M² Design Studio Portfolio Book

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Contents 1 introduction 2 advertisements 6 annual reports 8 banners 10 campaigns 16 guides 18 manuals 20 periodicals 22 posters 24 rĂŠsumĂŠ

michele-marie “m-m” iungerich GRAPHIC DESIGNER



My name is Michele-Marie Iungerich (yü-nə-’rik) and

Applications 3-D Studio Acrobat Pro AutoCAD Bridge CorelDraw CRM Dreamweaver Excel Flash FreeHand GIF Animator Pro Illustrator InDesign Lightroom Lotus Freelance Notepad++ PageMaker Photoshop

the following portfolio highlights 15 plus years of visual communications design experience. The name M² Design Studio pays homage to my nickname “M-M” for Michele-Marie, while accentuating the concept that I am a bit square and strive to create “out-of-the-box” ideas and fresh design approaches. As a seasoned Graphic Designer, I am proficient in producing a wide variety of marketing print collateral and online media (e.g., advertisements, annual reports, banners, brand IDs, brochures, eBlasts, multichannel campaigns, course catalogs, display exhibits, icons, infographics, invitations, kiosks, logos, periodicals, posters, programs, PowerPoint presentations, style guides, templates, and training manuals). Additionally, I have experience in writing and editing copy for communication plans, newsletters and press

PowerPoint Publisher Quark Xpress Word Wordperfect

SurveyMonkey Twitter WatchDox WordPress YouSendIt

Cloud Servers & Web Tools Adobe Connect Blackboard CMS .NET/PHP based DropBox Facebook GoDaddy Google Analytics GoToMeeting HostMonster Network Solutions Skype

Operating Systems Mac OS X MS Windows 7 MS Windows XP MS Vista MS-DOS Web Programming HTML & XHTML CSS JavaScript


releases; enhancing and maintaining brand IDs;

BFA, Communication Arts: Graphic Design, 2012

managing pre-press and post production procedures;

Savannah College of Art & Design, Savannah, GA

executing front-end website design and development; sustaining marketing budgets; and creating photography and fine arts.

AS, Communication Arts: Electronic Design, 1999

(Cum Laude)

Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, VA

Green Market Wednesdays Designed the Lynchburg Community Market’s promotional display advertisement to promote the Market’s “Green Market Wednesdays” program. The concept represents the visual relationship of inversion and fusion of type, portraying the type as part of an image or an image built from type.



Green Market Wednesdays Promotional Advertisement Size: 9 in. x 12 in. Inks: 4-color process Stock: 80 lb. text matte Software: Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat Pro

Thumbnail Sketches:



Speak Tree Workshops Designed the Old City Cemetery Museum & Arboretum’s promotional display advertisement and poster to promote their weekend “Speak Tree Workshops.” The layout was designed to serve as a quarterly calendar, highlighting the specific weekends the workshops would be held. The workshops were open to the public as an introduction to horticulture and included tree identification practices, tree planting and pruning techniques, and compost applications. The concept included the visual relationship of fusion 4

typography, portraying type as part of the image.


Speak Tree Workshops Promotional Advertisement Size: 9 in. x 12 in. Inks: 4-color process Stock: 100 lb. cover gloss Software: Photoshop and Acrobat Pro



some people more sitive to contaminants?

t water security? ou ab t ha W es do re he W “Water Security information fact sheet, Adapted from the EPA ity. cur r/se ate ew er gov/saf our wat and You” via www.epa. and wastewater come from? Local drinking water

Water Quality Report To help protect against backflow follow these tips:

• Never submerge hoses in buckets, pools, ome people may be more vulnerable tubs, or sinks. contaminants in drinking water than • Always keep the end of the hose clear of he general population. ImmunoCreated the annual watercontaminants. quality reports for the compromised persons, such as persons • Never use spray attachments without a back City of Lynchburg Department 2004 undergoing chemotherapy, persons Utilitiesflow protection device.from Many lawn chemicals are toxic and can be fatal if ingested. who have undergone organ transplants, to 2010. The production process included consulting ople with HIV/AIDS or other immune • Install inexpensive backflow devices such as hose bib vacuum on all threaded closely with an Utilities chemist and breakers consolidating m disorders, and some elderly and faucets around your home. s, can be particularly at risk fromto infecscientific data be simplified, understandable • Install an approved backflow prevention device These people should seek advice about on your automatic irrigation system.

information for easy comprehension. The printed ing water from their health care • For more information on the City’s Backflow Prevention Connection Control ders. EPA/Center for Disease Control reports were mailed annually asand anCross enclosed Program contact the Utilities Department lines on appropriate means to lessen at 455-4250. supplement within the city’s utility bill mailings to over sk of infection by cryptosporidium and microbiological contaminants are 25,000 households. The goal was to help educate and ble from the Safe Drinking Water inform citizens about the quality of their water supply ne: 1-800-426-4791. you have any questions or comments and the state’s annually If mandated water quality about this report or about your water please testing results. contact Leslie Gryder at 455-4263.

What if I have questions?

kflow and Back honage 6

e water supply to your home is norunder pressure, but situations can causing the water system pressure p. These low pressure situations can the water to flow backwards. This sal of flow is known as backflow. er main break, or the water use during

ghting can result in enough lost water ure to make backflow or back

nage possible.

For water or sewer emergencies, and general inquiries contact the Utilities Department at 455-4250. Tours of the College Hill or Abert Water filtration plants are available upon request to school, civic, neighborhood, and other groups. Also, Utility Department personnel are available for group presentations on water supply, treatment, and quality. For information contact the Utilities Department at 455-4250.

hen backflow occurs the water that is n back into the water system may be minated. Serious health hazards may if this contaminated water is used for ing, cooking, or bathing.

Glossary of Terms: Action Level (AL):

contaminant which, if The concentration of a ent or other requireexceeded, triggers treatm must follow. tem sys ments that a water

What were this ye

g con The City of Lynchbur tions. federal and state regula emen federal and state requir A ha December 2006. The EP

rists and may be targets for terro ms ste tusy for is ty Ci e Th minants: shing to disrupt Constituents and Conta would-be criminals wi er noth ple o naturally occurring tw er ve eth ha wh to nate Any substances, ter wa ity un mm co nd to fou in a public water ter. and cause harm or otherwise, that are tiful sources of good wa ing bottled water, lud Level inc ter, . source. All wa water facilities Constituents/ ste wa or s lie pp contaminants; howsu of els ter lation lev wa Vio tain ary cer s im re pr tain asu g’s con Me Unit of Lynchbur ered unhealthy sid con not is ter wa ever, the en located in exist in concentraPedlar Reservoir in : Because utilities are oft unless the contaminants source is the 125-acre Inorganic Contaminants levels. Sometimes distribution Pedlar ter m s that surpass certain wa fro tion ing ter ink wa No e dr Th the as, of ty. are isolated by-products Chlorine, ppm Amherst Coun additives are present as y ma o pro tw ms to s ste ty’ ced sy Ci odu on the intr ity to purification process or and wastewater collecti flows 22 miles by grav ., fluoride, chlorine). ure No sec to o ult als fic mote public health (e.g is dif ter are t wa tha es, Copper, ppm as tim are At . ge nts lar r pla ve co filtration Level (MCL): can help by noticing River. Maximum Contaminant and patrol. Residents is the highest level No d” drawn from the James we Allo m mu axi The “M Fluoride, ppm tivity in ac s ou ici wed in drinking sp allo su is t y an tha g nt tin ina or tam rep con risk. More information about contaminants d a an of very day moreJam than 100,000 citizens are LGs es River water set as close to the MC Contaminants Both Pedlar and ilities. If you water. MCLs are that ter utcan al wa loc d le un ilab aro ava t and potential health effects be obtained d , bes an in Lynchburg and the surrounding ess the oc ng pr le, usi treatment as fea may besibpresent in No s, report them cleaned with the same Lead, ppb technology. icious activitieProtection spEnvironmental su treatment ss t from the U.S. tne wi tha communities dependthe oncle clean, safe drinking ter source water include: wa ar cle , an ies ide t authorit (MCLG): and both prov forcemenWater enDrinking local law Contaminant Level Goal nt in Agency’s Safe to your(EPA’s) water. The LynchburghaDepartment of Maximum No Microbial Contaminants . ina ve tam con to a of ky Nitrate + Nitrite el luc is the lev al” we are so The “go Viruses and bacteria, which -1. 9-1 g no is ppm llin re , ca Hotline at 1-800-426-4791 and www.epa.gov. en) the by Utilities is proud to present you with specif(as Nitrog below which water nkingfrom dricome may sewage s ed risk to health. MCLG ect exp or t wn en kno m treatment plants, septic ic information about your drinking water ss Source Water Asse of safety. nan The sources of drinking water (both tap for a marginliveallow agricultural systems, e: Microbiological Contami lud inc t gh mi ity because it demonstrates how hard work tiv nac co s h ou alt ici He sp stock operations, and L): of Su t DR No en (M el idual Lev water and bottled water) include rivers, Turbidity, NTU The Virginia Departm Maximum Disinfection Res ectant allowed terial wildlife. ma ng rgi cha pays off. This report showsass that your drinkdis or r inf ou ing dis ple dump essment of • Peo The maximum level of lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, . cted a source waster a water reservoir. o ter distribution system Inorganic Contaminants int ingdu water is even better thananthe federal and ple can be in the wa 96 19 the th wi ce NOTE: No single sam rd co ac and wells. As water travels over fence. Salts and metals, which lity surface stem in 2002 in g a utithe sy tin ): cut TU or (N g it bin Un ity clim bid min Tur state standards for safety and fact, • People r elometric Wate can Ne be ph naturally occurring inking In Volatile Organic Conta Drpurity. ter. Turbidity in of the land or through thecar ground, it diswa ng of eri rity loit cla endments to the Safe or d the am rke of pa re urban stormor result from No Measu the City’s water has alwayster been • Unidentified truck or ilities for no apparent Trihalomethanes loped by solves is barely noticeable to ia deinvecomplifive NTUs or water runoff, ess of industrial exc naturally occurring y or fac minerals and, in t. Based upon the cri Ac r waterwa ppb ), nea HM (TT ance with regulations. domestic wastewater rage person. the ave . Water Assessment reasonradioactive No some cases, material, and can discharges, oil and gas the State in its Source Haloacetic Acids g with manhole production, ces D): rin ur (N pe so cts tam ter ete or wa n-D mining, or ng No ce eni rfa op su r spicious pick up resulting from the pres(HAA), ppb • Susubstances water, icates that the Program, both of ouDrinking uipment. farming. Laboratory analysis ind nts conto covers, buildings, or eq ble pti t. sce sen su pre t Radioactive Contamina hly no is t hig ence of animals or from human activity. constituen were classified as including bottled ks. tan ter wa of /L Pesticides & Herbicides pCi N e activities Gross Alpha Emitters, • People climbing on top d usreasonof lan m) or Milligrams (pp n water, may llio May come from a variety of mi per ts tamination as a result Par lity utito /L N videotap or water In order to ph ensure tap ising safe phing otograthat sources agriculture, g/l): Gross Beta Emitters, pCi literas(m • People persuch of contamination in in nt. ute me min uip e eq on to or and potential sourcesably be expected to s s, nd ure po urbanRat stormwater res ies, struct regulations that limit io that corrunoff, pCi/L N facilitprescribes drink, EPA ,000. Radium 228 Emitters, This does not mean and residential or a single penny in $10 gates. o yearsuses. or tw ks loc d the assessment areas.contain at least un aro ing hang contaminants in water P gers the amount certain • Stranof Disinfection By-Product or will be impacted rograms Organic Chemical that our sources havesmall amounts of per billion (ppb) or Mic ts Par N ppm provided by public water systems. Food and Contaminants Total Organic Carbon, to be a release of polper liter: minute in e just that if there weresome contamion Includes synthetic and to s (TOC) Raw Water, ppm nd po res cor Ratio that urce Drug Administration regulations establish so lion. mil the a $10 in are ny nt volatile organic chemicals, pen me gle ess ppm N 2,000 years or a sin lutants in the ass nants. The presence : Total Organic Carbon, incident anbottled which are by-products of limits for contaminants water n reporting in he W d. ppm cte ter, pa Wa d im ate be Tre C) uld (TO co of contaminants does water industrial ocu liter (pCi/l): ident. ries perand the inc Pic processes e ofsame which must protection for the naturthe • Stateprovide nts and petroleumasu production, and ctivity in water. ioa rad of NOTE: The Disinfecta re Me not necessarily indicate t conation. ios because loc can also come from gas star rat l you ova d an rem C lf The assessment repor TO rse public health. you • Identify <2.0 p tions, urban stormwater that water poses a health the ent Technique (TT): water TOC levels are Treatm uired req y. a ivit is t act sists of maps showing tha of e runoff, and septic systems. on iqu ati hn • Identify loc A treatment tec Unregulated Contamina the level of a nt s intended to reduce ., color, make, Radioactive cesContaminants (i.e pro ed source water assessme olv inv icle veh y • Describe an Sulfate, ppm nt in drinking water. taminaoccurring known er). Can be con naturally entory ofexcellent te numb provide water wastewater an inv model, plaand area,To many, sex, or be the result of oil and activities of conparticipants (i.e., how ibe the land usethe • Descrof Chloroform, ppb thing). gas production and mining services that promote health and safety the community. clo ir, height, weight, ha of or activities. n col tio e, rac nta me cern, and docu front , dial 911. Do not con nation BromodichloroNOTE: For emergencies of any known contami to ies ivit act s iou pic sus ort methane, ppb rep d, tea Ins . ers ng stra ars. For within the last five ye Results from 2003. local authorities. ts are t report contact the of s Unregulated contaminan pie co or s ion ted cont quest occurrence of unregula t en rtm pa t level: n yder in the Utilities De Secondary contaminan Leslie Gr king wate Department of Utilities: (434) 455-4250 • Citizens First Info Center: (434) 856-CITY • www.lynchburgva.gov odor, or color) in drin at 455-4263.





our mission:



annual reports

nal Quality, Exceptional Value!


Water Quality Report Annual Report Size: 11 in. x 17 in. flat Inks: 4-color process Stock: 80 lb. white offset Finish: Folded 8.5 in. x 11 in. (z-fold for mailing) Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, Quark Xpress and Acrobat Pro

Are some people more sensitive to contaminants?

Lynchburg’s Own Did you know? The City’s water goes through more stringent testing and regulations than what is required of the bottled water industry? We are committed to providing you with clean, safe, and affordable water. The next time you turn on your tap, remember that Lynchburg’s Own is the clear choice from the tap to the bottle! Consider purchasing Lynchburg’s Own for your next meeting, reunion, special occasion, or as a memento for family or friends. For more information on how you can purchase Lynchburg’s Own bottled water, contact the Utilities Department at 455-4250.

Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immunocompromised persons, such as persons undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, and some elderly and infants, can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/Center for Disease Control guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by cryptosporidium and other microbiological contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline: 1-800-426-4791.

Backflow and Back Siphonage The water supply to your home is normally under pressure, but situations can occur causing the water system pressure to drop. These low pressure situations can cause the water to flow backwards. This reversal of flow is known as backflow. A water main break, or the water use during fire fighting can result in enough lost water pressure to make backflow or back siphonage possible. When backflow occurs the water that is drawn back into the water system may be contaminated. Serious health hazards may result if this contaminated water is used for drinking, cooking, or bathing.

Where does What about water security? Adapted from the EPA information fact sheet, “Water Security our water and You” via www.epa.gov/safewater/security. come from?

To help protect against backflow follow these tips: • Never submerge hoses in buckets, pools, tubs, or sinks.

The City is fortunate to have two plentiful sources of good water. Lynchburg’s primary water source is the 125-acre Pedlar Reservoir in Amherst County. The water from Pedlar flows 22 miles by gravity to the City’s two filtration plants. At times, water is also drawn from the James River.

• Always keep the end of the hose clear of contaminants.

• Never use spray attachments without a back

flow protection device. Many lawn chemicals are toxic and can be fatal if ingested.

• Install inexpensive backflow devices such as hose bib vacuum breakers on all threaded faucets around your home.

• Install an approved backflow prevention device on your automatic irrigation system.

• For more information on the City’s Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control Program contact the Utilities Department at 455-4250.

What if I have questions? If you have any questions or comments about this report or about your water please contact Leslie Gryder at 455-4263. For water or sewer emergencies, and general inquiries contact the Utilities Department at 455-4250. Tours of the College Hill or Abert Water filtration plants are available upon request to school, civic, neighborhood, and other groups. Also, Utility Department personnel are available for group presentations on water supply, treatment, and quality. For information contact the Utilities Department at 455-4250.


very day more than 100,000 citizens in Lynchburg and the surrounding communities depend on clean, safe drinking water. The Lynchburg Department of Utilities is proud to present you with specific information about your drinking water because it demonstrates how hard work pays off. This report shows that your drinking water is even better than the federal and state standards for safety and purity. In fact, the City’s water has always been in compliance with regulations. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health

risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791 and www.epa.gov. The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. Food and Drug Administration regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health.

our mission: To provide excellent water and wastewater

services that promote the health and safety of the community.

Contaminants that may be present in source water include: Microbial Contaminants

Viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife.

Inorganic Contaminants

Salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or result from urban stormwater runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming.

Pesticides & Herbicides

Both Pedlar and James River water are cleaned with the same treatment process, and both provide the clean, clear water that we are so lucky to have.

Source Water Assessment The Virginia Department of Health conducted a source waster assessment of our system in 2002 in accordance with the 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act. Based upon the criteria developed by the State in its Source Water Assessment Program, both of our surface water sources were classified as highly susceptible to contamination as a result of land use activities and potential sources of contamination in

May come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, and residential uses.

the assessment areas. This does not mean that our sources have or will be impacted just that if there were to be a release of pol-

Organic Chemical Contaminants

lutants in the assessment area the source water could be impacted.

Includes synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic systems.

Radioactive Contaminants

Can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities.

The assessment report consists of maps showing the source water assessment area, an inventory of known land use activities of concern, and documentation of any known contamination within the last five years. For questions or copies of the report contact Leslie Gryder in the Utilities Department at 455-4263.

Exceptional Quality, Exceptional Value!

Department of Utilities: (434) 455-4250 • Citizens First Info Center: (434) 856-CITY • www.lynchburgva.gov

Local drinking water and wastewater systems may be targets for terrorists and other would-be criminals wishing to disrupt and cause harm to community water supplies or wastewater facilities. Because utilities are often located in isolated areas, drinking water distribution and wastewater collection systems may cover large areas that are difficult to secure and patrol. Residents can help by noticing and reporting any suspicious activity in and around local water utilities. If you witness suspicious activities, report them to your local law enforcement authorities by calling 9-1-1.

Suspicious activity might include: • People dumping or discharging material into a water reservoir.

• People climbing or cutting a utility fence. • Unidentified truck or car parked or loitering near waterway or facilities for no apparent reason.

• Suspicious opening or tampering with manhole covers, buildings, or equipment.

• People climbing on top of water tanks. • People photographing or videotaping utility facilities, structures, or equipment.

• Strangers hanging around locks or gates.

When reporting an incident: • State the nature of the incident. • Identify yourself and your location. • Identify location of activity. • Describe any vehicle involved (i.e., color, make, model, plate number).

• Describe the participants (i.e., how many, sex,

Glossary of Terms:

What were this year’s test results?

Action Level (AL):

The City of Lynchburg constantly monitors for constituents in your drinking water in accordance with federal and state regulations. We are happy to inform you that your drinking water meets or exceeds all federal and state requirements. The table below shows what constituents were detected from January 2006 to December 2006. The EPA has determined that your water is completely safe at these levels.

The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements that a water system must follow.

Constituents and Contaminants:

Any substances, whether naturally occurring or otherwise, that are found in a public water source. All water, including bottled water, contains certain levels of contaminants; however, the water is not considered unhealthy unless the contaminants exist in concentrations that surpass certain levels. Sometimes additives are present as by-products of the purification process or introduced to promote public health (e.g., fluoride, chlorine).

Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL):

The “Maximum Allowed” is the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible, using the best available treatment technology.

Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG): The “goal” is the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.

Maximum Disinfection Residual Level (MDRL):

Constituents/ Unit of Measure

Level Violation





Likely Source of Contamination

Chlorine, ppm


1.2 (highest average) 0 - 1.9 (range)


water additive to control microbes

Copper, ppm


0.065 (90th percentile) 0 above action level



corrosion of household plumbing systems, erosion of natural deposits

Fluoride, ppm


0.92 (average) 0.06 - 1.33 (range)



erosion of natural deposits; water additive that promotes strong teeth; discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories

Lead, ppb


3.0 (90th percentile) 0 above action level



Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen), ppm


0.17 - 0.20



0.08 (highest level) 100% < 0.3



corrosion of household plumbing systems, erosion of natural deposits runoff from fertilizer use; leaking from septic tanks, sewage; erosion of natural deposits

Microbiological Contaminants:

The maximum level of disinfectant allowed in the water distribution system.

Turbidity, NTU

Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU):

NOTE: No single sample can be greater than 1 NTU. At least 95% of the samples taken every month must be less than 0.3 NTU.

Measure of the clarity of water. Turbidity in excess of five NTUs is barely noticeable to the average person.

Non-Detects (ND):

Laboratory analysis indicates that the constituent is not present.

Parts per million (ppm) or Milligrams per liter (mg/l):


soil runoff

Volatile Organic Contaminants: Trihalomethanes (TTHM), ppb


45 (highest average) 16 - 77 (range)



by-product of drinking water disinfection

Haloacetic Acids (HAA), ppb


27 (highest average) 12 - 38 (range)



by-product of drinking water disinfection

Radioactive Contaminants: Gross Alpha1 Emitters, pCi/L No

0.0 - 0.7



erosion of natural deposits

Ratio that corresponds to one minute in two years or a single penny in $10,000.

Gross Beta1 Emitters, pCi/L


0.5 - 0.8



decay of natural and man-made deposits

Radium 228 Emitters, pCi/L No

0.3 - 0.6



erosion of natural deposits

Parts per billion (ppb) or Micrograms per liter:

Disinfection By-Product Precursor Contaminants: Total Organic Carbon, ppm No (TOC) Raw Water, ppm

1.7 (highest average) — 0.9 - 3.0 (range of results)



naturally present in the environment

Picocuries per liter (pCi/l):

Total Organic Carbon, ppm No (TOC) Treated Water, ppm

1.1 (highest average) — 0.5 - 1.4 (range of results)



naturally present in the environment

Treatment Technique (TT):

NOTE: The Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products Rule provides several alternative compliance criteria besides TOC removal ratios. We did not report TOC removal ratios because we met an alternative compliance criterion. The alternative compliance criterion that we use is §141.135(a)(2)(ii). Our treated water TOC levels are <2.0 ppm.

Ratio that corresponds to one minute in 2,000 years or a single penny in $10 million. Measure of radioactivity in water. A treatment technique that is a required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water.


Unregulated Contaminants2: Sulfate, ppm


7.0 (average) — 6.5 - 7.4 (range of results)



naturally present in the environment

Chloroform, ppb


11.0 (average) — 10.0 - 12.0 (range of results)



by-product of drinking water disinfection

Bromodichloromethane, ppb


1.8 (average) — 1.7 - 1.8 (range of results)



by-product of drinking water disinfection

race, color of hair, height, weight, clothing).

NOTE: For emergencies, dial 911. Do not confront strangers. Instead, report suspicious activities to local authorities.


Inorganic Contaminants:


Results from 2003.


Unregulated contaminants are those for which EPA has not established drinking water standards. The purpose of unregulated contaminant monitoring is to assist EPA in determining the occurrence of unregulated contaminants in drinking water and whether future regulation is warranted.


Secondary contaminant level: non-enforceable guidelines regulating contaminants that may cause cosmetic effects (such as skin or tooth discoloration) or aesthetic effects (such as taste, odor, or color) in drinking water.



It’s Happening Downtown Designed the logo and street lamp banners for the City of Lynchburg to celebrate the completion of the renovation and improvements of the City of Lynchburg’s 9th Street Revitalization Project. The vertical street lamp banners, were installed throughout the historic downtown area and unveiled for the 2009 Monument Terrace and Ninth Street corridor dedication ceremony.



It’s Happening Downtown Logo & Lamp Post Banners Size: 24 in. x 36 in. Inks: 4 PMS spot colors Software: Illustrator and Acrobat Pro



Bite Back Against Bed Bugs! Created a multichannel marketing campaign concept to alert the public about taking bed bug precautions and to “Bite Back Against Bed Bugs!” The campaign targets all demographics with a goal for the public to be more proactive and knowledgeable on the topic of bed bugs. The message was focused on circumstances where people would most likely encounter bed bug infestations (e.g., mattresses, bedding, hotels, luggage, theatres, allergic reactions to bites, etc.). 10

The objective was to encourage the public to be an advocate, seek out more information, and report encountered infestations through the use of a downloadable app on their smart phone, tablet and/or by visiting the BiteBackAgainstBedBugs.org resource website. According to statistics, one out of five people will encounter a bed bug infestation within their lifetime. Therefore, the key message was designed using bed bug images to create a custome bed bug typeface, advertising the statistic that, “1 OUT 5 of you will sleep with them tonight...”


Bite Back Against Bed Bugs! Awareness Campaign Public Awareness Campaign Deliverables: • Billboards • Bus Kiosk & Magazine Advertisements • QR Code Design • Icon App for Smart Phone or Tablet

Bed Bug App Icon

QR Code


• Website (mock-up) Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Acrobat Pro


Advertisement, Bus Kiosk

iPhone and iPad App (Mock-up)

Website (Mock-up)


steps for participation

local derby divisions

Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby

Who can race?

Stock Division

Created a multichannel campaign for the Hill City

Decide which car you would like to build and race (i.e., stock or super stock) and check out the requirements for each division. You can only purchase car kits and wheels through the AllAmerican Soap Box Derby organization. Their website (AASBD.org) outlines the different types of car kits available for each division.

Kids between the ages of 7 and 17 who live in the Lynchburg area are eligible to race in the Hill City Classic. You must race in the Derby closest to where you live. Visit the national website at AASBD.org to find the race nearest you.

Which car should I buy?

Classic (HCC) Soap Box Derby, in an effort to market

Photo courtesy of News & Advance, 1956 archives

their new brand identity and the revival of bringing ion

rby miss e d x o b p a o s box derby racing to the ccsoap back the traditionhof d r o s rtance of fair an n po n about the impo


childre City of Lynchburg.• Ed The behind the brand ucatemethodology ition of

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—Sa marketing materials were designed t sure who

I’m ready to go... Now what?

Practice, practice, practice! Get to know your car and how it operates. Attend local trial runs and don’t forget to register for your local race at LynchburgSoapBoxDerby.org!

a cohesive gie Campbell and campaign. —Anmessage

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$ and helped the HCC Soap Box Derby gain donation:met

Photos of June 2, 2012 Derby courtesy of Wilhelmina Glover, B&W sponsor


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lshaw Race Director Soap Box Derby Lynchburg’s Hill City ClassicDerby Race P.O. Box 2002 24505 Lynchburg, VA

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42 TEL: 434.846.32 gmail.com er oapBoxD by@ gS ur hb nc Ly L: AI





res sponso Printed brochu

red by Copy Dog

The car kit, wheels and shipping are about $700, therefore it’s important to find sponsors to help defray those costs. Talk with family, friends, neighbors and local businesses about sponsorship opportunities. Multiple sponsors are allowed for every car... every bit helps!

Ask an adult for help and follow the instructions carefully. Consult the national website for all rules and regulations, and attend any local construction clinics that are offered prior to the race. Allow 4-6 hours for building your car.

e day! I’m no as an awesom w It ! ultsvisually using the same color palette from logo to the ad kids or thethe n, fu e or m d ha nt

00 - $999)

How do I find a sponsor?

How do I build my car?

and race track, showing the speeding action yingof e sa r a e l p o e p what

a classic gravity-driven soap box derby car. event! g a part of this

1000 - $2,499)

ynchburg enjoyed a long history of Soap Box Derby racing during the 1950s and ’60s, with annual races held on Rivermont and Bedford Avenues, but the sport eventually died out. Then in 2012, a group of participants from the Leadership Lynchburg program through the Lynchburg Chamber of Commerce, decided to bring the Soap Box Derby back to the Hill City. As a result, the Hill City Classic (HCC) Soap Box Derby was formed with a goal to preserve this sport as a fun-filled, annual community and family event.

Printing 10042012

s and ie il m a f g in r b g in Help ra o f r e h t e g o t s e s s e busin ! t n e v e ic s s la c d le il fun-f BoxDerby.org

p LynchburgSoa

• Ages 7 - 13 • Accommodates an individual up to approximately 5’3” length and 125 lbs.

• Total weight (car and driver): 200 lbs. • Lean-forward design • Car shells come in red or white and cannot be painted

Super Stock Division • Ages 10 -17 • Accommodates a

larger individual up to approximately 6’0” in length and 160 lbs. Total weight (car and driver): 240 lbs.

• Lean-forward design • Car shells come in red, white or blue, or can be custom-painted NOTE: Car kits, Z-Glas Racing Wheels and weights may be ordered through the AASBD.org website.


Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby Campaign


Brand ID & Marketing Campaign

become a sponsor

hcc soap box derby mission

steps for participation

local derby divisions

You can help keep the Lynchburg tradition of Soap Box Derby racing alive, while enhancing the quality of life for families all across the region. Your donation will help kids explore the fields of science, technology, engineering and math through the hands-on learning process of building their own race car. Invest in a kid today or help cover the costs of putting on a local race!

• Educate children about the importance of fair and

Who can race?

Stock Division

(Check one box for level of donation)

 Checkered Flag ($2,500 and above)


• Recognition on shirt with logo • Recognition on banner and signs • Opportunity to set up booth on event day • Recognition on website/PR materials

 Big Wheel ($1000 - $2,499) • • • •

• Brand ID Design Brief

 Pit Crew ($500 - $999)

• Recognition on shirt with w/small font • Recognition on website/PR materials

• Logo & Decals

 Derby Fan ($1 - $499)

• Recognition on website/PR materials

amount of donation: $

PROJECT 2: Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby


• Letterhead, #10 Envelopeprocess and Business Card



mail donation to:

basic skills of workmanship

• Introduce children to the elds of science, technology, engineering and math

Which car should I buy?

• Promote the values of sportsmanship and perseverance of seeing a project through from start to nish

Photo courtesy of News & Advance, 1956 archives

• Have fun!


ynchburg enjoyed a long history of Soap Box Derby racing during the 1950s and ’60s, with annual races held on Rivermont and Bedford Avenues, but the sport eventually died out. Then in 2012, a group of participants from the Leadership Lynchburg program through the Lynchburg Chamber of Commerce, decided to bring the Soap Box Derby back to the Hill City. As a result, the Hill City Classic (HCC) Soap Box Derby was formed with a goal to preserve this sport as a fun-filled, annual community and family event.

what people are saying

“ We enjoyed being a part of this event! ” —Sandy Atkins Bottoms-Wallace

an awesome day! I’m not sure who “ Ithadwasmore fun, the kids or the adults! ” —Angie Campbell

This is so cool... I wish they had it when I was a kid! —James Gurdal

Steve Smallshaw Race Director Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby P.O. Box 2002 Lynchburg, VA 24505 TEL: 434.846.3242 EMAIL: LynchburgSoapBoxDerby@gmail.com

Printed brochures sponsored by Copy Dog Printing

*All donations are tax deductible (54-1255814)

© 2012 Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby


PROJECT 2: Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby


How do I find a sponsor? The car kit, wheels and shipping are about $700, therefore it’s important to find sponsors to help defray those costs. Talk with family, friends, neighbors and local businesses about sponsorship opportunities. Multiple sponsors are allowed for every car... every bit helps!

Ask an adult for help and follow the instructions carefully. Consult the national website for all rules and regulations, and attend any local construction clinics that are offered prior to the race. Allow 4-6 hours for building your car.

Helping bring families and businesses together for a fun-filled classic event!

• Ages 7 - 13 • Accommodates an individual up to approximately 5’3” length and 125 lbs.

• Total weight (car and driver): 200 lbs. • Lean-forward design • Car shells come in red or white and cannot be painted

JUNe 2, 2012

Super Stock Division • Ages 10 -17 • Accommodates a

Rain Date June 3, 2012

larger individual up to approximately 6’0” in length and 160 lbs. Total weight (car and driver): 240 lbs.

RegiSTRATioN Fee: $25

• Lean-forward design • Car shells come in red, white or blue, or can be

Deadline May 15. Youth 7-17 years of age

custom-painted NOTE: Car kits, Z-Glas Racing Wheels and weights may be ordered through the AASBD.org website.

CoNTACT iNFoRmATioN Steve Smallshaw, Executive Director

CheCk-iN: 7:00 A.m.

Hill City Classic SBD P.O. Box 4012

RACe STARTS: 8:30 A.m.

Lynchburg, VA 24505 TEL: 434.846.324


I’m ready to go... Now what? Practice, practice, practice! Get to know your car and how it operates. Attend local trial runs and don’t forget to register for your local race at LynchburgSoapBoxDerby.org!


Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby P.O. Box 2002 Lynchburg, VA 24505

Decide which car you would like to build and race (i.e., stock or super stock) and check out the requirements for each division. You can only purchase car kits and wheels through the AllAmerican Soap Box Derby organization. Their website (AASBD.org) outlines the different types of car kits available for each division.

How do I build my car?

LynchburgSoapBoxDerby.org Photos of June 2, 2012 Derby courtesy of Wilhelmina Glover, B&W sponsor

Trifold Brochure

• Trifold Brochure(B) • Website


Make check payable to the Foundation for Economic Education & Improvement, a non-profit foundation of the Lynchburg Regional Chamber of Commerce, with “Soap Box Derby” added in the memo.*

thumbnails • Event Flyer

• Establish mentorships with adult role models • Create an environment where children can learn

contact information


• Press Release Template


Recognition on shirt w/medium font Recognition on banner and signs Opportunity to set up booth on event day Recognition on website/PR materials

Kids between the ages of 7 and 17 who live in the Lynchburg area are eligible to race in the Hill City Classic. You must race in the Derby closest to where you live. Visit the national website at AASBD.org to find the race nearest you.

honest competition

www.hillcityclassicderby.org Event Flyer

PROJECT 2: Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby 2: Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby PROJECT PROJECT 2: Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby

process process Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Acrobat Pro process


PROJECT 2: Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby


roughs roughs Thumbnail Sketches: continued

Executive Director


Digital Roughs:


Logo B A-2 Logo


P.O. Box 4012 Lynchburg, VA 24505

Chosen logo to more Designed logo based onforward purchased and manipulated soap box car clipart. on with deliverables

(B) (D)

(A) (C)

Steve Smallshaw

TEL: 434.846.3242 FAX: 434.846-3243 smallshaw@hillcityclassicderby.org www.hillcityclassicderby.org

Logo A

3-colors (flat) (flat) 3-colors

3-colors (flat)


PROJECT 2: Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby


thumbnails (D)


4-colors w/gradients

GRDS 400: Graphic Design II WINTER Logo A-3 2012



roughs continued

Logo B

michele-marie iungerich (D)

PROJECT 2: Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby

(B) 15

Chosen logo to more forward on with deliverables

Logo A

4-colors w/gradients

P.O. Box 4012 Lynchburg, VA 24505 TEL: 434.846.3242 FAX: 434.846-3243 www.hillcityclassicderby.org

Logo A-2

3-colors (flat)

3-colors (flat)

P.O. Box 4012 Lynchburg, VA 24505

michele-marie iungerich

GRDS 400: Graphic Design II 2012 michele-marieWINTER iungerich michele-marie iungerich

(C) GRDS 400: Graphic Design II WINTER 2012




400: Graphic Design II michele-marieGRDS iungerich Finalized 20 GRDS 400: Graphic Design WINTER 2012II 21 WINTER 2012


GRDS 400: Graphic Design II WINTER 2012

Stationery 19


Logo A-3

3-colors (flat)


Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby Website Designed the Hill City Classic (HCC) Soap Box Derby website in an effort to market their new brand identity, promote scheduled races, and increase community participation and financial sponsorships. The production process included researching other municipal soap box derbies through the U.S. and regularly meeting with key stakeholders on the Pit 14

Crew Committee, writing a design brief, presenting low- and high-fidelity sitemaps and wireframe layouts and launching a website prototype. The original website prototype was designed using DreamWeaver. After a year, the website was improved for multiple web page administrators (i.e., serving on the Pit Crew Committee) to have easier CMS access for updating the website’s content, using a GoDaddy CMS template builder tool set.


Hill City Classic Soap Box Derby Website

High-Fidelity Sitemap:

High-Fidelity Wireframes:

Brand ID & Marketing Campaign Deliverables: • Website Design Brief • Low-Fidelity Sitemap & Wireframes • High-Fidelity Sitemap & Wireframes • Prototype Website

Michele-Marie Iungerich | Project C, Part 1 | ITGM-353 Interactive Web Design | August 5, 2012

Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Acrobat Pro HCC Derby Website

Site Map Low-Fidelity Sitemap:







Low-Fidelity Wireframes:


Parks & Recreation Guides Designed seasonal program guide covers to help launch and promote the City of Lynchburg, Parks & Recreation Department’s new catalog course guide layout and brand message, “Change Your Mood... Change Your Mind... Change Your Energy...” The guides were distributed annually three times per year (i.e., winter, summer, spring) and printed as supplemental inserts in the Sunday edition of the News & Advance newspaper and additionally stocked at the Parks & Recreation centers, area grocery 16

stores, public libraries, and different public venues.


Parks & Recreation Guides Program Guide Covers Size: 10 in. x 11.5 in. Inks: 4-color process Stock: Newsprint Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, Quark Xpress and Acrobat Pro



Kelmac Group ISO Training Manuals Designed ISO Quality Management System training manuals, reference style guides and style sheet formats, including InDesign page layouts and PowerPoint slide presentations for the Kelmac Group— promoting their new brand identity. The production work included remotely assisting staff in Limerick, Ireland with proofing, editing and formatting text content; designing InDesign and PowerPoint templates; illustrating technical graphics, 18

tables and forms; integrating graphics into page layouts for two types of published manuals (i.e., Delegate and Auditor/Tutor manuals); and tutoring the staff on how to use InDesign and Illustrator software. In addition, categorical color themes were developed for the InDesign page layout templates, graphics, tables and PowerPoint presentations in order to visually distinguish the different industries represented within the customer’s ISO training programs: Red: Quality Management System Purple: Environmental & Occupational Safety & Management System Green: Environmental Management System


Kelmac Group ISO Training Manuals

Sample Presentation Slides: ISO 9001:2008

Instructional Training Manuals

Gerard Kelly

• InDesign Templates, Graphics & Tables Style Guide

Gerard Kelly

Who Attends the Closing/Exit Meeting?

OHS 18001:2007 Process Model 1

Copyright Copyright © © 2012 2012 Kelmac Kelmac Group Group ® ® Limited, Limited, All All rights rights reserved. reserved.

Auditor/Lead Auditor Student Presentation

Auditor/Lead Auditor Delegate Presentation

Gerard Kelly

QMS ISO Process Model

• Technical Graphics, Tables & Forms (Qty. 750+)

Environmental Management System

Environmental & Occupational Health & Safety Management System

Auditor/Lead Auditor Delegate Presentation


ISO 14001:2004

ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007

Quality Management System


Auditing  Consulting  Compliance Analytics  Revision Training ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, 5.0

Copyright Copyright © © 2012 2012 Kelmac Kelmac Group Group ® ® Limited, Limited, All All rights rights reserved. reserved.

Auditing  Consulting  Compliance Analytics  Revision Training ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Combined EMS & OH&SMS, 1.0

Copyright © 2012 Kelmac Group ® Limited, All rights reserved.

Auditing  Consulting  Compliance Analytics  Training

• Power Point Templates & Presentations (Qty. 5) Size: A4 (8.3 in. × 11.7 in.) interior pages Inks: 4-color process Stock: 80 lb. Text Matte (4-hole punch)

8 Copyright © 2012 Kelmac Group ® Limited, All rights reserved.

ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, Revision 5.0

3 Copyright © 2012 Kelmac Group ® Limited, All rights reserved.


ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Combined EMS & OH&SMS, Revision 1.0

Copyright © 2012 Kelmac Group ® Limited, All rights reserved.

ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System, Revision 1.0

Software: Illustrator, Photoshop InDesign, Word, PowerPoint, Acrobat Pro, Skype, WatchDox, GoToMeeting 19

Sample Page Layouts: Session 1: Course Introduction

Session 1: Course Introduction

Table of Contents

Profile The Kelmac Group® is one of the world’s leading independent training and development and educational providers of Internationally Accredited conformity and compliance products and services, e.g. IRCA, RABQSA International, FAS etc. ● We offer a near full product and service offering through a global network of strategic and network partners, associates and Kelmac Group® offices. ● Our products and services are delivered throughout Europe, Middle East, and Africa; North America, Central and South America; and Asia geographic regions.

ISO 9001:2008

Quality Management System Auditor/Lead Auditor Delegate Manual

Session 1: Course Introduction ...................... 15 Course Prerequisite.................................................................16 Assessment ............................................................................16 Course Program .....................................................................18

If you have any comments, suggestions for improvement or criticisms, then please raise them with your Tutors. Alternatively, you will have the opportunity to express your views in a formal manner on a course critique at the end of the course. We hope you have a fun and productive time with us.

Course Program .................................................................... 20

● Throughout our 13 year history we have earned a reputation as a Training Provider who offers innovate products and services using leading edge and creative training and development, and educational design and delivery methodologies in addition to exceptional service delivery process innovation.

ISO 9000 Standard Series ..................................................... 25

● Our core training and development and educational value is to enhance individual and organization performance and reduce risk.

All Kelmac Group® Limited courses are instructionally designed to achieve the most effective skills and knowledge transfer to you. Our aim is “you learn a lot and have fun.” We hope this course meets your expectations. It certainly has done so with previous Delegates and we are very proud of the high proportion of courses that have resulted from personal recommendations from colleagues, friends and contacts.

Table of Contents .................................................................... 3

Course Program .................................................................... 20

● In all of our training and development and educational products and services our Tutor’s are encouraged to challenge the traditional and narrow view of management systems– usually with a bit of humour.

Kelmac Group® Training & Development Philosophy


● Our Tutors are themselves leading Experts in their own rights, and they are carefully selected, managed and developed by the Kelmac Group® to provide delegates with the best educational experience.

● Our training and educational facilities and environment are carefully selected to ensure the learning environment is consistent with enabling a delegate to learn.


Preface .....................................................................................i

Course Program .....................................................................21


Course Program .................................................................... 22

Session 3

QMS Documentation ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System

Copyright © 2010 Kelmac Group® Limited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Kelmac Group® Limited. The information in the document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Kelmac Group® Limited.

What’s Behind the .................................................................26 ISO 9000 Series? ..................................................................26 ISO 9001:2008 Overview ......................................................27 ISO 9001:2008 Overview ..................................................... 28 QMS Process Model .............................................................. 29

Course Accreditation

ISO 9001 & Other Management Systems ................................ 30 1.3.1 Pre-course Assessment ...................................................31

This course is certified by the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA).

ISO in Brief ........................................................................... 32

IRCA course registration number is A17133.

General................................................................................ 32 Technical Work ..................................................................... 32 How is an International Standard Developed? .......................... 33 Three Types of ISO Standards ................................................. 34 Project Leader ....................................................................... 34 Main Steps for Drafting International Standards Systems ........... 35 Accreditation & Certification/Registration ................................ 36 What is the difference between the terms “Accreditation” and “Certification/Registration”? ................................................... 36 Why is Accreditation so important? ......................................... 36 Steps to Certification/Registration ........................................... 39 Benefits of Certification/Registration........................................ 40 Infrastructure for Registration of Management Systems ...............41

Auditing • Consulting • Training

1.3.2 ISO in Brief Delegate Self Study Assessment Instructions ...42


ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Revision 4.1

Copyright © 2010 Kelmac Group® Limited, All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2012 Kelmac Group® Limited, All rights reserved.

ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Revision 5.0


Copyright © 2012 Kelmac Group® Limited, All rights reserved.

ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Revision 5.0



Autistic Mind Logo & Magazine Created a concept brand identity and magazine mock-up to focus on Autistic Spectrum Disorders. The logo design includes the symbolic puzzle piece representing awareness for Autism. The goal of the concept was to produce a captivating quarterly publication, one that would educate and supply targeted audiences (e.g., parents, families, health care industry, educational systems, etc.) with the latest news and developments regarding Autistic 20

Spectrum Disorders.


Autisic Mind Logo & Magazine

Vol. 3, No. 7

Logo & Magazine Design


Size: 8.5 in. x 11 in.


Inks: 4-color process


Stock: 80 lb. text matte

19 24

Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat Pro

27 32

Thumbnail Sketches:


Common Myths About Autism

Because there’s still so much that’s not understood about autism, there are many common myths about it. Learn what’s fact and what’s fiction. By Diana Rodriguez.

Autism: Accepting the Diagnosis

Learning your child is autistic can leave you bewildered at first. Here’s help to accept the news and move ahead with an action plan. By Marie Suszynski.

Broken Neuron Popular Theory in Autism Research

Studies of the mirror neuron system may reveal clues to the causes of autism and help researchers develop new ways to diagnose and treat the disorder. By Vilayanur S. Ramachandran and Lindsay M. Oberman.


Managing Aggression in Autistic Children

Aggression is a common symptom in autistic children. Learn what parents can do to help manage these difficult behaviors. By Krisha McCoy, MS.

Promising New Treatments

Researchers, doctors, and parents are all committed to finding new and effective treatments for autism. By Madeline Vann, MPH.


Can Special Diets Treat Autism?

Review of studies shows gluten-free or casein-free diets aren’t effective as Autism treatment. By Kathleen Doheny.

Are Older Moms More Apt to Have an Autistic Child?

Dad’s age didn’t matter unless father was older, mom much younger, study found. By Jennifer Thomas.

Early Warning Signs of Autism

Doctors call for early detection and treatment of Autism. By Rebecca Landa.


Editor’s Note Family & Parenting Science Research Reviews

19 COVER: Common Myths About Autism Photo by Clipart.com 1

September-October 2010

Photo by Clipart.com

ACCEPTING the Diagnosis

Learning your child is autistic can leave you bewildered at first. Here’s help to accept the news and move ahead with an action plan. By Marie Suszynski

Finalized Logo:


aving autism isn’t part of the dream when you start a family, but it is the reality for one in 110 children today, affecting four times more boys than girls.


“We were looking for therapy for what we thought was a simple speech delay,” Martin says. When she learned he had autism, Martin says she was devastated: “Initially I couldn’t say the word autism. The label conjured up so many emotions.” It was also hard not to know what the future would bring for Marty and to know there is no cure.

Six Strategies for Coping with an Autism Diagnosis:

Here are other strategies to help you come to terms with your child’s autism diagnosis and move forward:

1 Keep some perspective. For one, it may help to remember that your child isn’t any different now that you know he has autism. He’s the same child you’ve loved since birth. But now you can get him help to be as successful as possible with these challenges.

2 Let yourself grieve. It may not happen for every parent, but many probably go through stages of grieving after getting the diagnosis, says Cathy Pratt, PhD, director of the Indiana Resource Center for Autism at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community at Indiana University in Bloomington and chair of the board of September-October 2010

It’s okay to grieve, but it’s important to come out of the stages of grief with an action plan, Pratt says. An appropriate plan may be to do research, find support, think about the services and treatment your child needs, and work on getting him those services.

3 Do research in the right places.

Look for support groups or community groups in your area. “Not everyone is a support group fan, but they are helpful,” Wright says. You can meet with community or support groups in person or on the Internet. Look for a group with a purpose, she says, where you can get and share information.

It will also help to find other professionals who can educate you about autism and help you through this time, such Early intervention as a psychologist or anis the best oppor- other professional in the tunity for a positive field of autism, Pratt says.

As soon as they get the outcome. . . 5 Take action. diagnosis, most parSome people feel paraents start searching for information, says Patricia Wright, PhD, lyzed or overwhelmed once they’re told that their child has autism, but national director of autism services don’t let your emotions stop you from for Easter Seals in Chicago. But it can getting your child help at as young an become overwhelming fast. age as possible. “We need to say it over “When you type ‘autism’ into Google, and over: Early intervention is the best you get over a million hits,” Wright opportunity for a positive outcome,” says. Rather than trying to sift through Behavioral defecits all of the information and judge what’s may be apparent during accurate and what’s not, go to repuplaytime activities. table sources first, such as the Autism Society of America, Autism Speaks, the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Easter Seals, and other organizations dedicated to helping people understand autism.

Wright says. Early intervention programs are very successful, especially at a young age before a child has established challenging patterns. Keep in mind that you can refer your own child for early intervention. “Some families think they need a referral, but they can call their local education agency and ask to have their child evaluated,” Wright says. Learning your child has autism may be a shock, but coming to terms with the diagnosis and taking action can help you feel empowered, Pratt says, which will help you move forward. Article by the editorial staff of EverydayHealth.com. © 2010 EverydayHealth.com, January 12, 2010.

4 Seek out support. The worst thing you can do when you get the diagnosis is to isolate yourself. Says Pratt, “The diagnosis can be isolating enough. It’s important for families to reach out.” Lisa Snyder initiates the daily routine for Aiden to learn the process of washing his hands. September-October 2010

Photo by Clipart.com

For some parents, finally getting the diagnosis may be a relief because they suspected it for years. For others, learning their child is autistic comes as a complete shock. That was the case for Areva Martin, an attorney in Los Ange-

les whose 10-year-old son, Marty, was diagnosed when he was 2.

Then Martin started a non-profit organization called Special Needs Network Inc. to help other families navigate the network of services after they learn their child has autism. “I realized how difficult it was to navigate and coordinate services in this short window of time that they call early intervention,” Martin says. It’s even harder for low-income families, so her organization helps them get needed services and advocate for their children.

the National Autism Society of America. Psychologists describe the stages of grief as shock or disbelief, yearning, anger, depression, and acceptance.

Photo by Phanie/Photo Researchers, Inc.


Martin says it took about six months to grieve over her son’s diagnosis. “It lingered beyond that, but the most intense feelings of sadness probably lasted six months or so,” Martin says. For her, it helped to get moving. Her doctor had given her a long list of things she needed to do, from contacting a health and human service agency to finding a preschool for Marty.




Clarendon Typelogo Poster & Program Created a logotype and type specimen poster, using the slab-serif typeface, Clarendon PS. The poster promotes the effective use of typography—showing proper type structure, different styles, proportion, color, construction, optical compensation, legibility and readability.



Clarendon Typelogo & Poster & Program Event Poster & Program Design Size: 11 in. x 17 in. Inks: 2-colors (PMS229 & PMS1235) Stock: 100 lb. Text Matte Software: Illustrator and Acrobat Pro Digital Logotype Roughs: 1




23 5






Résumé of Qualifications

michele-marie “m-m” iungerich


M2- D e s i g n S t u d i o .c o m




Professional graphic designer with experience in visual communications design, art direction and project management; desktop publishing; front-end web development; marketing coordination; prepress and post production operations; technical illustration; photography and fine arts. Successful in developing conceptual designs and communication plans for enhancing brand identity. Demonstrated ability to supervise and delegate production tasks—producing a wide variety of print collateral and digital content across multiple channels with proven adaptability to meet the demands of tight deadlines.

3-D Studio Acrobat Pro AutoCAD Bridge CorelDraw CRM Suite Response Dreamweaver Excel Flash FreeHand GIF Animator Pro Illustrator InDesign Lightroom Lotus Freelance Notepad++ PageMaker Photoshop PowerPoint Publisher Quark Xpress Word


Cloud Servers & Web Tools

Adobe Connect, Blackboard, Chrome, CMS based on .NETPHP and Drupal, DropBox, ESRI ArcGIS, Facebook, FaceTime, FileZilla, Flickr, GoDaddy, Google Analytics, GoToMeeting, Hightail, IE, Instagram, Intergraph GeoMedia, LinkedIn, Network Solutions, Safari, SharePoint, Skype, SurveyMonkey, Twitter, WatchDox, Wix, WordPress

Operating Systems

Mac OS X, DOS, MS Windows 7, 10, NT, Vista, XP

Web Programming


education BFA, Graphic Design Savannah College of Art & Design Savannah, GA, 2012




AS, Communication Design (Cum Laude) Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, VA, 1999

employment Senior Graphic Designer Harris Corporation, Lynchburg, VA Jun. 2015 - Apr. 2017

Conceptualized, designed and developed print and digital marketing communications collateral. Assisted and maintained team’s adherence to brand ID, style guide standards, template layouts, advertisement and printing specifications, SEO standards and workflow processes. Supported proposal team with binder cover designs, CD labels, data sheets, Executive Summaries and oral defense PowerPoint (PPT) templates.

Contract Graphic Designer The Kelmac Group, Chicago, IL & Ireland Dec. 2011 - Nov. 2012 (short-term contracts)

Created instructional training manuals for ISO Quality Management System manuals and presentations, including infographics, tables, forms, templates and reference style guide standards for brand identity.

Proposal Graphic Designer Thomas Advisors LLC, Aiken, SC Nov. 2010 - Sep. 2012 (short-term contracts)

Rendered proposal infographics, technical illustrations, maps and photo enhancements. Integrated text and graphics into multi-volume performance manuals. Maintained strict adherence to style guide formats in accordance to US and UK government project RFPs.

Independent Graphic Designer M2 Design Studio, Lynchburg, VA Jul. 2011 - present (part-time)

Designed brand IDs, graphics, maps, eBlasts, technical raining manuals, websites, PPT presentations and templates. Coordinated vendor bids, design briefs, press checks, print collateral.

Museum Associate Amazement Square Museum, Lynchburg, VA Jun. 2001 - Mar. 2006 (part-time)

Assisted CEO with setup operations for museum gift shop. Utilized teachable moments via hands-on demonstrations and instruction of exhibits to enrich patrons’ knowledge and museum experience.

Communications Marketing Coordinator City of Lynchburg, Lynchburg, VA Oct. 2000 - Jul. 2011

Designed print and digital marketing collateral, training modules, PPTs and PSAs. Coordinated press checks, RFPs photo/video shoots and printed deliverables. Helped maintain municipal website. Wrote newsletter copy,

online content, press releases and communication plans. Assisted Director and departments with projects, GIS map renderings, kiosks, image scans, SEO reports, creative meetings, committees, citizens’ government academy and public events. Conversed regularly with City Council members, executives, employees, committees, media, vendors and citizens.

Logistics Event Coordinator Anteon Corporation, Fairfax, VA Oct. 1998 - Sep. 2000

Coordinated logistics, shipping and designing of trade show exhibits. Supervised one assistant coordinator. Organized 90 annual exhibitions throughout the US and UK. Maintained $300K annual marketing budget. (Secret Clearance)

Production Manager Systems Resources Corporation, Inc. Newington, VA Apr. 1997 - Mar. 1998

Managed production department. Supervised two graphics analysts. Maintained production logs and reports. Created government briefings, presentations and marketing materials. (Secret Clearance)

Multimedia Supervisor QED Systems, Inc., Springfield, VA Jul. 1996 - Apr. 1997

Supervised Multimedia Department’s production workload. Supervised four engineers and one graphic designer. Edited mechanical illustrations and animations. Maintained quality assurance and adherence of digital assets against customer’s instructional sequence specifications. (TS/SCI Clearance)

Instructional Technologist QED Systems, Inc., Springfield, VA Nov. 1995 - Jun. 1996

Designed interactive electronic training manuals (IETMs), computer based training (CBTs) modules, 2-D flow simulations, and 3-D animations for U.S. Navy fleets and maritime industry. (TS/SCI Clearance)

Graphics Analyst Systems Resources Corporation, Inc. Newington, VA Mar. 1993 - Oct. 1995

Designed information graphics for U.S. Army briefings, proposals, marketing collateral and trade show exhibits. Maintained media asset library. Coordinated product photo shoots and logistics. (TS/SCI Clearance)

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Lynchburg, VA 24502


TEL: +1.434.238.6025


E-MAIL: info@m2-designstudio.com

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