Good Design Is Innovative Technological development is not at an end, so innovations which go hand in hand with these new technologies will keep on going.
Vauni Globe Fireplace
Good Design Makes a Product Useful The main purpose of a product is its use, everything else comes after.
Good Design Is Aesthetic The interaction with the product has an effect on the user, so its aesthetic quality is essential.
Good Design Makes A Product Understandable A well designed product should express its function, and be self-explanatory.
Good Design Is Unobtrusive The design of a product should be neutral so that the user can have his personal interaction with it, and not purely the designers point of view.
Good Design Is Honest A good product expresses only what it is made to do, it does not exagerate its functions.
Good Design Is Long Lasting A well designed product does not follow fashion trends, therefore it can last a lifetime, and is not disposed of when trends change.
Good Design Is Thorough Down to the Last Detail No detail is too small. Eveything must be thought through and worked out.
Good Design Is Environmentally Friendly Good design minimizes the products environmental footrprint throughout its lifecycle, which is supported by long lasting design.
Good Design Is as Little Design as Possible Good design focusses on the most essential aspects of a product, minimalizing needless additions.