finland The changing of the seasons is one reason why many volunteers find Finland so alluring. Dive into four volunteers’ experiences of the Finnish winter, spring, summer and autumn on pages 26–29.
austria Grenzenlos in Austria is definitely a source of inspiration when it comes to advancing equality in international volunteering. Read about their projects for volunteers with a disability on pages 23–25.
taiwan ”If I never convinced myself to break out of my comfort zone, I would never learn new things about the world and myself.” Lala from Taiwan and Iida from Finland share their experiences and reflect on personal growth during their volunteering periods on pages 12–13.
MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices on Maailmanvaihto ry:n kahdesti vuodessa julkaistava jäsenlehti, jonka tarkoituksena on toimia kanavana kulttuuristen kokemusten jakamisessa ja niistä oppimisessa. Lehdessä julkaistaan järjestön toimintaan osallistuvien kirjoituksia, jotka edustavat kirjoittajiensa kantaa. MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices is the magazine of Maailmanvaihto for its members published twice a year. Its purpose is to offer a channel for sharing cultural experiences and learning from them. The magazine includes stories written by participants of Maailmanvaihto’s activities. The articles represent the views of the writers.