MAB // Brand Strategist

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MAB mary anne bishop //Brand Strategist

“All truths are easy

to understand

once they are Disocvered;

the point is to discover them. “

-Galileo Galilei

About MAB: Bonjour :)

The first beat of a bombastic song makes me smile. THE VOICE OF A MELODIC SINGER MAKES ME NOSTALGIC. Whether it is a beautiful lyric, silly sarcastic banter, OR AN INSIGHTFUL CONVERSATION OVER coffee, down to the last note, I am a listener trying to discover what is true.

I believe the mind was designed to learn indefinitely. My love for music has conditioned me to hear and take in what our culture is doing and saying as one big composition. By understanding the arrangement of the cultural parts that make our society sing as a whole, I’ll always ask the whys and the hows to discover a relevant truth each time I open my inquisitive heart.

My name is Mary Anne Bishop but you can call me by my initials, MAB.

Case Study: 1 //onmylist

Why do Note Takers create Lists?

On Fear, Note Taking, + Lists

We live in a constant flux of information that comes to us from a variety of directions. Modern man processes more data in one day than a 16th-century human did in a lifetime. The Note Taker habitually captures information they want to remember. However, it turns out that it isn’t the desire to remember things as much as it is a fear of forgetting things. //Insight

To cope with this fear of missing out, also known as FOMO, the Note Taker writes notes and creates lists to manage that fear.

//unmet need Note Takers need an app to manage the traffic of reccomendations that come their way. Currently, face-toface social situations are common opportunities where people want to lock in the name of restaurants or titles of books that come up mid conversation. An app that centralizes their lists, makes it easier and quick to add items, and be mobile would pacify the fear.

//execution The mobile app onmylist allows you to efficiently list titles of books, movies, and restaurant recommendations. It searches your notes and finds the names for you while allowing you to view your Facebook friends’ lists and in common items. Whether you stumble upon something or receive a recommendation, it enables the user to remember the restaurants they want to eat at, the books they’d like to read, and the movies they want to watch.

//features 1. Title search 2. View Facebook friends’ lists 3. See locations near you of listed places 4. Create a note within a note

Chris Burkhart © 2012 Fifteenb Development Studios, LLC

Case Study: 2 //volvo

Why Dadvertise?

On Men, Fatherhood, + Choice

With 40% of women earning more than their male counterparts and a rapid increase in enrollment in

higher education, there is a seismic gender shift on the horizon. Stay-at-Home Fathers as an emerging new market holds promise. But culture has a misconception. Past perceptions dictate our present view of these fathers as someone who is doing this not by choice and that they are less capable than mothers. Our research finds that these fathers are confident, comfortable, and made the choice to stay home with their children. Not only are they running a tight ship at home, they take pride in being the primary parent.


Stay at home fathers live a life based //ToDo lists are geotagged. The app will sync with the car’s on their own rules. As the man of the house, they navigation system and alert driver of a task or errand if they are are in control and need high performance resources around them to help with the day-to-day needs. drivng close by.


Volvo empowers Stay-at-Home Fathers to be in charge by driving a powerfully designed car. With safety innovation, intutitive design, and technology, Volvo is well positioned to target the emerging market of the Stay-at-Home Fathers.

//Creative Drive Your Own Road in Life Execution: Integration mobile app with the incar web enabled navigation system syncs into the Volvo’s XC90. Keeping the Stay-at-Home Father in //Schedule shows and appointments that take place at home when command. driver is on the go. //Connect to DVR and receive notifications of interests.

Case Study: 3 //People Helping People

How do you get people to care about something that is happening so far away?


There is a difference between a typical tourist and a traveler. The spirit of the traveler is to live for just

a moment, a life unknown. They travel to take in a different culture and tourism is an industry built on this offering. It’s worthy to note, there is a type of tourist that becomes captivated by the cultures they’ve experienced.

Because travelers to Ecuador have an enriching ex-

//Creative perience, they feel a connection to its people. Also, with a new railroad system and a trend in tourism expected to reach over a million US visitors in 2013, With Love From Ecuador there is an opportunity to engage these travelers.They have an untapped desire to continue that connection With Love from Ecuador is a sustainable campaign beyond their trip, making them the target of choice. that enables the traveler to donate to Ecuador while sending a souvenir to their loved ones. //Insight

When people travel, the experience can have such an impact on them that they want to give back to that place. To those who have traveled to Ecuador, travel is more than just a vacation. It was an experience that became a part of who they are. Though they have left Ecuador, their hearts never did.


People Helping People provides the opportunity for travelers to form a deeper connection with Ecuador. When you travel, you take something home with you, but when you donate, you leave something behind.

//About the Brand People Helping People is a cause that provides support to those in Ecuador in times of crisis or when they are struggling to meet basic human needs.

“It’s the people of Ecuador, their warmth and openness that I love.”

The word “Souvenir” is from the French word “To Remember.” It is a token of remembrance, an object a traveler acquires and ties their memories to.

with love from ecuador + POSTCARDS

//Custom drawn postcards from the kids of Ecuador

//Hashtag campaign will direct traffic to social media feeds as recipients recieve the postcards in the mail.

//Available on airlines (and other tourist touchpoints) with a donation to People Helping People

#withlovefromEcuador Social MEDIA+Engagement

//Recepients will tag donor and the postcards they recieve on social media sites. The Chute will generate buzz and collect all the postings from the hashtag, #WithLoveFromEcuador.

#get social �Wish we had more time in Ecuador, we are definately going back #withlovefromecuador #PHP�



here.” - Someone Famous

cover illustration:

kristie kam

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