portfolio 2011 Firera

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Portfolio 2011 Martin Firera Alessandri Architect

Arch.MARTIN FIRERA ALESSANDRI born: 03/11/1980 in: Cuzco (Per첫) nationality: Italian resident in: Pollena Trocchia 80040 Naples (Italy) CONTACTS tel.: +39-081-5311207 cell.: +39-347-1804230 email: m_fireraalessandri@alice.it skype: m_fireraalessandri LINKS - PDF full portfolio,thesis presentation and more http://issuu.com/m_fireraalessandri - MATWORKS final thesis at iaac http://www.mat-works.net - IAAC BLOG some of our works at iaac http://www.iaacblog.com - CORVINO+MULTARI previous architecture firm I was working with http://www.corvinoemultari.com

The pages following my introduction through my CV contain some of my work samples; through which you can understand how I was operating on different subjects, in different backgrounds and environments, and how the planning process was affected by these. The works are divided in three main groups depending on the time period in which it was developed: - Academic: projects linked to university field or with a didactic or research purpose. - Professional: professional works mostly done at C o r v i n o + M u l t a r i architecture studio. - Master: work done while attending the Master in Advanced Architecture at IAAC during my stay in Barcelona . All projects demonstrate my ability to take advantage of and coordinate the very many elements like: planning strategies, tools of control and representation, team work and collaboration with others professionals.

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Desired employment / Occupational field

Architect , Urban Planner

Work experience

Dates Occupation or position held

Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Telephone(s)

Home: 0039-081-5311207 Mobile: 0039-347-1804230

Fax(es) E-mail


Date of birth


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project-based contract

Main activities and responsibilities

planning, drawing and rendering

Name and address of employer

Corvino + Multari, via ponti rossi, 117° 80131 – Naples ITALY http://www.corvinoemultari.com

Martin / Firera Alessandri 6, st. Alcide de Gasperi, 80040, Pollena Trocchia (NA), Italy

From September 2009 till to July 2010

Type of business or sector

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Architecture and Urbanism Studio

From November 2009 to February 2010 Planner Research about a project of National Interest (PRIN)

Name and address University of Naples, Dep. Of Urban planning of employer and Urban development, via Toledo 402, 80133 - Naples ITALY http://www.magisarch5ue.unina.it/index.html Type of business or sector


Education and training


Dates Occupation or position held

October 2008 to April 2009 Data collector and visualization

Main activities and responsibilities

Architectural survey of five Neapolitan schools

Name and address of employer

IV Municipality of Naples, via Gianturco 99, 80142 – Naples ITALY

Type of business or sector

Public Institution

Title of qualification awarded

Master in Advanced Architecture (75 ECTS)

Principal subjects/occupatio nal skills covered

Final studio and thesis in “Digital Tectonics”

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

IAAC Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia http://www.iaac.net UPC Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Level in national or international classification Dates

Dates Occupation or position held

From June 2001 to March 2002 Civil Servant in Department of Public Instruction

Main activities and Management of public refectory responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

Municipality of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, piazza municipio 1, san Sebastiano al Vesuvio NA - Italy Public Institution

July 2 2011

9.8/10 (internal rate)

September 30 2010

Title of qualification awarded

Architect no.11233, enrolment in "Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Napoli e provincia" (Architectural association of Naples and district) http://appc.architettinapoletani.it/

Principal subjects/occupatio nal skills covered

State examination


October 30 2009

Title of qualification awarded

Graduation in ARCHITECTURE 5UE

Principal subjects/occupatio nal skills covered

category of Specialized degrees in architecture and construction engineering

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Name and type of organisation providing education and training Level in national or international classification Dates

University of Naples “FEDERICO II”, Naples Italy

Mother tongue(s)

Other language(s) Selfassessment April 17 2009 Certification to be coordinator of safety in a building yard

Principal subjects/occupatio nal skills covered

Regional examination

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Regione Campania, Gestione del decentramento e della formazione

Title of qualification awarded

Level in national or international classification

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English, Spanish Speaking





Spoken interaction

Spoken production













European level (*)

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages http://www.coe.int/t/DG4/Portfolio/?M=/main_pages/levels.html

Social skills and competences

Excellent skills in teamwork, relationship with colleagues and share design decision.

Scientific high school degree

Organisational skills and competences

Good skills of time management. While I was working I was also able to find time keeping my relationship with university research and follow my hobbies

Scientific High School “Salvatore Di Giacomo”, San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, NA Italy

Technical skills and Good in taking and editing photo and video competences Ability to use CAD/CAM machines like: 3d printer, laser cutter, cnc milling I have excellent workmanship: Wood carpenter, welding and iron works, electronic and electric systems, resins, rubber, models and objects making.

July 1998

Principal subjects/occupatio nal skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training


110/110 cum Laude

Title of qualification awarded


Personal skills and competences


Computer skills and I’m able to work with both computer systems: competences Windows OS – advanced Mac OS – intermediate And with many computer software such as: Office – advanced Autocad – advanced Revit – intermediate All the Adobe CS5 (including also Adobe premiere and After Effect) – advanced Corel Draw – advanced 3d Max – advanced Freehand - advanced Rhinocero – advanced Grashopper with many pugin – advanced Ecotect – intermediate Maya – intermediate Corel Painter – intermediate Acca primus – intermediate Dialux – Intermediate And good faculty for learning more

Artistic skills and competences

Other skills and competences

Driving licence

Good Photographer Particular attention to graphic solution and design Faculties creating models Extensive knowledge about music, movies and art’s Design and fabrication of forniture

One of my firs passion is travelling and sometimes travelling also alone I was able to fit in different situation and solve different problems Able to behave in an international context PADI advanced open water diver certification

International drive licence B

last upgrade


Programming with Processing http://processing.org/ Using microcontrollers based on Arduino http://www.arduino.cc/ I have also good skills assembling and maintenance of hardware and networking.

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Planning lab. 1


Planning lab. 2


Lab. 1 of construction


Integrated planning lab. 3


Planning lab. 4


Urbanism lab

pag. 07


Final syntesis lab

pag. 09


Restauration lab


Graduation thesis

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Martin Firera Alessandri UNINA | Lab. of Urbanism | M.Russo

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SEACOAST OF PORTICI Form urban to a small scale project the project site is located along the coast line of Portici, a city at south of Naples, and is defined by an old train line, now downgraded to a local line. Other important factors include a rail museum, the royal palace, a research complex and a port area for fishing and that also serves as tourist attraction. Our aim was give back this area to citizens, thus repairing connections and opening the center toward the sea.

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The purpose is achieved by creating an unique and continuous public space that is able to connect all the functions between them, and with the city. The obstruction presented by the rail line is constructively solved by raising the lines to clear the ground underneath and by having new stations at stratergic points. This gives character and definition to the coast and allows it to remain a continuous part of the city.





Martin Firera Alessandri UNINA | Lab. of final synthesis | P.Miano, C.Piscopo, S.Pone, M.Russo

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ARGENTIERA Mining village Argentiera is a village located at north-west coast of Sardinia, with a mining in its history. Even in current times it is possible find a lot of evidences of previous mining exploitation. the intervention is focused on the conversion of this suburb to become the headquarter of a future mining national park, which would require many different associated functions and an infrastructure that would support tourism, while preserving and improving the roots and customs of the area. the aim of the project is to take advantage of any potentials and traces present on the site use them to consolidate, integrate and connect all the elements with a network to develop a continues experience for the user, who is guided to discover this magical site. the matter is introduced and solved from the stage of starting at an urban scale, to that of going into the details of all solutions; revealing a well layered project comprising of landscape, renovation and engineering, all in an odd environment like Argentiera. the plentiful assortment and the abundant exotic environment have transformed this into a useful and interesting experience. this project was selected by the faculty council to represent my university at international challenge Archiprix, which awards the best thesis of the year.

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Martin Firera Alessandri UNINA | graduation thesis | P.Miano, C.Piscopo

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PRIN For the city of Palermo right after my graduation I was invited by my faculty to participate in the drafting of a PRIN (research plan of national interest) with other colleges in Italy. the PRIN for the city of Palermo aimed to develop many solutions to revitalize some critical points of the city. The main problem that needed solving in our area was the deep partition between the urban networks of two historical blocks, while preserving an existing main ring road that encircled the city. It was a criteria to provide for functions like residential, commercial, public, sports and research along this road. the solution proposed to re-join the urban plot by creating a furnished public space and combining most of others functions into a single larger complex derived by the urban setting itself.

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M.Firera Alessandri, P.di Martino, M.di Iorio, G.ParitĂ UNINA | dep. Urban Planning

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Chemist interior design in Portici


Oratory in Naples


Regional council building

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La Cartiera

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Casoria municipal building


A square in Bolzano

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REGIONAL COUNCIL BUILDING Restoring and upgrading The first professional work in which I was involved requested the renovation and up gradation of the current regional governments building. Due to its historical value the design required a careful and precise analysis in order to strategize the best way to intervene. Special attention was paid while working with facades to create it in accordance to the existing legislature about heritage conservation. More radical works were planned for the basement and the rooftop where we placed many of the required new functions. this project was also interesting because it was the first time I was called to coordinate my work with other professionals figures including people from the other architecture studio working with us, engineers, members of the institution, the client the authority person who was called to supervise the discipline of rules. The other main aspect of this project that interested me was the cooperation during the planning phase with the artist J.Kounellis, who was in charge of the realization of an art installation on the building itself.

the building

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Corvino + Multari, Studio Valle, Ing. G.Iazzetta Regione Campania


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ground flor

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PALAPONTICELLI Space for music and big events with annexed complementary structures Ponticelli is a huge district on the eastern outskirts of Naples. Inhabited by around 60,000 people, it is considered to be one of the most hazardous zones of the main city of Campania, which – owing to its great urban, economic and social degradation – is often among the front-page news. Its dynamically and softly shaped buildings are made in red in order to be easily detectable far from arterial roads; they seem to give rise to a volcanic-like landscape where lava flows are linked together by the magma of public areas. The music, entertainment, sport and fair Hall has a maximum seating capacity of 10,800 people; the shape of the building is also conditioned by its sound equipment conceived to make it as flexible as possible. A wide glass door makes it enter into direct communication with the outside environment and, by night, turns it into a sort of city lighthouse. At the gates of Naples, at Ponticelli, an auditorium with an adjoining trade centre has been designed which is meant to be built in an extremely degraded area, without any equipment and pathway on an urban scale. Based on the concept of confluence and contradiction, the project is due to involve a greater geographical area – users will be able to reach Naples in a very short time – marked off with the top of Mt. Vesuvius and the nearer line of maritime pines, thus giving birth to a landmark within the urban context, an accessible place for the community, a multifunctional piece of the city. The three basic elements of the project cross and almost merge so as to create an internal square delimited by “soft borders”, as well as to meet on the territory that “complex need of combining public and private space, green areas and infrastructure inside those places of city pieces”.




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Corvino + Multari, Engco s.r.l. Palaponticelli s.r.l., Napoli




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models and views

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LA CARTIERA Integrated center for handycraft and busines The area of Aticarta lies in a setting of particular environmental, historical and settlement interest, it extends along a narrow strip of land between the river Sarno and the Bottaro canal, that is, in a perifluvial setting of particular interest for the section of riverbed and the flood plain systems. Besides the two watercourses there are the plots of the irrigated fields of the agricultural area. This is territory with intense production and strong formal and structural value. The surrounding are the Bourbon gunpowder factory, in the city of Scafati, the archeological site of Pompei and the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Rosario. For this reason the systemic context of conspicuous unbroken areas which it belongs to has a special interest, above all, when one imagines recovery of the Anicarta complex and its reuse for collective, commercial and economic purposes, from a prospective of environmental recovery and protection. Such a system is augmented and improved by the project, with special attention to cycle tracks and pedestrian paths within the area, and to connections towards the outside, so as to put it into a circuit-like relationship with the entire territory, recovering fluidity of movement. The relationship with the territory, and therefore with the river, is obviously very strong and taken on by the programme of restructuring of the installation, which defines a project of the soil and foresees some substantial actions, like: - the elimination of a large proportion of the technical volumes. - the raising of the building from the ground, exception made for the area which was once used for storing the material produced, which shall be conserved as it stands because of its architectural value; the remaining parts of the ground floor shall be used for green spaces and car parks. - moving part of the car parks into covering and covering the entire building with an undulating net which mitigates the visual and environmental impact, formally reuniting the soft lines of the agrarian landscape of the basin of the Sarno, like the gentle waves of the profile of the greenhouses; particular importance is taken on by natural light which rains from above (an evocation of Pompeian architecture) in three great skylights set near some common internal spaces of the building. - intervening with a technological system of sustainable energy; the project, in fact, aims at technological sustainability with the use of forms of alternative energy. This is the case of the existing large sloping roof which becomes the occasion for designing a great solar roof, for the location of photovoltaic cells, a nave which contains and is passed by the great building which has a blind prospective entirely covered by reflecting panels in aluminium which allow the surrounding green landscape to be reflected in its surface. - defining a green project which integrates the building into the surrounding environment, as if it were lengthening of the park and this itself the lengthening of the surrounding fields. The Cartiera - Integrated Centre for Andycraft and Business shall be completed in this way , becoming a place to find spaces for entertainment, shopping, craft production and restaurants, seen as public gathering places. 06 portfolio MFAA - pag. 33







Corvino + Multari, Engco s.r.l. Comune di Pompei, Fergos s.r.l. materials

first floor

ground floor

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PASS, Tiburtino III Project for social and sustainable housing PASS [Project for Social and Sustainable Housing] develops itself following a living logic, placing the inhabitants life in the core of the project. The new houses inhabitants and the old ones will be benefited from this intervention. The base idea of the project borns from the assumption that the joining of a house and a tree can generate a housing condition. The new houses and the services contaminate the district texture like a virus, joining with the green areas at the ground floor and like a object trouvè inside the urban park. The big green spaces at the ground floor aim to make sensible the district inhabitants about socialization. We propose an upgrade intervention, with new volumes on the existing assets, using the modular structures with the newest practices of urban regeneration. The choice of ground floor housing exclusive solution is reasoned because the court is a space dedicated to the community, not to individual behaviors. The project follows the Itaca Protocol guidelines.

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32356mq GREEN

450 + 120 = 570 ALLOGGI 342 + 50 = 392 ALBERI



6930mq WALKING



Corvino + Multari, R.Pezzullo ATER Azienda Territoriale per l’ Edilizia Residenziale del Comune di Roma, Regione Lazio users and functions

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Master at IAAC

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Design studio 1 & 2




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IAAC Master in advanced architecture 2010-2011 During this year the institute gave me many opportunities to participate in various workshops and lectures and keep in touch with industries, professionists and researchers of the field. workshops: Marco Galofaro - Models making Neil Leach - Beyond parametricism Michel Rojkind & Alberto Villareal - The shape of information Thiago Mundim - Simulation with Processing Victor Vi単a - Hacking with Arduino lectures: Bjarke Ingels Shigeru Ban Peter Eisenman Peter Cook Matthias Kohler Farshid Moussavi

Neil Leach Chris Wan (Masdar City) Kas Oosterhuis Nader Tehrani Or Ettlinger and more...

professionists (research trip): The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC) is an international centre for research, education, investigation and development oriented toward architecture as a discipline that addresses different scales of territorial analysis and urban development as well as diverse architectural projects, digital processes and information environments. Located in Barcelona, one of the international capitals of Urbanism, the institute directed by Vicente Guallart develops multidisciplinary programmes that explore international urban and territorial phenomena, with a special emphasis on the opportunities that arise from the emergent territories and on the cultural, economic and social values that architecture can contribute to society. IaaC sets out to take R+D to architecture and urbanism and to create multidisciplinary knowledge networks, and to this end the institute works in collaboration with a number of cities and regions, industrial groups and research centres, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Brighton and the University of Chicago, developing various research programmes which bring together experts in different disciplines such as engineering, sociology, anthropology, architecture and other fields of investigation. IaaC has made a name as a centre of international reference which welcomes students and investigators from diverse countries, among which are India, Australia, the USA, Poland, Argentina , Ethiopia, Iraq and others.

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EPFL - mobile robotics departement - Lausanne EPFL - laboratory for the production of architecture - Lausanne University of Zurich - Zurich Designtoproduction - Zurich Gramazzio & Kohler - Zurich ILEK - Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design - Stuttgart Institute of Computational Design - Stuttgart Trumpf Factory - Stuttgart Festo AG & Co.Kg - Stuttgart Vitra Campus - Weil am Rhein





Martin Firera Alessandri the institute | digital fabrication | digital tools Digital Fabrication is an introductory on new production techniques through the relation between computer data and materialization. The use of CAD / CAM processes in architecture is not new anymore, this relation has been built along last years focused in the production of non-standard architecture and speculation around the form as an end itself. The tool is not the goal, the tool is the mean for the production of customized designs responding to a reality and changing it, and viceversa. During the course we went through different scales of production and Digital Fabrication techniques such as: laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC milling and circuit programming, design and fabrication. One of the goals was to introduce the thinking around the function, by following the evolution of the design through iterations of production as a workflow. One of the main goals of the course was to produce a scaled interactive model of Barcelona city, counting with the guidance of different international advisors in electronics, model production and data visualization. In order to achieve this goal was scheduled a workshop leaded by the architect and model maker Marco Garofalo during which we were introduced to use many different techniques and materials like acrilic, ruber and resin.

rhino cam

laser cutting

Marco Garofalo workshop

cnc milling barcelona

3d printing using resin and ruber

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As introduction we studied contemporary design tools in order to enable 3D and 2D strategies for design and representation. The tools utilized facilitate several issues including introducing common platforms for collaboration. The primary focus involved learning 3D modeling with McNeel's Rhinoceros v4. The adoption of Rhino as the main 3D tool deals with its ability to interface with many different file formats. In many ways Rhino will act as the bridge between many applications, 3D and 2D alike. Rhino also has a rich list of plugins and other methods by which to extend its capabilities. Finally, Rhino has a vast community of users, thus allowing for various ways to seek help, find example files, and share the work completed in the class. Another aspect was to explore methods to represent the work coming from the other courses in conjunction with the skills learned in this course. Tools such as Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects will enable both static and motion based representation and has broad compatibility with the file formats available in Rhino. There are a multitude of other tools used throughout the course in order to complement the main 3D and 2D software packages. These tools include plugins for the main tools and small applications.

Architecture as a practice and experience has often dealt with the negotiation of several elements rendered in a built space. The tools of our trade (both conceptual and instrumental) have played a crucial role in defining how architecture and design evolve through form, materials, scale, and performance. In the end though, designing has always been and will always continue to be about designing associations. We looked at ways to construct logics which take advantage of diverse data sources, algorithms, geometry, and manufacturing processes. The main focus was to operate with McNeel’s Grasshopper plug-in for Rhinoceros 4. Described, as a ‘generative modeling for Rhino. On the other hand in the built environment and in particular the design of environmentally friendly buildings receive an ever growing interest over the past few years. Architects are increasingly expected to produce buildings that have low energy requirements, produce low CO2 emissions, while making use of renewable energy resources. To produce such designs though, assessment tools are necessary throughout the design process in order to provide feedback that would allow the designer to converge ideas into an effective and sustainable design proposal. ECOTECT, is a software that can provide the designer with those necessary tools to achieve that. ECOTECT is an environmental analysis tool which couples an intuitive 3D modelling interface with extensive solar, thermal, lighting, acoustic and cost analysis functions. It is best suited at the early stages of design, when rapid decisions need to be made regarding various aspects of performance. Those could include lighting, thermal, solar, shading, energy and acoustics among others.

3d diagram of Barcelona

solar analysis performed thru grasshopper

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grasshopper definition: tower and its solar analysis

PROCESSING AND ARDUINO The first block of the course was dedicated to view and analyze several data visualization projects, from generative to informational representations, and from artistic to utility extract the most relevant observations that will be finally exhibited as a critical viewpoint. we were tought the fundamentals of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) with the purpose of developing a simple interactive application using an open-source software like Processing. Using the same lenguage than we received tutorials in programming and building customized robotic devices. We were introduced to physical computing techniques, tools and processes which allow development of interactive systems combining microcontrollers, sensors and actuators. the seminar was planned to specifically show us how to craft complex behaviors through algorithms and how to approach the design of dynamic computational systems which take into account environmental factors of diff erent nature. Design of computational workflows was also introduced, with the sole objective to create custom hardware systems for the production of architectural parametric components.

processing simulation of interaction between materials

insolation analysis

wind analysis

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DESIGN STUDIO PHASE 1 & 2 Project for Barcelona zero-emission Barcelona has represented for the past 150 years a city of urbanism, one of a successful spatial planning project, the CĂŠrda project. Over time with the change in the lifestyle of the residents, there are newer requirements that need to be met with by the city; it needs to adapt and be multi-layered to support the demands posed by society. This society now faces new challenges, in the form of: information, sustainability, ecology and interaction though models of coexistence, to generate an urban experience that is inclusive and not exclusive, intense and not segregated in nature. The aim of the Studio 1 was to investigate how we can achieve 0 emissions from every neighborhood in the city. The focus was to design a multi-scale model through solutions like new selfsufficient building neighborhoods and new models of regeneration. We also worked on new traffic management strategies that could detect the disuse or abuse of the means of mobility, that would aid each individual that uses mass transit methods. we proposed the recycling of old infrastructure, to regenerate the destructive model of an earlier stage to a newer and more functional one that would serve use during events like the Olympic or cultural. Through this project an effort was made to develop the city in ways to allow it to be more operational, but these proposals were all made after studying the city and the way it functions in the current scenario, while maintaining its old character and charm.

block exemplification of Barcelona

representing energy consumption

evaluation of surfaces

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Martin Firera Alessandri Vicente Guallart, Willy MĂźller, Marta MalĂŠ-Alemany electricity consumption: block/year

pv panels on roof pv panel bridges

green areas on the roof

Greenspaces Pvpanels on the roof macro-cells solution: balance of energy

Greenspaces Pvpanels bridges Gardenroof

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MAT-WORKS Multi-material matters | research of a site-specific additive multimaterial building process THESIS


Nowadays ,construction of buildings made of any kind of artificial stone such as concrete require an excessive amount of form work which most frequently is made of wooden panels or other materials such as steel or plastic. Considering that only a minor part of the material can be reused, manufacturing this form work, is a very time- and cot-consuming process; While 3-D printing technologies are advancing in fields of industrial design and rapid prototyping architectural applications using these technics at a building scale are still very rare and so far strictly limited to the use of one singular material. Even though prefabrication of entire building parts is already very developed and entire walls can be manufactured including insulation and ducts for water and electricity there is not yet any application out there which is able to combine the advantages of an architecture oriented 3-D printing process with the possibility of including the complete technical infrastructure required in a building by printing the whole architectural element including all ducts layer by layer through a multi-material process. MEP services are still considered as an add-on application in architecture. Our project starts here; with the intention to use as much as possible local material resources we intend to develop a 3-D printing process which using multiple materials with different physical properties ( structural, support, insulating, dissolving ) will deposit granular material in piles creating step by step and layer by layer a material network, i.e. a wall or any other building part which by the way it is built up may perform according to environmental requirements. This building process is supposed to happen machinically in an environmental feedback process. The outcome of this research may be a simple igloo-like building type with an intelligently composed skin which is able to perform well in an arid environment such as desert of Juda, our project site.

Cavity from removed support material ( saw dust ) can work as duct for air ventilation Structural cement

Remaining support material reduces heat connectivity ( Insulation )

Over all porosity of network can influence light transmission and heat capacity Regular building process

Stucco Form work Wall

Regular isolation





Evaluation of

Generation of material



and deposition logics

Multi-material process

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Wall with physical performance Multi material model of insulation 10

Multi material deposition 11


Martin Firera Alessandri, Julian Hildebrand, Ohad Meyuhas, Jordi Portell Iaac | studio of digital tectonics 2010-2011 | Marta Male Alemany, Victor ViĂąa, Brian Peter SAND-BOX 3D Conventional way for putting Pipes in walls Pipes are considered an addon the structural system


Material interaction

Genetic code

Selection and mutation

A< B Fittnes check

3-D Modeling Instead of pipes cavities are defined within solid material

Automatic geometry generation

With this simulation and optimization environment we wanted to create a basic universal tool that allowed us work in three tightly related fields: 1. Testing physical results of different material deposition strategies and relate them to a set of operation commands specially created for our deposition nozzle mounted on a ‘transportation’ machine. 2. Relate the material distribution obtained to some key parameters that are important and would affect the systems performance and drive the design, and optimise the material distribution according to this parameters. 3. Provide a working environment for the sample printing process that visualizes the files before or at the same time as they are printed on the machine: graphic interface for the printing process.

Performance calculation

Voxel coordinates to geometry Simulated material voxels can be exported to Grasshopper and transformed into geometry

G-code driven simulation According to g-code material deposition is simulated providing the final result of the deposition process.

Extraction of coordinates




Building part

Coordinates for deposition are extracted from the 3-D model

G- code is generated from extracted coordinates to drive the machine movement and quantity of material

Moving according to generated g-code

Material type, position and quantity poured by machinic device

Final material system or building part printed

Two materials being poured in a preconceived pattern

Section mode: Geometric material interaction can be displayed and analysed in x,y and z axis

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Real material sample

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Same deposition strategy simulated with two materials

Simulation allows for analysis of removable and interior material parts


Continuous servo

Tread tube for dense material removal

Servos for sand-like nozzle

Nozzle for high density materials M4 M3 M1 M2

Gradually increasing pile volume in sand and mortar;

Connection to milling machine

Nozzle opening with control blade and servo


Funnel to bundle material from 4 nozzles

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PROTOTYPE Contemporaneously with the development of the nozzle for material deposition we started developing the machinic device on which the nozzle should be mounted and from which would further influence the final design possibilities through the various degrees of movement of the machine. In this process the printing axis of a custom A0 plotter has been reused to build the prototype of the machine to which we would later on attach the multi-material nozzle. Conceptually we planned for combining the nozzle we already used in combination with the shopbot also with our prototype, so a simple connection between nozzle base and former printing axis would be sufficient for first machinic deposition tests responding to a radial logic. The first version of the machinic device was still quite heavy in construction; for that reason we decided to redesign part of the main structural components of the machine in order to get one step closer to the light weight mechanism we actually imagined as our final prototype. By reducing excessive weight and building up a stiffer structure of mostly aluminium and few MDF parts we were expecting a better performance in the sense of general speed of movement and reaction time. Reused tripod New aluminium frame built-up

Remaining MDF parts

Shopbot nozzle mounted below the prototyped device

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Shopbot nozzle reused on deposition machine

THE DEVICE For our prototype we were bound to a maximum work scale as well as material quantity which we could use in our tests and the absolute dimensions of the deposition device are concerned. Our prototype can be considered approximately a 1:10 model of the final building machine which we envision with a 20 m span and 10 m height.

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1. The first material stock has been placed on site and the deposition devices operate within refilling range; the machines must be able to intersect with the radius of the refilling nozzle at one point of their path of movement; when ever the material stock in the machines drops below a critical level the machine will move back on its path top the point of refill; while returning on its path the machine will start printing already the next layer of material to optimise the covered distance per printed area. 2. Once an area has been printed fully a new material stock is set-up or the old one is moved to a new place. As the deposition devices depend on the vicinity to the stock, this enables them to move to the new printing site. 3. The deposition on site can happen in swarms; for that reason additional devices can be delivered on site by truck and can unfold within a relatively short time frame right where they have to start building; in case the site should not be sufficiently accessible, the machine can move to the designated place itself making use of its adaptable site- responsive hydraulic system of movement.

4. Material cycle: After deposition building needs to be hydrated to harden the structural materials; after a reasonable time frame the used support material can be removed and be reused for the next deposition process. This task is accomplished by a small vacuuming robot which bridges the distances between the deposition area and the material general material stock on site which is continuously refilled. The vacuuming process itself is directed by human workers which use human cognitive intelligence to direct the movement of the vacuuming nozzle. As soon as the vacuuming of dried support material is completed the robot moves back to the next stock and refills it. 5. Interaction with plants: The wall built-up of the buildings depending on the materials used in its formation allows for the growth of plants in and on the outer shell of the e inhabited spaces. The introduction of plants allows for various side effects such as purification of air which passes through the plants and the porous wall systems leaving pollutants behind and absorbing water retained in the wall system; a natural system of air conditioning is generated.


5. 2.


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SITE ENGINEERING The deposition device has only a limited stock of material; for that reason it needs continuously to be refilled; material containers are going to be placed centrally on site inbetween the working areas of deposition devices; even though the machines will move during deposition it must be assured that at the starting point of machinic movement is always within reach of the refilling nozzle. When the building within a certain area has been concluded the material stock is shifted into another area to allow again for short paths during refill. The stock is supposed to contain industrial materials delivered from the city nearby such as cement, saw dust and mortar while the required sand can be extracted on site. Dry support material can be reused after construction; this is supposed to happen through smaller vacuuming robots which recollect the used dry sand and saw dust and refill the material stock with it. A continuous material cycle is established.

Machines always work within reach of material stock; position of stock is subsequently shifted after one area has been completed.


Second material supply with limited range


First material supply with limited range 1


Range of deposition device; refilling can happen at intersections

portfolio MFAA - pag. 54

Extracted g-code from point cloud model containing pile coordinates and quantity SR J3 119,184,0

M1 100 J3 325,249,0

M2 25 J3 74,117,0

M2 25 J3 232,48,0

M2 25 J3 317,345,0

M1 100

M1 100

M2 25

M2 25

M2 25

J3 150,144,0 M1 100

J3 357,279,0 M1 100

J3 102,81,0 M2 25

J3 242,258,0 M2 25

J3 348,114,0 M2 25

J3 197,125,0

J3 398,292,0

J3 144,62,0

J3 262,292,0

J3 353,360,0

M1 100 J3 248,131,0

M1 100 J3 442,287,0

M2 25 J3 187,47,0

M2 25 J3 277,59,0

M2 25 J3 373,152,0

M1 100

M1 100

M2 25

M2 25

M2 25

J3 289,162,0

J3 479,263,0

J3 191,215,0

J3 286,322,0

J3 386,196,0

M1 100 J3 309,208,0

M1 100 J3 46,153,0

M2 25 J3 231,220,0

M2 25 J3 316,82,0

M2 25

Material flow from higher to lower piles creates vertical struts.

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Material deposition simulation 3-D view and section in x,y,z axis

Outline of possible machine movement

Area for wheel rotation

Outline of deposition area

Obstacle; i.e. a group of trees

CONCLUSIONS Through the development of the project we have managed to reach to a point of preconceived reproduction of shapes and spatial concepts with in a multimaterial process with the tools we have designed for that purpose. Even though the idea of a continuously evolving built-up of the material system based on environmental input and knowledge of material interaction and physical performance has always been part of our considerations and various phases of development of the project, due to the short time frame of 6 month we could not reach that far. At the point of presentation of the project we are clearly imagining the potential of a multi-material process with a feedback loop during building. The combined use of structural material and materials for temporary or permanent scaffolding can only reach its full potential if the inner built-up of the printed system is driven by some sort of self-organizing logic. If research in this field should be continued as we have done, this aspect of interactivity in combination which the building order of multiple materials would be the most interesting aspects to be persued further. Also the idea of material removal which is vital for our process has unfortunately not been

Multi-material wall deposited by consecutive replacement of machine layer by layer

Start point of deposition

MACHINIC MOVEMENT simultaneously with the development of the nozzle for material deposition we started developing the machinic device on which the nozzle should be mounted and from which would further influence the final design possibilities through the various degrees of movement of the machine. By allowing for a repetitive rotational movement around inverted centres of rotation we generate a snakelike path of movement for the deposition of material.

investigated into sufficiently. We have come to the conclusion that support material should not be removed through water even though this process may seem very simple. As we have chosen a desert environment as our potential site, water is a very precious good and should not be wasted if possible. For this reason we have considered erosion through air turbulence over a longer time frame as the most sustainable and consistent solution of material removal. Considering this, more analysis of removability of material through wind would be required. Thinking of research in printing as a construction method it is clearly visible that 3D printing will be one of the techniques which is considerably going to change the way we build today. The multi-material aspect of it allows to think in therms of completely replacing the current addon system in architecture and thinking of printing complete buildings with specific material systems according to the required function. That would involve a huge change in the way of thinking building components as meaning that the usual modular thinking can evolve into a more continuous and amorph way of perceiving building parts.

portfolio MFAA - pag. 56

Thanks for your attention, Martin.

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