David N. Frechette Richard B. Freeman, CFP Frosty Friedman Maria Friedrich W. Michael & Ellen Funck

G Andrew L. Gaboriault Mark J. & Betsy B. Gabrielson Michael & Janie Galbreath Elizabeth G. Galt Candice B. & Kenneth Gammill Andrea Gartner Clara Garvey Michelle K. Garvey GE Commercial Finance GE Money Nancy Geary Laura & Tollman F. Geffs, Jr. Sheri Gellman Marty & Jeff Gendell General Electric Company Genesis Industries, Ltd Jennifer A. & James. T. Gengo Dawn Gepfert Jeanne C. Gerber Memorial Fund Christine Gerli Julia Giambrone Taylor Gibson-Ullman Wendy & Howard J. Gidez Marty & Roger Gilbert Nancy M. Gilbert Craig M. Gilkes Nancy Hart Glanville Susan Titus Glascoff Murray R. Glass Fund Marsha & J. Andrew Glazer Mark S. Glucksman Arthur B. & Barbara M. Gnaedinger Hanneke & Wouter Goedkoop

Kenneth Goldberg Elisabeth & Arthur Golden Lily & David Golden Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Golf for Good, Inc. Sue & Andrew Goodenough Tracy Goodnow William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund Ginny & Taylor Gray William O. Gray Carole Greenberg Friends of Joshua Greenberg Stewart & Constance Greenfield Foundation Steven J. Greenberg Susan M.& Edward Greenberg Greenwich Country Day School Greenwich Hospital Mark J. & Jennifer Gregoretti Carolann Grieve Stephen K. & Janet McCarthy Grimm E. Bulkeley & Lila Griswold Judy Grossman Robin Grossman Sabrina Grotkowski & Robert Guella GSAC Partners Emanuel & Roseanna Guella Gaetano & Antonina Guella Peter Guenther Gullans & Brooks Associates, Inc. Katherine Paige Gunderson Todd C.& Kimberly Anne Guthrie

H-J David S. & Suzanne J. Haber Haffenreffer Family Fund Karen Halac Carol Hallac Estate of Jane Gade Halliwell David & Jill Halper Shepard Kimbrell Halsch Barbara S. Hamilton Lynne F. & Mark K. Hammerschlag John E. & Clare M. Hampford Fund Richard J. & Jean M. Harrington James Hoban & Anne Harris Louise A. & Michael G. Harris Mike & Sally Harris Edward E. Harrison Endowment Fund Percy, Edna, & Edward E. Harrison Fund William B. & Anne Harrison Thomas G. Hart H. Darrell & Robin Harvey Karen Nichols Simpson Harvey Donna & Glenn Hascher Roberta Hatch Mabel & Robert Hathaway, Jr. Robert W. & Mary E. Hathaway III William & Virginia Hathaway Joel Hausman Barry C. & Lilyan Hawkins Thomas C. Hays Winlow M. & Marion Heard Hearthstone Foundation, Inc.


Nicole P. & Lawrence Heath John Heidenreich Per & Astrid Heidenreich Mark L. & Christine Bandy Helderman Molly Hendrick Mickey & Jacqueline F. Herbert Michael C. & Nancy Herling David R. Hermenze, Esq. Helen D. Hermes Jennifer E. Herring David E. Hershberg Debra & John D. Hertz, Jr. Marc Herzog Jane B. Heutemann Monica C. & Scott B. Hill James A. & Mary Himes Zeena Young Hine Lynne Hippeau Ingrid M. Hirsch Zalmon S. & Ethel P. Hirsch Memorial Fund Thomas & Michi S. Hoban Michael & Hazel Hobbs Mary Ann Hoberman Meg Hock Robert & Gerry Hodes Family Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Charles E. Hoffman Mrs. Harrison B.W. Hoffman Michael & Ida Hoffman Family Fund Stacey Hoin Richard & Wendy Hokin Judith K. & William Holding George & Mary Holland Nancy Holland Frankie A. Hollister G. Clay & Caroline Krause Hollister Holloway Family Foundation John P. & Bridget Holmes Mary Holmes Carolyn Holtz Hans Hopf Barbara H. Hopkins Patsy & John S. Howard Nathaniel S. Howe, Jr. Pat & Shirley Howe Mary E. Hoyt, CPA Michelle R. Hubbard, Esq. Jonathan Huberman Hudson Valley National Foundation, Inc. Libby & Mark E. Hudson Suzanne Hooper Huebsch Kim Huffard Becky C. & William L. Hughes Betty Beall Hughes Ginny & Thomas J. Hughes Lydee Conway Hummel Robert Husband David Hutchinson Memorial Fund Saul & Elissa I. Hyatt Mary Anne Hyde Hynes, Himmelreich, Glennon & Company Thomas & Eileen P. Hynes Joan H. & Edwin R. Igler Jeffrey & Andrea Immelt

Interfaith Housing Association of Westport/ Weston Matt & Sara Iorio Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara, LLC Eliot & Philip M. Jacobs Anne S. Jacques Harvey E. & Joan T. James Thomas P. & Theodora B. Jameson Marta & Jorge V. Jasson Mary Brennan & Joel M. Jeffrey Sarah B. Jenny Grady Jensen Thomas F. & Kathryn S. Jensen Eila Debard Johnson Ellsworth P. & Susan L. Johnson Kaki Johnson Mystique E. Johnston & Manuel E. Mejia Sally & Ramsey E. Joslin Gerard & Linda Joyce Alexander & Meagan Julian Gerard & Sharon Scaturro Justvig

K, L Nancy & Marcos A. Kail John Kaiser Robert A. Kaiser, Jr. Karen Kalkstein Donald H. Kandel Timothy J. & Annette K. Kane Leslie Kaskel Charles W. & Andrea Katter Henry & Joan Katz Fund Henry L. Katz Stuart Katzoff Phyllis Kaufer Jeffrey Kaufman R. Keating & Ann Hagmann Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. Cynthia E. Keefer Fund John B. & Jackie Keeshan Randall & Diane Keleher Lauren Kelley Patrick Kelly Pat & Philip Kemp Kieran M. & Jane P. Kennedy Midge Kennedy Susan F. Khanna Victor & Gail Collins Khosla Jane Kiefer Mary Lee & Jack Kiernan Ginger Kilbane Judith Kilmartin Christine H. Kim Leah Kimmet Tammy & Nick Kiratsous The Kite Key Foundation Gifford & Anne R. Kittredge Pat & John Klingenstein William R. & Audrey Knobloch James B. & Hope M. Kobak Koegel Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth & Charles Kontulis Susan Kostin

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Pamela Koutroubis Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program Esther S. Kramer Foundation, Inc. Val Kratky Emil & Mali Kriegler Memorial Fund Brett & Marc Kristoff Ivana Krizanic & Don Larrabure The Kuehner Brothers Foundation, Inc. Kuriansky Foundation Olive Jeanette Kurtz Christopher J. & April J. Laico Steven Asher Laifer Ryan C. Lallas Raymond A. & Monica Lamontagne Martha Lane Michael J. & Kathleen H. Langan Percy Lee & Kennedy Langstaff Mark Lanier Phyllis Lapin Jennifer W. & Mark Lapine Don & Mary Claudia Larrabure Stephen A. & Kathy A. Lasota Jr. Jan Laster Steven Lau Gale Lawrence Marta Jo Lawrence Sally & Larry Lawrence Doris & Walter M. Leather Mariko & Matthew LeBaron The Lebensfeld Foundation Tim S. Ledwick & Sibyl M. Meyer Katherine C. & Gary L. Leeds Lehman Brothers David T. Leibell, Esq. Susan S. & David G. Leibowits Thomas D. & Susan Lenci, Jr. Anne S. Leonhardt Barbara Leonhardt John & Jean Lepore Christine Lesko Mary Lee Lesko Brian & Naida Leslie David L. Levinson Curt B. Lewellyn Dale & Debra A. Lewis Renata C. Libner Paul A. & Cynthia O. Lindemeyer LISC Anne Lisk Susan Littlefield Live Nation LTD Lone Pine Foundation, Inc. George B. & Betsy B. Longstreth III Los Angeles ISI, LLC Meghan Lowney Andrew & Florence Lozyniak Taryn A. Luciani Bruce & Anne Lynn

M Anthony D. Macari Harriet L. MacCracken The MacInnis Family Foundation

Peter B. & Laurie A. Maglathlin Ceci & Gordon R. Maher Patricia & Jeremy Main Robert S. & Jill O. Mainiero The Malkin Fund Susie L. Malloch Wesley M. Malowitz & Lauren Soloff Stephen F. & Ann Mandel Ann Adams Mandeville Fund Connie S. & Betty Maniatty Fdn. Inc. Marybeth & James E. Manley Catherine & Joseph Marchisotta Joseph P. & Jodi Marchisotta Larry & Karen B. Marchisotta Andrew & Mary Pat Maretz John & Elaine S. Marino Lynne Marino Eugene & Bonnie Markowski James & Mary Ellen Marpe Barbara Marquardt Phyllis G. & Philip R. Marsilius Brian R. Martin C. F. Martin & Co. Frances D. Martin James C. & Jennifer L. Martin James S. & Ann Martin Marx-Better Foundation, Inc. Beth & E. Wellford Mason, Jr. Harold & Laura Mathews Jeanne M. Mathews Dee & Richard E. Mayberry, Jr. Lauren A. & David Mazzullo MBI, Inc. Mark & Monica McCall Susan & Stuart McCalley Andrew R. & Katherine A. McConnell Susan McDonald & B. Corey Stone, Jr. Tori & Donough McDonough Leslie McElwreath Joseph J. McGee Melanie & Thomas H. McGlade Brooke & Charles McIlvaine Ruth Paules McIntyre & Donald McIntyre Fred McKinney Lucie C. McKinney John B. McKitterick Pamela McKoin Brian T. & Karen R. McMahon Frank & Anne McManus Daphne & Peter Hugh McMillan Peter & Barbara McSpadden Diana McSweeney Meadow Ridge Residents Assocation Lizanne & John Megrue Laurie & Alex Meleney Joel & Ellen Mellis Alice P. Melly Donna Merrill Erica T. & Andrew M. Merrill Tracy Merrill Charles J. Merritt, Jr. & Virginia B. Merritt Fund Christine & William Merritt The Messina Group, LP Nashville Margery Meyer


CONTRIBUTORS to Fairfield County Community Foundation Funds (continued) Randolph W. Meyer Virginia & Juan M. Meyer M.& F. Foundation Advise Fund Thomas & Emily Michaud Mid-Fairfield Child Guidance Center Barbara B. & Henry Miller Bruce & Maria Miller Christopher E. Miller Len & Catherine D. Miller Morlee J. Miller Robert B. & Joan R. Miller Jane Milliken & A. Richard Roberts Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. Henry R. & Katherine G. Minchin Jr. Susan S. Muzzafar Mirza Jan & Yvonne Miska Suzi B. & James A. Mitchell Andrea Mitchelson Caroline Mock Dominick & Michele Modugno Moffly Publications, Inc. Barbara V. & James V. Moltz MOMS Club of Stamford-North William A. Monness Durham J. & Robbie Monsma The Edward S. Moore Family Foundation Frank Moore Steven L. Moore Anne W. & David Moran Gerald J. & Joyce Moran Charles E. & Juliette K. Morris Randall K. & Sandra Motland Peter T. & Janet Mott Katherine & Kenneth Mountcastle Marci Murphy William & Barbara Murphy Anthony & Caroline Murray Anita Murtha

N, O Jeanette L. Navin Elizabeth Needham Allan J. & Sadie Nelson Philip & Susan Ness Andrew & Robin Nestler Laura Nestor William F. Neth Tink & Jeff Neubert Gregory W. & Sue K. Neumann Roy G. & Carolyn H. Neumann Leo Nevas New York Community Trust/ Frederick H. Leonhardt Fund Paul Newman Charitable Giving Newman’s Own Foundation Deborah & William J. Nightingale Helen & Bradley Nitkin Loretta Nolan, CFP, AEP Robert B. & Elizabeth Nolan Gota M. Norell Fund Ronald & Renee Noren Jane & Philip Norgren Richard R. & Linda Northrop


Northstar Capital Funds, LLC Norwalk Community College Foundation Claire O’Brien Donal C. & Carolyn O’Brien III Molly O’Brien Kathleen O’Grady Ashley O’Neil Eleanor & V. Henry O’Neill Victoria B. O’Neill & Thomas E. Kelly, Jr. Eileen S. Oakford Robert W. Obrecht Erik L. & Debra K. Olesen Catherine D. Oliver Windy Oliver Ellen G. & William J. Oppenheim, Jr. Paula & Bill Oppenheim Lindsay & David G. Ormsby Thomas & Linda Ortwein Jody Osborn Mary P. Osborne Kate & Bart David Osman Phyllis & Thomas Osterman Irving & Elizabeth Ostuw Pamela Ostuw Richard & Cathleen L. Ostuw The Overbrook Foundation James & Susan Ozanne

P Christine Paletta Elinore S. Palmer Julia C. Palmer Fund Janice Park Deb & Mark J. Pasculano Lynne Pasculano Dr. Bartholomew C. Pasuth Scholarship Fund Patrick Foundation Pauline Schwartz Trust Pavilion Partners - Charlotte-Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre Pavilion Partners - Sound Advance Amphitheatre Pavilion Partners-Tweeter Center at the Waterfront Grant A. & Jo Ann R. Peacock Peninsula Charities Foundation II People’s United Community Foundation W.C. Brian & Peggy Peoples Althea & William E. Perley Sherry Perlstein Mark & Karen E. Perman Sheila & Charles Perrin Susan Perticone Novelette Peterkin John Peterson William J. Peterson John W. & Allison C. Peyton Elizabeth M. Pfriem Fund Peter & Cynthia Phelan E. Cortright & Ellen H. Phillips Judy Phillips Nancy S. Phillips Robert & Patricia C. Phillips Regina Pitaro & Mario Gabelli

Pitney Bowes, Inc. Planned Parenthood of Connecticut David M. & Sharon M. Platter Plaza Realty & Management Corporation PNC Wealth Management Marianne & Edward B. Pollak Mark M. Pomerantz Portable John, Inc. Paul F. Posillico Thomas C. Posillico Marc H. Possick & Tanya S. Futoryan Leslie H. Pottow Ellen & Charles Powis Wendy Pratt Schuyler J. & Lorinda M. Proctor Project Return Katherine Prokop Pullman & Comley, LLC

Q, R Quedan Construction A. Peter Quinn Lynn Quinn Amy & R. L. Rabenhorst Alanna & Peter Rathbone RayLign Foundation Lauren Razook & John M. Roth RBS Card Services Reader’s Digest Foundation Helen Redding Scholarship Fund Redding Life Care LLC R. Donald & Connie Reich Hans F. Reiss Reliable Manufacturing Company, Inc. Relyea Zuckerberg Hanson, LLC Mayor’s Renaissance Commemorative Fund Herbert & Margaret Renert Fund Revson Charitable Trust Gioia F. Riccio Nina Riccio & David Hill Elizabeth & John T. D. Rich Robert N. Rich Lunsford & Bea Richardson Ridgefield Veterans Memorial Community Assoc., Inc Gregory G. Riley & Sara Randell Madelyn Ringgold Nancy Rivero Thomas L. & Allison W. Robbins Daniel K. & Betty Roberts Family Foundation Daniel D. & Doris A. Robinson Walter G. & Elizabeth Rodiger, Jr. Janet Rogers Elaine A. & Michael J. Rohrig Lori Romano Elisa Romm Gilbert & Anne Rose Rosemont Consulting, Inc./ Neja Group, LLC Glenn Rosenberg Jerry & Lauren Rosenkranz Noel & Cory Rosenstein June Rosenthal Susan M. Ross

Gene Rostov Royce Family Fund Charles M. & Deborah Royce Karen Free Royce Nicole & Amir Dan Rubin Gene J. & Dae Rubino Lisa Mueske Ruggiero Cristine Russell & Benjamin Heineman Mary Russell W. Henry Russell Patricia Russo & John Karr Ruth Asset Management Co., LLC

S Peter & Katherine Sachs Sage Foundation Willard H. Sahloff Fund Frances Salant Kevin Saleeby Christie C. Salomon Claire F. Salvatore Diane V. & John Samuels Bruce D. & Janet Sargent Margaret Sarkela Nancy Sarnoff Saugatuck Property LLC Gregory A. Saum, Esq. Dorothy M. Savage Charitable Lead Unitrust Laura C. & Kenneth Saverin Deb Sawch Frank C. & Patricia M. Scaturro P.K. & K. M. Scaturro Jan Schaefer Frederic J. & Lydia S. Schaettler Norman Schaff, Jr. Memorial Fund Adurey W. & Michael Schaus Everett M. & Sarah E. Schenk Paul G. & Susan E. Scheufele Leslie Schine & Nils Nilsen Postol Schine Fund Inc. John & Sally Schlachtenhaufen Eric Schlaefer & Nancy Chin-Schlaefer Robin S. Schletter Irving S. Schloss Richard R. Schmaltz Patricia A. Schmitt Robert Dana Schmitt Jane Schoenholtz Patricia & Stephen C. Schram Stanley E. Schulman, D.M.D. Judy Schurman Schwerdtle Family Fund Jackie Scott Susan Scott Melinda B. Scrivner Laura M. & A. Barrett Seaman Christine & Alexander M. Seaver Edgar See Janet Prindle Seidler Foundation Betsey & Arthur Selkowitz Susan Senie Kelly & Joseph Serventi SFX Music Cleveland, LLC


Irving Shain Eugene & Susan Shanks Amy Shapiro Scholarship Foundation The Shaw Family Fund Debbie & John C. Shaw Jeanie Shaw John F. & Dorothy Shaw Ann Sheffer & Bill Scheffler Marsha K. Shendell Norman E. & Ruth C. Shenk Shipman & Goodwin LLP Michael Shore & Ahava Rosenthal Timothy J. & Susanna G. Sickinger Charlotte Siddiqui Frederick B. Silliman Memorial Fund Katie M. Simon Nancy & Gilbert Simpkins William S. Simpson Fund Brian J. Skerry & Teresa Guella Shirley & Bill Sklar Eleanor P. & James L. Smith Heidi & Scott Smith Margaret Smith Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc. Sean T. Smith & Lynne M. Krupa Walter S. & Karen E. Smith Miriam Smolian Harold & H. Jeanne Sobel Bebe Somerby Anna Park Song & Ken Song South School Parent Teacher Council Southern Promotions Chastain Amphitheater William F. & Jennifer Southern III Ruth Spears Trust Martha & Marc S. Spector Ralph B. & Charlotte G. Sperry Fund Patricia F. & Edward V. Spurgeon St. John’s Parish Fordyce & Lisa St. John St. Luke’s Lifeworks Stamford Hospital Stamford Youth Hockey Association Thomas G. Stanford Staples Ice Hockey Booster Club The Starker Family Foundation, Inc. David P. Staudinger Staying Put in New Canaan Michael S. Stein & Ellen Schwartz Craig B. & Donna Steinberg Joline Steinerman Warren & Susan Stern Amy Stevens Kerry Y. & John W. Stevens Debbie Stevenson STG Capital Management, L.P. Patricia L. & Hudson G. Stoddard Harlan & Susan Stone Janet Stone Jones Foundation Sally & Charles Stone Susan & Malcolm Strausberg Lisa G. & Scott Stuart Studio I, Inc. Venture Laurie & Paul L. Sturz Brooke Suhler

Charlotte & John Suhler Dana W. & Thomas C. Sulger David J. Sullivan III & Dr. Gioia J. Riccio, MD Mary B. & Walter Sullivan Sue & William M. Sullivan The Summerhill Foundation Dorothy Sundheimer Barbara & Russell Swain Christopher F. & Brenda J. Swanson Amber & William Sweedler Susan Vail Swope Brendan Synnott

T-V Mimi D. & Marc Tabah Karen & Dick Taggart Theodora L. Taggart Harold & Vicki Tananbaum Tauck World Discovery Robley Tauck Millie Taylor Patsy R. Taylor Tammy Taylor Ernest & Cecilia Teitell Cece & John Teitler Michael S. & Martha B. Terry Linda L. Thomsen Melissa M. & Todd S. Thomson Tisch Foundation Inc. Peggy Toce Mark & Roberta Toniatti Tontine Associates, LLC The Tow Foundation Ellen P. Tower Louis J. Trachtman Bernard H. Trager Memorial Fund Katie Traynor The Ernest & Joan Trefz Foundation Tricor Automotive Group-US-Inc. Christel Truglia Sallyanne Truglia Turkel Family Charitable Foundation Donna Twist-Rudolph & Daniel Rudolph John Joseph Twomey TYCO Matching Gifts Program Kerry & Charles H. Tyler Richard R. & Emily D. Uhl Elizabeth & Gary Unger The United Illuminated Company Michael & Brook Urban US Bank Arena/ Arena Management Holdings, LLC U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management United Way of Eastern Fairfield County United Way of New Canaan Patricia & Albertus W. van den Broek Robert & Barbara Van Marx Peggy & Leo Van Munching Laura van Riper-Maturo Mary & Jerome Vascellaro Ileana Velazquez Venman & Co., LLC Verizon Wireless Music Center-Birmingham

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Norman R. & Beverly E. Vincent Lance & Sharon Violette Anna M. Vlad Robert & Judy Vogel Nancy M. von Euler Alison & James A. von Klemperer James B. & Roslyn A. Vore Anna & Michael Vranos

W-Z Mary S. Waldron Barry Waluda Thomas H. Wambach Joan M. Warburg Brian P. & Jennifer C. Ward Schuyler F. Warner & Marianne S. Barber Jeffrey & Sheri Warshaw John C. & Olga Washburn Pedro E. Wasmer Helen Wasserman The Watermark at 3030 Park Wear Your Music Diana Wege Sherogan Weiksner Family Foundation Audrey Weil Joyce Weiser Joan & Fred Weisman Robert M. Weiss Dana & Thomas B. Welles Katharine & Curtis Welling Barbara S. & Robert F. Wells Kim Westcott Westport Sunrise Rotary 21st Century Foundation Lisa K. Wexler Candy Wheelock Linda F. & John R. Whitton III Robert J. & Penny P. Wickey Ernest A. Wiehl, Jr. Carolyn Wiener The Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation Janice Wiggins Kyle Wilcox Jane S. & Brian Williams Janet Williams Mikel H. Williams Carlotta Willkie Deborah R. Wilson Elisa & Thomas B. Wilson Katherine B. Wiltshire Winokur Family Foundation, Inc. Merrill S. Winslow Jr. Susan Wohlforth Jeffrey Wollman & Nancy Grossman Womens Mentoring Network Inc. Priscilla J. & James J. Wong Terrie E. & John F. Wood Harry A. & Betty P. Woodman Melissa & Andrew K. Woolford Richard & Jill S. Woolworth, Jr. Marjorie Wren Joan H. & Arthur W. Wright Peter Wright

Peter A. & Wendy Wright Abbie G. Wyman Toni & Ralph Wyman Susan Wyper Bruce E. & Karen S. Yannett David B. Yarmoff Arthur & Judy Yee Louise Whitton York Torrance B. York Janice Yost Beth Zadek Rok Zajec & Kokoro Kawashima Marc L. Zaken Donna W. Zalichin & Barry Kramer The Zarrilli Family John & Sarah Zimmermann Marie & John Zimmermann Fund Jon R. & Lauren Zirn Amy & Matt Zolin Jennifer Zonis Robin R. Zorthian Carl Zuckerberg, CFP, AIF Mark & Laura Waitze Zuckerman

“As an estate planning attorney, I regularly work with clients who wish to include charitable giving in their plans. A community foundation provides a superb means for organizing those plans, and offers extensive resources to help clients to direct their gifts in the most meaningful way.” Peter T. Mott Principal Brody Wilkinson PC, Southport


CONTRIBUTORS to the Fairfield County Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls We are pleased to recognize and thank the following who contributed $1,000 or more to the Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls:

“The Fund for Women and Girls provides Fairfield County women in low-wage jobs the opportunity to enhance their life skills and their career skills, enabling them to improve their personal circumstances. I’m grateful I can help women who don’t have the resources to climb up a rung on the economic ladder. There is a huge ripple effect when you help women. You ultimately help their children, their extended family and their community.”

Andrews Family Foundation Ann Taylor, Inc. Anonymous (1) Peter & Anne Ardery Richard A. & Nancy Axilrod David & Lucy Ball Elizabeth P. Ball BNY Mellon Wealth Management Patricia Barakett Edgar & Joan Barksdale Irwin Belk Educational Foundation Ashish & Leslie Bhutani Judith L. Biggs Bluenose Fund Richard & Cynthia Blumenthal Susan Boyle Emily & Steven Bragg Edie Brickell The Bridgemill Foundation William H. & Carol D. Browne Annie O. Burleigh Jeffrey & Rona Citrin The Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen Foundation, Inc. Kristi Colburn The Commonwealth Fund Cindy Converse Lauren Corrigan Mary Corson & Jonathan Sackler Susan & Robert Cotter David & Jane Crandall David & Vicki Craver Estate of Barbara Benton Davis Roberta D. Bowman & Steven A. Denning James & Judith K. Dimon Foundation Marie & Patrick D. Dolan Amy C. & Tony Downer Charles & Judy Eaton Judy Evnin Angelina & Vincent J. Falotico Betsy & Jesse Fink Mika W. & David N. Frechette General Electric Company GE Money Marty & Roger Gilbert Elisabeth & Arthur Golden Goldman, Sachs & Co. Carolann Grieve

Gullans & Brooks Associates, Inc. Haffenreffer Family Fund Shepard Kimbrell Halsch Lynne F. & Mark K. Hammerschlag Richard J. & Jean M. Harrington William B. & Anne Harrison H. Darrell & Robin Harvey Jane B. Heutemann Robert & Gerry Hodes Family Fund Mrs. Harrison B.W. Hoffman Richard & Wendy Hokin Hudson Valley National Foundation, Inc. Suzanne Hooper Huebsch Lydee Conway Hummel Thomas & Eileen P. Hynes Jeffrey & Andrea Immelt Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara, LLC Mystique E. Johnston & Manuel E. Mejia Janet Stone Jones Foundation Pat & Philip Kemp Mary Lee & Jack Kiernan The Kite Key Foundation Elizabeth & Charles Kontulis Susan Kostin Kay Krill Sally & Larry Lawrence The Lebensfeld Foundation Lehman Brothers Anne S. Leonhardt Lone Pine Foundation, Inc. Peter B. & Laurie A. Maglathlin The Malkin Fund Ann & Stephen F. Mandel Susan & Stephen F. Mandel Marybeth & James E. Manley Diana McSweeney Dee and Richard E. Mayberry, Jr. Melanie & Thomas H. McGlade Lizanne & John Megrue Moffly Publications, Inc. Katherine & Kenneth Mountcastle Marci Murphy William & Barbara Murphy Tink & Jeff Neubert Richard R. & Linda Northrop Norwalk Community College Foundation Kathleen O’Grady Paula & Bill Oppenheim

Lindsay & David G. Ormsby The Overbrook Foundation Peninsula Charities Foundation II Sheila & Charles Perrin Regina Pitaro & Mario Gabelli PNC Wealth Management Leslie H. Pottow Lauren Razook & John M. Roth Lori Romano Royce Family Fund Cristine Russell & Benjamin Heineman Peter & Katherine Sachs Sage Foundation Christie C. Salomon Diane V. & John Samuels The Janet Prindle Seidler Foundation William & Carol Selsberg Jeanie Shaw Nancy & Gilbert Simpkins Debbie Stevenson Sally & Charles Stone Lisa G. & Scott Stuart Charlotte & John Suhler The Summerhill Foundation Kerry & Charles H. Tyler U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Peggy & Leo Van Munching Mary & Jerome Vascellaro Mary S. Waldron Joan M. Warburg Audrey Weil Katharine & Curtis Welling Linda F. & John R. Whitton III The Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation Kyle Wilcox Jane S. & Brian Williams Elisa & Thomas B. Wilson Winokur Family Foundation, Inc. Melissa & Andrew K. Woolford Louise York Beth Zadek

Amy Downer Contributor since 2005 Stamford



CONTRIBUTORS to the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation We are pleased to recognize and thank those who generously contributed to funds at the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation from July 1-December 31, 2007: Marian Clark Adolphson Estate of Donald C. Baldwin Alice Baron Mr. & Dr. James P. Bassett Elizabeth Bassett & John Pane Alfred B. Beers Bharucha Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James Bradshaw Elisabeth H. Breslav Marc A. Breslav Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire, LLC Harry Brodbeck Trust Ina W. Broeman Sandra J. Brown Camp Younts Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cantor Cape Cod Plumbing & Heating INC Maria G. Carmona Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Carroll III CBIA Health Connections Central Connecticut Coast - YMCA Mr. & Mrs. John Cerreta Chapin & Bangs Co., Inc. Citibank, F.S.B. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Como Congress of Connecticut Community Colleges Dr. & Mrs. Milton Cooper Lincoln W. Craighead Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Crespo M. Kate Curran Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Sheila D. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Henry N. Diamond Mr. Richard O. Dietrich Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Domesick Mr. & Mrs. John C. Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Leete P. Doty Mrs. Henry B. duPont, III Bradford R. Durrell Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Dworken Dr. & Mrs. Donald S. Dworken Martin A. Dworken Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Myron I. Dworken Robert E. Easton Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Edinberg Atty. Katherine Caulfield Estate of Constance Burns FEB Members Ferguson Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ferrera Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Fine Douglas A. Finkelstone Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fiscus Mr. James A. Fisher & Ms. Pamela S. Viglielmo

Mr. & Mrs. J. Kevin Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Fodor Madeleine G. Fox GE Foundation Mitchell R. Gerard Pearl Gerard Edward F. Gerber Amy J. Gillis Mr. & Mrs. David L. Gindek Sylvia Ginsburg Global Impact Vivienne Z. Goldstein Joseph M. Goloff Mr. & Mrs. Nelson H. Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. John B. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Colin Green Mr. & Mrs. Jim Griesing Weege Harlow Sarah Hartzler Elise C. Hauenstein Helen Hauenstein Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Hawley Mr. & Mrs. Winlow M. Heard Mickey Herbert Joseph A. Hoffman Mrs. Henry K. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Hoss Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Johnson, Jr. JPMorgan Chase Foundation Amy C. Kaplan MSW Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kaufer Mr. Mark Kaufer & Jaclyn Fischler- Kaufer Phyllis Kaufer Sarah F. Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Philip Robert Kinsley Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Kosstrin Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Kovar Mr. & Mrs. Stuart C. Kovar Rabbi Shelley Kovar-Becker & Mr. Martin H. Becke Mr. & Mrs. Bert Krauss David Lavine Marta Jo Lawrence Curtis Leone Les Treize Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Lesnick Leslie Levine Norma Levitan Julia B. Lewis Lil and Julie Rosenberg Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Linden Mr. & Mrs. Phillip E. Lint Timothy Liu William J. Lopata Jr. Maccalla Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Maddock Dr. Alice E. Madwed Robert A. Malin & Gail Lassiter Malin Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Marsilius Melissa Masch Julie A. Mauri Dr. & Mrs. Fred W. McKinney Lucie C. McKinney

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Beatrice K. Messinger David C. Miller Ivar W. Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. Murray Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Mortell Gilbert C. Mott Gloria R. Murcko John C. Murkland Mr. Timothy B. Murphy & Mrs. Rosemarie Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William S. Murphy Wafaa Naggar Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Nathan Dr. Rita G. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Humphrey T. Nichols, II Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Nickowitz Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Noren Janice Park Mr. & Mrs. Winslow S. Patterson Pauline Schwartz Trust Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Peck Elaine Phillips & Cynthia Kovacs Mr. & Mrs. Bryan H. Phillips Ruth L. Powell RBS National Bank Mrs. Frank J. Riccio Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ritter, Jr. Corey Roggen Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Roggen Dr. & Mrs. Nathan Rosenbaum Drs. Henry W. Rosenberg & Katherine M. Hicks Rotary Club of Fairfield Rotary Club of Bridgeport Rotary Club of Milford CT, Inc. Rotary Club of Monroe, Inc. Ruth Camp Campbell Foundation Ruth Spears Trust Schilthuis Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. George M. Schneider School Volunteer Association Cecil S. Semple Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shannahan Jean G. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Sonneborn Laura Spiegel Viola Spinelli Francine Stein Russell P. Stockman Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Stokes Stratford Rotary Club Mr. & Mrs. Frank Strohm Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sullivan Jr. David J. Sullivan, & Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Roger Taylor Jane Hewitt Tierney The Toa Reinsurance Company of America Mr. & Mrs. J. Alexander Urquhart, Jr. Venman & Co. LLC Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Webster U. Walker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Webster U. Walker III

Mrs. Edward Wasserman Watermark 3030 Park, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters Charles R. Weldon Gerald Wellesley Mrs. Elinor Wilber Mrs. Jean B. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Wolcott Atty. & Mrs. Austin K. Wolf Atty. & Mrs. Martin F. Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Wolff Andrew Wolfson William Wolper Mary Ellen Woodin Mr. & Mrs. David Ziller Pamela Laurie Zimmer Richard G. Zimmerman

“I used to be a board member of the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation. When that organization merged with the Fairfield County Community Foundation, I ‘merged’ also! The Fairfield County Community Foundation provides an opportunity for me to continue to help support services in Bridgeport and the surrounding area.” Janice Park Fundholder since 2001 Bridgeport


CREATE A LEGACY and Shape the Future through Planned Giving How to Continue Supporting Your Favorite Causes Which causes and charities do you want to support for decades to come? What would you like to preserve for future generations? What would you like to change? With a planned gift to the Foundation, you can support local and national organizations, as well as the work of the Foundation in meeting pressing community needs. From simple bequests to complex estate plans, we can help you create a legacy that will meet your charitable and financial goals. Join the Legacy Society When you make a planned gift, you are invited to join our Legacy Society. The Foundation’s staff is available to you and your professional advisors to discuss estate and gift planning interests and options. You’ll be kept informed of our activities and initiatives through our annual report and newsletter, and receive invitations to Foundation events and community gatherings. How Planned Gifts Benefit the Giver Some types of planned gifts allow you to receive income for life, then benefit charity after you’ve passed away. Planned giving permits you to make a charitable gift beyond what you might give outright, and there is the potential to significantly reduce income and estate taxes, and defer capital gain.

Legacy Society Members Millette Alexander Anonymous (2) James R. & Kaye E. Barker Elizabeth Crotty Frances Marian Deas Susan Titus Glascoff Edward E. Harrison William R. & Audrey Knobloch Barbara Littlefield Jeremy & Patricia Main Ann S. Mandel Thomas R. McCollough Barbara Blauvelt Morlang Roy G. Neumann Leo Nevas Albert G. Nickel Janice Park Cheryl D. Reedy June Rosenthal Richard A. Smith Betty & Samuel Z. Smith Mary S. Waldron Fred & Joan Weisman Muriel Wilson

“How much is enough to leave to my heirs?”

Remembered Carlton Anderson, Jr. Donald C. Baldwin Elizabeth Wingfield Barnett Nancy Bassett Charlton Trust Fund Ida Davidoff Barbara Benton Davis Sally Dickson Anna K. Dziuba Robert B. Factor Mary Elizabeth Farman Jane Gade Halliwell Eduvina Hennigar Dorothy Herrmann Mary Elizabeth Hill Mia Holthausen Elizabeth Matthews Stella Margaret McHenry Helen Muller Elizabeth Bissell Northcross Edward Vernon Nunes Grace Nunes Nancy J. Pilgard James Powell-Tuck Jonathan Prince Philip W. and Frances Ramer Jean Gregory Richmond David E. Robinson Dorothy M. Savage Harriet S. Sherman Edmund C. Spencer Ruth Sternbach Edward Warren

It’s one of the most frequently asked questions estate planners hear. For Mary Waldron of Greenwich, the decision to leave a bequest to the Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls came down to a simple question: Who would benefit the most? “I weighed the value of the money to my heirs compared to the amount of good it could do for less fortunate people,” Mary said. “My heirs are already comfortable. But to the women who are disadvantaged in Fairfield County, my bequest could change their lives.” When she was a young, independent woman, Mary took a job in financial services, the first long-term position she had held. She lived in fear that she was only one piece of bad luck away from ending up on the street. Fortunately, determination, ambition, talent–and luck–were with her, and she went on to enjoy a successful career. Mary realized that her long-ago story is similar to many of today’s women, especially those who live in high-priced Fairfield County. “I was given almost every advantage. I had a first class education, a great network of friends and a home base in New York City,” Mary said. “Despite all that, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. I have enormous compassion for women who face many more challenges than I did, and are still holding up half the sky. “The Foundation is going to be there for a long time, and it has the infrastructure and expertise to continue my wishes long after I am gone. “Plus, I get daily pleasure from knowing I have made this gift.”



FUNDS at the Fairfield County Community Foundation Donor, Family & Corporate Advised Funds Donor, Family & Corporate Advised Funds allow you to actively participate in your philanthropy. You recommend grants from the fund to any qualifying public charity in the United States. You can access our knowledge and philanthropic expertise for guidance about community issues and local nonprofits. You can also name advisors and successor advisors. Advancement of Norwalk Fund Anonymous Anonymous Community Education Fund* Ashkins Family Fund Delbert L. Auray, Sr. Fund Auxiliary of Park City Hospital Endowment Fund Avalon Fund Back to You Fund Anthony Ball Memorial Fund Lucy and David Ball Family Fund Peter and Anne Ball Family Fund Bannow-Noren Fund James R. and Kaye E. Barker Fund Barksdale Family Fund John P. and Nancy J. Bassett Fund John and Nancy Bassett Program** Louise Baum, Eastern Bag & Paper Co., Inc. Fund Beard Family Fund Jane M. & Edwin A. Bescherer Fund Elinor Upton Biggs Fund James P. Biggs Fund Judith L. Biggs Fund Bisset Family Fund Bluenose Fund Richard P. & Barbara A. Bodine Fund Bosworth Fund Daniel Brennan, Sr. Fund Brew Family Fund Bromer Kearney Fund James and Margot Butler Family Fund Casale Family Fund Octavio & Marianela Choy Fund Thomas C. Clark Fund Clarkson Family Fund Mildred (Aunt Mimi) Cohn Fund Como & Nicholson Fund Hugh and Eleanor Curran Memorial Fund Daffodil Fund Dalluge-May Family Fund Barbara Benton Davis Fund Delany Family Fund

Joseph, Elsie, & Lester Dequaine Fund Bern Dibner Gift Donald J. Donahue Family Advisory Fund Benjamin and Frances Doto Family Fund George and Mary Dunbar Family Fund Henry B. duPont, III Advise and Consult Fund Fath Family Charitable Fund* Ferguson Fund Betsy and Jesse Fink Fund Flaherty Family Fund Douglas and Olivia Floren Fund Irwin E.and Micheline Friedman Fund Joseph P. Ganim Foundation Fund Paul and Robin Garavel Fund Gately Fund Leonard Geller Memorial Fund Jacob E. and Judith A. Goldman Fund Goloff-Spector Memorial Fund Goodspeed Fund Colin and Eileen Green Fund Joshua Greenberg Memorial Fund Jane Gade Halliwell Fund Leo and Janet Hansen Fund Peter Hanson Fund Mike and Sally Harris Fund Percy, Edna, and Edward E. Harrison Fund Thomas C. and Mary Ann Hays Fund Winlow and Marian Heard Family Fund The Heidenreich Family Fund Hellogood Fund* Hopf Family Fund Pat and Shirley Howe Fund Louis Joseloff Fund Peter H. and Joan M. Kaskell Fund Henry L. and Joan L. Katz Fund Keeper of the Hearth Fund Knobloch Fund Julie Kovar Fund Indiana B. Langston Fund Anne S. Leonhardt Fund Barbara A. Leonhardt Fund Melissa Anne Leonhardt Fund John A. Leslie Fund* Sol and Rebeka Lieberman Fund Light Fund Phillip E. and Donna M. Lint Fund Gerald and Susan Lione Trust Fund** Littlefield Fund Tom Liu Memorial Fund Lockhart Jennings Family Fund Longstreth-Pullman Family Fund Laura Lustig Fund Stephen F. and Ann S. Mandel Fund Mandel Family Fund Bonnie and Gene Markowski Family Fund* Philip R. Marsilius Fund McCullough-Wilkinson Families Fund Peter and Barbara McSpadden Fund Mellis Family Fund Christopher T. Miller Fund Stephanie and David Mixter Fund Moran Family Fund Gilbert C. & Rosemary F. Mott Fund Gregory and Sue Neumann Fund

Fairfield County Community Foundation

All funds previously held at the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation and the funds established at the Fairfield County Community Foundation are included.

Nevas Family Fund Melissa Nickel Memorial Fund Charles F. & Anne Meckes Niemeth Foundation Fund Norgren/Mahon Family Fund* Edward Vernon and Grace M. Nunes Fund Ostuw / Leather Family Fund Graham Overbrook Fund Norman K. Parsells Rotary Memorial Fund John A. Klein Leadership Fund Lewis Perkiss Fund Perrin Family Fund* Pollak Family Fund Rainbow’s End Fund Anthony M. Ray Foundation Fund Frank J. Riccio, M.D. Fund Betsy and Jack Rich Legacy Fund Ridgefield Community Foundation Fund David E. & Leah D. Robinson Fund Rockledge Fund Gil & Anne Rose Family Fund Anthony J. and Martha F. Ruscito Fund Dorothy and Frank L. Savage Family Fund Harold L. Schine Fund Rosamond Stephenson Shannon Fund Edith Sherman Fund Richard and Vivienne Silver Charitable Fund Skaarup Trust Fund Samuel and Esther Rachel Sobel Fund Theodore and Mariadina Steiber Memorial Fund Sternheim-Gardner Family Fund Stiassni Family Fund Suhler Family Fund Sullivan Family Fund Tauck Fund E.C.R. Teitell Fund Turtle Fund Turtle Insurance Policy Fund Vacheron Family Fund Venman & Co. LLC Fund Clarence C. Walker Fund Weintraub Family Fund Fred & Joan Weisman Fund Wellborn Family Fund Who Wants to Change the World Fund

Wiehl Fund Joanne Woodward Fund Marie and John Zimmermann Fund

Donor, Family & Corporate Advised Funds with Grant Focus Auxiliary of Park City Hospital Endowment Fund Leonard S. Baer Fund Bluefish Foundation Fund Bordman-Beardsley Fund BRAD Fund The Jessica Lee Brett Memorial Fund Bridgeport Public Housing Resident Support Fund Eye Care for the Underprivileged Fund Food Bank of Fairfield County, Inc. Fund Freeborn Fund For Youth Philanthropy Heidmar Fund Milton H. and Isabelle V. Friedberg Fund John Ira Hunter Cancer Research Fund Lester Johnson Memorial Fund Brenda H. Kaplan Music Fund Kimball Cancer Cure Fund Ruth I. Krauss Fund Early Childhood Development Ladysmith Fund for Women’s Health Mickey Lione Fund for Youth Excellence Millstone Farm Charitable Fund* Olga Fund Fund for Pete’s Sake Lil and Julie Rosenberg Foundation Inc. Fund Stephen J. and Madelyn M. Santa Environmental Fund Jonathan M. Todd Accounting and Finance Higher Learning Fund The Truglia Thumbelina Fund Hilda Tooher-Corcoran Charitable Fund Upton Family Child Care Fund Florence and Bill Vermeulen Fund Yankee Doodle Fund For Music *Fund established fiscal 2008 **Fund closed fiscal 2008


FUNDS at the Fairfield County Community Foundation (continued) Field of Interest Funds Field of Interest Funds unite you with others to collectively support your favorite Fairfield County causes or issues. You can give to any existing fund or establish a new fund. The Foundation makes grants in perpetuity to nonprofits that serve your field of interest.

Arts & Culture Marian Anderson Award Fund Arts for Youth Fund Bridgeport Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Fund Bridgeport Energy South End Fund Charles Ettl Fund Sarah Wheeler Frassinelli Arts Fund

Children, Youth & Families Bridgeport Energy Campership Fund Anna K. Dziuba and Eleanor K. Borcz Fund for Children Fairfield County Fund for Women and Girls Fairfield County Woman - BF Goodrich Childcare Scholarship Fund Mia S. Holthausen Fund Edward Mck Holly Fund Mathew Kosbob Memorial Fund Jean Gregory Richmond Fund Ridgefield Community Foundation Fund for Youth Ridgefield Youth Leadership Fund Treasure Chest Fund Westport Sunrise Rotary Young Voices Fund

Community Development, Urban Affairs Alvord Award Fund Bridgeport Community Response Fund Arthur and Gladys Lunin Humanitarian Award Fund Janice Park Social Justice Fund Stamcag Fund Herbert B. West Award Fund

Education Fairfield County Community Foundation Fund for Academic Excellence Theodore H. and Margaret S. Beard Excellence in Teaching Award Banyan Tree Fund of the Leo & Ida Davidoff Family Sandra Alpert Nathan Memorial Fund for Children with Learning Disabilities Rabbi Harry Nelson Memorial Fund Fairfield County Fund for New Americans Norwalk Fund for Excellence in Public Education

Environment Fairfield County Fund for the Environment

Health & Human Services Fairfield County Fund for Health and Wellness Interfaith Council Fund for Respite Care Peter & Rose Levinsky Memorial Fund Arthur and Gladys Lunin Fund Stella Margaret McHenry Fund Interfaith Council-Virginia Schroeder Fund Sight Handicapped Fund Louis and Ruth Sternbach Fund For People with Disabilities Barbara J. Stockman Memorial Fund Timothy Fund Ginny Yurch Memorial Fund

Strengthening Nonprofits Financial Management Assistance Fund

For Community-Specific Grantmaking Bridgeport Community Impact Fund Bridgeport Rotary Club Memorial Five Town Endowment Fund (Norwalk area) Greater Danbury Endowment Fund Greenwich Endowment Fund Emil & Mali Kriegler Memorial Fund (Bridgeport) Miriam and Elizabeth Kriegler Memorial Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Mac Cart Fund (Stamford) New Fairfield Community Fund Gota M. Norell Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Elizabeth Bissell Northcross Fund (Norwalk/Westport) Raymond J. and Veronica O’Connor Fund (Stratford-Bridgeport) Julia C. Palmer Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Ramer Fund (Norwalk) Remington Products Inc. Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Southbury Community Trust Fund Stamford Endowment Fund Trumbull Community Trust Fund

Discretionary Funds Discretionary Funds are ideal for forward-thinking donors who recognize the needs of Fairfield County will change over time, and who want their charitable dollars to respond to those changes. The Foundation depends on Discretionary funds to address changing community needs, to support initiatives that tackle community and regional problems, and to enrich the quality of life for all in Fairfield County, especially the disadvantaged. Carl B. & Marian C. Adolphson Memorial Fund Earle G. & Betty M. Anderson Fund John M. Berkowitz Fund David H. & Theresa L. Bresky Fund William & Margaret Buckens Fund Philip H. & Cecelia K. Burdett Fund R. Ward Chapman Fund Arthur Clifford Fund Albert L. Coles Memorial Fund Leete P. and Marjorie S. Doty Fund Robert B. Factor Fund


Nancy Flint Fund Jeanne C. Gerber Memorial Fund Murray R. Glass Fund Grabau Family Fund John E. and Clare M. Hampford Fund Edward E. Harrison Endowment Fund Edward and Myrna Harrison Fund Samuel W. and Florence Hawley Fund* J. Walker Hill Fund Zalmon S. & Ethel P. Hirsch Memorial Fund Michael and Ida Hoffman Family Fund A. George Lindquist Fund M.& F. Foundation Advise Fund Maddever-Harrison Fund Ann Adams Mandeville Fund Masonic Family Fund N.M.K.M. Fund #2 Herbert and Margaret Renert Fund Ridgefield Community Foundation Endowment Fund Willard H. Sahloff Fund Norman Schaff, Jr. Memorial Fund Schwerdtle Family Fund Frederick B. Silliman Memorial Fund William S. Simpson Fund Ralph & Marian Washburn Sprague Fund Anne W. Stokes Fund Bernard H. Trager Memorial Fund Bradford Newman Warner Fund Zarrilli Family Fund

For Countywide Grantmaking Elizabeth Wingfield Barnett Fund Carr-Earle Fund Fairfield County Endowment Fund Elizabeth Farman Fund Mary Elizabeth Hill Fund Impact Fund Memory Fund Nancy J. Pilgard Fund Edmund C. Spencer Fund

Designated Funds Designated Funds are ideal when you want to support a specific organization in perpetuity. You may name one or more organizations to receive annual grants from your fund. If any of your named organizations dissolve or change its purpose, the Foundation ensures your original charitable objectives are continued. 3030 Park Grants-in-Aid Fund Advertising Council, Inc. Fund R & E Aiello Fund Ann’s Fund


Aaron S. Avery Fund Baldwin Fund John P. and Nancy J. Bassett Fund** Shirley Bean Community Leadership Fund Edward F. Bodine Fund William and Philip Carlson Fund Paul Corwel Fund Bridgeport Learn Not To Burn Bridgeport Public Education Endowment Fund Bridgeport Rotary Club Endowment Fund Fund for the Center for Global Studies Charlton Trust Fund Fund for Connecticut’s 9/11 Living Memorial at Sherwood Island Sally Dickson Fund Richard O. Dietrich Fund Domestic Violence Crisis Center Fund ETRA Health Fund Gellatly Family Fund Sam M. and Pauline Golden Fund F.H.S. Class of ’41 Fund A Gift for Bridgeport Children Girl Scout Campership Endowment Christian I. & Hilma A. Gravesen Memorial Fund Greenwich Board of Education Fund Anastasia P. and Peter S. Hardy Fund Percy C.K. & Edna Morgan Harrison Fund Hawley Memorial Trumbull Library Fund Charles M. Herbert Barnum Festival Seymour I. Hollander Fund Invest in Fairfield County Fund*** Sanford D. Katz Fund Agnes W. and Ernest W. Kaulbach Fund Julia Keefe Scholarship Fund Dr. Alfred Kornblut Medical Scholarship Fund Robert G. & Jean D. Lee Fund Byron S. Lindley Memorial Fund Lord Fund Arthur and Gladys Lunin Funds to benefit: Ahlbin Center American Cancer Society American Health Assistance Foundation American Joint Jewish Distribution Committee American ORT Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Arthritis Association Heritage Institution of Ellis Island HIAS Jerusalem Foundation Jewish Community Center Jewish Federation of Greater Bridgeport Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Kennedy Center, Inc. Kids in Crisis Arthur and Gladys Lunin Youth Funds to benefit: Congregation B’nai Israel Jewish Community Center Stephen Lyman/Greenwich Workshop Wilderness Fund Marjorie and Mabel Fund Rocio Garces Martinez Fund Robert and Sophia Mitchell Memorial Fund William H. Moffitt, IV Cultural Arts Fund

Edward J. Morgan Fund June & Rachel Muhs Fund Norwalk Senior Center Community Lunch Fund Norman King & Laura Eales Parsells Fund Person to Person Reserve Fund Elizabeth M. Pfriem Fund Phillips/Lansdale Fund Dr. Charles E. Reed Fund Amy Louise Rich Memorial Fund Kay and Ed See Fund Jeff Shoup Memorial Fund Dr. Harold G. Simon Fund Theodore B. Smart Fund St. Gabriel School Scholarship/Financial Aid Fund Stratford Jaycees Community Fund J. Richard Tiano Memorial Scholarship Fund Weston Lacrosse Club-Paul Scheufele Endowment Fund WHHS Class of 1948 Award Fund Thomas Berry Willson Memorial Fund W.I.N-W.I.N Fund **Fund closed fiscal 2008 ***Includes contributions from funds established by Elizabeth Farman, Russell Frost III, Ralph Sheffer, and Ruth and Albert Sims and gifts from the Perrin Foundation, Edgar See and Constance Scanley

Organization Endowment Funds Organization Endowment Funds are established by nonprofits to assure a stable financial future for the organization. The Foundation handles all administrative and investment responsibilities, freeing the organization to pursue its charitable mission. Alpha Community Service YMCA Fund Barnum Festival Fund Bridgeport Rotary Community Service Endowment Fund Greater Bridgeport Symphony Endowment Fund Camp Hi Rock Endowment Fund The Jane Norgren CLC Fund for Children Connecticut Audubon Society Memorial Fund Council of Churches Community Endowment Fund Pat Hart Scholarship Endowment Fund / MACH Endowment Fund George T. Hewlett Fund Janice Martin LGB Scholarship Fund of the Bridgeport Regional Business Council Mercy Learning Center Fund Norwalk Symphony Endowment Fund Person to Person Endowment Fund Ridgefield Community Center Endowment Fund

Fairfield County Community Foundation

School Volunteer Association of Bridgeport-Alan E. Gustafson Memorial Fund United Way Endowment Fund United Way of Eastern Fairfield County Endowment Ettlinger Fund VNA Corporations, Inc.-VNS of CT Hospice Free Support Fund Y.M.C.A. Endowment Funds

Scholarship Funds Scholarship Funds support the educational advancement of students based on criteria of your choice. These funds often memorialize a loved one or honor a special person. Maurice W. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund Charlotte Aquino Nursing Scholarship Fund Aspblom-Graham Nursing Scholarship Fund Ernest J. Badillo Scholarship Fund Barquin-Bullard-Thompson ABCD Scholarship Fund Nancy E. Barrelle Memorial Scholarship Fund Arthur C. Bass Memorial Fund/Les Treize IV Nancy J. Bassett Oncology Scholarship Fund John P. Bassett Scholarship Fund Florence Batchelder Scholarship Fund of Class of CHS ’31 Edward R. Bernstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Bethany Congregational Church Scholarship Elizabeth Bigelow Ballard Fund Richard P. Bodine, Sr. Scholarship Lucille and Charles Brennan, Sr. Fund** Walter Breslav, Jr. Scholarship Fund Brooklawn Country Club Caddie Scholarship Fund Robert W. Brown Scholarship Fund Cecelia K. Burdett/V.N.S. of CT, Inc. Scholarship Fund Wilson R. Burns Scholarship Fund May Camp & Webster Upson Walker Scholarship Fund Thomas E. Carroll Fund Chiota Family Scholarship Fund Christopher Chute Memorial Sportsman’s Award Fund Raymond E. Clafin Memorial Scholarship Fund Megan Cobbledick & Jason Kern Fund Edward J. Crotty Scholarship Fund Leona Bedient Crouchley and Charles D. Crouchley, Jr. Scholarship Fund Mario D’Addario Scholarship Fund Charles A. and Eleanor Naylor Dana Scholarship Fund DeBlasio/Christopher Scholarship Fund Richard DiSalvo Scholarship Fund Pastor Shearon Dudley Memorial Scholarship Fund Ulysses J. Dunne & Ulysses J. Dunne, Jr. Scholarship Fund Edward A. Dworken Memorial Foundation, Inc. Dworken Family Fund

Dr. Frank G. and Edith B. Elliott Scholarship Fund Nicholas & Anne Nagy Fabian Scholarship Fund Fairfield High School Scholarship Foundation Joseph R. Farkas Sr., Engineering Scholarship Fund Victor M. Ferrante, Sr. Memorial Fund Thomas J. Gardella Memorial Scholarship Fund Phyllis S. Garrison Scholarship Fund GBAF Scholarship Fund Samuel A. Gilliland Memorial Scholarship Fund** June Goodman Scholarship Fund Greater Bridgeport Bar Association Scholarship Fund Peter Hanson Memorial Award for Humanity Peter Hanson Social Justice Scholarship Fund William L. Hawkins Scholarship Fund Edward C. Hawley Scholarship Fund Health Related Studies Scholarship Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport Scholarship Fund I Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport Scholarship Fund II Bessie Hunter Memorial Scholarship Fund-Les Treize V David Hutchinson Memorial Fund** I Have a Dream of Norwalk, Inc. Scholarship Fund Olga and Dimitri Jankowich Fund Eugene and Betty Jones Engineering Scholarship for Minorities Kindergarten to College Collaboration Scholarship Fund Edward R. Kasparek Memorial Fund Jeff Keith Scholarship Fund Irving Loeb Kornblut Award Dorothy Weitzner Kornblut Scholarship Fund L’Ambiance Scholarship Fund LA DANZA Scholarship Fund Leonhardt Scholars Program Fund Les Treize Scholarship Fund I Les Treize Scholarship Fund II Les Treize Scholarship Fund III Bruce G. Lockhart Scholarship Fund Arthur Lunin Learn A Trade Fund Maccalla Family Trust Les Treize Fund Bertram and Sally MacMannis Scholarship Fund Mayor’s Renaissance Commemorative Fund Margret McDonald and Lucy Blood Memorial Scholarship Fund Ralph McIntosh, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Frank J. McKee Scholarship Fund Meadow Ridge Scholarship Fund Amanda Martin Meloy Career Choices Scholarship Fund Charles J. Merritt, Jr. & Virginia B. Merritt Fund Peg Mortell Scholarship Fund Theodor Muller Scholarship Fund Jack and Roselyn Goloff Nowitz Musical Scholarship Fund Frederick W. Nowlan Fund Helen F. Nowlan Trust Fund Oristano Foundation Fund Kurt A. & Jean B. Oster Memorial Christine Palombi Scholarship Fund


FUNDS at the Fairfield County Community Foundation (continued) Dr. Bartholomew C. Pasuth Scholarship Fund P.C.H. Medical Staff Scholarship Fund E. Cortright & Nancy Phillips Scholarship Fund Julia Peyton Phillips Scholarship Fund Edward Pickerstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Caesar Pina Fund George E. Pipkin, Jr. Scholarship Helen Redding Scholarship Fund Marcy Sallick Scholarship Fund Kay and Louis Samotus Scholarship Marion Sanford Scholarship Fund Richard K. Schmidt Aquarion Science Scholarship Fund Schofield-Blauvelt Scholarship Fund Sumner Simpson Scholarship Fund William E. Smith Scholarship Fund Sonneborn Scholarship Fund Spanish Merchants Association Scholarship Fund Ralph B. and Charlotte G. Sperry Fund Stamford High School Class of 1951 Scholarship Fund William E. Stratford Memorial Fund, Boys’ Club & Girls’ Club of Bpt., Inc Margaret F. Taylor Scholarship Fund Karen Telickey Scholarship Fund James E. Tisdale Memorial Scholarship Fund Jettie Tisdale Scholarship Fund John T. and Violet Totilas Memorial Scholarship Fund Ernest and Joan Trefz Scholarship Fund Helen Varaljai Memorial Scholarship Fund Leroy Vaughn Scholarship Fund Lt. Robert W. Vogel, USN Memorial Scholarship Fund Magnus Wahlstrom Leadership Award Fund William Wolper School and/or Community Service Award Fund Emanuel Zimmer Scholarship Fund**

For scholarships available to Greenwich students, the Foundation works with the Greenwich Scholarship Association. Volunteers gather, review and process applications, then award scholarships to graduating students in Greenwich. The GSA selects recipients for scholarships from the following funds: Jane C. Bausman Memorial Scholarship Fund Justin Scott Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund Susannah Chase Memorial Fund Tod Clonan Scholarship Fund Michael Jon Greenberg Memorial Fund Hallenborg Fund Dr. & Mrs. William Hennigar Scholarship Fund Hopetown Scholarship Fund Charles W. Jensen III, D.M.D. Memorial Scholarship Fund Allan Kitchel Jr. Memorial Fund Lyman/Reynolds Fund Elizabeth Matthews Memorial Scholarship Fund Nancy J. Michaud Fund Brett M. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Martha Moxley Memorial Scholarship Fund Wataru John Narita Memorial Fund Osgood Lichty Scholarship Fund Sunny Hill Children’s Center Fund Michelle Yee Memorial Scholarship Fund Matthew Yee Scholarship Fund

Greenwich Scholarship Association Board of Directors Eryn Ament Bingle Janet Blasberg Anne Bourne Judy Chapman Allison Coleman William Dylewsky Debbie Fatica Terri Haidinger Marie Hertzig Barbara Hindman Catherine Holden Mary Anne Hume Allan Jay Diane Keleher William G. Kelly Jen Lynch Ann Robb Winston Robinson Katherine Sanford Adrianne Singer Janet Sotzing Geoffrey Thaw John Vecchiolla Sharon Vecchiolla Dora Williams Linda Woods Donna Zeale

To learn more about these funds, visit www.fccfoundation.org.

*Fund established fiscal 2008 **Fund closed fiscal 2008

“We are so impressed with the ability of the Foundation to identify the most pressing needs in our community, and then identify the organizations that most effectively address those needs. Donors can be confident that their investment in philanthropy is being channeled for its greatest impact.” Ron and Renée Noren Fundholders since 2003 Easton



COMPETITIVE GRANTS from the Fairfield County Community Foundation GRANTS FROM DISCRETIONARY FUNDS (in thousands)

When you give to or establish a Discretionary or Field of Interest fund at the Foundation, you change lives throughout the 23 communities in Fairfield County for generations to come. Competitive grants from these funds address critical community issues, help area nonprofits run at peak efficiency and enhance the quality of life for all in Fairfield County.

Arts & Culture Goals of this grant sector include increasing opportunities for urban youth to participate in quality arts education programs, cultivating new and diverse arts audiences, and helping local arts organizations collaborate with each other. Cardinal Shehan Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the Made for Talent Program that offers youth arts education throughout the year

Connecticut Free Shakespeare, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To underwrite the open air production of “Much Ado About Nothing” at the Beardsley Zoo

Greenwich Arts Council, Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the Student Docent Training Program that trains middle school youth to become docents at the Bendheim Gallery, increases their knowledge of art and strengthens public speaking skills

Housatonic Community College Foundation, Bridgeport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Student Docent Training Program that trains high school youth to become docents at the Housatonic Museum of Art and increases their knowledge of art and public speaking skills

Housatonic Valley Cultural Alliance, c/o Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 14,000 To support the operations of a Greater Danbury arts alliance that will strengthen the regional arts sector

Music & Arts Center for Humanity, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 35,000 To support Studio Works ($25,000) for a second year, a program that offers arts entrepreneurship training to middle school youth and to support the MACH Saturdays Program ($10,000), a program that offers arts education to youth with special needs

Original Works, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the East End Youth Art Works Program that trains middle school youth in various art disciplines

Shakespeare on the Sound, Norwalk and Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To underwrite the Summer 2008 performances of “Julius Caesar” in Rowayton and Greenwich

Westport Country Playhouse, Westport and Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Playmaking Workshops that bring together youth from the Norwalk Housing Authority and Westport to write plays and see them performed by professionals

Years In the Making, c/o Westport Schools Permanent Art Collection, Westport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


We gratefully acknowledge the generous grant from the Frederick H. Leonhardt Fund in the New York Community Trust, which significantly enhances our discretionary grantmaking. Anne S. Leonhardt, advisor to the fund, is a member of our Board of Directors.

To support the production of a television documentary on senior citizen visual artists living in Westport and Weston

Fairfield County Community Foundation


COMPETITIVE GRANTS from the Fairfield County Community Foundation (continued) Economic Opportunity Goals of this grant sector include helping low-wage women achieve economic security; assisting seniors and low- and mid-income residents who want to stay in Fairfield County by preserving and increasing the supply of affordable housing; increasing the availability of sequential English as a Second Language programs so immigrants can succeed; improving low- and middle-wage workers’ job skills through industry-specific workforce development, and making it easier for workers and students to commute by public transportation. ACORN Housing Corporation, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30,000 To support ACORN’s foreclosure counseling program in Bridgeport that prevents mortgage foreclosures as well as assists homeowners impacted by the subprime loan crisis

Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the home ownership counseling program in Bridgeport that helps Bridgeport residents buy homes

Burroughs Community Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 over 2 years To support the Quick Start Language Center that helps Bridgeport residents learn English

Connecticut Association for Human Services, Fairfield County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 26,500 To support the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Campaign in Fairfield County, which enables income-eligible residents in Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford to receive the federal EITC refund through free tax preparation assistance

Connecticut Housing Coalition, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the mission of this statewide affordable housing advocacy organization

Connecticut Legal Services, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30,000 To support the Day Laborer Law Clinic in Stamford that provides free legal services for day laborers with employment law problems Despite living less than five minutes from Long Island Sound, many children living in Greater Bridgeport have never been on a boat. Connecticut Community Boating’s Junior Program teaches youngsters small boat sailing, keel boating and marine exploration during summer programs at Seaside Park in Bridgeport. Through sailing, children build self reliance, learn team work and problem solving, and begin to understand that the Sound’s ecosystem is fragile.

Family & Children’s Agency, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the Home Repair Program that helps seniors in Greater Norwalk and Greater Bridgeport remain in their own homes

Ferguson Library, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the expansion of the Ferguson Library’s English as a Second Language Program that helps Stamford residents learn English

Funders Network for Smart Growth, Coral Gables, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the mission of this national affinity group serving foundations interested in smart growth

FSW, Inc., Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support community planning in Bridgeport designed to leverage the Food Stamp Employment and Training (FSET) Program, federal funding for education and workforce development services

FSW, Inc., Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100,000 To support the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance/Individual Development Account (IDA) Program that offers employed Bridgeport residents the opportunity to establish an IDA account for asset-building purposes

Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants & Refugees Sebastopol, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the mission of this national affinity group serving foundations interested in immigrant and refugee issues

Groundwork Bridgeport, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 35,000 To support the Our Folks Program in Norwalk, that provides subsidized yard work services to low-income senior homeowners ($25,000) and the Community Team Builder position in Bridgeport ($10,000)

Housing Development Fund, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000 over 2 years To support the First Time Homebuyers Program that offers home ownership counseling and access to financial products for first time homebuyers in Fairfield County



International Institute, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To create a new loan fund that will help immigrants and refugees pay for citizenship application fees, which have increased over 45% in the past year

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 295,000 To provide a leadership grant for Year 3 of the Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing. The Collaborative Fund provides operating support and technical assistance to nonprofit housing developers building affordable housing in Fairfield County

Mutual Housing Association of Southwestern Connecticut, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support construction of Greenfield Commons, new affordable senior housing in Fairfield

New Neighborhoods, Inc., Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the Tenant Advocate Program that helps tenants in NNI properties access workforce development, education, health care and senior services

Norwalk Community College, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To provide scholarships for students from the CTE-NCC ESL Institute to continue their English as a Second Language studies at Norwalk Community College

Norwalk Senior Center, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Norwalk Senior Housing Assistance Fund that provides interest-free loans to seniors for the purpose of securing or remaining in affordable housing

Bridgeport middle school students in the Burroughs Community Center’s Sparks Travel program build their own Spanish mission. In July, 25 Burroughs students traveled to California to focus on The Immigrant Experience.

One Region Fund, c/o New York Community Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 38,000 To support the One Region Fund, which helps the Tri-State region achieve a more sustainable transportation system

Partnership for Strong Communities, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To underwrite the “Visualizing Density” workshop for housing practitioners in March 2008

Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To replicate the Senior Housing Assistance Fund model in Bridgeport and other towns, providing interest-free loans to seniors for the purpose of securing or remaining in affordable housing

Women’s Business Development Corporation, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support scholarships for low-income adults, allowing them to enroll in WBDC entrepreneurial and professional development training programs throughout Fairfield County

Education and Youth Development The goal of this grant sector is to reduce the achievement gap in urban public schools by cultivating a new generation of exceptional school principals, improving the quality and affordability of afterschool and youth development programs, and increasing the availability of early childhood and school readiness opportunities for children of color and from low-wage homes. Boys and Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley, Shelton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To provide camperships for Shelton children and youth

Bridgeport Area Youth Ministry, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the Computer Genesis Program that trains Bridgeport youth with computer repair and sales skills for local nonprofits and small businesses

Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To provide general operating support

Bridgeport Public Education Fund, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the Motivation for Academic Achievement and College Success (MAACS) Program that helps Bridgeport high school students enroll and succeed in college

Fairfield County Community Foundation


COMPETITIVE GRANTS from the Fairfield County Community Foundation (continued) Burroughs Community Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Summer 2008 Youth Travel Program that will take a group of Bridgeport youth to California for a special travel program sponsored by the Tauck Foundation

Catholic Charities, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the expansion of Room To Grow’s school readiness program in Norwalk, allowing 15 more children to enroll in this early childhood program

Child Guidance Center of Mid-Fairfield, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the Choices for Success Program that helps Norwalk youth acquire skills needed for successful transition to adulthood

Connecticut Beardsley Zoo, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 28,780 To support the Conservation Discovery Corps that trains Bridgeport youth in conservation science

Connecticut Center for School Change, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 172,000 To support the initiation of the Urban School Leaders Fellowship that trains aspiring principals from the Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford Public Schools Student volunteers Paul Bucala and Aaron Tobias work together in the Earthplace water quality laboratory to filter water samples collected in the Norwalk River watershed. Students analyze indicator bacteria levels as part of Earthplace’s Harbor Watch/ River Watch water quality testing program. Their analysis provides biologists and regulators with information that makes a direct improvement in water quality. Earthplace, The Nature Discovery Center in Westport, maintains a 62-acre wildlife sanctuary with trails, contains an interactive natural history museum, houses live wildlife for public viewing and hosts public nature programs and events.

Connecticut Community Boating, c/o Cardinal Shehan Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Summer 2008 Youth Boating Program that teaches Bridgeport youth how to sail at Seaside Park

Danbury School Readiness Program, c/o Education Connection, Danbury . . . . . . . $ 10,625 To support outreach to immigrant families that helps families enroll their children in the Danbury School Readiness Program

Danbury Youth Services, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the Target After School Program that offers after-school education to children who live in Danbury public housing

Donors Choose, Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk, Stamford, Stratford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the expansion of Donors Choose. This grant will leverage an additional $17,000 from private donors visiting the Donors Choose web site, a philanthropic marketplace connecting public school teachers with classroom funding needs and individual donors.

Fairfield YMCA, Central Connecticut Coast YMCA, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To provide camperships for Fairfield children and youth

Family Centers, Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,866 To support the Dancing Dolphins preschool classroom that provides early childhood education to low-income children in Greenwich

Family & Children’s Agency, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the after-school program for middle school youth at Norwalk Community College

Grantmakers For Education, Portland, OR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the mission of this national affinity group for funders committed to grantmaking in education

Green Chimneys, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Good Friend Program, which matches Danbury youth with mentors and supervises all matches

Hall Neighborhood House, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support camperships for Bridgeport children and youth

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30,000 To support the Children’s Investment Partnership in Fairfield County, an initiative providing technical assistance and training for early childhood programs involved in facility renovation or expansion projects

Maritime Aquarium, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Youth Internship Program’s offering South Norwalk youth internships at the Aquarium

McGivney Community Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support after-school and summer programs serving Bridgeport children and youth



Norwalk Education Foundation, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Classroom Excellence Mini Grants Program that offers Norwalk teachers grants for curriculum innovation projects

Person To Person, Darien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Summer 2008 Middle School Campership Program that provides camp scholarships for 80 middle school youth from Stamford

Public Allies, c/o RYASAP, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support this leadership development program for young adults from Greater Bridgeport. Allies participate in a 10-month paid nonprofit apprenticeship, weekly leadership training, and team service projects.

Regional Youth/Adult Substance Abuse Project (RYASAP), Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To provide general operating support to this youth development organization serving Greater Bridgeport

Stamford Achieves, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 34,580 To support the Summer 2008 component of the Tutoring Achieves Program that helps Stamford elementary school students increase their reading and math scores

Stamford Sailing Foundation, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Blue Water Bound summer program that teachers Stamford youth how to sail and related academic concepts, including in math and marine ecology

Sterling House Community Center, Stratford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support their Positive Youth Development Programs which offer afterschool and summer programs for Stratford youth

Stratford YMCA, Stratford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


In a 1970s version of Much Ado About Nothing, soldiers returned from Vietnam dance with townspeople at Leo’s eatery as the plan to trick Beatrice and Benedick into revealing their true feelings for one another. Connecticut Free Shakespeare staged 12 performances of the play at the Beardsley Zoo. High school and college students acted beside professional actors and worked with technical crew.

To support camperships for Stratford children and youth

Teach for America, New Haven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000 over 2 years To support, over two years, TFA’s recruitment, selection, training and ongoing support of the TFA teacher corps working in the Bridgeport Public Schools

University of Connecticut, Neag School of Education, Storrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the CommPACT pilot schools program at Longfellow and Barnum elementary schools in Bridgeport.

Wakeman Boys and Girls Club, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the Outreach Program, an after-school program at McKinley Elementary School in Fairfield

Yerwood Center, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the English as a Second Language Summer School and Camp Program, that allows students enrolled in the morning ESL program to also participate in an afternoon camp program

Environment Goals of this grant sector include protecting local natural resources by improving the overall health of Long Island Sound and its watershed, increasing green space in urban areas, and preserving quality of life by promoting smart growth initiatives. Bridgeport Regional Business Council Foundation, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30,000 To support the Bridgeport Sustainability Initiative, a community planning initiative to develop an environmental sustainability strategy for the City of Bridgeport

Byram River Watershed Coalition c/o Southwest Conservation District, Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the work of a new watershed coalition targeting the Byram River that will improve the Byram River’s water quality

EarthPlace, Westport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Harbor Watch/River Watch Program which monitors water quality in the Norwalk River watershed

Fairfield County Community Foundation


COMPETITIVE GRANTS from the Fairfield County Community Foundation (continued) Housatonic Valley Association, Monroe/Shelton/Stratford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Rivers for Life initiative, an effort to protect the Housatonic River in Monroe, Shelton and Stratford

Keep Stamford Beautiful, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support Keep Stamford Beautiful Day in June 2008, a program that engages neighborhood residents in neighborhood beautification projects

Health & Human Services Goals of this grant sector include improving medical, dental and mental health care for uninsured and underinsured adults and families, and improving the quality of life for children, youth and adults with disabilities. AmeriCares Free Clinics, Inc., Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the Free Clinics in Bridgeport, Norwalk and Danbury that provide primary health care to uninsured people Charlie Marzulla, center, lives with his parents and participates in the ARI of Connecticut Inc.’s Day Program. He works in the mail room and volunteers in the Stamford Health System. While at home on weekends and during evenings, he has limited resources to be with friends and have fun. A grant to ARI allows Charlie to bowl with his friends, and provide his parents with a respite.

ARI, Inc., Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support respite care services for families with children with special needs

Bethel Recovery Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the hiring of a new program director, who will enhance service capacity at this transitional residence for women, and their children, recovering from substance abuse

Child FIRST, Bridgeport Hospital Foundation, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To provide general operating support to this home visitation program serving high risk Bridgeport families with young children

Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the hiring of a Quality Improvement Manager who, in partnership with other management staff, will improve patient access to services and treatment outcome measurement

Child Sight Connecticut, Helen Keller International, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30,000 To provide vision screening services and free eyeglasses to 3,000 Bridgeport public school students

Connecticut Food Bank, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the Fairfield Branch Warehouse, allowing this branch to increase distribution of perishable food products to food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and residential programs

ElderHouse, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support respite care services for caregivers of the elderly

Family Centers, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the Young Parents Program which provides comprehensive services to teen parents in Stamford, including child care

Interlude, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30,000 To provide operating support to this organization serving people with mental illness in Danbury

Kennedy Center, Trumbull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support respite care services for families with children with special needs

Kids In Crisis, Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Teen Talk Program that offers in-school counseling for teens in Stamford, Greenwich, New Canaan, Ridgefield and Wilton

Merton House Family Center, Catholic Charities, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the life skills training and parenting program serving Bridgeport families with young children

STAR, Inc., Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support respite care services for families with children with special needs



Stratford Senior Services, Stratford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the Caregiver Support Program that helps caregivers of the elderly in Stratford

UJA/Federation of Eastern Fairfield County, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Community Closet, a furniture/household goods distribution program for low-income people located at FSW

United Way of Western Connecticut, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support, with other private funders, the Community Health Report Card Project in Danbury which will document community health assets and needs

Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 13,300 To support end-of-life hospice care for patients with financial need

Visiting Nurse Services of Connecticut, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50,000 over 2 years To support the Medically Underserved Program providing visiting nurse services to low-income uninsured and underinsured Bridgeport residents

Voluntary Services for the Blind of Fairfield County, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support volunteer recruitment and retention

Strengthening Nonprofits Goals of this grant sector include increasing the efficiency and sustainability of nonprofits, and strengthening financial management of small and mid-sized nonprofits. Bridgeport Public Library, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 36,000 To support the installation and use of a Nonprofit Resource Library at the downtown branch

Christian Community Action, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the annual audit

Collaborative Alliance, c/o Community Fund of Darien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the November 2007 annual conference

Community Foundations of America, Louisville, KY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support CFA’s mission of advancing community foundation marketing, technology, accountability and national partnerships

Connecticut Council for Philanthropy, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Council’s mission of building philanthropy in Connecticut

Connecticut Puerto Rican Forum, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support the Latino Civic Engagement Academy in Bridgeport that provides training to Latinos seeking to become members of local boards of education

Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support increased financial management capacity

Council on Foundations, Washington, D.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Council’s mission of building philanthropy in the United States

Courage To Speak Foundation, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the audit and purchase of financial management software and staff training

Elder House, Inc., Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To purchase financial management software, hardware and staff training

Fairfield Museum and History Center, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To purchase financial management software and staff training

In RYASAP’s Finding Her Voice program, teen girls from 10 high schools in Greater Bridgeport identify and address negative issues in their lives, then take action and initiate positive change in their schools and communities.

Greater Danbury Nonprofit Resource Center, c/o United Way of Western Connecticut, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To underwrite the Education and Assessment Program for Greater Danbury nonprofits

Fairfield County Community Foundation


COMPETITIVE GRANTS from the Fairfield County Community Foundation (continued) Greater Danbury Nonprofit Resource Center, c/o United Way of Western Connecticut, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Funders Summit in 2007

Groundwork Bridgeport, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the audit and purchase of financial management software

Hispanics in Philanthropy, San Francisco, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the Funders Collaborative for Strong Latino Communities in Connecticut, which increases the capacity of Latino nonprofits in Connecticut, including in Bridgeport and Danbury

Partnership for Strong Communities, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the inaugural cycle of the Leadership Development Program in Fairfield County that provides leadership training to aspiring nonprofit executive directors Ana and her Good Friend mentor, Berky, posed to capture a year’sworth of memories during the program’s annual volunteer appreciation dinner. Good Friend, a program of Green Chimneys, has served Greater Danbury for over 30 years. The program matches professionally screened mentors with 7- to 14-year-olds who have little or no contact with one or both parents.

Pro Bono Partnership, White Plains, NY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support Pro Bono Partnership’s work with Fairfield County nonprofits

Stamford Senior Center, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the audit

Volunteer Center of Western Connecticut, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the Comprehensive Volunteer Services Program which increases volunteerism in the Greater Danbury region

Volunteer Center of Western Connecticut, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the audit, bookkeeper position and purchase of a new computer

Fairfield County Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls

The Fund for Women and Girls is the largest women’s fund in New England. The Fund’s current focus is to help low-wage women with dependents achieve economic security, and to foster confidence and leadership skills in girls. Norwalk Community College Foundation, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250,000 To launch a program which provides qualified, low-wage students with dependents who attend Norwalk Community College with services to help them earn an Associate’s degree, a Bachelor’s degree, and ultimately enter well-paying careers. Services will include financial education; personal, career and achievement coaching; plus financial support for unexpected costs for dependent care and transportation. The program is an adaptation of the successful Center for Working Families model developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Fund for Women and Girls Red Key Grants The goals of girls leadership grants are to help girls acquire skills, build confidence and become leaders who create positive change in their own lives and, ultimately, in their communities. The goal of the security deposit assistance grants is to help women find and stay in safe, affordable housing. Family & Children’s Agency, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support Project Girls Challenge, a program where girls 11-14 learn life skills and build confidence through community service, field trips and wilderness challenges

Operation Hope, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To provide funds for security deposits and emergency financial assistance to complement the agency’s housing-related case management services

Project Return, Westport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To sponsor conference registration for staff attending the Girls Circle training in Manhattan



Ralphola Taylor Community Center, Central Connecticut Coast YMCA, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support Learning Life Skills Through Fashion, a program that offers life skills education and leadership development to Bridgeport girls ages 14-18

Regional Youth/Adult Substance Abuse Project (RYASAP), Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support Finding Her Voice, a program that helps teen girls from Greater Bridgeport learn how to initiate positive change at home and at high school

Regional Youth/Adult Substance Abuse Project (RYASAP), Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 over 2 years To provide capacity building training services to new and existing girls programs throughout Fairfield County

Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To sponsor the community screening of Jean Kilbourne’s documentary “Killing Us Softly 3” for girls and their parents, including girls who participate in programs funded by the Fund for Women and Girls

Stamford Youth Services Bureau, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To sponsor conference registration for staff attending the Girls Circle training in Manhattan

TBICO, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 40,000 To support the Key Rings Security Deposit Assistance Program, a collaborative initiative that offers security deposit grants and loans, plus financial education and case management, to families moving into rental housing

YWCA of Greenwich, Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Y-Net dating violence prevention and leadership development program led by Greenwich High School students. The program includes grantmaking, public awareness activities, volunteerism, and social change campaigns

Southbury Community Trust Fund Advisory Committee The Southbury Community Trust Fund, previously part of the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation, aids organizations supporting the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of Southbury residents of all ages. These community members serve as Fund advisors and make grant recommendations to benefit the Southbury community. Shirley Michaels, Chair Mary Kay Flaherty Don Kimber Warren Malkin Mark Mitchell Doris Platt Michael Reardon Laura Spiegel Betsy Stiles

Fairfield County Community Foundation

A volunteer with the Ferguson Library’s “Let’s Talk” English conversation group works on conversational speaking with class members. Volunteers meet at the public library in Stamford each week to help English language learners practice their language skills in an informal setting.

Ellen, a Teach for America corps member, teaches sixth grade at Barnum Elementary School in Bridgeport. In the 2007-08 school year, 18 teachers were placed in 12 Bridgeport schools, collectively leading over 1,500 students in Bridgeport to significant academic achievements. This year, nearly 50 Teach for America corps members are teaching in Fairfield County schools, reaching over 4,000 students living in the county’s lowest-income neighborhoods.


COMPETITIVE GRANTS from the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation Contributors to unrestricted funds have the greatest impact upon the community because they allow the Foundation to meet the ever-changing needs of the community. Grants are awarded through a competitive process to local nonprofit organizations addressing those needs. The following grants were awarded in 2007 to benefit Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Milford, Monroe, Shelton, Stratford, Trumbull and Westport.

ABCD, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Special Events program at the library

AmeriCares Free Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,638 To support the Bridgeport Free Clinic

Bridgeport American Youth Soccer Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To underwrite the Coach Training Program

Bridgeport Board of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support Cultural Enrichment grants for the Bridgeport public schools

Bridgeport Board of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 14,000 To underwrite recruitment fees associated with bringing Teach for America teachers to Bridgeport

Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To provide general operating support via the Bodine Community Leadership Award distribution, as recommended by recipient Helen Wasserman

Bridgeport Public Education Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To provide general operating support via the Bodine Community Leadership Award distribution, as recommended by recipient Helen Wasserman

Bridgeport Public Education Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the Motivation for Academic Achievement and College Success (MAACS) Program

Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support advocacy services

Clean Air-Cool Planet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support their after-school program focused on global warming

Connecticut Beardsley Zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 14,000 To support the Fly Me to the Zoo program

Family ReEntry, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the Fresh Start Program

Friends of the Bridgeport Public Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the Strategic Long-Range Plan

GBAF Non Profit Resource Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,000 To support the Nonprofit Resource Center Student members of Beardsley Zoo’s Conservation Discovery Corps of Connecticut participate in zoo and field research, including expeditions to Long Island Sound. They also gain an insider’s perspective on the zoo and its animals, get experience in environmental education and animal husbandry, and develop skills in public speaking, leadership and teamwork. In addition, these young conservationists serve as interpretive educators to zoo visitors.

Greater Bridgeport Adolescent Pregnancy Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the Life Choices program

Greater Bridgeport Symphony Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,000 To support operating expenses

Horizons at Greens Farms Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support operating expenses

Housatonic Community College Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support Parents as Partners for Early Childhood Literacy

Interfaith Housing Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support Gillespie Center/Hoskins Place

Jewish Center for Community Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Community Closet

Jewish Family Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Friend to Friend program



Jewish Home for the Elderly of Fairfield County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the Center for Elder Abuse

Kids Empowered by Your Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support piano and violin lessons for Bridgeport youth

Kids in Crisis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Safe Haven for Kids program

Maritime Aquarium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000

Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation 2007 Scholarship Committee These community members review applications for scholarships available from scholarship funds previously held at the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation.

To support the Science Explorers at Beardsley School

Mercy Learning Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12,000 To support ESL/ literacy classes

Mr. Joseph Carmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 26,000 Recipient of the 2007 Beard Excellence in Teaching Award, an unrestricted grant awarded to two Bridgeport public school teachers who inspire youth and promote the value of education. Mr. Carmen teaches physics, chemistry and physical science at Central High School

Ms. Sheena Graham-Owens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 26,000 Recipient of the 2007 Beard Excellence in Teaching Award, an unrestricted grant awarded to two Bridgeport public school teachers who inspire youth and promote the value of education. Ms. GrahamOwens teaches choir at Harding High School and leads students in community service efforts

Frank Adjisegbe Elisabeth Breslav Dr. Octavio Choy Stella Dennis Gretchen Goethner Eunice Sanderlin Kimberly Ford Victoria White Louise Uchaczyk

Music & Arts Center for Humanity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30,000 To support the fundraising staff as they undertake a strategic plan and renovation of downtown space

Operation Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the staff position of Manager of Quality Assurance & Project Outcomes

Planned Parenthood of Connecticut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support the Fund for Access

Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000 To support the Outreach Program

School Volunteer Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To provide general operating support via the Bodine Community Leadership Award distribution, as recommended by recipient Helen Wasserman

Southbury Land Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 38,000 To support the Drumlin Hill Tree Farm Conservation Easement

Sterling House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the Stratford Hispanic Heritage Committee to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month on October 13, 2007

Sterling House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


To support the food pantry

The Barnum Museum Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000 To support The Big Read Initiative

Fairfield County Community Foundation

Margie Salgado, holding her son, was one of many veteran Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) volunteers recognized during a Greater Bridgeport Family Economic Security Coalition’s ceremony. The VITA Program, organized by the Connecticut Association for Human Services, with support from FCCF, offers low- to moderate-wage families a free and easy way to prepare tax returns and access refunds and tax credits. Last year the Coalition’s VITA sites returned $6.35 million in tax credits and refunds to the Bridgeport community.


GRANTS from the Fairfield County Community Foundation Donor Advised, Designated and Organization Endowment Funds

After clearing the yard of one Westport homeowner, Groundwork Bridgeport employees Darrell Monks, Corey Cook and William Dudley take a break with Karen Brown of the Fairfield County Community Foundation. Many elderly homeowners have difficulty maintaining their homes and yards. Groundwork Bridgeport’s Our Folks program offers low-cost yard service to help elderly residents extend their budgets, get quality yard care and continue living independently at home. Workers in the Our Folks program learn job skills and develop a strong work ethic.


A Better Chance NY A Better Chance of Wilton Abraham Fund Initiatives Achievement First Adopt-A-Dog African American Experience Fund of the National Park Foundation Ahlbin Centers for Rehabilitation Medicine (2) Alliance for Young Artists and Writers Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation ALS Association, CT Chapter ALS Association, NY Chapter Alta, Friends of American Cancer Society, Oklahoma American Cancer Society, Southern New England Region (3) American Classical Orchestra American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy American Diabetes Association American Friends of the Hebrew University American Health Assistance Foundation American Heart Association (2) American Joint Jewish Distribution Committee American Museum of Natural History (2) American ORT American Parkinson Disease Association American Prarie Foundation American Red Cross, Stamford Chapter AmeriCares Foundation, Inc. AmeriCares Free Clinics, Inc. Andrew Shaw Memorial Trust and Scout Cabin (2) Animal Shelter of Wood River Valley Ann’s Place, The Home of I CAN (2) Anti Defamation League Arthritis Foundation Connecticut Chapter Aspen Institute Association for the Help of Retarded Children Association of Retarded Citizens (2)

Association to Benefit Children Atlantic Salmon Federation Audubon Connecticut (2) Autistic People, Friends of Avon Old Farms School Avon Theatre Film Center (2) Ballet Hispanico of New York Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc. Barnum Festival, Inc. (2) Bartlett Arboretum and Gardens Bates College-The Bates Fund Becket Arts Center of the Hillstowns (2) Beginning with Children Foundation, Inc. Berea College Berkshire Humane Society, Inc. Beth Hillel of Flatlands Big Brothers of Southern Maine Bike Across America Blythdale Hospital B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League Bodanna Boy Scouts of America, Greenwich Council (2) Boy Scouts of America-Greater NY Councils Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich (4) Breast Cancer Alliance Bridgeport Area Youth Ministry (3) Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition (5) Bridgeport Hospital Bridgeport Hospital Foundation Bridgeport Hospital-Nursing Bridgeport Public Education Fund (4) Bruce Museum (3) Burroughs Community Center California Heritage Museum Camp Dudley YMCA Camp Fire Conservation Fund (2) Camp Sunshine Cancer Care Canterbury School (2) Cape Eleuthera Foundation-Island School Caramoor Cardinal Shehan Center CARE (2) Caroline House Cathedral of St. John the Divine Catholic Relief Services Celentano Family Fund/ Amity Charitable Trust Fund Center for Children’s Advocacy, Inc. (3) Center for Contemporary Printmaking (2) Center for Creative Youth/CREC Center for Global Studies Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University Center for Whole Communities Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield Center for Youth Leadership (2) Central Connecticut Coast-YMCA (6) Central Park Conservancy Chappaqua Orchestra Association Child Guidance Center of Mid-Fairfield County Child Guidance Center of Southern CT, Inc.

Childcare Learning Centers, Inc. (7) Children’s Aid Society Children’s Rescue Mission Children’s School Children’s Village (4) Christ and St. Stephen’s Church Christ Church Christ the King Parish Christian Community Action Church of St. Peter Circle of Care for Families with Cancer CitySquash, Inc. Clark Fork School (2) Classroom, Inc. (2) Clean Air, Cool Planet (2) Coalition for the Homeless Colgate University (2) College of New Rochelle Colorado Conservation Trust (2) Columbia University (3) Columbus Magnet School Common Sense Media Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (2) Community Fund of Darien (5) Community Unitarian Church Comprehensive Development, Inc. Congregation B’nai Israel Congregation B’nai Torah Connecticut Audubon Society Connecticut Ballet (2) Connecticut Beardsley Zoo (2) Connecticut Farmland Trust Connecticut Food Bank, Inc. (2) Connecticut Fund for the Environment (2) Connecticut Junior League Connecticut Junior Republic Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (2) Connecticut Legal Services, Inc. Connecticut NARAL Connecticut Public Television (2) Connecticut Yankee Council, Inc., Boy Scouts of America (3) Convent of the Sacred Heart Cornell University Alumni Affairs Correctional Association of New York (2) Cos Cob Volunteer Fire Department Cottage In Darien Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport (3) Courage to Speak Foundation Covenant House Cranbrook School Crudem Foundation Connecticut Appleseed Connecticut Challenge Dalhousie University Danbury Children First Danbury Public Library Danbury Regional Child Advocacy Center, Inc. (5) Darien Community Association (4) Darien EMS (2) Darien Historical Society Darien Land Trust (4)


Darien Library (5) Darien Library, Friends of (2) Dartmouth College (3) Dartmouth College, Friends of Dartmouth Library Dartmouth College, Friends of Dartmouth Squash Dartmouth Hillel DEBRA, Inc.-Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research of America Dental Center of Stamford Diocese of Bridgeport Diocese of Palm Beach Discovery Museum Dispute Settlement Centers (3) Doctors Without Borders (4) Domestic Violence Center Domestic Violence Crisis Center (2) Domus Foundation (4) Dress for Success Mid-Fairfield Duke University Annual Fund (3) E & Co. Earth Action Network Earth Economics Earth Island Institute Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund East Coast Assistance Dogs (2) Easton Community Center Emerson College Entrust Environmental Defense Equestrian Land Reserve Equine Voices Rescue & Sanctuary Esperanca, Inc. Exchange Club Parenting Skills Center Fabretto Children’s Foundation (2) Facing History and Ourselves Fairfield Follies Foundation Fairfield Historical Society Fairfield Museum & History Center (2) Fairfield Public Library Fairfield University (2) Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church Family & Children’s Agency (3) Family Centers, Inc. (5) Family Centers-The Den For Grieving Children Family ReEntry (8) Family Services of Westchester, Inc. Dana Farber Cancer Institute Farm Aid Fellowship Place Ferguson Library Fine By Me, Inc. First Presbyterian Church Florida Atlantic University FOCUS Fairfield County (3) FOCUS Fairfield/Westchester Counties Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network Food Allergy Initiative (2) Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County (2) Franklin County Family YMCA Freeport Community Services Frontiers of Freedom FSW, Inc. (2)

Garden Education Center (3) Garrison Institute Geo. A. Smith American Legion Post #7(4) George and Raymond Frank Foundation George Washington Carver Center Georgetown University Girl Scouts of Connecticut Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance (GAIA) Global Kids, Inc Goodwill Industries of Western CT (2) Grace Baptist Church Grassroots International Great Mountain Forest Corporation Greater Bridgeport Symphony Society (3) Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Green Chimneys “The Greenery” Green Mountain Valley School Greens Farms Academy (2) Greenwich Academy Greenwich Adult Day Care (2) Greenwich Center for Hope & Renewal (2) Greenwich Country Day School (2) Greenwich Department of Social Services (4) Greenwich Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (2) Greenwich Hospital (5) Greenwich Land Trust (2) Greenwich Library (3) Greenwich Symphony Greenwich, Town of-Historical Society of (2) Groundwork Bridgeport (2) Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County Habitat for Humanity International Haiti Fund Haitian Health Foundation Hanahoe Children’s Clinic Harding High School, Bridgeport Harlem Children’s Zone Harrison Memorial Animal Hospital Harvard Law School Fund Harvard Business School (2) Hearing & Speech Agency of Metropolitan Baltimore Heart of Chamber Music Institute Hearts Helping Hands, Inc. HELP, USA Hillsdale College Hofstra University Holocaust Child Survivors of CT Horizons Student Enrichment Program, New Canaan Country School (3) HORSE of Connecticut, Inc. Housatonic Community College Foundation Housing Development Fund, Inc. (2) Human Services Council of Mid-Fairfield (2) ICLEI USA-Local Governments for Sustainability Idaho Conservation League Impact Norway Inner City Arts Inner-City Foundation for Charity & Education (3) Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc. (ISI) Interfaith Housing Association of Westport/ Weston (2)

Fairfield County Community Foundation

International Senior Lawyers Project Island Affordable Housing Fund (3) Island Press/Center for Resource Economics (2) Jacob Burns Film Center (3) Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Jerusalem Foundation Jewish Center for Community Services (2) Jewish Community Center (2) Jewish Family Service, Bridgeport Jewish Family Services, Stamford Jewish Home for Elderly of Fairfield County JFK Medical Center Foundation Johns Hopkins University Junior Achievement of Western CT Junior League of Greenwich Junior League of Stamford-Norwalk Juvenile Diabetes Research FoundationFairfield County Division (3) Kansas University Endowment Association Kayak for a Cause Kennedy Center (2) Kenwood Convent of the Sacred Heart Kids in Crisis (5) King Low Heywood Thomas School Laddie Lawrence Scholarship Fund Lafayette College Laurel House (2) Lawrenceville School Lee Pesky Learning Center Leo Baeck Institute Lester Dequaine Foundation, Inc. Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America, Fairfield County Chapter Lexington School for the Deaf Liberation Programs, Inc. (5) Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts LISC-Local Initiatives Support Corp. (2) Listen to my Pictures, Inc. Literacy Volunteers of America-Stamford/ Greenwich (6) Literacy Volunteers of Southeastern Fairfield County Literary Classics of the United States, Inc. (2) Local Initiatives Support Corp Fairfield (FCCF for Aff. Housing) Los Angeles Mission Lung Cancer Alliance Lutheran Social Services of New England Magical Music For Life, Inc. (2) Malaria No More Manhattan Christian Academy Manhattanville College (2) Mannes College-New School for Music (2) Maritime Aquarium (4) Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Marymount Manhattan Marymount School Masonic Charity Foundation of CT Meals-on-Wheels of Greenwich Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (7) Mercy Learning Center (6) Merritt Parkway Conservancy (3) Merry-Go-Round, Inc. Metropolitan Museum of Art (2)

Soprano Indira Mahajan received the 2008 Marian Anderson Award. The Marian Anderson Award Fund, part of the Fairfield County Community Foundation, is named for the pioneering opera singer and former Danbury resident. The award is given to American singers of great promise who have already achieved some success in opera, in recital, and in the orchestra/oratorio repertory.


GRANTS from the Fairfield County Community Foundation Donor Advised, Designated and Organization Endowment Funds (continued)

Case manager Stephanie Kotce counsels Jeff Walsh, a client of Interlude’s Intensive Residential Support Program. The program provides personalized case management and support for Danbury men and women with mental illness. Interlude’s goal is to help people live independently in the community.


Metropolitan Opera (4) Miss Hall’s School Mizzentop Day School Museum of Modern Art (2) Music and Arts Center for Humanity (10) Nantucket Conservation Foundation Nantucket Cottage Hospital (2) Nantucket Land Council, Inc. NARAL Foundation Nathaniel Witherell, Inc., Friends of National Association for the Visually Handicapped National Audubon Society National Eating Disorder Association National Mentoring Partnership National Trust for Scotland Foundation, USA (2) National Wildlife Federation NatureServe Neighbor-to-Neighbor New Canaan Country School (2) New Covenant House of Hospitality New England Air Museum New England Forestry Association New Hope Missionary Baptist Church New Neighborhoods, Inc. (2) New York Botanical Garden New York Road Runners Foundation New York University Stern School of Business Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center Noroton Fire Department, Inc. Noroton Presbyterian Church (3) Northeast Youth Ministry Network Norwalk Community College Foundation (15) Norwalk Community Health Center (2) Norwalk Education Foundation Norwalk Emergency Shelter Norwalk Grassroots Tennis, Inc. Norwalk Hospital Foundation (4) Norwalk Land Trust (2) Norwalk Marching Bears Norwalk Public Library Norwalk Public Schools (2) Norwalk River Rowing Association Norwalk Seaport Association Norwalk Senior Center (2) Norwalk Symphony Orchestra Norwalk United Methodist Church Norwalk Youth Symphony (2) Norwalk, City of Notre Dame High School Nursing and Home Care Obie Harrington-Howes Foundation Oblates of the Virgin Mary Mission Society of St. Mary’s Parish Ohio Wesleyan University One Region Funders’ Collaborative (2) Operation Hope Orthopaedic Foundation for Active Lifestyles Outward Bound (3) OXFAM America Pace University Pacific Forest Trust (3) PAN Massachusetts Challenge

Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (2) Pegasus Foundation Pegasus Therapeutic Riding (2) Pennsylvania State University Pequot Library Performing Arts Center Foundation Person-to-Person (10) Peter Pucci Plus Dancers Phillips Exeter Academy (2) Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health Pine Manor College Pivot Ministries Planned Parenthood of Connecticut (3) Ponus Street Chapel & Community Association Port Chester Carver Center (5) Positive Directions Prayer Tabernacle Church Public Justice Foundation Quinnipiac University (2) Rachel Carson Council Rare Center for Tropical Conservation (2) REACH Prep (2) Reach the World Re-Entry Ministry Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut (2) Rensselaer Newman Foundation Reverb Ridgefield Community Center Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra Rockefeller Family Fund Rocky Mountain Institute (2) Roosevelt High School Foundation Rotary Club of Bridgeport (2) Round Hill Community Church Round Hill Volunteer Fire Department Sac Community Foundation Sacred Heart Academy (2) Sacred Heart University (2) Salvation Army (4) Sandpoint Waldorf School Sankaty Head Foundation, Inc. Sarah Lawrence College Save the Children (3) School Volunteer Association Seachange Capital Partners Senior Services Coordinating Council/The Senior Umbrella Serving All Vessels Equally Shakespeare on the Sound (3) Shelter for the Homeless (2) Shepherd’s Maternity House Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation Siasconset Trust Siasconset Union Chapel Sierra Club Foundation Simmons College Skidmore Jazz Institute-Skidmore College Charles D. Smith, Jr., Foundation Society of the Four Arts Solar Youth Solo Foundation SoundWaters (7)

South Central Community Foundation Southern New England Eye Foundation Southern Poverty Law Center Southport Congregational Church (2) Special Olympics Connecticut Special Olympics Upper Valley SquashBusters St. Aloysius Church (2) St. Francis School St. Jerome Church (2) St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Parish (5) St. Luke’s Lifeworks (11) St. Mary’s Church (2) St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church St. Paul’s Episcopal Church St. Paul’s School St. Vincent’s Medical Center Foundation St. Thomas More Chapel & Center St. Thomas More House Stamford Center for the Arts (2) Stamford Health Foundation (7) Stamford High School Band Parents Association Stamford Museum & Nature Center (2) Stamford National Lione League Stamford Partnership Stamford Sailing Foundation (2) Stamford Symphony Orchestra Stanford University Stanwich Congregational Church Staples High School Tuition Grants Committee (3) Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation Staying Put in New Canaan (2) Stepping Stones Museum for Children (3) Student Conservation Association, Inc. (2) Studio in a School Association Summit Foundation Sun Valley Summer Symphony (2) SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Susan G. Komen for the Cure (2) Swim Across America Syracuse University Syracuse University, School of Human Services and Health Tanda ASP Teach for America (6) TEAK Fellowship (2) Temple Sinai Thirteen/WNET (4) Tides Foundation Tiger Hollow, Inc. Touch Foundation Toys for Tots Tredyffrin & Easttown Care Trumbull Library Tufts University UJA Federation-Westport Union College Union of Concerned Scientists United Church of Rowayton United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, Inc. United Methodist Homes of CT


GRANTS United Way of Eastern Fairfield County United Way of Greenwich (3) United Way of New Canaan (2) United Way of Norwalk & Wilton (3) United Way of Palm Beach County United Way of Western CT United Way of Westport-Weston University of Bridgeport (2) University of Connecticut (2) University of Connecticut Law School Foundation University of Massachusetts Annual Fund (2) University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania-The Penn Fund University of Richmond-Annual Fund University of Southern Maine University of Virginia School of Law University of Wyoming FoundationWilliam D. Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment & Natural Resources Vacamas Programs for Youth Vassar College Vineyard Energy Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care of S.W. CT (3) Visiting Nurse Services of Connecticut, Inc. (2) Wake Forest University Wakeman Boys & Girls Club Watermark at 3030 Park (6) Waterside School Wayne Presbyterian Church, Youth Mission Weir Farm Art Center Weir Farm Heritage Trust West Point Fund, AOG Westchester ARC Foundation Westhill High School Weston Lacrosse Westover School Westport Field of Dreams Westport PAL Westport Public Library (2) Westport/Weston YMCA Wheaton College Whitney Museum of Art Wholesome Wave Wilderness Society Wilton Education Foundation Wilton Family YMCA (2) Wilton Fire Fighters Wilton High School Wilton Interfaith Council c/o Wilton Dept. of Social Services Wilton Land Conservation Trust Wilton Library Association (2) Wilton Library, Friends of Wilton Police Union Wilton, Teen Center Wilton Volunteer Ambulance Corps. WNYC Radio Women’s Business Development Center (4) Wood River Community YMCA Woodcock Nature Center (2) Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Woodway Scholarship Fund

Wooster School World Vision (2) World Vision-Women of Vision (4) Yale Eye Center Yale School of Medicine Special Fund Yale University (4) Yale University-Womens Health Research Yerwood Center YMCA Bridgeport-Central CT Coast YMCA YMCA Lakewood-Trumbull YMCA of Greenwich YMCA of Stamford Yosemite Association Young America’s Foundation YWCA of Darien-Norwalk YWCA of Greenwich (2)

Fairfield County Community Foundation

from the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation Donor Advised, Designated and Organization Endowment Funds

Bridgeport preteens attending MACH’s AileyCamp® rehearse a dance routine for an end-of-summer performance. Campers learn dance requires athletic abilities comparable to any other sport. MACH offers many programs at little or no cost to children living in Greater Bridgeport.

American Heart Association APT Foundation Audubon Connecticut Bridgeport Area Youth Ministry, Inc. Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition Bridgeport Hospital Bridgeport Hospital Foundation (3) Bridgeport Public Education Fund (2) Bridgeport Rescue Mission Cancer Care of Connecticut Caroline House Carter Center, The Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield County Congregation B’nai Israel Connecticut Against Gun Violence Education Fund Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport (2) Discovery Museum & Planetarium Fairfield County Community Foundation Fairfield Museum & History Center Greater Bridgeport Symphony Society International Performing Arts Jewish Home for the Elderly of Fairfield County Junior Achievement of Western CT (2)

Kennedy Center Mercy Learning Center New England Air Museum (CT Aeronautical Historical Association) Pequot Library Regional Plan Association-CT Rotary Club of Bridgeport RYASAP Salvation Army Salvation Army, Southern New England Division Sconset Trust Soundkeeper, Inc. Southern New England Eye Foundation Southwestern CT Agency of Aging St. Paul’s Episcopal Church St. Vincent’s Medical Center St. Vincent’s Medical Center Foundation Trinity Episcopal Church Trinity Episcopal Church-Nichols (2) United Jewish Appeal-Westport University of Bridgeport Watermark 3030 Park, LLC (6) Yale University-Law School YMCA Bridgeport, Central Connecticut Coast (2)


GOVERNANCE and COMMITTEES Fairfield County Community Foundation Designated and Organization Endowment Funds Durham J. Monsma, Stamford Peter T. Mott, Fairfield Gordon Myers, Stamford Ronald B. Noren, Esq., Easton Janice Park, Bridgeport Sheila A. Perrin, North Salem, NY Lindsay J. Reimers, Greenwich David J. Sullivan, III, Westport Susan Sweitzer, New Canaan Thomas E. Vacheron, Fairfield Ileana Velazquez, Danbury Katharine Welling, Wilton Linda F. Whitton, Wilton +Part of year

Emeritus Directors Edwin A. Bescherer, Jr., Wilton Wilmot L. Harris, Jr., Esq., Greenwich Harold Howe, Jr., South Kent Ann S. Mandel, Darien Leo Nevas, Esq., Westport Edgar T. See, Esq., Westport Ruth Sims, Arlington, VA

Officers and Executive Committee

Front: Fred McKinney. Row 2: Ron Noren, Michael Funck, Linda Whitton, Andrea Gartner, Richard Hoyt. Row 3: Gordon Myers, Phyllis Marsilius, Mary Lee Kiernan, Lindsay Reimers, (stairs, front) Sheila Perrin, Barry Hawkins, Ileana Velazquez. Row 4: George Longstreth, David Sullivan, (stairs, rear) Bernicetine Bailey, Joseph McGee, Katharine Welling. Not pictured: John Chiota, Daniel Daniels, Deborah Elam, Mark Gabrielson, Robert Graham, Jr., Mickey Herbert, James Himes, Joseph Hoffman, James Kreitler, Thomas Lenci, Anne Leonhardt, Barbara Leonhardt, Susan Mandel, Durham Monsma, Peter Mott, Janice Park, Susan Sweitzer, Thomas Vacheron


Board of Directors W. Michael Funck, Riverside, Chair Bernicestine M. Bailey, Westport Hon. John P. Chiota, Trumbull Daniel L. Daniels, Esq., Greenwich Deborah Elam, Stamford Mark J. Gabrielson, Ridgefield+ Andrea Gartner, Ridgefield Robert C. Graham, Jr., Stamford Barry C. Hawkins, Esq., Bridgeport Mickey Herbert, Fairfield James A. Himes, Cos Cob Joseph A. Hoffman, Trumbull Richard M. Hoyt, Easton Mary Lee Kiernan, Esq., Greenwich John A. Klein, Easton+ James Kreitler, Fairfield+ Thomas Lenci, Fairfield Anne S. Leonhardt, New Canaan Barbara Leonhardt, New Fairfield George B. Longstreth, III, M.D., Fairfield Susan Mandel, Greenwich Phyllis Marsilius, Bridgeport Joseph J. McGee, Fairfield Fred McKinney, Ph.D., Trumbull

W. Michael Funck, Chair Hon. John P. Chiota, Vice Chair David J. Sullivan, III, Treasurer Durham J. Monsma, Secretary Bernicestine M. Bailey Barry C. Hawkins, Esq. Joseph A. Hoffman Fred McKinney, Ph.D. Gordon Myers Ronald B. Noren Sheila A. Perrin

Audit Committee Richard M. Hoyt, Chair Edwin A. Bescherer, Jr. Ralph DePanfilis Allen A. Raymond David J. Sullivan, III

Development and Communications Committee Daniel L. Daniels, Esq., Co-Chair Joseph A. Hoffman, Co-Chair Denise Davidoff Harold Levine

Investment Committee W. Michael Funck, Chair Edgar W. Barksdale, Jr., Deputy Chair Edwin A. Bescherer, Jr. Amy J. Gillis Robert C. Graham, Jr. Wilmot L. Harris, Jr., Esq. Allan V. Jay III, CFP William R. Knobloch Arnold D. Pearlstone Lunsford Richardson, Jr. James Seymour David J. Sullivan, III John A. Vaccaro Thomas E. Vacheron

Legal Committee Barry C. Hawkins, Esq., Chair Daniel L. Daniels, Esq. Wilmot L. Harris, Jr., Esq. Michelle R. Hubbard, Esq. Peter T. Mott, Esq.

Program Committees Economic Opportunity/Health and Human Services Committee Fred McKinney, Ph.D., Chair Barry C. Hawkins, Esq. James A. Himes Ed Rodriguez Ileana Velazquez Education and Youth Development Committee Gordon Myers, Co-Chair Linda Whitton, Co-Chair Leslie Alexander Bernicestine M. Bailey Mary Lee Kiernan, Esq. Susan Mandel Phyllis G. Marsilius Joseph J. McGee Ellen Mellis Durham J. Monsma Janice Park Sheila A. Perrin Susan Sweitzer Governance Committee Andrea Gartner, Co-Chair Ronald B. Noren, Esq., Co-Chair Robert C. Graham, Jr. Barry C. Hawkins, Esq. Mickey Herbert Thomas Lenci Susan Mandel Fred McKinney, Ph.D. Gordon Myers Susan Sweitzer Arts and Environment Committee Robert Graham, Chair Ann Sheffer


Fund for Women and Girls Executive Committee Mary Lee Kiernan and Lindsay J. Reimers, Co-Chairs, Fund for Women and Girls Louise Whitton York and Deborah Elam, Co-Chairs, Grant Awards Luncheon Amy Downer and Virginia Meyer, Co-Chairs, Research and Grants Committee Sue Mandel and Sally Stone, Former Chairs Nancy von Euler, Director Fund for Women and Girls

L-R: Mary Lee Kiernan, Louise Whitton York, Deborah Elam, Lindsay J. Reimers

Research and Grants Committee member Jane Williams, Kathy Parks and Laura Saverin were among 700 supporters who attended the Fund for Women and Girls 2008 annual luncheon.

Fund for Women and Girls Luncheon Committee Nancy Axilrod Bernicestine Bailey Belinda Bralver Annie O. Burleigh Mollie Callagy Amy Cholnoky Rona Citrin Diane Consoli Susan Cotter Vicki Craver Tonya Redding Dennis Amy Downer Suzanne Einstein Deborah Elam Mary-Jane Foster Marsha Glazer Andrea Gartner Elisabeth Golden Anne Goodnow Julie Graham Kristy Harteveldt Ali Hokin Lauren Hokin Libby Hudson Becky Hughes Andrea Immelt Kaki Johnson Mystique Johnston Leslie Kaskel Jackie Keeshan Mary Lee Kiernan Kathy Klingenstein Martha Lane Laurie Maglathlin Ann S. Mandel Sue Mandel Melanie McGlade Pamela McKoin Lizanne Megrue Laura Michnoff Marci Murphy Ellen G. Oppenheim Marianne Pollak Lynn Jackson Quinn Lindsay J. Reimers Nancy Rivero Lisa Mueske Ruggiero Cristine Russell Claire Salvatore Jeanie Shaw Nancy Simpkins Sally Stone Joan M. Warburg Katharine Welling Linda F. Whitton Elisa Wilson Louise Whitton York Torrance York

Fund for Women and Girls Research and Grants Committee Cynthia Blumenthal Emily Bragg Vicki Craver Amy Downer Mary-Jane Foster Frosty Friedman Marty Gilbert Elisabeth Golden Sandra Greer Carolann Grieve Michelle Hubbard Pat Kemp Virginia Meyer Barbara Miller Lindsay Ormsby Jody Osborn Lauren Razook Roth Mary Waldron Kyle Wilcox Jane S. Williams Darlene Young

Fund for Women and Girls Advisory Board Lucy Ball Kaye Barker Nancy Brown Andrea Cross Mary-Jane Foster Marty Gilbert Tracy Goodnow Julie Graham Patsy Howard Anne Leonhardt Barbara Leonhardt Ann S. Mandel Sue Mandel Lizanne Megrue Katherine Mountcastle Lynne Pasculano Sheila Perrin Marianne Pollak Leslie Roach Kathy Sachs Ann Sheffer Sally Stone Charlotte Suhler Emily Tow Jackson Ellen Tower Peggy Van Munching Mary Waldron Joan Warburg

Luncheon keynote speaker Barbara Ehrenreich with Advisory Board member Joan Warburg.

Fairfield County Community Foundation


PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS COUNCIL Fairfield County Community Foundation David Ball.................................................... UBS Financial Services Stephen W. Bates......................................... U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Kevin Batterton........................................... BNY Mellon Wealth Management Deborah S. Breck, Esq. ............................... Pullman & Comley, LLC Catherine M. Brennan................................ Catherine M. Brennan Attorney at Law LLC Paul H. Burnham, Esq. .............................. Rucci, Burnham, Carta, Carello & Reilly, LLP Michael J. Cacace, Esq................................ Cacace, Tusch, & Santagata Edward J. Capasse, Esq. .............................. Nevas, Nevas, Capasse & Gerard Daniel L. Daniels, Esq. ............................... Wiggin and Dana, LLP Amy L. Y. Day, Esq....................................... Day & Levy, LLC John J. Ferguson, Esq.................................. Ferguson, Aufsesser, Hallowell & Wrynn, LLP Carolina Fernandez.................................... Citi Smith Barney Global Wealth Management Richard S. Fisher, Esq................................. Cacace, Tusch & Santagata Richard B. Freeman, CFP........................... Round Table Services LLC W. Michael Funck........................................ Hynes, Himmelreich, Glennon & Co. Leslie E. Grodd, Esq.................................... Halloran & Sage LLP Peter Guenther............................................ Webster Financial Advisors Wilmot Harris, Jr. Esq. ............................... Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara, LLC Gregory A. Hayes, Esq.................................. Day Pitney LLP David R. Hermenze, Esq............................. Hermenze & Marcantonio LLC Ellis A. Hiltz................................................. Ellis A. Hiltz & Associates Mary E. Hoyt, CPA....................................... Blum Shapiro Michelle R. Hubbard, Esq........................... Hawthorne, Ackerly & Dorrance, LLC Howard Kaplan, Esq. . ................................ Wofsey, Rosen, Kweskin & Kuriansky, LLP Leonard Leader, Esq. ................................. Wiggin and Dana, LLP John M. Leask II CPA/ABV,CVA................... John M. Leask II CPA, LLC David T. Leibell, Esq. . ................................ Wiggin and Dana, LLP Frances D. Martin....................................... BNY Mellon Wealth Management, Putnam Trust Division Patricia L. McDermott, CTFA...................... US Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Frank Moore................................................ UBS Financial Services Peter T. Mott, Esq. ...................................... Brody, Wilkinson & Ober, P.C. Leo Nevas, Esq............................................. Nevas, Nevas, Capasse & Gerard Loretta Nolan, CFP®, AEP......................... Loretta Nolan Associates, LLC Ronald B. Noren, Esq.................................. Brody, Wilkinson and Ober, P.C. William J. Peterson..................................... Neuberger Berman, LLC Gregory T. Rogers........................................ RayLign Advisory LLC Gregory A. Saum, Esq. ............................... Cummings & Lockwood LLC Marc A. Silverman, CPA.............................. S/B Mann & Company, CPA’s George L. Smith, Esq. ................................ Smith & Grant LLP John S. Traynor........................................... PNC Wealth Management Kevin A. Walsh, Esq..................................... Whitman Breed Abbott & Morgan LLC Carl Zuckerberg, CFP, AIF........................... Relyea Zuckerberg Hanson LLC

Rich Freeman (R) presents Ron Noren of Brody, Wilkinson and Ober, P.C., with the Professional Advisors Council Outstanding Community Partnership award at the Foundation’s Professional Advisor Breakfast Seminar on May 8, 2008. The annual award is presented to a professional advisor for promoting effective philanthropy in Fairfield County.

STAFF Fairfield County Community Foundation Susan M. Ross, MEd., President/CEO Jeanette Allam, Donor Service Associate Dorcas T. Blue, Program Director, Arts, Environment, Education/Youth Development Jennifer Branstrom, Donor Service Associate Karen R. Brown, MPA, Vice President of Programs


Yolanda Caldera-Durant, MS, Program Director, Economic Opportunity/ Health and Human Services Linda R. Franciscovich, JD Vice President of Development and Philanthropic Services Diane B. Grandison, Office Administrator/Receptionist Sharon Jones, Program Administrative Assistant Morlee J. Miller, Manager of Business Administration

Sallie Mitchell, Communications Director Alanna Morton, Development Assistant Sharon L. Reiss, MA Director of Philanthropic Services Sonia C. Rivera, Finance Assistant Mary Romano, Administrative Assistant to the President

Terri Smith, Finance Associate Nancy M. von Euler, MPA, Program Director/Director, Fund for Women and Girls Rebecca E. Wolfe, PhD, Program Director/Director, Fund for Academic Excellence Jeff Yates, Communications Manager Mary E. A. Zwecker, CPA, MBA , Vice President of Finance & Administration


COMMUNITY ADVISORS Fairfield County Community Foundation Community leaders, well-known in their towns and committed to the mission of the Foundation, serve as community advisors. They provide a link between the Foundation and individual communities, and support our development and program efforts.

Thomas C. Appleby, Norwalk Kaye E. Barker, Darien Judith L. Biggs, Greenwich Nancy C. Brown, Greenwich John B. Caron, Greenwich Carolyn W. Cleveland, Greenwich Robert B. Cooper, Brookfield Denise Davidoff, Norwalk William Dylewsky, Stamford Ann Elliman, Greenwich Karl Epple, Bethel Kenneth Fadner, Wilton Hon. Livvy R. Floren, Greenwich Mary C. Franco, New Canaan Richard B. Freeman, Westport Lile R. Gibbons, Old Greenwich Marty Gilbert, Rowayton Susan M. Greenberg, Stamford Stephen K. Grimm, Greenwich E. Bulkeley Griswold, Wilton Leslie Grodd, Westport Marie Hertzig, Greenwich Michelle R. Hubbard, New Canaan

Alice Hyman, Danbury Pobie Johnston, Stamford William R. Knobloch, New Canaan Percy Lee Langstaff, Stamford Harold Levine, Westport William R. Lynch, Greenwich Patricia H. Main, Ridgefield Ann S. Mandel, Darien Nancy Marcus, Danbury James S. Martin, Stamford Deidre McClain, Ridgefield Ralph McIntosh, Jr., Bethel Barbara T. McKelvey, Cos Cob Barbara D. McSpadden, Riverside Peter F. McSpadden, Riverside Ellen Mellis, Stamford Katherine Mountcastle, New Canaan David Nee, Fairfield Leo Nevas, Westport Albert G. Nickel, Wilton David Nurnberger, Danbury Michael Osborne, Sandy Hook Gregory M. Perry, Weston

More than 120 fundholders, board members, staff and friends celebrated the pending merger of the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation and Fairfield County Community Foundation at a joint event in October 2007. Among those from GBAF were Jacqueline Herbert, Julie Mauri, Fred McKinney, Anne Watkins, Mickey Herbert, and Maryann Donovan.

Patricia C. Phillips, Stamford Marianne Pollak, Stamford Allen A. Raymond, Westport Betsy Rich, Bloomfield Lunsford Richardson, Jr., Norwalk Rosamond S. Shannon, Greenwich Ann E. Sheffer, Westport Richard J. Slagle, Greenwich Rev. Thomas L. Steirs, Old Greenwich Caralyn Stevens, Greenwich Sally Stone, Darien Charlotte T. Suhler, Darien Conrad Teitell, Stamford Ellen Tower, Fairfield John A. Vaccaro, Weston Lewis J. Wallace, Danbury Joan M. Warburg, Greenwich Joan Weisman, Brookfield Dana Welles, New Fairfield Kelli L. Wells, Stamford Robert J. Wolfe, Danbury Mary-Jane Wood, Redding

FCCF emeritus directors Edgar See and Mike Harris toast the merger with Sally Harris.

Above: Stephen Bates, Phyllis Marsilius, Michael Funck Right: Merger Committee members (L-R) Facilitator David Nee, Fred McKinney, Michael Funck, Gordon Myers, Barry Hawkins, John Chiota, Bernicestine Bailey, Susan Ross, David Sullivan, Anne Watkins, Ronald Noren. Not pictured: Joe Hoffman, Sheila Perrin

Fairfield County Community Foundation


FISCAL 2008 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Fairfield County Community Foundation Each fund established at the Foundation reflects a trust in our ability to invest resources wisely. The following is an overview of investment policies, and summarized financial statements for the years ended June 30, 2008 and 2007.


Investment Committee and Investment Managers The Investment Committee of the Foundation’s Board of Directors is responsible for determining the broad allocation of Foundation assets among various asset classes, designing the investment structure for each asset class, retaining investment managers and other professionals, and monitoring investment trends and performance. In fiscal 2008, the Foundation’s portfolio was invested with various Vanguard funds, Neuberger Berman, Dodge & Cox, Steinberg Asset Management LLC, The Hartford, Loomis Sayles, Forester Capital LLC, Harris Alternatives LLC, The Investment Fund for Foundations (TIFF), Artio International/Julius Baer Institutional Investment Funds LLC, Silchester International Investors, People’s United and Colchester Global Investors, Inc. On a long-term basis, each of these managers has outperformed established benchmarks. GROWTH IN NET ASSETS (in millions)

Investment Philosophy The Foundation seeks to safeguard assets entrusted to us, and, at the same time, generate total return for grantmaking that responds to current and changing charitable needs in the community. These criteria dictate our investment philosophy: • Primary emphasis is placed on preservation of asset purchasing power through investment growth and total return • Moderate growth of principal and total return is expected, consistent with maintaining safety of principal • The Investment Committee focuses on asset allocation among equity, debt and other investment opportunities. It seeks a return in line with the Foundation’s spending policy as it relates to long-term grantmaking goals. The Foundation’s net assets grew 40.1% during fiscal 2008 to $131.9 million, up from $94.1 million at the end of the prior year. For a complete set of the financial statements of the Fairfield County Community Foundation, as audited by O’Connor, Davies, Munns & Dobbins, LLP, call 203.750.3200. To request a copy of the financial statements of the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation, as audited by Blum, Shapiro & Company, P.C., call 203.750.3200. To learn more about the Foundation’s investment policy and asset allocation, visit www.fccfoundation.org.



Statements of Financial Position



Cash and cash equivalents $ Contributions and other receivables Investments, at fair value Split-interest agreements Prepaid expenses and other assets Total assets

As of June 30

30,336 $ 253,574 141,525,661 339,067 163,951

$ 142,312,589

Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities



67,966 770,878 96,150,043 — 88,739 97,077,626

Grants payable $ Accounts payable and other liabilities Liability under split-interest agreements Custodial funds

4,312,214 $ 176,147 100,069 5,823,753

2,114,381 181,018 — 647,961

Total liabilities



Donor advised Donor designated Field of interest Scholarship Discretionary

59,574,564 15,148,728 25,967,621 12,331,313 17,577,349

54,087,240 6,767,174 17,603,153 5,351,488 9,771,116

Available for administration

130,599,575 1,061,833

93,580,171 554,095

Unrestricted Net Assets Temporarily Restricted net assets

131,661,408 238,998

94,134,266 —

Net assets – unrestricted

Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets

131,900,406 $ 142,312,589 $

Statements of Activities Revenues

“The Foundation’s investment portfolio is broadly diversified and well positioned to weather the storm which is battering financial markets at the time of this writing, without compromising the longterm potential future returns.” Edgar W. Barksdale, Jr., Chair, Fairfield County Community Foundation Investment Committee

94,134,266 97,077,626

Years Ended June 30 2008


Contributions $ Investment return, net of investment expenses In-kind contribution Other income

10,351,547 (6,228,867) 11,254 145,551

11,626,462 11,908,670 223,451 165,381

Total revenues



10,559,253 1,053,880 525,143

8,290,331 632,863 553,417



296,432 260,972 58,353

326,652 223,451 61,487


Program: Grants Grant services, research and evaluation Donor fund development Supporting services: Management and administration Merger and strategic planning non-recurring expense Fundraising



Total expenses Change in net assets before contribution of net assets received in merger Contribution of net assets received in merger with Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation, Inc. effective January 1, 2008







Change in net assets Net assets – beginning of year





Net assets – end of year $131,900,406

Fairfield County Community Foundation




making a difference

in our own backyard

Fairfield County Community Foundation

383 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851 Tel: 203.750.3200 www.fccfoundation.org


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