Compression sleeves and their many purposes

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Compression Sleeves and Their Many Purposes

02 Compression sleeves are garments usually fitted to an arm or leg, and have an elastic, stretchable nature. One of their purposes is to treat the swelling and pain associated with lymphedema. Another use of compression sleeves is frequently seen in sports and exercising.

Lymphedema swelling typically occurs in an arm, but occasionally in multiple limbs. Lymphatic fluid accumulating in tissue is known as either primary or secondary lymphedema. The causes of primary lymphedema are unknown, and symptoms, though very rare, may develop on their own at any time. Secondary lymphedema is commonly brought on by surgery, an infection, or radiation therapy. Specifically, surgery involving lymph node removal creates a high risk of developing lymphedema. Once the symptoms appear there are methods to control them, but no cure is available.

Once lymphedema has been diagnosed, one of the more common treatments prescribed is a compression garment, usually a sleeve or stocking. These sleeves are often custom-fitted in order to apply the right amount of pressure for effective swelling reduction. A sleeve too tight will restrict blood flow and should be removed immediately. They often will not be recommended for those with blood clots, diabetes, or hypertension.

A compression sleeve is typically worn only while the user is awake; exceptions include any case where it might become wet, such as dish washing, swimming and bathing, as skin irritation may result. The sleeve is most effective during any physical activity and should then always be worn. Moisturizing the skin daily is suggested--usually at night when the sleeve is removed for sleeping--and the skin should be completely dry before putting it on again.

At least two sleeves should be obtained, and their use alternated. They may be washed in cold or lukewarm water with a mild soap, preferably after each use, then laid out flat to dry, and should never be wrung. About twice a year they may be replaced due to stretching over time. Many different colors, fabrics and weights are available for compression sleeves, and there are also compression gloves to use for swollen hands; a doctor's prescription may help cover the cost through insurance.

Among athletes, compression sleeves are increasingly being utilized, particularly on swollen legs. The sleeve's purposes include heating the limb for increased flexibility, better blood circulation to enhance performance, and protection from scratches, cuts and friction burns. This is commonly seen now among basketball and soccer players. They may also be used to remedy shin splints by relieving discomfort and pain. During sports and exercise, the compression can also keep muscles from bouncing around by stabilizing them.


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