NW Elevation Scale: 1: 200 SE Elevation Scale: 1: 200 NE Elevation Scale: 1: 200 G Roof4th2nd3rd1stFloorFloorFloorFloorFloor Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K6SA8t8xg4renderingbuildingvideo
View Modul: Arch 2051 Name: Mohammed Ahmed P Number: 240 115 9 Tutor: Muther Al- Salloum
THIS project for homeless people from King Street in Leicester City, this project about econ omy how to help homeless people to bringing back to normal life also I choose session vision because this location has many trees and only passengers can walk front my site, when walk on this street from different session you will seeing and feeling different because the location has many trees why I choose leaf foam to intrepid to my design of the building. Also, I am inspired by a kind of project specially designed for homeless people from different areas. I took some ideas from it to design a battery design for homeless people for my site. Another idea surrounds my head is, each homeless person has a different story because each one has a different story than others because I choose a session, each story of the person could be a session to help them to bring back to normal life. design five stores, two stores for visitors and the other three stores for homeless people, it is accommodation, these stores are private. For elevation inspire tree foam and stretch the human body when people wake up in the morning to start a new day.
SW Elevation Scale: 1: 200 District Shape Leaf Shape Square Shape Leaf & Square Shape Butterfly Shape Flower Unopened Shape Flower Opened Shape Leaf Fram Shape Flower Shape G Floor Plan1st Floor Plan3rd Floor Plan 2nd Floor Plan4th Floor PlanRoof Plan NE Section Scale: 1: 200 SE Section Scale: 1: 200 SE Construction Section Detail Scale: 1: 100Site Location plan Scale: 1: 800 These are some of the block shapes I used to design buildings for this project because I use these shapes, I will like to presentnew designs when people go to intro buildings to feel comfortable and any direc tionto seeing new things is interesting for them. Process Block Shape
G Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200 1st Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200 3rd Floor Plan Scale: 1: 2002nd Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200 4th Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200 Roof Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200
Research and Process
Mohammed Ahmed p-2401559
• Ancillary spaces for services
The project should have a part where you/students create their own brief
The project total area should be between at maximum of 3,000m3, and must contain at least a minimum of 3 stories of accommodation
The project should accommodate a hall/large room/lecture theatre/etc. to help community activities that accommodates 100 people
Building design should NOT extend more than 6 storey of habitable space nor should it go 4 storey underground. There should be a clear technical element in your brief
• Temporary dormitories
One construction detail at 1:20 or 1:25 from foundation to roof indicating materials, components and systems.
New Walk: Car Park in front of Revolution in the New Walk in Leicester, the site is indicated in red on the image on the left.
• Larger-scale Spaces for display/exhibition/ community activities etc. This space will need to be able to become used as part of the hypothetical festival, as well as used by your specific programme.
this project asks you to focus on how material can be central to making architecture, and most critically, to producing experiences. The design should focus on how material, form, spatial organisation and experience can be brought together to create architectures rich in complexity, meaning and senses.
Infill site in the city centre. Your building should respond to the urban context
Part of your design proposal should include the landscape design element
• Smaller-scale spaces for work/production/ meetings/liaisons/administration/offices etc.
• Medium-scale public spaces of entry (public fronting spaces onto the street, or equivalent)
• Spaces for storage (on-line/off-line/physical/ virtual)
The design of a building in which each space will is carefully considered, both in a contemporary response to the existing urban context. The main public spaces (café, exhibition spaces etc.) should have a clear connection between the programme of homeless people with events, installations, and the offices for NGO’S to help homeless people connecting them back to help in Leicester and showing initiatives back to the community.
The development of urban design and landscape strategies should be incorporated on the design engaging both with social inclusion, but also the building should respond to the existing urban fab ric where the building sits in and to the context of where it is placed.
A typological analysis of similar precedents both in the UK and abroad. Here students will use precedent as a tool for design, learning and experimenting.
The building concept welcomes users from in and out of Leicester engaging in the local homeless communities, but also the building acts as a catalyst for helping homeless people in the city.
These are some example images, homeless people around my location, this project very important to help homeless people to bringing back to normal life, first thing I have to care about economy because they need to help them to give benefit and advise them to make new vision for them to bringing back to normal life, for these ideas I need to analyse my location how I can to make link between my building and around other building, around my location.
A precise analysis of the urban context using some urban methods to look at the existing urban context and how your building will respond to it both in cultural and contextual terms, but also of fering a sustainable and well-designed solution for the building program and the city itself
A study of requirements, types of accommodation, building forms, technical standards and building regulations, required facilities and programmes. The building must also sit well with in the rele vant urban context and respond to it in a contemporary way.
To create of a medium sized mixed-use multipurpose space in which homeless people can have support with, local community groups, and citizens can gather for small exhibitions, offering a café and also some artist’s offices and social incubator hubs for start up companies (where charities for homeless people could help them ). Site Location in Leicester is the New Walk: Car Park in front of Revolution bar.
Site Analysis Scale: 1:200 Sun Path - Wind Direction - View Point
Site Analysis History
Site Analysis - Location Photography
Site Analysis - Hand Drawing
These are some hand drawing to understanding site how to start designing a building for homeless people, when you walk to this area you will see an old classic building does help me these drawings take some ideas for starting process to design a beautiful building inspired by some part of the location and location history.
Site Analysis - 3D Site Model
Site Analysis - Physical Model & Block Shapes
Jobcentre Plus
The Dolls House Nursery and The Cottages Preschool Revolution Leicester Cocktail bar Leicester Mercury Media company
Holy Cross Dominican RC Church and Priory
Charnwood Court HeadKing’sPub Remy Hair Salon
Site Analysis - Site Elevation Scale: 1: 200
The MarketHeadKing’sPubMarket
Remy Hair Salon
These buildings next to my site location I can make links with these buildings for different activity because these build ings help me to design beautiful buildings to more focus econo my.
Holy Cross Dominican RC Church and Priory Leicestershire & Rutland Family History Society Research Centre
This building very interesting for me because two kinds of the styles mixed and this style more powerful for my location because my location when walk down on the street you will see many kinds of the classic buildings has built different time in the this location history and this building, A Masow architect mixed classic and modern, also is a new building built in traditional architectural style.
Precedence Study
Another project, Neossman, proposes that new housing parcels be construct ed directly atop bâtiments, the decorous housing blocks instituted via the Bar on Haussmann and which make up a good deal of Paris’s historic center. These new constructions would be lightweight and constructed of very low-priced substances like tarp, forming cardboard copies of the grandiose constructions under them.
Precedence Study
In an industrial area of Marseille, tents climb up a manufacturing unit wall like a canvas creeper, housing urban campers and the nearby homeless alike. A-KAMP47, Stephane Malka’s most up-to-date installation, subtly reviews the French state’s promise for typical housing as well as makes an architectural commentary - Malka cites Le Corbusier’s Unite D’Habitation as inspiration. Metropolis Magazine’s Samuel Medina takes an in-depth appear at the assign ment in “Hiding in Plain Sight.” The French architect Stéphane Malka is aware of how to reason a stir. His 2009 project Self Defense imagined stacks of riffraff condo boxes connected parasitically to the facets of the Grande Arche at La Defense, an icon of neoliberal Paris and its delusional, exclusionary ambitions. Malka’s vertical village was the equal of flipping the bird, where the intention is very a good deal to hijack a cultural monument and expose all its pretensions.
“A major intention for the notion was to give homeless humans a experience of dignity and shared social spaces,” the group said. Envisioned as a package of parts, the gadget contains rectangular modules for each public and personal functions. The modules can be assembled in one-of-a-kind configurations, relying upon local desires and conditions. A single Nest constructing can upward jostle up to five storeys.
Composed of stackable, prefabricated units, the diagram machine is meant to offer a “scalable, cost-effective, outstanding answer to multi-family hous ing”. In particular, the system presents a way to supply shelter for people dwelling on the streets.
Precedence Study
corporations Brooks + Scarpa and Plant Prefab have unveiled a less expensive housing thinking for fallow city sites, which include prefabri cated, modular devices that can be organized in quite a number configura Envisionedtions. for vacant or underutilised lots, the Nest LivingHomes system used to be created in response to the dramatic upward shove in housing fees and homelessness in Los Angeles and different US cities. The task was conceived through LA structure studio Brooks + Scarpa in col laboration with Plant Prefab, a plan and development firm in the close by metropolis of Rialto.
Nest “toolkit” can be used to construct homeless shelters and supportive
Therefore, the situation was analysed representing a receding building behind a curved fashioned square and the wishes of product exhibition. The building had 10 small windows and after a study it used to be decided to make a fantastic opening on the facade using an auxiliary metal shape in a vicinity simply visible for pedestrians and to who drives by way of this busy
• Area: 250 m²
• Year: 2013
• Architects:
Photographs: Maira Acayaba
the store, it’s observed a container delivery door used for hoisting big components that can’t be transported thru the stairs. The masonry was peeled and uncovered crudely and the lighting makes use of the pre-exist ing structure to its fixation, bringing the very best flexibility possible for the product exhibition at the store. Old existent bricks had been kept making a conversation between new and historic materials.
Text description provided via the architects. Located in a constructing on the nook of the street, the save residence the contemporaneity of the series and the manufacturer as new language. It has acted in the market for over 60 years and in this new undertaking, it searches for a new aesthetic language printed on its merchandise and also in the architecture.
Precedence Study
These are some images shouted from different times in my location, these images shows different feeling and seeing in different time because very im portant to me to present a design when people coming in to building to feel something like that.
Process to Design a
THIS project for homeless people from King Street in Leicester City, this project about economy how to help homeless people to bringing back to normal life also I choose session vision because this location has many trees and only passengers can walk front my site, when walk on this street from different session you will seeing and feeling different because the lo cation has many trees why I choose leaf foam to intrepid to my design of the building. Also, I am inspired by a kind of project specially designed for homeless people from different areas. I took some ideas from it to design a battery design for homeless people for my site. Another idea surrounds my head is, each homeless person has a different story because each one has a different story than others because I choose a session, each story of the person could be a session to help them to bring back to normal life. I design five stores, two stores for visitors and the other three stores for homeless people, it is accommodation, these stores are private. For elevation I inspire tree foam and stretch the human body when people wake up in the morn ing to start a new day.
Flower Opened Shape
These are some of the block shapes I used to designbuildings for this project because I use these shapes, I will like to presentnew designs when people go to intro buildings to feel comfortable and any directionto see ing new things is interesting for them.
Process Block Shape
Leaf & Square Shape Butterfly ShapeFlower Unopened Shape
Process to Design a Building - Block Shapes
Leaf & Fram Shape Flower Shape
District ShapeLeaf ShapeSquare Shape
Process to Design a Building - Block Shapes & Diagram Plan
Diagram plan origination to start the building design process and these some block shapes help me to start design plans
These are some hand drawing to design for part of the building, these drawing basic because this process being, and I need for organising all part design how to join with other parts
Process to Design a Building - Block Shapes & Part of the building Design
Process to Design a Building - Block Shapes & Part of the building Design
These are some drawing to design for my location and I take ideas to intrepid to my design so other drawing has links with block shapes and location.
Plans Development – scale: 1:400 – Development (1) CAR PARK
For elevations, I used different shapes because all these shapes comes from my location when I start to design the building for homeless people very interesting to give them new vision for new life, beautiful views can change your life to make batter life than we have now.
Elevations inspiration from these images from different project I import to my building
Final Result G Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200
Final Result 1st Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200
Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200
Final Result
Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200
Final Result
Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200
Final Result
Roof Floor Plan Scale: 1: 200
Final Result
Final Result
NE Elevation Scale: 1: 200
Final Result NW Elevation Scale: 1: 200
Elevation Scale: 1: 200
Final Result
Final Result SW Elevation Scale: 1: 200
Final Result NE Section Scale: 1: 200
Final Result SE Section Scale: 1: 200
Final Result SE Construction Section Detail Scale: 1: 100 G AxonometricRoof4th2nd3rd1stFloorFloorFloorFloorFloor View
Final Result
Final Result
Final Result