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Ex-ospedale Acquarossa

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val di Blenio

val di Blenio


The municipality of Acquarossa asks, following last year’s research, to deepen the thought on the possibility of an housing project around the Hospital area. In the near future the area will undergo an important transformation due to the architectural competiton for a new Hospital complex on a parcel located West to the actual site. The old Ospedale building will than lose its original function and will present a great chance, in a sustanable perspective, to be eventually adapted and reshaped to accomodate the contemporary needs of the community.

An extensive research following the main cantonal road from Biasca to Campo will allow us to familiarize with the context and understand the delicate demografical situation of the Blenio Valley which will give precise guidelines for an appropriate proposal. In order to think about the future of this object and its immediate surroundings it is of primary importance to study its evolution through time. An appropriated proposal for a program that could complement the one of Co-Housing can be imagined. The contribution of landscape architects knowledge will be capital for the definition of the exterior spaces and their future relationship to the building. Reuse and energy sustainable processes are key to complete a successful proposal.


- Concept/Idea/Essence: sketches, diagrams, collages, axonometries, reference pictures etc. - Territorial Mapping: e.g. 1:5000 - Site Analysis and Plan: show your research of the existing building and your proposal on an appropriate scale, analyse the relationship with the context, show pictures of the existing surrounding, which might help to illustrate your proposal. - A Cross-Site Section, which presents the characteristics of your site. - A Ground Floor Plan with surroundings is required. And other necessary Plans: e.g. Floor plans, Sections, Facades etc. - One Key image, which best represents your project concept. Additional images as applicable.

(You may adapt the requirements above to explain your project concept-specific and individually.)

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Printed on 24.08.2022 17:44 MESZ https://s.geo.admin.ch/99fbe1671f

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