Module Name: Arch3054 Technology & Environment Studies Name Mohammed Ahmed P-Number 2401559 Tutor Name: Andrew Waite A0 North Elevation Scale: 1:50 East Elevation Scale: 1:50 West Elevation Scale: 1:50 South Elevation Scale: 1:50 West Section Scale: 1:50 East Section Scale: 1:50 East Section Scale: 1:50 - Ventilation & Sun Direction 3D Elevation First Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 Second Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 Third Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 Roof Plan Scale: 1:50 Site Plan Scale: 1:300 For this project, I used different ideas for inspiration to start the process to design the suitable tiny cabin for living and working. Its an amazing project, I learn from this project, it is system technology how to make deal with your de sign to make beautiful model and with all facility daily we need to use. Also site very interesting for me how to make a beautiful cabin when you go to in, to seeing beautiful views from different directions and the river make you hap py when you look at it, this is the first time in my life, I design structure something like this structure for this cabin, learn different ideas from this project to make a better design for living and working. Internal RenderingExternal Rendering Boat Shaped Process Summerwinter

Module Name: Arch3054 Technology & Environment Studies Name Mohammed Ahmed P-Number 2401559 Tutor Name: Andrew Waite A0 Heavy Duty Galvanised Elevated Post Base Support Fence Foot (W 100mm, 100mm, H 300mm) Water tank, W 1000mm, 1000mm, H 200mm (200 Litres) Wydale tank frames Bright Zinc Plated Steel Hex Bolt and nut, M14 x 900mm Pozidriv Countersunk Steel Wood Screw Yellow Passivated, Zinc Plated, 5mm Thread, 70mm Length Wickes Sawn Kiln Dried Timber 50mm X 50mm 18MM LATVIAN BIRCH PLYWOOD THROUGHOUT BB/CP 2440MM X 1220MM 120mm Xtratherm PIR Rigid Insulation Board WonderVent 160 Ultra Breather Membrane Celotex TB4025 25mm PIR Insulation Board 18MM LATVIAN BIRCH PLYWOOD THROUGHOUT BB/CP 2440MM X plasterboard1220MM9.5mm WonderVent 160 Ultra Breather Membrane InfiniBracket Stainless Steel Small Corner Sleeper Brackets Timber structural noggins 50mm x 75mm Timber structural 50mm 75mm Insulation 75mm Insulation 25mm Insulation Fixing Pack 18MM LATVIAN BIRCH PLYWOOD THROUGHOUT BB/CP 2440MM 1220MM gutter drain pipeGutterpvc VMZINC membrane Fasteners to penetrate down to the play wood deck orPanelblockingclip VMZINC plus standing seam Timber wood 191 mm 38 Joist hangers Flange Seat Wind Turbine Wind Turbine Timber spurting ridge & rafter Timber ridge Arch. ridge hip 18 GA. Plate Metal zee closure Bend-up dam Bend-up dam Butyl in SunpowerhemSolar Panel Vents Ventilation Grate Covering Return Flap Diameter 100 mm ABS White Outer Cover Air Duct 8 FT Long Black PVC Flexible Aluminum Ducting Kitchen Extractor Fan Column cap Column 89mm 89mm Stairs handrail Post base Joist hanger flush ElectricStairs storage LED Digital Display(Big Under Inflow) Ventilator Ventilation Electric Water Heating Contained Composting Panel Wall Heater 12" Built-in Induction Cooktop, Power Levels, Sensor Touch Electric control system .Solar panels wastewater comes (paip) First Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 Second Floor Plan Scale: 1:150 Third Floor Plan Scale: 1:50 Roof Plan Scale: 1:50 Construction Details Scale: 1:20 Building System Diagram Scale: 1:50 Exploded Axonometric Details East Section Scale: 1:50 Ventilation & Sun Direction

Module Name: Arch3054 Technology & Environment Studies Name : Mohammed Ahmed P-Number : 2401559 Tutor Name: Andrew Waite Physical Model Process A1

Module Name: Arch3054 Technology & Environment Studies
Name : Mohammed Ahmed P Number : 2401559
Tutor Name: Andrew
ii. Utilise a minimum of one 7.5m2 unit for residential and one 7.5m2 for work (min. 15m2).
Your design must;
iii. Use this basic unit to convey the following spatial configurations listed below;
i. Use a micro or modular system that establishes a basic unit of 7.5m2
v. Demonstrate a second configuration of your system that utilises the remaining area to achieve 60m2; (i.e. how eight units of 7.5m2 would fit together).
ARCH 3054 MODULE GUIDE 2020 2021
vi. Use a system made primarily of 18mm birch plywood, or timber; vii. Be set out on a grid that is divisible by viii.1.5m;Useplywood components that are co-ordinated to an 18mm birch plywood sheet – either, 2440mm x 1220mm x 18mm – or 3050 x 1525 x 18mm, without wasting material.
iv. Demonstrate one configuration of your system with a minimum internal floor area of between 7.5 –22.5m2 for residential purposes;
ix. Offer two person living accommodation with workspace for one machinist within the range of 15 – 60 x.m2;Be made primarily of timber; xi. Be ‘off grid’ with as little use of fixed services as possible. That is no ‘plugging in’ to electricity, data, water, drainage, gas; xii. Be made so that all components fit within a 20ft ISO Standard ‘high cube’ shipping container. The internal dimensions of which are Length: 5898mm Width: 2344mm & Height: 2695mm; xiii. Utilise structural zones of between 150mm, 300mm or 500mm as appropriate.
Site analysisSite

Area Sun path

View Point Wind Direction
Site analysisTraffic

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Site Photos

Add some wheels, crank up the engine, and you can almost picture this Vermont family cabin rolling on down to Massachusetts.
Old Truck Cabin case study

west. It was just such a setting that encouraged Joan McLane’s parents to buy 350 acres of farmland, which was poor in terms of growing potential but had bucolic rolling hills, meadows, forest, and great vistas. It is now the site for Joan and husband Jock’s iconic cabin, along with cabins for other siblings, including her brother, Turner Brooks, an architect. Joan had gone to school in Vermont in her youth and cherished the opportunity to spend summers and short winter breaks in this captivating landscape. As academics in Evanston, Illinois, Joan and Jock’s Vermont time was mostly limited to the lush green days of summer. Recently retired, they can now grow a garden and harvest the fall crop in the comforting em brace of a New England autumn. Joan has returned to painting along with reading, walking, and pond swimming in the relaxed life at the cabin. Turner designed the cabin for the McLanes back in 1976, a time when old metal trucks, trains, and boats found their way into his inventive design process. In the design of the Old Truck Cabin, his fascination with transportation takes the form of a quarter-round roof and twin metal chimneys. Seen from a distance across open meadows, the structure resonates with kinetic energy as if an old abandoned locomotive had come to rest here. To continue the transportation analogy, the third floor resembles a wheelhouse, with a commanding view out over the countryside. Turner says of his design, “Once in the door of the McLane House, turning left one can pass down a short, low-ceilinged hall to enter the central space of the house that contains living, dining, and kitchen areas. This space that opens outward and
Old CabinTruck
Joan had gone to school in Vermont in her youth and cherished the oppor-
tunity to spend summers and short winter breaks in this captivat ing landscape. As academics in Evanston, Illinois, Joan and Jock’s Vermont time was mostly limited to the lush green days of sum mer. Recently retired, they can now grow a garden and harvest the fall crop in the comforting embrace of a New England au tumn. Joan has returned to painting along with reading, walking, and pond swimming in the relaxed life at the cabin.
The living/dining space is a bay window that expands into the adjoining forest.

195 the green mountains of Vermont are an idyllic setting for places of retreat. In northern Vermont, the mountains also provide spectacular sunset views of the Lake Champlain Valley to the west. It was just such a setting that encouraged Joan McLane’s parents to buy 350 acres of farmland, which was poor in terms of growing potential but had bucolic rolling hills, meadows, forest, and great vistas. It is now the site for Joan and husband Jock’s iconic cabin, along with cabins for other siblings, including her brother, Turner
the green mountains of Vermont are an idyllic setting for places of retreat. In northern Vermont, the mountains also provide spectacular sunset views of the Lake Champlain Valley to the Old Truck Cabin.

Turner designed the cabin for the McLanes back in 1976, a time when old metal trucks, trains, and boats found their way into his inventive design process. In the design of the Old Truck Cabin, his fascination with transportation takes the form of a quarter-round roof and twin metal chimneys. Seen from a distance across open meadows, the structure resonates with kinetic energy as if an old abandoned locomotive had come to rest here. To continue the transportation analogy, the third floor resembles a wheelhouse, with a commanding view out over the countryside.
Turner says of his design, “Once in the door of the McLane House, turning left one can pass down a short, low-ceilinged hall to enter the central space of the house that contains living, dining, and kitchen areas. This space that opens outward and
Old trucks are a family favorite informed the architect in his design sister’s cabin.
LEFT A sleepingsnugcubby is built in adjacent to the stair. It looks tiny but actually fits an adult (unless he's an NBA star).
Turner designed the cabin for the McLanes back a time when old metal trucks, trains, and boats found way into his inventive design process. In the design Truck Cabin, his fascination with transportation form of a quarter-round roof and twin metal chimneys. from a distance across open meadows, the structure with kinetic energy as if an old abandoned locomotive come to rest here. To continue the transportation third floor resembles a wheelhouse, with a commanding
Model Cabins
The cabin has a bedroom on every level, with baths in prox imity on first and second floors. There is a sleeping “cubby” adjacent to the stair on the second floor and plenty of nooks and crannies to snuggle in with a sleeping bag. Joan and Jock prefer the middle-level bedroom, where windows look out across the meadow and an interior window gives overview to the living space below. This window can be opened to allow warm air to float up from the woodstove below, as well as the morning aroma of coffee brewing. The breeze flows freely across their bedroom, and sleep comes easily with the scent of clover and the evening music of the wood thrush.
Architect Turner Brooks made many models that explore the unique shape of his sister’s cabin. He also worked as part of the construction crew, appreciating firsthand the complexity of his creation while adding to itsRIGHTdetail.

Open to below toStairscubbySleepingloft FIRSTDiningFLOORDeckLivingKitchen Bedroom Bedroom N
BELOW Old trucks are a family favorite and informed the architect in his design of his sister’s cabin.
Vermont time was mostly limited to the lush green days of summer. Recently retired, they can now grow a garden and harvest the fall crop in the comforting embrace of a New England au tumn. Joan has returned to painting along with reading, walking, and pond swimming in the relaxed life at the cabin.
A flow of air can be induced by opening interior and exterior bedroom windows along with living room windows below.

Turner designed the cabin for the McLanes back in 1976, a time when old metal trucks, trains, and boats found their way into his inventive design process. In the design of the Old Truck Cabin, his fascination with transportation takes the form of a quarter-round roof and twin metal chimneys. Seen from a distance across open meadows, the structure resonates with kinetic energy as if an old abandoned locomotive had come to rest here. To continue the transportation analogy, the third floor resembles a wheelhouse, with a commanding view out over the countryside.
Turner says of his design, “Once in the door of House, turning left one can pass down a short, low-ceilinged hall to enter the central space of the house that contains dining, and kitchen areas. This space that opens outward
BOTTOM The living/dining space is a large bay window that expands into the adjoining forest.
holistic tale of form and space.
The best way for architects to study cab ins with complex roof forms is through threed imensional models cut from cardboard or balsa wood and assembled with glue. Drawings of floor plans and cross sections are necessary to study precise dimensions, but models tell a holistic tale of form and space. Architect Turn er Brooks made many models that explore the unique shape of his sister’s cabin. He also worked as part of the construction crew, appreciating firsthand the complexity of his cre ation.
LEFT A snug sleeping cubby is built in adjacent to the stair. It looks tiny but actually fits an adult (unless he’s an NBA star).
BELOW Old trucks are a family favorite and informed the architect in his design of his sister’s cabin.
BOTTOM The living/dining space is a large bay window that expands into the adjoining forest.
BELOW Old trucks are a family favorite and informed the architect in his design of his sister’s cabin.
Vermont time was mostly limited to the lush mer. Recently retired, they can now grow a garden the fall crop in the comforting embrace of a New England tumn. Joan has returned to painting along with reading, and pond swimming in the relaxed life at the cabin.
Turner says of his design, “Once in the door of the McLane House, turning left one can pass down a short, low-ceilinged hall to enter the central space of the house that contains living, dining, and kitchen areas. This space that opens outward and

upward is like a bay window that has expanded to become the complete living space of the house.” Years later, his sister still marvels at the quality of light in this space, where depending on the time of the day, there is always a precious place to curl up with a good book.
BOTTOM The living/dining space is a large bay window that expands into the adjoining forest. Cabin
ABOVE The third floor is a no-frills pineclad sleeping space, with a view into treetops.
For 40 years, the McLanes have enjoyed their sojourns in Ver mont away from the hustle and bustle of Chicago. In retirement, they even get to spend a few weeks in the cabin in the winter. Of her brother’s design, Joan says, “It’s simply wonderful.”

Open to below
like a bay window that has expanded to become the living space of the house.” Years later, his sister still the quality of light in this space, where depending of the day, there is always a precious place to curl goodhasbook.abedroom on every level, with baths in prox and second floors. There is a sleeping “cubby” the stair on the second floor and plenty of nooks to snuggle in with a sleeping bag. Joan and Jock middle-level bedroom, where windows look out meadow and an interior window gives overview space below. This window can be opened to air to float up from the woodstove below, as well morning aroma of coffee brewing. The breeze flows their bedroom, and sleep comes easily with the clover and the evening music of the wood thrush. years, the McLanes have enjoyed their sojourns in Ver from the hustle and bustle of Chicago. In retirement, to spend a few weeks in the cabin in the winter. Of design, Joan says, “It’s simply wonderful.”
ABOVE The third floor is a no-frills pineclad sleeping space, with a view into the treetops.
LEFT A sleepingsnugcubby is built in adjacent to the stair. It looks tiny but actually fits an adult (unless he's an NBA star).

cabin has a bedroom on every level, with baths in prox first and second floors. There is a sleeping “cubby” to the stair on the second floor and plenty of nooks crannies to snuggle in with a sleeping bag. Joan and Jock middle-level bedroom, where windows look out meadow and an interior window gives overview living space below. This window can be opened to warm air to float up from the woodstove below, as well morning aroma of coffee brewing. The breeze flows across their bedroom, and sleep comes easily with the clover and the evening music of the wood thrush. years, the McLanes have enjoyed their sojourns in Ver away from the hustle and bustle of Chicago. In retirement, get to spend a few weeks in the cabin in the winter. Of brother’s design, Joan says, “It’s simply wonderful.”
toStairscubbySleepingloft FIRSTDiningFLOORDeckLivingKitchen Bedroom Bedroom N OLD TRUCK CABIN 199

LEFT A sleepingsnugcubby is built in adjacent to the stair. It looks tiny but actually fits an adult (unless he's an NBA star).
ABOVE The third floor is a no-frills pineclad sleeping space, with a view into the treetops.
like a bay window that has expanded to become the living space of the house.” Years later, his sister still the quality of light in this space, where depending time of the day, there is always a precious place to curl good book.
ABOVE The third floor is a no-frills pineclad sleeping space, with a view into the treetops.

Upward is sort of bay window that has expanded to become the whole elbow room of the house.” Years later, his sister still marvels at the standard of sunshine during this space, where depending on At the time of the day, there’s always a precious place to twist up with a decent book. The cabin includes a bedroom on every level, with baths in proximity on first and second floors. There’s a sleeping , “ cubby” adjacent to the stair on the second floor and lots of nooks and crannies to snuggle in with a bag. Joan and Jock prefer the middle-lev el bedroom, where windows look out across the meadow and an internal window gives overview to the elbow room below. This window is opened to permit warm air to float up from the wood stove below, further because the morning aroma of coffee brewing. The breeze flows freely across their bedroom, and sleep comes easily with the scent of clover , and also the evening music of the Hylocichla mustering. For 40 years, the McLanes have enjoyed their sojourns in Vermont far away from the hustle and bustle of Chicago. In retire ment, they even get to spend some weeks within the cabin within the winter. Of her brother’s design, Joan says, “It’s simply wonderful.
Bedroom Bedroom
Penny’s cabin case study
This brochure contains details of Penny’s cabin – a solid, timber framed cabin which was commissioned to be used for retreat space / spare room / den in South Devon. Sleeping 4 +, with a mezzanine platform, and insulated throughout, this cosy and practical cabin is perfect for holiday accommodation or to house guests / family – or simply as a place to read, sit and be….
The cabin can include a kitchenette, wood burner and any number of window / door layouts. All of our products are bespoke and we work closely with clients to provide a struc ture that exactly suits your requirements. Our work is fully regulated, using professional contractors for all services and providing all the necessary certificates, offering peace of mind when purchasing a structure from us.
Based in the heart of Devon, Barrel Top Wagons design and manufacture unique, stunning wagons, cabins and lodges from locally sourced, sustainable wood, ideal for living, holiday and work space. Our ethos is to provide high quality work, using beautiful local wood, for a fair and sensible price.
Based offeringallOurstructurebespokenumberTheandorcosy+,retreattimberThiswork,holidayfrommanufactureinlocallyandusingbrochureframedspacewithaandtohousebe….cabinofworkservicespeace

Tu ro n Ho u s e 646 s q f t G reg Hill
Turon House is a structure that combines traditional barn construction and modern in dustrial architecture. The structure was built to provide shelter in any weather. Its sim ple, yet eyecatching design focuses on the geometry of the roof, efficiently fulfilling its function as a protective element. The sloping metal gable roof sits on top of wood walls, an arrangement that provides more ceiling height to the space usually used during the daytime while tightly hugging the sleeping area.
o r
Fl o o r pl a n
646 sq ft Greg TuronHillValley, New South Wales, Australia, Greg Hill

Tur o n Ho us e i s a s tr uctur e that co m bi nes tr adi ti o nal bar n co ns tr ucti o n and m o der n i ndus tr i al ar chi tectur e. T he s tr uctur e was bui l t to pr o vi de s hel ter i n any weather . Its s i m pl e, yet eyecatchi ng des i g n f o cus es o n the g eo m etr y o f the r o o f , ef f i ci entl y f ul f i l l i ng i ts f uncti o n as a pr o tecti ve el em ent. T he s l o pi ng m etal g abl e r o o f s i ts o n to p o f wo o d wal l s , an ar r ang em ent tha us htl y hug
Tur o n Val l ey, New So uth Wal es , Aus tr al i a © G r eg Hi l l
The sl o ping q ua l ity o f the me ta l ro o f a nd its ta pe re d sha pe ma k e fo r a mo re d y na mic a nd c o nte mpo r a rc he ty pa l g a b l e ro o f
Turon House case study
G etti ng pr o po r ti o ns and s cal e r i g ht i s cr i ti cal f o r the cr eati o n o f a har m o ni o us l i vi n s pace. T he taper ed s hape o f the f l o o r pl an echo es the pr o f i l e o f the bui l di ng . T he cei l i ng tal l wher e the r o o m i s wi de, and i t’s l o w wher the s pace s r o w.
A deep overhang protects the front of the house from the elements and at the same time provides a sheltered space for outdoor activities.
Getting proportions and scale right is critical for the creation of a harmonious living space. The tapered shape of the floor plan echoes the profile of the building. The ceiling is tall where the room is wide, and it’s low where the space is narrow.

that pr o vi des m o r e cei l i ng hei g ht to the s pace us ual l y us ed dur i ng the dayti m e whi l e ti g hug g i ng the s l eepi ng ar ea. N o rth e l e v a tio n We st e l e v a tio n So uth e l e v a tio n Ea st e l e v a tio n A d e e p o v e rha ng pro te c ts the fro nt o f the ho use fro m the e l e me nts a nd a t the sa me time pro v id e s a she l te re d spa c e fo r o ut a c tiv itie s.
My design cabin processing


Rough Models

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