1 minute read
Lakewood Calendar of Events
by mac-lpoa
8 LPOA & LHC Board Meeting
3 LAC Lighted Boat Parade
4 LAC 4th of July 5k
4 LAC Pancake Breakfast & Pool Party Lakewood Fireworks Show
13 LPOA & LHC Board Meeting

Attention: From now until the end of July, our office hours will be from 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays only.
Notice of Pending Amendment to LPOA By-Laws
In accordance with LPOA By-laws, notice is hereby given to LPOA membership of pending amendment to LPOA By-laws. The following language was introduced for consideration and accepted at the May 11, 2023 Board of Directors meeting. At their meeting on June 8, 2023 the Board will again consider this language and vote on adoption. Current language is struck through and proposed language is underlined.
To view LPOA By-Laws Proposed Draft Amendment, go to lpoa.com/ members, login, and click the link under the “Board Room Updates” in the What you Need to Know Section.