1 minute read

Attention Boat Owners

Please be advised that beginning with the 2022 registration year, the following insurance requirements will be enforced prior to registering a motorized watercraft for use on Lakewood’s lakes. This language matches the requirement for boats that occupy slips, and was approved by the Board of Directors in August of 2021, with notification published to membership in August and September.

LPOA Rules and Regulations 2.020 (b) For Motorized Watercraft Registration, present proof of liability insurance, with LPOA named as additionally insured, with a limit of no less than $300,000.00.

Beginning in 2022, anyone purchasing a boat sticker for their watercraft, will receive only 1 sticker.

In the past, you had 2 stickers, one for each side of the boat. If you had a trailer, you received 3 stickers. We are no longer issuing stickers for trailers.

That 1 sticker will be placed on the right side – rear side, of the boat, above the waterline. (same as prior years, just one side)

Sticker for kayaks and paddleboards will be placed on the top – front of the watercraft.



Shawn Mercer Agency Owner Lakewood Resident Over 25 years experience protecting families insurewithcpc.com 913-257-3988

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