A compression sleeve is a tightly fitting elastic garment that is worn around the arm, although there are numerous other forms of compression garments that are used for other parts of the body, such as the legs, hands and torso. The main purpose of the sleeve is to reduce pain and swelling. They can be used for both medical purposes as well as simply during strenuous exercise. The garments have been and continue to be recommended by doctors for a variety of reasons to include the minimization of postoperative swelling and to maintain the contour of the body part after cosmetic surgery in which the arm or other appendage experienced a change in shape or structure.
Perhaps one of the most common uses for a compression sleeve is for the treatment of arm lymphedema, which is swelling that occurs in the arm due to an accumulation of lymphatic fluid. This is particularly seen in women who are being treated for breast cancer or have received surgery in order to remove tumors. During the removal of a breast tumor, it is common for the surgeon to also remove some of the patient's lymph nodes. When cancer metastasizes, the cells will often travel into the lymph nodes through the lymphatic fluid.
Therefore, the surgeon will likely choose to test the lymph nodes via biopsy in order to determine whether or not the cancer has become metastatic. Breast cancer and cancer treatment can also impact the functioning of the lymph nodes due to the interference of scar tissue, damage to the nodes that may be sustained during surgery or radiation, or simply the cancer spreading to the nodes causing them to swell which often impairs their ability to process the lymphatic fluid.
Compression sleeves are sized based on measurements of the patient's arm. They extend from the wrist to the axilla or upper arm. Depending on the medical needs of the individual, a compression glove or gauntlet may be used in conjunction with the sleeve. The compression is highest at the wrist and decreases up the sleeve allowing for the lymphatic fluid which has accumulated in the arm to be pushed out of the limb. It is also possible for lymphatic fluid to accumulate in other areas of the body, like the legs. Swollen legs as a result of lymphedema and edema can be controlled with support socks, which are specially designed to fit on the feet, ankles and legs similar to regular socks.
Sources: http://lymphedemastore.com http://ezinearticles.com/?Compression-Sleeves-HelpLymphedema&id=4710512