2 minute read
From the GM
by mac-lpoa
From the General Manager, Mark Reid
What a wonderful and fun summer. Being outdoors on the Golf Course was a virtual sanctuary away from COVID19. The care, respect and concern that everyone showed for each other this summer was impressive.
Congratulations are in order for Mr. Michael Darden who is our new Men’s Club Champion. Some very impressive rounds of golf were played to earn this title while playing in a very competitive field of golfers.
I also extend congratulations to Mrs. Terry Coates who is our Senior Women’s Club Champion this year. Very well played.
The Lakewood Oaks Country Club Men’s Summer Classic was another fun and memorable event. Mr. Andy Cartwright and Mr. Randy Eaton were the winners of the overall event. I again want to thank Club Member and LPOA / LHC Board Member, Mr. Dwayne Saucier, for putting in the overtime to organize another very successful event.
We are having a wonderful year and are looking forward to a beautiful fall golf season.
This also brings budget time which begins now and culminates in November. During this period, we look at the current needs of the Club, as well as future planning. After receiving input from our membership, Golf Committee, Facilities Committee and Finance Committee, we package it all up and present it to the Board of Directors for review, at which time they will set and approve the operating budget for 2021.
We have been in the process of looking at a particular project that would enhance the outdoor Club experience. On the following pages, we have included some 3D renderings of an architectural design we are now in the process of getting a cost estimate on. The Board of Directors has reviewed this Phase 1 design and has directed staff to go to Phase 2 and obtain overall project costs. This in no way represents a commitment, at this point in time, to do the project, yet it does allow for our membership to view the design during this phase and submit feedback to management.
We would love to hear from you as this would be a big and important step forward. Please send any comments to mark@logc.org so I can compile them and present them to the Board.

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