Nature's Nature's Melody Melody Inc. Inc. Nature's Nature's Melody Melody Inc. Inc.
Premiere GrandeSolar
Mark Tree Spiral Chime
Garden decor Chime
PGS28 BR Premiere Grande Solar - 28” Bronze MT29 MC Mark Tree Chakra Spiral Chime - 29” Multi
PGS28 SV Premiere Grande Solar - 28” Silver
Garden Décor chime
MT52 SV Mark Tree Spiral Chime - 52” Silver MT35 SV Mark Tree Spiral Chime - 35" Silver
MT35 BR Mark Tree Spiral Chime - 35" Bronze
GDA24 DF Garden décor chime 24”-Drongfly
GDA24 HB Garden décor chime 24”-Butterfly
GDA24 HB Garden décor chime 24”-Hummingbird
GDB36 TL Garden decor chime 36"- Tree of life
Galaxy Tunes
GT36 As Galaxy Tunes - 36" Antique Silver
Symphony Tunes
GT36 AC Galaxy Tunes - 36" Antique Copper
GT45 AS Galaxy Tunes - 45" Antique Silver
Cow Bell
CBL28 BK Cow Bell - Small
SYM48 BR Symphony Tunes 48" - Brown
SYM48 SV Symphony Tunes 48" - Silver
GT45 AC Galaxy Tunes - 45" Antique Copper
CBL34 BK Cow Bell -Large SYM48 BK Symphony Tunes 48" - Black
GDD17 HD 17" Hamsa hand chime
GDD17 NE 17" Nazar eye chime
GDD17TL 17" Tree of life chime
GDD17GA 17" Ganesha chime
Gem Tinklers
GMT11 AM Gem Tinklers - 11" Amber
GTC11WT Gem Tunes with Crystal - 11" White
GMT11BN Gem Tinklers - 11" Brown
GMT11BL Gem Tinklers - 11" Blue
GMT11GY Gem Tinklers - 11" Gray
GTC11GR Gem Tunes with Crystal - 11" Green
GTC11RD Gem Tunes with Crystal - 11" Red
LFC11 CN 11"Lucky Fortune Mini Chime-Coin
GMT11PP Gem Tinklers - 11" Purple
GMT11WH Gem Tinklers - 11" White
GMT11RD Gem Tinklers - 11" Red
GTC11AM Gem Tunes with Crystal - 11" Amber
GMT11PK Gem Tinklers - 11" Pink
GTC11 PP Gem Tunes with Crystal - 11" Purple
GTC11BL Gem Tunes with Crystal - 11" Blue
11"Lucky Fortune Mini Chime-Yinyang
Gem tunes with crysta Prismatic Tunes
GTC11 ASST1 Mini Chime Display + 24 pcs GTC chime
GMT18 BK Gem Tinklers 18" - Black
GMT18 HN Gem Tinklers 18" - Honey
PST18 ANGBL Prismatic Tunes -18" Angel Blue
GMT18 WT Gem Tinklers 18" - Walnut GTC18 ANGBL Gem tunes with crystal 18" Angel Blue
PST18 ANGBL Prismatic Tunes -18" Angel Pink
PST18 ANGBL Prismatic Tunes -18" Angel Blue
GTC18 ANGPK Gem tunes with crystal 18" Angel Pink
Aureole Tunes
Musically Tuned Windchime
All size available in 3 colors
Rose Gold
・ Six recycled aluminum
tubes with durable powder coated black. ・ Thick tubing wall
creates a long lasting sound. ・ Each tube is precision
AT28 BK Aureole Tunes 28" Black
AT36 BK Aureole Tunes 36" Black
AT42 BK Aureole Tunes 42" Black
AT56 BK Aureole Tunes 56" Black
AT65 BK Aureole Tunes 65" Black
AT28S V Aureole Tunes 28" Silver
AT36 SV Aureole Tunes 36" Silver
AT42 SV Aureole Tunes 42" Silver
AT56 SV Aureole Tunes 56" Silver
AT65 SV Aureole Tunes 65" Silver
AT28 RG Aureole Tunes 28" Rose Gold
AT36 RG Aureole Tunes 36" Rose Gold
AT42RG Aureole Tunes 42" Rose Gold
AT56 RG Aureole Tunes 56" Rose Gold
AT65 RG Aureole Tunes 65" Rose Gold
tuned. ・ Hang under a roof
overhang,or on a tree with its easy-hanging S hook. ・ Suitable for outdoor
use. AT88 BK Aureole Tunes 88" Black
Premiere Grande Tunes
Musically Tuned Windchime
All size available in 3 colors
Rose Gold
Forest Green
・ Hard wood canopy, striker,
PG18 FG Premiere Grande Chime - 18" Forest Green
PG24 FG Premiere Grande Chime - 24" Forest Green
PG18 BK Premiere Grande Chime - 18" Black
PG24 BK Premiere Grande Chime - 24" Black
PG14 SV Premiere Grande Chime - 14" Silver
PG18 SV Premiere Grande Chime - 18" Silver
PG24 SV Premiere Grande Chime - 24" Silver
PG14 BR Premiere Grande Chime - 14" Bronze
PG18 BR Premiere Grande Chime - 18" Bronze
PG24 BR Premiere Grande Chime - 24" Bronze
PG14 RG Premiere Grande Chime - 14" Rose Gold
PG18 RG Premiere Grande Chime - 18" Rose Gold
PG24 RG Premiere Grande Chime - 24" Rose Gold
and sail finished in a
PG28 FG Premiere Grande Chime - 28" Forest Green
PG36 FG Premiere Grande Chime - 36" Forest Green
PG42 FG Premiere Grande Chime - 42" Forest Green
PG36 BK Premiere Grande Chime - 36" Black
PG42 BK Premiere Grande Chime - 42" Black
PG28 SV Premiere Grande Chime - 28" Silver
PG36 SV Premiere Grande Chime 36" Silver
PG42 SV Premiere Grande Chime 42" Silver
PG56 SV Premiere Grande Chime - 56" Silver
PG28 BR Premiere Grande Chime - 28" Bronze
PG36 BR Premiere Grande Chime - 36" Bronze
PG42 BR Premiere Grande Chime - 42" Bronze
PG56 BR Premiere Grande Chime - 56" Bronze
PG36 RG Premiere Grande Chime - 36" Rose Gold
PG42 RG Premiere Grande Chime - 42" Rose Gold
PG56 RG Premiere Grande Chime - 56" Rose Gold
Walnut /Mahogany color. Easily maintainable with teak oil.
PG28 BK Premiere Grande Chime - 28" Black
・ Six recycled-aluminum tubes with durable anodized (powder coated) finish. ・ Thick tubing wall creates a long lasting sound. ・ Each tube is precision tuned. ・ Hang under a roof overhang,or on a tree
PG28 RG Premiere Grande Chime - 28" Rose Gold
with its easy-hanging S hook. ・ Suitable for outdoor use.
Musical Ornament Stake Chimes
Musical Ornament Tunes
OT14 BF Musical Ornament Tunes - 14" Butterfly
OT14 HB Musical Ornament Tunes - 14" Hummingbird
OT14 FR Musical Ornament Tunes - 14" Fairy
OT14 DF Musical Ornament Tunes - 14" Dragonfly
OT14 MO Musical Ornament Tunes - 14" Moon
OT14 LB Musical Ornament Tunes - 14" Lady Bug
OT14 HE Musical Ornament Tunes - 14" Heart
OT14 OW Musical Ornament Tunes - 14" Owl
OS18 BF OS18 FR OS18 HB OS18 SN Musical Ornament Musical Ornament Musical Ornament Musical Ornament Stake Chimes - 18" Butterfly Stake Chimes - 18" FairyStake Chimes - 18" Hummingbird Stake Chimes - 18" Sun
OT14 SN Musical Ornament Tunes - 14" Sun OS18 DF OS18 MO Musical Ornament Musical Ornament Stake Chimes - 18" Dragonfly Stake Chimes - 18" Moon
OS18 HE Musical Ornament Stake Chimes - 18" Heart
OS18 LB OS18 OW Musical Ornament Musical Ornament Stake Chimes - 18" Lady Bug Stake Chimes - 18" Owl
Sutra Tunes
CSC18O W Cosmo Spinner Chime 18" - Owl
CSC18 DF Cosmo Spinner Chime 18" - Dragonfly
Concerto Tunes
CSC18 HB CSC18 BF Cosmo Spinner Cosmo Spinner Chime 18" - Butterfly Chime 18" - Hummingbird COT28 SV Concerto Tunes - 28" Silver
ST30 GSY 2 Sutra Tunes - 30" Guanyin
Premier Elite COT44 SV Concerto Tunes - 44" Silver
CSC18 TL Cosmo Spinner Chime 18" - Tree of life
Cosmo Spinner Chime 18"-Flower of Life
CSC18 SF Cosmo Spinner Chime 18" - Sunface
PRE26 SV Premier Elite - 26" Silver
PRE26 BR Premier Elite - 26" Bronze
PRE26 BK Premier Elite - 26" Black
Cosmo Spinner
CS05 RD Cosmo Spinner - 5" Round
CS05 SK Cosmo Spinner - 5"Snowflake
CS05 MD Cosmo Spinner - 5" Mandala
CS05 FL Cosmo Spinner - 5" Flower of life
CS05 HE Cosmo Spinner - 5" Heart
CS05 DI Cosmo Spinner - 5" Diamond
Cosmo Spinner
CS08 OW Cosmo Spinner - 8" Owl
CS08 DF Cosmo Spinner - 8" Dragonfly
CS08 RY Cosmo Spinner - 8" Ray
CS08 BF Cosmo Spinner - 8" Butterfly
CS08 DW Cosmo Spinner - 8" Diamond Wave
CS08 HB Cosmo Spinner - 8" Hummingbird
CS08 MD Cosmo Spinner - 8" Mandala
CS08 DI Cosmo Spinner - 8" Diamond
CS08 YY Cosmo Spinner - 8" Yinyang
CS08 SF Cosmo Spinner - 8" Sun Face
CS08 FRL Cosmo Spinner - 8" Fruit of Life
CS08 FL Cosmo Spinner - 8" Fruit of Life
CS08 TD Cosmo Spinner - 8" Teardrop
CS08 HE Cosmo Spinner - 8" Heart
CS08 FL2 Cosmo Spinner - 8" Flower of life 2
CS08 CE Cosmo Spinner - 8" Cat's eye
CS08 RD Cosmo Spinner - 8" Round
Crystal Crystal Sundrop Ribbon
Crystal Sundrop
CSD16MD Crystal Sunddrop 16" - Mandala
CSD16TL Crystal Sunddrop 16" - Tree of Life
CSD16 SF Crystal Sunddrop 16" - Sun face
CSD16 FL Crystal Sunddrop 18" - Flower of LIfe
CRB06 ANGPK: Crystal Ribbon 6"- Angel Pink
CSD16HE Crystal Sunddrop 16" - Heart
CRB06 ANGBL Crystal Ribbon 6"- Angel Blue
CRB06 ANGMC Crystal Ribbon 6"- Angel Multi Color
CSD16OW Crystal Sunddrop 16" - Owl
CSD16 HB Crystal Sunddrop 16" - Hummingbird
CSD16 BF Crystal Sunddrop 16" - Butterfly
CSD16HB Crystal Sunddrop 16" - Hummingbird
CSD33 CHK Carystal sundrop 33" - Chakra