CONTACT maartende_smet@hotmail.com +32 (0) 474/29.47.76 Molenweg 41 8700 Aarsele
OPLEIDINGEN Middelbaar onderwijs Elektromechanica 2011 VTI WAREGEM Extracurriculaire vorming 2005-2011
Hoger onderwijs 2011-2013
Industrieel Product Ontwerpen HOWEST KORTRIJK
Hoger onderwijs 2013-2016
Academische Bachelor Architectuur KU LEUVEN SINT-LUCAS GENT
Universitair onderwijs 2016 - 2019
Master in de Architectuur KU LEUVEN SINT-LUCAS GENT
PRIJZEN Award Laureaat Internationaal 06/’13 HOWEST Industrieel product ontwerpen Wedstrijd Excistenz Ontwerpwedstrijd Leuven 02/’15 2e plaats in samenwerking met Céline De Clercq & Jens De Ketelaere
ERVARING Language exchange 浙江工商大学 04/’12 Zhejiang Gongshang University HANGZHOU, CHINA Stage Lavernia & Cienfuegos 02/’13 - 06/’13 VALENCIA, SPANJE Jobstudent 07/’15 - 03/‘18 Assistent Architect 04’/18 - 09/’18
Switch Apple Premium Reseller GENT / SINT-MARTENS-LATEM Katrien Bauters Architecten bvba DE PINTE
Studentenraad StAR (studentenoverleg) 10/’15 - 08/’19 vertegenwoordiger KU LEUVEN SINT-LUCAS GENT 06/’18 - 08/‘19 Masterclass / StAR (studentenoverleg) Faculteitsvoorzitter Architectuur voorzitter Starclass vzw KU LEUVEN SINT-LUCAS GENT - BRUSSEL - LEUVEN TENTOONSTELLING Expositie “Drawing Ambience” - Alvin Boyarsky 24/11/’17 - 14/01/’18 and the Architectural Association deSingel Antwerpen in samenwerking met: Daphne Gort & Charlotte Deneve
“The boudary between what we reveal and what we do not, and some control over that boundary are among the most important attributes of our humanity� THOMAS NAGEL
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ACCUSATIVUS L(e)i(j)dend voorwerp
ACCUSATIVUS refers to the latin term “accusativus cum infinito” and describes the direct object. In dutch it’s called “lijdend voorwerp” or translat- ed literally “leading object”. It’s also an ambiguous word when used in dutch conversations and can only be understood correctly due to the con- text it’s put into. The word can refer to conducting or directing but it can also signify enduring or suffering. Both defi- nitions of the therm were relatable to the gender thematic and it defined more specifically which aspect of the problem I wanted to work around. For me the impact of gender on space has informed me how to perceive it rather than searching to eradicate problems founded by heteronormative standards. My interests in gender started early on my master education. From my own perspective I was not perceived as a typical male because of my sexual preference. It gave me another view on how to perceive my surroundings with a different attitude and how in some ways I was affected and con-strained in an (un)conscious manner. Gender is about the freedom of expression in a personal yet explorative way. It is not fixed because it always searches for new ways to connect substance and people’s relationships trough translation, representation, confirmation and identity. Although it is not always physically apparent, we identify in many aspects with matter in a personal dialogue. For me this translates to architecture as exploring a narrative. A constant dialogue between people and matter. And it is a personal story of searching for confirmation in space through identity by association.
sous sol
CONTACT maartende_smet@hotmail.com +32 (0) 474/29.47.76 Molenweg 41 8700 Aarsele