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Picture Perfect: Mental Health Lessons I Learned From Pageants

AsIjumpto“2010”inmyGoogle Photosalbum,Iscrollthroughan archiveofpageantmemories.I noticemyformerself:19years old,mid-college,venturingto competeinMissAsianAmerica. Itfeelsbittersweet.Sweet, becausethephotosportraya beautifulyoungwoman,perfectly imperfect.Bitter,becauseatthe time,Icouldnotseethat.Inthis erawhenIwashighlyvisibleto thepublic,Icouldneverbethin, photogenic,norperfectenough.I wasunsureofmyfuture, grapplingwithinterpersonal relationships, struggling to be accepted. And yet, there is sweetness again, because I now know the complexity of navigating mental health to be universal.

As a life coach, I have the honor of peering into the minds of our generation’s most brilliant perfectionists, aka Asian American women. The mother/attorney/executive who wants to be everything to everyone. The young woman who fills her social calendar, but struggles to think of a time she has truly, authentically, expressed herself to others. The college student is too afraid to fail at a dream career, so she won’t even try

Through guiding others, I am learning that true perfection is not doing everything, but doing the right things. Living intentionally may be simpler, but not easier. Below are tools that I have found most helpful for myself and my clients to navigate our mental health:

●Learnyourpersonalhistory,uncoveryourhabits,andnoticethenarrativesthatguide your decision-making.

●Protect the time, space, and commitment to practice calmness for your own sake.

●Connect with others, build community, and create systems of mutual abundance.

Iamsoproudofthisyear’sMissAsiaGlobalambassadorsforbravelysteppingoutonstage, exuding the power and intelligence of a woman who defines her own happiness.

In community, Liza Chu, Life Coach (IG: @Lizachu) Miss Congeniality, 2010

LoveIsTheCure is a global awareness campaign created in collaboration with the Asian America Foundation and the Miss Asian Global Pageant. Our mission is to promote equality, unity, and love in times of civil unrest and social rift. Join us on our mission to spread awareness and togetherness. In times of darkness, Love is the Cure.

Our 2022 LoveIsTheCure theme is Resilience, Recovery, and Renewal. Please check out our messages of love and unity curated by our 2022 delegates on Miss Asian Global's social media platforms.

Our 2020-2022 LoveIsTheCure Ambassador, Marisa Chin, is a UC Davis graduate with a Bachelor of Science. She is the youngest senior technical recruiter in her financial technology startup, where she is continuing to build a more equal and inclusive workplace for everyone. Marisa is also a mentor at various non-profit organisations dedicated to empowering youth in underrepresented communities to reach their full potential.

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