5th Annual M2M Relay | Pre-Race Runner Meeting

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Pre-Race Runner Meeting Race Day is October 13, 2012

Packet Pickup | Friday October 12th, 10a-6p Lincoln Max Muscle 7301 South 27th Street 402.421-4629 Omaha Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital 2808 South 143rd Plaza 402.657.0600

*Only the captain needs to attend.

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Race Day Guide You will receive printed Race Day Guides in your Team Race Packet at Packet Pickup. This booklet contains race rules, driving directions, full color maps, contest information, Post-Race Shindig information, relay tips and more. It is the Team Captain’s responsibility to read and understand the Race Day Guide and pass along critical information to teammates.

Team Scorecard & Voting Ballot NEW! All teams must keep track of runner times on a Team Scorecard. The Team Scorecard must be turned into M2M Headquarters at the Post-Race Shindig along with the Contest Voting Ballot. One per team. Located on last page of Race Day Guide.

Required Team Visibility Gear NEW! In 2012, more runners than ever will be running before dawn and after dusk. Each runner starting a stage after official ‘Nighttime Hours’ will be required to wear Visibility Gear which includes a reflective vest, headlamp and blinking LED taillight. Teams are required to have at least 2 reflective vests, 2 headlamps and 2 blinking LED taillights as a part of team gear.

Official Nighttime Hours: before 6:30a, after 7:30p





Team Vehicles Team vehicles must be less than seven feet in width and less than 20 feet in length. Large vans, mini-vans and SUV's are allowed. No RVs, mini-buses, trailers or limos are allowed. All vehicle passengers must have access to a safety belt. Team vehicles must display an official identification tag in the front and rear window of their team vehicle.



Other Important Rules 

No Earphones: Runners may not use iPods, MP3 players, earphones or any other equipment that interferes with their hearing. Music devices with speakers below the head are allowed if it does not interfere with your hearing.

No Alcohol on Course: Consumption of alcohol is not allowed at any time while participating in the race. Even if you have completed your last Stage, you are still participating in the race until your team has crossed the finish line. Do not start the party early. Alcohol may be consumed responsibly at the finish line party when city ordinances and permits allow. Please no outside alcoholic beverages at the finish line party.

Water, Nutrition & Team Trash: Runners are in charge of their own water and nutrition on the course. There will not be water areas or Aid Stations between Exchange Points. Please bring your own reusable, refillable water bottles and team water jugs. Trash and recycling is NOT provided on the course. Trash and recycling is the responsibility of each team. Please take all race related waste home for appropriate disposal. Teams will be provided with trash and recycling bags their team race packets.

Pre-Order your M2M Relay Meal

Pre-Order You M2M Relay Meal Now! Pick it up at Exchange Point 12 | Murdock High School

All proceeds benefit Elmwood City Park Exchange Point 14

Only $5.75 Includes

Or Avocado Sandwich

• Sandwich • Chips • Apple beverages sold separately Click here to


Stock Your Vehicle for Success

Download the M2M App | iPhone or Android The M2M 2012 application, presented by the Market to Market Relay and created by Planet What Development, is FREE to download on Google Play and iTunes App Store.

TEAM MEMBERS: • Course & Leg Notifications • Automatic Syncing • GPS Enabled Routes (Van & Runners) • Race & Leg Information

FANS (family & friends): • Real-time Team Tracking • Leg completed/Legs left • Current Time/Pace • Estimated Leg/Overall Finish

Race Morning Checklist     

Know your Wave’s start time Read your Race Day Guide Wear your Race Bib Wear Required Visibility Gear Drop-off your First Runner at the Start Line | Memorial Park 30 minutes prior to your Wave. Pick up your timing chip/baton here.  Drive to the Staging Area | Exchange Point 2 | Aksarben Village to wait for your runner. Note: Race Day packet pickup is located at the Staging Area | Exchange Point 2 | Aksarben Village. Arrive 45 minutes prior to your start time if you have not picked up your Team Packet.

Good Luck

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