FCCF 2010 Annual Report

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Fairfield County Community Foundation Annual Report Fiscal 2010


“In these days of difficulty, we Americans everywhere must and shall choose a path of social justice, the path of faith, the path of hope, and the path of love toward our fellow man.” —Franklin Delano Roosevelt

You’ve already chosen the path of giving. Here is what you’re accomplishing . . . www.fccfoundation.org


the path of giving

Remembering the Future


hen Dr. Ida Davidoff turned 95, she set a goal to create a “good ending” for herself. She also wanted to create good beginnings for other women. When Melady Lozada moved from Columbia to Connecticut to create a home with her American husband, she set a goal to learn English. Even though these women never met, their lives are intertwined. Dr. Davidoff was a renowned marital and family therapist in New Canaan who believed women are the heart of society. “When families are healthy, society is healthy,” she’d often say. She met with her fi nancial advisor to discuss her charitable giving options. “Ida wanted to make sure what she and her late husband had earned over a lifetime would go to the kind of interests she had some control over,” her advisor said. When Dr. Davidoff ’s advisor told her about the Fairfield County Community Foundation, she realized her “good ending” could involve more than money. She could also carry forward her sense of social responsibility. Dr. Davidoff established The Banyan Tree Fund of the Leo and Ida Davidoff Family to support, in perpetuity, the education of Fairfield County women and children, especially the disadvantaged. She learned about helping others from her parents, both


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

Yiddish-speaking immigrants from Lithuania. Dr. Davidoff grew up with a blue pushke charity box in the kitchen, and remembered how each family member dropped in coins. “You were expected to give of yourself to perpetuate the life of the community,” she said. Dr. Davidoff also wanted to pass along the joy of giving to her adult grandchildren. She named three grandchildren as successor advisors, giving them the authority to recommend grants from the fund. A bequest in her will fully endowed the Banyan Tree Fund when she passed away at age 97. The fi rst grant was awarded to Caroline House in Bridgeport, which teaches English to immigrant women and their children—including Melady Lozada and daughters Nataly and Jinandry. Above: Caroline House teaches English to immigrant women and their children, including Jinandry, Melady and Nataly Lozada. Women also learn household finances, tenant rights and responsibilities, health and nutrition, and other life skills. Left: When Dr. Ida Davidoff named her fund, she recalled the banyan trees she and her husband saw in Sri Lanka. The enormous trees cast a half-acre of shade, providing entire communities with a meeting place, shelter and fruit.

Melady moved to Bridgeport after marrying her husband. They met when he was visiting relatives in Columbia. He wooed her for four years before she agreed to marry him and leave her family and hometown behind. Soon Nataly was born, then Jinandry. Melady was determined to learn English, and wanted her daughters to be fluent before they began school. She scoured a Spanish-language phone book and found Caroline House in Bridgeport. She enrolled in its English as a Second Language classes, and her daughters in its onsite Englishlanguage preschool. Two years later, Melady, Nataly, 5, and Jinandry, 4, are bilingual. Melady is now preparing to take the United States citizenship exam—in English. Dr. Davidoff ’s grandchildren continue to recommend grants from The Banyan Tree Fund to Caroline House, as it so closely matches their grandmother’s charitable giving purpose. Caroline House, founded and staffed by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, views that the parent is the child’s first teacher, and that reading is the child’s first subject. When mothers and children speak English, children do much better in school, and the entire family is more stable.

Caroline House’s Mother and Child Literacy program also addresses Fairfield County’s achievement gap—the worst in the nation—among economically disadvantaged children. In the program’s 16 years of operation, staff and volunteers have recruited and taught English to over 800 Spanish-speaking women. Every child who graduates from its preschool program is accepted into English-speaking kindergartens. Those are a lot of good beginnings. How Remembering the Future Can Support Your Favorite Cause Forever When you choose to establish a permanent fund at the Foundation, you make a gift to the future. For instance, a permanent fund established with $100,000 can grow to more than $1 million in principal over 50 years— and, at the same time, make grants exceeding $500,000. Your charitable wishes are honored as long as your fund exists, even after you and your successor advisors are gone. Grants from the fund you established are awarded to either specific nonprofits you identified, or exemplary nonprofits that match your charitable passions. Our board of directors oversees the professional investment management of all funds, as well as grant recommendations. www.fccfoundation.org


the path of giving

Achieving Economic Security


he first night Loreta Daka huddled in a shelter with her two young children, she never suspected the generosity of strangers would change the course of her life.

The abruptly-single parent knew she needed to find work, a place to live and complete her education so she could support her family. Thanks to her determination, courage, work ethic and the generosity of others, she’s close to achieving her dream of opening her own floral business. Loreta is one of 60 students enrolled in the Family Economic Security Program at Norwalk Community College. The program is a collaboration with the Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls, Norwalk Community College and the Norwalk Community College Foundation. Ann Mandel, a life-long Darien resident, was introduced to philanthropy over 50 years ago by her husband’s family. She and her husband Steve established a fund at the Foundation in 1992. Ann has served as Board chair of the Community Foundation and the college foundation, and is an enthusiastic supporter of the Fund for Women and Girls. “One of the hallmarks of the Foundation is getting to the root of problems they uncover in their research,” she said. “They found that too many single parents, especially mothers, can’t adequately support their families because they aren’t qualified for higher-paying jobs. They need a college degree. However, it’s nearly impossible for them to attend college while working and raising a family on their own.” The Foundation approached Norwalk Community College and the Norwalk Community College Foundation with a bold idea: collaborate


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

on creating a program for low and mid-wage parents at the college—a program that goes far beyond a scholarship. The result is the Family Economic Security Program, one of four Foundation initiatives. Qualified students receive tuition assistance, career guidance, achievement coaching, personal fi nance guidance, and fi nancial assistance for childcare and transportation. The goal is for students to complete their Associate degree, transfer to a four-year college and earn a Bachelor’s degree, then enter careers that pay a family-sustaining salary. One student said, “This is more than a scholarship and more than an organization handing you a check. I receive fi nancial advice, academic advice and priceless guidance from the most incredible, intelligent, successful and caring women. Without this program, I don’t think I would have made it to the nursing program. I am blessed to be a part of the Family Economic Security Program.” Another said, “I feel like I’m someone now, and part of a team. The door was opened and I am thankful. I work hard so that this gift of opportunity is not wasted.” “The Foundation’s initiatives are where the action is in local philanthropy,” said Ann. “I feel like I’m part of something very important.” Loreta agrees this initiative is important. “The wonderful people who make this program possible are changing my life,” she said. “They’re also changing the lives of the other students, and the lives of their children and families. “They’ll probably never believe the difference they’re making for us,” she said. “But trust me, we do. And we thank them.”

Left: Ann Mandel is an enthusiastic supporter of the Foundation and its Fund for Women and Girls. “The Foundation’s initiatives are where the action is in local philanthropy,” said Ann. “I feel like I’m part of something very important.” Right: Loreta Daka is studying Business at Norwalk Community College, and is a student in the Family Economic Security Program. Her goal is to start her own floral business. In addition to attending college, she works as a florist at the Village Market in Wilton. To view “Loreta’s Story,” visit www.fccfoundation.org.



the path of giving

Building an Urban Oasis


tanding on a footbridge over the Mill River, Robin Graham witnessed something no one in Stamford had seen in over 350 years.

Joined by students, volunteers and supporters, Robin watched as 400 river herring were released into the Mill River at Scalzi Park. The darting silvery fish were nothing remarkable. What was remarkable was these herring were the first to swim in the Mill River since dams were built in 1641. With their re-introduction, herons, egrets, eels, mink and other animals quickly followed, bringing wildlife back to an ecosystem which had been dormant for decades.


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

It was another milestone for the $20 million Mill River Park & Greenway project. The project is creating an urban oasis by restoring, reconnecting and improving 28 acres of park land in downtown Stamford. Robin, a Foundation board member and chair of its Environment Committee, is a third generation Stamford resident. Grants recommended by his committee come from many funds at the Foundation, including the Stamford Endowment Fund and the Foundation’s Fund for the

Environment. The Foundation awarded an initial grant to the Mill River project, helping open the door to more than $8 million in grants and private donations. “The logic of the project was unmistakable and compelling,” Robin said. “It represented an opportunity to fundamentally change the way Stamford’s downtown open spaces are being used. We’ve taken an area that was unattractive and uninviting and created a beautiful and accessible greenway for residents to immerse themselves in nature.” Once completed, residents will be able to stroll down three miles of riverside trails from Scalzi Park in the north to Kosciuszko Park and Southfield Park on the shores of Long Island Sound. A patchwork of smaller, isolated city parks will be connected, creating a ribbon of green through Stamford’s downtown. Visitors will enjoy ice skating, kayaking and dining, while a central fountain, sculpture garden and carousel will become new landmarks in this city of 117,000. The Mill River itself, fully restored and home to abundant wildlife, will become the centerpiece of Stamford’s version of Central Park. “Over time, watching the reintroduction of species in the water and on the land, you’ll see a wilderness emerge,

interlocked with the city landscape around it,” Robin said. “This project’s impact on the quality of life in Stamford will reverberate for generations to come.”

Above: The Mill River Park & Greenway is a three-mile long urban oasis running through the heart of downtown Stamford. It is changing the way residents interact with the environment and making nature accessible to all. Right: Robin Graham, Foundation board member and chair of the Environment Committee, knows that a community’s needs change over time. When you give to your town’s endowed fund at the Foundation, your gift will make an impact for generations to come. www.fccfoundation.org


the path of giving

Returning to Society


fter a dozen prison sentences, Solomon Friday didn’t know how to function in the outside world. Then a fellow inmate said something that turned his life around. Solomon became aware of a transformation in his friend and asked him about it. His friend told him, “I’m not into hurting people anymore. I’m into helping people.” “I watched him change before my eyes,” Solomon said. “I wanted that change for myself.” Born in Stamford, Solomon and his sister were raised by two loving parents who lived apart. His mother and father worked multiple jobs, leaving Solomon without much supervision. When he was 15, he and his father moved to a rough neighborhood. Solomon felt he didn’t fit in, but as he spent time on the streets, he began to feel accepted. That acceptance bred cascading troubles. He was expelled from school, placed in a special program, and expelled again. Solomon was a large kid and hung around people twice his age. He worked as a bouncer. He abused alcohol and drugs. His first arrest occurred before his 16th birthday. For the next 20 years, Solomon was in and out of prison. Then he watched his friend begin a new life. When his sentence ended, Solomon was released to a Department of Correction halfway house in Bridgeport. Two days later, a resident told him to check out Family ReEntry’s Fresh Start Community ReEntry Program. He referred Solomon to a Fresh Start staff member named Fred Hodges. Fred was Solomon’s prison friend who had transformed his life. Solomon began attending the Fresh Start program the next day. He immediately felt at home. Fred became his mentor and case manager.


Today Solomon participates in Family ReEntry’s many programs and attends Housatonic Community College, majoring in Human Services. He works for the Fresh Start Service Crew, and he speaks to inner city youth about his life and turnaround. “I’m careful about what I do, where I go, and who I hang out with,” Solomon said. “It matters to me to be a positive role model. My character has changed.” Fundholders Peter and Karen Hanson are enthusiastic supporters of Family ReEntry’s ability to change behavior and build character. “It’s important that ex-offenders have somewhere to go, jobs to do and support services so they don’t break the law again,” Karen said. “Connecticut imprisons one in thirty-three adults at a cost of $700 million a year,” said Peter. “Family ReEntry breaks the cycle of incarceration, and helps ex-offenders become good citizens—by spending $3,500 a year per client. “It’s enormously satisfying to give to Family ReEntry. Their multiple programs have become models across the country. We know our giving is making a difference.” Right: Fundholders Peter and Karen Hanson live in New Canaan yet regard Fairfield County as their community. “We see the needs around us,” Peter said. “We want to give where we can make a difference.” Far right: Solomon Friday credits Family ReEntry for stopping his cycle of incarceration. “If it weren’t for Claudette, Fred and Kenny in the Fresh Start and Beacon Programs, and the support of my family and girlfriend Karen, I don’t know where I would be today.”

Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report



Fiscal 2010 by the Numbers

$11.5 $ 1.4


awarded in grants, a 26% increase over last year—the greatest amount ever


in contributions


in net assets

Above totals include agency endowments

Growth of Grants in Millions $12 $11.5 10 $8.3

8 $6.9

When you choose the Fairfield County Community Foundation as your philanthropic partner, you gain access to expertise and innovation that bring about real change. Whether you want to make a difference in Fairfield County or anywhere in the country, we are your foundation for smart philanthropy.

What We Do We promote philanthropy to build and sustain a vital and prosperous community where all have the opportunity to participate and thrive. As the region’s center of philanthropy, we: 1. Provide you with personalized philanthropic advisory services and financial stewardship to make your giving meaningful, effective and easy. We listen to your charitable desires, goals and passions, then help you create or refine your giving plan. We connect you to causes that match your interests and values. We introduce you to local nonprofits—large and small—that are achieving remarkable results. We share our insights and expertise on local issues, and introduce you to like-minded donors.



In addition, we free you from drudgery. We professionally manage fund assets, conduct due diligence, handle all reporting, and process grants to nonprofits in Fairfield County and across the country.



2 0

We’re Your Partner for Smart Philanthropy.

brokered for additional grants

$9.3 million


Who We Are

$0 1992

$1.0 1995

$1.6 1998





2. Tackle key regional issues through bold leadership and strategic initiatives to improve the quality of life for all. We provide the connective tissue between the 23 cities and towns that comprise Fairfield County. We bridge zip codes and bring together policy makers, nonprofit leaders, community leaders, private funders and other experts to work in concert toward addressing our region’s most challenging problems. 3. Provide grants, counsel, and leadership and management training to local nonprofits to help them become even more efficient and effective.

Grants by Fund Type ■ Donor Advised ■ Discretionary ■ Field of Interest ■ Agency Endowments ■ Scholarship ■ Donor Designated TOTAL


$7,250,778 63% $1,229,148 11% $1,073,597 9% $ 944,105 8% $ 741,492 7% $ 261,858 2% $11,500,978

Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

Additional Services We alert you to urgent local giving opportunities aligned with your passions. This stimulates over one million dollars a year in new contributions to area nonprofits. We also provide private foundations and corporate funders with philanthropic advisory services, management and administrative services by contractual agreement.


hank You, Dear Friend

You gave generously this past year, when generosity was most needed.

Because of you, we awarded an unprecedented $11.5 million in grants, a 26 percent increase over last year—and a record for our grantmaking. In addition, we brokered another $1.4 million in local grants by alerting fundholders and private foundations to urgent needs that match their charitable passions, and by providing matching funds to attract federal funding. One of the roles of a community foundation is to share knowledge about local issues in order to raise awareness, foster collaborative solutions and inspire giving. As the recession deepened, we heard from many nonprofit leaders of their struggle to help more people with less funding. To quantify how the economy was affecting residents and the nonprofits that serve them, we surveyed over 200 nonprofit leaders in Fairfield County. The results, with our analysis and recommendations for nonprofit leaders, donors and government officials, were published in a 50-page report, “The Impact of the Recession on Fairfield County Residents and the Nonprofits that Serve Them.” We distributed the report to legislators, nonprofit leaders, private funders, and journalists as well as our fundholders and contributors (to download, please visit our website, www.fccfoundation.org). Our research revealed that most nonprofits lacked operating reserve funds to survive a downturn. Therefore, this past year, many of our competitive grants—which go to the highest priority needs in our communities—were awarded for operating support. To provide further assistance, our Center for Nonprofit Excellence offered 24 workshops, attended by 745 nonprofit executive directors, board members and senior staff members from over 500 organizations in Fairfield County. Topics included financial leadership, grantwriting, collaboration, program evaluation, marketing, public speaking, donor relations and more. This year for the first time, your community foundation lobbied for specific education legislation. Our Urban School Leaders Fellowship initiative successfully demonstrated the importance of alternate certification routes for teachers aspiring

Cover: Melady Lozada and daughter Jinandry are now bilingual, thanks to the Caroline House’s Mother and Child Literacy program. Inside cover: Marty and Roger Gilbert, contributors since 2001, at Weir Farm National Historic Site in Wilton. Back cover: Nataly Lozada sings the alphabet song — in perfect English.


to become principals, one of the requirements for states to qualify for federal Race to the Top funding. We seized an opportunity to help Connecticut compete for this funding. We moved up the publication of our “School Leadership Matters” report (available on our website), and released copies to every Connecticut Department of Education official, and members of the Connecticut Board of Education and Education and Appropriations committees. Fairfield County legislators, school district superintendents, school board chairs and members, mayors, first selectmen, the media and, of course our donors, also received copies. We urged all to support H.B. 5421, which included an alternate route to school principal certification. The omnibus education reform bill that was signed by Governor M. Jodi Rell included this important reform. In the following pages, you’ll learn more about what your generosity has accomplished. Much remains to be done. Just as Franklin Roosevelt once told our nation, in these days of difficulty, we must and shall choose the path of social justice, faith, hope and the love of our fellow man. We are privileged and gratified that you chose us to be your partner on the path of giving.


Barry C. Hawkins

Chair, Board of Directors

12 14 21 23 27

Susan M. Ross President / CEO

New Funds Regional Initiatives Contributors Funds Competitive Grants

36 40 42 44

Grants Governance and Committees Advisory Council Financial Highlights www.fccfoundation.org


the path of giving

New Funds


e make your charitable giving meaningful, effective and easy.

You can establish and name a fund at the Foundation, then support your favorite causes anywhere in the country (types of funds are described on page 23). In addition, you can give to collective funds at the Foundation that match your charitable passions, or support our initiatives that tackle regional problems. Anonymous giving is possible. If you already have a charitable passion, we introduce you to corresponding nonprofit programs in Fairfield County. If you don’t, we can help you focus your philanthropy to support values important to you. Depending on your level of engagement, you’re invited to site visits at local nonprofits, donor briefings and special conferences. We advise you about new giving opportunities that match your interests. In addition, you have access to our research, including program evaluations in your fields of interest. You are freed from drafting documents, accounting and reporting requirements. Your contributions are professionally managed and overseen by the Foundation’s Investment Committee and Board of Directors. As one fundholder said, “This is smart philanthropy.”

The Andrew Gale Fund Andrew Gale was a frequent patron of the Ferguson Library in Stamford. He earned a Master’s in aeronautical engineering from MIT, and an MBA from New York University. Andrew retired from an engineering career at Curtis Wright and Grumman Aerospace. An avid reader, his home was fi lled with books on nautical and aeronautical engineering. Almost monthly, Andrew perused the used Book Shop run by volunteers from the Friends of Ferguson Library, selecting a few choice volumes to add to his personal library. He also attended many of the library’s movie nights, where he enjoyed the feature fi lm presentations. When Andrew passed away in 2008, his estate helped create the Andrew Gale Fund to benefit the Ferguson Library. Andrew’s gift is designated to provide the library he loved with perpetual support. His gift will ensure that countless generations of Stamford residents will have the opportunities for lifelong learning that he enjoyed.

The Steve Maxwell Fund for Teaching English as a Second Language Steve Maxwell was passionate about providing opportunities for new arrivals in America. For more than 20 years following his retirement, Steve, a Greenwich resident, taught English as a Second Language (ESL) in the Greenwich and Stamford adult and continuing education programs. In 2004, he was honored as the volunteer “Educator of the Year” by the Connecticut Association for Adult and Continuing Education. It is estimated that nearly 3,000 students benefited from his teaching and tutoring. Following his death in April 2010, Steve’s family and friends opened The Steve Maxwell Fund for Teaching English as a Second Language. The fund will provide continued support to local ESL programs. “Steve loved helping his students learn English and fully participate in American life,” said his wife, Kay Maxwell. “This fund will continue his work in helping immigrants become engaged in the community.”


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

The Andrew E . Lange Memorial Science Scholarship Fund Andrew Lange helped redefine the cosmos. Now a scholarship in his memory will help budding scientists in Easton and Redding pursue their dreams. In the late 1990s, Andrew, who grew up in Easton, led a team of astrophysicists that captured the most detailed image to date of the afterglow of the Big Bang, confirming the theory that the universe is flat. Andrew took his first physics course at Joel Barlow High School in Redding. He went on to lead dozens of research projects, write or co-write over 300 papers on cosmology, and mentor more than 20 graduate students as a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, and at the California Institute of Technology. Following his death at age 52 in January 2010, Andrew was posthumously honored with NASA’s Exceptional Public Service Medal—the agency’s highest civilian award. The Andrew E. Lange Memorial Science Scholarship Fund will provide money each year to a graduating senior at Barlow who is interested in pursuing a career in science. “His early interest in science was certainly nurtured in high school,” said Andrew’s mother, Joan. “It’s a fitting memorial to Andrew’s life to help future scientists excel.”

The Marion and Joseph Fullin Scholarship Fund Joseph Fullin was a Norwalk native and lifelong resident who graduated from Norwalk High School. His wife Marion, born in the Glenbrook area of Stamford, adopted Norwalk as her hometown after their marriage. Joseph was a pilot in World War II. When he returned from the war he and his brother Herman began Fullin Construction. Their contracting business grew into Fullin Brothers, a land development company. His development work led to a lifelong interest in engineering. Marion worked as a dental hygienist for many years. The Marion and Joseph Fullin Scholarship Fund will benefit Norwalk High School graduating seniors who are pursuing an engineering or dental career. The scholarship is renewable, and students may receive up to four years of support to encourage them to complete their degrees.

The Leo Nevas Memorial Fund Leo Nevas of Westport was an international human rights advocate, philanthropist, community leader and distinguished attorney who practiced law for 73 years. He helped his longtime friend Paul Newman launch Newman’s Own and the Hole in the Wall camps. Chairman of the Five Town Community Foundation, Leo remained a board member as it merged with other foundations in 1992 to become the Fairfield County Community Foundation. Leo was also committed to the ideal of equal educational opportunities for all persons. Following his death in August 2009, the Leo Nevas Memorial Fund was established by Newman’s Own Foundation to provide annual support to Achievement First Bridgeport Academy students based on academic merit, above-average attendance, and commitment to community.

Anonymous Others established anonymous funds at the Foundation. www.fccfoundation.org


the path of giving

Regional Initiatives

Help You Tackle the Most Critical Needs


airfield County’s most challenging problems are too complex to address alone. One of the roles of a community foundation is to act as a community leader in tackling critical issues.

We act in multiple ways: • Research and identify critical local issues where philanthropy can make a significant difference • Share our research and raise awareness • Bring together community leaders, policy makers, nonprofit leaders and experts to collaborate on solutions • Provide grants and recruit other funders • Measure and evaluate progress, and promote necessary course corrections Currently, we are leading four regional initiatives. We invite you to join us in transforming lives in your own backyard.

Helping Urban Children Succeed in School The Foundation’s research revealed that by 2012, half of the current principals leading the 92 public schools in Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford will retire, and there are few qualified, local candidates to take their place. At stake: The education and futures of 60,000 children already facing one of the largest achievement gaps in the nation. No other philanthropic entity or nonprofit organization was focused on this important issue. Solution: The Urban School Leaders Fellowship To turn this crisis into an opportunity, the Foundation brought together the four urban school districts, the Connecticut Center for School Change and the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education to design a program that trains a new generation of urban school principals. While good teachers are crucial, it’s the school principal who establishes the vision for the school, creates its culture and is the instructional leader. The principal inspires teachers and staff to excel, recruits parents and the community to help children


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

succeed, and nurtures an environment where children feel safe and can reach their potential. Thanks to your generosity, the Urban School Leaders Fellowship was created with the goal of training at least 60 qualified, committed and impassioned future principals to lead public schools in Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford. The one-year Fellowship program augments academic preparation. One program graduate said, “In grad school I learned how to run a school on a dayto-day operation. This program taught me how to become a transformational leader.” Another said, “This program gave me a greater grounding in my role as a principal than my Ph.D. did.” Results to date: As of June 2010, 63 Fellows have graduated. By September 2010, 13 had been promoted to positions of school principal, assistant principal and other leadership roles. Next steps: An Alumni Support Program brings graduates together four times a year for discussion and problem solving. How you can help: Contribute to the Foundation’s Fund for Academic Excellence.

Strengthening Local Nonprofits As government-funded programs are slashed, residents and communities rely more heavily on nonprofit organizations. Yet too often their effectiveness is hampered by insufficient funding for basic operating expenses, professional development and board member training. Solution: The Center for Nonprofit Excellence Thanks to the support of people like you, the Foundation’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence helps Fairfield County nonprofits become more efficient, effective and sustainable. We award grants to strengthen financial management and fund development, and offer workshops and training in strategic planning, leadership development, program assessment, and other topics. This multi-faceted support helps nonprofits operate at peak efficiency, accomplish the most good with every dollar, and improve sustainability. Results to date: In the last year, 745 executive directors, their board chairs and staff members from 500 local nonprofits attended 24 workshops covering financial leadership, grantwriting, collaboration, program evaluation, marketing, public speaking, donor relations and more. How you can help: Contribute to the Foundation’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence; contact us about creating and presenting a workshop.

Helping Women Achieve Economic Security for Their Families In Fairfield County, nearly 20,000 households are headed by women with children under 18. To just “get by” in Fairfield County, a small family with one adult and two young children needs an income of at least $60,000. Yet women who work full time in Fairfield County earn a median income of $49,700. Higher education is a proven path to better earnings, yet a college scholarship isn’t enough for women supporting dependents. Juggling child care, work, class attendance, study time and running a household make it nearly impossible to pursue the education they need to move up to better-paying careers. Solution: The Family Economic Security Program The Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls initiated a partnership with Norwalk Community College and the Norwalk Community College Foundation to launch the Family Economic Security Program, an adaptation of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Center for Working Families model.

In this five-year pilot program, qualified students receive personal coaching and financial assistance to help them earn an Associate degree, a Bachelor’s degree, and ultimately achieve family-sustaining employment. At the end of five years, the goal is for 100 students to have earned their Associate degrees and moved up to better paying jobs, or enrolled in a four-year college to earn their Bachelor’s degrees then enter careers that pay a family-sustaining salary. Results to date: Sixty qualified students have enrolled in the program. Of those, 13 have graduated from Norwalk Community College, and five have been accepted to four-year colleges. How you can help: Contribute to the Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls; volunteer to mentor a student in the program; deliver a career development workshop; bring a friend to the Fund for Women and Girls’ annual luncheon on April 7, 2011.

Creating Affordable Housing for Low and Moderate-Wage Families and Workers The high cost of housing in Fairfield County is causing an exodus of young adults, young families and seniors, and is clogging highways with commuters who can’t afford to live near their jobs. The lack of affordable housing chokes businesses needing low and moderate-wage workers, towns relying on retired residents for civic leadership, and the region’s potential for economic growth and vitality. Solution: The Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing Five years ago, the Foundation brought together corporate, community and family foundations, United Ways and individual donors to form the Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing. Through pooled contributions, the Collaborative Fund makes general operating support grants to nonprofit affordable housing developers in Fairfield County. This helps reduce time spent on fundraising so they can focus on producing and preserving affordable housing. The fund is managed and held by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), an experienced national nonprofit focused on housing and community development. Results to date: Thanks to $1.7 million in grants to nonprofit developers, over 6,860 residents live in houses and apartments they can afford. In addition, 733 new units are in the pipeline. How you can help: Contribute to the Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing at LISC; recommend potential funders for the Collaborative Fund.



the path of giving

Contributors to Our Community Leadership Work


he Foundation envisions a Fairfield County where communities are vibrant and sustainable, and all enjoy opportunities to participate and thrive.

To that end, we develop and lead regional initiatives that tackle critical issues. In addition, we help local nonprofit leaders strengthen their leadership and management skills so their organizations can be even more effective. We are grateful for those who contribute to this community leadership work.

Leadership Gifts We are honored to recognize and thank these generous individuals, private foundations and corporations for their significant gifts: Anonymous (2) John T. and Sheila B. Becker Foundation The Bridgemill Foundation Vicki & David Craver Jane Gade Halliwell Fund Barbara Leonhardt Lone Pine Foundation, Inc. Ann S. Mandel Susan & Stephen F. Mandel Jr. MBI, Inc. Megrue Family Foundation The Edward S. Moore Family Foundation P.B.O. Fund Sheila & Charles Perrin Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation David J. Sullivan III & Dr. Gioia J. Riccio


Leadership Gifts to Initiatives Fund for Academic Excellence/Urban School Leaders Fellowship Anonymous John T. and Sheila B. Becker Foundation The Ernest and Joan Trefz Foundation The Center for Nonprofit Excellence People’s United Community Foundation RBS Citizens, N.A. underwritten by Citizens Bank Foundation

Key Supporters We thank these contributors for gifts that support our community leadership work: John L. Anderson Peggy Anderson Andrews Family Foundation Edwin C. & Patricia S. Andrews Jr. Anonymous Anne & Peter Ardery Bernicestine M. & Harold Bailey Joan & Ed Barksdale Michael F. & Allison Barry Allan & Nancy Bernard Edwin L. & Jane Bescherer DH & GS Bono Jo & Marcia Brendel Sandra J. Brown John & Anita J. Caggiano David & Anne C. Campbell Chapin & Bangs Co., Inc. Joel & Neva Cheatwood Hon. John P. Chiota Rev. & Euna Coleridge John & Jean Crocco Maryann Donovan Christopher Douglass Elisabeth C. Dudley

Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Epple Marie Fauth Charitable Fund George A. & Janet C. Ferrera Fiscus’s Alexis de Tocqueville Society Fund Mary-Jane Foster & Jack E. McGregor Dorothy Fox Johnnie H. Foxworth Frederick & Dorothy Freedman W. Michael & Ellen Funck Kevin & Cyncie Gage Andrea Gartner Mr. & Mrs. Nelson H. Gonzalez William O. & Faith Gray Stephen K. & Janet McCarthy Grimm Richard C. Harper Anne & James Hoban Harris Mike & Sally Harris Myrna Gould-Harrison & Edward E. Harrison Barry C. & Lilyan Hawkins Peter & Jackie Heneage James A. & Mary Himes Joseph & Sharon Hoffman Hans Hopf Bruce & Michele Hubler Alice & Samuel Hyman Troy & Diane Jellerette Peter H. & Joan M. Kaskell Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Kelly Sr. Mary Lee & Jack Kiernan Lenore and Howard Klein Foundation, Inc. Anahaita Kotval The Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation Percy Lee Langstaff Harold Levine Steven & Leora Levy The Malkin Fund Vincent G. Marbury Phyllis G. & Philip R. Marsilius James S. & Ann Martin Joseph J. McGee Peter T. & Janet Mott James J. & Barbara A. Musante Wafaa Naggar Don & Sara Nelson The Nickel Foundation Ronald & Renee Noren Edward & Barbara Oppedisano The Overbrook Foundation Overhills Foundation Patrick Foundation Robert & Patricia C. Phillips

Marianne & Edward B. Pollak Hans F. Reiss Relyea Zuckerberg Hanson, LLC Robert N. Rich Lunsford & Bea Richardson John W. & Pamela W. Ritter Jr. Janet L. Robinson Jeffrey & Kathy Rold Paul F. & Janice Roman Dr. Gilbert Rose Joan Rosenbaum Gerald Rosenberg Drs. Henry W. Rosenberg & Katherine M. Hicks Susan M. Ross & Charles MacCormack Gene J. & Dae Rubino Dr. Robert & Kathy Russo Lawrence A. Sax, CPA Schilthuis Foundation, Inc. Rita & Richard Seclow Betsey & Arthur Selkowitz Thomas P. Spellane, Esq. Viola Spinelli Yale & Sharon Tauber Ileana Velazquez Helen B. Wasserman Curtis & Katharine Welling Linda F. & John R. Whitton III Steven & Gail Wolff Jon R. & Lauren Zirn

Key Supporters of Initiatives Fund for Academic Excellence/Urban School Leaders Fellowship Anonymous Richard S. Fisher, Esq. Christine Stiassni Gerli Per & Astrid Heidenreich The Kreitler Foundation Jeremy Main Sheila & Charles Perrin George L. Smith, Esq. Jimena Vignola

The Center for Nonprofit Excellence Ruth W. Brown Foundation The Collaborative Alliance Matson Financial Advisors

the path of giving

Contributors to Foundation Funds We are pleased to recognize and thank those who gave $100 or more to funds of the Foundation:

A-B Lynore K. Aaron ABCD, Inc. J.C. & S. Adams Fund of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole Paul & Marlene Adelberg Stuart D. & Marilyn F. Adelberg Michelle Adkins Marian Clark Adolphson AEG Live, LLC Charles R. & Christine A. Allen Peter K. & Margaret S. Allen Almira Family Foundation Jonas V. Alsenas, MD & Joanne A. Alsenas James T. & Cynthia T. Anderson Lois & Harlan Anderson Andrews Family Foundation Andrew J. & Anna M. Andriuk Ann Taylor, Inc. Anonymous (10) Stephanie Appenteng Bob & Helen Appleton Anne & Peter Ardery Zaida Arguedas Maxine Armstrong Michelle Armstrong Andrew Arno & Janis Arno Jtwros Daniel E. Aron Courtnay Arpano Kenneth & Gwenda Asher Brooke B. Ashforth Aspetuck Valley Country Club, Inc. Nancy-Rose Atlass Richard A. & Nancy Axilrod The Azzam Family David Andrew Baer Bernicestine M. & Harold Bailey Lori Bailey Emily Bajus Catherine Baker Jenny Baldock Alice & Sherman Baldwin David F. & Lucy Ball

Virginia Banerjee Bannow-Larson Foundation, Inc. Louis F. & Virginia C. Bantle Charitable Foundation, Inc. Gordon J. Bares, Inc. James R. & Kaye E. Barker Joan & Ed Barksdale Colleen Barnswell Michael F. & Allison Barry Steven & Tammy Barry Kenneth G. Bartels & Jane Condon Jim & Ellen Bassett Beaver Productions, Inc. John T. & Sheila B. Becker Foundation Richard & Joan Becker Jeanine M. Behr Getz & Robert Getz Shelley Behrman George B. & Mary L. Beitzel Ann Bell Charlotte R. Belsky Nancy L. Bennett & Frederick J. Jones Jr. John Bennin & Mary Lynn Holland Fred M. Bering Andre M. & Caren L. Berk Berman News Service Peggy T. Berman Allan & Nancy Bernard Stuart S. Bernard Alan Bernstein Lynn Bernstein Melissa Bernstein Mary Jane & James S. Berrien Edwin L. & Jane Bescherer Bessemer Trust Susan Bevan & Anthony F. Daddino Mamata J. Bharucha, MD Milton I. & Pamela C. Bickle Judith L. Biggs Jane Binger Holly E. Bisset Robert & Susan Blabey David R. Blansfield Barbara Blauvelt Morlang Bletzer & Bletzer, P.C. David S. Blew BNY Mellon Community Partnership BNY Mellon Wealth ManagementGreenwich, CT Barbara Bodine Polly Boeschenstein Stacy Bone

DH & GS Bono Julie Boone Anthony Booth The Bowery Presents, LLC Jane Boyle Susan Boyle Bridgeport Anesthesia Associates, P.C. Greater Bridgeport Bar Association, Inc. Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition Medical Staff of Bridgeport Hospital Bridgeport Hospital - Dept. of Surgery Spencer & Dulcy Brainard Eileen C. Brancucci Elisabeth H. Breslav Marc A. Breslav & Arlene Seymour Edie Brickell The Bridgemill Foundation Amanda Briggs Louis J. Briskman Mary Brock Harry Brodbeck Trust Friends and Members of Brooklawn Country Club Mallory Brooks & Kristin H. Brooks Louise Brooks Suzanne Brown Peters Nancy C. Brown Patricia T. & Douglas L. Brown Ruth W. Brown Foundation Sandra J. Brown Timothy A. Brown & Alexis E. Gottsegen-Brown Susan Brownwood Marianne F. & William B. Buchanan Jr. Elizabeth H. Burke Annie O. Burleigh Burnett Family Foundation, Inc. Gordon & Frannie Burns Michael E. Burns & Amy E. Bauer Robert Burns Donna & Robert Byrnes

C-F John & Anita J. Caggiano Ellen Cahill Kevin R. & Kathy Callahan Nancy S. Cameron Sharlene & Anthony V. Cameron Michael & Marjolyn Camilleri

Anita Campanella David & Anne C. Campbell Amanda E. Cannon Capwood Associates, LLC George G. Carey V Susan & Trent A. Carmichael John B. & Anne Caron Susan Carter G.C. & Nan R. Cartwright Mary Casden Leslie H. & Timothy S. Case Sarah Casey Mary Ellen Cavanna Central Ticket Office The Ceres Foundation Victor & Lily Chang Chapin & Bangs Co., Inc. Karen L. & Edward Chaplin Joel & Neva Cheatwood Anil & Neera S. Chhabra The Children’s House of Victoria, Inc. Hon. John P. Chiota Patricia Chiota & Rick Payne Amy & John Cholnoky Billy C. & Rosamond G. Christensen Susan Christian Christine England Associates, Inc. Elizabeth K. & James Michael Chu Citi Community Relations of MA and CT Rona & Jeffrey Citrin Catherine A. Clark & James Bock John L. Clark, MD Michelle Clarkin Vidal S. Clay Paula Cleary Jeanette Clonan Rebecca Cogswell & John Kim The Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen Foundation, Inc. Richard N. & Ann R. Cohen Dawne Cohn Anne Coit George W. & Emily C. Cole Mary Ann & Richard M. Colley Sarah Colley The Commonwealth Fund Community Health Centers, Inc. Vincent J. & Patt Como Como & Nicholson, Inc. Alison A. & Larry A. Comstock Conn. Health and Education Facility Authority

Mark R. & Lisa Connelly Ingrid Connolly Craig A. & Debra A. Connors Carla Conway Edith Cooper and Robert Taylor Fund Nancy Lauritzen Cooper & Richard J. Cooper William C. & Sallie B. Corey Lauren & Patton Corrigan Mary Corson & Jonathan Sackler Susan C. & Robert Cotter Leonard & Anne C. Cotton Covidien Matching Gift Program Lloyd B. & Eleanor J. Cox Jr. David & Jane Crandall Vicki & David Craver Linda C. & Robert H. Cremin J. R. & C.E. Crespo John & Jean Crocco Andrea K.and David M. Cross Marvin & Karen Cruz John & Jacqueline Cuddeback Sarah Lindsay Culbertson Thomas D. & Louise M. Cunningham Jr. Julie Cusimano David D’Addario Vito & Edith L. Damico Banyan Tree Fund of the Leo & Ida Davidoff Family Barbara Benton Davis Fund Joan U. & William I. Davis II Susan S. Davis, MD Anne Noel Dawson Ginny & Christopher Day Lennie de Csepel Siw de Gysser & Peter Martin DEJ, LLC Douglas A. Delieto Roberta D. Bowman Denning & Steven A. Denning Jacques M. & Lisa C. Desmarteau Frances & Patrick DeSouza Wendy & Robert Dewey Diane’s Books of Greenwich Regina DiBiase The Diebold Foundation, Inc. Jonathan Dienst & Victoria J. Winter Dienst James & Judith K. Dimon Foundation Garth F. & Sally E. Dimon Robert & Carol A. Dinmore Robert K. & Marie S. Dix

“The Foundation has been of significant help to me in guiding my giving. I depend on it for specific and timely advice, both geared to my interests and tactfully expanding their scope. Not least, the Foundation relieves me of the administrative details that philanthropy often entails.” —Dr. Gilbert J. Rose, Norwalk Fundholder since 1998



Contributors to Foundation Funds (continued) Brian & Laurie Doherty Nancy & Karl Dolnier Anthony J. Domino Charitable Foundation Domus Foundation Maryann Donovan Brandon V. & Holly Doto Leete P. & Marjorie S. Doty Christopher Douglass Amy C. & Tony Downer Beatrice Drake & Kenneth L. Berg Mary V. Drew Elisabeth C. Dudley Alexandra G. & John M. Duffy Judy C. Duffy Michael Durkin Bradford R. Durrell Myron I. & Carol Dworken David & Pamela Dysenchuk Bobbie & Harry Earle Eastern Driller’s Manufacturing Inc. Eastern Middle School Freda Easton Judy & Charles Eaton Kerry Eaton Carolyn H. & Donald J. Edgerton Bonny L. & Joseph R. Edwards Warren W. & Mary Eginton Kevin C. & Kathleen Eichler Earl E. & Anne W. Ellis Emcor Group, Inc. Karl H. & Nancy Epple Margaret F. & David A. Epprecht Kenneth & Wendy Epstein Sheldon N. & Lillian E. Epstein Gary Epstein-Lubow, MD & Divya Epstein-Lubow Estate & Business Planning Council of Hartford, Inc. Execution LLC Charitable Foundation Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation FactSet Research Systems Inc. Brian A. Fallon Anna Czekaj Farber & Jonathan Farber Olivia Farr Paul Farrell Marie Fauth Charitable Fund Fayerweather Yacht Club, Inc. Keith G. Felcyn Dr. Marshall H. & Theresa C. Feldman Eric N. & Anne Ferguson Lindsey Ferguson Victor M. Ferrante Jr., Esq. Nancy Fertig Fred & Arlene Fine Betsy and Jesse Fink Foundation Grada Fischer Fiscus’s Alexis de Tocqueville Society Fund Laura & Mark Fishman Alice Fitzpatrick James P. & Jane Flaherty Douglas & Livvy Floren Jessica Fogg April Foley Forester Capital, LLC


Forstone Management Associates, LLC Frode & Mary Foss-Skiftesvik Barbara A. Foster Mary-Jane Foster & Jack E. McGregor Dorothy Fox Madeleine G. Fox Roger J. & Alberta A. Fox Victoria S. & Bruce R. Fox Johnnie H. Foxworth Rafael Fraguada & Alicia Omalley Fraguada Maria Fraioli Jane Frank Icy & L. Scott Frantz Mika & David N. Frechette Robert & Carolyn Frederick Robin Frederick John Noble Fredericks & Diana Heide Fredericks Frederick & Dorothy Freedman Friedberg, Smith & Co. Frosty & Donald R. Friedman Marion & Joseph Fullin Trust W. Michael & Ellen Funck

G-J Andrew L. Gaboriault Kevin & Cyncie Gage Robert R. & Jane W. Gallagher Sabra Gallo Andrea Gartner GE Capital GE Foundation Kiersten O. & Francis P. Gehring Jennifer A. & James. T. Gengo Georgescu Family Foundation Georgetown Subaru, Inc. Georgetown Village Restoration Inc. Edward F. Gerber Christine Stiassni Gerli Lauren W. & Paul B. Ghaffari Marty & Roger Gilbert Nancy M. Gilbert Ann & Robert Gilhuly Craig M. Gilkes William H. & Emily Gindin Girls, Incorporated of Greenwich Global Impact Arthur B. & Barbara M. Gnaedinger Kenneth & Roni Goldberg Elisabeth & Arthur Golden Goldman Sachs & Co. Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Lori A. & Peter Gonye Mr. & Mrs. Nelson H. Gonzalez Francoise R. Gooding Edward B. & Dee Goodnow Tracy T. Goodnow Graham & Friedrich, LLC Elizabeth M. Grant, Esq. Ginny & Taylor Gray Colin & Eileen Green Carole Greenberg Steven & Valerie Greenberg Sandra Greer

Maggie & Jim Griesing Carolann Grieve Stephen K. & Janet McCarthy Grimm Barrett Z. & Linda S. Gross Sarah & Skip Grow Mark & Mary Grace Gudis Emanuel Guella Gaetano & Antonina Guella Eleanor L. Guiffra Kaitlyn Gumpper Haffenreffer Family Fund Leslie & Arthur Hahn Jane C. Haley Carole & Ira Hall Harold Halpin Hammerschlag Family Foundation, Inc. Jonathan Y. & Victoria W. Hanes Sarita & Gregory A. Hanley Peter & Karen Hanson Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Leslie & Myron P. Hardy Elizabeth S. Harleman Anne & James Hoban Harris Mike & Sally Harris Myrna Gould-Harrison & Edward E. Harrison William B. & Anne Harrison Kristy & Robert L. Harteveldt Tricia M. & John F. Hartner Ellie Hartog H. Darrell & Robin Harvey Randy Hatch Hatfield Insurance Barry C. & Lilyan Hawkins Mary Pat Healy Marian & Winlow M. Heard Joseph T. Heavey Per & Astrid Heidenreich Mary L. Heist Kim I. Hekking Peter & Jackie Heneage Eleni Henkel Paul C. & Joanne K. Hennessy Mickey Herbert Bret & Karen Herman Helen D. Hermes David E. Hershberg Jeralea F. Hesse Judith & James H. Higby James A. & Mary Himes Colleen Hines Schuyler Hinnant Debbie Hires Ingrid M. Hirsch Kim, Doug, Kelsey & Garrett Hiscano Meg Hock Joseph & Sharon Hoffman Karen Hoffman Mrs. Harrison B.W. Hoffman Richard & Wendy Hokin Judith K. & William Holding George & Mary Holland Mary & Steve Holmes Hans Hopf Catalina S. & Ivan A. Horak Lois Horgan Steven & Anne J. Hoss

Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

David G. & Maureen F. Houle Housing Development Fund, Inc. Harold & Alice W. Howard Mike & Sandra Howard Michelle R. Hubbard, Esq. Bruce & Michele Hubler Becky C. & William L. Hughes Betty Beall Hughes Michael E. & Elizabeth W. Hughes Monte R. Hulse Human Services Council of MidFairfield Lydee Conway Hummel Marie F. Hurd Philip M. & Mary H. Huyck Mary Anne Hyde Hynes, Himmelreich, Glennon & Company Jeffrey & Andrea Immelt IS-ILA Realty Corp. Matt & Sara Iorio J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Matching Gift Program Patricia Jackson Jay Jacox Anne S. Jacques The Jaffe Family Foundation JAM Productions Harvey & Joan James Juanita T. James Marta & Jorge V. Jasson The Jeniam Foundation Coline Jenkins-Sahlin Sarah B. Jenny Thomas F. & Kathryn S. Jensen Brian C. & Tammy K. Jersey Barbara P. & Carl F. Johnson Jr. Ellsworth P. & Susan L. Johnson Kaki Johnson Mystique E. Johnston & Manuel E. Mejia Abbott C. & Carol D. Jones Diane C. Jones Judy Jones Betty Beall Jordan Jane & Peter G. Jordan William & Sheila Anne Jordan Jr. Sally & Ramsey E. Joslin Robert M. & Martha Judd Nancy Justicz

K-M Nancy & Marcos A. Kail Glen Kaiser Joseph & Robin Kanarek Amy C. Kaplan Peter H. & Joan M. Kaskell Charles W. & Andrea Katter Henry & Joan Katz Fund Phyllis Kaufer Ewing M. Kauffman Foundation Louise Keim Cordy Gould Kelly & John L. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Kelly, Sr. Beverly & Richard L. Kelsey Pat & Philip Kemp Kieran M. & Jane P. Kennedy Martin & Betty Kent

Elizabeth & Rab Ker Victor & Gail Collins Khosla Jane Kiefer Mary Lee & Jack Kiernan Paul & Carol Lynn Kiernan King Low Heywood Thomas School Libby King Lawrence & Susan Kirschenbaum The Kite Key Foundation Anne-Lie & Rick Kleeman Lenore and Howard Klein Foundation, Inc. Kathy Klingenstein & Robert Miller Pat & John Klingenstein DeeAnn Wallick Klingner Roland E. & Janet D. Klingner Joseph & Judith Klyde Karen Knapp Estate of Bertha Knecht William R. & Audrey Knobloch James B. & Hope M. Kobak Kenneth T. & Phyllis J. Kochan Koegel Foundation, Inc. Maurice & Lorraine Kosstrin Anahaita Kotval Philip S. & Edith Kovar Daryle J. & Susan Kowalsky The Kreitler Foundation Clare Kretzman Eric T. Kreuter Peter C. & Deborah D. Krieg Rosemary Ogrinc Krivoshik & Bill Krivoshik Andrew S. & Karen Kurian The Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation Brian & Robin J. Kurtz Theresa Browne Kutzen Christopher & Kathleen LaCroix Christopher J. & April J. Laico Ryan C. Lallas Lanadee Lampman The Landers Family Survivor’s Trust Meredith Landis Martha & Keith Lane Betty Anne Lane Adam D. & Jane G. Lange Alfred H. & Joan J. Lange Karen E. Lange & Stuart R. Gagnon Mrs. Roland A. Lange Percy Lee Langstaff Kate Lannamann John A. Lannon & Patricia C. Lannon Jennifer W. & Mark Lapine Susan G. & James T. Larkin Stephan L. & Katherine B. Larson Jan Laster Steven Lau Gale & Robert H. Lawrence Sally & Larry Lawrence Amanda B. & John G. Layng The Lebensfeld Foundation Janet Lebovitz Gary R. & Karen Lecleir Katherine C. & Gary L. Leeds Geoffrey W. Lehman Susan S. & David G. Leibowits Diana Lenkowsky Anne S. Leonhardt

“We have always admired how carefully the Foundation approaches grantmaking. The staff knows the most pressing needs in the region and are focused on getting things done, not just giving out money. As fundholders, this leadership on community issues such as affordable housing, helps us make more effective and meaningful charitable decisions.” —Richard and Cathleen Ostuw, Stamford Fundholder since 2002 Barbara Leonhardt PJ Leopold Mr. & Mrs. William G. Lerchen III Michael T. & Martha M. Lesnick Edward R. & Millicent C. Leuba Harold Levine Steven & Leora Levy The Lewis Foundation Nancy Lewis Richard N. Lewis & Priscilla Trubin Paula & James L. Liang Liberation Programs, Inc. Wes & Mary Liebtag Joyce & Larry Light Martha Lightner Paul A. & Cynthia O. Lindemeyer Barbara Linder Teal Lindsay Phillip E. & Donna Lint Naomi R. Linzer Littlejohn Family Foundation Live Nation, Inc. David Lobdell, MD Christine & Philip Lodewick Lone Pine Foundation, Inc. Longboat Key Club George B. & Betsy B. Longstreth III Mathew J. & Lisa A. Lori Meghan Lowney Bernard & Bernice Luskin Charitable Trust Evelyn J. Lymus & Eileen B. Lymus Swerdlick Christine Lyng-Olsen Moira Lyons Margot Mabie Sally & Don Madden Madison Square Garden Peter B. & Laurie A. Maglathlin Ceci & Gordon R. Maher Jeremy Main Inge & J. Eric Maki D. Ann F. & Clement B. Malin The Malkin Fund Matthew J. & Melissa K. Malone Wesley M. Malowitz & Lauren Soloff Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Ann S. Mandel Susan & Stephen F. Mandel Jr. Marybeth & James E. Manley Jean Marachi, MD Davis S. Margold John & Elaine S. Marino Mark Family Fund Bob & Jill Mark Mary S. Halsey Marks Donald E. & Mary E. Marquardt Lisa S. & Christopher S. Marriott Phyllis G. & Philip R. Marsilius Brian R. Martin

Frances D. Martin James S. & Ann Martin Sophie Pelletier Martinelli Capt. & Mrs. Henry E. Marx Beth & E. Wellford Mason Jr. Billie S. Mason Timothy Massad & Charlotte Hart MasterCard Matching Gift Program John C. & Jane H. Mather Matson Financial Advisors James H. & Jane E. Matson Jennifer P. & James R. Matthews Cecil Maxwell Kay Maxwell Jill Mays Lauren A. & David Mazzullo MBI, Inc. Jackie McBride Prudence McCafferty Mark & Monica McCall Susan & Stuart McCalley Helen F. McClure John McDermott Andrew J. McDonald Dr. Bruce M. & Elizabeth McDonald Joseph J. McGee Tom & Cathy McGee Melanie & Thomas H. McGlade Betsy C. McGroarty Sonnet & Ian McKinnon Paul F. & Mary Anne McLaughlin Karen & Brian McMahon Kip McMahon James McMahon Matt McMahon Peter & Barbara McSpadden Laurie & Peter McTeague Meadow Ridge Residents Association Meehan Meehan & Gavin Megrue Family Foundation Neil & Diane Mellen Joel & Ellen S. Mellis Alice P. Melly Maria Mendoza-Smith & David C. Smith Scott & Joan L. Merlis Tracy & Joe Merrill Alessandra Messineo-Long Margery Meyer Priscilla C. & Jan H. Meyer III Randolph W. Meyer Virginia & Juan M. Meyer Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Michler Barbara B. & Henry Miller Bruce & Maria Miller Morlee J. Miller Stephanie S. Miller Wilbur & Harritt Miller Penelope S. Milrose

Joan L. Minot Ivar W. Mitchell Karen Mitchell Michele & Dominick Modugno John W. & Donna Moffly IV William A. Monness The Edward S. Moore Family Foundation Steven L. Moore Anne W. & David Moran Gerald J. & Joyce Moran Mandi S. & A.C. Lord Morgan IV Sally Morgan Anne Morris Barbara & John T. Morris Stan Morrison David & Jennifer Morse Ben & Leanne Mortell Coral Morton Peter T. & Janet Mott Christopher & Laura Moughty Helen Muller Barbara & William Murphy Kathy Murphy Marci Murphy Timothy H. & Marion M. Murphy William S. & Kristi Murphy Lori & Alan Murray Mutual Housing Association of Southwestern Conn.

N-R Norwalk Community College Foundation Allan J. & Sadie Nelson Don & Sara Nelson Sanford E. & Joyce G. Nelson Roslyn Nesin Gregory W. & Sue K. Neumann New Canaan HS Boys Hockey Team New Haven Home Recovery Newman’s Own Foundation, Inc. New York Community Trust/ Frederick H. Leonhardt Fund The Nickel Foundation Claudia Breslav Nielsen Robert B. & Elizabeth Nolan Ronald & Renee Noren Northern Trust Company Linda & Richard R. Northrop Northstar Capital Funds, LLC Carolyn & Donal C. O’Brien Gloria O’Connell Debra O’Connor Marita O’Hare Brian R. O’Leary Martha E. O’Leary & Henry C. Lunde Patrick M. & Caroline O’Malley

Eleanor and Henry O’Neill Family Fund Debbi O’Shea Robert W. Obrecht Ronald Olsen & Wilda Hayes Jill & Brian Olson Paula Oppenheim The Oristano Foundation Lindsay & David G. Ormsby Susan Orser Mary Lucretia Orteig Thomas & Linda Ortwein Jody Osborn Kate & Bart David Osman Susan S. & Peter L.W. Osnos Cathleen L. & Richard Ostuw The Overbrook Foundation Overhills Foundation Hon. & Mrs. Howard T. Owens PAC Group LLC Frances Padilla Mrs. Gerald W. Padwe Palisades Educational Foundation Incorporated Brooke Suhler Palizi L. Patricia Palombi Christine & John Palumbo Panwy Foundation, Inc. Charles W. & Bonnie M. Parker Laura & Stuart Parker Ginny & Michael R. Parker Steve & Diane Parrish F. A. Parsons III Partnership for Strong Communities Christine Pascarella Patrick Foundation Anne Patterson Jane W. Paynter Mrs. Grant A. Peacock Dana & Gregory B. Pearce Dr. Arnold D. & Marion Pearlstone Davie D. & Christopher F. Peck Lorraine C. & Scott Pennoyer William F. & Mary Jane Penwell People’s United Community Foundation Pepperidge Farm, Inc. Pequot Capital Management Sherry Perlstein Mark & Karen E. Perman Jacques & Anita Perreault Dana & Christopher J. Perriello Sheila & Charles Perrin Person-to-Person Michael J. & Catherine M. Pesanelli Joshua Pesikoff Novelette Peterkin William J. Peterson John S. Petterson & Jill Gottlieb Petterson Robert V. & Betsy Peyreigne

Richard A. Phelps Jr. Claire & Norman H. Philips Judy Phillips Robert & Patricia C. Phillips Barbara Pierce Jeanne Pinto Charles C. & Patricia Z. Pittard Jr Planned Parenthood of Southern New England Margaret Crotty-Platka John Podewils Gina & Dennis Podlesak Barbara F. Poll Marianne & Edward B. Pollak Lavon Pope Portable John, Inc. Paul F. Posillico Thomas C. Posillico Leslie H. & V. Frank Pottow Rochelle Powell Edward L. Pratt Lori R. Price Katherine Prokop Purdue Pharma L.P. A. Peter Quinn Dario & Peggy Quiros John & Jean S. Raben Suzanne Rand RBS Citizens, N.A. underwritten by the Citizen Bank Foundation Redding Life Care, LLC Jack D. & Cynthia F. Rehm R. Donald & Connie Reich Amy Weber Reid Laurie Reighley Michael & Carol Reimers Charlotte Reischer-Clark Hans F. Reiss Relyea Zuckerberg Hanson, LLC Meredith & Eric Reuben Revson Charitable Trust Gioia F. Riccio Eileen & Gary Rice Robert N. Rich Lunsford & Bea Richardson The Ridgefield Community Center Gregory G. Riley & Sara Randell John W. & Pamela W. Ritter Jr. Curtiss & Leslie Roach Robbins Family Foundation, Inc. Betty & John Roberts Daniel D. & Doris A. Robinson Joseph W. Rocco & Arlyne E. Russo Kristen Rodgers Walter G. & Elizabeth Rodiger Jr. Judith & J. Paul Rodriquez Ann P. Rogers Brian C. Rogers Janet Rogers Jeffrey & Kathy Rold



Contributors to Foundation Funds (continued) Paul F. & Janice Roman Lori Romano Gilbert J. Rose Joan Rosenbaum Lil and Julie Rosenberg Foundation, Inc. Drs. Henry W. Rosenberg & Katherine M. Hicks Susan M. Ross & Charles MacCormack Gene Rostov Rotary Club of Trumbull Lauren Razook Roth & John M. Roth Martha Roth Emanuel & Doris Rothman Susan Rothwell Round Hill Community Church Gathering of Women Stephen & Frances E. Rowland Charles M. & Deborah Royce Karen Free Royce Nan Ruben Charles Rubens II Gene J. & Dae Rubino Rebecca Ruegger Cristine Russell Mary Russell W. Henry & Frances Russell Patricia Russo & John Karr Dr. Robert & Kathy Russo Alma Rutgers Ruth Asset Management Co., LLC Lynn & Michael Ryer

S-Z Peter & Katherine Sachs John & Shelby Saer Charles D. Safford Louise A. & V. Michael Salatino Christie C. Salomon Charitable Trust Suzanne S. Salomon Claire F. & Randy Salvatore Roy Sambrook Barbara A. Santa John H. & Heather Sargent Dorothy M. Savage Charitable Lead Trust Scott R. & Lisa A. Savage Laura C. & Kenneth Saverin The Jon and Kathy Savitz Foundation The Alisa and Peter Savitz Foundation Deb Sawch Jean Scannell James P. & Barbara S. Schadt

Lydia S. Schaettler Everett M. & Sarah E. Schenk Steven & Susan Scher Paul G. & Susan J. Scheufele Gloria Schiff Schilthuis Foundation, Inc. John & Sally Schlachtenhaufen Eric Schlaefer & Nancy ChinSchlaefer Lesley I. Schless, Esq. Richard R. & Joan Schmaltz Edmund & Georgia Schmidt Jane Schoenholtz Stanley E. Schulman, DMD Deborah C. Scott Jackie B. & Douglas R. Scott Laura M. & A. Barrett Seaman Kate Sears Rita & Richard Seclow Estate of Edgar T. See Betsey & Arthur Selkowitz William E. & Jessica B. Shaeffer Carl & Mary Ann Shanahan Eugene & Susan Shanks Brian & Marilyn Shannahan Robert J. & Janice H. Shannahan Dean J. & Roberta Shapiro Anand & Anu Sharma Carol & James Shattuck Megan Shattuck Debbie & John C. Shaw The Shaw Family Fund John F. Shaw The Betty R. and Ralph Sheffer Foundation Janet M. Sherin Beatrice Shilstone Shipman & Goodwin LLP Mary P. Shoemaker Judith Shoucair Bart C. Shuldman Katie M. & Jonathan K. Simon Nancy & Gilbert Simpkins Brian J. Skerry & Teresa Guella Shirley & Bill Sklar Kathy Slocum Carol Smith George L. Smith, Esq. Heidi & Scott Smith Mr. & Mrs. James Smith Sean T. Smith & Lynne M. Krupa Walter S. & Karen E. Smith Miriam Smolian Kathleen Snoddon Kathryn & Robert E. Sollmann

Bebe & Craig V. Somerby Jon & Cleo Sonneborn Sarah Soong James Sotzing Barbara L. Spadone Jeffrey R. & Kathryn J. Speed Thomas P. Spellane, Esq. Viola Spinelli Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation Fred & Eileen Springer Stamford Adult ESL Students Stamford Hospital Foundation Thomas G. & Ronnie Stanford Staples Boys Soccer Starr Family Foundation David P. Staudinger Juliet B. Stauffer Kate Stein Michael S. Stein & Ellen Schwartz Craig B. & Donna Steinberg Andrew T. Stern Warren and Susan Stern Family Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Amy Meyercord Stevens Kerry Y. & John W. Stevens Debbie Stevenson Russell P. Stockman Patricia L. & Hudson G. Stoddard Sally & Charles Stone Strasser Family Foundation, Inc. Stratton Faxon Lisa G. & Scott Stuart Laura & Paul L. Sturz Charlotte & John Suhler David J. & Lyn G. Sullivan David J. Sullivan III & Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Christopher F. and Brenda J. Swanson Hugh B. & Jeanne A. Sweeny Jr. Dr. David & Irene Sweetkind Hope H. Swenson Aranka Szekeres Mimi D. & Marc Tabah Karen & Dick Taggart Theodora L. Taggart Virginia S. Tarika Steve Tart Associates Nancy E. Tate Yale & Sharon Tauber Deb Taylor George H. & Catherine B. Taylor Julie Taylor Horst & Elizabeth Tebbe

Adele & Conrad Teitell Jim Terry Elizabeth Thomas Melissa M. & Todd S. Thomson Robb & Karin Thomson Rex Thrasher Tiffany & Company-Matching Gifts Phyllis Tillinghast Ashley, Robert and Harry Tobin Joseph J. Tooher Jr., Esq. Tow Foundation Ellen P. Tower The Ernest and Joan Trefz Foundation Alison & Michael Troy Sallyanne Truglia Diane Martin Tryhane & Peter Tryhane Tyler Family Andrew B. & Sheryl C. Udell Howard & Judith Udell Richard R. & Emily D. Uhl Elizabeth & Gary Unger Nicholas & Karen M. Untied Brook & Michael Urban U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Mgmt. Joan G. Vaillancourt Van Andel Arena Patricia & Albertus W. van den Broek Peggy & Leo Van Munching Mary & Jerome Vascellaro Herbert & Diane Vaughan Ileana Velazquez Venman & Co., LLC St. Vincent’s Medical Center Robert & Judy Vogel Alison & James A. von Klemperer Russell D. & Janice S. VonBeren Mary S. Waldron Terri Walker Kathleen Walsh Joan M. Warburg Jeffrey & Sheri Warshaw The Watermark at 3030 Park Watermark Residents Association Dr. Charles B. Watson & Maria Soukhanova Watson Bonnie P. & Alexander B. Wattles Anita Lor Waxberg Wear Your Music Peter A. & Deborah L. Weinberg Family Foundation Jill & Jon Weiner Janet Weintraub Joyce Weiser

Robert M. & Joyce Weiss Polly Carter Weissman Kelly & Christopher B. Weldon Curtis & Katharine Welling Wells Fargo The Private Bank Lorna Wendt Claire Werner Mallory V. & A. Conrad Weymann III Carolyn & Gregory Wheeler Ann White Carolyn F. White Marilyn R. White Gary L. & Diane W. Whitney Linda F. & John R. Whitton III Michael L. Widland, Esq. Monique W. Wiedel Ronnie & Michael E. Wiederlight Elizabeth C. Wiegers The Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation Kyle Wilcox Amy K. Wilfert Jane S. & Brian Williams Kirby & Joseph L. Williams III Mikel H. & Rebecca E. Williams Annette Wilson Deborah R. Wilson Elisa & Thomas B. Wilson Deanne Winokur Winokur Family Foundation, Inc. Richard H. & Jean Witmer Jr. Nancy & Greg Wolcott Steven & Gail Wolff Adam & Alexa Wolman Karen & John Wood Joanne Woodward Westport Sunrise Rotary 21st Century Foundation Peter A. & Wendy Wright Jeff Yates YMCA-Central Conn. Coast Louise Whitton York Torrance B. York Stephan & Janice Yost Gillian Zackham & Mark Roy Korins Donna W. Zalichin & Barry Kramer Dr. Theodore Zanker Janine Zappola Bradley & John J. Bradley Jennifer & Eddy Zervigon Marie and John Zimmermann Fund, Inc. John & Sarah Zimmermann Jon R. & Lauren Zirn Amy & Matt Zolin

“The Brooklawn Caddie Scholarship has helped deserving young people attend college and pursue their dreams for many years. The Foundation has provided us with the structure and services necessary to manage the scholarship process, and helped to improve gifting levels by being able to take matching contributions and through the tax deductibility of gifts. We sleep better at night knowing the assets are being professionally managed and that the Foundation is working with us to make sure we are on the right path.” —William Wallace, Caddie Scholarship Chairman, Brooklawn Country Club Fundholder since 1989


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

the path of giving

Contributors to the Fund for Women and Girls We are pleased to recognize and thank the following who contributed $1,000 or more to the Fairfield County Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls: Almira Family Foundation Andrews Family Foundation Ann Taylor, Inc. Anonymous (2) Anne & Peter Ardery Brooke B. Ashforth Richard A. & Nancy Axilrod David F. & Lucy Ball Louis F. & Virginia C. Bantle Charitable Foundation, Inc. James R. & Kaye E. Barker Joan & Ed Barksdale Shelley Behrman Judith L. Biggs BNY Mellon Wealth Management, Greenwich Susan Boyle Edie Brickell

The Bridgemill Foundation Mary Brock Marianne F. & William B. Buchanan Jr. Michael & Marjolyn Camilleri Amy & John Cholnoky Citi Community Relations of Mass. and Conn. Rona & Jeffrey Citrin The Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen Foundation, Inc. The Commonwealth Fund Edith Cooper and Robert Taylor Fund Mary Corson & Jonathan Sackler David & Jane Crandall Vicki & David Craver Andrea K. & David M. Cross Banyan Tree Fund of the Leo & Ida Davidoff Family at FCCF Barbara Benton Davis Fund at FCCF Roberta D. Bowman Denning & Steven A. Denning James and Judith K. Dimon Foundation Amy C. & Tony Downer Judy & Charles Eaton FactSet Research Systems Inc. Marie Fauth Charitable Fund Betsy & Jesse Fink Icy & L. Scott Frantz

Mika & David N. Frechette GE Capital Elisabeth & Arthur Golden Goldman Sachs & Co. Edward B. & Dee Goodnow Haffenreffer Family Fund Hammerschlag Family Foundation, Inc. William B. & Anne Harrison Mrs. Harrison B.W. Hoffman Richard & Wendy Hokin Lydee Conway Hummel Hynes, Himmelreich, Glennon & Company Jeffrey & Andrea Immelt Kaki Johnson Mystique E. Johnston & Manuel E. Mejia Nancy Justicz Ewing M. Kauffman Foundation Pat & Philip Kemp Mary Lee & Jack Kiernan Anne-Lie & Rick Kleeman Christopher & Kathleen LaCroix Sally & Larry Lawrence The Lebensfeld Foundation Janet Lebovitz Anne S. Leonhardt Littlejohn Family Foundation

Lone Pine Foundation, Inc. Peter B. & Laurie A. Maglathlin Ann S. Mandel Susan & Stephen F. Mandel Jr. Mark Family Fund Lauren A. & David Mazzullo Melanie & Thomas H. McGlade Sonnet & Ian McKinnon Peter & Barbara McSpadden Laurie & Peter McTeague Megrue Family Foundation Barbara B. & Henry Miller Barbara & William Murphy Marci Murphy Norwalk Community College Foundation Linda & Richard R. Northrop Jill & Brian Olson Paula Oppenheim Lindsay & David G. Ormsby The Overbrook Foundation Sheila & Charles Perrin William J. Peterson Gina & Dennis Podlesak Lori R. Price Purdue Pharma L.P. Lauren Razook Roth & John M. Roth Cristine Russell Peter & Katherine Sachs

Jean Scannell Carol & James Shattuck Shaw Family Fund The Betty R. and Ralph Sheffer Foundation Shipman & Goodwin LLP Nancy & Gilbert Simpkins Stamford Hospital Foundation Amy Meyercord Stevens Lisa G. & Scott Stuart Charlotte & John Suhler Julie Taylor Tyler Family U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Mgmt. Peggy & Leo Van Munching Mary S. Waldron Joan M. Warburg Peter A. & Deborah L. Weinberg Family Foundation Jill & Jon Weiner Curtis & Katharine Welling Wells Fargo The Private Bank Linda F. & John R. Whitton III The Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation Jane S. & Brian Williams Elisa & Thomas B. Wilson Winokur Family Foundation, Inc.

the path of giving

Gifts in Memory Donors made contributions to the Foundation to memorialize these individuals:

Mort Bailey Robert and Mary Beers and Rose Freeman Nelson Williams Andrew Bisset, Esq. Walter Breslav Jr. and Walter & Florence Breslav Sr. Al Caplowe Joan Chiota Peggy Dunn Betsy Farmakis Dominick D. Favata Francis V. Feroleto Jr.

Jean McEvoy Fitzgerald James F. Flynn Fred Frassinelli Jr. John A. Gennarini Sr. Murray Glass Mira Goodstein E. Groton and Patricia H. Davis Phyllis Harrison Ed Igler David L. Jettinghoff Julie Kovar Ameet Lamba

Andrew Lange Marion Lawlor Harriet MacCracken Martha Louise Godfrey MacDonald Patricia Main Steve Maxwell Ben McClure Paul Mortell William Paynter Grant Peacock William L.W. Peters Harold E. Rhame Jr.

Fred Schaettler G. Matthew Schmeidel Ed See John St. John Steven Szekeres Mary Ellen Thrasher Albert F. Urban Sr. Grace Vogel Emma Jane von Euler Dr. Philip D. Wiedel



the path of giving

Contributors to the Future: Legacy Society


hen you remember the Foundation in your will or estate plan, you can continue making a difference in your own backyard for decades. When you let us know you have remembered the Foundation through a bequest, or a gift of retirement assets, insurance policy or other planned giving vehicle, we welcome you into our Legacy Society. You’re informed about our activities and initiatives, and receive invitations to Foundation events and community gatherings. The Foundation gratefully acknowledges these individuals and families for their generosity, leadership and foresight in benefiting the community for generations to come: Members Millette Alexander Anonymous (2) James R. & Kaye E. Barker Margaret S. Crotty Susan Titus Glascoff Myrna Gould-Harrison & Edward E. Harrison Lori Hashizume William R. & Audrey Knobloch John Marshall Lee, CLU, RHU Barbara Littlefield Jeremy Main Ann S. Mandel Thomas R. McCullough Linda M. Molnar Katharine Mountcastle Roy G. Neumann Albert G. Nickel Janice Park Dr. Thomas Purcell Cheryl D. Reedy June Rosenthal Richard A. Smith, Esq. Betty & Samuel Z. Smith Mary S. Waldron Joan & Fred Weisman Muriel Wilson

Remembered Donald C. Baldwin Elizabeth Wingfield Barnett Nancy J. Bassett

Charlton Lyman Ida Davidoff Barbara Benton Davis Frances Marian Deas Sally Dickson Joan T. Diedolf Anna K. Dziuba Robert B. Factor Mary Elizabeth Farman Jane Gade Halliwell Eduvina Hennigar Dorothy Herrmann Mary Elizabeth Hill Mia Holthausen Patricia Main Elizabeth Matthews Stella Margaret McHenry Helen Muller Elizabeth Bissell Northcross Edward Vernon Nunes Nancy J. Pilgard James Powell-Tuck Jonathan Prince Philip W. & Frances Ramer Jean Gregory Richmond Leah & David E. Robinson William M. Saba Dorothy M. Savage Ed See Harriet S. Sherman Edmund C. Spencer Ruth Sternbach Edward Warren

Leaving a Gift to Your Community’s Future Elizabeth Bissell Northcross had no living relatives when she passed away in 1991, yet thousands in her community look heavenward to say “Thank you.” Mrs. Northcross, a lifelong Norwalk resident, left a gift in her will to her community. Over the past 19 years, the Elizabeth Bissell Northcross Fund has awarded close to $500,000 in grants to benefit those living in Norwalk and Westport. Thanks to her gift, Norwalk and Westport children attend after-school programs that make the hours between school and home safe, instructive, and enriching. Low-income elderly residents continue to live independently with help from visiting nurses, delivered meals, and reduced-cost yard maintenance. In addition, Mrs. Northcross’s gift has helped Norwalk and Westport nonprofits promote the arts, protect the environment, educate children, provide medical care, and help those in crisis. Thousands have benefitted, as will tens of thousands more for years to come. Since the fund she established at the Foundation is a permanently endowed fund, she will give back to her community forever. Mrs. Northcross’s attorney, Edward Capasse, introduced her to the Foundation. After studying our work, she decided to establish an endowed fund with a bequest in her will. “Elizabeth would definitely be pleased with her decision,” Ed said. “I can imagine her telling me, ‘Ed, thank you. This was the best decision I could have made.’ She was a lovely lady.” To explore how you can leave a gift to your community, please talk with your estate planning attorney, and call us at 203.750.3200.


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

the path of giving

Funds of the Foundation Donor, Family & Corporate Advised Funds These funds make it easy to actively participate in your charitable giving. You recommend grants from the fund to any qualifying public charity in the U.S. You can give anonymously. You can access our community knowledge and philanthropic expertise for guidance about community issues and local nonprofits. You can name fund advisors and successor advisors. We handle all of the paperwork and reporting. Advancement of Norwalk Fund Anonymous (2) Delbert L. Auray Sr. Fund Back to You Fund Anthony Ball Memorial Fund Lucy and David Ball Family Fund Bannow-Noren Fund James R. and Kaye E. Barker Fund Barksdale Family Fund John P. and Nancy J. Bassett Fund Louise Baum, Eastern Bag & Paper Co., Inc. Fund Beard Family Fund Jane M. & Edwin A. Bescherer Fund Judith L. Biggs Fund James P. and Elinor Upton Biggs Fund Bisset Family Fund Bluenose Fund Richard P. & Barbara A. Bodine Fund Bosworth Fund Daniel Brennan Sr. Fund James and Margot Butler Family Fund Octavio & Marianela Choy Fund Thomas C. Clark Fund Clarkson Family Fund Mildred (Aunt Mimi) Cohn Fund Como & Nicholson Fund Hugh and Eleanor Curran Memorial Fund

Daffodil Fund Dalluge-May Family Fund Barbara Benton Davis Fund Delany Family Fund Bern Dibner Gift Fund Doherty Family Fund Donald J. Donahue Family Advisory Fund Benjamin and Frances Doto Family Fund George and Mary Dunbar Family Fund Henry B. duPont III Advise and Consult Fund Fath Family Charitable Fund Ferguson Fund Betsy and Jesse Fink Fund Flaherty Family Fund Douglas and Olivia Floren Fund Forester Community Education Fund Irwin E. and Micheline Friedman Fund Joseph P. Ganim Foundation Fund Garavel Family Fund Gately Fund Leonard Geller Memorial Fund Jacob E. and Judith A. Goldman Fund Goloff-Spector Memorial Fund Goodspeed Fund Colin and Eileen Green Fund Joshua Greenberg Memorial Fund Jane Gade Halliwell Fund Peter Hanson Fund Mike and Sally Harris Fund Percy, Edna, and Edward E. Harrison Fund Thomas C. and Mary Ann Hays Fund Winlow and Marian Heard Family Fund The Heidenreich Family Fund Hellogood Fund Hopf Family Fund Pat and Shirley Howe Fund Louis Joseloff Fund Peter H. and Joan M. Kaskell Fund Henry L. and Joan L. Katz Fund Keeper of the Hearth Fund John A. Klein Leadership Fund Knobloch Fund Julie Kovar Fund Indiana B. Langston Fund Anne S. Leonhardt Fund Barbara A. Leonhardt Fund Melissa Anne Leonhardt Fund John A. Leslie Fund Sol and Rebeka Lieberman Fund Light Fund Phillip E. and Donna M. Lint Fund

Mickey Lione Sr. Memorial Fund Littlefield Fund Tom Liu Memorial Fund Lockhart Jennings Family Fund Longstreth-Pullman Family Fund Laura Lustig Fund Mandel Family Fund Stephen F. and Ann S. Mandel Fund Bonnie and Gene Markowski Family Fund Philip R. Marsilius Fund The Massad Family Fund McCullough-Wilkinson Families Fund Peter and Barbara McSpadden Fund Mellis Family Fund Christopher T. Miller Fund Stephanie and David Mixter Fund Moran Family Fund Gilbert C. & Rosemary F. Mott Fund Gregory and Sue Neumann Fund Nevas Family Fund Paul Newman Fund Melissa Nickel Memorial Fund Charles F. & Anne Meckes Niemeth Foundation Fund Norgren/Mahon Family Fund Edward Vernon and Grace M. Nunes Fund Ostuw/Leather Family Fund Graham Overbrook Fund Norman K. Parsells Rotary Memorial Fund Perrin Family Fund Pollak Family Fund Frank J. Riccio MD Fund Betsy and Jack Rich Legacy Fund Ridgefield Community Foundation Fund David E. & Leah D. Robinson Fund Rockledge Fund Gil & Anne Rose Family Fund Anthony J. and Martha F. Ruscito Fund Dorothy and Frank L. Savage Family Fund Harold L. Schine Fund Rosamond Stephenson Shannon Fund Richard and Vivienne Silver Charitable Fund Skaarup Trust Fund Samuel and Esther Rachel Sobel Fund Theodore and Mariadina Steiber Memorial Fund Sternheim-Gardner Family Fund Stiassni Family Fund Suhler Family Fund Sullivan Family Fund Tauck Fund E.C.R. Teitell Fund Turtle Insurance Policy

The Udell Family Fund* Vacheron Family Fund Venman & Co. LLC Fund Clarence C. Walker Fund Weintraub Family Fund Fred & Joan Weisman Fund Wellborn Family Fund Wiehl Fund Joanne Woodward Fund Marie and John Zimmermann Fund

Donor, Family & Corporate Advised Funds with Grant Focus Auxiliary of Park City Hospital Endowment Fund Theodore H. and Margaret S. Beard Excellence in Teaching Award Bluefish Foundation Fund Bordman-Beardsley Fund BRAD Fund The Jessica Lee Brett Memorial Fund Bridgeport Public Housing Resident Support Fund Banyan Tree Fund of the Leo & Ida Davidoff Family Eye Care for the Underprivileged Fund Food Bank of Fairfield County, Inc. Fund Milton H. and Isabelle V. Friedberg Fund Heidmar Fund Lester Johnson Memorial Fund Brenda H. Kaplan Music Fund Kimball Cancer Cure Fund Mathew Kosbob Memorial Fund Ruth I. Krauss Fund Early Childhood Development Ladysmith Fund for Women’s Health The Steve Maxwell Fund for Teaching ESL* Millstone Farm Charitable Fund Olga Fund Fund for Pete’s Sake Lil and Julie Rosenberg Foundation Inc. Fund Stephen J. and Madelyn M. Santa Environmental Fund Jonathan M. Todd Accounting and Finance Higher Learning Fund The Truglia Thumbelina Fund Hilda Tooher-Corcoran Charitable Fund Upton Family Child Care Fund Florence and Bill Vermeulen Fund Yankee Doodle Fund For Music *Fund established FY10

“Having lived in Fairfield County for 25 years, I was looking for a way to provide perpetual support for the region’s important causes. My attorney suggested a bequest to the Foundation. I was impressed with the Foundation’s community knowledge and financial management. I know my gift will be used effectively to continue making a difference long after I am gone.” —Linda M. Molnar, Darien Legacy Society Member www.fccfoundation.org


Funds of the Foundation (continued)

Field of Interest Funds


Your contribution to a Field of Interest fund is pooled with gifts from other like-minded contributors to collectively support your favorite Fairfield County cause or issue. You can give to any existing Field of Interest fund or establish a new fund. The Foundation makes grants in perpetuity to nonprofits that serve your field of interest.

Fairfield County Fund for the Environment

Arts & Culture

Strengthening Nonprofits

Marian Anderson Award Fund Arts for Youth Fund Bridgeport Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Fund Bridgeport Energy South End Fund Charles Ettl Fund Sarah Wheeler Frassinelli Arts Fund

Fairfield County Center for Nonprofit Excellence Fund Financial Management Assistance Fund

Children, Youth & Families Bridgeport Energy Campership Fund Anna K. Dziuba and Eleanor K. Borcz Fund for Children Fairfield County Fund for Women and Girls Fairfield County Woman-BF Goodrich Childcare Scholarship Fund Mia S. Holthausen Fund Edward Mck Holly Fund Jean Gregory Richmond Fund Ridgefield Community Foundation Fund for Youth Ridgefield Youth Leadership Fund Treasure Chest Fund Westport Sunrise Rotary Young Voices Fund

Community Development, Urban Affairs Alvord Award Fund Bridgeport Community Response Fund Arthur and Gladys Lunin Humanitarian Award Fund Janice Park Social Justice Fund Stamcag Fund Herbert B. West Award Fund

Education Fairfield County Fund for Academic Excellence Fairfield County Fund for New Americans Sandra Alpert Nathan Memorial Fund for Children with Learning Disabilities Rabbi Harry Nelson Memorial Fund Norwalk Fund for Excellence in Public Education


Health & Human Services Fairfield County Fund for Health and Wellness Interfaith Council Fund for Respite Care Peter & Rose Levinsky Memorial Fund Arthur and Gladys Lunin Fund Stella Margaret McHenry Fund Interfaith Council-Virginia Schroeder Fund Sight Handicapped Fund Louis and Ruth Sternbach Fund For People with Disabilities Barbara J. Stockman Memorial Fund Timothy Fund Ginny Yurch Memorial Fund

Community-Specific Bridgeport Rotary Club Memorial Five Town Endowment Fund (Norwalk area) Greater Bridgeport Community Impact Fund Greater Danbury Endowment Fund Greenwich Endowment Fund Miriam and Elizabeth Kriegler Memorial Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Mac Cart Fund (Stamford) New Fairfield Community Fund Gota M. Norell Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Elizabeth Bissell Northcross Fund (Norwalk-Westport) Raymond J. and Veronica O’Connor Fund (Stratford-Bridgeport) Julia C. Palmer Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Ramer Fund (Norwalk) Remington Products Inc. Fund (Greater Bridgeport) Southbury Community Trust Fund Stamford Endowment Fund Trumbull Community Trust Fund

Discretionary Funds A contribution or planned gift to one of these collective funds helps you achieve tremendous philanthropic impact. These funds allow the Foundation to address the most pressing needs in Fairfield County, even as those needs change over time. The Foundation depends on Discretionary funds to help make the communities

Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

of Fairfield County vibrant and sustainable, and where all enjoy opportunities to participate and thrive. Carl B. & Marian C. Adolphson Memorial Fund Earle G. & Betty M. Anderson Fund John M. Berkowitz Fund David H. & Theresa L. Bresky Fund William & Margaret Buckens Fund Philip H. & Cecelia K. Burdett Fund R. Ward Chapman Fund Arthur Clifford Fund Albert L. Coles Memorial Fund Leete P. and Marjorie S. Doty Fund Robert B. Factor Fund Nancy Flint Fund Jeanne C. Gerber Memorial Fund Murray R. Glass Fund Grabau Family Fund John E. and Clare M. Hampford Fund Edward E. Harrison Endowment Fund Edward and Myrna Harrison Fund J. Walker Hill Fund Zalmon S. & Ethel P. Hirsch Memorial Fund Michael and Ida Hoffman Family Fund Emil & Mali Kriegler Memorial Fund A. George Lindquist Fund M. & F. Foundation Advise Fund Maddever-Harrison Fund Ann Adams Mandeville Fund Masonic Family Fund N.M.K.M. Fund #2 Herbert and Margaret Renert Fund Willard H. Sahloff Fund Norman Schaff Jr. Memorial Fund Schwerdtle Family Fund Frederick B. Silliman Memorial Fund William S. Simpson Fund Ralph & Marian Washburn Sprague Fund Anne W. Stokes Fund Bernard H. Trager Memorial Fund Bradford Newman Warner Fund Zarrilli Family Fund

For Countywide Grantmaking Elizabeth Wingfield Barnett Fund Carr-Earle Fund Fairfield County Community Foundation Board Designated Grant Fund Fairfield County Endowment Fund Impact Fund Memory Fund Nancy J. Pilgard Fund Edmund C. Spencer Fund

Designated Funds A Designated fund is ideal when you want to support a specific nonprofit organization in perpetuity. You may name one or more organizations to receive annual grants from your fund. If any of your designated organizations dissolve or change its purpose, the Foundation ensures your original charitable objectives are continued. 3030 Park Grants-in-Aid Fund R & E Aiello Fund Ann’s Fund Aaron S. Avery Fund Baldwin Fund Edward F. Bodine Fund Bridgeport Learn Not To Burn Bridgeport Public Education Endowment Fund Bridgeport Rotary Club Endowment Fund William and Philip Carlson Fund Fund for the Center for Global Studies Charlton Trust Fund Fund for Conn.’s 9/11 Living Memorial at Sherwood Island Sally Dickson Fund Richard O. Dietrich Fund ETRA Health Fund Gellatly Family Fund A Gift for Bridgeport Children Girl Scout Campership Endowment Sam M. and Pauline Golden Fund Christian I. & Hilma A. Gravesen Memorial Fund Greenwich Board of Education Fund Anastasia P. and Peter S. Hardy Fund Percy C.K. & Edna Morgan Harrison Fund Hawley Memorial Trumbull Library Fund Charles M. Herbert Barnum Festival Seymour I. Hollander Fund Invest in Fairfield County Fund** Sanford D. Katz Fund Robert G. & Jean D. Lee Fund Byron S. Lindley Memorial Fund Lord Fund Arthur and Gladys Lunin Funds to benefit: Ahlbin Center American Cancer Society American Health Assistance Foundation American Joint Jewish Distribution Committee American ORT Anti Defamation League of B’Nai Brith Arthritis Association Heritage Institution of Ellis Island HIAS

“When it comes to teaching your children and grandchildren the importance of giving back to the community, the Foundation is the perfect partner. By establishing a fund at the Foundation, and giving them control to decide where the charitable contributions will be made, you can instill values and a charitable nature that will last a lifetime.” —Peter Malkin, Greenwich Fundholder and Advisory Council Member

Jerusalem Foundation Jewish Community Center Jewish Federation of Greater Bridgeport Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Kennedy Center, Inc. Kids in Crisis Arthur and Gladys Lunin Youth Funds to benefit: Congregation B’Nai Israel Jewish Community Center Stephen Lyman/Greenwich Workshop Wilderness Fund Marjorie and Mabel Fund Rocio Garces Martinez Fund Robert and Sophia Mitchell Memorial Fund William H. Moffitt IV Cultural Arts Fund Edward J. Morgan Fund June & Rachel Muhs Fund Leo Nevas Memorial Fund established by the Newman’s Own Foundation* Norwalk Senior Center Community Lunch Fund Norman King & Laura Eales Parsells Fund Phillips/Lansdale Fund Elizabeth M. Pfriem Fund Dr. Charles E. Reed Fund Amy Louise Rich Memorial Fund Kay and Ed See Fund Jeff Shoup Memorial Fund Theodore B. Smart Fund Stratford Jaycees Community Fund Weston Lacrosse Club-Paul Scheufele Endowment Fund Thomas Berry Willson Memorial Fund W.I.N-W.I.N Fund *Fund established FY10 **Includes contributions from funds established by Elizabeth Farman, Russell Frost III, Ralph Sheffer, and Ruth and Albert Sims and gifts from the Perrin Foundation, Edgar See and Constance Scanley

Organization Endowment Funds A nonprofit can establish an Organization Endowment fund to create a stable financial future. When an organization establishes a fund it becomes part of the Foundation’s investment pool, and benefits from investment diversification and economies of scale. The fund is stewarded for the long-term needs of the organization with

oversight by the Foundation’s Investment Committee and Board of Directors. The organizations’ donors are assured that assets are held separately from its operating fund. The Foundation handles all administrative responsibilities, including regulatory reporting. This ensures compliance and frees the organization to pursue its charitable mission. Alpha Community Service YMCA Fund Anonymous* Barnum Festival Fund Bridgeport Rotary Community Service Endowment Fund Greater Bridgeport Symphony Endowment Fund Camp Hi Rock Endowment Fund The Jane Norgren CLC Fund for Children Conn. Audubon Society Memorial Fund Dr. Robert B. Cooper Fund Council of Churches Community Endowment Fund The Domus Fund Pat Hart Scholarship Endowment Fund/MACH Endowment Fund Wilda Morgan Hayes Fund George T. Hewlett Fund Mercy Learning Center Fund Norwalk Symphony Endowment Fund Person to Person Reserve Fund Person to Person Endowment Fund Ridgefield Community Center Endowment Fund School Volunteer Association of BridgeportAlan E. Gustafson Memorial Fund United Way Endowment Fund United Way of Coastal Fairfield County Endowment Ettlinger Fund VNA Corporations, Inc.-VNS of Conn. Hospice Free Support Fund YMCA Endowment Funds *Fund established FY10

Scholarship Funds These funds support the educational advancement of students based on criteria of your choice. Scholarships often memorialize a loved one or honor a special person. Maurice W. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund Charlotte Aquino Nursing Scholarship Fund Aspblom-Graham Nursing Scholarship Fund Ernest J. Badillo Scholarship Fund Elizabeth Bigelow Ballard Fund Barquin-Bullard-Thompson ABCD Scholarship Fund Nancy E. Barrelle Memorial Scholarship Fund Arthur C. Bass Memorial Fund/Les Treize IV Nancy J. Bassett Oncology Scholarship Fund John P. Bassett Scholarship Fund Florence Batchelder Scholarship Fund of Class of CHS ’31 Edward R. Bernstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Bethany Congregational Church Scholarship Richard P. Bodine Sr. Scholarship Walter Breslav Jr. Scholarship Fund Brooklawn Country Club Caddie Scholarship Fund Robert W. Brown Scholarship Fund Cecelia K. Burdett/V.N.S. of Conn., Inc. Scholarship Fund Wilson R. Burns Scholarship Fund May Camp & Webster Upson Walker Scholarship Fund Thomas E. Carroll Fund Chiota Family Scholarship Fund Christopher Chute Memorial Sportsman’s Award Fund Raymond E. Clafin Memorial Scholarship Fund Megan Cobbledick & Jason Kern Fund The Paul Corwel Fund Edward J. Crotty Scholarship Fund Leona Bedient Crouchley and Charles D. Crouchley Jr. Scholarship Fund Mario D’Addario Scholarship Fund Charles A. and Eleanor Naylor Dana Scholarship Fund DeBlasio/Christopher Scholarship Fund Richard DiSalvo Scholarship Fund Pastor Shearon Dudley Memorial Scholarship Fund Ulysses J. Dunne & Ulysses J. Dunne Jr. Scholarship Fund Edward A. Dworken Memorial Foundation, Inc. Dworken Family Fund Dr. Frank G. and Edith B. Elliott Scholarship Fund Nicholas & Anne Nagy Fabian Scholarship Fund Fairfield High School Scholarship Foundation Joseph R. Farkas Sr. Engineering Scholarship Fund

Victor M. Ferrante Sr. Memorial Fund F.H.S. Class of ’41 Fund The Marion and Joseph Fullin Scholarship Fund* St. Gabriel School Scholarship/Financial Aid Fund Thomas J. Gardella Memorial Scholarship Fund Phyllis S. Garrison Scholarship Fund GBAF Scholarship Fund June Goodman Scholarship Fund Greater Bridgeport Bar Association Scholarship Fund Peter Hanson Memorial Award for Humanity Peter Hanson Social Justice Scholarship Fund William L. Hawkins Scholarship Fund Edward C. Hawley Scholarship Fund Health Related Studies Scholarship Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport Scholarship Fund I Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport Scholarship Fund II I Have a Dream of Norwalk, Inc. Scholarship Fund Olga and Dimitri Jankowich Fund Eugene and Betty Jones Engineering Scholarship for Minorities Kindergarten to College Collaboration Scholarship Fund Edward R. Kasparek Memorial Fund Agnes W. and Ernest W. Kaulbach Fund Julia Keefe Scholarship Fund Jeff Keith Scholarship Fund The Andrew E. Lange Memorial Science Scholarship Fund* Mickey Lione Jr. Scholarship Fund Mickey Lione Jr. Scholarship at Trinity Catholic High School Fund Irving Loeb Kornblut Award Dorothy Weitzner Kornblut Scholarship Fund L’Ambiance Scholarship Fund LA DANZA Scholarship Fund Leonhardt Scholars Program Fund Les Treize Scholarship Fund I Les Treize Scholarship Fund II Les Treize Scholarship Fund III Bruce G. Lockhart Scholarship Fund Arthur Lunin Learn A Trade Fund Maccalla Family Trust Les Treize Fund Bertram and Sally MacMannis Scholarship Fund Margret McDonald and Lucy Blood Memorial Scholarship Fund Ralph McIntosh Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Frank J. McKee Scholarship Fund Meadow Ridge Scholarship Fund Amanda Martin Meloy Career Choices Scholarship Fund Charles J. Merritt Jr. & Virginia B. Merritt Fund Peg and Paul Mortell Scholarship Fund Theodor Muller Scholarship Fund Jack and Roselyn Goloff Nowitz Musical Scholarship Fund Frederick W. Nowlan Fund Helen F. Nowlan Trust Fund



Funds of the Foundation (continued)

Oristano Foundation Fund Christine Palombi Scholarship Fund P.C.H. Medical Staff Scholarship Fund E. Cortright & Nancy Phillips Scholarship Fund Julia Peyton Phillips Scholarship Fund Edward Pickerstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Caesar Pina Fund George E. Pipkin Jr. Scholarship Helen Redding Scholarship Fund Marcy Sallick Scholarship Fund Kay and Louis Samotus Scholarship Marion Sanford Scholarship Fund Richard K. Schmidt Aquarion Science Scholarship Fund Schofield-Blauvelt Scholarship Fund Sumner Simpson Scholarship Fund William E. Smith Scholarship Fund Sonneborn Scholarship Fund Spanish Merchants Association Scholarship Fund Ralph B.and Charlotte G. Sperry Fund Stamford High School Class of 1951 Scholarship Fund William E. Stratford Memorial Fund, Boys’ Club & Girls’ Club of Bridgeport, Inc Margaret F. Taylor Scholarship Fund Karen Telickey Scholarship Fund J. Richard Tiano Memorial Scholarship Fund James E. Tisdale Memorial Scholarship Fund Jettie Tisdale Scholarship Fund John T. and Violet Totilas Memorial Scholarship Fund Ernest and Joan Trefz Scholarship Fund Helen Varaljai Memorial Scholarship Fund Leroy Vaughn Scholarship Fund Lt. Robert W. Vogel, USN Memorial Scholarship Fund Magnus Wahlstrom Leadership Award Fund WHHS Class of 1948 Award Fund William Wolper School and/or Community Service Award Fund Emanuel Zimmer Scholarship Fund

For scholarships available to Greenwich students, the Foundation works with the Greenwich Scholarship Association. Volunteers gather, review and process applications, then award scholarships to graduating students in Greenwich. The GSA selects recipients for scholarships from the following funds: Jane C. Bausman Memorial Scholarship Fund Justin Scott Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund Susannah Chase Memorial Fund Tod Clonan Scholarship Fund Michael Jon Greenberg Memorial Fund Dr. & Mrs. William Hennigar Scholarship Fund Hopetown Scholarship Fund Charles W. Jensen III DMD Memorial Scholarship Fund Allan Kitchel Jr. Memorial Fund Lyman/Reynolds Fund Elizabeth Matthews Memorial Scholarship Fund Nancy J. Michaud Fund Brett M. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund Martha Moxley Memorial Scholarship Fund Wataru John Narita Memorial Fund Osgood Lichty Scholarship Fund Sunny Hill Children’s Center Fund Michelle Yee Memorial Scholarship Fund Matthew Yee Scholarship Fund

*Fund established FY10

Greenwich Scholarship Association Board of Directors Eryn Ament Bingle Janet Blasberg Anne Bourne Judy Chapman Allison Coleman William Dylewsky Terri Haidinger Marie Hertzig Barbara Hindman Catherine Holden Allan Jay Rob Janelli Diane Keleher Jennifer Lynch Ally Verdi Roach Ann Robb Winston Robinson Katherine Sanford Adrianne Singer George Sorenson Geoffrey Thaw John Vecchiolla Dora Williams Linda Woods Donna Zeale

Hundreds of students throughout Fairfield County apply for college scholarships held at the Fairfield County Community Foundation. Every application is reviewed, scored and discussed by members of scholarship committees. The Foundation appreciates the work of these generous volunteers: Fairfield County Community Foundation Scholarship Committee Carrie Allen Elisabeth Breslav Ken Bruno Sandra Marie Bruno Stella Dennis Kimberly Ford Brinda Pola William E. Stewart Nannette Tenn Louise Uchaczyk

Meadow Ridge Scholarship Committee Sally Dimon Judith Hamer Hans Hopf Anne Jacques

Les Treize Scholarship Committee Mildred Flowers Monica Lazaro Carolyn Rogers Eunuce Sanderlin Deborah Tisdale Sheila Watts Teresa Wilson Dorothy Woodson Roshelly Woodson

“When we established the Mellis Family Fund at the Foundation, we looked forward to drawing on its community knowledge and expertise to make our philanthropy more informed and organized. We wanted to focus on local nonprofits serving children’s and families’ educational needs, and organizations providing mental health services. The staff recommends nonprofits aligned with our goals, and suggests partnering opportunities with others who share our interests and focus. The Foundation’s advice is always informative, constructive and helpful.” —Ellen and Joel Mellis, Stamford Fundholders since 2002


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

the path of giving

Competitive Grants


rants from Discretionary and Field of Interest funds address the highest priority needs in Fairfield County. When you give to a Discretionary or Field of Interest fund at the Foundation, you provide the Foundation with the discretion to award grants where they are most needed, even as local needs change over time. The competitive grants process invites local nonprofits to apply for a portion of the Foundation’s discretionary grant funds. The magnanimity of individuals, families, private foundations and companies allows us to fund essential programs, address critical needs, and improve the quality of life for all in Fairfield County. 34% Please see page 24 for a complete list of Discretionary and Field of Interest funds at the Foundation. Contributions to any of these funds can be made through a gift of cash, securities, a retirement account, life insurance, or a bequest. The following grants were awarded to address needs in six priority program areas:

Arts & Culture Arts organizations increase the vibrancy and sense of community in our towns and cities. Children who receive instruction in the arts make strides in academic achievement and social development. The Foundation’s goals for Arts & Culture grants include increasing opportunities for urban youth to participate in quality arts education programs, cultivating new and diverse arts audiences, and helping local arts organizations collaborate with each other.

$2 million in Grants from Discretionary Funds ■ Economic Opportunity* ■ Education and Youth Development* ■ Health and Human Services ■ Arts and Culture ■ Environment ■ Strengthening Nonprofits

$659,350 $599,770 $350,190 $204,000 $ 71,500 $ 76,840

34% 30% 18% 10% 4% 4%

* Includes grants from Fund for Women and Girls

Connecticut Free Shakespeare, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 To support its theater internship program for Bridgeport youth Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$16,000 To provide general operating support to this arts council serving Coastal Fairfield County. An additional $10,000 was awarded from a donor advised fund at the Foundation

Barnum Museum, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500 To enable the museum to purchase accounting and membership management software

Discovery Museum, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000

Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000

Fairfield Arts Council, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000

To support a printmaking studio for Norwalk high school students City Lights Gallery, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000

To provide general operating support

To provide general operating support Fairfield Theater Company, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 To provide general operating support

To support the City Lights Sweetport Project, a city-wide arts festival in Bridgeport www.fccfoundation.org


Competitive Grants (continued)

Historical Society of the Town of Greenwich, Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 To support education programming with the Greenwich Public Schools Housatonic Community College Foundation, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 To provide general operating support of the College’s Museum of Art

Westport Arts Center, Westport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support its Art of Filmmaking Program, involving Westport-Weston and Bridgeport teens

Economic Opportunity The Foundation’s goals for these grants include helping lowwage women achieve economic security, increasing affordable housing for seniors and low and moderate-wage residents, helping immigrants learn English, providing job skills training, and reforming public transportation.

Housatonic Valley Cultural Alliance, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000

Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000

To provide general operating support to this arts council serving the Greater Danbury region

To support its Homeownership Counseling Program

Kids Empowered By Your Support, New Canaan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 To support, with a challenge grant, its music education program in the Bridgeport Public Schools Maritime Aquarium, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To provide general operating support Shakespeare On The Sound, Norwalk/Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To provide general operating support for the Summer 2010 season

Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To purchase an upgraded financial management system Family Centers, Inc., Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,000 To support its Reaching Independence Through Employment Program, and leverage federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Emergency Contingency Fund grant dollars Groundwork Bridgeport, Bridgeport/Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . $17,500 To support its Our Folks Program, subsidized landscaping services for low-income Norwalk senior citizen homeowners Housatonic Community College Foundation, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 To hire a consultant to work with the Bridgeport SNAP Collaborative, an effort to generate federal workforce development funding Housatonic Community College Foundation, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 To support its You Can Do It Program, serving male first-year students Housatonic Habitat for Humanity, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 To purchase accounting software The House of the Immigrant, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support English as a Second Language and citizenship classes

Students from Briggs High School in Norwalk explore their artistic abilities at workshops held by the Center for Contemporary Printmaking. Covering a range of printmaking techniques, the program opens the students’ minds to the endless possibilities of creative expression, as well as college programs and careers in the arts.


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

International Institute, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000

Education and Youth Development

To provide emergency immigration assistance for Haitians living in Fairfield County affected by the February 2010 earthquake

To support its English as a Second Language program for adults

The primary goals for these grants include reducing the achievement gap between low-income and upper-income children, improving the quality and affordability of after-school and youth development programs, and increasing the quality of early childhood and school readiness programs.

Literacy Volunteers of America, Stamford/Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000

Action for Bridgeport Community Development, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000

To support Bridges To Success, a workforce development program for young adults ages 16-24

To support fundraising for its Total Learning early childhood initiative

Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200,000

Boys and Girls Club of Stamford, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . .$16,000

Literacy Volunteers of America, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14,000

To provide a leadership grant for Year 5 of the Fairfield County Collaborative Fund for Affordable Housing. The Collaborative Fund provides operating support and technical assistance to nonprofit housing developers building and preserving affordable housing in Fairfield County

To support its summer camp program Bridgeport Parent Leadership Training Institute, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12,500 To provide general operating support

Mercy Learning Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000

Bridgeport Public Schools, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000

To support its English as a Second Language and Adult Basic Education programs

To support its Cultural Enrichment Grants Program

Norwalk Community College Foundation, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500

Bridgeport YMCA, Central Connecticut Coast YMCA, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,350 To support its summer camp program

To hire a consultant to work with the Bridgeport SNAP Collaborative, an effort to generate federal workforce development funding Norwalk Senior Center, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6,100 To support its Senior Housing Assistance Fund One Region Funders Collaborative at the New York Community Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23,000 To support the One Region Funders Collaborative and its focus on transportation reform in the tri-state region. An additional $2,000 was awarded from a donor advised fund at the Foundation Stamford Partnership, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 To support the Reinventing Stamford civic engagement initiative Women’s Business Development Center, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000 To provide general operating support

Pop quiz! Take 16, multiply by 2, and add 13. Shout out the answer – in Chinese. That’s what Ron Rapice’s 4th grade students at Columbus School in Bridgeport learn to do. When students are excited about learning, there’s no limit to what they can accomplish. Mr. Rapice is a 2010 winner of the Foundation’s Theodore and Margaret Beard Excellence in Teaching Award. He infects his classroom and school with enthusiasm and innovation. www.fccfoundation.org


Competitive Grants (continued)

Burroughs Community Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 To support the Summer Travel Program for middle school youth, in partnership with the Tauck Foundation Cardinal Shehan Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 To support its summer camp program Community Centers, Inc., Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 To support its summer camp program for Greenwich youth living in public housing Connecticut After School Network, Branford . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400 To enable five local after-school organizations to attend a statewide conference on summer learning strategies for low-income youth Connecticut Center for School Change, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,250 To fund the Alumni Support Program of FCCF’s Urban School Leaders Fellowship, providing continued professional development for education leaders from Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford

The Yerwood Center in Stamford combines field trips, recreational time, educational activities and lessons to make summer learning fun. The daily read-aloud session is one its most successful programs. Volunteers from the community spend an hour with children to improve their reading and public speaking skills.

Connecticut Community Boating, c/o Cardinal Shehan Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000

Greater Bridgeport Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000

To support its summer sailing program for Bridgeport youth

To support the presentation of the Three Doctors at the GBAPP Fall 2010 event

Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To support its Project Learn after-school and summer program for Bridgeport children living in public housing

Lakewood-Trumbull YMCA, Central Connecticut Coast YMCA, Trumbull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support its summer camp program serving Trumbull and Monroe youth

Danbury Youth Services, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support efficiencies in operating budget development

McGivney Community Center, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To support its after-school program

Danbury Youth Services, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 To support transportation expenses of its after-school program for youth living in public housing

Neighborhood Studios of Fairfield County, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 To support bookkeeping services

Family & Children’s Agency, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To support its after-school program serving middle school students from Norwalk

Norwalk Education Foundation, Norwalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,125 To provide general operating support to this public education foundation serving Norwalk

George Washington Carver Center, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 To support its Youth Development Program serving middle and high school students


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

Norwalk Education Foundation, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,770 To support Classroom Innovation grants for Norwalk Public School teachers

Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut, Danbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000 To support the Escape To The Arts and Greenknoll Branch summer camps School Volunteer Association, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 To support the Reading Enrichment Program in the Bridgeport Public Schools Stamford Achieves, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 To support its summer tutoring program, serving children at three community centers Stamford Achieves, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 To purchase accounting software Stamford Public Education Foundation, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$22,125 To provide general operating support to this public education foundation serving Stamford Sterling House, Stratford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,000 To support its summer camp program Sterling House, Stratford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support financial management Wakeman Boys and Girls Club, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000 .

Neighborhood Studios of Fairfield County (formerly MACH) harnesses the creative potential of Bridgeport area youth and directs it towards positive expressions in music, dance, sculpture and more.

To support its after-school program at McKinley School in Fairfield

Students improve their artistic skills and bring their performances into the community, enhancing their self-confidence and broadening their horizons.

Wilton Youth Council, Wilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,500

Norwalk Housing Foundation, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000 To support a summer literacy and arts program for Norwalk youth living in public housing Original Works, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To support its East End Youth Art Works Program, a theater arts program for East End youth

To support a youth leadership program on substance abuse prevention Yerwood Center, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To support its summer camp program YWCA of Greenwich, Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support its summer camp scholarship program

Ralphola Taylor Community Center, Central Connecticut Coast YMCA, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 To support its Night Recreation Program for teens. An additional $10,000 was awarded from a donor advised fund at the Foundation www.fccfoundation.org


Competitive Grants (continued)

Health & Human Services The Foundation’s goals for these grants include supporting medical, dental and mental health care for uninsured and underinsured adults and families, and improving the quality of life for residents with disabilities. American Red Cross, Bridgeport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000 To support emergency assistance to Bridgeport residents affected by the June 2010 tornado ARI, Inc., Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 To support respite care for client families Association of Religious Communities, Danbury. . . . . . . . . . .$7,500 Elementary and middle school girls jump into hands-on exploration of science in SoundWaters’ Science Stars program. Professional women scientists lead the girls in learning scientific field and research skills, hands-on application of the scientific method and teamwork. The program gives young girls the self confidence and experience to pursue careers in science.

To support the Emergency Aid Network serving low-income adults and families Boys and Girls Village, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 To support psychiatric services for Greater Bridgeport children and youth


Center for Youth Leadership, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000

One of the joys of living in Fairfield County is its beauty, yet the region’s 900,000 residents disturb ecosystems and encroach on open space. The Foundation awards grants to improve the health of Long Island Sound and its watershed, increase green space in urban settings, and promote smart growth initiatives.

To support its Connecticut Talks Program, a dating violence prevention partnership with Norwalk pediatricians serving teens Child Guidance Center of Mid-Fairfield, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000

Clean Air-Cool Planet, New Canaan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000

To support replicating Bridgeport’s Child FIRST model in Norwalk, which serves high-need families with young children

To support a climate change initiative targeting Fairfield County communities

Connecticut Food Bank, Fairfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,500

Mill River Collaborative, Stamford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,500

To provide general operating support for its central warehouse in Fairfield. An additional $2,500 was awarded from a donor advised fund at the Foundation

To support its fundraising program for the campaign to build a new park for Stamford. An additional $22,500 was awarded from two donor advised funds at the Foundation

Courage To Speak Foundation, Norwalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support its accounting and bookkeeping functions

Seaside Village Historic Preservation, c/o Community Capital Fund, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,000 To support a Yale Urban Design workshop on improving stormwater management in historic Seaside Village

Domestic Violence Crisis Center, Stamford/Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support its strategic planning process Easton Senior Center, Easton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 To support evening and weekend recreation for seniors ElderHouse, Norwalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,800 To purchase financial reporting and accounting software


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

Family & Children’s Agency, Norwalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23,000 To support its intensive family preservation program and to leverage federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Emergency Contingency Fund grant dollars Family Centers, Inc., Stamford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To support its Young Parents Program Helen Keller International, Bridgeport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000 To support free vision screenings for Bridgeport Public School students. An additional $10,000 was awarded from a donor advised fund at the Foundation Human Services Council of Mid-Fairfield, Norwalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000 To support the Robert Appleby School Based Health Centers in Norwalk. An additional $10,000 was awarded from a donor advised fund at the Foundation

Students from Warren Harding High School in Bridgeport have few opportunities to experience nature and the environment outside of Bridgeport. Groundwork Bridgeport’s Green Team program provides paid summer internships where participants learn landscaping skills, and are prepared for the transition from school to the workplace.

Interlude, Danbury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To provide general operating support Interlude, Danbury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000 To support professional accounting services Jewish Family Services of Greenwich, Greenwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000 To support its Supermarketing for Seniors Program, serving low-income, homebound Greenwich residents Jewish Home for the Elderly, Fairfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000 To support its Center for Elder Abuse Prevention Kennedy Center, Trumbull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To provide general operating support for its day programs Kennedy Center, Trumbull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000 To support its day program for clients with Alzheimer’s disease Kids In Crisis, Greenwich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support its Safe Haven shelter for children and youth Lawyers for Children, Regional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000 To provide general operating support, as a challenge grant

Neighbor To Neighbor, Greenwich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,640 To purchase accounting software and staff training Norwalk Hospital Foundation, Norwalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To support its dental clinic Southwestern Area Health Education Center, Trumbull . . . . $20,000 To support the Give Kids A Smile dental services outreach program for low-income Norwalk children St. Luke’s LifeWorks, Stamford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000 To support executive transition, executive search services, and board member training Stamford Senior Center, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,750 To support the annual financial audit STAR, Inc., Norwalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 To support respite care for STAR client families Visiting Nurse Services of Connecticut, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To support its Medically Underserved Program providing home health and hospice care services for low-income Bridgeport residents



Competitive Grants (continued)

Voluntary Services for the Blind of Fairfield County, Stamford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,000

Connecticut Council for Philanthropy, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000

To support volunteer recruitment and retention

To support a collaborative community foundation project on advocacy and public policy

Strengthening Local Nonprofits Goals of these grants include increasing the efficiency and sustainability of nonprofits. Bridgeport Public Library, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 To support the Anthony Ball Nonprofit Resource Center Library at the downtown branch Community Foundations Leading Change, Kansas City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 To support its mission of helping community foundations advance the practice of community leadership to build thriving communities Connecticut Association of Nonprofits, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,000 To provide, in partnership with FCCF’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence, professional development workshops in Bridgeport and Norwalk for nonprofit executive directors, senior staff and board members Connecticut Council for Philanthropy, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,300 To support the Council’s mission of building philanthropy in Connecticut

Connecticut News Project, Hartford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 To provide general operating support to this new website covering state policy and government affairs, www.ctmirror.org Council on Foundations, Washington, D.C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,040 To support the Council’s mission of building philanthropy in the U.S. Funders Network for Smart Growth, Coral Gables, FL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,000 To support its mission of promoting smart growth Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Portland, OR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 To support its mission of helping foundations address the needs of diverse immigrant and refugee populations in the U.S. Greater New England Minority Development Council, Hamden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 To support its mission to foster the success of minority-owned businesses in Connecticut Partnership for Strong Communities, Hartford . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,000 To support the Leadership Development Roundtable, providing leadership training to aspiring nonprofit executive directors in Fairfield County Public Allies, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To provide general operating support University of Connecticut, Storrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 To support the attendance of five local nonprofit executive directors at a statewide leadership retreat held in August 2009

For Fairfield County’s visually impaired residents, maintaining an independent lifestyle can be difficult. Voluntary Services for the Blind matches clients throughout the region with volunteers who serve as drivers, shoppers, readers and clerical assistants. Along with help with day-to-day activities, many find in their helpers a lifelong friend and companion.


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

Fairfield County Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls

Regional Youth/Adult Substance Abuse Project (RYASAP), Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000

The goals of these grants are to help low and moderate-income women supporting dependents achieve economic security. Grants also help girls acquire skills and confidence to create positive change in their lives and become leaders. In addition, the Fund for Women and Girls supports advocacy for wage equality and policy representation.

To support Finding Her Voice, a program that helps Greater Bridgeport teen girls learn how to initiate positive change at home and school

Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield County, Bridgeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 To support its Girl Talk Program, a counseling support group for primary and secondary survivors of domestic or sexual violence Domus Foundation, Stamford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,700 To support Girls Circle developmental and positive role modeling workshops for high-risk girls attending Domus’s charter schools and community-based programs Family & Children’s Agency, Norwalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000

Regional Youth/Adult Substance Abuse Project (RYASAP), Bridgeport/Regional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 To support Year 3 of Raising The Bar, a professional network of nonprofit leaders staffing 20 Fairfield County girls programs Urban League of Southern Connecticut, Stamford/Regional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750 To support the Women’s Empowerment Conference in October 2009 YWCA of Greenwich, Greenwich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 To support Y-Net, a dating violence prevention and leadership development program led by Greenwich High School students. The program includes grantmaking, public awareness activities, volunteerism, and social change campaigns.

To support Project Girls Challenge, a program where girls ages 11-14 learn life skills and build confidence through community service, field trips and wilderness challenges Foundation for Connecticut’s Women, Hartford/Statewide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000 To provide, as a challenge grant, general operating support for the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women, in partnership with the Community Fund for Women and Girls of the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Girls Inc., Regional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 To support its Growing Together Program, a mother-daughter initiative fostering intergenerational communications and relationships Girls Scouts of Connecticut, Regional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 To support Girlz R.U.L.E., a regional anti-bullying program for elementary and middle school girls Norwalk Community College Foundation, Norwalk/Regional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000 To support Year 2 of the Family Economic Security Program, an initiative helping low and moderate-wage Norwalk Community College students supporting dependents achieve economic security

Norwalk girls participating in Girls Challenge, offered by Family & Children’s Agency, learn and develop the skills they need to grow up to become self-reliant women. Girls ages 11-14 meet every Friday after school to participate in workshops, activities, group discussion, community service and field trips. Girls Challenge is one of seven girls programs funded by the Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls. www.fccfoundation.org


the path of giving

Foundation Grants from Donor Advised, Designated and Organization Endowment Funds 100 Black Men of Stamford A Better Chance of Ridgefield A Better Chance of Wilton Achievement First (3) Acumen Fund Adopt-A-Dog AHALA Children’s Rights Foundation (4) AHRC NYC Foundation, Inc. Albany Park Theater Project Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy Alpha Xi of Sigma Chi Educational Foundation American Cancer Society Southern New England Region American Diabetes Assoc. American Foundation for the National Museum of Scotland American Foundation for Suicide Prevention American Friends of Tel Aviv University American Friends of Winchester College American Museum of Natural History (2) American Red Cross International Response Fund (3) American Red Cross American Decorative Arts 1900 Foundation AmeriCares Foundation, Inc.(8) Amos House, Inc. Andrew Shaw Memorial Trust and Scout Cabin (2) The Animal Shelter of Wood River Valley Ann’s Place, The Home of I CAN (2) Anti-Defamation League Foundation (2) Arts Council of Greater New Haven At Home in Greenwich Atlantic Salmon Federation Audubon Conn. (2) Autism Speaks Avon Old Farms School (2) B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc. Barnum Festival, Inc. The Barnum Museum Foundation Bates College-Bates Fund Becket Arts Center of the Hillstowns Becket Volunteer Fire Department Becket Ambulance Assoc. Beginning with Children Foundation, Inc. Berea College Bergen Center for Child Development Berkshire Music School Beth-El Center, Inc. Beyond Borders Bike and Build Boy Scouts of America, Greenwich Council (2) Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich (2) Wakeman Boys & Girls Club Boys Town of Jerusalem Foundation of America, Inc.


Bridgeport Area Youth Ministry (2) Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition (2) Bridgeport Community Land Trust Bridgeport Hospital (2) Bridgeport Hospital Foundation (3) Bridgeport Hospital School of Nursing Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust, Inc. Bridgeport Public Education Fund (4) Bridgeport Rescue Mission (2) Brain Injury Assoc. of Conn. Breast Cancer Alliance (2) The Bruce Museum (3) Burroughs Community Center (2) Camp Dudley YMCA Camp Fire Conservation Fund Camp Kesem GW Camp Sunshine Cancer Care of Conn. Cape Eleuthera Foundation Caramoor Cardinal Shehan Center Carnegie Mellon University-College of Engineering Caroline House (2) George Washington Carver Center (4) Centennial Energy Partners, LLC Chappaqua Orchestra Assoc. Charity Global, Inc dba Charity: Water (2) Charleys Fund, Inc. (2) Child Guidance Center of Mid-Fairfield County Child Guidance Center of Southern Conn., Inc. Childcare Learning Centers, Inc. (5) Children of Tanzania The Children’s Aid Society Children’s Cancer Fund Children’s Memorial Foundation Children’s Rescue Mission (2) The Children’s School Christ Church Vero Beach Christian Community Action (5) Circle of Women CitySquash, Inc. Classical Studies Academy Classroom, Inc. Clean Air Cool Planet Coe College Colgate University College of New Rochelle Colorado Veterinary Medical Foundation Columbia Business School (2) Columbia University Community Foundation of Prince Edward Island Community Fund of Darien (6) Community Theatre Foundation Comprehensive Development, Inc.

Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

Concert Artists Guild Congregation B’Nai Israel Congregation Beth El ConnCAN The Cottage In Darien (2) Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport (3) Courage to Speak Foundation, Inc. (2) Covenant House Creating Hope International Critical Explorers, Inc. Cross D Bar Recreation Foundation Conn. Against Gun Violence Education Fund Conn. Appleseed Center for Law and Justice Conn. Assoc. for Children and Adults w Learning Disabilities Conn. Assoc. for the Education of Young Children Conn. Assoc. for Human Services (2) Conn. Audubon Society Conn. Ballet (2) Conn. Farmland Trust Conn. Food Bank, Inc. (3) Conn. Fund for the Environment (2) Conn. Junior Republic (2) Conn. Legal Services, Inc. Conn. NARAL Foundation Conn. Public Television & Radio Conn. Yankee Council, Inc., Boy Scouts of America (3) Center for Creative Youth/CREC Center for Contemporary Printmaking (2) Center for Reproductive Rights Center for Whole Communities Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield (4) Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County Dalhousie University Danbury Children First Danbury Regional Child Advocacy Center, Inc. (2) Danbury Youth Services Darien Community Assoc. (2) Darien EMS (3) Darien Land Trust Darien Library (8) Dartmouth College (4) Dartmouth College, Friends of Dartmouth Library Dartmouth College, Friends of Dartmouth Squash Dartmouth Hillel DEBRA of America, Inc.-Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research The Depot (2) Diocese of Bridgeport Discovery Museum (3) Dispute Settlement Center (2)

Doctors Without Borders (7) Doctors Without Borders/Haiti Relief Effort Doctors Without Borders USA Domestic Violence Crisis Center Domus Foundation (7) Duke University Annual Fund (2) Eagle Hill School EarthChild Institute East Coast Assistance Dogs Easton Community Center Eastern Conn. State University Edgartown Fire Department ElderHouse Environmental Advocates Environmental Defense Fund (2) Epilepsy Therapy Project Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama Facing History and Ourselves Fairfield College Preparatory School Fairfield Museum & History Center (2) Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church (2) Family Centers-The Den For Grieving Children (2) Family Centers, Inc. (4) Family and Children’s Agency (4) Family ReEntry (5) Fellowship Foundation, Inc. dba International Foundation (3) Fellowship Place First Presbyterian Church Food Allergy Initiative Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County (2) Food Bank New York City (2) George & Raymond Frank Foundation Freedom Institute, Inc. Frenchman’s Creek Charities Foundation, Inc. Friends of Booker T. Washington National Monument FSW, Inc. Fulfillment Fund Fund for American Studies Gallivant Garden Education Center Gay Men’s Health Crisis Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Grantmakers for Education Greater Bridgeport Community Enterprises, Inc. (GBCE) Greater Bridgeport Symphony Society (4) Great Mountain Forest Corporation Great Shape, Inc. Green Chimneys, Friends of Groundwork Bridgeport (2) Greenwich Adult Day Care Greenwich Alliance for Education Greenwich Country Day School (2)

“Arts centered education is the measure of a free and creative society. At Neighborhood Studios, we provide quality arts programming to the underserved and at risk children and families of Bridgeport and greater Fairfield County. This work has been greatly enhanced by our partnership with the Foundation, its leadership, and staff.” —Dr. Donald Rainone Executive Director, Neighborhood Studios of Fairfield County

Greenwich Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (2) Greenwich Hospital (4) The Greenwich Library (3) Greenwich Riding and Trails Assoc. Greenwich Symphony Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County Harlem Children’s Zone (2) Harlem Educational Activities Fund Harvard Glee Club Foundation, Inc. Harvard University Harvard University Business School (2) The Hearing & Speech Agency of Metropolitan Baltimore Heifer Project International Helen Keller International Heritage Foundation High School Scholarship Foundation of Fairfield Hillsdale College Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Home and Hospice Care of Rhode Island Homes for the Brave/ABRI Homes with Hope/IHA (2) Horizons National Horizons Student Enrichment Program, Greens Farms Academy (2) Horizons Student Enrichment Program, New Canaan Country School (4) HORSE of Conn., Inc. Housing Development Fund, Inc. Housing Works Human Services Council of Mid-Fairfield (3) The Hunger Project Inner-City Foundation for Charity & Education (2) Innocence Project Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc. (ISI) Interfaith Council of Southwestern Conn. (4) Interlude, Inc. International Justice Mission (2) International Senior Lawyers Project Island Affordable Housing Fund (3) Jacob Burns Film Center (2) Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Jewish Center for Community Services Jewish Family Service Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County Jewish Home for the Elderly of Fairfield County Junior Achievement of Western Conn. (3) Junior League of Greenwich Juvenile Diabetes Research FoundationFairfield County Division (2) Kansas University Endowment Assoc. Katama Airfield Trust Kellie Duggan Foundation Kennedy Center Kent Congregational Church

Kids in Crisis (4) Kolbe Cathedral High School Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Lafayette College Lake Waramaug Task Force, Inc. Lance Armstrong Foundation The Lawrenceville School-Lawrenceville Fund League of Conservation Voters Leonarda’s Home of Hope, Inc. Levitt Pavilion, Friends of Liberation Programs, Inc. (4) Light and Life Foundation Inc. Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Lions Club of Danbury The Lions Clubs Foundation of Darien, Conn. Inc. LISC-Local Initiatives Support Corp. (2) Litchfield Little Britches, Inc. Literacy Volunteers of America-Stamford/ Greenwich (4) Living Beyond Breast Cancer Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum Long Ridge Fire Company Cameron and Hayden Lord Foundation Lutheran Social Services of New England Magical Music For Life, Inc. Maine Community Foundation (2) Making Headway Foundation Malaria No More (2) Manhattanville College March of Dimes-Conn. Chapter The Maritime Aquarium (3) Martha’s Vineyard Hospital (2) Masonic Charity Foundation of Conn. (2) McGivney Community Center (3) Meals-on-Wheels of Greenwich Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (5) Mercy Corps Mercy Learning Center (2) Merritt Parkway Conservancy (2) Meserve-Kunhardt Foundation Metropolitan Museum of Art Metropolitan Opera (2) Miami University (2) Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research Mid-Fairfield Child Guidance Center Mil Milagros Millbrook School Mill River Collaborative (2) Miss Hall’s School Missoula Children’s Theater Morris Foundation, Inc. Mory’s Preservation, Inc. Mount Sinai Medical Center CEHC Nantucket Conservation Foundation

NARAL Foundation National Institute for Reproductive Health, Inc. National Mentoring Partnership National Trust for Scotland Foundation, USA (2) Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks d/b/a The Wild Center Natural Resources Defense Council (2) Nature Conservancy of Block Island Neighborhood Studios of Fairfield County (8) Neighbor-to-Neighbor New Canaan Country School (6) New Canaan, Town of New England Air Museum New England Forestry Foundation New Haven Home Recovery New Haven Legal Assistance Assoc. New Hope Missionary Baptist Church New Neighborhoods, Inc. New Pond Farm Education Center New York University Stern School of BusinessStern Fund The Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center Noroton Presbyterian Church (2) North End Little League Norwalk Community College Norwalk Community College Foundation (15) Norwalk Community Health Center (4) Norwalk Education Foundation Norwalk Hospital Foundation (4) Norwalk Land Trust (3) Norwalk Public Library Norwalk Public Schools Norwalk Senior Center Norwalk Symphony Orchestra Norwalk Youth Symphony (2) Norwalk, City of New York Foundling New York University School of Law (2) Obie Harrington-Howes Foundation Oblates of the Virgin Mary Mission Society of St. Mary’s Parish The Office of the Appellate Defender (2) Oldfield School Operation Fuel (3) Operation Hope Orthopaedic Foundation for Active Lifestyles OVTD Enhancement Fund OXFAM America Pace University Pacific Forest Trust Parent Leadership Training Institute of Bridgeport Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD) Partners in Health (6) Partnership for Strong Communities Pegasus Therapeutic Riding (3)

Pentecostal Church Fountain of Salvation, Inc. Person-to-Person (13) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Phillips Exeter Academy Alumni Fund (2) Pine Manor College Pivot Ministries Planned Parenthood of Southern New England (2) Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. Pomperaug High School Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition Assoc. Port Chester Carver Center (2) Potomac School The Prayer Tabernacle Church Prep for Prep Princeton University Project Kids Worldwide Public Media Incorporated Rachel Carson Council Raise the Bar Re-Entry Ministry REACH Prep (3) Reach the World REACH Youth New England REGAP of Conn., Inc. The Regeneration Project Regional Hospice of Western Conn. Regional Plan Assoc.-Conn. Regional YMCA of Western Conn. Ridgefield Music and Arts Center, Inc. Ridgefield Parks & Recreation, Inc., Friends of The Rosenfeld Heart Foundation Rotary Club of Trumbull Round Hill Volunteer Fire Department Rowayton Arts Center Rowayton Library RYASAP (3) The Rye Art Center Sacred Heart Academy Sacred Heart Church Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury, Inc. Salvation Army, Southern New England Division Sankaty Head Foundation, Inc. Santa Monica Conservancy Save the Children (6) Scruggs Rescue Squad Septima Clark Public Charter School (2) SERRV International ServiceMembers Legal Defense Network Shakespeare on the Sound (2) Share Our Strength Shelter for the Homeless Sierra Club Foundation (2) Simmons College Skidmore Jazz Institute-Skidmore College



Foundation Grants from Donor Advised, Designated and Organization Endowment Funds (continued) The Skyscraper Museum Smile Train Smith College Museum of Art (2) Alumni Fund of Smith College Solo Foundation Soundkeeper, Inc. SoundWaters (8) Southbury Ambulance Assoc. Southbury Historical Society Southbury-Middlebury Youth/Fam. Serv. Southern New England Eye Foundation (2) Southern Poverty Law Center SquashBusters St. Ann’s School St. Francis School/St. Rose School St. John’s Community Services St. John’s Family Center (2) St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital St. Leonard Ministries St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (4) St. Luke’s LifeWorks (8) St. Luke’s School St. Margaret Mary School St. Mary’s Church St. Michael Roman Catholic Church Corp. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (2) St. Thomas Moore, The Catholic Chapel and Center at Yale University St. Vincent’s Medical Center Foundation (2) St. Vincent’s Medical Center Stamford Center for the Arts Stamford Hospital (2) Stamford Hospital Foundation (6) Stamford Land Conservation Trust Stamford Museum & Nature Center Stamford Sailing Foundation Stamford Symphony Orchestra (4) Stamford Youth Foundation (2) Stanford University (2) Stanwich Congregational Church (2) Staples High School Tuition Grants Committee Staples Music Parents Assoc. (SMPA) STAR, INC.-Lighting the Way Starlight Children’s Foundation (2)

Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation Staying Put in New Canaan (2) Stepping Stones Museum for Children (2) Stratford Rotary Club The Summit Foundation Summit Medical Center Health Foundation (2) Sussex School Sustainable Markets Foundation (2) Swim Across America-Long Island Sound Swim Syracuse University, School of Human Ecology Syracuse University-Newhouse School T & E Cares Taft School Tarrywile Park Authority TBICO Teach for America (15) TEAK Fellowship Technoserve Temple B’nai Chaim Thirteen/WNET (4) Tibet Fund TIDES Foundation Touch Foundation Trinity Episcopal Church (Nichols) (2) Trout Unlimited Mianus Chapter Trust for Public Land Conn. Office Trusteeship Institute UJA Federation of Eastern Fairfield County UJA Federation of New York/Haiti Relief Fund UJA Federation-Westport United Church of Rowayton (2) United Congregational Church United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, Inc. United Methodist Homes United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Union College University of Albany Foundation University of Bridgeport (2) University of Conn. University of Conn. Law School Foundation University of Mass.-Office of Annual Giving University of Calif. Regents (3) University of Penn. Benjamin Franklin Society

University of Richmond Annual Fund University of Wyoming Foundation Uplifting Athletes, Inc.-BC Chapter United Way of Coastal Fairfield County (3) United Way of Greenwich (3) United Way of Western Conn. Vacamas Programs for Youth Vassar College Vineyard House Visiting Nurse Services of Conn., Inc. Volunteer Center Serving Western Conn. Waterbury Hospital Waterside School (2) Watson Children’s Shelter Waveny Care Center Waveny Care Network Wayne Presbyterian Church, Youth Mission We Will Ride Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Westchester Land Trust West Point Fund, Assoc. of Graduates Westport Public Library Whitney Museum of American Art Wholesome Wave Wilderness Society Wildlife in Crisis Wilton Historical Society Wilton Library Assoc. Wilton Playshop Wilton Volunteer Ambulance Corps. (2) Wittenberg University WNYC Radio Women for Women International Women’s Business Development Center (8) Women’s Center of Greater Danbury (2) Women’s Institute for Housing and Economic Development, Inc. Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Woodway Scholarship Fund The WorkPlace World Vision National Hdqtrs. World Vision NY World Vision-Women of Vision Westport PAL

United Way-Westport Warm-up Fund Yale School of Medicine Special Fund Yerwood Center YMCA Bridgeport-Central Conn. Coast YMCA YMCA, Central Conn. Coast (6) YMCA, Ralphola Taylor Center YMCA-SML YMCA Branch, Franklin County Family YMCA of Wilton YWCA of Darien-Norwalk Young America’s Foundation YWCA of Greenwich

“Every young person, whatever their background, needs to be valued and challenged to become the best they can be. The Foundation’s financial support has played an important role in our success, but equally important has been the training and counsel we receive from its staff and through its Center for Nonprofit Excellence. We developed our first youth membership plan thanks to the Foundation’s leadership.” —Eugene Campbell Executive Director, Yerwood Center


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

the path of giving

Governance and Committees

Board of Directors Barry C. Hawkins, Bridgeport, Chair Bernicestine M. Bailey, Westport Edgar W. Barksdale Jr., Darien John P. Chiota, Trumbull Vicki Craver, Riverside Mary-Jane Foster, Bridgeport W. Michael Funck, Riverside Andrea Gartner, Ridgefield Robert C. Graham Jr., Stamford James A. Himes, Cos Cob Joseph Hoffman, Trumbull Bruce A. Hubler, Bridgeport Mary Lee Kiernan, Greenwich Anahaita Kotval, Tarrytown, NY Anne S. Leonhardt, New Fairfield Phyllis G. Marsilius, Bridgeport Joseph J. McGee, Fairfield Lizanne Megrue, Norwalk Peter T. Mott, Fairfield Ronald B. Noren, Easton Sheila A. Perrin, Ridgefield Lindsay Reimers, Greenwich David J. Sullivan III, Westport Ileana Velazquez, Danbury Katharine Welling, Wilton Linda F. Whitton, Wilton Steven A. Wolff, Fairfield

Emeritus Directors Edwin A. Bescherer Jr., Wilton Wilmot L. Harris Jr., Greenwich Edward E. Harrison, Aventura, FL Harold Howe Jr., South Kent Ann S. Mandel, Darien Janice Park, Bridgeport Ruth Sims, Arlington, VA

Officers and Executive Committee Barry C. Hawkins, Chair Sheila A. Perrin, Vice Chair David J. Sullivan III, Treasurer John P. Chiota, Secretary Edgar W. Barksdale Jr.

W. Michael Funck Joseph J. McGee Katharine Welling Linda F. Whitton

Arts & Culture Committee Steven A. Wolff, Chair John Lawson Yolanda Vasquez Petrocelli Ann E. Sheffer Eileen Wiseman

Audit Committee John P. Chiota, Chair Edwin A. Bescherer Jr. Ralph L. DePanfilis, CPA Allen A. Raymond David J. Sullivan III

Center for Nonprofit Excellence Advisory Committee Sheila A. Perrin, Chair Marti Etter Kiki Karpen Ceci Maher Phillip McKain Elaine Mintz Robert Neiman Sherry Perlstein Novelette Peterkin Maurice Segall Fahd Vahidy

Development and Communications Committee W. Michael Funck, Chair Joseph Hoffman Bruce A. Hubler Harold Levine

Economic Opportunity/ Health and Human Services Committee Joseph J. McGee, Chair Bruce A. Hubler Deacon Daniel Ianniello Pat Kemp Anahaita Kotval Fred McKinney Janice Park Ed Rodriguez Ileana Velazquez

Education and Youth Development Committee Phyllis Marsillius, Co-Chair Linda F. Whitton, Co-Chair Bernicestine M. Bailey Helaine Davis Amy C. Downer Susan Mandel Laurie McTeague Lizanne Megrue Ellen Mellis Susan Sweitzer Eileen Swerdlick

Environment Committee Robert C. Graham Jr., Chair Christine Cook Jim Motavalli Marny Smith

Governance Committee Sheila A. Perrin, Chair Bernicestine M. Bailey Vicki Craver Andrea Gartner Robert C. Graham Jr. Bruce A. Hubler Anahaita Kotval Ronald B. Noren Steven Wolff

Members of the board, seated, L-R: Barry Hawkins, Lindsay Reimers, David Sullivan, Andrea Gartner, W. Michael Funck, Bernicestine Bailey, Bruce Hubler, Sheila Perrin Standing, L-R: Anahaita Kotval, Lizanne Megrue, Mary-Jane Foster, Edgar Barksdale, Phyllis Marsilius, Vicki Craver, Linda Whitton, John Chiota, Mary Lee Kiernan, Katharine Welling Not pictured: Robert Graham, James Himes, Joseph Hoff man, Peter Mott, Ronald Noren, Steven Wolff

Investment Committee Edgar W. Barksdale Jr., Chair Edwin A. Bescherer Jr. Christopher D. Brown Charles Haberstroh Amy J. Gillis Robert C. Graham Jr. Wilmot L. Harris Jr. Barry C. Hawkins Allan V. Jay III, CFP William R. Knobloch Arnold D. Pearlstone James D. Seymour David J. Sullivan III John A. Vaccaro

Legal Committee Barry C. Hawkins, Esq., Chair Hon. John P. Chiota Wilmot L. Harris Jr., Esq. Anahaita Kotval Peter T. Mott, Esq. Ronald B. Noren, Esq.



Committees (continued)

Program Committee Lindsay Ormsby, Co-Chair Kyle Wilcox, Co-Chair Vicki Craver Amy C. Downer Frosty Friedman Beth Golden Pat Kemp Jody Osborn Lauren Razook Roth

Advisory Board

(L-R) Luncheon co-chairs Sally Lawrence and Mika Frechette, keynote speaker Gail Collins, Fund for Women and Girls co-chairs Katharine Welling and Vicki Craver.

Fund for Women and Girls Steering Committee Vicki Craver and Katharine Welling, Co-Chairs, Fund for Women and Girls Mika W. Frechette and Sally Lawrence, CoChairs, Luncheon Committee Lindsay Ormsby and Kyle Wilcox, Co-Chairs, Program Committee Mary Lee Kiernan and Lindsay Reimers, Former Co-Chairs

Luncheon Committee Mika W. Frechette, Co-chair Sally Lawrence, Co-chair Brooke B. Ashforth Bernicestine M. Bailey Shelley Behrman Cynthia Blumenthal Amanda Briggs Mary Brock Louise Brooks Marianne F. Buchanan Mollie Callagy Sharlene Cameron Amy Cholnoky Rona Citrin Susan C. Cotter Vicki Craver Amy C. Downer Mary-Jane Foster Icy Frantz Beth Golden Anne Goodnow Julie Graham Susan Hart Judith Higby Alexandra Hokin Lauren Hokin Patty Hopple Becky C. Hughes Andrea Immelt Kaki Johnson


Mystique E. Johnston Cordy Gould Kelly Mary Lee Kiernan Janet Lebovitz Katherine C. Leeds Teal Lindsay Laurie A. Maglathlin Ann S. Mandel Susan Mandel Beth Mason Melanie S. McGlade Laurie McTeague Lizanne C. Megrue Virginia Meyer Barbara B. Miller Kathy Murphy Dana Nickel Linda Northrop Carolyn O’Brien Helen Ong Lindsay Ormsby Marianne Pollak Lindsay Reimers Lisa Ruggiero Cristine Russell Claire F. Salvatore Carol Shattuck Megan Shattuck Jeanie Shaw Nancy Simpkins Amy Stevens Sally Stone Lisa G. Stuart Charlotte T. Suhler Julie Taylor Alison Troy Mary S. Waldron Joan M. Warburg Debby Weinberg Katharine Welling Linda F. Whitton Jane S. Williams Elisa Wilson Louise York

Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

Lucy Ball Kaye E. Barker Edgar W. Barksdale Jr. Nancy C. Brown Andrea K. Cross Mary-Jane Foster Marty Gilbert Tracy T. Goodnow Julie Graham Wilmot L. Harris Jr. Patsy Howard Emily Tow Jackson Anne S. Leonhardt Barbara Leonhardt

Ann S. Mandel Susan Mandel Lizanne Megrue Katharine Mountcastle Lynne Pasculano Sheila A. Perrin Marianne Pollak Leslie M. Roach Katherine C. Sachs Ann E. Sheffer Sally Stone Charlotte T. Suhler Ellen P. Tower Peggy Van Munching Mary S. Waldron Joan M. Warburg

Development Committee Katharine Welling, Chair Vicki Craver Mary-Jane Foster Sandra Greer Mary Lee Kiernan Janet Lebovitz Lindsay Reimers Mary S. Waldron

Top: Hundreds of supporters contributed over $400,000 at the annual luncheon for the Fund for Women and Girls. Their generosity benefits women and girls in Fairfield County. Bottom: The New York Times columnist and author Gail Collins regaled over 700 guests then stayed to sign her newest book, “When Everything Changed.”

the path of giving

Advisory Council and Professional Advisors Council


he Advisory Council helps the Foundation accomplish its mission to promote philanthropy to build and sustain a vital and prosperous community where all have the opportunity to participate and thrive.

These members live and work in cities and towns throughout the county, and have been selected for their community knowledge and strong interest in advancing our mission:


W. Michael Funck, Chair, Greenwich Thomas C. Appleby, Norwalk Lucy Ball, Darien Kaye E. Barker, Darien Nancy C. Brown, Greenwich Michael J. Critelli, Darien B. Cort Delany, Greenwich Jeff F. Erdmann, Greenwich

Elizabeth Fath, Fairfield Eric N. Ferguson, Darien Jesse Fink, Wilton Wilmot L. Harris Jr., Greenwich Per Heidenreich, Greenwich Mickey Herbert, Fairfield Peter Hurst, Bridgeport John Kline, Danbury

Thomas D. Lenci Jr., Bridgeport Kelli List Wells, Stamford Peter Malkin, Greenwich Ann S. Mandel, Darien Susan Mandel, Greenwich Peter McSpadden, Riverside Jonathan Moffly, Weston Robert Neiman, Stamford

Paula Oppenheim, Greenwich Daniel K. Roberts, Stamford Gene J. Rubino, Stamford Charlotte T. Suhler, Darien John A. Vaccaro, Weston Thomas E. Vacheron, Fairfield Lewis J. Wallace, Danbury

ur Professional Advisors Council is a group of volunteers from the legal and financial community dedicated to furthering philanthropy through support of the Fairfield County Community Foundation.

David Ball UBS Financial Services, Inc.

Amy L. Y. Day, Esq. Day & Levy, LLC

Peter B. Guenther Hudson Valley Bank

John M. Leask II CPA/ABV,CVA John M. Leask II CPA, LLC

Gregory T. Rogers RayLign Advisory LLC

Kevin J. Batterton, CFP BNY Mellon Wealth Management

John J. Ferguson, Esq. Ferguson, Aufsesser, Hallowell & Wrynn, LLP

Wilmot L. Harris Jr., Esq. Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara, LLC

David T. Leibell, Esq. Wiggin and Dana LLP

Gregory A. Saum, Esq. The Law Office of Gregory A. Saum LLC

Gregory A. Hayes, Esq. Day Pitney LLP

Patricia L. McDermott, CTFA US Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management

Marc A. Silverman, CPA Mann & Company, CPA’s

Deborah S. Breck, Esq. Pullman & Comley LLC Catherine M. Brennan Catherine M. Brennan Attorney at Law LLC Paul H. Burnham, Esq. Rucci, Burnham, Carta & Carello, LLP Michael Cacace, Esq. Cacace, Tusch & Santagata Edward J. Capasse, Esq. Nevas, Nevas, Capasse & Gerard, LLC Daniel L. Daniels, Esq. Wiggin and Dana LLP

Carolina Fernandez Citi Smith Barney Global Wealth Management Richard S. Fisher, Esq. Cacace, Tusch & Santagata Richard B. Freeman, CFP Round Table Services LLC W. Michael Funck Hynes, Himmelreich, Glennon & Company Leslie E. Grodd, Esq. Halloran & Sage LLP

David R. Hermenze, Esq. Hermenze & Marcantonio LLC Ellis A. Hiltz Ellis A. Hiltz & Associates Mary E. Hoyt, CPA Blum Shapiro Michelle R. Hubbard, Esq. Hawthorne, Ackerly & Dorrance, LLC Leonard Leader, Esq. Wiggin and Dana LLP

Frank Moore UBS Financial Services, Inc. Peter T. Mott Brody Wilkinson PC Loretta Nolan, CFP, AEP Loretta Nolan Associates, LLC Ronald Noren Brody Wilkinson PC

George L. Smith, Esq. Smith & Grant LLP John S. Traynor PNC Wealth Management Kevin A. Walsh, Esq. Whitman, Breed, Abbott & Morgan, LLC Carl Zuckerberg, CFP, AIF Relyea Zuckerberg Hanson LLC

William J. Peterson Neuberger Berman

“In my experience as a trusts and estates attorney, the Foundation is unique in the level and quality of resources it provides to help professional advisors effectively guide their clients in reaching strategic philanthropic goals. Donors are faced with many choices: what to give, how to give, or where their gift may have the greatest impact. The Foundation offers a rich variety of programs and expertise to facilitate the decision-making process.” —Deborah S. Breck, Esq. Pullman & Comley LLC, Bridgeport Office



the path of giving

Community Friends


ommunity Friends serve as our ambassadors. They provide a link between the Foundation and individual communities, and they make introductions to individuals, families and family foundations interested in local philanthropy.

Dr. Robert B. Cooper, Brookfield Ann Elliman, Greenwich Karl Epple, Bethel Marty Gilbert, Norwalk Susan Greenberg, Stamford Leslie Grodd, Westport Michelle R. Hubbard, New Canaan William R. Knobloch, New Canaan Ralph A. McIntosh Jr., Bethel Barbara McKelvey, Cos Cob Ellen Mellis, Stamford Katharine Mountcastle, New Canaan David M. Nee, Hamden Albert G. Nickel, Wilton Gregory Perry, Weston Patricia C. Phillips, Stamford

The Foundation thanks these Community Friends who have so generously served us:

Marianne Pollak, Stamford Allen A. Raymond, Westport Elizabeth Rich, Bloomfield Lunsford Richardson Jr., Norwalk Ann E. Sheffer, Westport Richard J. Slagle, Greenwich Sally Stone, Darien Conrad Teitell, Stamford Ellen P. Tower, Fairfield Dana Welles, New Fairfield Joan Weisman, Brookfield

Judith L. Biggs, Greenwich John B. Caron, Greenwich Andrew M. Clarkson, New Canaan Carolyn Cleveland, Greenwich Denise Davidoff, Norwalk William A. Dylewsky, Stamford Pam Fadner, Wilton Livvy Floren, Greenwich Mary Franco, New Canaan Richard B. Freeman, Westport Lile Gibbons, Old Greenwich Stephen K. Grimm, Greenwich

E. Bulkeley Griswold, Wilton Marie Hertzig, Greenwich Alice Hyman, Danbury Dahlia Johnston, Stamford Percy Lee Langstaff, Stamford Harold Levine, Westport William R. Lynch, Greenwich James S. Martin, Stamford Deidre McClain, Ridgefield David Nurnberger, Woodbury Michael B. Osborne, Sandy Hook Rosamond S. Shannon, Greenwich Caralyn Stevens, Greenwich Joan M. Warburg, Greenwich Robert J. Wolfe, Danbury Mary Jane Wood, Redding

the path of giving


Susan M. Ross, MEd President & CEO Dorcas T. Blue Program Director Jennifer Branstrom Donor Services Associate Karen R. Brown, MPA Vice President of Programs Yolanda Caldera-Durant, MS (on staff through Sept. 2010) Program Director

Linda R. Franciscovich, JD (on staff through Sept. 2010) Vice President of Development and Philanthropic Services Yazmin Iglesias Finance Associate Sharon Jones Program Administrative Assistant Laura Mast Office Receptionist/Administrative Assistant

Morlee J. Miller Manager of Administration

Sonia C. Rivera Finance Assistant

Sallie Mitchell Communications Director

Madeleine G. Thal Donor Services Associate

Alanna Morton Development Assistant/Event Coordinator

Nancy M. von Euler, MPA Program Director

Suzanne B. Peters, MBA Director of The Fund for Women and Girls

Jeff Yates Communications Manager

Sharon L. Reiss, MA, CFRE Director of Philanthropic Services

Mary E. A. Zwecker, CPA, MBA Vice President of Finance and Administration

“I tell friends that the Foundation professionals analyze over a thousand local organizations serving Fairfield County. They know which ones are effectively working on causes important to you so your giving is maximized. If it weren’t for them, one would not be able to individually scrutinize those organizations, making certain to get the most from your giving to truly make a difference in the maximum number of lives.” —Al Nickel, Wilton Fundholder since 1993


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

the path of giving

Fiscal 2010 Financial Highlights


ach fund established at the Foundation reflects a trust in our ability to invest resources wisely. The following is an overview of investment policies, and summarized financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2010.

Investment Committee and Investment Managers The Investment Committee of the Foundation’s Board of Directors is responsible for determining the broad allocation of Foundation assets among various asset classes, designing the investment structure for each asset class, retaining investment managers and other professionals, and monitoring investment trends and performance. In fiscal 2010, the Foundation’s portfolio was invested with Vanguard funds; Neuberger Berman; Dodge & Cox; Steinberg Asset Management; Artio International; Loomis Sayles; Forester Capital; Aurora Offshore; Protégé Partners; Winton Capital Management Limited; The Investment Fund for Foundations (TIFF); Silchester International Investors; Colchester Global Investors; DG Capital Management; Champlain Investment Partners; Siguler Guff; Metropolitan Real Estate; and Dimensional Fund Advisors. On a long-term basis and in the past fiscal year, our portfolio has outperformed established benchmarks.

Investment Philosophy The Foundation seeks to safeguard assets entrusted to us, and, at the same time, generate total return for grantmaking that responds to current and changing charitable needs in the community. These criteria dictate our investment philosophy: • Primary emphasis is placed on preservation of asset purchasing power through investment growth and total return • Moderate growth of principal and total return is expected, consistent with maintaining safety of principal • The Investment Committee focuses on asset allocation among equity, debt and other investment opportunities. It seeks a return in line with the Foundation’s spending policy as it relates to long-term grantmaking goals. For a complete set of the financial statements of the Fairfield County Community Foundation, as audited by O’Connor, Davies, Munns & Dobbins, LLP, call 203.750.3200.

“The Foundation’s investment portfolio is diversified across a broad range of asset classes and investment strategies. This structure has served us well, containing the damage during the recent financial crisis and delivering returns which exceeded our market index benchmarks as financial markets have recovered.” —Edgar W. Barksdale Jr. Chair, Fairfield County Community Foundation Investment Committee



Fiscal 2010 Financial Highlights (continued)

Statements of Financial Position

As of June 30


2010 2009 Cash and cash equivalents $ 1 34,151 $ 111,823 Contributions and other receivables 171,939 238,963 Investments, at fair value 126,011,557 116,500,102 Split-interest agreements 282,590 270,982 Prepaid expenses and other assets 244,724 175,218 Total Assets

$ 126,844,961

$ 117,297,088

Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Grants payable $ 2,265,089 $ 2,354,192 Accounts payable and other liabilities 143,755 151,370 Liability under split-interest agreements 87,186 88,287 Deferred rent payable 85,162 47,691 Agency endowments 5,260,178 5,418,477 Total Liabilities 7,841,370


Net Assets Unrestricted net assets 2,704,865 2,301,765 Temporarily restricted net assets 116,298,726 106,935,306 Total Net Assets 119,003,591 109,237,071 Total Liabilities and Net Assets

Net Assets by Fund Type (in millions)

■ Donor Advised ■ Field of Interest ■ Discretionary ■ Donor Designated ■ Scholarship ■ Agency Endowments ■ Administration ■ Charitable Remainder Trusts

$54.7 $22.0 $15.3 $13.3 $12.1 $5.3 $1.4 $0.2

44% 18% 12% 11% 10% 4% 1% 0%


Total Net Assets (including Custodial Funds) $124.3 million, 8.4% growth from FY09


Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

$ 126,844,961

$ 117,297,088

Statements of Activities

Years Ended June 30

Revenues Contributions Investment return, net of investment expenses Change in value of split-interest agreements Other income Total Revenues

1% 4%

2010 $ 9,009,492 13,614,884 12,709 143,141

2009 $ 8,202,969 (19,873,208) (56,303) 160,950



44% 10,558,174 1,249,505 753,557

8,585,073 1,272,270 783,927



368,742 83,728

369,367 87,106










$ 109,237,071



10% Program: 11% Grants 12% Grant services, research and evaluation 18% Donor fund development

Supporting services: Management and administration Fundraising Total Expenses Change in net assets

Net Assets Beginning of year End of year

Asset Allocation


Target Allocation

■ Large/Mid Cap Equity ■ Small Cap Equity ■ Non-U.S. Developed Equity ■ Non-U.S. Emerging Equity ■ Aggregate U.S. Bonds ■ Non-U.S. Bonds ■ Multi Strategy Hedge Funds ■ Long/Short Equity Hedge Funds ■ Private Equity ■ Direct Real Estate ■ Real Assets/Commodities

27.5% 5.0% 15.0% 5.0% 12.5% 5.0% 8.0% 8.0% 5.0% 5.0% 4.0%



Fairfield County Community Foundation

383 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851 Tel: 203.750.3200 www.fccfoundation.org

The Fairfield County Community Foundation promotes philanthropy to build and sustain a vital and prosperous community where all have the opportunity to participate and thrive. As the region’s center of philanthropy, we provide:


• Personalized philanthropic advisory services and financial stewardship to donors and partners,

• Visionary leadership and strategic initiatives to address key regional issues, and

• Grants, counsel and leadership training to local nonprofits.

Fairfield County Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report

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