Advantages of 3D Animation

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Advantages of 3D Animation

The process of Animating objects in a three-dimensional space is known as 3D Animation. 3D objects can rotate and move like real objects. It is mostly used in Games, Media and Virtual Reality. 3D animation looks more realistic and exciting. A Graphic designer and artist William Fetter created the first real 3D image of the human form to use in short films for Boeing Company.

Animators attaches sensors to the human, computers identifies movement points.

Animators add detail, using computers to move the sensor points and CGI is born. Each and every 3D animation follows the steps of Modelling, Layout, Animation and 3D rendering. 3D animation makes the visual more attractive and engages the viewers more effectively. 3D animation creates wonderful Visual Effects for Movies, Television and commercials. Film Industry is constantly working and experimenting with different tools and technologies to create amazing visual effects and animation movies for entertainment. From the release of the first 3Dcomputer-animated feature length film ‘Toy Story’ in 1995 there is no looking back for the animation industry. A realistic 3D Animation explains faster and in much efficient manner than Texts, Images and ordinary video. We can present more information in less time with the help of animation. Here are few areas where 3D Animations are useful:-

3D Medical Animation The Medical animation is a piece of informative and knowledgeable film. Prepared using 3D software, it acts helpful for medical professionals or their patients. It began in 1970s for visualizing complex Macromolecules. 3D animations can illustrate physiological, molecular or anatomical concepts. Medical animation industry has revenues of $15 billion per year worldwide.

Medical Animation can be used for Patient Education and they can be found in Hospital websites or in doctor’s office. They can appear in television shows to educate audience. It can be use to teach anatomical and surgical concepts to the medical students and can be available in the form of CD-ROM in the medical textbook packages. Medical animation can be used to visualize microscopic process of human body such as transcription of DNA, Molecular action of enzymes etc. 3D Medical Animation can be used to instruct novices how take emergency care.

3D Architectural Animation The 3D animation in the field of architecture has become popular now. Builders, Architects and Interior Designers use 3D animation to make their project more visually effective. 3D software like 3D Interior, 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Giza 2006 etc are used. Architectural animation uses thousands of still images to produce movie effect. Architectural drawings of Residential Homes, Villas, Apartments, Commercial Buildings, Office buildings are made using 3D animation. An Interior Designer can use 3d modelling to demonstrate future room designs, color combinations, placement of lights etc. With 3D Animation Landscapers can create amusement parks, kiosks and sport arenas.

The Architectural animation gives ideas to the customer about how their project will look after completion. Architectural Firms prefer using animation in their marketing programs; so the demand for quality 3D architectural animation service is increasing. There are many real-time rendering engines that allow architectural animation cheaper and less laborious.

3D Mechanical Animation Machine and Automobile industry needs lot of detailing, attention and hard work to create products. A minor fault may lead to major accidents. 3D animation helps in designing even the most accurate parts. 3D animation of Mechanical products, allow easy monitoring of Kinetics, Precise wireFrame Geometry creation and accuracy of designs. It helps their client to understand modus-operandi of a product and its features. It helps engineering team to design multiple prototypes with minimal cost and maximum efficiency. Mechanical animations help to detect the flaws easily. It protects us from losses due to faulty design, as errors can be detected before the final product is developed. Many Industries such as mechanical, Aerospace, Automobile, Healthcare and others are depending at 3D product design and mechanical product animation for faster prototype, to get quick market and to promote their brand in better ways. A Mechanical Animation consists of Realistic texture and lighting of the product, transparent background, 360 degree camera movements, Video rendering in HD quality, Sound effects and music. Software such as SolidWorks, Inventor, AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max, HyperMesh, Unigraphics helps to create 3D Mechanical animation.

3D Educational Animation Research suggests that retention of information is higher when it is communicated using both visual and verbal communication. The Government Organizations, Universities, Corporations, High Schools and Middle Schools use 3D visualization as a teaching tool. Teachers are no longer dependent on static graphics but can convert them into Educational Animation. 3D Models and environments are used for education and training in variety of areas like biotechnology, aerospace, product marketing etc. Usage of computers in education has developed in the past 25 years. Young school students are fascinated about animation technology. A well-designed animation can help students learn faster and easier and they can aid teachers when it needs to be explaining difficult subjects. For example the operation of electric circuits can be difficult for students to understand without 3d animation. 3D animation helps to understand the school subjects like Maths, Science, Geography and other.

3D Forensic Animation Forensic Animation is used to solve crimes like robbery, murder and accidents. The details of the crime are supplied to the animators by Forensic experts, police officers, engineers and eyewitnesses, so that animators can recreate the past incident. Forensic animators work for investigative firms, government agencies, science or medical labs and other. They use software like Adobe Illustrator, 3ds Max, Auto CAD, Adobe Flash Professional CC etc to create animated presentation.

3D Animation in Advertising 3D animation presents a product in the most fascinating way and attracts people to pay attention. An advertisement with 3D animation shows the product in various angles, colours, sizes and in depth details.

The creativity of the 3D animator makes the product glossy and tempting. Lot of video and audio effects make the viewers to fall in love with the advertisement. Even online sellers use 3D animation to attract customers, as they can view the product from all angles. 3D animation helps to add glamour and style into a product. Hope you all have enjoyed our blog. If you want to learn animation and know more about world of animation just click and reregister to get expert advice.

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