Buckley Undergraduate Architecture Portfolio

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michael buckley mjb57@buffalo.edu

undergraduate works (315) 447.9615

Composite Systems fall_10

Constructing Spacial Relations fall_08

Monolith fall_09

Transforming Typologies: Mosque spring_10

michael buckley


Construction Technologies spring_11

The City Inscribed summer_11

Hospice + Birthing Center + Nexus spring_11

Comprehensive Inhabitation fall_11

(315) 447.9615

undergraduate works


zig-zag grid


The zig-zag allows for movement of clips. the clips act as shading baffles on the exterior. The interior clips are smaller and function as operable windows as well as shelving/storage. closed state

open state

Composite Systems Create a surface by using properties of a pattern found in nature and a pattern from a textile material. Think of how light interacts with the surface.

Facade Develop a building facade from the previous exercise. Consider the ways in which this facade relates to light and air in order to create a pleasant interior environment.

matte baffle

glass zig-zag grid

A tectonic zig-zag track sytem provides the apparatus for a mutable facade. Opaque and transparent clips are attached to the track in order to shade the interior space and provide ventilation.

fixed glass panel

Office + Market Design an office and market building in the strip district of Pittsburgh, PA. The interior space should be left empty as the client will be furnishing that space


Omar Khan

Composite Systems

facade development+tectonics


During the summer months opaque horizontal panels are positioned on the exterior of the facade to provide shading from direct light.

The horizontal panels also work as light shelves to bring daylight deeper into the space.

A portion of the light is reflected into the spaces above.

The exterior shading mitigates heat gain during the summer.

Throughout winter the vertically oriented panels are effective at shading the low angle solar radiation. Light is only shaded at eye level, while other light is admitted in order to passively gain heat. winter

interior experience

facade detail

model photos + facade performance

facade exterior

Office + Market

formal development limited late day sun visibility is priority little to no sun daylighting needed

shading and views are both priority


morning sun vertical shading

level 6

direct sunlight shading is priority level 5

level 4

level 3

= office

= terrace

level 2

= market

= green space


Omar Khan

Composite Systems

contextual + orientational development

mulberry way level 1





performance section facade 1 sun at equinox


performance plan facade 2 morning sun at equinox


performance plan facade 3 daylight analysis

5 6

3 7



penn ave



performance plan facade 4 late day sun at equinox

5 +6

interior false color render facade 5+6 midday sun

performance section market roof midday sun

office + market facade performance

Office + Market

mulberry way

level 1

market floorplan

level 3

penn ave

typical office floorplan

south east elevation

transverse section


Omar Khan

Composite Systems

south east elevation

plans + section + elevation









1”=1’ enclosure model


l 1’ “=





renderings + model photos

Office + Market



Construct a container for at least three objects. The container is to hold the objects in specific positions, explicitly considering: the relationship of each object to the others, and the relationship of the viewer to the objects.

The chosen objects are: Gatorade Bottle White Out Highlighter Bic Pen

Wireframe Consider how the characteristics of your objects and the construction of their positions activates space between them.

Planar Produce a model out of planar materials that speaks of the three dimensional spatial relationships of the objects.


TA: Raf Godlewski

hand drafted composite plan + section

Constructing Spatial Relations

plan + section

hand drafted axonometric




The wrapper obscures the labels upon each object. Slots are cut out of the wrapper in order to isolate specific views of the labels.

Both the plan and axonometric show the decreasing diameter of each cylindrical object along the wrapper.

unwrapped mutation of container


Wireframe 12 circles are derived by swinging an arc from the center of one object to a tangent on the other 3 objects. Wire is used to show the views to the other objects. The circles are reorganized from smallest at the bottom to largest on the top.


TA: Raf Godlewski

Constructing Spatial Relations

music wire + chipboard

The connection of these views constructs the space between each object. It activates a new space. At each point along the wrapper a uniquely different view is achieved. Interest is found in the distortion of objects cause by one’s perspective.

wireframe model photos



Three points along the wrapper were chosen. From each point basswood is used to show how one’s vision would perceive the objects.

Each point of vision shows five separate viewing angles. The angles are used to show the distortion done by one’s vision upon objects when they are not in focus.

The construction of negative space is used to show the fields of vision from each point. In this manner, the visible outline of each object is shown.

The model starts to move away from the spatial connection between each object and move toward a comparison of unique viewpoints.

This begins to speak about the intangible qualities of perception.

A person’s impression of an object is affected by one’s view.

planar model photos

A spatial arrangement of cylindrical objects that took their characteristics into account led to an investigation about how an individual perceives objects.

An understanding of spatial relationships is integral in the foundation of architectural design.


R o c k


P a p e r


S c i s s o r s

Rock/Paper/Scissors In groups of 3 utilize a ream of paper to orient and erect a 50-75 lb. rock for a spiritual or cosmical ambition.

model photograph

Group Members: Andrew Pries + Michael Wier

Monolith Translate the form of the rock/paper/scissor into a monolithic object. Primarily, subtract from this volume to create 1 large space and 1 small space.

Lecture Hall The program chosen is a lecture hall space. Auxillary programs include: cafe space, library, and computer lab. model photograph


Dennis Maher

Rock/Paper/Scissors: Monolith

model photos

Rock/Paper/Scissors The ream of paper is made into a weave. The weave cradles the rock into a delicate state of balance. If the counterweight of the weave were to be unrolled, then the entire system collapses. The duality between the light, tectonic weave of paper and the heavy, monolithic rock is captured best by two perspectival charcoal renderings. The contrast between the lightest lights and the darkest darks evokes the anxiety that surges as one witnessess this precarious balancing act. model photograph

drawn by myself

perspectival charcoal renderings

drawn by Mike Wier



plaster model

basswood model

transverse section a longitudinal section a


Dennis Maher

Rock/Paper/Scissors: Monolith

sections + model photos

Lecture Hall The expanding space of the rock was translated into a lecture hall, while the area where the weave was rolled up became a narrowing space for the library. The two spaces were a conterpoint to each other; one as an imtimate space for individual learning, the other a gandiose space for collective learning.

b a



transverse section b longitudinal section b

sections + plans

Monolith: Lecture Hall

pattern study model

Typology Study Islamic Architecture, specifically the mosque. Compare and contrast different mosques. Construct a ‘Mosque Manual’ from these findings. Design a mosque that transforms the typology in a meaningful way.

Program prayer hall

edu. space

book store




The site is located on Cornell University’s campus. Currently the site is home to the campus bookstore. Design a mosque, courtyard, campus store, and education space for this site.

Islamic Pattern


Islamic Patterns work at many scales, and are used to create specific experiences within the sacred space.


Elliott Landry Smith

Transforming Typologies: Mosque

initial pattern studies + diagrams

Spatial Manipulation Site Analysis

ground-roof connection + site analysis

The location is a main crossroads for Cornell. The site has a 28 foot difference from the west side to the east side.

f i n

The integration of this system within the site starts by stamping the pattern into the ground.

f i n

A six pointed star pattern is used for the foundation of spatial relationships. The earliest model extrudes lines of the 2D pattern to ascending heights. Creating structural and spatial opportunities. The moments of intersection suggest a column supporting a framed roof structure. The density and variety of intersection displays opportunites for variation within the system. The mutability is used to create areas of focus.


Sage Chapel

Sage Chapel

Day Hall

Willard Straight Hall

Willard Straight Hall



Barnes Hall

Barnes Hall


B Willard Straight Hall

Willard Straight Hall


Ground Floor Plan 1/16”=1’


Second Floor Plan 1/16”=1’


west elevation

north elevation Spring_10


Elliott Landry Smith

Transforming Typologies: Mosque

elevations + plans

1/16”=1’ model

transverse section

sections + site model

1/16”=1’ model

longitudinal section



Chris Romano

Construction Technologies

menefee cabin

pierce county envi ronmental services building

Axonometric Drawings

barcelona summer_‘11

The City Inscribed View the city of Barcelona as a workable canvas. Keep in mind how the layers of the city have developed over time and how the people interact with this environment.

‘Las Meninas’ Find a location in the city that speaks of the qualities found in Velázquez’s ‘Las Meninas.’ Using this location begin to translate the ideas into the city by working in series.

study 1

study 2

study 3

study 4

Texture Studies Venture into the city. Take photographs of various interesting textures. Using digital media, collage these photographs bring new, layering and depth to the textures. Refer to the work of Barcelonian artist: Antoni Tàpies.


Dennis Maher

The City Inscribed

las meninas + texture studies


las meninas + sketches

colonia guell


barcelona pavilion


surface from strands controlled spline

michael buckley | arc_302 - project 2

surface derived from controlled spline 2

(plan) 1


controlled spline (cross-section)

adjustable shape

adjustable shape

adjustable thickness

placement use of graph

Surface Iterations Using parametric design program: Grasshopper, develop a script that will allow for 9 iterations of surfaces in the x, y, and z plane.

increased precision

density of points

number of points distribution of points



g r a s s h o p p e r s c r i p t

Hospice + Birthing Center + Nexus

controlled spline drawer

creating a surface along a curve

orienting surface

controlled division of crossectional curve



surface oriented along points upon crossectional curve



5 controlled curves create a lofted surface surface trimmer

project curve trim surface

Pair of Spaces Using the language developed in the surface interations design a patient room that connects to a lounge on the adjacent wall.


privacy density of strands at eye level restricts exterior view

location of densities

Hospice + Bithing Center Design a hospice + birthing center + nexus. Consider the relationship between the programs. The site is located in Buffalo, NY in the historic Polonia district. Consider how the building can become a nexus of health education.


Adam Sokol

creating a space that feels intimate in order to achieve an environment that promotes private conversations




collective seating

Hospice + Birthing Center + Nexus



semi-secluded seating

grasshopper script+design


michael buckley | arc_302 - project 2

Pair of Spaces The shared surface between patient room and lounge acts as a partition. Visually it is disconnected, but sound can travel through to the lounge. It is intended to allow a visiting family to be near their loved one, without always disturbing the patient. In this way each party is granted more privacy.

9 surface iterations

Iterations + Pair of Spaces

Gibson Street Fillmore Avenue

Metro Bus Stop

ro Bus





y St


level 1






site plan

level 2

view from corner of broadway + fillmore




layout of program+circulation responds to the fluctuation of occupants over time

intensity of use over time

= hospice


Adam Sokol

= birthing

= nexus

= elevators

= public access stairs

Hospice + Birthing Center + Nexus

= fire stairs

low fluctuation of occupancy

high fluctuation of occupancy

site plan + diagrams + photo

group counseling area

meditation/ prayer space


education area

reception desk below

supplies storage


level 5 birthing




plans + renders + photo

level 8 (7,9,10) hospice


Hospice + Birthing Center


The Hospice + Birthing Center occupy separate levels. However, they share a similar layout of patient rooms and shared space.

The nexus is located on the first 3 levels. It has its own large entry, which is a fluid, exterior stair. Within the nexus is a cafe, gallery, and lecture space.


interior common space (south wing all private levels)

Hospice + Birthing Center + Nexus

birdseye view

view from broadway market

model @ 1:300

longitudinal section


interior lounge

transverse section

Adam Sokol

Hospice + Birthing Center + Nexus

sections + renders + photo

enclosure section winter day

enclosure section summer day



enclosure sections + entry render

entry stairs Hospice + Birthing Center + Nexus

Music Collab

Structural Cores


Unit Design

Design an 18 unit apartment complex with a public program in downtown Buffalo at the intersection of Delaware Ave. and W. Chippewa St.

The private spaces exist within the mass. The shared spaces occupy the space between the mass.

Music Collab

While the size of the private space remains consistent within each core, the size of the infill space is flexible in order to accommodate varying occupancy needs.

The context to the site is an entertainment district. In order to create a strong bond to the community the residence houses people with musical interest. While the public program is a music retail space.


Private Space

Mass + Infill Throughout the design inhabitable vertical structure provides private space, while the interstitial space between these cores is used as shared space.


Nerea Feliz


Comprehensive Inhabitation


Shared Space

Each bedroom is capable of function as a musical practice space for the residents. The acoustic insulation and concrete make for an isolated acoustic space.

concept + mass/infill system

Uses of Vertical Cores Circulation Stair cores Elevators

Retail / Residential = Retail Space = Residential Space

mail room

bike room

Services Wet walls + Chases

meter room meter room

archive space archive space

retail storage

Serve as lightwells for retail space

= 3 bedroom = 2 bedroom

delaware ave.

Unit Aggregation Courtyards

= 1 bedroom

= private terrace

= public terrace

Sound Tubes Advertising vestibules for retail space

trash removal

Egress + Circulation Private Space Bedroom within structural core

= horizontal residential circulation = vertical residential circulation = horizontal public circulation

w. chippewa st.

level 1 public


= vertical public circulation

Private Space Musical practice space within structural core

program + site plan

Music Collab

level 2 shared

level 5



Nerea Feliz



Comprehensive Inhabitation

level 4


level 6





Aerial View 1

Aerial View 2

w. chippewa st.


section + elevation + photos


delaware ave.


Music Collab

Daylighting Analysis tested using Ecotect

1 bedroom unit (most glazing)

3 bedroom unit (least glazing)

3 bdrm

Unit Ventilation

Air = air movement = operable window

level 2

Courtyard Ventilation

3 bdrm


unit plan

Nerea Feliz

Comprehensive Inhabitation

unit plan + light/air

details + wall section + detailed elevation

Music Collab

Building Services

Residential HVAC

Electric elevators

Entire scheme (vertical)

Entire scheme (combined)

Entire scheme (horizontal)

Site-cast load-bearing concrete walls+columns

Site-cast 2-way flatplate + 2-way slab and beam

12” Thick Concrete Load-bearing walls


Concrete Columns

Electric elevator

meter rooms =

chimney = plumbing walls =

elevator equipment rooms =

central hot water plant =

12” Thick site-cast concrete slab

hot water supply/return =


3bdrm unit plan

The strategy chosen for heating is a centralized hydronic radiant floor system. Thermal mass is embedded in the structural system of load-bearing concrete walls and 2-way floor slabs.


radiant floor heating = mechanical extracts =

The strategy chosen for cooling is natural ventilation. Each residential unit is a three-aspect unit which allows for an adequate amount of cross ventilation.

Residential levels (vertical)

Residential levels (horizontal)

Site-cast load-bearing concrete walls+columns

Site-cast 2-way flatplate

Residential levels (combined) 12” Thick Concrete Load-bearing walls

12” Thick site-cast concrete slab

The central hot water plant is located in the basement. The hot water travels horizontally on the basement level. It then reaches the residential units and public program via 8 vertical bundles located within wet walls.

Radiant Floor The tubing for the radiant floor in a single unit consists of three loops. The spacing from walls is 6” and spacing from itself is 12”. Each loop is near 300’ in length.

Public levels (vertical)

Public levels (horizontal)

Site-cast load-bearing concrete walls

Public levels (combined)

Site-cast 2-way flatplate

12” Thick Concrete Load-bearing walls


Parking HVAC

12” x 12” Concrete beam

12” x 30” Concrete beam

Concrete Columns

18” x 36” Concrete beam

Public HVAC 24” Thick site-cast concrete slab

Parking level (vertical)

Parking level (horizontal)

Site-cast load-bearing concrete walls+columns

Parking level plan

ducts =

chimney =

parking plant room =

central hot water plant =

intake/exhaust louvers =

hot water supply/return =


Nerea Feliz

Parking level (combined)

2-way slab+beam

Comprehensive Inhabitation

Public level plan

Residential level plan

mechanical + structure

60” 18”



hot water plant 60”

AHU Plant Room


parking egress



parking egress residential plan = 60” turning radius = refuge areas (48”x38”) = accessible elevator (96” x 66”) = egress corridor type a 3 bdrm


public egress

parking egress

public egress


smokeproof egress





residential egress

type a 2 bdrm


residential egress


ground floor egress

retail plan

overlay egress

egrees + accessibility

type a 1 bdrm

Music Collab: Technical Development

Birdseye view

Retail Space

Perspective from Delaware Ave.


1/16”=1’ model

Nerea Feliz

1/16”=1’ model

Comprehensive Inhabitation

View from Delaware Ave. + W. Chippewa

renders + model photos

Slice Model 1/4”=1’

Floor Construction:

Tongue + Groove Flooring Topping Slab w/ radiant heat Impact Sound Insulation 2 way flat plate

Living Space

Kitchen Space

slice model + unit model + unit renders

Music Collab

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