Learning What You Need To Know About Your Asthma If you know about your asthma you will be better prepared to deal with it as the need arises. Be sure to investigate your condition as thoroughly as you can. If you continue reading this article, you will be on your way to being an expert on your condition.
Whether you have recently learned that you have asthma, or you have known for years, you should have an action plan in place. This will ensure that if you have an asthma related emergency your friends and family will be able to assist you if need be, and you will be able to help yourself. Make a plan of what medications you will keep and where you will keep them; also note what medications you will carry on you at all times. Having at least two rescue inhalers on hand at anytime is recommended, just in case one goes low and you are unaware. You also store inhalers in other places, like your car, your night stand, your medicine cabinet and somewhere in your kitchen. If you work away from home you should have at least one at your workplace as well. Having inhalers stored away in this manner will make it so that you can breathe quickly when you need to and you will not be forced to call 911 over an asthma attack. You should also inform everyone you know that you have asthma, so that they are aware of what is going on in case of an emergency. Being embarrassed about your asthma can risk your life if you do not tell others because of it.
If you have asthma, you need to make a list of all of the related symptoms that you currently suffer from. This way you will be able to recognize if your condition is getting worse or better as you change treatment options and as the seasons change. Keep a daily log of any changes. This log will be useful for your doctor when you visit him or her for your follow-up appointments.
If you have asthma you need to constantly be aware of how well your medication is working for you. If, at any point in your treatment, your condition worsens, or it seems like your medicine is no longer working, you need to contact your physician right away. This may be a sign that your condition is worsening or that you are need of new medications to control your condition. You are the most important person when it comes to your health, so be sure to take asthma as seriously as you would take your life. Your doctor can not read minds, and not telling him or her about changes, no matter how insignificant they may seem, can put your health at serious risk.
Knowing about your asthma condition is one of the best things you can do to protect your health. People who do not do so are at risk, so be smart and do your homework.
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