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The ReWi Visions project
The Rewi Visions manual was produced as a part of the ReWi Visions initiative organized by JAPA ry and the Jyväskylä region 4H club between 2019–2021. The project was granted funding from the EU’s agricultural fund through the organization Leader Jyväsriihi. “ReWi” itself is short for Resource Wisdom.
The project relies on themes that young people find interesting. These include sustainable development, circular economy, well-being and employment. The main goal of the project has been to strengthen young people's entrepreneurship and work life skills from the viewpoint of sustainable ways of life, circular economy and their local communities. The infograph on the right showcases the project’s structure based on themes that young people find worrisome about the future.
Circular economy -themed 4H club nights, entrepreneurship courses, coaching, visits to schools and companies and youth exchanges were organized as a part of the project. The goal was to increase young people's ability to utilize circular economic thinking in their daily lives. Young people have a desire to participate in building a more sustainable world that is based on circular economy.
Young 4H entrepreneurs gathered in the ReWi entrepreneur courses and workshops, in which 4H business activities were developed using the principles of circular economy. 4H entrepreneurs received personalized training, as well as mentoring from an experienced circular economic entrepreneur. During the ReWi youth exchange, participants explored companies in Central Finland that utilize circular economy and came up with their own ideas based on the visits.